Part I - Faster coral growth with elevated major elements? (Alk/Ca/Mag) | BRStv Investigates
Reef tank 6 years ago 22,769 views
This time on BRStv Investigates we're taking on the question, "Will elevated levels of alkalinity, calcium and magnesium increase coral growth rates in a reef tank?" Follow along with us in this episode as Ryan shares our approach to finding the answer as well as some early speculations of what we might expect! This week we're giving away a Red Sea Coral Package! Sign up below! Today on BRStv, we have a brand new episode of our series, BRStv Investigates. In this series, we explore popular reefing theories, products, methods, and what the manuals are missing, with a focus on putting them to the test! This week we aim to determine what effect elevated levels of major elements will have on coral growth by controlling two sets of tank's parameters and monitoring closely. For this experiment we'll have two sets of tanks, with the first set maintaining parameters at 430ppm Calcium / 1280ppm Magnesium /8dKH. The second set of tanks will maintain elevated levels at 465ppm Calcium / 1390ppm Magnesium / 12dKH. We release a new BRStv Investigates episode each Friday, so don't forget to hit that subscribe button to see what's coming up next! *Legal Stuff* The purpose and content of this video is to provide general information regarding the products and their applications as presented in the video. Aquatic sales solutions, inc. And its officers, directors, employees and agents disclaim all express or implied warranties, in any way, related to the products and their application as presented in this video, make no representation or warranty regarding the products and the application as presented in this video and shall not be liable for any direct or indirect losses or damages of any type, including but not limited to punitive damages, or from personal injury or death resulting from or in any manner related to the video, and the products in and contents of the video. The viewer expressly agrees that aquatic sales solutions, inc. And its officers, directors, employees and agents shall not be liable for any damages or losses related to the products in and content of the video and hereby agrees to hold the foregoing harmless from any such losses or damages.
Please I have 6 questions that I did not or ready covered.
1. How and at what level are you keeping your Nitrates and Phosphates?
2. Are you starting with dead rock or live rock or any seasoning?
3. What doser are you using and are you only adding ALK + CA or any additional additives, supplements etc?
4. What test kits are you using?
5. Are you only keeping corals or are there any other biologics?
6. What filtration are you using?
If you have answered these questions in the video and or in the questions please link me and I apologize for missing them.
Thank you very much!
10. comment for Part I - Faster coral growth with elevated major elements? (Alk/Ca/Mag) | BRStv Investigates
This test and video are good promotion for the brands involved, and I guess that's the main goal. Red Sea uses a similar semi-scientific approach. I'm sorry to sound so critical.. I guess doing some basic work beats just slapping a nice sticker on a bottle and selling it, so kudos for making this effort!
I also don't believe the burnt tips theory. I share it because many do believe but I try and express my caution as well.
20. comment for Part I - Faster coral growth with elevated major elements? (Alk/Ca/Mag) | BRStv Investigates
30. comment for Part I - Faster coral growth with elevated major elements? (Alk/Ca/Mag) | BRStv Investigates
Big special Thank You to the involved parties for making this possible
Thanks again to ALL the sponsors !
pH 8.4
Alk 11dkh
No3 3-5ppm
Po4 0.3ppm
I blast my hysterix and cap with a powerhead and I can literally see growth everyday. My stylo also grows pretty quick, considering its thick branches.
50. comment for Part I - Faster coral growth with elevated major elements? (Alk/Ca/Mag) | BRStv Investigates