PH!! How To Solve, Raise and Maintain It In A Reef Tank

This video is all about reef tank ph. I will discuss how to solve ph problems, raise and maintain proper ph level in a reef tank. This video is full of tips and tricks on how you can keep stable ph levels day and night. I first start off by discussing what ph is and how it works within the reef tank. After I go into ways to maintain a desired number based on the amount of alkalinity and CO2 in the system. Finally i discuss ways to remove CO2 from the tank via opening the door, plumbing the skimmer air input outside, adding canopy fan vents along with adding a wooden air stone to the refugium to introduce fresh air. Please Subscribe to be notified of future videos. I enjoy making these videos and hope they will provide helpful information to better guide hobbyist. Everything you see on this channel will be my personal way of doing it. Please Enjoy and any feedback is welcomed. 125 Gallon Reef Playlist: Zeovit Tank Build Playlist: How To Playlist: Aquatic Log Playlist: Neptune Apex Playlist: Beginner Guide Playlist: 60 Gallon Freshwater Planted Tank Playlist: Tips & Tricks Playlist: Follow me on Aquatic Log: Facebook: Twitter: Intro: End Thumbnail: Music: Epic -

PH!! How To Solve, Raise and Maintain It In A Reef Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 12

Reef tank 9 years ago 34,930 views

This video is all about reef tank ph. I will discuss how to solve ph problems, raise and maintain proper ph level in a reef tank. This video is full of tips and tricks on how you can keep stable ph levels day and night. I first start off by discussing what ph is and how it works within the reef tank. After I go into ways to maintain a desired number based on the amount of alkalinity and CO2 in the system. Finally i discuss ways to remove CO2 from the tank via opening the door, plumbing the skimmer air input outside, adding canopy fan vents along with adding a wooden air stone to the refugium to introduce fresh air. Please Subscribe to be notified of future videos. I enjoy making these videos and hope they will provide helpful information to better guide hobbyist. Everything you see on this channel will be my personal way of doing it. Please Enjoy and any feedback is welcomed. 125 Gallon Reef Playlist: Zeovit Tank Build Playlist: How To Playlist: Aquatic Log Playlist: Neptune Apex Playlist: Beginner Guide Playlist: 60 Gallon Freshwater Planted Tank Playlist: Tips & Tricks Playlist: Follow me on Aquatic Log: Facebook: Twitter: Intro: End Thumbnail: Music: Epic -

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Most popular comments
for PH!! How To Solve, Raise and Maintain It In A Reef Tank

Hi, you can't dose an equal amount of calcium and Alk and expect it to be equal when mixed in the tank after days, because each tank has different calcium loads. Soft corals use much less than a tank with LPS. You have to determine the calcium needs of your tank to decide how much to dose, otherwise you will end up with low or high calcium in your tank. I monitor and adjust my dosing machine based on the readings over weeks and months.
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
+POWERHOUSE POWERHOUSE Wrong one part of cal and one part of all are pulled put of the water when a hard coral builds it's skeletal structure. Soft coral do not use either to grow.
Sailing Free At Last
Sailing Free At Last - 7 years ago
thank you for the info!! i just started a new reef tank 30gal. check it out on my channel
Chris Groves
Chris Groves - 7 years ago
I have an all in one tank with no sump. Would it be ok to put a wooden air stone in the main tank?
Eric Miller
Eric Miller - 7 years ago
not a bad thing thought! just wish i could do that lol.
abreezeducttesting - 7 years ago
My tank ph average 7.9 , I ran A fresh airline to outside, and that didn't change anything . I tried an air stone and my ph dropped . And drop drastically and I turned it off . That's when I thought I had C02 in a Room and ran the fresh air line .
I would Appreciate suggestions
Han Thi
Han Thi - 7 years ago
Can you show how you add the airstone to your sump and how you add carbon to your air intake?
zaid joumaa
zaid joumaa - 7 years ago
I noticed everyone is having a problem with low ph, am running a new tank and I have no experience in that field except for YouTube videos.
I tested my water with sera test kit, it showed a ph of 8.5 it could be a bit higher since the color was a bit darker than the chart. My NH4 was 0 but to get the NH3 which is harmful for fish I have a graph in which I connect the ph value to the NH4. Yet the graph doesn't have 0 value for NH4 it starts from 0.5
The reason am worried is because recently I lost a clown fish, however I have a Naso and 3 cardinals which I was told were more sensitive fish, and they r all happy and fine.
I found ur video super helpful, hence if u have any suggestions I would be happy to hear
muffemod - 7 years ago
Air stone is spraying your fuge lights
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
+muffemod it's waterproof
Jon Stanger
Jon Stanger - 7 years ago
I buddy and I use limestone in the sump for a pH buffer

