My 75 gallon Reef Tank

My reef tank

My 75 gallon Reef Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 33

Reef tank 17 years ago 457,045 views

My reef tank

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Most popular comments
for My 75 gallon Reef Tank

Shahin Ruyani
Shahin Ruyani - 9 years ago
Shahin Ruyani : I don't know how people can unlike this video.
Shahin Ruyani
Shahin Ruyani - 9 years ago
Shahin Ruyani : Your aquascaping is giving me ideas for my reef tank. Great setup. :)
Thomas Pleasants
Thomas Pleasants - 9 years ago
Nice tank mate
seven seas aquarium pros
seven seas aquarium pros - 12 years ago
love the colors of the tank!
Patrick Birmingham
Patrick Birmingham - 12 years ago
awesome anemone and brain coral
Hrocha24 - 12 years ago
Robbie Cropper
Robbie Cropper - 12 years ago
4x 54watt t5 heavy actinic
fender wigt
fender wigt - 13 years ago
oue pas le vrais corail australien ca c'est peint a la peinture de je sais pas quoi :en plus c'est moche
fuckyou420 - 13 years ago
@TheHeathAus Na it was a dead piece of coral

10. comment for My 75 gallon Reef Tank

FishNbricks20 - 13 years ago
What are the lights on that tank?
RedneckReefJunkie - 13 years ago
sweet tank
laxman2711 - 13 years ago
do you put anything special in your water to help your coral?
laxman2711 - 13 years ago
how much did all your coral cost total, excluding live rock
Robbie Cropper
Robbie Cropper - 13 years ago
@TheHeathAus Yeah, I think I filmed it with a dinosaur phone. pre android.
TheHeathAus - 13 years ago
its a shame this was filmed with a sea slug
bearliz2222 - 13 years ago
...Is Finding Nemo your favorite movie?
maxx56dog - 13 years ago
did you film this with a calculator?
Robbie Cropper
Robbie Cropper - 13 years ago
@shane21550 two toned frogspawn
fredfinks - 13 years ago
@MEGAFUCKNDETH The reason i say don't expect it to look like his is because this is in the top league of tanks.

20. comment for My 75 gallon Reef Tank

fredfinks - 13 years ago
@MEGAFUCKNDETH Sign yourself up to a reef tank forum and start reading. Long run you will save much time, money and the death of coral. e.g. less mistakes and yes you will make them. We all do. Even then, don't expect a tank like this. This guy knows what the hell he is doing. I had a small 1 1/2 foot cubed coral only tank. Believe it or not it was less work than my freshwater tanks. But to get there with that confidence you don't want to know how much time i put into reading
KnG1Dakota - 13 years ago
lol the plants are moving to the music
B Newman
B Newman - 13 years ago
can u edit the colors anymore? why don't u put one up of how it really looks to impress people?
Manny Canas
Manny Canas - 13 years ago
I think the fishes are dancing to the
Gerd Koetje
Gerd Koetje - 13 years ago
Added your channel to reeftank dot nl will be on there within the next 24 hours
manueleagan34 - 13 years ago
thats a lot of flow!
Kyle Butler
Kyle Butler - 13 years ago
Is that a Dussumieri Tang? The colors look wild!!! Love it!
Aaron Fisher
Aaron Fisher - 13 years ago
Nice tank, but something has to be done about that god awful music.
asd24327976 - 13 years ago
Great tank. What are you using for flow?
fishguy1974 - 13 years ago
Cool tank, not many fish though

