Reef Tank Updates & Special Guest Solid Gold Aquatics!

Download Splash for FREE: Share your Splash reef aquariums with me on Twitter! I'll retweet the best pics! @emzoticofficial Welcome back to Emzotic! Today I have a reef tank update for you! Also, Jennie from Solid Gold Aquatics stopped by to give some of her amazing fish keeping advice. Show her some love int he comments section, and check out her channel below! Solid Gold Aquatics YouTube: Instagram: @solidgoldaquatics ***************************************** Want to send me mail? (Remember to put down your return address so that I can write you back!) EMZOTIC P.O. BOX 391 LEDGEWOOD NEW JERSEY 07852-0391 USA **************************************** Media and Business Enquiries: (Strictly Business) **************************************** Join In On Social Media! My YouNow: My Instagram: @emzoticofficial My Twitter: @emzoticofficial My Snapchat: @emzoticofficial My Facebook Page: ****************************************** This video contains a paid brand endorsement.

Reef Tank Updates & Special Guest Solid Gold Aquatics! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 48

Reef tank 6 years ago 66,902 views

Download Splash for FREE: Share your Splash reef aquariums with me on Twitter! I'll retweet the best pics! @emzoticofficial Welcome back to Emzotic! Today I have a reef tank update for you! Also, Jennie from Solid Gold Aquatics stopped by to give some of her amazing fish keeping advice. Show her some love int he comments section, and check out her channel below! Solid Gold Aquatics YouTube: Instagram: @solidgoldaquatics ***************************************** Want to send me mail? (Remember to put down your return address so that I can write you back!) EMZOTIC P.O. BOX 391 LEDGEWOOD NEW JERSEY 07852-0391 USA **************************************** Media and Business Enquiries: (Strictly Business) **************************************** Join In On Social Media! My YouNow: My Instagram: @emzoticofficial My Twitter: @emzoticofficial My Snapchat: @emzoticofficial My Facebook Page: ****************************************** This video contains a paid brand endorsement.

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for Reef Tank Updates & Special Guest Solid Gold Aquatics!

Emzotic - 6 years ago
Hey Creatures!!
Welcome back for a reef tank update! Oh my goodness, that anemone was is funny! I'll be at Playlist Live this weekend, so I hope to see you there. If not, come along with me digitally by following me on instagram and twitter @emzoticofficial. Also, show Jennie some love in the comments section, and check out her channel 'Solid Gold Aquatics'. I'll be collaborating with Jennie very,, very soon!
PS: BRAND NEW CONTENT, creature features and more from next week! XXXXX Em
assassins cng
assassins cng - 6 years ago
Emzotic I love your videos I have a saltwater tank myself I have had it for 3 years now I’m still learning a lot but I suggest to look up a guy called coralfish12g he is awesome he has lots of videos and information❤️
Samuel Sosa Haby
Samuel Sosa Haby - 6 years ago
Hi Emzotic, love the vids, best wishes from australia
Jahseh Forever
Jahseh Forever - 6 years ago
Emzotic hey! Can please make a video on your hermit crabs and your Halloween crab please!!! Please I'd love to see them thanks!
horse girl 200
horse girl 200 - 6 years ago
Emzotic hay girl
Angela Lee
Angela Lee - 6 years ago
hi em! love yr vids. Btw slime algae arent bacteria they are protista .:)
black dragon kalemet
black dragon kalemet - 6 years ago
em idk but those really don't look like snail eggs
wolfcraftersammy - 6 years ago
Emzotic i need help learning about bearded dragons
Nathan Bonnell
Nathan Bonnell - 6 years ago
Just letting everyone know, it's pronounced ANEMONE not ANENOME. The M is in the middle
Bethany Ann
Bethany Ann - 6 years ago
What happened to the little starfish? That was super cute!!!
Pudvig Embacher Murtnes
Pudvig Embacher Murtnes - 6 years ago
So will you use my names ?
bananas70389 - 6 years ago
Emzotic yeah I get that! I just figured I'd let you know it's just what that specific type of anemone Love! Some are different but Yeah! :) I love that you're getting into saltwater! I love watching your videos and I have four saltwater tanks!
Emzotic - 6 years ago
Goat Box productions I’m friends with Steff on my personal Facebook account. She’s very sweet x
Emzotic - 6 years ago
bananas70389 He was such much happier after burying his pedal disc. I thought he’d be happy up there on the ledge because that’s so similar to what he was living on at the store xx
Emzotic - 6 years ago
Jamieleigh Morgan This makes me so happy xxx
Emzotic - 6 years ago
The Wolf Thanks Wolf
Goat Box productions
Goat Box productions - 6 years ago
Another youtuber I watch who does tank stuff is Steffy J if your interested in looking for others <3
Miki Tea
Miki Tea - 6 years ago
Ahh gorgeous!
bananas70389 - 6 years ago
Love this! Anemones like hiding their foot! That's why it moved! Also those little star fish will multiply and become a "pest" all over the glass. Also be careful putting corals close like you have with your "toxic waste green" cause the little feelers they put out will sting and kill each other. But food luck!
Harleen F. Quinzel
Harleen F. Quinzel - 6 years ago
You’re the best, you always care so much for your animals and that makes me so happy!!!
Jamieleigh Morgan
Jamieleigh Morgan - 6 years ago
Emzotic just wanted to thank you for everything you’ve inspired me to be a better animal mama your a real inspiration!!
Random Pear
Random Pear - 6 years ago
It looks amazing!!!!!
The Wolf
The Wolf - 6 years ago
Emzotic love the vid em!!
Alton Medina
Alton Medina - 6 years ago
I am extremely late but that starfish can kill everything in that tank em I'm not kidding
The Virtual Zookeeper
The Virtual Zookeeper - 6 years ago
It's easier to take care of my dogs than my fish... it takes more time but I dont enjoy water changes all that much haha.
The Virtual Zookeeper
The Virtual Zookeeper - 6 years ago
I've always been so confused... does coral have a painful sting? Or is it just: "oh.. I got stung"
Edit: of course fire "coral" does, but when he got stung did it hurt?
Ava Hewitt
Ava Hewitt - 6 years ago
What is that white thing underneath the Cora line algae rock (red Rock)??
MICHAEL LEE - 6 years ago
Is it ok if I have a small breed turtle in my saltwater aquarium with a anemone yes the turtle is a saltwater turtle but can i keep him in it with the anemone and fish
Alexis Turner
Alexis Turner - 6 years ago
I love the name Babakook.
Adam Hastings
Adam Hastings - 6 years ago
Toxic green is my favorite color
Vee C.
Vee C. - 6 years ago
You should get more anemone. And different types of underwater plants