10. comment for PH!! How To Solve, Raise and Maintain It In A Reef Tank

Nehemiah Nulton
Nehemiah Nulton - 7 years ago
Hello Fishofhex I live full time in a RV. Because of this I fight Co2 / pH problems. I am wanting to run lines into my skimmer it has a double intake. I also want to pump fresh air into my refugium like you did as well. I would love to know what air pump you are using "Brand / Model" ?
Kareem  Borrego
Kareem Borrego - 7 years ago
What device do you use to have the back powerheads turn on and off ?
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
Im using an neptune apex
Amir Shariff
Amir Shariff - 7 years ago
ur tank is superb
hall2jc - 7 years ago
I just added a wooden air Stone to my sump. what a difference. I used to bounce between 8.1 at night and 8.3 during the day. I now stay between 8.2 and 8.3 thanks!!
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
no problem glad to help. Some people still give me shit saying it doesnt work. lol
Beatriz Riquelme
Beatriz Riquelme - 7 years ago
My pH is always drops to 7.7 at night and during the day it goes up to 8.1. I've already tried two products for that, one of them being a saltwater buffer, but it didn't work, it just goes back to those numbers. Don't know what to do, could use some help. It's a 30 gal that has been cycling for over a month now, no fish/corals yet.
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
buffers are junk, They only adding in alkalinity and in the world of corals and saltwater stability you need to add equal amounts of calcium and alkalinity daily to keep elevated levels. You can try using kalkwasser or two part calcium/ alk. I recommend you spend time researching doing to keep up with the demand of the tank.
Medic7000 - 7 years ago
Do you happen to know what size and where you got that rigid air tube that connects to the outside?
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
1/2 inch
John’s Reef
John’s Reef - 7 years ago
How long is you fresh air line that leads outside? Or should I say how long was. This is the old tank right? Anyway I have a wood floor so I am trying to come up with a way of reducing CO2 but I an 10 feet in the house. May have to go up to the attic where I have a ridge vent...
Gus Gonzalez
Gus Gonzalez - 8 years ago
Thanks brother!!!
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
No Problem
jay2wip - 8 years ago
What's up hex. I'm noticing that my tank levels are reaching 8.54 for PH I'm can't figure out what is going on alk is at 10?
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
Sounds like it needs to be re calibrated, Pick up the 7 and 10 solution from brs.I have a calibrating video on the apex playlist.
jay2wip - 8 years ago
It's the reading from my apex I check for micro bubbles on the probe, but it was all good...
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
If your alk is at 10dkh then whatever you're testing ph with is wrong. I would double check both with different kits.
Greg E
Greg E - 8 years ago
Hi, new sub here :) Great videos lots to learn. i have a question. i have alk at 10.9 but ph of 7.82. how can i fix/balance this. All the windows in the room are constantly open and a large airstone is in the sump.
Greg E
Greg E - 8 years ago
FishOfHex im using salifert test kits for the alk and an apex controller for the ph. I will try running an airline to the skimmer.
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
What test kits are you using to test alk? bc if you're removing that much co2 from the room that alk reading cant be correct. Have you tried airline into the skimmer? that is the number one thing people do to bring ph up.