30. comment for My 75 gallon Reef Tank

Linda Lachambre
Linda Lachambre - 13 years ago
ohanungsaya - 13 years ago
impressive tank!
Sadistic Steel
Sadistic Steel - 13 years ago
how much was the bi-color frogspawn? it looks FIERCE
Jon N
Jon N - 13 years ago
What kind of lighting are you using ?
Mary O'Hara
Mary O'Hara - 13 years ago
Wow Quite possibly one of the nicest most interesting tanks I've seen Thats my dream tank
WWSD - 13 years ago
I love your tank, love the Doris aren't they amazing
Alan Fabanich
Alan Fabanich - 13 years ago
dude your tank is insane i love it
Lisa Bart
Lisa Bart - 13 years ago
Ryan Lawrence
Ryan Lawrence - 14 years ago
Saltwater Aquariums + Techno Music= Awesome haha
The9226192 - 14 years ago
@sdinh1985 It's supposed to do that. It prevents algae growth :)
Son Dinh
Son Dinh - 14 years ago
it seems ur fan works too much.
CoralFish12g - 14 years ago
amazing colors
JonDGul - 14 years ago
What do you keep your calcium levels at
JonDGul - 14 years ago
Beautiful corals
Ria de Vera
Ria de Vera - 14 years ago
0:20 Finding Nemo behind the scenes.
ReefCollege - 14 years ago
sweet tank
soulskyela - 14 years ago
very colorful =) thats a big regal blue tang=) I have one and its so tiny lols i had it for 3 years also and it is still very very small. it also had been eating very well too lols.
Dylan K. Wahlen
Dylan K. Wahlen - 14 years ago
I always learned that more then one species in a tank is a big no-no. But it seems to be working for you so props to ya!
00vampirate00 - 14 years ago
Your tank is awesome, the colors are vast and beautiful. Really great variety to. Good job:D
raulgocubs - 14 years ago
yo broskie, this tank is gnarly and groovy.

