NEW NANO Saltwater Aquarium | Setting Up My Reef Tank
Reef tank 6 years ago 85,813 views
Download Splash for FREE: Share your Splash reef aquariums with me on Twitter! I'll retweet the best pics! @emzoticofficial Hey Creatures! Today I'm sharing with you part 1 of my 2 part series focusing on my nano saltwater aquarium. DISCLAIMER: Nano saltwater aquariums are NOT easier to look after than a larger aquarium. Please don't be fooled into thinking that smaller means less maintenance. If you are considering any animal, please consult multiple sources and do as much research as you can, including watching lots of pet tutorials, pet care videos, reading books and joining forums where you can ask questions. Tune in next week for an update on my tank! ***************************************** My Nano Tank came from: --- Thank you to my favorite UK aquatics shop, 'The Aquatic Design Centre' for answering my questions and for showing me your incredible new store location! More about The Aquatic Design Centre: Address: 26, Zennor Trade Park, Zennor Rd, London SW12 0PS, United Kingdom. Website: ***************************************** Want to send me mail? (Remember to put down your return address so that I can write you back!) EMZOTIC P.O. BOX 391 LEDGEWOOD NEW JERSEY 07852-0391 USA **************************************** Media and Business Enquiries: (Strictly Business) **************************************** Join In On Social Media! My YouNow: My Instagram: @emzoticofficial My Twitter: @emzoticofficial My Snapchat: @emzoticofficial My Facebook Page: ****************************************** This video contains a paid brand endorsement.
Just remember that nano saltwater aquariums are NOT easier to look after than a larger aquarium. Please don't be fooled into thinking that smaller means less maintenance, or that they're easier!
If you are considering a reef tank or any animal, please consult multiple sources and do as much research as you can, including watching lots of pet tutorials, pet care videos, reading books and care sheets and joining forums where you can ask questions to people who are experienced and passionate about their species.
If you have any care tips of your own or information that could help others with their reef tanks, leave a comment below!
Thanks to Runaway for sponsoring this video. You can check out their beautiful app by following the link in my description box.
Also thanks to 'The Aquatic Design Centre' in London for answering my fish care questions, and also thanks to 'Absolutely Fish' in New Jersey for helping me to pick out an established Nano :)
I love you
Also my clowns really love mysis shrimp.
10. comment for NEW NANO Saltwater Aquarium | Setting Up My Reef Tank
I don't think ....
20. comment for NEW NANO Saltwater Aquarium | Setting Up My Reef Tank
30. comment for NEW NANO Saltwater Aquarium | Setting Up My Reef Tank
I'm trying to make one of my social institution's dreams come true, namely its own saltwater aquarium.
Julien lives in a facility for people with disabilities with a focus on epilepsy.
Donate easy and fast with Paypal.. Hope i can make his dream come true!
clowns can live anywhere from 20-30 years in captivity. Even if things go smoothly for a few years, doesn't mean it's going to work for the long term. In addition, you can leave one morning with what appears to be a peaceful tank, and come back home to a dead clownfish.
If you want long term success, I'd recommend getting a pair of the same species of clownfish, and a host of anemone and then go from there, but, It's never ideal to have more then a single pair of clownfish in a nano tank/aquarium, nor a pair of mixed species of clowns to avoid because you could have potential problems later on, even if they are captive bred. Things could change as time goes on with their temperaments and it's all factored on how they are taking to their new home.
HOWEVER, there is more success if you want to keep multiple clownfish or try and mix species, add them to the aquarium all at one time when they’re younger. Not sure how old your clowns are, but doing so while they are young allows them to familiarize themselves with the other fish in the aquarium and as they grow up together, they’re usually very peaceful with each other if these conditions are met, but, it's not 100% certain over the course of several decades. Anyway, I hope I was able to share some information that is useful to you, and wishing you the best of luck in your endeavors! Xoxox
50. comment for NEW NANO Saltwater Aquarium | Setting Up My Reef Tank
EXACTLY WHAT IS considered Nano?? Is there a certain Amount that is too big or too small?
