Reef Tank Setup (Essential Equipments)

Need to know what it takes to run a reef tank? What equipments are necessary for a successful reef establishment? Check this out. PRIMO REEF ACRYLICS web: Facebook: Primo Reef & Acrylics Email: Custom: Sumps / Refugium Bio-Pellet Reactor Calcium Reactor Protein Skimmer Nano Tanks Frag Tanks Acrylic Aquariums and More!

Reef Tank Setup (Essential Equipments) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 13

Reef tank 10 years ago 38,953 views

Need to know what it takes to run a reef tank? What equipments are necessary for a successful reef establishment? Check this out. PRIMO REEF ACRYLICS web: Facebook: Primo Reef & Acrylics Email: Custom: Sumps / Refugium Bio-Pellet Reactor Calcium Reactor Protein Skimmer Nano Tanks Frag Tanks Acrylic Aquariums and More!

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Most popular comments
for Reef Tank Setup (Essential Equipments)

TheDaddy2003 - 9 years ago
Surface agitation is awful on this tank. U should never have pumps facing down. Should either be horizontal or towards surface.
Xaz371 - 9 years ago
tanguyen70 - 10 years ago
Hi there Primo! First of all, this is amazing setup, simple and it work.  Looking at the way you dosing the chemicals with APEX controller I would love to setup my system like the way you do.  My question to you is what brand you are using for ALK, CAL and KAL.  many thanks 
CK Poorboy
CK Poorboy - 10 years ago
U have money, we get it
Into The Reef Reef
Into The Reef Reef - 10 years ago
First time reefer and I ran into a few problems mention...I guess I'm on of the few exception that didn't go out and bought a cap load of chemicals to solve my problem...I just asked the people in my reef club and what they recommend...
Carson Gulley
Carson Gulley - 10 years ago
sweet tank
Willy d. aquatics
Willy d. aquatics - 10 years ago the aqua lifters. Very nice system all together.
IAN ST.AIMEE - 10 years ago
IAN ST.AIMEE - 10 years ago
You did a great job on this thank.

10. comment for Reef Tank Setup (Essential Equipments)

OceanLife69 - 10 years ago
Great tank and vid!
Primo Reef Acrylics
Primo Reef Acrylics - 10 years ago
I can't get enough of this tank. It's a great system. The client works very hard at it. Thanks bud. 
FishyDrizzy - 10 years ago
great video man, keep up the good work!!
Primo Reef Acrylics
Primo Reef Acrylics - 10 years ago
Thanks bud. 
ReeferGil - 10 years ago
Great video Primal, you did a great job putting this together. Very educational video.
Primo Reef Acrylics
Primo Reef Acrylics - 10 years ago
Thanks Danny. A lot more videos to come. Not sure if I should start to mess up the video by putting my face in it next time LOL 
Jwhiser1302 - 10 years ago
Wow what an amazing setup!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 10 years ago
Great vid and info. I just uploaded vid of my cube reef. Please check it out any advice is appreciated. Keep it up primo
Money - 10 years ago
great vid man , such a great reef tank , shows how easy the hobby can be nowadays if done right.
Primo Reef Acrylics
Primo Reef Acrylics - 10 years ago
Thanks bud. You are SOO right! Doing this hobby 15 to 20 years ago, must have been difficult (knowledge/experience and lack of technology) but now-a-days with all the technology and youtube videos, help it around the corner in all ways possible. But then gain, people STILL mess up! :P 
Juan's Reef Aquariums
Juan's Reef Aquariums - 10 years ago
Awesome tank Primo! thanks for sharing, I think i would still prefer the peace of mind of dosing with BRS pumps versus the set up he has, don't get me wrong his math is apparently correct but adds to much trial to the equation, I'm assuming he knows what the tank uses in a 24hr period and has the apex set to dose over the 24hr period correct? the kalk to control the ph is something i look to do in the future, but how is the math with Cal and Alk being done with the kalk if its used to control ph? but i'm assuming that since his tank has such large demand, that it doesn't rely on cal and alk from the kalk...thumbs up!
Primo Reef Acrylics
Primo Reef Acrylics - 10 years ago
+Juan's Reef Aquariums hahaha. Your very welcome bud! :)
Juan's Reef Aquariums
Juan's Reef Aquariums - 10 years ago
calculations...ughh lol In Apex we trust!!! thanks again Primo
Primo Reef Acrylics
Primo Reef Acrylics - 10 years ago
Yea the BRS dowers are easier to use. At the time this client had the pumps around and decided to use that. There are more calculations that need to be made before telling the apex unit but it works both ways. 
bobbonecrusher - 10 years ago
real good vid, over 2yrs ago I'd be what's he going on about, but now I understand everything he said. and looking at his tank most pro tanks have a wall not islands, agree 100% you no your own tank and how it ticks.
Primo Reef Acrylics
Primo Reef Acrylics - 10 years ago
thumbs up! :)
epicnas12342 - 10 years ago
Awesome tank but the background throws it off a bit. Why don't u suggest to him about changing it, it would make it look even more beautiful.
Primo Reef Acrylics
Primo Reef Acrylics - 10 years ago
+Juan's Reef Aquariums LOL it's one of those thing when I'm building my tanks and I will NEVER take a customers recommendation over safety for building aquarium, but little things like backgrounds etc. doesn't really bug me at all. 
Juan's Reef Aquariums
Juan's Reef Aquariums - 10 years ago
Black on a reef, blue on a FO, but business is business my tank building friend so i understand, do you ever get annoyed when you know you shouldn't do what they want? lol
Primo Reef Acrylics
Primo Reef Acrylics - 10 years ago
I personally like to have a black background as you probably see in all my tanks however customers have their own preference and we can not go against that. Happy customer = Repeat business :P
Juan's Reef Aquariums
Juan's Reef Aquariums - 10 years ago

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