20. comment for PH!! How To Solve, Raise and Maintain It In A Reef Tank

Sonny Tran
Sonny Tran - 8 years ago
The fish store owner told me not to use the skimmer if I have corals.
I need second opinion.
Do I need to take the glass cover off to help increase the PH up.
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
I believe you need a skimmer as its good for nutrient export. Some people can get away without one but its not recommend for beginners. Taking the glass covers off will allow for better gas exchange
Vitaliy Avramenko
Vitaliy Avramenko - 8 years ago
awsome. thank you
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
No Problem
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
Learned something today. Ty
Jeffrey Bomba
Jeffrey Bomba - 8 years ago
Great video. New subscriber here
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
Thank You
Matthew Etner
Matthew Etner - 8 years ago
Hey man, thanks for the video. I've been wanting to attach an air line from my skimmer to outside as well. What kind of filter did you use outside to keep the pests out? Thanks in advance.
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
I just made one out of a L-carnitine bottle, i added mesh and carbon.
Troll Doll
Troll Doll - 8 years ago
You deserve more subscribers. You are the GOAT of saltwater reef tank husbandry!!!
Dan X
Dan X - 8 years ago
Can you show how the outside filter running to the skimmer is setup?
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
Sure can
Izzy Bella
Izzy Bella - 8 years ago
What kind of ph meter do u use?
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
+Izzy Bella Apex
Franklin Michael
Franklin Michael - 8 years ago
Does the microbubbling method help with keeping your pH at 8.3?
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
It can remove co2 so yes it would help but you dont need it to get 8.3
Wing TV
Wing TV - 8 years ago
whats is the influent ph will be if from the calcium reactor?let say if i set it to 6.5?will it be the same or slightly will raise up?some will advise to use the ph test kit,if within 35 -50 dkh will be fine...
Wing TV
Wing TV - 8 years ago
if single?double?different alot?
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
It would depend on that type of calcium reactor you are using, single or dual chamber.

