Reef Tank Update - Refugium Gone Wild!

aprox 2 months into my reef setup. Decided to go with a bigger sump with more refugium space and do a DIY Protein Skimmer. Stay tuned.
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Most popular comments
for Reef Tank Update - Refugium Gone Wild!

Ralph Garcia
Ralph Garcia - 8 years ago
Nice tank
Jeff Snyder
Jeff Snyder - 8 years ago
did you ever see a solo refugium
Katye Donoghue
Katye Donoghue - 9 years ago
ill be coming to T.O soon and was wondering if you can head me towards the best LFS there.
shortyfolker101 - 9 years ago
cyanobacteria and other bad algae thrive off of ammonia/nitrate, this being said... you need more water changes and less feeding and possibly more clean up crew members to sift ur sandbed and rockwork of detritus.  A bigger space for more water isnt gonna help.  Remember Your not keeping fish and coral.... your keeping high quality water! =)
ryanjofre - 10 years ago
Awesome ass rockscape and gorgeous rock shape but not coralline algae!!!

Nice tank size.
God bless man.
Marcus Christensen
Marcus Christensen - 9 years ago
+ryanjofre yeah it was try rock so nothing living from the wild reef. But i think the coraline algea will come.
Dale Cooper
Dale Cooper - 10 years ago
that aquascape is amazing! nice job.
Cycnoches2012 - 10 years ago
I bet if you hang some curtains at the window that will cut the light out or down at least.
saltwater nut shack
saltwater nut shack - 10 years ago
I Can't wait till I build my 1st sump I'm still running without one
kepz nakanantuz
kepz nakanantuz - 10 years ago
turbo snails took care of my algae

10. comment for Reef Tank Update - Refugium Gone Wild!

taile7973 - 10 years ago
Nice vid! Love your rockwork simple but beautiful!...
Mr.Aquaria TV
Mr.Aquaria TV - 11 years ago
is that a scallop?
Adam Phila
Adam Phila - 11 years ago
try instal small powerhead in your refug. work for me !
Steve fish keeping
Steve fish keeping - 11 years ago
thumbs up from me, its looking good mate.
James Conrey Aquatics
James Conrey Aquatics - 11 years ago
Your aquarium is looking really nice, that torch is huge lol. You're gonna get algae no matter what you do in the beginning, it's the nature of the beast, especially in closed systems. Easiest fix for the sump, shut it off, disconnect and pull it out and clean it. That'll be your water change as well. Just for precautionary measures, clean the hoses as well if you're worried about cyano reaching the DT.
Tony Nguyen
Tony Nguyen - 11 years ago
cool names
Tyler Herlein
Tyler Herlein - 11 years ago
Great video by the way, tank is looking great!!! I love that huge frogspawn!
Tyler Herlein
Tyler Herlein - 11 years ago
have you thought about putting the blind inside the indented area where the window is? so the blind is flush with the wall? That way there is no gap for light to shine on your tank. I did that in my room so no light will come through. It helped a lot.
Randy Pitman
Randy Pitman - 11 years ago
Nice setup. What do you suggest as for floods for 46 gallon bow front. Full reef. I really lie the rgb but don't know about with corals
Exile89 - 11 years ago
I'm only in the cycle stage atm so I can't say from exp, but I would stick a phosphate reactor in there. The reactor and cheato combo is what i'm going to be using and should work. I'm running a BRS deluxe reactor and GFO.

20. comment for Reef Tank Update - Refugium Gone Wild!

Jack Murray
Jack Murray - 11 years ago
*as soon as your tank is completely stable it will go away.
Jack Murray
Jack Murray - 11 years ago
Same thing happened in my fuge as soon as your tanks completely stable. Also don't worry about the green algae in the DT it needs to grow it will go away with time and water changes it not a nuisance as long as it stays on the rock and remains light green if it starts to spread to low light areas I would begin to worry. Also I would reccomend the brs dual reactor so you can run go and carbon or chemipure at the same time so you get the benefits of both plus it won't cost you at the nose.

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