50. comment for My 75 gallon Reef Tank

ReefCollege - 14 years ago
I've never seen such a colorful reef tank. Do you mind if I share your video on a reef forum? reefcollege
Jessie Nicoletti
Jessie Nicoletti - 14 years ago
@mark2109111 get the skimmer and the wet dry the wet dry is a large biological type filter the sooner you get the canister filter the better as it wil a help mix the watter and you can use it to polish the watter slightly better then the wet dry if posible wait till you can get all 3 together or just dont start filling with watter till you have the canister filter . get a Hydor Koralia Evolution or two will help a bit mkix the water initialy
Rosalila - 14 years ago
real life reef zo amasing.
Robbie Cropper
Robbie Cropper - 14 years ago
@mark2109111 I agree a good protein skimmer is what you need. Get a few good powerheads also. Make sure you get good flow.
barrowscasper12 - 14 years ago
WOW!!! 0_O fucking beautiful :D all those anemones should have costed allot or what?
finger11yo - 14 years ago
@procharged70cutlass ok then to get kona fishlover to shut up lets all buy some aqua cultered fish and or coral for aqua cultured fish i would by from live aquaria for corals i would buy from reef systems
procharged70cutlass - 14 years ago
@finger11yo its about 35% aquacultured at this point. most corals and fish are wild caught !!!!!
Midlife Daydreams
Midlife Daydreams - 14 years ago
Love the tank....btw: nay sayers...these fish will live considerably longer away from predators & with an ample food supply...The tank is great. Wish I was brave enough for salt, but after 5 yrs of freshwater, I still don't have the guts!
zunedog31 - 14 years ago
very pretty!
Jon N
Jon N - 14 years ago
Hey man beutiful tank what type of lighting are you useing ?
finger11yo - 14 years ago
@konafishlover clown fish in the wild live up to 3 years in tanks they live as much as 20
finger11yo - 14 years ago
@konafishlover you r stupid over 90% of the fish we have in our tanks are tank bred all my fish in my tank are and alot of others it is harder these days to get a wild cought fish than it is to get a captive bred and captive breds are cheaper so alot of people dont bt wild cought fish populations are depleating in the us becouse of hawaiis overfishing
1992pattrow - 14 years ago
@konafishlover Ok and how do you think fish are sold? Most of them are bred in captivity. It is true that some are wild caught, but most are not. And they can and often do breed multiple times in a tank! Think before you talk!
luigy39 - 14 years ago
Why do we always have to suffer the unsolicited presence of animal rights nuts in every reef tank post?,This is a video post for reef tank lovers, and for those who share the same passion, anybody else is waisting their time and will not change our hobby of choosing. Create your own website and go from there, we don't need your patronizing.
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 14 years ago
@konafishlover Shut up!
pipperoooo - 14 years ago
pipperoooo - 14 years ago
@landenblocker11 um no..
Orionsbelt92 - 14 years ago
Lot of maintenance?
ZZgS - 14 years ago
*does...want...real bad* >_< well, my 30 gallon does :P
efcbluenose1 - 14 years ago
some awesome coloured corals in there!!
Aaron Blackman
Aaron Blackman - 14 years ago
Thats is amazing, one day... one day :p
stephlau87 - 14 years ago
holy crap power heads much?!!?!??!?! lol maybe you should turn down the flow a tad
jimmy utama
jimmy utama - 14 years ago
omg it's so so beautiful how much did you spend?????? tell me. where i get like yours? I am living in usa, thanks
Kim Moreno
Kim Moreno - 14 years ago
man this tank is awsome... i like the colors. looks more colorful than mine. I can see your clownfish is in Heaven!
bigglikeinit - 14 years ago
truly amazing
Ricky Davies
Ricky Davies - 14 years ago
How much does a set-up like yours cost ?
TheGodAnman - 14 years ago
It's beautiful!!! However, it is a flow of intense water.
cmanclan101 - 14 years ago
seriously beautiful. finally a reef keeper that doesnt overcroud the hell out of his fish, and look at how happy and active they are! amazing coral and anenomies too, i love it.
amagad1989 - 14 years ago
shoot this with an HD camera!
FutureClock - 14 years ago
What kind of lights are you using and how many!? Btw, VERY nice tank!
Sprankles - 14 years ago
that is some serious flow you have going
BostonStrong15 - 14 years ago
So beautiful! Excellent display!
shechshire - 14 years ago
@brian242pa it's al about the filtration method, lighting, and how rich in minerals the water is
Obama Osama
Obama Osama - 14 years ago
nice i my dad had a 500 gallon or something....and that wasn't as cool as that ( his didn't look like an animation) - thats pretty cool
Rotten Brain
Rotten Brain - 14 years ago
just wondering if the fish can relax in this water flow, its seems they are having hard time moving around or they enjoy it?
Danny Mcgee
Danny Mcgee - 15 years ago
What type of anemone are you showing at 2:55?
Kevin Adler
Kevin Adler - 15 years ago
@joshuaohlerking I bet he's running a phosban reactor. Those help a ton with keeping algae to a minimum!!
Zanomatt - 15 years ago
@toxicsask Bullcrap. I have a VERY happy purple tang in my 40 gal and he's been in there since 91. People making up crap they know nothing about. People used to tell me that Elegance corals couldn't be kept, and that SPS corals would all die...Codswallop if you ask me. Mine are fine and far from dying. 40Gal with lifereef Berlin Filter, no skimmer, Metal Halide 250watt 20K, and one home Depot 20 watt tube 50/50. 10% water change monthly. I feed live mysis and copepods every three days.
michaelmp5 - 15 years ago
Anything upwards of 55gallon, Although i have a small on in my 30 gallon and he is very happy.
brandon blair
brandon blair - 15 years ago
@deathcultofmo how is it cruel?
Hiking4Freedom - 15 years ago
Similar to what SilentAssailant was suggesting, this is a HIGHLY actinic video, with a lack of white balance correction, on what seems to be an older camera. Pay attention to how neon orange the clown looks... while this video makes the tank look crazy, these are not the colors the human eye sees when looking into this tank. Seems to be nicely cared for though.
Zeldadude17 - 15 years ago
is it fun to clean?
SilentAssailant - 15 years ago
I didn't know Adobe Photoshop made aquarium lighting. :-P Still nice though, but this vid has to be altered. That, or he has like 20 actinic bulbs in there...
dzhotdog - 15 years ago
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?? the color is amazing. what kind of lighting system are you using?
christina kusy
christina kusy - 15 years ago
hey how do you keep ur water so clear. i just cleaned my filter and the water is realy cloudy any advice
UnderwaterTreasurez - 15 years ago
that or his camera really sucks
procharged70cutlass - 15 years ago
more than likely just tons of pure actinic lighitng, close to ultra violet spectrum.
Mann Lock
Mann Lock - 15 years ago
fish I mean
Mann Lock
Mann Lock - 15 years ago
Every time I see this vid, the first thing that comes to mind is "he has obviously altered the color...The fist look off and the coral however reflective is just too much" Then I think "Okay..... Its still a pretty tank"
nathan cripps
nathan cripps - 15 years ago
crikey that must of cost you quite a bit dude