30. comment for PH!! How To Solve, Raise and Maintain It In A Reef Tank

brennen nisporic
brennen nisporic - 8 years ago
What is your opinion on calcium reactors since they use co2 to drop the ph in the reactor to a low enough level to break down the reactor media. I've used reactors in the past with much success. In my new setup I'm planning on building a refugium reactor and using a larger than recommended protein skimmer.
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
The only reason why i didnt go with a calcium reactor for this build is i just didnt have enough room but one way to limit that lowering ph is to have a dual chamber calcium reactor.
pauls reef
pauls reef - 8 years ago
my ph still never gets to 8.2, it stays around 8.05 during the day even with my alk at 9 and calcium at 420.
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
You have to much Co2 in your tank
Scott From Rosco's Reef
Scott From Rosco's Reef - 8 years ago
Just caught this one and found it really useful as I also have had issues trying to keep mine at a steady PH. I will be using the air pump and wooden air stone this winter when opening windows is unlikely. Great job.
pauls reef
pauls reef - 8 years ago
does ur ph swing from day to night? I'm wondering if adding another air line running with a air stone would raise the pH even more. I'm still not sure if I should purchase a air pump if it won't change anything.
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
Adding another air line wont bring your ph up. You need to keep a consistent alk level of around 9dkh and inject air via skimmer air pump ect. keep the windows open when you can to help remove co2 out of the room that will keep ph higher. I also run my refugium during the night while my tanks lights are off. this helps to remove co2 as well. One more thing i do is dose the majority of my 2 part during the night to keep levels higher. watch my dosing videos to understand that.
pauls reef
pauls reef - 8 years ago
thx for this advice, I ran a air line outside through my air vent from my skimmer air intake and now my ph went from 7.6-7.8 to 8.0-8.04.
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
Nice now focus on keeping a stable alk, cal levels and you should be good.
pauls reef
pauls reef - 8 years ago
so drawing air from the outside alone wouldnt keep the pH in the 8ths?
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
No removing CO2 allows you to have higher ph based on your total alkalinity. You need to keep consistent and stable alkalinity and calcium levels using a 2 part solution if you are not able to do it via water changes or kalkwasser.
pauls reef
pauls reef - 8 years ago
do you dose anything also that increases ph?
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
+pauls reef No the only thing that should be dosed that would impact ph should be equal parts of soda ash and cal. I never use ph buffers they are worthless and cause damage.
pauls reef
pauls reef - 8 years ago
what was your pH before you added the air stone and intake like that draws air from outside? I'm thinking of getting a air pump to draw air into my sump from the ph swings from 7.6 to 7.8.
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
My ph has always been around 8.1-8.2. I noticed a small increase. Not sure if its all from the air stone. so many things play into how much co2 is in the room
Nado - 8 years ago
hey man, why not run the airstone inside the skimmer to help increase the skimmate while increasing oxygen. two birds one stone
yoshi moto
yoshi moto - 8 years ago
have you try nano bubbles in the reef? there a few videos on YouTube about it. im doing it on my reef. the skimmer went nuts. i pulled out so much crap out of the water. also raises you orp too. what do you think?
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
I have never tried it
Home 101
Home 101 - 8 years ago
Hi, been watching your videos. Very informative and really awesome setup. Is there a way you could make one that focuses on the skimmer setup? In particular, (8:48) how you were able to do the air intake line? what tube you use? how long did you run it and what does it look like from the outside? I'm battling a low pH and could use this idea. Thanks!
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
I will get that video up for you soon.
Compy Ginorio
Compy Ginorio - 8 years ago
OK, let see how I could throw the intake outside. Ain't gonna be easy because the location of the tank in the living room, let see!!! Anyway, if I found a way to do it and make the mod and it works out, I let you know how it goes against CO2 and low PH. Take care \m/
Compy Ginorio
Compy Ginorio - 8 years ago
Hi man, I been struggling with PH. I add an air stone 24/7 to the sump. I run the sump light in opposite photoperiod from DT since the beginning of setup. My Dkh is at 11, the Cal is at 440, but the PH is at 7.9 constant and can't raise it. My corals seems to be doing fine, for the exception of the candy canes, they are close, still have coloration, but no progress. The other corals are softies, so they haven't grow significant, but they had good polyp extension and they seems to be fine. My other parameters are Salinity 1.025, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 10 nitrate, 0.10 phosphate, and a temp of 77.5 to 78.6 constant. About Mag can't tell because I don't have the test kit yet, so I don't dose it, but I do water change biweekly that could help with it. Any suggestion to get there? or I should forget and keep going. I read in a forum that many people using calcium reactors run low PH like mine with no problem. I know is not a good idea to chase numbers, but, It looks to low for me. Any idea to try?
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
Personally id leave it alone or you could connect your shipping air intake outside that was a big help. I would stay away from adding anything to bring ph up and wouldnt chase it, You are still in a good range. No need to stress.
Chris Cannabis
Chris Cannabis - 8 years ago
