Reef Tank Sump Design

This video shows my reef tank sump and me starting to fill the aquarium

Reef Tank Sump Design sentiment_very_dissatisfied 19

Reef tank 13 years ago 67,957 views

This video shows my reef tank sump and me starting to fill the aquarium

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Most popular comments
for Reef Tank Sump Design

hustlecoral vlogs
hustlecoral vlogs - 8 years ago
I love the water change setup ! i wish i could ad that to my 180 build but i have a bachelor apartment at the moment and my other tanks already I guess im sticking to manual water changes for now but I have a few ideas I have a shitty camera and not much cash to spare so people bare with my shitty quality videos awesome build shardi !!
gary wright
gary wright - 8 years ago
I like the setup very nice do some more videos
Top Dog
Top Dog - 9 years ago
Fuckin wow, what a set up man
George dunne
George dunne - 9 years ago
the dogs bollox so jello
dave dec
dave dec - 9 years ago
BEAUTIFUL SYSTEM BUT ONE THING, HOW ARE YOU GOING TO CLEAN THE PLUMBING? the pipes will need it in time. im not knocking your work but im wondering
leylandbobby - 9 years ago
Hey up Shardi. Hope you're well. I'm just about to upgrade my Deltec MC600 (not completely silent) and wondered if you are still sold on your SC2060. I am torn between the Vertex (completely silent) and the Deltec (probably because it was your preferred model)
Also where are you now re Phosban reactors.
Missing your vids brother.
BIGGAME JAMES - 10 years ago
thats amazing thats the same way i want to do mine think ahead and make sure its maitenance free as possible 
Simon Johnson
Simon Johnson - 10 years ago
looks great - love the fill up system
Jody Freeman
Jody Freeman - 11 years ago
Hi would you have a complete list of items that you have in your setup as I want to do a tank that has everything to make my life a little easier when maintaining it.

10. comment for Reef Tank Sump Design

shardinio - 11 years ago
Hi It is a salt water bilge pump designed not to corrode. It is only for draining the tank so yes, as there is no back syphon from that pump either.
Steven Rosa
Steven Rosa - 11 years ago
Aloha Brother,are you comfortable with that coper fitting on that pump? is it to drain the tank or to fill it? (leaching coper)
shardinio - 11 years ago
from my local fish shop. It is just a grill that people use for weirs. Sure it should be a common item
neoonex - 11 years ago
Hey buddy, where did you get the comb for the baffle in the sump? thanks.
Cameron White
Cameron White - 11 years ago
i love this setup! its so clean and organised !!! good work you should be proud!
Dj Scott J
Dj Scott J - 11 years ago
nice set up mate. i wish we had in the UK the same variety of marine stuff as the states. nice vid
shardinio - 11 years ago
thanks but I stole the idea from newyorksteelo who I highly recommend checking out on youtube as he taught me everything to get me started. Before him, I had no clue about fishtanks of any kind
jumeda33 - 11 years ago
Thanks for the info. I will check with my local fish stores to see if they sell them. It's a great idea when using glass since you can't cut the glass like that.
shardinio - 11 years ago
im over in the UK but im sure you can get them in the US. It is simply a plastic grill that is used to stop things flowing over into the sump. Most fish stores should have them. You then just need to glue them on.
jumeda33 - 11 years ago
Do you know where I could get one? I really like the idea. I don't know what you mean by a comb for the wiers. I am in the US if that makes a difference. Thanks for your help.

20. comment for Reef Tank Sump Design

shardinio - 11 years ago
thanks, it was a black comb made for the wiers, I just cut it to size and glued it using a sealant type of glue for aquariums
jumeda33 - 11 years ago
Where did you get the black strip of teeth and how did you attach them to the glass panel? Great vid btw.
shardinio - 11 years ago
thanks you! I have many more videos on my channel of the progress. please watch and if you like give me a thumbs up ;)
Rob Slocum
Rob Slocum - 11 years ago
ohmegosh not to state the obvious but wow, what an awful set up this is lmao jk. this is amazing. do you have any recent pics or video of the progress of the tank?!
shardinio - 11 years ago
thank you but I cant take the credit as I pretty much copied this sump from newyorksteelo who I highly recommend checking out on youtube
wmvlgarcia - 11 years ago
Holy shit. Amazing.
jufra fraju
jufra fraju - 11 years ago
Great Job!!!
720Skyliner - 11 years ago
awesome equipment as well as the house
shardinio - 11 years ago
thanks man, as with getting anything right first time, it always in the details.
OctoReef - 11 years ago
Very nice mate, loving your attention to detail.

