My SPS Dominated Reef Tank - Close-up

My reef tank at the 6 months mark. Track list: 1- Strangely Beautiful - Amethyslium 2- Filmic - Above & Beyond 3- Shimmer (Original Mix) - Ad Brown 4 - Dacota Sunlight (Far Away Mix) - Alexsandro da Silva

My SPS Dominated Reef Tank - Close-up sentiment_very_dissatisfied 5

Reef tank 8 years ago 43,976 views

My reef tank at the 6 months mark. Track list: 1- Strangely Beautiful - Amethyslium 2- Filmic - Above & Beyond 3- Shimmer (Original Mix) - Ad Brown 4 - Dacota Sunlight (Far Away Mix) - Alexsandro da Silva

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Most popular comments
for My SPS Dominated Reef Tank - Close-up

Alex Hish
Alex Hish - 7 years ago
The depth is incredible great job!
Gabor Liptak
Gabor Liptak - 7 years ago
Everything is good with the acanthurus sohal and acanthurus olivaceus? Those are bit angry fishes and recommended 250-300g tank for them. I have the same size aquarium, and I would really like a sohal fish but I keep it a little bit of it.
cheeseburger 510
cheeseburger 510 - 7 years ago
beautiful. great job
Franklin Michael
Franklin Michael - 7 years ago
1:39 what coral is that green one on the bottom left corner?
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 7 years ago
That's a Montipora Spongodes hosting some Christmas tree worms.
Mark&Linda Hones
Mark&Linda Hones - 7 years ago
what is going on at 8 minutes?
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 7 years ago
Christmas tree worms letting their bottoms out to filter feed :)
Deep2Reef - 7 years ago
Muito bom ;) abraço
Rigoberto Soto
Rigoberto Soto - 7 years ago
esta muy bien tu tanque saludos
Cochise Star
Cochise Star - 7 years ago
Chris Groves
Chris Groves - 7 years ago
What a beautiful piece of an ocean X be proud of yourself

10. comment for My SPS Dominated Reef Tank - Close-up

Jim M
Jim M - 7 years ago
What salt are you using? Great fish selections as well!
Kurt Scoville
Kurt Scoville - 7 years ago
Awesome job. Beautiful aquarium!
Clashy Jake
Clashy Jake - 7 years ago
What lighting are you using?
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 7 years ago
Ai Hydra 52 (non-HD) since 3 years ago.
J Carey
J Carey - 7 years ago
nice selection
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 7 years ago
Wrasser85 - 7 years ago
Hey great sps tank! What substrate are you using? Thanks a lot
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 7 years ago
Nature's Ocean Samoa Pink Reef Sand. Thanks.
Ashish Patel
Ashish Patel - 8 years ago
I am setting up a SPS dominant tank.. You did a good job on your rock work leaving good space between corals. However, it will get filled in very quickly.. Do you maintain nutrients with Zeovit or NP bio pellet reactor?
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 7 years ago
I just use NOPOX, a nylon filter sock changed everyday and wet skimming. 10% water change every other week. I always aim for undetectable PO4/NO3 using Salifert tests. Other products I use may also contribute for a good nutrient control, Reef Vitality and Coral Balance both from Fauna Marin. No zeovit. biobellets, GAC, GFO, muds nor refugium.
Bruno Albuquerque
Bruno Albuquerque - 8 years ago
Incrível! Parabéns, vou montar meu primeiro marinho, sem dúvidas o seu é uma inspiração!
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
Muito obrigado, Bruno. Desejo o maior sucesso para o primeiro de vários (e sempre maiores) aquários de água salgada! Força aí!
mnelson10000 - 8 years ago
Beautiful video and camera work!! Can you tell us more about the camera and the settings? thanks
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
mnelson10000 I used a Nikon D800 DSLR camera in manual mode f8 and 1/30s with wide angle lenses and f22 and 1/30s with macro lens, Auto ISO e WB 10K.
John Stone
John Stone - 8 years ago
Beautiful tank. I'm surprised the 3 hawk fishes all get along.
ULTRAGEM FISH & CORAL INC. - 8 years ago
Amazing Aquarium!
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
Thank you very much!