100. comment for My 75 gallon Reef Tank

faggots faggotso
faggots faggotso - 15 years ago
That's a very nice tank for thoose fishes! so beautifull
Corey Confer
Corey Confer - 15 years ago
well im actually gonna comment on the video and not stupid shit hahah. Your tank looks great. i have a 90 gallon that is currently cycling and i was planing on getting a blue hippo for it. i have read all sorts of things about them and their recommended tank size, but yours is beautiful and very healthy. so i think it should do fine in my new tank
kdocimo90 - 15 years ago
Completely agree with ballistic. You DEFINITELY can dye a coral. I've seen it done before. You all really should think/research before you open your ignorant and disrespectful mouths.
sawwaveanalog - 15 years ago
You can easily dye a coral. I've seen it done. I suggest chilling out before you hurt yourself.
sawwaveanalog - 15 years ago
Falls facts? You sound like the typical mouth breathing uneducated republican. Also you have a lame car, an ugly girlfriend, a small penis, you are probably fat, and you speak with all the grace of a drunk hobo. But you tell those dirty liberals!
nickandkrissy24 - 15 years ago
wow you have everything in there ..... amazing .....
DXBabyTube - 15 years ago
Rob Anders
Rob Anders - 15 years ago
Sweet tank, 1 of the best ive seen.
Billy Aikens
Billy Aikens - 15 years ago
There are alot of stupid people on here...please take all statements with a grain of salt so to speak...I love your tank!...great variety and wonderful color!...keep it up!
ryan l
ryan l - 15 years ago
amazing sweet and cool
wiggledytoes - 15 years ago
Couldnt not post a comment, so i signed in. Amazing. Would like to know so much more
shechshire - 15 years ago
i like tanks like this that have a lot of color
Brian M
Brian M - 15 years ago
nice tank!!! how is water that crystal clear??? that is crazy
Jack Rey
Jack Rey - 15 years ago
Ashraf Farid
Ashraf Farid - 15 years ago
loks like marlin and dori's loking for nemo
jasonlsch - 15 years ago
hey look its dory and nemo!!! lol
Louise Sloan
Louise Sloan - 15 years ago
LOL!!! that is beautiful! looks like a slight recreation of Nemo film!!!
Havoc289 - 15 years ago
Great tank mate. It would look even better with a better resolution and focusing.
postopia1992 - 15 years ago
look at the neon colours in this tank i want mines to be like that lol
Danielle DD
Danielle DD - 15 years ago
andresisthename - 15 years ago
Not at this size of a tank
calichemorales - 15 years ago
can you have triggers in the tank?
Chase Schwabe
Chase Schwabe - 15 years ago
whats the first song
streepd - 15 years ago
Bad ass tank!
russ calton
russ calton - 15 years ago
dam u have a strong current in ur tank wat do u have
Andgrey - 15 years ago
That's a nice tank. You should post a video of it with it's natural colors, instead of all distorted. I think it would look a lot better. Or take it with a better camera
Adam lancaster
Adam lancaster - 15 years ago
The lil blue guy is dancing to the beat
henry smith
henry smith - 15 years ago
Nice colours.
Weazell - 15 years ago
Now that's current, jesus
pelamar121 - 15 years ago
i would love a tank like that
Matthew Aiken
Matthew Aiken - 15 years ago
how vibrant...
JUNAID187 - 15 years ago
awesome tank bro !
94jg - 15 years ago
Beautiful tank.... your Blue Tang looks so healthy. What lighting do you have?
Nick M
Nick M - 15 years ago
I don't think fish sleep...
colin romisher
colin romisher - 15 years ago
that color is pure amazing. is it the t5's or the seios thats making it glow like that?
MarvelLegendsXI - 15 years ago
A lot of people buy these tanks with lots of colourful reefs and stones, and they fill them with colourful expensive fish, I have never been interested in it tbh, I'm one for sea salt water fish, and big ones, I like putting grey stones and reel weeds in mine, along with salt water crabs and invertebrates and of course big sea fish.
Brooklyn Jones
Brooklyn Jones - 15 years ago
Nice tank OMG its dori....just keep swimming just keep swimming LMAO
musicaddicted3000 - 15 years ago
how much was ur 75 gallon? along with the equipment
Robbie Cropper
Robbie Cropper - 15 years ago
