Part I - Faster coral growth with elevated major elements? (Alk/Ca/Mag) | BRStv Investigates

This time on BRStv Investigates we're taking on the question, "Will elevated levels of alkalinity, calcium and magnesium increase coral growth rates in a reef tank?" Follow along with us in this episode as Ryan shares our approach to finding the answer as well as some early speculations of what we might expect! This week we're giving away a Red Sea Coral Package! Sign up below! Today on BRStv, we have a brand new episode of our series, BRStv Investigates. In this series, we explore popular reefing theories, products, methods, and what the manuals are missing, with a focus on putting them to the test! This week we aim to determine what effect elevated levels of major elements will have on coral growth by controlling two sets of tank's parameters and monitoring closely. For this experiment we'll have two sets of tanks, with the first set maintaining parameters at 430ppm Calcium / 1280ppm Magnesium /8dKH. The second set of tanks will maintain elevated levels at 465ppm Calcium / 1390ppm Magnesium / 12dKH. We release a new BRStv Investigates episode each Friday, so don't forget to hit that subscribe button to see what's coming up next! *Legal Stuff* The purpose and content of this video is to provide general information regarding the products and their applications as presented in the video. Aquatic sales solutions, inc. And its officers, directors, employees and agents disclaim all express or implied warranties, in any way, related to the products and their application as presented in this video, make no representation or warranty regarding the products and the application as presented in this video and shall not be liable for any direct or indirect losses or damages of any type, including but not limited to punitive damages, or from personal injury or death resulting from or in any manner related to the video, and the products in and contents of the video. The viewer expressly agrees that aquatic sales solutions, inc. And its officers, directors, employees and agents shall not be liable for any damages or losses related to the products in and content of the video and hereby agrees to hold the foregoing harmless from any such losses or damages.

Part I - Faster coral growth with elevated major elements? (Alk/Ca/Mag) | BRStv Investigates sentiment_very_dissatisfied 9

Reef tank 6 years ago 22,769 views

This time on BRStv Investigates we're taking on the question, "Will elevated levels of alkalinity, calcium and magnesium increase coral growth rates in a reef tank?" Follow along with us in this episode as Ryan shares our approach to finding the answer as well as some early speculations of what we might expect! This week we're giving away a Red Sea Coral Package! Sign up below! Today on BRStv, we have a brand new episode of our series, BRStv Investigates. In this series, we explore popular reefing theories, products, methods, and what the manuals are missing, with a focus on putting them to the test! This week we aim to determine what effect elevated levels of major elements will have on coral growth by controlling two sets of tank's parameters and monitoring closely. For this experiment we'll have two sets of tanks, with the first set maintaining parameters at 430ppm Calcium / 1280ppm Magnesium /8dKH. The second set of tanks will maintain elevated levels at 465ppm Calcium / 1390ppm Magnesium / 12dKH. We release a new BRStv Investigates episode each Friday, so don't forget to hit that subscribe button to see what's coming up next! *Legal Stuff* The purpose and content of this video is to provide general information regarding the products and their applications as presented in the video. Aquatic sales solutions, inc. And its officers, directors, employees and agents disclaim all express or implied warranties, in any way, related to the products and their application as presented in this video, make no representation or warranty regarding the products and the application as presented in this video and shall not be liable for any direct or indirect losses or damages of any type, including but not limited to punitive damages, or from personal injury or death resulting from or in any manner related to the video, and the products in and contents of the video. The viewer expressly agrees that aquatic sales solutions, inc. And its officers, directors, employees and agents shall not be liable for any damages or losses related to the products in and content of the video and hereby agrees to hold the foregoing harmless from any such losses or damages.