30. comment for Reef Tank Sump Design

Miz Tiggah
Miz Tiggah - 11 years ago
Very clean great job
shardinio - 12 years ago
thanks and agreed!
saltwaterfishguy427 - 12 years ago
Your right his tank is beautiful but for people that don't have a crazy budget Newyorksteelo is not the best source for economical fish care. Still like your set up!
shardinio - 12 years ago
I know there are many ways to run a succesful aquarium but as a beginner i felt comfortable following his techniques as he has everything running well and the proof is in the pudding! I know many other people running great tanks with totally different setups so there really isnt 1 right way but there is defo wrong ways and steelo isnt wrong as i can vouch for that
Richard B
Richard B - 12 years ago
Hmmm, how exactly is Newyorksteelo biased toward filtration and lighting techniques?
TheErtsj - 12 years ago
Fiery nice
shardinio - 12 years ago
its a skull and bones spice rack! ;)
spammehere67601 - 12 years ago
Is it required that every saltwater aquarium video has to include a shot of a spice rack? Is it a secret sign? Part of a conspiracy? Illuminati?......
saltwaterfishguy427 - 12 years ago
Great stuff remember though there are multiple sources for saltwater fish keeping on the internet. Not just New York Steelo, he has good information but is biased toward filtration and lighting techniques. I recommend look at forums and other places for a wider information band
shardinio - 12 years ago
thanks mate! better over kill than under kill.
shardinio - 12 years ago
cool man, ill take a look
shardinio - 12 years ago
Its a weir grill that i bought from the fish shop and then glued it to the side
Neptunes Marine Aquaria
Neptunes Marine Aquaria - 12 years ago
Nice setup! I do agree a but of an overkill, but its not a bad overkill, looks like you've thought it out clearly to make it as convenient as possible. Probably one of the most high tech/smart home setups ive seen yet. Good work
shardinio - 12 years ago
thanks, whats the site?
DeepWater ReefCommunity
DeepWater ReefCommunity - 12 years ago
nice setup....come by my new forum...
Keiron - 12 years ago
Just watched some of your vids like the set up looks good mate did you order your tank off eBay by any chance it's a bit ironic I found you as just started my 140g build I take it that that's a sc 2060 skimmer good skimmer got the same one lol I've done some vids as well just of the cabinet making side of it at the mo as being a cabinet maker I made what I wanted as their isn't that many good designs out their Check them out
RavineDriver - 12 years ago
Where did you get the comb that you used in the sump and overflows?
shardinio - 12 years ago
Thanks to be honest the storage room has been a life saver. It allows me to have salt and ro water available whenever i need it (and i have needed it so many times) it also allows me to change the water with zero hassle. I think i would have given up using hosepipes and buckets every time i needed to change water.I have also had a couple of emergencies where 200 litres of saltwater has helped me out big time!
cichlid62 - 12 years ago
I just think with what you have under the tank is good, all the other stuff in the other room is nothing but a big expensive mess, but then that's just me. A lot of pet shops always try to sell people crap for saltwater and freshwater tanks that are in my opinion, expensive luxury overkill. fish are happy with clean filtered water, salt or freshwater. besides that, I love the tank.
shardinio - 12 years ago
what would you lose from the setup?