Reef salt usually has calcium and trace elements mixed in
EnVision - 15 years ago
so i dont need to go out and buy reef salt and can continue using the regular sea salt mix.. Thank you
Robbie Cropper
Robbie Cropper - 15 years ago
4x54watt t5's and 1100 seios
Robbie Cropper
Robbie Cropper - 15 years ago
Just as long as its a salt mix designed for aquarium use. And Test Salinity
Robbie Cropper
Robbie Cropper - 15 years ago
Yeah there little piggies... Mine a little clumsy also. Great fish for a 75 gallon IMO
EnVision - 15 years ago
do you need different salt mix for reef tanks i think im gonna convert to a reef tank
Gabriel Murillo
Gabriel Murillo - 15 years ago
I love the sand.
Gabriel Murillo
Gabriel Murillo - 15 years ago
Amazing tank!!
Emanuel Baires
Emanuel Baires - 15 years ago
what type of lighting are you using and powerheads love your corals :)
cutietwo22 - 15 years ago
Thank you somuch..yes i have 52 lbs of liver rock. My nitrates are at 20..maybe a tad below. I can't seem to get it down any suggestions? or should I not worry about it? Again i LOVE your tank!!
Robbie Cropper
Robbie Cropper - 15 years ago
Yes, thats fine as long as you have a good amount of live rock. 50 lbs plus should be fine.
cutietwo22 - 15 years ago
So i have a 46 gallon and I do about 10-15 gallon water changes every three weeks?..i have a skimmer, live rock and powerheads. Is that good enough to you? thanks!
cutietwo22 - 15 years ago
what levels do you keep you nitrates at? thanks!
thanu t
thanu t - 15 years ago
hey how much do u pay 4 the electric bill every month
Robbie Cropper
Robbie Cropper - 15 years ago
Rose Bubble Tip Anemone
TAMADreamtheater - 15 years ago
What is that coral at 1:00
Robbie Cropper
Robbie Cropper - 15 years ago
Thanks, Its a bicolored frogspawn.. I have never seen one with separated colors like this one.
Robbie Cropper
Robbie Cropper - 15 years ago
Alot of powerheads, 2 seio 1100's, One 1500,
Robbie Cropper
Robbie Cropper - 15 years ago
RoDi from an RODI Unit undersink mount
Aaron Willming
Aaron Willming - 15 years ago
probably RODI
DeathWing789 - 15 years ago
very nice tank! What water di you use before you add the salt? Is it RO water and where do you get it from? Your help would be much appreciated!
Mertaal - 15 years ago
That tank is a real credit to you mate- beautiful. Do you use any coral suppliments? Also, what's the coral in 2:59- looks like two colonies of the same, but different colour morphs.
Janfromboone - 15 years ago
Really nice tank. Just when I was hoping for some close up shots you zoomed in.
ElectrikFunguzz - 15 years ago
i just came in my pants
ClevelandReefer - 15 years ago
wow, nice frogspawn ready stands out what's you lighting setup?
twogluon - 16 years ago
how old is this tank?
brooke_clevenger - 16 years ago
some of your corals/anemones are dyed... hope you realize that. that shortens their life span... alot! lol. i dont want this to sound mean. im just telling you what i know. im not an expert!!!
teelanovela - 16 years ago
"Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after."~ Henry David Thoreau
Robbie Cropper
Robbie Cropper - 16 years ago
Actually thats the way the camera interpreted it. It wasn't the best camera. Some cameras handle white balance differently, its oversaturated yes, but nothing in this video was edited.
Robbie Cropper
Robbie Cropper - 16 years ago
Its 2 tone frogspawn
APoirier594 - 16 years ago
BTA can go with any filtration, doesnt have to be hang on, usually hang ons are cheap. I wet/dry or sump filters are the best for SW. But hang ons still work
carraplaps - 16 years ago
what a great tank man
ianjuarez30 - 16 years ago
what kind of supplyment do you use or equipment for your sps and lps. i'm new to this so getting advice to everybody. thanks a lot in advance.
liamleahy - 16 years ago
What Would She Do For Love by DJ Colette (Chicago)
Matt Steelman
Matt Steelman - 16 years ago
hey what are the dimensions?
Robbie Cropper
Robbie Cropper - 16 years ago
They are 4 x 54 watt t5's, and thanks
Robbie Cropper
Robbie Cropper - 16 years ago
check your phosphates
Robbie Cropper
Robbie Cropper - 16 years ago
one piece, about 8 heads
truellas - 16 years ago
