Peter's Fish Tank - Episode 1 - 1350 Gallon Tank Overview

This is a general overview of the tank. Detailed history of the build with an emphasis on documentation of the effort can be found on my website go to the specifications tab for this tanks specifications or go to the Best Practices tab for general advice related to maintaining a healthy and aesthetically pleasing marine environment. Peter

Peter's Fish Tank - Episode 1 - 1350 Gallon Tank Overview sentiment_very_dissatisfied 85

Reef tank 12 years ago 528,312 views

This is a general overview of the tank. Detailed history of the build with an emphasis on documentation of the effort can be found on my website go to the specifications tab for this tanks specifications or go to the Best Practices tab for general advice related to maintaining a healthy and aesthetically pleasing marine environment. Peter

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Most popular comments
for Peter's Fish Tank - Episode 1 - 1350 Gallon Tank Overview

Random dude
Random dude - 7 years ago
Way too big. Would have sleepless nights worrying about stuff too much. ANd cleaning the tank...omg I don't even want to think about it. Also, I'm not sure if its just the camera but I have seen healthier SPS tanks in terms of coral coloration. And photography and other hobbies are not finite...That's an absurd claim. Going by that logic, reefing is just as finite because once you have your corals and tank inhabitants plus figured out everything else (feeding etc.) there is nothing more to explore. You keep maintaining the tank and that's it.
Bill Mayhew
Bill Mayhew - 7 years ago
Beautiful. Must be a lot to take care of.
Alex McCutcheon
Alex McCutcheon - 8 years ago
IF he were to sell the house, he should market it as he's selling an aquarium and you get a house with it.
Ryan Davidson
Ryan Davidson - 8 years ago
Disappointed not to see any gold fish. ;)
Sebastian Stormborn
Sebastian Stormborn - 8 years ago
alexandre ribeiro
alexandre ribeiro - 8 years ago
O aquario mais lindo que ja vi com certeza, pena que deve ser uma fortuna mante-lo. Mas ta de parabens.
Fish tank Blogs
Fish tank Blogs - 8 years ago
Beautiful tank, I have 2 marine tanks and there both on my channel (in the same video) if anyone gets time to do so please check it out and tell me what you think of them, there both Pretty new but I think I did alright with them, not sure hehe :)
Brandan Bowen
Brandan Bowen - 8 years ago
Wow... words can't explain how I feel when I look at this tank. Inspiration
Benjamin Goh
Benjamin Goh - 9 years ago
Whats the cost to maintain a tank of this size?
rocker85675 - 9 years ago
As the saying goes, if you have to ask, you probably can't afford it. I would peg it at a grand a month

10. comment for Peter's Fish Tank - Episode 1 - 1350 Gallon Tank Overview

Shibe Inu
Shibe Inu - 9 years ago
Stuff like this is incredible. Keeps me inspired :)
Daniel James Harris
Daniel James Harris - 9 years ago
so amazing!!! i wish i could see this in the flesh!!
Andrew Hales
Andrew Hales - 9 years ago
I can't believe this tank blew up and drained all 1350 gallons onto the floor. So crazy.
Shibe Inu
Shibe Inu - 9 years ago
That sounds horrible. At least it says they rebooted it well, I would lose my mind if something like this happened.
Bubba - 9 years ago
That's so depressing. I would just shut down if I was him.
Andrew Hales
Andrew Hales - 9 years ago
Bubba - 9 years ago
+Andrew Hales You're kidding right?
Adam - 9 years ago
Patrick's Dive and Reef
Patrick's Dive and Reef - 9 years ago
well that's the new dream, only a small upgrade from my 120 gallon!!
Bubba - 9 years ago
+Patrick's Dive and Reef Hey, I love my 120. I think this is too big. I could picture 400 gallons but this would take up way too much time.
Joe Digout
Joe Digout - 9 years ago
Doesnt Peter look like the nicest guy? Possibly in the world lol!
Joe Digout
Joe Digout - 9 years ago
Ams Gaming
Ams Gaming - 9 years ago
This tank was probably over 100,000 dollars with every thing in it
Greggerman - 9 years ago
Breathtaking! Truly spectacular in just about every way. Ain't it grand what an unlimited flow of green stuff can make possible. I hope you have plenty of guests to share this amazing home project with.
Prestige Reef
Prestige Reef - 9 years ago
Truly inspirational!

20. comment for Peter's Fish Tank - Episode 1 - 1350 Gallon Tank Overview

Tom Ashton
Tom Ashton - 9 years ago
Outstanding! Way to take an idea and bring it to life. If you you have the resources and the desire, then everyone in the hobby benefits from Peters experience. Peter, love the arch in the tank, your tank is large, intricate, and most of all , the fish look great!
Vironex - 9 years ago
Why are people not happy with what theve got instead of beeing pissed about what the dont have and what others do.... Its just so damn stupid! Beautiful reef anyways
Smooth Triston
Smooth Triston - 9 years ago
This guy basically has a pet-smart in his house. Fucking rich people ...
Angus Samson
Angus Samson - 7 years ago
Smooth Triston you don't seem to understand the difference between mindless spending and purchasing a piece of true beauty for your home... maybe if you worked as hard as he did for his money, you could have a similar setup, instead of being envious. You have to be the change if you want to achieve your goals.
Kevin Craig
Kevin Craig - 7 years ago
Says the broke scrub..
ryanjofre - 9 years ago
+Scary Bilbo
Don't be an envious douchebag, have some respect please. It's his money and his life. Pretty damn amazing!!!
TheAirborne65 - 9 years ago
Nice looking Tank!
Qwokey - 10 years ago
Anyone know the music?
peters fish tank
peters fish tank - 10 years ago
Changes by Mute.
TheSamchilders - 10 years ago
Hey Peter, I'm going to need some frags!!!lol
Mark Soucy
Mark Soucy - 10 years ago
just imagine the cost of the coral alone
scsmithx7 - 10 years ago
Michael Loughnane
Michael Loughnane - 10 years ago
Peter sorry to hear about the seam bursting. This was one of the best tanks I have come across on the net. I hope you find the strength and determination to bring it back to the magnificent system it was. 
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 10 years ago