50. comment for Reef Tank Sump Design

cichlid62 - 12 years ago
Nice looking but total over kill.
shardinio - 12 years ago
thanks mate, appreciated ;)
LEOPAZZO TV - 12 years ago
Nice Check out my set up! Similar to yours Well done Leopazzoinyourmouth That's my channel Latest video is Nov 2012 the 125gallon upgrade
shardinio - 12 years ago
water tanks direct co uk
colossuses - 12 years ago
Lookin good. Where'd you get those ro tanks? What brand? d
shardinio - 12 years ago
the whole system cost around 10 grand
Anthony Comley
Anthony Comley - 12 years ago
Mega jealous of ur tank how much did it cost?
shardinio - 12 years ago
haha yeah your right i do find my eyes wandering during movies ;) and would prefer the tank in the hall if it was possible
Filo011 - 12 years ago
tank next to tv :D !!
titanoboa100 - 12 years ago
That tank and everything looks like a Mercedes Benz. Nice.
Hectorisking Hinojosa
Hectorisking Hinojosa - 12 years ago
Looking real nice bro keep up the vids.Will be watching closely.Cant
shardinio - 12 years ago
thanks. Prices are all on my diagrams video. The sensors are part of the profilux system and can not conventionally be used with any other system.
curtismaximus123 - 12 years ago
@shardinio Hey I was wondering if I could get some info on your Optical Level Sensors, how much they cost and where you got them? I enjoy your videos and looking forward to an update!
L.A.N.D AQUATICS - 12 years ago
Simply awsome really inspired me in my 125 reef endeavor.
waspmeat - 12 years ago
top shelf work fella! Im setting mine up as well. 2 questions: What were the lights you used for the sump (very tidy) and where did you get the "comb" you used for the refugium > to bubble sponge? Cheers!
shardinio - 12 years ago
thanks mate! give me a thumbs up and subscribe to see my journey ;)
TheGresham1973 - 12 years ago
sump looks great bro nice work.
shardinio - 12 years ago
Thanks man! was so enjoyable setting it all up!
Shawn Mccallum
Shawn Mccallum - 12 years ago
wow looks great!!
GoldfishRsoDelicious - 12 years ago
muffemod must be drunk ur system is unbelievable, that program is very sophsicated. Question for ya, that window of ur aquarium peering into the other room, how will u clean it? With a system so pro-custom like urs, an aquarium magnet cleaner may take away from such a stunning transtion into another room, or maybe not, stunning tank none the less.
shardinio - 12 years ago
cheers mate!
shardinio - 13 years ago
search for arcadia arcpod 11watt
John Nicita
John Nicita - 13 years ago
Can you point me to source for the fudge lights, I havent been able to find ANYTHING that folds down as low profile and like what you have, LED or CFL, thanks in advance.
shardinio - 13 years ago
@muffemod Care to elaborate?
shardinio - 13 years ago
@karlek110188 I designed it myself and got someone to build it, you can see the design drawings on an earlier video
muffemod - 13 years ago
Looks good but could use some reworking
Alex Bautista
Alex Bautista - 13 years ago
may I ask u what kind of tank is this and where can I one like that??please
shardinio - 13 years ago
@73reddragon Thanks man! Dreams can turn into reality if you truly believe in them ;)
shardinio - 13 years ago
@ArcAngel9008 Thank you so much! alot of work went into the whole build! sorry i missed you message! the refugium light are perfect but the plastic clips broke and they have sent me 2 new ones now appreciate the comment and should have more videos as soon as i get my new mp40s working!
shardinio - 13 years ago
@jameskcwang Thank you! yes the whole system including the water storage area in my laundry room cost around £10,000
james wang
james wang - 13 years ago
nice design...and you must spend a lot of money on this....
shardinio - 13 years ago
@zacguitarshreder12 appreciated!
shardinio - 13 years ago
@adjusterfrank Thanks Frank! Ive been real busy with christmas too, not had a chance to do another update but hopefully tonight as I have done a few things with the system. Merry Christmas! ;)
Dirtbike Hooligan
Dirtbike Hooligan - 13 years ago
wow this is looking realy nice so far!
shardinio - 13 years ago
@sdch1000 Thanks mate, The one thing i didnt take enough account was noise but have sorted it now with some durso standpipes woking nicely! Should have a new video update after christmas. Thanks for watching ;)
Nerdist Aquarist
Nerdist Aquarist - 13 years ago
Wow, really impressed with the setup. Looks like you really put some thought into it. Nice!
Frank Vadala
Frank Vadala - 13 years ago
Great video update. I love the sump design. The self priming pump is huge. lol. Nice to see the cover was not in place the second time. Your system is coming together really well bro. Nice work. Sorry it took me so long to watch the video. I have been way busy with family stuff and work. Have a great holiday in the UK!.
shardinio - 13 years ago
@kwrwjw thank you, its taking some time to get it going though ;)
shardinio - 13 years ago
@MrMuffinman195 I plan on really over stocking this tank and as good as my refugium is, i cant really expect it to take the full load of my tank. I need something that will be able to get rid of that excess poo!
shardinio - 13 years ago
@shadow10462 Cheers man! The sump was custom designed by me and made by the uk company who built the aquarium and cabinet. It was modeled on newyorksteelo sump and i highly recommend checking him out on youtube! I am making a few mods to the overflow system a the moment and will upload a video soon ;)
shadow10462 - 13 years ago
awesome setup, Where did u get the sump? Was that Custom made? this is an awesome setup. the time taken on this, is showing very well.
ArcAngel9008 - 13 years ago
very nice looking system! Those refugium lights are awesome! Im jealous because I cant put a tank that big in my house. :/ That looks like a very nice DIY sump ;) keep up the good work.
Master Williams
Master Williams - 13 years ago
Love your setup man love it.
MrMuffinman195 - 13 years ago
why run a skimmer when u got a refugium? but over all a fantastic setup
shardinio - 13 years ago
@Reefgeeks Not really as it was made for saltwater and the water that runs through it always leaves the tank and never enters it. Thanks for the comment!
shardinio - 13 years ago
@NCSODET42 much appreciated! more noise reduction mods on the way ;)
shardinio - 13 years ago
@sowaveyreef Thank you! No Im over in the UK
shardinio - 13 years ago
@jaizedelmann Thanks!
Reefgeeks - 13 years ago
Do you have any worries about the brass/copper on that pump in the water room? Nice build by the way.
shardinio - 13 years ago
@bikeboss11 Cheers mate! am doing another tonight, more modifications are needed ;)

