REEF TANK ADDICTION Season 1 Episode 2 Ian's 150 Gallon Reef tank

REEF TANK ADDICTION Season 1 Episode 2 Ian's 150 Gallon Reef Tank LEOPAZZO Thank you to all my subscribers, people commenting, sharing, liking my videos. You guys are my feed back let me know what you guys wanna see more or less off? Any Improvments? I encourage all comments! REEF TANK ADDICTION NEW SERIES OF VIDEOS SEASON 1 EPISODE 1 LEOPAZZO will be interviewing my passed clients that I have looked after in the aquarium hobby. And now have developed a great relationship and reef tanks. We love it. Introducing Ian's 150 gallon Salt water coral reef fish tank. Shows us the ins and out and takes us back from the tank first started to where it is now. Stay tuned and this is only the start. I didn't want to make video to long, sorry guys, let me know what you think, should I show more in the next video? Longer? 10-15 mins? Or longer? REEF TANK ADDICTION Season 1 Episode 4 Ian's 150 Gallon reef tank some items that you will see in this video will be fish tank wood stand glass sump return pump refugium live rock liverock live sand canopy skimmer vertex in180 submersible in water 3 chamber sump diy DIY how to easy pvc PVC pluming glass tank holes drilled for bulkhead, gph GPH flow rate lighting leds metal halide LEDS 10k 14k T5 54 watts full spectrum vertex omega 150 protein skimmer coral fish design custom filtration acrylic over flow box power heads wavemaker wp40 wp60 wp24 coral box DC 300 review interview anemone clown fish nemo growth calcium magnesium doser dosing pump alkalinity maintenance water change syphon snail star fish bacteria thermometers heaters fishkeeping addictive reef tank addiction Thanks everyone for watching Stay tuned and subscribe Leave comment, like and subscribe for more and let me know what you want to see in the up coming episodes and season Leave comments please! LEOPAZZO REEF TANK ADDICTION SEASON 1 EPISODE 1 Links Youtube channel LEOPAZZO link Salt water fish tanks made easy Facebook group Reef tank addiction Facebook page Lenny V Leopazzo Facebook personal link New web site by LEOPAZZO Facebook group please join and share radio station live streaming HOT T DOT RADIO 416-905 HOT T DOT RADIO 416-905 Facebook Page please visit the page and like and share and post if you like music LEOPAZZO aquariums on USTREAM live streaming special events Hot T Dot Radio on USTREAM Toronto music artist

REEF TANK ADDICTION Season 1 Episode 2 Ian's 150 Gallon Reef tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 4

Reef tank 10 years ago 30,196 views

REEF TANK ADDICTION Season 1 Episode 2 Ian's 150 Gallon Reef Tank LEOPAZZO Thank you to all my subscribers, people commenting, sharing, liking my videos. You guys are my feed back let me know what you guys wanna see more or less off? Any Improvments? I encourage all comments! REEF TANK ADDICTION NEW SERIES OF VIDEOS SEASON 1 EPISODE 1 LEOPAZZO will be interviewing my passed clients that I have looked after in the aquarium hobby. And now have developed a great relationship and reef tanks. We love it. Introducing Ian's 150 gallon Salt water coral reef fish tank. Shows us the ins and out and takes us back from the tank first started to where it is now. Stay tuned and this is only the start. I didn't want to make video to long, sorry guys, let me know what you think, should I show more in the next video? Longer? 10-15 mins? Or longer? REEF TANK ADDICTION Season 1 Episode 4 Ian's 150 Gallon reef tank some items that you will see in this video will be fish tank wood stand glass sump return pump refugium live rock liverock live sand canopy skimmer vertex in180 submersible in water 3 chamber sump diy DIY how to easy pvc PVC pluming glass tank holes drilled for bulkhead, gph GPH flow rate lighting leds metal halide LEDS 10k 14k T5 54 watts full spectrum vertex omega 150 protein skimmer coral fish design custom filtration acrylic over flow box power heads wavemaker wp40 wp60 wp24 coral box DC 300 review interview anemone clown fish nemo growth calcium magnesium doser dosing pump alkalinity maintenance water change syphon snail star fish bacteria thermometers heaters fishkeeping addictive reef tank addiction Thanks everyone for watching Stay tuned and subscribe Leave comment, like and subscribe for more and let me know what you want to see in the up coming episodes and season Leave comments please! LEOPAZZO REEF TANK ADDICTION SEASON 1 EPISODE 1 Links Youtube channel LEOPAZZO link Salt water fish tanks made easy Facebook group Reef tank addiction Facebook page Lenny V Leopazzo Facebook personal link New web site by LEOPAZZO Facebook group please join and share radio station live streaming HOT T DOT RADIO 416-905 HOT T DOT RADIO 416-905 Facebook Page please visit the page and like and share and post if you like music LEOPAZZO aquariums on USTREAM live streaming special events Hot T Dot Radio on USTREAM Toronto music artist

