Reef Tank Water Change Day | The Salt Tank Society

A quick overview of my basic water change routine on my reef tank. Nothing fancy. Gets the job done. Red Sea Reefer Nano @SaltTankSociety

Reef Tank Water Change Day | The Salt Tank Society sentiment_very_dissatisfied 4

Reef tank 7 years ago 6,358 views

A quick overview of my basic water change routine on my reef tank. Nothing fancy. Gets the job done. Red Sea Reefer Nano @SaltTankSociety

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Most popular comments
for Reef Tank Water Change Day | The Salt Tank Society

Razak Hashim
Razak Hashim - 7 years ago
Wow, I never thought of doing water change can be fun. Great vid!
The Salt Tank Society
The Salt Tank Society - 7 years ago
+Razak Hashim Haha thanks!
MJ Slemmer
MJ Slemmer - 7 years ago
One of the best red sea nano video’s put there! I like your water mixing station :D
The Salt Tank Society
The Salt Tank Society - 7 years ago
+MJ Slemmer Thanks!
Josh's Vlog's & Gaming
Josh's Vlog's & Gaming - 7 years ago
Great video
John Smith
John Smith - 7 years ago
all that gear for a nano tank? really? slightly over kill don't you think?
Mike Lemming
Mike Lemming - 7 years ago
Well made video man! I've subbed!
The Salt Tank Society
The Salt Tank Society - 7 years ago
Thank you!
Justin Rahn
Justin Rahn - 7 years ago
what protein skimmer is that. I also didn't notice a wave maker? Just curious I ordered this same tank yesterday!
The Salt Tank Society
The Salt Tank Society - 7 years ago
+Justin Rahn It's a Bubble Magus Curve 5 skimmer. I don't have a wave maker. I have 2 Ecotech MP10s that alternate throughout the day. They are placed at different levels as well so they hit everywhere. Good luck with yours! It's a great little tank!

If you cruise through I have a build thread for the tank. I'm under KuruptPixel.
BigBirdErnTHC - 7 years ago
Impressed with the way you did this video. Great editing, some upbeat music, and short and sweet video! Well done. Subscribed!
The Salt Tank Society
The Salt Tank Society - 7 years ago
Thank you very much!
Serenity's journey
Serenity's journey - 7 years ago
Love it !
Josh's Vlog's & Gaming
Josh's Vlog's & Gaming - 7 years ago
great vid...SUBSCRIBE

10. comment for Reef Tank Water Change Day | The Salt Tank Society

jamie .fairman
jamie .fairman - 7 years ago
Is that a kessil 160awe
The Salt Tank Society
The Salt Tank Society - 7 years ago
Yup! Kessil A160WE Tuna Blue.
954 Reef
954 Reef - 7 years ago
Great channel, subbed!
The Salt Tank Society
The Salt Tank Society - 7 years ago
Anastassiya Miloyanina
Anastassiya Miloyanina - 7 years ago
beautiful tank! Why did you change more that 50% percent of water??? i thought you supposed to change 10-20% once per week
The Salt Tank Society
The Salt Tank Society - 7 years ago
Every 4 -6 weeks I do a bigger one - 8-10 gallons which was on this occasion. Weekly I do 5 gallons. It's a 28 gallon system and I very rarely dose anything so a lot of my import/export of nutrients good and bad come from the clean water.
megatron - 7 years ago
wow very good content, glad i found your channel
The Salt Tank Society
The Salt Tank Society - 7 years ago
+Ngọt TV Thanks!
NEMO20G - 7 years ago
just arrived love the video style mate I've hit the big button:) keep up the good work bang some supplemental t5s on this and your colours will be extra wild :)
The Salt Tank Society
The Salt Tank Society - 7 years ago
Thanks for the love! Good call on the T5's!
Lou S.
Lou S. - 7 years ago
Nice setup. Definitely food for thought on my next setup.
Eun Lee
Eun Lee - 7 years ago
wow...awesome tank!!
I've seen your tank pictures from last year threads(, It was a very impressive tank at the time.
Thanks, i'm sure that you're management well.
Thomas Coleman
Thomas Coleman - 7 years ago
Why such a big water change ? You could start a recycle of the tank if too much
faisal shurafa
faisal shurafa - 7 years ago
Thomas Coleman no you can't, as long as the bacteria is a live take out as much water as your heart contends
The Salt Tank Society
The Salt Tank Society - 7 years ago
+Thomas Coleman Nitrate export. I do a 5 gallon change once a week. It's a 28 gallon system. This one I did about 8. It's been running a year and a half without an issue.
Pacific Northwest Sentinel
Pacific Northwest Sentinel - 7 years ago
Are you on nano-reef?
The Salt Tank Society
The Salt Tank Society - 7 years ago
+Marcus Cardenas I am! Find me at KuruptPixel. I have an old 10G thread and this Reefer Nano thread.
dudesreef - 7 years ago
This was a real joy to watch, you're going to blow up, thumbs up!
The Salt Tank Society
The Salt Tank Society - 7 years ago
+dudesreef Thanks Dude!

20. comment for Reef Tank Water Change Day | The Salt Tank Society

Daniel Salt
Daniel Salt - 7 years ago
cute and cozy vid, i like the editing, subbed for more :)
The Salt Tank Society
The Salt Tank Society - 7 years ago
+Daniel Salt Thanks!
Franklin Michael
Franklin Michael - 7 years ago
What size is the tank? Looks really nice.
Franklin Michael
Franklin Michael - 7 years ago
Great thanks
The Salt Tank Society
The Salt Tank Society - 7 years ago
+Franklin Michael Display is 21G. Total system is 28G.
mitian - 7 years ago
Nice tank and always looking good! hey who sings the song I like it?
mitian - 7 years ago
Thanks for replying, that is so nice of you, keep posting good videos...
The Salt Tank Society
The Salt Tank Society - 7 years ago
Thanks! The song is a remix from Aldenmark Niklasson.
The Salt Tank Society
The Salt Tank Society - 7 years ago
Yes actually! It will be!! Haha
M T - 7 years ago
Hi, have same tank as you and only change 10 litres per week. Do you always change that much? How often do you do a water change? Do you just clean the substrate at the front of the tank? Thanks in advance and great vlog BTW.
The Salt Tank Society
The Salt Tank Society - 7 years ago
I just do a couple small digs into it and leave the rest. I think not touching it at all would work better for a larger tank. Ours might not be able to support the load though. It does get pretty nasty down there!
M T - 7 years ago
Thanks for reply. Was going to ask about cleaning the sand bed. Mines looking pretty dirty so may get a syphon like yours and add this into my routine. I read the sand bed shouldn't be disturbed too much as it can release too many nasties but hope cleaning a little at a time doesn't have any negative affect.
The Salt Tank Society
The Salt Tank Society - 7 years ago
Hey! Thanks for watching! I ended up doing a little bit more that day than usual, but not much. I do a change every week and average about 30-35 litres. I tend to alternate vacuuming the front and the back just so it doesn't disturb too much(that whole clean the sand bed debate). I also change that much because I don't REALLY dose anything on a regular basis so I get things under control by just removing it. That's my theory anyways haha.

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