I've ran several 2.5 and 5.5 gallon tanks, saltwater with corals and fish, for several years now with very few problems. And maintenance on a small tank is certainly easier than with a larger tank. I think people may have a tendency to rush the acclimation of a smaller tanks simply because they are smaller. Cycle a nano tank just as you would a very large tank and you should be successful.
100. comment for NEW NANO Saltwater Aquarium | Setting Up My Reef Tank
Also I'm a big fan of Hikari foods. I use them for both my carnivore and herbivores in my freshwater tank and they love them!
I've had a number of tanks fail because of waste built up (I was young, but I learned) because the fish weren't eating the food but after using Hikari, I haven't had that problem since. The fish LOVE IT!
Sorry for the fowl language Em.
p.s. love your videos. thanks for your hard work!!
funny how it just comes naturally when everyone around you talks with a certain accent!
Not to be mean but the way you say aquatic sounds cool to me
What it takes is 1: Time. You need to make sure the nitrate cycle is 100% complete, and the live rock needs to completely cure before this happens, which means having an empty tank that smells like a dead fish sitting in your living room for months before you start stocking it. And corals and fish need to be added slowly. A large tank is more stable, but it can take you up to a year to fully stock it.
2: Dedication. Most chemical tests you do in a freshwater tank like ammonia nitrate pH and chlorine are the same across the aquarium hobby. Once a week should suffice if your tank is large and fully cycled. What you CANNOT skip is a daily check of salinity levels, as evaporation will make your tank saltier. The bigger the tank is, the easier it becomes to keep conditions stable, but this brings you to the third concern of the reef keeping hobby...
3: Money. If you are at a financial point where you can take a $50 bill out of your wallet, flush it down the toilet and not miss it, you’re ready for reef keeping. The filter and lighting that come with a standard pet store aquarium kit will not cut it. You need the best filters you can afford and full-spectrum lighting. Saltwater fish and invertebrates are expensive, and even small coral specimens can go for $75 each. Live rock is easily the most expensive investment, as it typically goes for $10 per lb for the good display quality rock, and you need roughly 1lb per gallon. If you were to try to buy it one piece at a time, you will be cycling your tank for months as each new piece that you add will cause an ammonia spike due to some of the marine organisms that colonized it dying during transport and fouling the water.
If you have the patience and the money to get the right equipment and not rush building your mini ecosystem, this is can be an extremely rewarding hobby. If not, stick to goldfish.
I stopped dosing calcium as if you keep water changes up you won’t need to does.
Wish you the best luck. Glad too see you join the hobby as you care for all your animals
If you have any questions I’m apart of a saltwater amino run by a marine biologist (in training) he has been running saltwater for almost 10 years.
We are
Salt/reef aquariums
Thanks for replying!
And yes!
Edit: Never mind they require at least a 40 gallon tank.
So my turtle doves have an egg could you make a vid showing what food should be given to the parents, baby and basicaly cover everything about the care. Sorry of you already have a vid.
Hikari food is okay but its best to do research what food is best for your fish or inverts. Cobalt and Fluval also make fantastic foods. Food buying comes down to knowing what your fish needs.
Finally Betta splendids will live from 4-7 years if properly maintained, come over to for more info.
That necklace is awesome em!
P.S. sorry if i spelled something wrong, i'm italian
I'm really happy to see someone on Youtube trying to get captive bred fish, we need channels like that!
Also those underwater moving plants are even cooler than the fishies lol.
We're all good here
You could instead, tell us what kind of lights people should get or how long one should cycle the tank for people who would like to know
Always, you're my #1 YouTuber. You give the best advice, always keep your cool in any situation, and handle life with all your animals, kids and silly boyfriend. Props, and a sincere thank you ❤