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Most popular comments
for REEF TANK ADDICTION Season 1 Episode 2 Ian's 150 Gallon Reef tank

Harris Haase
Harris Haase - 7 years ago
Would love to see an update of this tank.
LEOPAZZO TV - 7 years ago
+Harris Haase awesome thanks for the feedback, I'll see what I can do to organize another video update of this stunning 150gallon reef tank
Jacob Pena
Jacob Pena - 7 years ago
Your alk is all over the place....
RP Music TV
RP Music TV - 8 years ago
you make my tank look weak! i need all the knowledge i can absorb here- thank you brotha!
LEOPAZZO TV - 8 years ago
Respect RP music I'm sure your tank is great. More videos to come, stay tuned
LEOPAZZO TV - 8 years ago
Respect RP music I'm sure your tank is great. More videos to come, stay tuned
Alan Scott
Alan Scott - 8 years ago
Beautiful. Absolutely love that large Wrasse! What species is it? I need one
Usernam E
Usernam E - 8 years ago
You can buy general purpose battery backups that just have standard outlets on them. They're called UPS (uninterruptible power supply). Plug some heaters into that and put them into your display tank.
Usernam E
Usernam E - 8 years ago
Btw, heaters take a lot of wattage. Probably 300 watts for your tank. So you'd need a high capacity UPS.
Grimm Day
Grimm Day - 8 years ago
Battery Backup for your heater would be a small generator!
BIBARNI TV - 9 years ago
I have got 55 gallons tank. I wonder how to make ocean water
Usernam E
Usernam E - 8 years ago
Huh? Makes no sense.
Alan Defa
Alan Defa - 9 years ago
Tell him to do a ffin water change
1victorhg - 9 years ago
Great video,,help me alot,,,tkx

10. comment for REEF TANK ADDICTION Season 1 Episode 2 Ian's 150 Gallon Reef tank

larry kapaloric
larry kapaloric - 9 years ago
Good video
On Eans tank in his top off ..what kalcwasser
Is he using and I saw powerhead in that bucket ...does it run all the time?
Thanks Larry
nancy xiong
nancy xiong - 9 years ago
the stuff u have on the bottom of ur tank, do I need that? im gonna start my first 55 gallon reef tank
Driftwood aquariums
Driftwood aquariums - 10 years ago
awsome video great job leo,but you guys keep cutting each outher off,i do the same when talking fish ,with a fellow hobbyist.
Rick A
Rick A - 10 years ago
Get a small portable generator Honda's are good....
LEOPAZZO TV - 10 years ago
Yea Rick I have to agree
Honda would be my choice as well for back up honda generator. Thanks for staying tuned. Appreciate the feedback
Imran - 10 years ago
Good skimmer, fuge, and weekly 15% WC but still have high nitrates. Yeah, you're definitely overstocked.  Keep us updated on the BPs.
LEOPAZZO TV - 10 years ago
Will keep you guys posted
Thanks for staying tuned
BeautybyChristine - 10 years ago
Loving the series
LEOPAZZO TV - 10 years ago
Thanks Christine
More to come
GENISIS1TWENTYONE - 10 years ago
Sweet reef tank. So Mr. Clean's magic eraser does the trick lol
LEOPAZZO TV - 10 years ago
Yes surprisingly mr clean magic eraser works
My Little Hobby
My Little Hobby - 10 years ago
Good vid, if you get a chance check out my tank vids. subbed!
LEOPAZZO TV - 10 years ago
I just did check but out well done.
Thanks buddy stay tuned
Nvizn1 - 10 years ago
Buy a generator. =)
LEOPAZZO TV - 10 years ago
Yes buying a generator would work.
LEOPAZZO TV - 10 years ago
Thanks reefergil, wish this was my tank, so awesome! Yes that anemone is massive. And guess what? I just spoke to Ian my client last night and told me that anemone split. Now not as big but 2! So cool. Gotta find out what he's doing!
Stay tuned brother

