Reef Tank Cycle (Ammonia) DAY 12

The first stage of a reef tank cycle is Ammonia, Using shrimp to cycle. after 12 days of adding the shrimp, my Ammonia finally started to rise in my aquarium. Follow along for the next update on Nitrite and Nitrate levels.

Reef Tank Cycle (Ammonia) DAY 12 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 12

Reef tank 12 years ago 20,349 views

The first stage of a reef tank cycle is Ammonia, Using shrimp to cycle. after 12 days of adding the shrimp, my Ammonia finally started to rise in my aquarium. Follow along for the next update on Nitrite and Nitrate levels.

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Most popular comments
for Reef Tank Cycle (Ammonia) DAY 12

Richard Don
Richard Don - 7 years ago
my tank is doings exactly this but I'm in 6 days in your description it says your tank was on day 12 I also have no diatoms or algae but ammonia is a little higher than yours in this video so I'm just waiting for those diatomsss
sai xiong
sai xiong - 8 years ago
i purchased the saltwater master kit api about a month ago. I've been doing tests every 3 days while cycling my tank. It's been over a month now, but the last time i did the test on a tuesday...
nitrite- 5.0 ppm
nitrate- 2.0 ppm
pH- 8.2
But today i tested and the results came as

Now my question is, shouldn't the nitrite be going down and nitrate be going up during the cycle process? Could it be because the test kits aren't accurate? Anyone else have issues with this test kit? I posted this on a reefing forum and some have said i can do small reefing with corals after 40 days after a complete water change. I then can start adding fish a month from now. Is this a good idea or a bad idea?
BeachKing - 8 years ago
NiteOut II + 85 Degrees = 14day Cycle.
Don't waste your time buying a piece of live rock or any accessory from a friend's tank. This just increases your chance of catching a pest causing havack down the road.

Safe and easy way to cycle any tank quickly.
DaBigBo5s - 8 years ago
Divers Den? Where can that site be found??
Carlos Maldonado
Carlos Maldonado - 8 years ago
crazy DRUNKy
crazy DRUNKy - 9 years ago
Are u still responding to comments
Esven - 10 years ago
hi i am cycling a 45G saltwater tank with dry rock and also i made my own water. it has been a week and i have had a very big algae bloom is that normal?
Primo Reef Acrylics
Primo Reef Acrylics - 10 years ago
Yup that is very normal. Remember that you need some live rock to seed the bacteria onto the new dry rock. All you can do now is do 25% water changes for the next 4 weeks. Make sure Ammonia is down to 0 and add your clean up crew (CUC)
FishTankArmy - 11 years ago
So my Ammonia was at 0.50ppm and my Nitrite was at 1.00ppm 2 days after I set my tank up. I used some fish food and a dead snail to start the cycle. Obviously no Nitrates yet, but I was surprised how quickly the change from Ammonia to Nitrite was.
Nick Hilbert
Nick Hilbert - 11 years ago
Why change your ph? It sits from 7.9 to 8.2 and changes during the day .
King of Cannabis
King of Cannabis - 11 years ago
You could have actually just used biospira in conjunction with the shrimp and that would've sped it up dramatically.

10. comment for Reef Tank Cycle (Ammonia) DAY 12

GrimaldiScaleKustom - 11 years ago
It depends in ur tank
Steve fish keeping
Steve fish keeping - 11 years ago
Great start to your tank man, take a peek at mine see what you think.
James Conrey Aquatics
James Conrey Aquatics - 12 years ago
Lol Febreze good answer, just spray it low to avoid aero contamination lol
James Conrey Aquatics
James Conrey Aquatics - 12 years ago
All tanks react differently, some spike higher then others, only way to tell what's happening with ammonia, is when you test and see nitrites starting to read etc. As Nitrite increases Ammonia starts to drop off and Nitrate eventually tests positive
James Conrey Aquatics
James Conrey Aquatics - 12 years ago
You answered my question just as I hit POST lol. Epoxy, cool idea. Your tank is gonna be smelling awful in a few more days lol. Been there done that with the shrimp
James Conrey Aquatics
James Conrey Aquatics - 12 years ago
The LR looks awesome, how did you get such a span on the arch, without it collapsing ?
atticus27 - 12 years ago
will do! I'll just wait til it evaporates so the salinity rises and ill add some SW to raise the water level but keep it at 1.025. Do you suggest to do water change during cycle or start water change once the cycle finishes? by the way, do you have an account on nano-reef?
atticus27 - 12 years ago
Thank you for replying so quickly! I just got ahold of some chaeto and have put some in my AC70, so far the only live' thing in the tank is a mini brittle star that was in the chaeto. I will probably start testing the ammonia tomorrow day 2 but I doubt there will be any ammonia yet. My salinity is at 1.023, is that okay?
atticus27 - 12 years ago
It was sitting in my LFS tank by the way and I saw a small 1x1 patch purple algae (coralline) oh and some sponges on there :)
atticus27 - 12 years ago
Great to know your tanks are doing well :) I JUST set up my tank with some cured rocks and a bag of caribsea far i'm confused if I test my water now, will I find any nitrate/nitrite/ammonia or should i test it probably in a day or two.

20. comment for Reef Tank Cycle (Ammonia) DAY 12

Betta Gene
Betta Gene - 12 years ago
ok buddy i emailed him cause that is a beautiful anemone you have there and i want to start an all anemone tank with snowflake clown babies
immerume2 - 12 years ago
I would say no reason for it to go way up. You need to watch for the conversion to nitrites and nitrates. Then all down to zero
saultboondockerzz - 12 years ago
U want all 3 to go really high then it will drop one by one thats how mine went
Betta Gene
Betta Gene - 12 years ago
you shouldn't have any amonia at all do you have a skimmer running cause when i did my tank i had a skimmer running from day 1
Betta Gene
Betta Gene - 12 years ago
question where is the anemone dealer and how much are they would he ship to Connecticut my friend by the way nice tanks buddy

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