10. comment for Reef Tank Updates & Special Guest Solid Gold Aquatics!

Nia Smith
Nia Smith - 6 years ago
Hey em I loved this video I wish you would add me on snapchat. Can I still see your storys. Do you post anything about your animals like niffler and dobby ? ( they are my favourite )
Love you
Hawaii Fox
Daria Manela
Daria Manela - 6 years ago
Doesent anybody else wonder if she's a natural blonde or a natural raven haired
Garrett, Take A Chill Pill!
Garrett, Take A Chill Pill! - 6 years ago
Tip: be cautious when getting a carpet anemone. They have been known to eat smaller fish from time to time
David Belen
David Belen - 6 years ago
cool interview = subscriber
Levenyn - 6 years ago
I started keeping fish when I was a kid and I was terrible at it! I didn't take care of the filters (which kept breaking), I struggled with water changes and I don't think I got the right fish for my tank or my experience. My last fish just recently died after a four year struggle and I thought I was done, but decided to give it a second chance. I'm older now and did my research and got a beautiful turquoise betta. Wish me luck!
Super Scales Animals
Super Scales Animals - 6 years ago
Like if your part of the creature crew!
Arro Hart
Arro Hart - 6 years ago
I highly recommend getting a water based testing kit. Those have more of true reading and a lot of people in the fish community uses them. The API water testing kit is what is heavily recommended and it will be cheaper to buy on amazon (at least the freshwater kit was)
forest nimph
forest nimph - 6 years ago
My aunt has a gold fish who she called fish because she thought it would die fast since her old fish did. It's now all white and 10 years old
Ciara S
Ciara S - 6 years ago
Ahhh my two fave creature channels!!! So exciting! I love you girls ❤️
Calhaora Lightsbane
Calhaora Lightsbane - 6 years ago
Meh, just have a Normal Tank D: But I love my Children Regardless..

20. comment for Reef Tank Updates & Special Guest Solid Gold Aquatics!

Fishfordayz - 6 years ago
My starfish ate one of my anemones and I was A N G E R E D
Rajie Roo
Rajie Roo - 6 years ago
What about your little starfish? (Sorry if I missed an update I just didn't see it after you pointed it out the first time)
Yirelyz Gonzalez
Yirelyz Gonzalez - 6 years ago
Don't read

Read more
Yirelyz Gonzalez
Yirelyz Gonzalez - 6 years ago
Who got pranked
Maggie - 6 years ago
Em I love you and your videos, but why do you say anenemy instead of anemone ?
Plunfy - 6 years ago
Great video! Loved the interview so much. Got some good laughs <3
veronica corningstone
veronica corningstone - 6 years ago
Woah you out a GBTA in a nano tank? Do y’all have an ATO? Brave
Wolf Lover
Wolf Lover - 6 years ago
Ok last time I am doing this but can you PLEASE post more videos with your ferrets
Gordon Hu
Gordon Hu - 6 years ago
A couple random tidbits of info:
1. You can cut the test strips vertically to double your amount.
2. It's highly unlikely that captive-bred clownfish will host anemones.
3. In the long term, a refractometer will work better than a hydrometer. Every hydrometer will eventually break down due to the natural deterioration of the swingarm, but a refractometer relies on the optical properties of water rather than moving parts.
4. Not sure if you mentioned it, but what tank model did you end up getting? The stock lighting for these all-in-one tanks is often insufficient in the long run.
The Glitch
The Glitch - 6 years ago
I shuddered when I saw the little starfish, those are Astria starfish and eat all the pretty coraline algae and multiply like the clappers, so get them out if you can! The tank's looking beauuuuutiful though!
Scott From Rosco's Reef
Scott From Rosco's Reef - 6 years ago
Great video and collaboration. Lots of great tips and while daunting at first a reef tank is well worth the effort.

30. comment for Reef Tank Updates & Special Guest Solid Gold Aquatics!

