REEF TANK ADDICTION Season 1 Episode 2 Ian's 150 Gallon Reef tank
Reef tank 10 years ago 30,196 views
REEF TANK ADDICTION Season 1 Episode 2 Ian's 150 Gallon Reef Tank LEOPAZZO Thank you to all my subscribers, people commenting, sharing, liking my videos. You guys are my feed back let me know what you guys wanna see more or less off? Any Improvments? I encourage all comments! REEF TANK ADDICTION NEW SERIES OF VIDEOS SEASON 1 EPISODE 1 LEOPAZZO will be interviewing my passed clients that I have looked after in the aquarium hobby. And now have developed a great relationship and reef tanks. We love it. Introducing Ian's 150 gallon Salt water coral reef fish tank. Shows us the ins and out and takes us back from the tank first started to where it is now. Stay tuned and this is only the start. I didn't want to make video to long, sorry guys, let me know what you think, should I show more in the next video? Longer? 10-15 mins? Or longer? REEF TANK ADDICTION Season 1 Episode 4 Ian's 150 Gallon reef tank some items that you will see in this video will be fish tank wood stand glass sump return pump refugium live rock liverock live sand canopy skimmer vertex in180 submersible in water 3 chamber sump diy DIY how to easy pvc PVC pluming glass tank holes drilled for bulkhead, gph GPH flow rate lighting leds metal halide LEDS 10k 14k T5 54 watts full spectrum vertex omega 150 protein skimmer coral fish design custom filtration acrylic over flow box power heads wavemaker wp40 wp60 wp24 coral box DC 300 review interview anemone clown fish nemo growth calcium magnesium doser dosing pump alkalinity maintenance water change syphon snail star fish bacteria thermometers heaters fishkeeping addictive reef tank addiction Thanks everyone for watching Stay tuned and subscribe Leave comment, like and subscribe for more and let me know what you want to see in the up coming episodes and season Leave comments please! LEOPAZZO REEF TANK ADDICTION SEASON 1 EPISODE 1 Links Youtube channel LEOPAZZO link Salt water fish tanks made easy Facebook group Reef tank addiction Facebook page Lenny V Leopazzo Facebook personal link New web site by LEOPAZZO Facebook group please join and share radio station live streaming HOT T DOT RADIO 416-905 HOT T DOT RADIO 416-905 Facebook Page please visit the page and like and share and post if you like music LEOPAZZO aquariums on USTREAM live streaming special events Hot T Dot Radio on USTREAM Toronto music artist
10. comment for REEF TANK ADDICTION Season 1 Episode 2 Ian's 150 Gallon Reef tank
Good video
On Eans tank in his top off ..what kalcwasser
Is he using and I saw powerhead in that bucket ...does it run all the time?
Thanks Larry
Honda would be my choice as well for back up honda generator. Thanks for staying tuned. Appreciate the feedback
Thanks for staying tuned
More to come
Thanks buddy stay tuned
Stay tuned brother
20. comment for REEF TANK ADDICTION Season 1 Episode 2 Ian's 150 Gallon Reef tank
Ian's 150 gallon reef tank interview
Thanks for watching
Be sure to subscribe and share and comment
Thanks for tuning brother. And stay tuned for more product review coming soon!
Appreciate you tuning in! Awesome tank or what? More to come next Sunday!
Stay tuned
Thanks in advanced
What did you like more of specially? Maybe was it because the part 1 was basically INTRO and not too much detail and fun stuff?
Thanks buddy much appreciated!
Thanks much appreciated