You are absolutely correct in this video. Oftentimes, water surface agitation will increase the ph. A mp40 powerhead from my old mp10 was a difference. Along with dosing with soda ash only for alkalinity to raise ph. Cannot stress enough the importance of dosing equal parts of cal/alk as mentioned in this video.
Steve Haworth
Steve Haworth - 8 years ago
i add alk buffer. I am using Red Seas Reef Program, I still enjoyed the video.
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
Thank You for taking the time to watch the video
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Hey there FishOf Hex, just came across your channel searching for PH solutions. So I'm dosing my B-ionic 2 part alk from 10pm-9am and my cal from 10am-9pm. I'm running a hose from outside to my skimmer .Running my sump lights at night. So in the morning my PH is usually around 8.08 - 8.14. By 7pm right before my lights start ramping down its 8.27-8.33. I can't seem to keep it constant. You think running the air stone at night my help stabilize it?
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
+Mofros Reef First off thanks for the sub, second that swing from 8.14 to 8.27 is actually not that bad. You are staying within good ranges. You could add that air stone to pull fresh air into the system that might help keep ph elevated. I have noticed with my system some days the ph swing is 8.2 to 8.27 and others its 8.10 to 8.3 with nothing being changed. Simple things like people in your house can effect it but at the end of the day you are in good growth range so i wouldn't attempt to chase numbers but if you want to add that air stone it def wouldn't hurt anything. Hope this answers your question.
TOM REEFMAN202 - 8 years ago
nice video
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
+L dawg Thanks man
John ortiz
John ortiz - 8 years ago
FishofHex, how long you've been in this hobby. You have a lot of knowledge. One of your videos you mentioned reading material, what books did you read? I love the chasing numbers comment. I'm in that mode and can't get out of it. Anyways, nice to see some new material, keep them coming.
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
+John ortiz Thank you and i have been in for about 13 years. Honestly i dont really remember what books i got a bunch of them on the kindle and every night i read as much as i could. I spent most of my time trying things out based on what i read and what others did. Every tank is different so you have to adjust to what works best for you. Try to get away from the chasing numbers it really messed with me for a while.
Mr. Thiccums
Mr. Thiccums - 8 years ago
Does this work with freshwater
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
+Gold Shot the best thing you can do for cichlids is build a tank with the same type of rock and substrate they would see in the wild. I do know when i kept African cichlids i used texas holy rock and coral based sand that helped buffer the ph but as long as you are not putting any external buffers in the tank and building a natural environment like they would have in the wild you shouldnt have any problems keeping them.
Mr. Thiccums
Mr. Thiccums - 8 years ago
Yea im trying to keep German Blue Rams, theyre really sensitive to ph swings
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
+Gold Shot I would say the same concept would work for freshwater. I know PH isnt a big deal unless you are trying to keep something in a specific in freshwater.
Owen Edwards
Owen Edwards - 8 years ago
and my ph was at 8.7 when I get home today from work and I did a test and my calcium 440
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
+Owen Edwards Something you are testing is off. If you dkh is at 10.1 no chance you can have a ph of 8.7 so one of those two test are wrong. Pleas let me know what you find out. I will do a video for this in the next couple week. Thanks again for watching the videos.
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
+Owen Edwards It would be a good idea i know i was getting really high readings and was forced to re calibrate it. Its only a few bucks and worth a try.
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
+Owen Edwards I would get your water ph double checked i think your probe is off it wouldnt hurt to get alk checked from another source aswell
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
+Owen Edwards when was the last time you calibrated it? most ph probe need calibrated every 3-6 months sometimes every month depending on quality
Owen Edwards
Owen Edwards - 8 years ago
Do u think I need to recalibrate the probe
Owen Edwards
Owen Edwards - 8 years ago
I do have a ph probe on my reefkeeper
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
+Owen Edwards Something you are testing is wrong. Also make sure you are dosing equal amount of cal/alk 2 part
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
+Owen Edwards you using a ph probe? It would not be possible to have a ph of 8.7 with dkh of 10.1 even with 100% CO2 out of the tank.
Owen Edwards
Owen Edwards - 8 years ago
I do have a rodi system and the last time I change the filters was about two weeks ago I am running a 2 part dosing system and for testing am using red sea

50. comment for PH!! How To Solve, Raise and Maintain It In A Reef Tank

Owen Edwards
Owen Edwards - 8 years ago
how can u lower pH in ur tank if u have a hight ph
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
+Owen Edwards before i can answer that i need to ask a couple questions. 1.what is your current ph reading? 2. Do you have a ro/di system and if so when was the last time you changed filters? Lime could be in your tap water that could raise ph. 3. what test kits are you using and how old are they? 4. are you adding any ph buffers? 5. are you using any 2 part calcium/alkalinity? I will do a video on this in the future but lets get this fixed before then.
maine932 - 8 years ago
Oh, man...That blue hippo...Marvelous, Sir.
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
+maine932 Thank You

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