30. comment for Peter's Fish Tank - Episode 1 - 1350 Gallon Tank Overview

Dan Warman
Dan Warman - 10 years ago
Great fish tank setup.
Alexandre Ribeiro
Alexandre Ribeiro - 10 years ago
O mais belo aquário que ja vi, serviu de inspiração pra mim migrar do doce pro marinho..
Nanoman - 10 years ago
Nice! I love it!
Freddy Delgado
Freddy Delgado - 10 years ago
No words to describe this tank !! I admire ur dedication !
Paul Harris
Paul Harris - 10 years ago
Wow its Great but are you Breeding Fish for Sale or are you just a Fish Guru it just seems like you have all the makings of a breeder looking at your full support room but otherwise your tank is stunning
peters fish tank
peters fish tank - 10 years ago
+Barbara Harris ask a serious hobbyist if their tank is fabulous and the answer will always be.......Not yet!  This Hobby is truly a journey, not a destination. The effort never ends............ and you are right, the financial burden is not for the faint of heart.  

Paul Harris
Paul Harris - 10 years ago
+peters fish tank
Fabulous but very Expensive and Very Impressive I wish i can have something that Huge
peters fish tank
peters fish tank - 10 years ago
I am not Breeding fish for sale nor do I have ANYTHING to do with any commercial interest in the hobby. This is a private aquarium in a private home.  I am an enthusiast who is interested in the pursuit of 'Best Practices' and the care and maintenance of coral and aquatic animals in a salt water reef environment.  

Peter  (AKA nine ball)
Ashley L
Ashley L - 10 years ago
Having this would be a dream come true. Congrats, your tank is stunningly beautiful! I can only hope to have one as such one day:)
Digital Vortex
Digital Vortex - 10 years ago
Look At My Username...
You Will See...
Andreas Chryseliou
Andreas Chryseliou - 10 years ago
The aqua scape isn't nearly as amazing as it should be..
This is my only criticism.
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank - 10 years ago
I. Say great there on your tank
Joshua Gandia
Joshua Gandia - 10 years ago
That's one way to blow about 60 to 80k+
786free1 - 10 years ago
Why did you choose not to have a deep sand bed?
FutureTheory - 10 years ago
Wow.. Amazing.. Fantastic job.
786free1 - 10 years ago
Hi, I love your tank.
Do you uses an uv steriliser at all to keep the water crystal clear and disease free?
peters fish tank
peters fish tank - 10 years ago
Yes I do. All my fish environments have UV attached.  
786free1 - 10 years ago
Hi Peter, your tank is so far the best tank I have seen by far.
Can you please let me know how do you manage to keep your fish ich/ick free? I would love to hear it from you since you have a massive tank. i know you quarantine them but have you experienced the fish developing ick even after they have been quarantined and placed in the display tank? I have heard a lot of people say that this has happened to them!
peters fish tank
peters fish tank - 10 years ago
The connected systems which include the sump, 60 gal skimmer, refugium and mangrove raceways add an additional 600 gals to the system.
786free1 - 10 years ago
+peters fish tank Thanks.
How big is your sump compared to your display tank?
peters fish tank
peters fish tank - 10 years ago
I do not have any problems with "ich/ick".  You are right when you observed that I have a strongly enforced quarantine protocol that I follow but the greatest barrier to Ich infestation is the size of the tank.  More water and room gives any fish affected space and time to recover without risking mass infection.  Healthy fish rarely get sick and if they do and manage to recover they will NOT reinfect again.  
TheSamchilders - 10 years ago
I would trade my soul just to see this tank in real life! Not to mention the fish store in the back lol!
Dans marine Project
Dans marine Project - 10 years ago
I'm setting up a new marine tank. Come and see my channel and step by step videos of my progress.
jason pisani
jason pisani - 10 years ago
Milton Hunter
Milton Hunter - 10 years ago
Joe Fox
Joe Fox - 10 years ago
Someone without a clue is going to go to there local fish store and say they want a tank like this and expect it for $1,000. I have a 225 reef tank and had people comment " that's beautiful, that must have cost at least $500. I just laugh and say yeah, at least.
bob johnson
bob johnson - 10 years ago
my 75G tank all in is about $5k - yea, new people to the hobby that do not research have no clue
Wang Allen
Wang Allen - 10 years ago
Ye..Aquarium sea salt can keep the aquarium fish and Marine coral health..