hey guys ! i recently noticed a odd odor coming from my tank? i have recently starting using a fluval 305, could it be possibly overfeeding?
Arturo Rubio
Arturo Rubio - 16 years ago
wow you slept with everybody...
Zach Baird
Zach Baird - 16 years ago
can you plzz giv ethe names of some of your corols thanks
musicaddicted3000 - 16 years ago
omfg i am in luv with it. im digging them colors, all them greens and purples wow! just one thing...tell me what ur corals r they r so beautiful. and whered u get the tank? how much it cost? what bout the fish? srry if im sounding relle rude its just im going to make one and honestly i want it to be like urs
stan450z - 16 years ago
can u give me anything for free please?
roblox84 - 16 years ago
i only have a 75 gallon, but i probably wont have many corals either just because of the cost, unless i go to those reef aquarium expos where they swap frags and sell corals for insanely cheap. I think that's what most people do with tons of coral because it wouldn't make sense to pay 50 dollars for a piece.
roblox84 - 16 years ago
it's insane how much these things will cost. It took me almost one month to be able to buy a lightbulb for my lighting and a bucket of salt. At this rate i will have my tank set up in about 2 years.
Inw AwayG
Inw AwayG - 16 years ago
i love the bi colour frogspawn it's realry nice
Inw AwayG
Inw AwayG - 16 years ago
what kind of T5 tube is it ? is it all 4 atinic thank you for your help
Jesco Brenner
Jesco Brenner - 16 years ago
These corals are real, the lighting he/she is using is blue actinic and makes the tank look very neon.
jerome jeromei
jerome jeromei - 16 years ago
what are you using for your background? Or is that the camera making it look so nicely dark blue?
GigioP22 - 16 years ago
Please, what are the name of the songs? Great tank. Thanks
extrasuperpowr - 16 years ago
what is your best thing for keeping your sand so perfectly clean. Who is doing that in there? The whole thing is beautiful, btw.
cutietwo22 - 16 years ago
what is the name of that purple long flowing anemone your tomatoe is in? It's gorgeous!
Earthling1984 - 16 years ago
feeding your fish depends on species. Some fish like eels you can feed just a couple times a week, other fish like filefish need to be fed multiple times a day. Do research on the types of fish you have or want to keep so you know their requirements.
Ryan Duncan
Ryan Duncan - 16 years ago
beautiful regal tang!
Shandell Nash
Shandell Nash - 16 years ago
are two of those actinic?
Robbie Cropper
Robbie Cropper - 16 years ago
I take a minimalistic approach with filtration, I rely mainly on the Live rock for filtration. Only thing I use is a hang on back skimmer.
Robbie Cropper
Robbie Cropper - 16 years ago
4x54 watt HO T5's is the lighting, and I have about 3800 gph of flow total. 2 seio 1100's, and 2 Seio 820's.
Shandell Nash
Shandell Nash - 16 years ago
makes me feel like i am on acid. i love this tank, you have kick ass lighting and flow. your corals look great. what kind of light do you use and how much flow do you have
TexasGTO - 16 years ago
you could totally get high and trip looking at this tank
Edgar Angeles
Edgar Angeles - 16 years ago
kind of seems like a findin nemo tank hahaha DORI AND THE CLOWN FISH dont remember the name you should get a puffer fish hahahaa
alex.e - 16 years ago
what type of light is this that you use? check out my video of my 20L wild reef, where my corals grow like weeds.
Roy Flores Jr.
Roy Flores Jr. - 16 years ago
really nice tank....whats ur filtration? Take a look at mine what do u think
john moritz
john moritz - 16 years ago
1:15 is green star polyps. :)
Mitchell Couchman
Mitchell Couchman - 16 years ago
Looks great :D! What is the name of the coral featured at 1:15?? Cheers, OwNeD
unccrazy333 - 16 years ago
love it!
alextheromanian - 16 years ago
well wow thank you :)
alextheromanian - 16 years ago
how are they rude??? some people would simply like to know how much an amazing tank like this see if it fits their budgets or not.
lionsroaar - 16 years ago
Hey Rob.. very nice tank. I'm glad you're not answering the rude questions about tank cost.. who does that?
Robbie Cropper
Robbie Cropper - 16 years ago
