Reef Tank Water Mixing Station

Water mixing station
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Most popular comments
for Reef Tank Water Mixing Station

Todd Hayslett
Todd Hayslett - 7 years ago
Tapcon screws
Joey Merrell
Joey Merrell - 7 years ago
Hammer drill and unistrut (from any electrical supply). Bolt the unistrut to the wall with concrete anchors. That will give you the strength to hold up a chevy on your concert wall. Just get creative with she shelving for it.
FL SHarkvictim
FL SHarkvictim - 7 years ago
Much appreciated but wish you would have explained how your station works!
The Reef Tank Family
The Reef Tank Family - 7 years ago
Matt Paul thanks for the comment. I'm in the process of building the fish room for my 210g. I'll post a full video of how it works, and how I put it together.
rob sool Aquatics
rob sool Aquatics - 7 years ago
great setup well done swing by my channel and check out my saltwater man cave I'm building when you get a chance
The Reef Tank Family
The Reef Tank Family - 7 years ago
rob sool thanks! Will do! I'm actually building a reef room myself. Might ask for some advice
Justin Doran
Justin Doran - 8 years ago
You could use a couple of Masonry nails into the concrete. Should do the trick!
FL SHarkvictim
FL SHarkvictim - 8 years ago
I am just getting ready to build my saltwater mixing station but I have a question for you mate? I know there is now right or wrong but why do you have another pipe with two Cepex Ball Valves on the top of your brute cans running to each other instead of just using the one on the bottom? Here is a diagram on how I was going to make mine..
The Reef Tank Family
The Reef Tank Family - 8 years ago
Matt Paul makes sense for sure! Good luck with the build, sir.
FL SHarkvictim
FL SHarkvictim - 8 years ago
All you do is close of your fresh water True Union Ball Valve and if you forget to do that you could always add a Spears Check valve where the water will not flow in the opposite direction if that makes sense. Anyhow, many thanks..
The Reef Tank Family
The Reef Tank Family - 8 years ago
I just posted a new video, hopefully will answer your questions.
FL SHarkvictim
FL SHarkvictim - 8 years ago
Would you mind making a short video b.c If I like it and it works - i will add one on mine.
I just thought that one was enough especially since I will be adding an accelerator on a 90 elbow, facing down to mix my salt water w/ a PanWorld PX40...You can just got ahead and send the video to my personal email address if you would be so kind.
The Reef Tank Family
The Reef Tank Family - 8 years ago
Matt Paul one container (the right one ) is just for freshwater and the left is for saltwater. I run top and bottom to properly mix the water. Both sides feed into the pump, then come into whichever ball valve is open. This makes adding freshwater to the saltwater mixing container very quick and easy. Simply open the bottom of the right one, and the top of the other. And you can add. If I only had he bottom plumbed, the water would mix together, and my freshwater would become saltwater. I can make a quick vid of what I mean if I rambled on for too long, and didnt get to the point lol. Thanks for watching!
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
I love how you plumbed the two tanks. It gives me an idea for my future upgrade. Thank you and great video.
lngliv3 - 8 years ago
Great set up
Jordan Keuler
Jordan Keuler - 8 years ago
what I did for my system was took two 2X4 and attached them to the floor joist above and then took a 2 X6 across them and attached my unit to the 2X6. how easy was it to add the float valves to your containers ?
Jordan Keuler
Jordan Keuler - 8 years ago
+The Reef Tank Family thanks for the advice.
The Reef Tank Family
The Reef Tank Family - 8 years ago
Float valves were easy.   $10-ish from your local home depot.  The one thing I can tell you is...make sure you have the exact bit you want to use before you drill.  This system was an upgrade from a brute can I used...and drilled like a moron.  Let me know if you need any help, be glad to show my pre-station plans.

10. comment for Reef Tank Water Mixing Station

Daniel Hill
Daniel Hill - 8 years ago
Use some concrete anchor bolts to secure a board to the wall then you can mount the RO/DI system to that
The Reef Tank Family
The Reef Tank Family - 8 years ago
Thanks for that.  Yeah I have a concrete bit that does pretty good.  I just had to convince my wife (this is a relatively new house, under 10 years old) to let me drill into the concrete.
Daniel Hill
Daniel Hill - 8 years ago
You can rent a hammer drill so that you can drill into the concrete
Jenna Campbell
Jenna Campbell - 8 years ago
Thanks so much...this helps out a lot!
The Reef Tank Family
The Reef Tank Family - 8 years ago

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