50. comment for Peter's Fish Tank - Episode 1 - 1350 Gallon Tank Overview

John Doney
John Doney - 10 years ago
The words "money no object" and "open checkbook" come to mind. You didn't start a fish tank, you started a fish laboratory! Wow. I must say the tank is very beautiful.
John Alvino
John Alvino - 10 years ago
Wow, I bet this whole project was $500k
Eduardo Matos
Eduardo Matos - 10 years ago
very beautiful...congratulations
Marco ayhon
Marco ayhon - 10 years ago
Insane crazy beautiful
Majestic AquariumsTV
Majestic AquariumsTV - 10 years ago
Cole I
Cole I - 10 years ago
We should all own such a tank
Daniel B.A.
Daniel B.A. - 10 years ago
fetg - 10 years ago
What I love and hate is when he says "The starting point is the health of the inhabitants"  Because when I see those Jackasses in that show TANKD Wayde King and Brett Raymer on Animal Planet ! They put JUNK inside their tanks for giant  ego basketball player Dwayne Wade ! They actually made a temporary tank to have basketball shoes moving inside ? Toxic or not. Temporary or not. Is cruelty to fish we as Aquarist should find as offensive ! A skateboard tank to skateboard on ? Drum set tank ? Gym Weights inside a fish tank that goes up and down as you work out ? If one wants a interactive pet. Get a dog ! I see Peter going out of his way to care for his animals in his tank. Thos Jerks at ATM  don't give a damn about their fish !  And they are a bad example to the younger generation of Aquarist  "The starting point is the health of the inhabitants" WELL SAID !
Kike Denis
Kike Denis - 10 years ago
The only thing I don't like is the gravel (sand would like better) and water (isn't that clear)
bob johnson
bob johnson - 10 years ago
sand traps particulates and algae - they chose "gravel" for a reason; those are some of the things that local fish stores may or may not tell you when comparing live sand to say something that is more preferred and easier to maintain, which is crushed coral
Teddy Richards
Teddy Richards - 10 years ago
Thays how u do
Krillin1302 - 10 years ago
Amazing! One of the most beautifull tanks I have ever seen and probably ever will see!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
ok this is what success looks like, incredible work!
Grant Smith
Grant Smith - 11 years ago
I don't see nemo
Grant Smith
Grant Smith - 11 years ago
ok :D
FinJproductions - 11 years ago
Well there were clown fish in there.  3:10.
Nualgi Aquarium
Nualgi Aquarium - 11 years ago
Love the L shape!
josh786manchester - 11 years ago
Aggzz91 - 11 years ago
this is just rediculous 
champs215 - 11 years ago
i followed your build on reef central years ago and never saw the finished product. it's amazing!
ArtOfBaccarat - 11 years ago
Very beautiful setup.  Never got mine started. Bought 60% of the parts and then gave up.  Too much time and effort.  I'll stick to watching other people's beautiful setup.
dangappa - 11 years ago
I've been reading your thread on reef central for a while. Going go finish it. In the video I did not see the dino skull in any footage. Did you remove it or is it just overgrown? I read someone post that it would be neat to have a RBTA host in its mouth to make it appear to breath fire. Thanks
peters fish tank
peters fish tank - 11 years ago
You are right. The dragon's head is still there but overgrown. Instead of RBTA there is a natural black sponge that looks like something escaped from aliens.   

Mark Nutt
Mark Nutt - 11 years ago
Holy mother of god... That is fantastically tranquil.
Alexia Liviakis Costouros
Alexia Liviakis Costouros - 11 years ago
muhafra911 - 11 years ago
hey man, are swordfish pearl guramis and zebra danios a good combination to have?
peters fish tank
peters fish tank - 11 years ago
I have absolutely no idea!!!

regfregf - 11 years ago
Sean owns a reef store in my neighbourhood lol, so sweet. 
aharon115 - 11 years ago
what method or technique do you using to keep low nutrians level?
peters fish tank
peters fish tank - 11 years ago
First the RK2 skimmer does an effective job on the water column. I monitor pretty closely what goes in to avoid creating a nutrient problem in the first place. The size of the system (close to 2000 gal) with a reasonable animal population balanced to the size of the tank helps a lot as well plus a constant check on the carbon works well for me.  Most if not all of the the water parameters are checked every three days without fail and they are textbook in range.  

Nicolle Sirico
Nicolle Sirico - 11 years ago
that's amazing.
salman yusuf
salman yusuf - 11 years ago
rubbish tank
Joe Adams
Joe Adams - 11 years ago
S Stafford
S Stafford - 11 years ago
hiya I'm kind of new to marine fish keeping and i would appreciate any feedback you might have if you could just take a couple of minuets to check out my channel
Zakiyah Thompson
Zakiyah Thompson - 11 years ago
I went to one befor
1_Pooky - 11 years ago
Can you do a vid on your plumbing set up? Amazing Tank!
inthesump - 11 years ago
Absolutely amazing aquarium. Been following along with this tank. There are some peppermint angels available at the moment. Why not inquire and purchase one!!!!!!
Jake Pineiros
Jake Pineiros - 11 years ago
gd6585 - 11 years ago
1 word....UNBELIEVABLE!!! and I was happy with my 75G... :(
jedimaster8691 - 11 years ago
This is one of the most beautiful tanks in the world. Top notch. My goal is to have a "U" shaped aquarium that is 50 ft long total. All I need is to be a millionaire....minor detail...
Nesto JR
Nesto JR - 11 years ago
peters fish tank
peters fish tank - 11 years ago
It is a sohal tang. great fish but it can be aggressive and it needs a large tank with room to swim. Peter
anna pintea
anna pintea - 11 years ago
what kind of fish is at 4:52 ? it looks like some kind of tang? or maybe a trigger?
Hrishikesh Deodhar
Hrishikesh Deodhar - 11 years ago
really should look closely this video recording before you head on a journey
Long Fellow
Long Fellow - 11 years ago
I'm starting up a new tank, check out my videos and comment!
drchroniclogic - 11 years ago
Hi Peter! I came by and saw the tank during a calcium checkup a couple months ago. I hope the elegances have opened up for you! Anyways, I just wanted to let you know how much of an inspiration the visit was. Everything from the tank to the back room were jawdropping. Thanks again for having me in and best of luck with everything! Cheers, Cameron
ThothMer - 11 years ago
A simply amazing set up. I've seen many and this one is at the top from what I can tell. I'd appreciate a more eclectic selection of fish, but here the fish are certainly not all there is to see. The rock work is exceptional and it's nice to know you used Jakarta branch rock for it. I appreciate also that you have such an elaborate quarantine facility and practice. I'll definitely be searching out your online activity. Thanks for sharing your tank here.
Captain Scarlet DX
Captain Scarlet DX - 11 years ago
Amazing tank
tamadrummer21 - 11 years ago
Carlos Arias
Carlos Arias - 11 years ago
Incredible. I want it. It's a beautifull tank
dave bienhoff
dave bienhoff - 11 years ago
I love your tank. If the dims. you gave are correct your display tank is actually about 1180 gallons not 1350.
mersf559 - 11 years ago
imagine trying to get a dead fish out lol
tommy hasheider
tommy hasheider - 11 years ago
Forget porn, i'll just watch your tank/tank room
ScreamingForClemency - 11 years ago
wow. you have a helfrich's dartfish? that's legit.
Daniel Giavelli
Daniel Giavelli - 11 years ago
Check out my store online? I am trying to set up a eco-friendly LFS in my area, but want to sell online as well! facebook(dot)com/undertheseastores
Joey Pellicone
Joey Pellicone - 11 years ago
May have been asked, but how many hermits and snails are in that thing?!