Ecartts - 6 years ago
Eh.. Jennie

For example I live in a town that has just 1 Petshop with fish.. and because of some other people that gave back sick fish they stopped taking other people s fish

So now.. for me.. when I want new fish I need to be careful with what I want cuz If I change my mind I m fcked :))) I am stucked with that fish :(
Kennedy Priest
Kennedy Priest - 6 years ago
I am kind of getting sick of all the "word from our sponsors." Still love you though, Em!
Jade Draws
Jade Draws - 6 years ago
NOOOooo I'm eating sushi,SUSHI while WATCHING THIS :,(
DannyAlion - 6 years ago
10:18 your starfish is going to split in half, but it's completely normal. that's how the starfish makes its partner. Fun fact the starfish splits itself to not be lonely. some people even split their starfishes to have two starfishes, here's someone who did it
AVAKIN Kyle - 6 years ago
Pls help animal lovers! I have an African dwarf frog yesterday, and I didn’t really get a good look at her until I took her home and started floating her. I noticed she had white stuff on one of her legs and I thought it was a fungus. I quickly separated her from my ten gal to a 2.5 because I didn’t want my fish getting infected. Anyways, she can’t even move that leg. Today, I checked on her and it traveled up to her knee, and her other foot has it too! Am I over-reacting or is it really a fungus? Pls help!
AB-Tails Fx & Art studio
AB-Tails Fx & Art studio - 6 years ago
love it <3
ProfaniTEA - 6 years ago
Who needs friends like these when you have anemones!
Betta Blue
Betta Blue - 6 years ago
Jen from Solid Gold is a great resource...King of DIY, Aquarium Co-op, and Rachel O’Leary who is a fish author and expert.
Betta Blue
Betta Blue - 6 years ago
Tip: cut (new clean scissors) your strip right up the middle to double your strips. Just one at a time. Also hold it horizontally after dipping so they don’t drip into each other.
Betta Blue
Betta Blue - 6 years ago
You also may want to lessen the length of light time to get a handle on algae.
shawn sievers
shawn sievers - 6 years ago
try to get your hands on a master kit, at least in fresh water the strips aren't as accurate.
Cherry Mary
Cherry Mary - 6 years ago
Did the little starfish die? :<
Cherry Mary
Cherry Mary - 6 years ago
Are kook and Grinchy aggressive towards each other?
planktonmeadchen - 6 years ago
What happened to the little star fish?
Beatrice Field
Beatrice Field - 6 years ago
WOW! You don't realize how smol the clown fish are until you see them next to Danny's hand!
Stella Noguera
Stella Noguera - 6 years ago
and the star fish?? it looked soooo cute!!
Geraldine Espinoza
Geraldine Espinoza - 6 years ago
Eli Exotic
Eli Exotic - 6 years ago
that starfish omggggg
Samuel Sosa Haby
Samuel Sosa Haby - 6 years ago
#Emzotic Hi Emzotic, i am a really big fan of your videos, i watch them every day and they really motivate me, Thank you
Mario Tulej
Mario Tulej - 6 years ago
I just saw your story on Snapchat and congratulations

50. comment for Reef Tank Updates & Special Guest Solid Gold Aquatics!