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Most popular comments
for Part I - Faster coral growth with elevated major elements? (Alk/Ca/Mag) | BRStv Investigates

Gills and Fins
Gills and Fins - 6 years ago
has there been an update on this yet?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 6 years ago
Stay tuned this Friday!
Derek Chung
Derek Chung - 6 years ago
Looking forward to seeing the results.
jamesonity - 6 years ago
Looking forward to this update!!! Many thanks to WWC, Ecotech and Neptune. Im a fan and this definitely helps!
JONATHAN RIGGS - 6 years ago
BulkReefSupplyCom - 6 years ago
Coming soon!
Kyle Butler
Kyle Butler - 6 years ago
Any updates on this yet? We’re past the 3 month point by now. I’m anxious to see how this went.
Joe - 6 years ago
Can not wait for this and the next ULM update!
Kyle Butler
Kyle Butler - 6 years ago
BulkReefSupplyCom can't wait
BulkReefSupplyCom - 6 years ago
An update is currently in the works. :)
Murtaza Sajan
Murtaza Sajan - 6 years ago
Any updates with initial results?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 6 years ago
We are putting together the follow up as we speak. :)
Eric Vernon
Eric Vernon - 6 years ago
I hope the update is coming soon.
Sean Keller
Sean Keller - 6 years ago
Thanks to all the sponsors that helped with these videos.
Miami River LLC
Miami River LLC - 6 years ago
Thank you Neptune, EcoTech, WWC & BRS! SMART TEST! I used black bucket and switched to blue for improved results. Then I learned that I was running a young sterile tank with Marco dead rock, too much NoPox & GFO. When I cut back my NOPOX to less than half, completely removed my GFO and allowed my NO3 and PO4 to climb up to acceptable high levels, I had a solid SPS growth and stability. Hence my questions below which I would appreciate explained please.

Please I have 6 questions that I did not or ready covered.

1. How and at what level are you keeping your Nitrates and Phosphates?
2. Are you starting with dead rock or live rock or any seasoning?
3. What doser are you using and are you only adding ALK + CA or any additional additives, supplements etc?
4. What test kits are you using?
5. Are you only keeping corals or are there any other biologics?
6. What filtration are you using?

If you have answered these questions in the video and or in the questions please link me and I apologize for missing them.

Thank you very much!

Miami River LLC
Miami River LLC - 6 years ago
Thank you guys. Your doing a great job here. I cant wait to see the results.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 6 years ago
Thanks! All of these will be covered in future videos about this test specifically, when we have some appreciable data collected and can produce an all encompassing video. To answer a couple of your questions, we test with a variety of kits and devices most prominently the Hanna Checker and Red Sea titration kits. We are using Neptune DOS units to dose both Alk/Ca, we are not dosing anything else. Basically, for this test we are sticking to two controllable variables in just the Alk and the Ca. Adding additional variables like trace elements or other supplements would become too difficult and a bit muddled as to what directly caused the results.

10. comment for Part I - Faster coral growth with elevated major elements? (Alk/Ca/Mag) | BRStv Investigates

Henry Johnson
Henry Johnson - 6 years ago
Great stuff! Thanks to BRS and the sponsors!
Jess N.
Jess N. - 6 years ago
I had not changed my water in quite a long time, and i had a few sps that started to bleach and die. Upon a recommendation, along with a water change, I began to add ESV B-Ionic 2 part to my system. I saw my surviving frags recover or grow significantly, and the amount of coralline algae in my tank also increased significantly. (I had done water changes in the past to remedy similar situations and did not see the same type of improvement.) I began to use a different brand two part in my frag tank, and didn’t see as much improvement, so I switched to esv there too, and I’m hoping for the same improvements. My alk isn’t incredibly high in either tank, (around 7 most of the time) but I’ve seen a change. Can you guys do an experiment with the b-ionic two part? I feel like it’s special for some reason.
Sacrifice - 6 years ago
This is perfect. Literally just started trying to wrap my brain around these elements this week. Tank nearly crashed because I didn't pay attention to them.
David Howser
David Howser - 6 years ago
Wow you all are awesome thank you yall amazing big shout out yall be off the chain.
Ray opal
Ray opal - 6 years ago
Could you guys maybe do a lamens series on setting up an aquarium for beginners, in terms of simple tools/equipment needed to maintain a thriving tank? Theres a lot of information in the "52 weeks of reefing" series but i think a lot of new reefers could benefit from something that pointed to recommended items in a narrow format than a broad variety of equipment? Thank you
Bilal Maqsood
Bilal Maqsood - 6 years ago
If don't mind me going off topic, I had a question about starting a new tank. To prevent ich or anything that goes in not your tank when adding corals and invertebrates, is it best to add them and wait for couple months before adding fish?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 6 years ago
Really the most sure-fire method of keeping parasites and disease out of the tank is a quarantine approach and perhaps some medication. Here's a video we did that approaches methods of preventing disease and another we did on coral dipping and quarantine.
coralpublications - 6 years ago
Good to see people doing coral exps. However, this experiment has limited value as three parameters are changed simultaneously, making it impossible to determine which factors contribute to the observed experimental effect. You also need to measure coral growth, by weighing Them for example. In addition, a Google Scholar search will reveal many papers about this subject. Alk and calcium can boost coral growth and Photosynthesis, and this has been known for years. Another pervasive myth is that skeletal growth can outpace soft tissue growth. This is impossible, as it is the tissue that produces the Skeleton in the first place (calicoblastic ectoderm). High alk and low nutrients may cause coral bleaching or even necrosis due to rapid zoox growth and subsequent starvation of said zoox. If you observe Skeleton sticking out of your branch tips, it is not skeleton which outgrew tissue but merely tissue necrosis.