100. comment for Peter's Fish Tank - Episode 1 - 1350 Gallon Tank Overview

RD73 - 11 years ago
Dear Santa........,
Eoghanbass2000 - 11 years ago
Ridiculous! :-) that's a dream you don't wake up from!
nabil aqmal
nabil aqmal - 11 years ago
Daaaaaaammmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.ur awesome
Ghost - 11 years ago
my birthday :D
bskdopeboy - 11 years ago
I'm in awe... this is insane!
martin sanchez
martin sanchez - 11 years ago
hello Mr Peter I'm from mexico and the only thing I can say is you have an aquarium incredible, it really is amazing...I hope someday to have a tank like yours, for now I'll settle with my 60 gallon fish tank.....thanks for the video and we all learn from them
Unique55901 - 11 years ago
Dan Walsh
Dan Walsh - 11 years ago
Can you check out my channel and give me a shoutout?
Frank L
Frank L - 12 years ago
Thank you so much,,, I will now start. LOL,,, I really wish I were available when you opened your house to display your system. I know in person I would have been aww struck. There's something about Aquariums, reef, salt water, even fresh water systems that does something to me, gives me a feeling of content. Looking forward to starting up a reef system again. Thanks again.
peters fish tank
peters fish tank - 12 years ago
Frank, the thread is in the large tank forum. There are two threads that are very informative.......Coral Tank from Canada (Mine) and Chingchai from Thailand. Be forewarned both Chingchai's and my thread has split because they are so long. Make sure you check out the thread from the beginning. My name on the forum is Nineball. There have been more than 2.5 million hits on mine and 3.5 million on Chingchai's thread so there is a lot of information. Again Frank it is very long so get so .....
Frank L
Frank L - 12 years ago
I'm not familar with Reef Central, but will look, I'm just getting my feet wet again and doing more research to get ready to set back up. What is the heading on the thread for reference? Thanks Frank L
peters fish tank
peters fish tank - 12 years ago
Thank you for the positive feedback Frank. The live rock is Jakarta premium branch rock. There is quite an elaborate description and extensive pictures of the arrival and initial installation on the early part of the thread on Reef Central. I got 2,200 lbs and used that excessive amount as a palette to choose from for the aquascaping. Peter
Frank L
Frank L - 12 years ago
Peter, Awesome is all I can say. I previously had a 185 oceananic reef back in the middle 90's with older technology, it did very well. Watching your clips is making me want to set up another reef system again. I do have one question and it might have probably been answered in previous threads, but there are alot. I was wondering if you use actual live rock or man made, if it is real, from what body of water? Thanks in advance for your response, Frank L
peters fish tank
peters fish tank - 12 years ago
Yes, the same crew....... Peter
Ashton Robinson
Ashton Robinson - 12 years ago
ATM... as in the guys who have the tv show on animal planet called tanked?
dzhotdog - 12 years ago
think i saw a Bentley in the garage before on the forum. what a dream tank
peters fish tank
peters fish tank - 12 years ago
Yes I too use Miracle mud in the Magrove raceways......... Peter
Ashish Patel
Ashish Patel - 12 years ago
Peter, Love your aquarium thread on RC and your in-debt postings. I was wondering what is the name of Mr. Wilson's coral shop? Where did you buy most of your live stock? I assumed the stocking was special ordered by shawn. I've watched your videos probably 10 times each and can't wait for more regarding "building", "circulation", "chemistry" etc. I am really impressed with the "hidden" closed loop system; especially having high flow loving SPS.
peters fish tank
peters fish tank - 12 years ago
Excellent question Weazell. I really don't know if I could get away with no water changes at all. I do change about 150 gal / week with no obvious negative affects. I think any closed system presents challenges with respect to filtration and buildup of elements that eventually will cause problems with the confined ecosystem. Regardless of size its very difficult to imagine that we can match the effectiveness of the open ocean without some help so I'm going with water changes for the time being!
Weazell - 12 years ago
Do you even need to do water changes on a tank this large? Or does the equipment and fauna keep it clean?
peters fish tank
peters fish tank - 12 years ago
The company I used was ATM from Las Vegas but I'm pretty sure they would not be a good choice for a 375 gal. They would be waaaay too expensive if they would even do it. My tank is acrylic not glass because there is one panel that is 16 feet long which is far too big a stretch for a single glass panel. There are a number of tank manufacturers listed with contact information on reef central on the web and I would recommend you check them out. Peter
Austin Hostile
Austin Hostile - 12 years ago
Hey peter where do you get tanks this big or made from. Im in the middle of trying to upgrade to a 375 gallon tank (glass) but dont know a company that makes tanks in the size range please let me know
chris turner
chris turner - 12 years ago
amazing! my guess is........150,000 bucks!
peters fish tank
peters fish tank - 12 years ago
We also evaluated any observable differences in coral health and appearance. Orphek was the fifth LED manufacturer we tested that gave us the best results. In our experience LED's are without a doubt the right technology for our hobby. The performance bar has been raised right across the industry but it still pays to do your research before your purchase.