Jo Ud
Jo Ud - 6 years ago
Very nice reef tank!
I'm trying to make one of my social institution's dreams come true, namely its own saltwater aquarium.
Julien lives in a facility for people with disabilities with a focus on epilepsy.
Donate easy and fast with Paypal.. Hope i can make his dream come true!
Cooper Olm
Cooper Olm - 6 years ago
You'll want to evict that starfish, they're a pest and may eat your corals!
Cooper Olm
Cooper Olm - 6 years ago
You should get a api liquid water testing kit! Strips are inaccurate.
Everything Anastasia
Everything Anastasia - 6 years ago
those starfish are invasive and spread like wildfire. Keep your eye on them they can go up your filter and die, releasing harmful toxins
Peace, Love, & Hamsters
Peace, Love, & Hamsters - 6 years ago
Love your fish earring!! I'm not sure if you mentioned it in a previous video, but where did you get your other earring that you typically wear? It kind of looks like a sword. I love the look of one long and one short!
Arbin Ghising
Arbin Ghising - 6 years ago
I would get that small starfish out and add a spare showerhead for more flow.
Richard Clarke
Richard Clarke - 6 years ago
You should totally get a house chicken!
That one Reptile Channel
That one Reptile Channel - 6 years ago
I don’t understand anemones. So they move by themselves for comfort and have feelings. But they’re not really animals, and they don’t have brains or true limbs, so what are they. Very weird...
TheEagleGuy - 6 years ago
Awesome video as always Keep it up Em
Melissa Smith
Melissa Smith - 6 years ago
The coral that is bleaching, is that a montipora or some type of sps? Does your lighting system support those? If not that would explain it.
alex's Animals
alex's Animals - 6 years ago
Yeeeeeessssssss!!! I just was getting into saltwater tank
Thank you so much
Xasha Valentina
Xasha Valentina - 6 years ago
Love your adorable skunk at the end! They are such amazing curious critters. <3
Morgan Ronan
Morgan Ronan - 6 years ago
I love Jenny's videos! Came over from her channel :) Definitely subscribing to you too!
Lydia Reyes
Lydia Reyes - 6 years ago
This is gonna be a really weird question but were you in the human centipede 2? There was a girl that looks and sounds exactly like you in it. Lmao.
Donna Kate Morgan
Donna Kate Morgan - 6 years ago
One of the most important things is to have everything set up at least 3 weeks before moving fish in
Have a plan on what fish that you are putting in the aquarium and stick to your plan. So many over stock
And don't have a plan ending with dead fish etc
Making your list and keep the right amount of fish for
The size of the aquarium
Emily Rowland-Rawson
Emily Rowland-Rawson - 6 years ago
horse girl 200
horse girl 200 - 6 years ago
I love you and I have sub you too i wish you sub me pleeeeeaaaaase I only have 1 because I am new
jigglipufferfish \o_o/
jigglipufferfish \o_o/ - 6 years ago
Should we give the starfish a name?
Mo Ga
Mo Ga - 6 years ago
So excited for this collaboration! Love you both
Sheogorath Prince of madness
Sheogorath Prince of madness - 6 years ago
Oh god Sump tank making sure you have the right lights. Blue ocean clam doesn't like overly bright copper. Marine and reef are completely different. Watch what you get not all the fish are compatible some will eat each other. Reef janitors still don't keep your tank perpetually clean. If you have nuisance starfish harlequin shrimp do a good job maybe to good. Some saltwater critters have very specific needs so be careful you dont want them getting sick or worse. Good luck!
Roasted By Brett Aleks
Roasted By Brett Aleks - 6 years ago
Hi can you please help me my eyelash crested gecko has had a problem shedding and I can’t figure out a good way to get his shed off of his feet because he can no longer climb on the glass in his enclosure any suggestions?
Rebekah Brockway
Rebekah Brockway - 6 years ago
You’re tank is so beautiful omg!
Holly Ann Maddison
Holly Ann Maddison - 6 years ago
Did the starfish survive?
Uhohhotdog Gaming
Uhohhotdog Gaming - 6 years ago
You should get some gloves so you don’t have to worry about getting lotion or whatever in the tank
Johnni joe
Johnni joe - 6 years ago
At 22:00 the little fish started playing with the thing in bottom left of the tank
Tyson - 6 years ago
You my want to get rid of that starfish. They breed super fast!!! And can overpopulate very fast!!
John Andreadakis
John Andreadakis - 6 years ago
+Emzotic you should definitely get a powerhead! Your corals are going to die because of the weak flow. The return nozzles aren’t strong enough. Also, what lights do you run? Anemones need very strong lights.
Billy Pipes
Billy Pipes - 6 years ago
That's not Coraline algae on your rock. It's actually painted rock that they soak in the ocean then sell it as live rock
Samantha Marie
Samantha Marie - 6 years ago
Test strips are notorious for not being very accurate, it would probably benefit you if you bought a liquid test kit for saltwater aquariums. Hope this helps!
lettuce - 6 years ago
I wish I could go to playlist live.... :(
Budgie Lover
Budgie Lover - 6 years ago
Can you do more videos on your doves pls
Marta Júlía
Marta Júlía - 6 years ago
What's that yellow thing in Jennie's tank in the background?
R and A PETS
R and A PETS - 6 years ago
I thought she said she wasn't getting anymore pets.......?
jazzy_slimes 2008
jazzy_slimes 2008 - 6 years ago
do more snail vidios
Nia Smith
Nia Smith - 6 years ago
EM GUESS WHAT..... I am back again... Excellent video ur videos always make me smile xxxxxx
Russell Necaise
Russell Necaise - 6 years ago
I actually have 7 aquariums but there all freshwater
Basic Bedard
Basic Bedard - 6 years ago
That is so cool! So Danny got stung? What stung him? Does everything in the tank have the ability to hurt? I know clown fish have that slim coat to protect him but how does it all work?
Jonathan Lee
Jonathan Lee - 6 years ago
Youre gonna want to remove that starfish. Its a pest
Duo GameS
Duo GameS - 6 years ago
It is a pest and if you dont remove it fast it will take over your tank.
just if you see them take them out with your hand or a pair of tweezers.
Jeroro Mouse
Jeroro Mouse - 6 years ago
For a small tank the way to go is doing water changes! 25-50% depending in your salt mix. leave the hands out and just sifon out detritus thats it.
Jessica Berkey
Jessica Berkey - 6 years ago
And anemone creature feature would be super cool!!!
M. Wong
M. Wong - 6 years ago
Hey its Dorothy from Kansas
lady lex 9999
lady lex 9999 - 6 years ago
it's a pest starfish btw xp
Windy Conley
Windy Conley - 6 years ago
Hi grim!!
Joanna Jarriel
Joanna Jarriel - 6 years ago
Two of my favorite youtubers!!! :D
trinitystar2468 - 6 years ago
don't have any saltwater tanks, but i have three fresh water tanks. one 20 gal, one 5 gal, and one 3 1/2 gal
AJ - 6 years ago
I want grinchyyy
Kameo Hosley
Kameo Hosley - 6 years ago
Clownfish dont need an ananome (sorry about the spelling) to thrive. Cool corals though! Just be aware of just how big they get and the corals that have sweepers.
Taybra Poore
Taybra Poore - 6 years ago
Anytime you move a tank from one placement to another, it does take a mild re cycle, keep that in mind over the next few weeks as you go to add more coral and Especialllyyyy anemonesss...... seeing as they don’t do well in young tanks. also you can add a small wave maker if you want some more flow.
Kitty cat :3
Kitty cat :3 - 6 years ago
Hey u got my cousin there

100. comment for Reef Tank Updates & Special Guest Solid Gold Aquatics!