This test and video are good promotion for the brands involved, and I guess that's the main goal. Red Sea uses a similar semi-scientific approach. I'm sorry to sound so critical.. I guess doing some basic work beats just slapping a nice sticker on a bottle and selling it, so kudos for making this effort!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 6 years ago
I hear what you are saying and there are many ways to go after experiments like these. Test something very specific like calcium alone which will give something fairly definitive related to calcium. Or test common end user or real-world implementations. I like the approach of testing what people are actually doing to identify results and then smaller targeted experiments to identify where the results are likely coming from. I understand if others take a different direction. In this case, I think everyone believes the alkalinity is the element promoting this type of growth because it is elevated to a much higher degree than cal/mag. Maybe after this experiment, we will refine down and identify that to be the case. For what it is worth we are weighing every coral and taking visual assessments as well. I fully acknowledge that most of these experiments have done before. Part of what we are doing here is making that knowledge more accessible and real to the average​ hobbyist. Hopefully with real expectations other than just "more or less" growth.

I also don't believe the burnt tips theory. I share it because many do believe but I try and express my caution as well.
Deon 0026
Deon 0026 - 6 years ago
Looking forward too this!
Dan Steinhauser
Dan Steinhauser - 6 years ago
Awesome topic, I’ll be watching this closely. Thanks!
Josh Brown
Josh Brown - 6 years ago
We need a warehouse tour,

20. comment for Part I - Faster coral growth with elevated major elements? (Alk/Ca/Mag) | BRStv Investigates