peters fish tank
peters fish tank - 12 years ago
No we tested a number of lighting formats (MH, plasma,fluorescents and LED's) and within each category we tested a number of manufacturers and in the case of LED's even some products from DIY's. Sine the tank is so long, 24 linear feet, we were able to test up to four lighting systems at the same time. We evaluated the output using a number of devices to measure LUX, PAR and PUR.
Matt Pierce
Matt Pierce - 12 years ago
Was this system LED from the beginning? If so, Orphek? Others?
Chris Xiong
Chris Xiong - 12 years ago
I cant wait to get mine! Fukin excited!
love2skiutah - 12 years ago
Have you ever tried a Cross Hatch Trigger in that tank? If no, why?
borhanus - 12 years ago
Men have to give the credit to the architect that He fulfilled his dream through his client ..You can have same coral reef in 20 gall mini if you are careful what you choose just have software to multiply the rest of the 20 feet tank ha ha ha
Ivan Cirlos
Ivan Cirlos - 12 years ago
I could spend all day in your basement lol beautiful work
Tyler Herlein
Tyler Herlein - 12 years ago
I bet the local fish stores love you when you frag that tank
peters fish tank
peters fish tank - 12 years ago
we will be doing an update as we are making substantial changes in the fish room systems. It will be a while before we can post it as we are still working on a lot of the equipment and controllers. Peter
TheJohnny220 - 12 years ago
Peter can you make an update
Chris Ward
Chris Ward - 12 years ago
someone asked me who i knew of that had the peppermint angels and i apologize twice once because i deleted your message sry i dient reply and second because the list is so short only 3 specimens in captivity that i know of and i cant give any information directly other then that there is one in LA one in japan in private collections and the one on display for the public at Waikiki Aquarium in Hawaii
Daniel Leon
Daniel Leon - 12 years ago
I will have a tank like this.. one day. Mark my words :)
Chris Ward
Chris Ward - 12 years ago
your house left me awestruck I would love to know what kind of rare stock you have ? and if you own or are in the market for a peppermint angel I try and keep track of them as a hobby
Vinny MacC
Vinny MacC - 12 years ago
amazing work....i think ill go burn my reef down
eric yoon
eric yoon - 12 years ago
I looked at the start to see a the tank, skimmed to the middle and saw the entire taNK jaw dropped.
BeautifulClownfish - 12 years ago
Absolutely one of the gorgeous tank I'd ever seen. Wish I have one like yours. I just started back on October 2012 with my 100 gallons reef tank. Any advice you can give me?
fredeau le recif du belon
fredeau le recif du belon - 12 years ago
Very beautiful reef
Brad Syphus
Brad Syphus - 12 years ago
Very beautiful Peter. Now you have become an inspiration to thousands. Incredible!!!!
Rui Man
Rui Man - 12 years ago
I can't wait to get my reef tank. Thanks for this Vid : )
OGKaLiKuSH420 - 12 years ago
IMO this tank is worth well beyond half a million dollars with all the livestock and those beautiful corals, just one of those monti caps are worth nearly 3-4k this is a beautiful tank, I hope one day I can achieve something even remotely close to this, I work at a LFS and I have never seen any corals close to this size
watch057 - 12 years ago
Wow, simply amazing hope I can do this one day :)
bmunk75 - 12 years ago
Absolutely gorgeous!
Dave Fischer
Dave Fischer - 12 years ago
my guess is close between 80k and 120k if those corals are real. if not then maybe more like 60k to 80k. am i close?
peters fish tank
peters fish tank - 12 years ago
The LED lights are from Orphek. The par and programmability of the latest version is excellent.
BeautybyChristine - 12 years ago
What lights are being used to light this tank? Thanks I'd like know
Matt Chan
Matt Chan - 12 years ago
This is definately one of the most stunning beautiful marine tank ever but like everything in life if you have the money to do it or buy it then you can have it, unfortunately for the majority of people on this earth we cant afford it and we have nt hit the lottery jackpot yet so therefor I am happy and proud of my own small jewel rio 125 ltr marine tank also on you tube.. :-) But thanks for sharing this, it is stunning
TheOnlyGHOST1015 - 12 years ago
Wow nice!! Tank
peters fish tank
peters fish tank - 12 years ago
The formula I use for cost estimates for this system is as follows: Imagine your worst nightmare......... Double it............ and you will be half way there....... plus 1% Peter
Garrett Whitaker
Garrett Whitaker - 12 years ago
How much did this whole system cost?
ChessArmyCommander - 12 years ago
Wow! On those close up shots It was not unlike watching a Discovery Channel program about ocean reef environments. Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work!
SoleEstiLo - 12 years ago
dm002a8686 - 12 years ago
Looks like the redsea . Great work
blueghost63087 - 12 years ago
Andreas Stecher
Andreas Stecher - 12 years ago
wow, nice tank. wish I had that space and money. Well done.
Andrew Martin
Andrew Martin - 12 years ago
Amazing fish tank. Just wondering in such a large aquarium how do you possible maintain water quality ie; alkalinity, calcium, magnesium ect.
peters fish tank
peters fish tank - 12 years ago
Two things I enjoy most.....watching this tank and playing snooker with my best friend Cliff Thorburn!!!! Peter
spinn1981 - 12 years ago