Michelle Schofield
Michelle Schofield - 6 years ago
What happened to the little starfish you found that hitched a ride with your live rocks? :)
J3ssica Glov3R
J3ssica Glov3R - 6 years ago
Such a cute video, loved that you interviewed Jenny
Emily Animals
Emily Animals - 6 years ago
Celtic Star
Celtic Star - 6 years ago
Not only can your pet fish be carrying diseases, they are more thank likely not native to your area. Releasing them into the wild, even a holding pond (which can overflow in the rainy seasons) can cause major issues for the native environment and species. Goldfish are notorious for wrecking an entire ecosystem. Find someone who can take the fish, don't release them into the wild. The same goes for any pet.
jenn h
jenn h - 6 years ago
Love Solid Gold! She is literally goals, and has an amazing video on the nitrogen cycle.
Thessur Tatzelwyrm
Thessur Tatzelwyrm - 6 years ago
I used to work at a big chain pet store. Several times people just left fish there in bags not even asking us about leaving them there. PLEASE DON'T DO THAT. I was able to rescue one of these fish and some of my co-workers took others, but the store was not allowed to sell abandoned fish and had nowhere to put them. We also had people leave guinea pigs or other pets in boxes by the door. Please please please if you can't keep your pet anymore don't assume you can just leave them at a pet shop. It's ok to ask if the shop can take them back if you bought them there, but a lot of times there isn't space to keep abandoned animals, and even if there is, there's a good chance that abandoned pet is going to be stuck in a barely adiquate living space for a long time before someone is willing to take it instead of buying a new, younger, healthier pet. Please try to find a local rescue instead. There are great exotic rescues out there if you take the time to look.
Jeannie Keshane
Jeannie Keshane - 6 years ago
I agree with Jenny about getting g rid of ur fish at a fish store. I have a tank of black mollies that I'm not sure if I still want but I don't wanna give them away to just anybody because I don't want them suffering or anything but my pet store said they would take them when I'm ready :)
Jeannie Keshane
Jeannie Keshane - 6 years ago
I think I THINK snails lay n hatch their eggs right on top above the water line ...and their eggs looks like little plastic bubbles
Taelor Mae Jones
Taelor Mae Jones - 6 years ago
When she was like it'll sit center stage I was like HAH yeah right. Then she explained it and I was like good good. Lol
macy Blenkinsop
macy Blenkinsop - 6 years ago
Make a all my pets in America / pet room tour xx
Sweet Cheeks
Sweet Cheeks - 6 years ago
Dumbass earring. Wtf
Love of Pets
Love of Pets - 6 years ago
The tank looks great. I watch Solid Gold and love her videos.
Ximena Garcia
Ximena Garcia - 6 years ago
EM! that little white starfish is called an Asterna and can kill your coral! i suggest you search them up and do research them so you can know what you should do, most people get rid of them, others say it doesn’t do any harm and leave it but it’s up to you
One Vet's Zoo
One Vet's Zoo - 6 years ago
I just love your tank! You're really making me want to take the plunge into saltwater! I have only kept freshwater tanks so far. One thing I did learn though, and maybe it will help you, is that the water master test kits are way more reliable than the strips!
Damien Singh
Damien Singh - 6 years ago
I downloaded it after your setting up the tank video and I'm obsest with it
naistobiko - 6 years ago
Emm you really inspire me
Josephine Loretta
Josephine Loretta - 6 years ago
I love your videos, but I won’t stop commenting this until you get this right : “aneMone” not “anenoMe” !
Taem - 6 years ago
That thumbnail picture lol
kris198921 - 6 years ago
That star fish looks like a pest starfish and it I’m right you should get rid of it ASAP
Cali_Critters_and_Creations - 6 years ago
Also I notice you're using the strip tests. Those can be pretty inaccurate I would not trust my aquarium to them. I use the brand salifert which is much more accurate and will give you your true readings.
crazyabouthisrae - 6 years ago
Will measuring the water parameters at different parts of the tank be a better way to test the water quality?
JPs Pet nation
JPs Pet nation - 6 years ago
Basic Bedard agree mate
Basic Bedard
Basic Bedard - 6 years ago
JPs VlogUK “plus it saves you money” yeah that’s the point. It’s not a plus that is the point to cut them in half which saves momey
JPs Pet nation
JPs Pet nation - 6 years ago
Rae's Aquaria that's a good tip also saves u money what is a plus
Joel Gomez
Joel Gomez - 6 years ago
Other tips and tricks?!
Basic Bedard
Basic Bedard - 6 years ago
Oh my! That works? Awesome.
80Lemonade08 Sour
80Lemonade08 Sour - 6 years ago
Rae's Aquaria OMG so smart, thanks
Hina Meow
Hina Meow - 6 years ago
I do consider to pet a clownfish as I love them ! But too scared I will cause him unhappy as I have no experience at all :(
Duraticate reef
Duraticate reef - 6 years ago
Wow thats awesome to see your bubble tip take residence under the shelf
My rbta foud my shelf rock and never moved been over 2 years now
Duraticate reef
Duraticate reef - 6 years ago
Welcome to the saltwater hobby
Oliver Walters
Oliver Walters - 6 years ago
14:03 what is that in the bottom right corner?
Lynsey Rose
Lynsey Rose - 6 years ago
Hey Em, I didn’t see the baby starfish on the update, did it survive?
Lynsey Rose
Lynsey Rose - 6 years ago
Hey Em, I didn’t see the baby starfish on the update, did it survive?
Yesui LPS
Yesui LPS - 6 years ago
Hi Em! So i thinking of getting a Betta fish soon. Can u do a video on them please? Maybe about a betta fish tank, or betta fish care, tips, foods? Please itll me very enjoyable. Not just for me but for other people as well. (I hope) ♡♡♡ love you Em! ♡♡♡♡♡♡
Elsie Voong
Elsie Voong - 6 years ago
Be careful about that starfish! It seems to be an asterina starfish, they will eat your corals and repopulate quickly.
Martyna Weclawowicz
Martyna Weclawowicz - 6 years ago
My confirmation is tomorrow!!!!
Jenna Poore
Jenna Poore - 6 years ago
That starfish is actually a pest! Hopefully your tank won’t get infested. They reproduce super fast.
Cynful Exotics
Cynful Exotics - 6 years ago
You should look into tuxedo sea urchins. They are small, stay small and have a never ending stomach and keep the rocks sparkling! They are a fantastic clean up crew. Also, I'd recommend a liquid master test kit. They give a better range of results and are less likely to give false readings. Can't wait to see more of your nano. <3