20. comment for My SPS Dominated Reef Tank - Close-up

Lovebetta - 8 years ago
Nice tank, how big is your tank. Ty
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
!50 US gallons. 60"x24"x24". Thanks for watching.
Elvir Vehabovic Smailagic
Elvir Vehabovic Smailagic - 8 years ago
could you please tell me what coral it is on minute 7:04?
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
Porites coral with Christmas tree worms.
Reefing Kenny
Reefing Kenny - 8 years ago
What kind of calcium reactor are u using?
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
Hi Kenny, I am not using a CA reactor anymore. I am using Fauna Marin's Balling method. Thanks
Adam Pape
Adam Pape - 8 years ago
Hi Jorge

Adam here, great video your tank has really come good. I am getting back into reefing with a new tank, I think I saw you at jj the other day? Hope all is well. Great job
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
Sure, no problem frag swap is always good... my issue now is space for more corals! hehehe. Have a great and happy New Year, Adam.
Adam Pape
Adam Pape - 8 years ago
Jorge Macedo Hey , no problems I saw you as i walked past a shop you were inside. As i said your tank looks great. I have been away from the hobby for a year or so but am setting up a new tank now. hopefully we can swap some frags when my sps get going.


Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
Hi Adam,

I always have a hard time to remember faces! It took me hours to find out who you are! I am very sorry, Adam. Please, do not think I tried to ignore you! I am just terrible with faces, must be the ageing process! lol I think I remember you now! We met a couple of years ago at the now gone Reef Club! Am I right? Really sorry, I feel like a bast**d now! Next time you see me and I don't say "Hi" please slap me on the head!

Everything is fine, always addicted to the hobby! Thanks. How's your tank? You must have upgraded it by now, no?
Hamza Razak
Hamza Razak - 8 years ago
Do you like the gyres? I'm not sure if I should go for them over mp40
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
I have no experience with Vortech pumps. Before the Gyres I used six Jebao WP60's and IMHO the Gyres are way better and I only use two of them in the tank (I have four, I swap the two for cleaning) I have been using these gyres for over one year now and I couldn't be happier, especially with their new controllers!
Kyle Riedel
Kyle Riedel - 8 years ago
1:25 sec, is that a snowflake eel I spy near the bottom left? If so any problems?
Kyle Riedel
Kyle Riedel - 8 years ago
Jorge Macedo oh that's such a shame! You helped me not to get one too though
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
Not a snowflake. It was a Banded Snake eel. It is a hardy fish that hides during the day but at night likes to go everywhere and ended caught in a gyre pump and I was forced to put an end to her life. didn't last more than two months and the experience made me feel very bad. Lesson learned!
9StickNate - 8 years ago
Great coloration and filmography! I was surprised to find out this was an all LED tank. Strong work!
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
yep, all LED tank. Hydra 52 fixtures. Thank you for the very kid comment, Nate.
EN Reefs
EN Reefs - 8 years ago
Can i grow sps in a 13 gallon tank?
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
LEDs, AI, Radeon, Kessil and other quality brands.
EN Reefs
EN Reefs - 8 years ago
what kind of lighting do you recommend?

i have the fluval evo 13 but i don't think it is good enough for sps.
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
I would recommend a larger tank but I think It is doable. IMHO main concern would be stability and how water changes would be made in order to avoid temperature and parameter swings a small sump would be of great help.
Rosco's Reef with Scott
Rosco's Reef with Scott - 8 years ago
what a gorgeous tank.Subbed you
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
Thank you very much, Scott.
Hamza Razak
Hamza Razak - 8 years ago
What method are you following?
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
Balling Light.