20. comment for REEF TANK ADDICTION Season 1 Episode 2 Ian's 150 Gallon Reef tank

LEOPAZZO TV - 10 years ago
Check out this video on YouTube:

Ian's 150 gallon reef tank interview

Thanks for watching
Be sure to subscribe and share and comment
mlgkiwee - 9 years ago
+mlgkiwee also why does have have the plant in it lol
mlgkiwee - 9 years ago
+LEOPAZZO TV trying to learn about these want to start my own 55g reef tank, what does that second chamber of the sump do? controlling nitrates? mind explaining?
Wesley Forbes II
Wesley Forbes II - 10 years ago
Lovein the clean set up! Keep the videos coming!
Wesley Forbes II
Wesley Forbes II - 10 years ago
Yes, I am looking forward to you covering his lighting as well.
LEOPAZZO TV - 10 years ago
Yes Wesley your right, what a clean compact efficient successful reef tank system. Really impressed for only 11 months old system!
Thanks for tuning brother. And stay tuned for more product review coming soon!
Willy d. aquatics
Willy d. aquatics - 10 years ago
Nice bro....!
LEOPAZZO TV - 10 years ago
Thanks willy D lol
Appreciate you tuning in! Awesome tank or what? More to come next Sunday!
Ruben - 10 years ago
Nice man thanks for sharing. 
Ruben - 10 years ago
+Leo Pazzo I alway pickup something here and there watching these video's. Thanks
LEOPAZZO TV - 10 years ago
Thanks Ruben happy you enjoyed the video and tank. Learn anything?
Stay tuned
Reid Smith
Reid Smith - 10 years ago
sorry for being a dick in advance, but why do you always cut these ppl off when theyre trying to answer your questions about their setup
LEOPAZZO TV - 10 years ago
I apologize Reid! You are right! I noticed it myself after the fact of recording the video. Again this is all raw un-cut not edited or not rehearsed in advanced video clips I put together. And again, I don't mind the feedback regardless what people say. I'll try my best to improve this situation!
Thanks in advanced
Coral is King
Coral is King - 10 years ago
Nice video! dramatic improvement from the first episode. This tank is sick btw.
LEOPAZZO TV - 10 years ago
Well thanks Brock for the feedback will definitely keep it in mind!
Coral is King
Coral is King - 10 years ago
+Leo Pazzo No problem, man. Yeah the fact that last episode was an intro to the series may have played a small part, but like another viewer had mentioned at some parts in both videos you cut him off and appear too eager to insert your own opinions. Not that this is a bad thing, but just ensure he is given the opportunity to be thorough in his explanations. Apart from that the progression of this video was better structured and I really enjoyed seeing a few of the corals up close. Looking forward to part three and hoping to get a run down of all the life in this tank!
LEOPAZZO TV - 10 years ago
Hey Brock Glad you liked the video better this time around. Please tell me what you enjoyed and disliked in this video and previous video?
What did you like more of specially? Maybe was it because the part 1 was basically INTRO and not too much detail and fun stuff?
Thanks buddy much appreciated!
ReeferGil - 10 years ago
Very nice Leo! That nem is huge! Very clean setup!
LEOPAZZO TV - 10 years ago
Thanks Reefgil. I replied back but for got to hit the reply option and just posted a general comment instead. Check it out so you can see the reply. Top notch,
wayne creech
wayne creech - 10 years ago
I have a UPS on both my tanks.
wayne creech
wayne creech - 10 years ago
+Leo Pazzo UPS, Uninterrupted Power Supply. Its a battery backup. like what you would use for your computer.  I also have a generator in case there is a prolonged power outage.
LEOPAZZO TV - 10 years ago
Wayne please explain to me what UPS exactly stands for. Power back up for your tank?
Thanks much appreciated

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