OMG!!!!! Peter im from England, have never seen such an amazing tank you must be very proud
Daniel Gardner
Daniel Gardner - 12 years ago
Nice to know that the people I buy my fish off of is involved in this!
UniverseStargate - 12 years ago
Mr Peter You sir, have one of the most amazing set ups I have ever seen. I hope my budget will one day allow about a 500 gallon similar version with a scaled down fish equipment room as well, for now I will maintain my 80 gallon and continue to watch yours. Thank you for your time & effort to allow people to view your system.
Matthew Bruno
Matthew Bruno - 12 years ago
I want a tank like that so badly!!!!!!
Reece Kaldor
Reece Kaldor - 12 years ago
I can't even get a mushroom coral to survive ;(
tim ferguson
tim ferguson - 12 years ago
Giving back is good, but there are a lot of flaws in what you're saying. Saying it is one thing and actually doing it is another. People who have a lot of money honestly have the final say in what they like to do with it. Not everyone is going to give back a certain percentage just because. In the end it's realistically up to them if they want to donate some money, put it in stocks/investments, family, personal items, etc, etc.
dedalliance1 - 12 years ago
I wasnt saying you CANT, have a 58 million dollar house, I was just saying you'd be kinda a dick to be buying 58 million dollar houses and half million dollar cars when people out there could Really use that money foe say schooling and supporting a family. Example, Say theres a family a wife husband and kids, The moms a stay at home mom and the dad dies in a car crash, Now they drop thousands in debt lose everything and have to live dirt poor cause the mom cant find a job.just saying, Its happen
dedalliance1 - 12 years ago
Yes, But im saying No one has / can Make 200 billion dollars themself, you got to give back to the people that made you what you are, For instence. If you own a small store every one that buys one of your products they truelly are making you a billionair so you should Give back to the people that made what you are today.
dedalliance1 - 12 years ago
Says theres 100 millionairs that did that You could get a Mediam size town of 20k ppl out of 10k or under debt in 10 years.
dedalliance1 - 12 years ago
I mean sure you can make 30k a year per adult and live a somewhat good life, But if i am ever rich i would want my kids to have most anything they want but not be spoiled. Just need to know the balance of it. If you make say 200k a year and you donate 20k a year, Over 10 years you could get 10-15 average familys out of debt. Now if you have say over a million bucks in the bank account all the time you could give 100k out a year and in 10 years you could help 200 ppl. say theres 100 millionairs..
dedalliance1 - 12 years ago
Well, I mean i want my kids and grand kids and my self to live a good life, but i dont want them to be spoiled brats in a way, i want them to realize you can have nice things and all but you need to just be thankfull you have anything. And dont let money get in the way of your friend ships life and everyday life. If my kid sees a really cool RC car in the store i want him to be able to have it. If you know what i mean. You got to live a modest life if you can.
dedalliance1 - 12 years ago
lol im not saying give it away, Im just saying people dont need multi million dollar houses... I mean if i was that rich i would set up all my kids with college funds and car funds and wedding funds and all the grand kids, But i wouldnt take more then i need. I so instance i always wanted like 4 Black SUVS and drive around town in a line and have flags so people think the pres is there or something, But i would do that and when im done just give them away to good class Americans.
dedalliance1 - 12 years ago
lol Worked for it, Very few worked for it, Most were just god given talent to sing or act and alot is rich parents and then theres ppl like bill gates that earn it, but he still doesnt need his billions of dollars, Im just saying if you look in the past some of our greatest minds were poor. You dont need millions or billions of dollars to have a good life.
dedalliance1 - 12 years ago
lol No one needs a 58 million dollar house, I mean really thoe Im not saying they cant have nice things and a nice house but no house or anything is worth 58 million dollars when there are people out thhere that cant even afford to get into college to have a good job.
Cross-Fitness Training
Cross-Fitness Training - 12 years ago
very very nice
Floggin - 12 years ago
Maybe that person buying that 58 million dollar home earned it? You must be a glass half empty kind of person. Why couldn't you have just posted saying this is a beautiful tank? If you know anything about the hobby, most want to achieve something like this. Anyways, I'm done. Take care.
dedalliance1 - 12 years ago
I never watched "Tanked" but i think its more about cool / baddass fish tanks. This is more like a Fancy fish tank you talk about over wine on your 10,000 dollar rug lol.
dedalliance1 - 12 years ago
No, You have to much money when goo hard working people suffer in debt while you go buy a 58 million dollar house.
Floggin - 12 years ago
Your statement of having too much money is absurd. Just think about it. "Too much money" is just the talk of someone who is jealous of what other people have.
dedalliance1 - 12 years ago
lol Yes there is, Like just today i was bored and was looking at houses in Beverly Hills CA, 58 Million dollars, Granted it has 48k sqf but When you buy a 58 million dollar house you have to much money.