30. comment for My SPS Dominated Reef Tank - Close-up

Hamza Razak
Hamza Razak - 8 years ago
What equipment are using?
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
Tunze 9430 skimmer, A/C compressor+drop-in coil, two Eheim800 UV units, Eheim compact 5000 as return pump and Aqua Medic 4 channel dosing pump.
Hamza Razak
Hamza Razak - 8 years ago
What are the dimensions?
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
b4tm417 - 8 years ago
What kind of lighting do u use?
Simon Johnson
Simon Johnson - 8 years ago
impressed on the growth with LED's :D
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
6 Hydra52 modules.
Byron Bush
Byron Bush - 8 years ago
what type of wrasse is the blue bodied one with the orange face
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
It is a 4 year old Red Coris (Coris Gaimard)
soverjas - 8 years ago
thats pretty awesome
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
Thank you!
Vi3tKid420 - 8 years ago
Wow..... not only do i have the same passion as being a coral collector and hobbyist, surprised by the above & beyond. great taste man.
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
Thank you very much for the very kind words!
goxcpre - 8 years ago
Been following your r2r thread and loving it. Great video!
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
Thank you very much. Glad you like it. :)
nancy matthews
nancy matthews - 8 years ago
Beautiful! I like some of those shots where you zoom in and out. It makes it look almost 3D. Very cool video. Thanks for sharing.
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
Thank you very much for watching and for the very kind words, Nancy.
Beto - 8 years ago
Tank dimensions ??? Amazing reef !
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
Sorry for the late reply. I was feeling unwell. 60"x24"x24", about 150USgl
Ken Rosecrans
Ken Rosecrans - 8 years ago
sir,...i have a red sea 350 with 2 hydra 26 led lights how much flow do u use to go through the tank...can u help me... nice tankj
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
Hi, Ken, flow depends on the type of corals you are keeping. SPS need high flow, LPS and softies. medium flow.
J.H.G - 8 years ago
Man this is beautiful. It is such a beautiful hobby. I currently have a 10 gallon mixed reef.. saving up for something like this.Truly an amazing tank youi have. Cheers
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
Thank you very much for the very kind words.
Ngh Lp
Ngh Lp - 8 years ago
how many watts per liter would you recommend for an sps dominated reeftank?
Great Tank!
Jorge Macedo
Ngh Lp
Ngh Lp - 8 years ago
Any Threads on Forums where you show the settings of your AI's?
Ngh Lp
Ngh Lp - 8 years ago
What is the highest percentage you run those units? Thx for that answer. Already talked to some Reefers and since you got a gorgeous looking Tank i consider a similar lighting setup. Just curious cause i don't want to burn my coral or spend to much money on power that i won't need in the end.
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
I am afraid not many people uses watts/liter anymore with modern lighting. Anyway, you could join a discussion forum and ask for advice, depending on the size of your tank as there are so many lighting options available. I use 6 AI Hydra modules over my 150cmx60cmx60cm tank. Thank you for the very kind comments.
Bay Area Reefs
Bay Area Reefs - 8 years ago
Man bro I could look at your tank all day
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
Thanks, man! Appreciated.
criscamila - 8 years ago
Amazing, I'll love to see the equipment that run this tank. Thanks
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
Equipment video very soon. Thanks for viewing.
Никита Мальщуков
Никита Мальщуков - 8 years ago
Hello. Balling you use?
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
150 Us gallons tank + 25 gl sump
Никита Мальщуков
Никита Мальщуков - 8 years ago
How many litres(gallons)?
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
Hi. Until now, Calcium Reactor and Arm Extra coarse and dosing K. I don't see me changing it unless something to worry with the demand/balance of elements.
B Current
B Current - 8 years ago
I would love to see the equipment and lights!
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
Thank you. I Just finished cleaning sump and overflow box, then have to do a bit of maintenance and hope to have a video of equipment and lights released in a week or so.
Wil Santiago Reefing
Wil Santiago Reefing - 8 years ago
Gorgeous tank and video!
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
+Wil Santiago

Thank you!
hanktrank - 8 years ago
unreal....that's nice man! I can only try to get there one day! nice job!
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago

Very kind of you. Many, many thanks.
Arthur Lam
Arthur Lam - 8 years ago
Muito bonito seu Reef! Parabéns!
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
+Arthur Lam

Muito obrigado, Arthur.
Franklin Michael
Franklin Michael - 8 years ago
7:25 what are these??
Franklin Michael
Franklin Michael - 8 years ago
+Jorge Macedo cool thanks
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
+Franklin Michael
Christmas tree worms.