Irwin Suguitan
Irwin Suguitan - 6 years ago
I have a question if you have a minute to chime in on this. So I use rscp salt which has about 12dkh, mine right now about 10dkh. I want to introduce some nice pieces of acro tenius that are coming from 7.8-8.5 dkh What would be the best way to introduce them without burning tips/ stn or rtn-ing them?? I also have a couple of sps in the tank already
Irwin Suguitan
Irwin Suguitan - 6 years ago
BulkReefSupplyCom but before adding them to the bottom, do you drop acclimate or just straight in the tank? Or how would you do it
BulkReefSupplyCom - 6 years ago
Every coral is going to be different, especially in how they react to changes in water chemistry, lighting and flow. It's hard to come up with a standard acclimation method that works for every coral type, however most reefers seem to find pretty consistent success in placing hard stony corals at the bottom of the tank for several weeks and slowly move them upwards onto the rockscape.
BALD8BIL - 6 years ago
great video your videos very helpful I started in October 2017 with a 38g aquarium fish only and in February of this year I started a 55g aquarium with 3 corals red mushroom, green star polyp, an purple people eater i check my aquarium water every week and every 4 weeks I do a water changes about 20g so far I have not added or dosing anything each week all tests are good or maybe I'm not doing something right i have asked my local fish stores and they tell me if test is good I don't need to do anything but sometimes I feel like they don't want to help
BulkReefSupplyCom - 6 years ago
It sounds like your corals (which don't consume a lot of Alk/Ca at all) are doing just fine with your water changes. If there is no demand for Alk/Ca then there's no reason to supplement for them. However, once you add corals that more readily consume or uptake those major elements, you may start to notice your levels deplete over time.
Brandon Meade
Brandon Meade - 6 years ago
Does anyone else while watching this experience the video stoping every few seconds . It's not my internet it's always brstv videos
Brandon Meade
Brandon Meade - 6 years ago
BulkReefSupplyCom strange .
BulkReefSupplyCom - 6 years ago
That's strange, I can't say we've experienced or heard reports of the the same.
00Mass00 - 6 years ago
I wonder if trace elements also need to be elevated.
Coral Euphoria
Coral Euphoria - 6 years ago
Great work guys thanks for sharing!
Delwar Khan
Delwar Khan - 6 years ago
Thank you
Juan Bolanos
Juan Bolanos - 6 years ago
I watch all your videos. I buy a lot of things for my tanks based on your results and I have similar results on my side too. Vary informative videos and hope you continue. . .
Ted R.
Ted R. - 6 years ago
This is silly. Reef keeping is not about hurrying up, it's about the journey of keeping these animals alive and happy for years and decades.
Tru Reef
Tru Reef - 6 years ago
Ted R. Well let's see your tank pal. Because this is far from silly, it's informational and has helped out a lot of new people that has came into the hobby. And faster growth is Achieve with slightly elevated parameters and me dosing kalkwasser gives me even more growth. When u can look at your tank Monday and then again Thursday and clearly see new growth in all areas of the tank, it's hard to argue and call it silly. Like 915 mang say "do you even reef bro?"
BulkReefSupplyCom - 6 years ago
There's definitely a ring of truth in a slow and steady approach to reef keeping. There's also some merit, similar to many other types of hobbies, of gaining a better understanding for how the intricacies of our hobby work and finding ways to optimize certain aspects. I'd imagine the same argument was brought up when reefers attempted using Sodium Bicarb, Calcium Chloride and Magnesium in the reef tank to achieve better growth, yet now it has become a staple to maintaining a more thriving reef tank.
Cycnoches2012 - 6 years ago
Ryan for Reefer of the Year!!!!
ToastedWalnut - 6 years ago
@BulkReefSupplyCom What racking system are you guys using. Looks really nice!
ToastedWalnut - 6 years ago
Thanks for that info but I was asking about the racks for the tanks they look awesome. Nice job on the frag racks too Aaron!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 6 years ago
That is just some PVC legs and some black egg crate, built by Aaron. :)

30. comment for Part I - Faster coral growth with elevated major elements? (Alk/Ca/Mag) | BRStv Investigates

Robert Rainey
Robert Rainey - 6 years ago
Thanks Neptune, EcoTech, WWC & BRS! You never cease to amaze!
PsychoAxeMan - 6 years ago
Ive noticed growth in softies with high cal and higher salt levels . They seem to get way bigger
ReRe - 6 years ago
so this is a separate experiment than the high and low PH level comparison tanks?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 6 years ago
ley3198 - 6 years ago
Can you guys also please keep track of the PH in the tanks too!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 6 years ago
We're doing that in a separate test at the same time!
Fr4nk TheT4nk
Fr4nk TheT4nk - 6 years ago
What a great video!
Average Reef
Average Reef - 6 years ago
This is going to be interesting. I actually try and keep my alk at around 7.5 dkh since I carbon dose.
Isaac Sutka
Isaac Sutka - 6 years ago
Brs I need help I have 2 clown fish there doing fine I just set up the tank it's cycled I have a sump and stuff but there brown stuff going over my sand my rocks my pump what is it and how do I get rid of it pls answer
BulkReefSupplyCom - 6 years ago
Hey there! It sounds like a possible algae issue or diatom issue. We highly recommend posting photos and researching the Algae specific forums on hobbyist groups like or to help you identify exactly what it is and approaches to eradicating it. Here is a video we did on general algae control.
Nate Owen
Nate Owen - 6 years ago
I love these tests
ReefDudes - 6 years ago
I would love to find out if corals encrust during lights on or lights out. It would be interesting to know if the length of photoperiod comes into play
Jordan Wills
Jordan Wills - 6 years ago
Wow. Between this and your PH test, you guys are absolutely killing the game right now. I hope the results are significant!
macbarb12 - 6 years ago
This information is so valuable. Thank you BRS, Neptune Systems, Ecotech marine and World Wide Corals!!!
WhiteRaein - 6 years ago
@brstv the faster growth of corals is now a determined investigation. What would be some show-tell signs of a slower soft tissue growth, due to rapid skeletal structure growth?