Cross-Fitness Training
Cross-Fitness Training - 12 years ago
very cool
i3oosted - 12 years ago
baller status: achieved
Floggin - 12 years ago
There is no such thing as having way too much money.
peters fish tank
peters fish tank - 12 years ago
I believe you are referring to one of the closed loop returns. It seems to work well in that we don't lose fish or critters and the coraline is covering it nicely. Good catch..... Peter
Deborah Armstrong
Deborah Armstrong - 12 years ago
At about 3:25, the camera is panning from right to left, and we see something that looks like a crocheted doily......what is that? And I apologize for calling whatever-the-heck-it-is a doily
Humble206 - 12 years ago
Peter, your tank is stunning as well as a natural masterpiece! This video was very inspiring to me, and very well done. Thanks for sharing!
Ashish Patel
Ashish Patel - 12 years ago
Peter, you aquarium and fish keeping is close to 100% as anyone could get. I first watched episode 2 and thought to myself "i wonder where this pet store is". And then I come to episode 1 and find out its your home aquariums. Where's the lionfish going? I remember a few years back I saw the building of your aquarium on maybe reefcentral of reefkeeping magazine. Great work
Mexiyeah - 12 years ago
Damn godz! must be one hell of a
Pizcobaby - 12 years ago
how did you get that arch? reef safe adhesive or something? and where did you get some large peices of live rock all i can find at small fish size or long strands online?
djhannonsolo - 12 years ago
Beautiful. Thanks for sharing this masterpiece.
Keith Hargis
Keith Hargis - 12 years ago
Unless you are feeding it sponges on a regular basis they will die of nutritional deficiency. That is just a fact. It may take up to a year. When you reach the 2 year mark, tell me.
dedalliance1 - 12 years ago
lol Thays Probably true, But now you dont need much of anything ells!
peters fish tank
peters fish tank - 12 years ago
Thanks ..... Peter
peters fish tank
peters fish tank - 12 years ago
"Way too much money"????"Way too much money"??? That was before I started this whole thing............ Not any more!!!!! Peter
peters fish tank
peters fish tank - 12 years ago
Hello back and thank you..... Peter
peters fish tank
peters fish tank - 12 years ago
Thank you very much. I am just about to 'renovate' the fish room. We are planning to add two ten foot tanks specifically for growing coral for the display tank. These tanks are being custom built to fit in the room and allow easy access for maintenance and care of the corals. Peter
peters fish tank
peters fish tank - 12 years ago
Thanks...... Peter
peters fish tank
peters fish tank - 12 years ago
you are waaaay too generous with your praise but thank you anyway. Peter
peters fish tank
peters fish tank - 12 years ago
Take a close look......there are two Idols and they are paired off, fat and happy. You are right, they are a challenge if you attempt to keep more than one but 1500 gals helps. Peter
peters fish tank
peters fish tank - 12 years ago
I am still a huge fan of LEDs. The technology has advanced so much that I am convinced that LED is healthier, greener and aesthetically improved over MH,Plasmas or florescent tubes. My water parameters are textbook at the moment....... Peter
DreamReefer UK
DreamReefer UK - 12 years ago
Awesome tank hands down!! How are LEDs going in terms of growth/health of all corals? Also what are your water parameters kept at? Thanks.
dedalliance1 - 12 years ago
Some one has way to much money, But then again he looked like hes proll retired so all the power to him cause he earned his place in this world now he can watch all his fishys swim for hours and hours and hours... Then go play pool, and watch your figh again lol.
Keith Hargis
Keith Hargis - 12 years ago
$100 that Moorish Idol is dead now. Nobody can keep one in captivity
daffydase - 12 years ago
Matt Brooks
Matt Brooks - 12 years ago
This puts any tank in the world to shame!
Corey Miller
Corey Miller - 12 years ago
2019freddie - 12 years ago
Fantastic Peter, it's something to be really proud of. best wishes from the UK!
deelite53 - 12 years ago
What is the value of your tank in terms of dollars?
Red Siecienski
Red Siecienski - 12 years ago
Tanked is the worst representation of the saltwater hobby.
peters fish tank
peters fish tank - 12 years ago
I know this might sound strange after watching some of the videos but the truth is size isn't everything in this hobby but quality is. Whatever you do, do it well. A 10 gal nano tank can be every much as interesting and stimulating as a 1500 gal tank. In some ways it is a lot more difficult to be successful with a smaller tank than a larger one but absolutely worth while trying!!! Peter
peters fish tank
peters fish tank - 12 years ago
I couldn't agree more.....well said and thank you. Peter
Pizcobaby - 12 years ago
W....WOW.... When those guys on "tanked" do something like this, then I'll actually believe them when they say they are some of the best.
Chris Wimmer
Chris Wimmer - 12 years ago
Just plain jealous!!
GProuty119 - 12 years ago
wow thats beautiful
callmull - 12 years ago
WOW, truly amazing! Thanks for sharing
peters fish tank
peters fish tank - 12 years ago
In Pounds???? In Pounds.......OK imagine your worst nightmare.............double it..........and you would be half way tax!!!! Seriously I don't like to discuss costs in a forum like this because it just invites a discussion that strays from the enjoyment of the hobby. Having said that money does NOT bring guaranteed results. It is very expensive to gain the knowledge and experience to manage a healthy and aesthetically pleasing marine environment. Peter