50. comment for My SPS Dominated Reef Tank - Close-up

Juice - 8 years ago
Nice should cut the music and tell us more about the tank instead :)))...also a quick description of the filtration system and maintenance would be great ..
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago

Thanks. I´m thinking to do a tour video but firstly I have to deal with the worst aiptasia outbreak my tank ever had. Anyway, there is nothing special to it. NOPOX, UV, skimmer, calcium reactor and 10% wc weekly. I try to use the KISS method as much as possible.
Reefer Nanoman
Reefer Nanoman - 8 years ago
Amazing beautiful tank! Check out my nano reefs in my channel. Subscribed.
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
+jose Calderon
I check it out. Many thanks.
Bruno Cursi
Bruno Cursi - 8 years ago
Qual as medidas ?
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
+Bruno Cursi 150x60x60cm
Steve Brady
Steve Brady - 8 years ago
glad I don't have angels or butterflies :)
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
+Steve Brady

For the very first time I am having luck with two Angelfish. A Apolemichthys trimaculatus and a Centropyge eibli. Two weeks in the tank and so far they are very well behaved.
Steve Brady
Steve Brady - 8 years ago
just got my xmas tree worms and my neon dotty back is showing some interest in them! :( do you know of any natural predators of these worms?
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
+Steve Brady

Congrats on your Xmas tree worms, Steve. Sadly, most butterflyfish and some angelfish are predatores of Christmas tree worms. :(
Steve Brady
Steve Brady - 8 years ago
ok I better not try...ty
Bruhbruh1127 - 8 years ago
What lens did you shoot this with? Great work by the way.
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
The close-up´s were shot with a tamron 90mm 2.8 DI Macro lens and the fts, zooming and panning shots with a Nikkor 14-24mm 2.8. Both lens mounted on my old Nikon D800. Thank you very much.
Scott Hill
Scott Hill - 8 years ago
Oh wow! It doesn't get any better than this.
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
+Scott Hill

Thank you very much for the very kind words, Scott.
Steve Brady
Steve Brady - 8 years ago
Jorge can u tell me the name of the monti at 6:45? ty!
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
+Steve Brady

I wish I could, Steve. I bought it very brown and had some Thai name that I didn't get. It is now getting purplish/brown, plating type, slow growth I think. Sorry if I don´t know much about it.
Steve Brady
Steve Brady - 8 years ago
so true lol. well I just bought some :) do you know if the coral is fraggable or will the worms die?
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
+Steve Brady

Hi Steve, I have never tried but I think the coral can be fragged but the tubes where the worms live in can be way longer than the worm itself. Also the colourful visible part of the worm is... its bottom.
Aquarium Boy123
Aquarium Boy123 - 8 years ago
That is awesome!
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
+Aquarium Boy123

Thank you!
Jim Chapman
Jim Chapman - 8 years ago
awesome video work. looks like a tidal gardens vid. that a 150?
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
+Jim Chapman

ahahah Tidal garden videos are the best! My poor Nikon camera is no match for that. Yes, it is a 150gl. Thank you very much, Jim
Paandemonium - 8 years ago
You deserve more subs man, this is hot
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago

Very kind of you. thank you so much.
pelphrey - 8 years ago
Stunning display!!!!
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago

Appreciated. Thank you very much!
Steve Brady
Steve Brady - 8 years ago
that's awesome! now I gotta buy some lol. such an addictive but cool hobby.
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
+Steve Brady

That´s why reefers don´t do drugs! ... we spend all the money in corals and tank equipment! lol
Steve Brady
Steve Brady - 8 years ago
nice reef! did your xmas tree worms migrate to the monti spongodes or did u get it with them already inside? thx
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
+Steve Brady

Thank you, Steve.

