My 90 Gallon Reef Tank

This is a video tour of my 90 gallon Reef Tank. All video was taken using a Nikon D7100. The tank was set up 10 months ago although I say a year in the video. Live stock includes two clownfish, sand sifting goby, firefish goby, blue throat triggerfish, bicolor angel, coral beauty. Corals include Kenya tree coral, birdsnest, candy cane, zoanthids, frogspawn, and leather coral. I also have a good sized rose bubble tip anemone. There is approximately 80lbs of live rock 65lbs of which I brought back from 7 mile beach in Grand Cayman. For lighting I have two Kessil A350W tuna blue LED pendants. It is a reef ready tank with an overflow box. In the sump I have a protean skimmer and caulerpa macro algae for filtration. I can put carbon or GFO in the filter socks but have never really needed it. The return pump is a mag 18 and the flow is controlled with a ball valve. I have a JBJ auto top off unit that is situated outside of the sump in a basket. I use Seachem Reef Fusion Two Part for dosing calcium and Alkalinity. I do 5 capfuls of each twice per week. I also dose Strontium, Iodine, and trace elements as needed. So far the tank has been very successful with no fatalities besides the death of one anemone who decided to wander into the powerhead. It is an awesome hobby that seems to scare away a lot of people because of rumors of how complex and difficult it is. I finally decided to try it for myself and was surprised at how little maintenance there is to it. Besides water changes, dosing, feeding the fish, and testing parameters once in a while their really isn't so much to it. My system is very simple and so far has been very effective.

My 90 Gallon Reef Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2

Reef tank 9 years ago 33,764 views

This is a video tour of my 90 gallon Reef Tank. All video was taken using a Nikon D7100. The tank was set up 10 months ago although I say a year in the video. Live stock includes two clownfish, sand sifting goby, firefish goby, blue throat triggerfish, bicolor angel, coral beauty. Corals include Kenya tree coral, birdsnest, candy cane, zoanthids, frogspawn, and leather coral. I also have a good sized rose bubble tip anemone. There is approximately 80lbs of live rock 65lbs of which I brought back from 7 mile beach in Grand Cayman. For lighting I have two Kessil A350W tuna blue LED pendants. It is a reef ready tank with an overflow box. In the sump I have a protean skimmer and caulerpa macro algae for filtration. I can put carbon or GFO in the filter socks but have never really needed it. The return pump is a mag 18 and the flow is controlled with a ball valve. I have a JBJ auto top off unit that is situated outside of the sump in a basket. I use Seachem Reef Fusion Two Part for dosing calcium and Alkalinity. I do 5 capfuls of each twice per week. I also dose Strontium, Iodine, and trace elements as needed. So far the tank has been very successful with no fatalities besides the death of one anemone who decided to wander into the powerhead. It is an awesome hobby that seems to scare away a lot of people because of rumors of how complex and difficult it is. I finally decided to try it for myself and was surprised at how little maintenance there is to it. Besides water changes, dosing, feeding the fish, and testing parameters once in a while their really isn't so much to it. My system is very simple and so far has been very effective.

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Most popular comments
for My 90 Gallon Reef Tank

Andy M
Andy M - 7 years ago
Good looking setup bud! I'm in the process of converting my 90 over to saltwater. Any tips and or advice on how to stock it? Can I get away with a dwarf lionfish, trigger, puffer, clown(s), a goby & a Blenny?
Andrew Pfeifer
Andrew Pfeifer - 7 years ago
feed that BTA , no bubbles means its starving X>X
Miguel Maya
Miguel Maya - 7 years ago
How has your bicolored angel worked with the coral? Supposedly they are not reef safe
Joshua Turner
Joshua Turner - 7 years ago
I lost my bicolor but for the year and a half that I had him he didn't bother any of my corals.
Franklin Michael
Franklin Michael - 8 years ago
What are the dimensions?
Aljun Dy
Aljun Dy - 8 years ago
cool man
Jeremy B
Jeremy B - 9 years ago
Whats your tank dimensions?
R e e f f r e d
R e e f f r e d - 9 years ago
Zebrasoma - 9 years ago
Nice tank! You can visitmy chanel to see my tank if you want. Thanks
KALZONE850 - 9 years ago
sweet system bro

