Reef Tank Live Rock Cleaning Without Removal
Reef tank 10 years ago 12,776 views
Wrapped a filter around a power head. Then took a turkey baster to the live rock. If I had the filter floss sock on the power head the first time, Im sure there would have been a lot more crap to show. This was with a 1200 pump. Next time I will use the rio with more gph and adjust the flow in the tank to direct more at the filtering pump. BTW my water parameters were all spot on before doing this and I will update after one week on any effects this might have had. This my first aquarium so I am still a noob. If there is better way of doing this without all the hassle of a water change let me know. UPDATE: 1 week later the tank is doing great! Better than I expected. I thought I might have stirred up something nasty but it is really like brand new. Did the same rock cleaning with a bigger pump and it worked just about the same except the rock had barely any crap in them. Usually if you just did this with out the pump filter set up, all that stuff would just flow right back in between the rock work. I will continue this method of maintenance on my reef tank
syphon your tank water through a filter sock into the bin. Connect the powerhead to another hose that leads back to your tank