Over two years ago I purchased 2 porites heads on the same very day. Don´t know why, one never had problems, but the other one totally bleached and I decided to glue a little montipora spongodes frag to one side of the then ugly rock. Since then the monti has covered most of the Christmas tree worms tubes (3 or 4 are not covered by the monti yet).
The Jersey Reef Guy
The Jersey Reef Guy - 8 years ago
Fantastic system! What lights are you running?
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
+The Jersey Reef Guy

Thank you very much. I am running six Hydra52 modules.
Reef Calvetti_
Reef Calvetti_ - 8 years ago
huuuooo sensacional...belas imagens. ..abracos Reef Calvetti_ Brasil
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
+Reef Calvetti_

Muito Obrigado. Valeu! Grande Abraço!
Sergino2004 - 8 years ago
amigo una belleza de acuario, que utilizas para alimentar a los corales? saludos
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago

Eu uso Reactor de Calcio e dentro como media utilizo ARM Extra Coarse. Tem sido suficiente para manter Ca, KH e MG, no entanto outros elementos têm de ser adicionados (Potassium e outros elementos minoritários). Muito obrigado por tão amáveis palavras.
Sergino2004 - 8 years ago
+Jorge Macedo que bien Jorgete felicito, yo estoy empezando mi acuario reef y tengo todos los corales pequenos, que estas utilizando para mantener ca kh y mg?
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago

Muito obrigado pelas amáveis palavras, caro amigo. Até há cerca de um mês atrás eu apenas utilizava uma mistura feita em casa para alimentar os corais e peixes; salmão, camarão, amejoas, artemia e bastante nori, tudo comprado no mercado. Agora tenho experimentado com alguns produtos da marca Fauna Marin; Reef Vitality, Color elements, Coral Balance mas por incrivel que parece certas cores de certos corais tem piorado.

Google Translate:
Gracias por las amables palabras, amigo. Hasta hace aproximadamente un mes Yo sólo se utiliza una mezcla hecha en casa para alimentar
a los corales y los peces; salmón, camarones, amejoas, artemia y bastante nori, todos comprados en el mercado.

Ahora he experimentado con algunos de los productos de la marca Fauna Marin ; Reef Vitality, color elements, Coral Balance,
pero por increíble que parece ciertos colores de cierta coral ha empeorado.
NEMO20G - 8 years ago
omg!!!! :0 whats that pinked tipped coral crazily jealous!!
NEMO20G - 8 years ago
+Jorge Macedo its incredible!!!!
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago

hahaha I was wrong, that's my LPS - LONG TENTACLE PLATE CORAL (Heliofungia actiniformis), gorgeous coral IMHO!
NEMO20G - 8 years ago
+Jorge Macedo 8.40 please gimme it hahaha!!
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago

ah ah ah... please tell me the exact time in the video as I think we are talking about the Acropora Valida (tri-colour), one of my favourites. :)
Wesley Forbes II
Wesley Forbes II - 8 years ago
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
+Wesley Forbes II

Thank you very much, Wesley!
Rad Perez
Rad Perez - 8 years ago
Looking good Jorge, beautiful colors....
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
+Rad Perez

Thanks Rad, This week colours are looking worse but I am on it... my water was depleted of Potassium and other trace elements, and I think I have to blame the more aggressive skimming I was doing and too much use of flocculants. Today I have changed 50% of the water using my previous, cheaper and trusted salt and tomorrow I am changing another 20% and redo schedules. Nobody knows better our corals than ourselves! hahahaha
Rad Perez
Rad Perez - 8 years ago
+Jorge Macedo
I hear you, it's funny how we know our tanks. To me yours tank looks amazing with beautiful colors..... People tell me, mine has nice colors and I don't see it... Lol. Honestly your tank looks great...
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
+Rad Perez

Thank you very much, Rad! I confess I am struggling with the colours. I used to have better colours when the dosing was just fish poo and my blend, now that I am dosing some of the best products available, things aren´t looking so good. I think it will take me another six months to figure out what am I doing wrong at the moment.
Patrick's Dive and Reef
Patrick's Dive and Reef - 8 years ago
Amazing Jorge, really beautiful. Love the christmastree worms especially.
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
+Patrick's Dive and Reef

Thank you very much, Patrick. They have been with me for some three years and to protect them I cannot keep some fancy fish but I love them. There is a baby one born 2 years ago but is still barely visible.
NYCity Cichlids
NYCity Cichlids - 8 years ago
Wow. Beautiful video. Thumbs up.
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
+NYCity Cichlids

Thank you very much!

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