there's 4x 54watt HO t5's in the fixture. Its plenty for the tank.
darkkilla123 - 16 years ago
Very nice tank. Must have cost a lot to set up and maintain. But well worth the money since you did a great job.
alextheromanian - 16 years ago
there is NO! way you have all of this under the marineland t5ho light alone...could you please post more info on what kind of lighting you have?
alextheromanian - 16 years ago
if he replied to you about the list of equipment let me know what he said please because id like to know aswell.
alextheromanian - 16 years ago
the size is stated right in the title...
alextheromanian - 16 years ago
what kind of lights are you running on this tank?
brownLasoCHOface - 16 years ago
soo jealousss ;;<3
pistolpete3521 - 16 years ago
Awesome tank, how many frags do you have?! I love it, not crowded, yet full of life.
XxXFPVXxX - 16 years ago
That's an awesome tank! Next week I'm getting a new aquaone ar850 and i would love it to look that cool! But it would take alot of time and money that's for sure! 5*s
Robbie Cropper
Robbie Cropper - 16 years ago
Rose Bulb Anemone
vivioo7 - 16 years ago
looks like elegance coral
rabidcrab - 16 years ago
looks good!
Carlos Silva
Carlos Silva - 16 years ago
this is just this is a nice tank..damn i want this tank at my house..i could sit and watch it for speechless..its so pretty
toddluv1 - 17 years ago
i must say that this is the most beautiful saltwater aquarium yet, congrats!
jarroddude654 - 17 years ago
simply awesome.
gyyanna - 17 years ago
Cholette - what would she do for love for the first song not sure about the second... hope it helps
Curtis Johnson
Curtis Johnson - 17 years ago
Nice looking tank, So what kind of light and how many...EXACTLY. You have to be running black lights the way everything is reflecting. Look at the way the blue tang reflects the black light. Please let me know for sure.
JMM - 17 years ago
HOly shit now that has 2 be sickest tank i have ever seen at 2:56 that is one of the best corals i have seen in a long long time! how much did that cost u? and whats it called? thanks
cody carruthers
cody carruthers - 17 years ago
that has to be the sickest fuckin tank ive ever seen
japkevk - 17 years ago
the annemones are real
japkevk - 17 years ago
nice, but it is fake.. or not??
steve mackie
steve mackie - 17 years ago
I Love your bi-colored hammer, and all the water current.
Robbie Cropper
Robbie Cropper - 17 years ago
ATI bulbs 2x daylight 2x Actinic
Robbie Cropper
Robbie Cropper - 17 years ago
marineland fixture. No indiv. reflectors. The tank was about 7 months old when this was shot.
fdsf - 17 years ago
what kind of bulbs what brand?
Lucas Thompson
Lucas Thompson - 17 years ago
Great coral coloration, I really like the non-typical low-profile aquascaping, much more "swimming room" than a typical 75g reef tank so I'm sure those tangs love it too. If you have time I'm sure many people in the hobby could benefit from another video showing how the tank has progressed since this was shot, perhaps with some info about your husbandry practices and maintenance routines.
Robbie Cropper
Robbie Cropper - 17 years ago
marineland deluxe 4x54watt fixture 3x1 actinic/daylight, The tank was 1 year oold when I shot this.
Lucas Thompson
Lucas Thompson - 17 years ago
What brand of fixture/ballast? Individual reflectors on each bulb? How old was the tank when this was shot?
Robbie Cropper
Robbie Cropper - 17 years ago
4x54 watt HO T5's. The daylights at 2x18k and 2x 460nm actinics.
cougercruiser - 17 years ago
what kind of lighting is that?
John Avgoustakis
John Avgoustakis - 17 years ago
I was more interested in the song...
pjh3kyh - 17 years ago
i have a 75g tank and would like some more info in a pump i should buy,i have an old school ehiem canister is that ok and a 265watts compact lights is that ok please help me
Benji Baker
Benji Baker - 17 years ago
Holy Crap!!! I didn't even know you could get those colors in a home aquarium!
Robbie Cropper
Robbie Cropper - 17 years ago
Thats a seio 1500 in the corner. 1500 gallon per hour
jabman549 - 17 years ago
mike3epanda - 17 years ago
nice... very colorful....

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