star1 alwayswithsistar
star1 alwayswithsistar - 6 years ago
em you look so cute with braids
Jona Treyes
Jona Treyes - 6 years ago
I dont have a saltwater aquarium but i have a freshwater aquarium.
Sirius Black
Sirius Black - 6 years ago
I think that a fancy guppy breeder tank should have a littel less pH than recomended that is How i have been sucseful
Tabitha Runk
Tabitha Runk - 6 years ago
Oooooh couldn't wait
Sarah Allen
Sarah Allen - 6 years ago
Usually I would start with dry rock, maybe I'm just weird but there's some kind of satisfaction I get when I know I accomplished that... Also there are no hitchhikers involved (like the asterina starfish)
Carla Jones
Carla Jones - 6 years ago
Bristle worms are good. Great clean up crew guys
Ryan Rajnauth
Ryan Rajnauth - 6 years ago
This was so good loved this entire video...
Abby Pitner
Abby Pitner - 6 years ago
Love the video, your tank is looking great! I've been wanting to get in to saltwater for a long time. I've kept freshwater/planted for years but I'm so nervous to step up to salt. I was told by my local fish store that if I started with saltwater I'd be afraid of freshwater! I guess it's all based on perspective.
Jaycee Saunders
Jaycee Saunders - 6 years ago
Can we get a grinchy update soon?
justine forseth
justine forseth - 6 years ago
Can we have an update on the starfish? So cute☺️
Tam M
Tam M - 6 years ago
Clownfish say, "FEED ME MUMMA!"
Daria Rose K
Daria Rose K - 6 years ago
Omg the tiny lil adorable smol bean star fish!! I love it!!
bai watson
bai watson - 6 years ago
What size is your Nano
Annika Ek
Annika Ek - 6 years ago
Oh my gosh you should do a house tour!! Lol
Paige Mays
Paige Mays - 6 years ago
I'm really happy to see the tank update and Jennie is awesome, her channel is one of my favorites. I still consider myself a novice but I've learned a lot over the last 2 years and have this advice to offer.
~It's always better to understock your tanks rather then go straight to 100% capacity. It gives you a lot more wiggle room and you don't have to worry about water quality as much. I don't like stocking above 75% for this reason.
~In freshwater tanks plants are your friend and greatly reduce nitrate buildup and algae, so invest in them if you can.
~Don't screw around with your pH unless you absolutely know what you're doing. ~Invest in liquid test kits, they're more accurate and are cheaper in the long term.
~Never allow anyone to talk you into a fish you haven't independently researched yourself.
~Take your time. This hobby rewards the marathon runners not the sprinters but it's okay to admit you got a bit impulsive. We've all done it.
~Be kind to newcomers.
Daniela Muñoz
Daniela Muñoz - 6 years ago
We are using the same exact nail polish but i have a mate top coat
Dylan Sevor
Dylan Sevor - 6 years ago
I'm so excited for this colab with Jenny, I've been following both of you for so long that it's just super exciting that y'all are doing something together! I can't wait to see it!
Lili Leos
Lili Leos - 6 years ago
I just started sash and im on level 8 lol so fun!!
Mei Surmata
Mei Surmata - 6 years ago
One of your pigtail braids is how much hair I have on my whole head and it makes me saltier than your aquarium
LadyJadite - 6 years ago
Why did you choose to add so many things without cycling the tank first, or quarantining anything?
ashley schneider
ashley schneider - 6 years ago
I’ve had a 20g saltwater aquarium for about 3 years now and I just want to say to anyone thinking of starting one...
If you get a good enough salt mix starting out, you will often not need to buy a lot of other additives or supplements (purple tech, etc.) to keep your tank at the proper levels or make it beautiful. Remember it’s all about scheduled maintenance and patience. Good luck to everyone starting out!!!
wolfcraftersammy - 6 years ago
I need help with a bearded dragon if someone good please put some advice on here by repleying thank you -cameron
The Virtual Zookeeper
The Virtual Zookeeper - 6 years ago
CoralFish12g oh hey!!!! I love how so many pet channels support each other haha.
black dragon kalemet
black dragon kalemet - 6 years ago
em is it cool if you can do a video featuring inverts?
btw i liked vid
KTAK66 - 6 years ago
I really like being called a creature
Anonymous 2
Anonymous 2 - 6 years ago
That star fish was a hitchhiker that can eat coral so I suggest removing it
Cat Gaspar
Cat Gaspar - 6 years ago
Love this
I’m going to get fish in about 4 months
I’m getting fresh water instead
Kaleid Stone
Kaleid Stone - 6 years ago
Whenever I refer to an easy pet I say
Easy for a pet
Elizabeth Charles
Elizabeth Charles - 6 years ago
I love the moth and butterfly splash games!
Glaydelis Perez
Glaydelis Perez - 6 years ago
Is the starfish still alive?
Kenneth Reyes
Kenneth Reyes - 6 years ago
How about some blue corals? Because the live rock is red many colors complement with red!
Carri Lee
Carri Lee - 6 years ago
Can you do a video on pet rats!? I have one and I never expected to be sooo in love with him! He's so smart and loving, which really surprised me because people always hate on rats!!
Jasmine Gutierrez
Jasmine Gutierrez - 6 years ago
Can you do one on jelly fish?
Vu’z Exotics
Vu’z Exotics - 6 years ago
9:06 what’s that worm in the sand?
Jayden - 6 years ago
Can you do a video about what kind of equipment you are using on/in your tank please?
Kaleid Stone
Kaleid Stone - 6 years ago
I have a fun fact. Guppies are amazing beginner fish
Ali's Tarantulas
Ali's Tarantulas - 6 years ago
Tank looks amazing. Just a little tip, you should most definitely join Manhattan reefs. Ask and learn so much in the forums. And buy fish,coral,equipment,any and everything you can think of in MY NJ area, For super cheap. Good luck.
Hazel Bunny
Hazel Bunny - 6 years ago
I'm addicted to splash now! I've had it forrr..... maybe 4 days now and I'm obsessed.
Eric Barney
Eric Barney - 6 years ago
Tip just for you Em: you will never be able to use cleanup crew animals to successfully control algae. Either there won’t be enough animals and the algae will grow faster than they can eat it, or you will have so many that they end up depleting the algae they eat, they starve to death, and their decomposing bodies cause an ammonia spike, not to mention an increase in nutrients that causes an algae bloom. I speak from experience.