100. comment for Reef Tank Sump Design

bikeboss11 - 13 years ago
Dude all i can say is thumbs up and keep the videos comin
Joe C
Joe C - 13 years ago
great,great and...great man, tech tank to the max plus one lol. Nice touch on the foam under the fuge for noise reduction as well. Green thumbs :-)
IamPower Hood
IamPower Hood - 13 years ago
Wow that was cool,that they made it for you.Is that fish store in the U.S.?
Jais Edelmann
Jais Edelmann - 13 years ago
Awesome build!!!
shardinio - 13 years ago
@snowingspoon Well to be honest ive still not learnt that much as I have not had a chance to test anything yet! I have decided that i will not be putting anything in this tank until i have tested all my systems thoroughly. I figured that this will be the only time to get my systems right without risking my livestock so I may as well take it slow and get it right now. This is where the learning curve starts for me!
snowingspoon - 13 years ago
How you are feeling now. I mean how much you have learned after having the tank in hand?
shardinio - 13 years ago
@rcmaniajato Thanks dude!
shardinio - 13 years ago
@newyorksteelo Appreciated man! never realised how much testing i have to do! not gonna get sand in this thing for ages!
shardinio - 13 years ago
@sowaveyreef Thanks! I think its around 180 gallons but probably less with the sand and rock in, A local fish store built it from some drawings i gave them
shardinio - 13 years ago
@raulgocubs Thank you man! its taking some time this build! not gonna get sand in it for a while i dont think!
shardinio - 13 years ago
@BIGRED44861 will take a look man, thanks
shardinio - 13 years ago
@wesleyforbes Thanks Wes! Had a few teething problems with the return pipes but will do a video on it tonight! One of my MP 40 cables doesnt work either so they are sending another. One of my refugium lights died too! lol all part of the fun though ;)
shardinio - 13 years ago
@notw21 Im over in the UK here and alot of the piping parts are US made. I would have to order the bulkhead and wait for it to arrive. I had a few problems with leaks from the return pipes so have replumbed them and just waiting for them to dry before retesting. I think I will get round to installing it though!
rcmaniajato - 13 years ago
loving it man, its looking real good.
IamPower Hood
IamPower Hood - 13 years ago
YouI got one of the best looking set up i've seen in saltwater hobby,Keep up the wonderful work. How many gallons is ur tank and where did you buy it from?
raulgocubs - 13 years ago
This tanks is beast!!!! so good, love it love it love it. Love how u can see the tank from the kitchen as well, badass dude, keep up the good work.
Wesley Forbes II
Wesley Forbes II - 13 years ago
Wow, it has been a pleasure watching this tank build! All of the automation is inspiring. Can't wait to see it all aquascaped with sand and the such.
notw21 - 13 years ago
Have you looked into bulkreefsupply for the bulk heads? I don't know if they are like reef grade, but that's what I have in my overflow box, and they have saltwater churning around them all day. Just another idea to help a fellow reefer.

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