Big special Thank You to the involved parties for making this possible
BulkReefSupplyCom - 6 years ago
Thanks! I'd imagine both skeletal and tissue growth will happen in equal ratios as I understand their relationship to each other isn't independent.
Tru Reef
Tru Reef - 6 years ago
I mean you guys are amazing. Thank you so much for the videos and donated equipment Neptune Ecotec and World Wide Corals thank you guys so much this stuff is definitely needed for the community and keep up the great work thank you.
nietrelevant - 6 years ago
now this is some interesting shit, props for doing this.
150 Gallon Triton Oasis Reef Tank
150 Gallon Triton Oasis Reef Tank - 6 years ago
Looking forward to seeing the results, thanks for doing this!
Robert Seigneurie
Robert Seigneurie - 6 years ago
I have been running the Black B for 6 months and coraline has coated all the rock before algae can get a toe hold, But any hiccup with kalk in topoff results in burnt tips going Triton next week.
Thanks again to ALL the sponsors !
Robert Seigneurie
Robert Seigneurie - 6 years ago
Thanks for the wake up, Yes I will start at a very min.
stefan busg
stefan busg - 6 years ago
Robert Seigneurie remember to make the change slowly, a little bit each week. Not all at once
Nado - 6 years ago
Perfect timing as always
The Dash Cave
The Dash Cave - 6 years ago
Brilliant! You guys are doing great.
AcuaTV - 6 years ago
Another myth around that area is that keeping elevated levels of Macro elements (specifically Alk) and low nutrients will cause corals to bleach, so if you could share your nutrient levels as well it would be nice. To add an extra variable to the equation there is a study from Danna Riddle that suggests that coral growth with high alkalinity level and high flow will lead to faster growth so sharing with us the flow or seeing if ramping it up will help with coral growth would be awesome, but a bit more challenging for you guys :P but you like challenges right? lol Can't wait to see how this trial goes.
Tom Gionet
Tom Gionet - 6 years ago
I'm interested in Iodine specifically myself; it seems to be my magic potion and I've had multiple ICP tests come back at 0ppb
BulkReefSupplyCom - 6 years ago
It's likely that we'll revisit this test with focus on some of those other parameters as the primary variable.
Tom Gionet
Tom Gionet - 6 years ago
Visible growth daily isn't uncommon for many species ime
Tuneless Steak
Tuneless Steak - 6 years ago
I run a tank with
pH 8.4
Alk 11dkh
No3 3-5ppm
Po4 0.3ppm
I blast my hysterix and cap with a powerhead and I can literally see growth everyday. My stylo also grows pretty quick, considering its thick branches.
Noel Davis
Noel Davis - 6 years ago
Thanks to Neptune, EcoTech, and WWC. I've purchased all of your products before, and I will again in the future. Not just because you're trying to make the hobby a better experience for all of us, but because your products are the gold standard in the industry. Well done and thanks!

50. comment for Part I - Faster coral growth with elevated major elements? (Alk/Ca/Mag) | BRStv Investigates

thomas cobos
thomas cobos - 6 years ago
Thank you!!
Retro Reefs
Retro Reefs - 6 years ago
Shout out to WWC Neptune and Ecotech some of the very best in the business.--- Thank you
TrackMasta99 - 6 years ago
TrackMasta99 - 6 years ago
BulkReefSupplyCom - 6 years ago
This is your chance to WIN a complete Red Sea Coral Package! Sign up at the link below.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 6 years ago
Aaron built our frag racks from PVC legs and black egg crate. :)
Deon 0026
Deon 0026 - 6 years ago
Signed up! Good luck everyone
ToastedWalnut - 6 years ago
What racking system are you guys using? it looked really nice!

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