For the reddish brown slime algae that seems to collect on the glass and rocks, suck it up with a turkey baster and increase water circulation in the tank as it thrives where the circulation is stagnant. For the green bubble algae, I recommend a product called PhosGuard that removes the phosphate from the tank and starved the algae to death without hurting the corals.

I would recommend the following foods: cyclopees; my clownfish absolutely loved these and really seamed to perk up when eating them. Any corals you have with longer feeding tentacles will appreciate these as well. Phytoplankton; this is for the corals and any encrusting colonial polyps will start spreading much faster if you put a couple drops in every other week for them. Corals do rely on solid foods an well as photosynthesis to grow. Phytoplankton is especially critical if you get feather duster worms. Krill or silversides; this is for your anemone. With Cnidarians, the longer the tentacles that surround the mouth, the more frequently you need to feed them. Use tongs and not your fingers because anemones can sting you. A small piece every few weeks is plenty.

Finally I would recommend adding a serpent star to your tank (Ophiuroidea). These are extremely tough scavengers that will happily consume almost any organic matter that drifts to the bottom of the tank.
laytonluvr13 - 6 years ago
Have i missed, do these little fish have names yet?
Drew Janes
Drew Janes - 6 years ago
oh ummm kill the lil starfish double check but it may be a pest that matches on your corals. I'm not 100% sure tho. just a heads up⭐
The #1 Kill Joy
The #1 Kill Joy - 6 years ago
I had to take one of my fish to the pet store, I didn't really know what I was getting into with him, he was a beautiful festivum cichlid and I loved him a lot, but he turned out to be really aggressive as he grew and killed some of his tank mates (despite him being sold to me as a community fish if kept with decent sized tank mates) so i just had to take him and admit defeat in the end. It's all a learning curve, I only properly got into the fish hobby last year and since then I've learnt so much, I cringe at some of the mistakes I made before.
Forever wild
Forever wild - 6 years ago
Em I love you! you are amazing and beautiful!!❤
Nooby Cuber
Nooby Cuber - 6 years ago
I like that game? I’m on level 10!
The #1 Kill Joy
The #1 Kill Joy - 6 years ago
Danny's hand gives a good sense of scale with the clown fish, they are just cute as a button
Seren - 6 years ago
For testing your water, I highly recommend the API Saltwater Master Test kit. I have a freshwater tank (which they also sell a master kit for), but it's recommended to use these liquid test kits because they're more accurate than the strips. Typically last longer too!
Francy - 6 years ago
remove that starfish its a pest starfish it eats algae but if it runs out itll go for ur acropora corals!
stargazer228 - 6 years ago
I bet my dad would love your tank! I used to go with my dad when he'd go to specialty aquarium shops to order/buy South African salt water fish.
Jessica P
Jessica P - 6 years ago
A friend of mine had a 260 gallon saltwater tank. Massive and amazing. I could watch the fish for hours- saltwater fish seem much smarter than freshwater fish.
Sally Bloor
Sally Bloor - 6 years ago
da da da da daaaaaaaa "ooh that was a very nice transition"
EarthDragonPuke - 6 years ago
Jenny is pretty.
xxohmycaptainxx - 6 years ago
I love me a good collab. I'm so glad to see you supporting other pet youtubers, especially other female pet youtubers! Loved this video and can't wait for you two to meet in person, that'll be a great video. You're both two of my favorite youtubers and its awesome seeing you two interact.