10. comment for My 90 Gallon Reef Tank

Brice Washington
Brice Washington - 9 years ago
Nice setup and camera too. :)
Joshua Turner
Joshua Turner - 9 years ago
The tank has grown a lot since this video and it is due for an update. You can check out a more recent picture here-
jordan phillips
jordan phillips - 9 years ago
Adam Howe
Adam Howe - 9 years ago
Nice setup.
do you run the kessils at 100%?
norbzart 2nd
norbzart 2nd - 8 years ago
you haven't had problem with the lighting due to the full coverage on the top of your tank? just coriuse as most peoples would say "nah you can't put glass lid on marine aquarium. ..."
thanks, great tank
Joshua Turner
Joshua Turner - 9 years ago
+Adam Howe Thanks and yes I do run them at 100%
Due October
Due October - 9 years ago
Check my tank out guys please give feedback and subscribe! I am putting better quailty videos out just let me know what you think and your ideas!
Rad Perez
Rad Perez - 9 years ago
Came across your channel, really nice tank brother... I sub, hope to see more..
jayme alcay
jayme alcay - 9 years ago
nice set up
steve lane
steve lane - 9 years ago
A credit to you Josh!
Buddy Sheroka
Buddy Sheroka - 9 years ago
Tank looks great man I sub
A Mode
A Mode - 9 years ago
Beautiful aquarium you did an awesome job. Thanks for sharing

20. comment for My 90 Gallon Reef Tank

Tactical Military Group
Tactical Military Group - 9 years ago
can i ask why u put a bi-color angel in when it is one of the most non-reef safe fish ever? lol
steve lane
steve lane - 9 years ago
+Tactical Military Group Bi-colours are not a non-reef safe fish, if you trawl through a few videos you will see lots in reef tanks with little or no trouble.
Joshua Turner
Joshua Turner - 9 years ago
+Tactical Military Group "most non reef safe fish ever" definitely not. It depends on the individual. I actually recently lost the bicolor when I went on vacation. He just disappeared and I don't know why. Huge bummer. At least for the year that I had him he never touched a coral.
Reefphreak - 9 years ago
Looks good!
Jorge Torres
Jorge Torres - 9 years ago
Love your tank man, it looks beautiful. . I want to get some kessils like the ones u got on my 110g
SwaggyBoi - 9 years ago
Just a question do you want lifehacks or real hacks?
Joshua Turner
Joshua Turner - 9 years ago
+SwaggyBoi both
SwaggyBoi - 9 years ago
Swaggyboi agrees
915Mang - 9 years ago
Looks pretty good
Imran - 9 years ago
Nice tank! You're definitely doing a lot of things right and moving along well.  Open to suggestions on tweaking your setup?  Enjoy!
Joshua Turner
Joshua Turner - 9 years ago
+Imran I agree that a screen top would be more ideal but the reason that I use the glass is to slow down evaporation. Before I had an open top and was going through over 5 gallons of top off water per week. I go a boarding school so I am not home for most of the year and have to make the tank as low maintenance as possibly for my mom while I am gone. I did weigh the advantages and disadvantages of screen vs glass top and decided that sacrificing the better gas exchange and light penetration was worth it to prevent ATO from running out of water while I am not around and creating salinity spikes. I will however definitely consider doing a DIY screen top for the summer while I am home and have time to do more maintenance on the tank.  

The only reason I have the ATO connected to the DT is because the container with ATO water is elevated above the sump level. If I connected it to the sump I end up with a siphon that drains the ATO. I guess I could put a small hole in the tubing to break the siphon and that could solve the problem and I may try that.  

I actually rarely use the trace elements and it is only for when I don't have time or am not around to do a water change. I only dose some strontium and Iodine and the two part regularly.

As for the dwarf angels I thought they were generally considered reef safe. I am however willing to take my chances with the nibbling of a few corals because they are pretty awesome looking fish.

With the trigger I knew I was pushing it with a 90 gallon. If he does end up getting too big and seems unhappy in the tank I will be sure to find him a new home with a nearby reefer with a larger tank.  

Thanks for the input!
Imran - 9 years ago
+Josh Turner 1. Ditch the glass tops for a DIY mesh screen. This will help with better light penetration and gas exchange. 2. Connect your ATO to the sump instead of the DT. This will lessen clutter on DT and easier maintenance in the long run. 3. No need to add trace elements long as you're keeping up with water changes. 4. It's only a matter of time before any angel fish will start picking on or eating coral. 5. That trigger will outgrow your 90g tank. Overall though, nice work and I'm sure in another year, this will look even better. Enjoy!
Joshua Turner
Joshua Turner - 9 years ago
+Imran Thanks. And sure what would you recommend tweaking?

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