davyboy176 - 12 years ago
Could you pls tell me roughly how much this costs in £££ thank you. Peace
DaKingD123 - 12 years ago
he has like his own lfs
antony marrs
antony marrs - 12 years ago
absolutely stunning !!!a dream for me!!!!!!!
Parker Bouchard
Parker Bouchard - 12 years ago
Your tank is dope tho..
Parker Bouchard
Parker Bouchard - 12 years ago
Your tanks onlyamazing cause yo rich, I read reef central I seen yo ferraris. This more like mr Wilson's fish tank
KOOLITUS - 12 years ago
Awesome lots of life in the crush coral sand bed. You should add some Damsels........... just joking
Goldenson - 12 years ago
@ajbarnes777 Yeah same here, 10 Gallon, 5 fish. lol. When i run outta room in that ine though, I'm gonna make my own 100 Gallon tank.
ajbarnes777 - 12 years ago
It's very hard looking at this with my little 10 gallon fresh water tank. lol Such a beautiful system!
Invidious - 12 years ago
I am blown away by this aquarium!
joey mczeus
joey mczeus - 12 years ago
Tthe best system out there for sure,awsome set up!!!
2019freddie - 12 years ago
One of the best systems i've ever seen, awesome!
Brandon Langton
Brandon Langton - 12 years ago
beautiful aquarium
imperator11381 - 12 years ago
Absolutely stunning
peters fish tank
peters fish tank - 12 years ago
I wanted a tank that was viewable from all three floors in the house and also viewable from all sides. The only change I would make now given my experience would be to make the tank four feet wide instead of three feet. It would provide much better flexibility in aquascaping possibilities. I have four Abyzz pumps on the closed loops and one on the open system. Peter
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 12 years ago
Very interesting setup. What made you go with an L shape? How many pumps do you have circulating the water
ElectrikFunguzz - 12 years ago
amazing, must have cost a fortune!
fredeau le recif du belon
fredeau le recif du belon - 12 years ago
very amazing !!!!
charlie farthing
charlie farthing - 12 years ago
this is porn to me lol
Wesley Forbes II
Wesley Forbes II - 12 years ago
Absolutely beautiful! Subbed for sure!
DreamReefer UK
DreamReefer UK - 12 years ago
Truly amazing! This is what keeps people striding forward in hobby. Look forward to future vids ;)
Nelson Cordero
Nelson Cordero - 12 years ago
Nice tank.check out my channel I have a 90 gallon saltwater tank
canvoodoo - 12 years ago
great vid fellas
SIMUANGCO2468 - 12 years ago
SoLiDSt33L - 12 years ago
Simply, Stunning Peter. I remember going through 90+ pages on Reef Central when you were First started putting this beast together. Great Job & Thumbs Up! And a Big Thanks and Thumbs Up to Mr. Wilson for showing you how to do it right. When you involve a Guru, things always end up going better than expected... :-) Oh, and More Videos Please.
Mbuna Marcus - Aquariums, Cichlids and More
Mbuna Marcus - Aquariums, Cichlids and More - 12 years ago
Best tank I've ever seen.
DXBabyTube - 12 years ago
Amazing...sets a new standard. Where is vid 2? Can't wait. Thxs and keep it up guys.
Tokyuuu - 12 years ago
Wow Peter I didn't realize you had a video of your reef on youtube. I followed your entire thread at reefcentral and I must say....your and Chings aquariums are the two best I have ever seen hands down.
alexbopc - 12 years ago
to a reef addict, this is climatic. :) thank you for showing this video.
Chynkinese - 12 years ago
I can't wait to see the second episode!
95mnbvcxz95 - 12 years ago
did a mention WOW
95mnbvcxz95 - 12 years ago
Jack Horejs Horejs
Jack Horejs Horejs - 12 years ago
that is an amazing tank im getting started right now on mine and i cant wait until its finished i have been in the fishkeeping hobby for 11 years and watched alot of videos but yours is the most beatiful i have seen good job
manicstyles44 - 12 years ago
Great video! The tank is absolutely stunning. :o)
tfpjr - 12 years ago
thats an incredible system! more videos please... :)
peters fish tank
peters fish tank - 12 years ago
I want to thank everyone for their generous comments. We are hoping to share some more episodes of this tank in the next two weeks which will feature some more foundational elements and some 'eye candy'. Thank you all ...... Peter
SERGYJ5 - 12 years ago
sayar10 - 12 years ago
je suis sur le cul!! SUPERBE!
Funke House
Funke House - 12 years ago
been following the RC thread for a Long time now, and its bun so fun to watch you get this far. i dont know of any other tank public or private that is so fun to look at and so well done, its by far my favourite tank and system to read up about and to watch. these guys are true Masters !
REEF2REEF - 12 years ago
This is one of the nicest tanks I have ever seen! I love the schooling anthias! WOW congrats on a job well done to all who have been a part of this.
Evil DroneZ
Evil DroneZ - 12 years ago
Reminds me of diving cozumel
TheKarabel - 12 years ago
I believe we have found the Yoda of reefing! The force is strong with this one.
darren sereika
darren sereika - 12 years ago
truly stunning, my hats off to you
charles l
charles l - 12 years ago
WOW!!! i wish i had a tank that big!! that's an amazing tank!!
inTank, LLC
inTank, LLC - 12 years ago
Hey! I got to sit next to Peter at dinner during MACNA 2011. Had no idea his tank was anything this well out of the world. Go big or go home.
peispudly - 12 years ago
John Bertram
John Bertram - 12 years ago
Stunning. That's all I can think of to say.

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