Oh, and loving the tank! Keep a good eye on dead zones around your rocks tho. You seem to be keeping things under control and in Part 1 you did mention that you were having some red algae issues due to water quality and flow so you seem to be set. But that's the number 1 issue I see new reef keepers have, dead zones that lead to stagnant areas of water that ultimately leads to large, ugly algae blooms.
Pedro Carvalho
Pedro Carvalho - 6 years ago
careful with your starfish Emma ... those starfish multiply like crazy and could potentially become more of a burden than a fun new animal....
OhMyStars - 6 years ago
Bounce Bird
Bounce Bird - 6 years ago
Lovely tank! A suggestion would be to switch to a liquid test kit instead of the strips. The strips can be inaccurate and therefore are somewhat dangerous to the aquariums. Liquid test kits are just alot better in general.
Rochelle K
Rochelle K - 6 years ago
Omg ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
lgb- tme
lgb- tme - 6 years ago

.............its free real estate
Cheesus - 6 years ago
How many gallons is your tank?
SanDee McGeek
SanDee McGeek - 6 years ago
Senati - 6 years ago
When you said “Hi creatures, It’s Em and I’m back today with...” I practically yelled CREATURE FEATURE knowing that I definitely did not click on a creature feature video.
I think I’m obsessed
GIZMO SPAZZ - 6 years ago
I just found Solid Gold about a week ago. How funny that you do a collab together!
I miss my 55g freshwater tank. It had 1 comet and 1 red bristlenose. It was planted and had the perfect piece of driftwood. I kept that tank prefect for a couple of years until my ex and I broke up. He got the tank. (This was many years ago.)
One day I'll get another tank for sure. I was missing that tank and just stumbled upon Solid Gold.
Thanks for the awesome collab!
Geek Snake
Geek Snake - 6 years ago
I love your channel em!!!
Kawaii leek In Tokyo
Kawaii leek In Tokyo - 6 years ago
Have a self cleanser
Thomas Hosken Art and Wildlife
Thomas Hosken Art and Wildlife - 6 years ago
Wow the tank is awesome!!
Kyros - 6 years ago
11:06 green tea soba noodles.
Kyros - 6 years ago
Awesome update! Great to see a collab between you and SGA, as I'm subscribed to both your channels. Best of luck to you and Danny!
JustMe22 - 6 years ago
You and Jennie are amazing <3 i would love to have a aquarium but there is one problem...My mom :D
Sage Lawlor
Sage Lawlor - 6 years ago
Do anemones have genders???? Do they reproduce asexually??? They’re such interesting creatures!
catherine jacobs
catherine jacobs - 6 years ago
I find a bar light helps a lot more than a spot light, also letting your fish get acclimated to the water is helpful so you can leave them in the plastic bags in your aquarium for a good hour before setting them free
Kate W
Kate W - 6 years ago
I've been to Absolutely Fish!!! My friend gets all her fish from there!!!<3333
Carl Keller
Carl Keller - 6 years ago
I would say add a crab but they are one of many an enemy to your lemony anemone. Say that 3 times fast. :)
Not_ _Thristian
Not_ _Thristian - 6 years ago
Hey Em here’s a tip from my growing experience with fresh water that applies to salt. If you want to have multiple fish make sure that they’re not all on the same level. Have fish on the top, middle, and bottom. If not that can cause fish to fight over territory especially the aggressive type. My personal fresh water tank has a Bass and Arowanna, top level fish. Middle fish are my Oscar and Tinfoil Barb. And bottom are 4 Catfish, 1 Pleco, and a Clown Loach. And fights happy rarely. Hope I help lots of love to you.
Anna Morgan
Anna Morgan - 6 years ago
You can stick a picture of an anemone hosting clownfish to your tank to give the clownfish an idea! Sounds ridiculous but it works!
Elizabeth D
Elizabeth D - 6 years ago
Anna Morgan
Anna Morgan - 6 years ago
Anemone! Sounded like you kept saying anenome!
Kazuki933 - 6 years ago
The tank looks even better now! Btw, make sure you find out what species that starfish is. Some are not reef safe and I was told that they can pick at some of the corals. Anyway, keep us up to date on the tank, I love saltwater but can't have a tank yet.
Adrian's Pets
Adrian's Pets - 6 years ago
That's not a good starfish btw
Natalie Broslave
Natalie Broslave - 6 years ago
Do another all my pets vid
Beruno Beruno
Beruno Beruno - 6 years ago
I was in the raccoon butterflyfish, you showed me what is going to be the next fish
purplepiglover - 6 years ago
Omg its like torture having my notifications because i see on the bus ride home but the wifi never works so i can just look at the video and have to wait like 30 minutes to see it, but i love your channel so much!
videosofthedammed - 6 years ago
How do you do your creature features and can you do raccoons because they are amazing
derpology Aquatics and others
derpology Aquatics and others - 6 years ago
Best piece of advice is take it slow!!!!
If you rush you will make mistakes and your tank could crash.
Also don’t cut corners. You can DIY as much as you like but things like a good light for your aquarium you will want to pay $100 or more this will give good results if you look for cheep lights you will get what you pay for.
Eva Reyes
Eva Reyes - 6 years ago
I Love Your Videos!❤️ And Your Personality!❤️
Fluffy Corn
Fluffy Corn - 6 years ago
Cute anemeoememenne
Samel Da_Camel
Samel Da_Camel - 6 years ago
You are amazing thank you for not being a hoarder
kay vgeee
kay vgeee - 6 years ago
Super excited for this!
Catarina Menezes
Catarina Menezes - 6 years ago
OMG that sharkanado earring ♥️
Sabiha Demir
Sabiha Demir - 6 years ago
Babakook aka Jungkook
Jeanie Molenar
Jeanie Molenar - 6 years ago
The little starfish should be taken out some people recommend you don’t but they can take over sometimes so it’s easier to just take them out
Nicholas Markowski
Nicholas Markowski - 6 years ago
I love her two toned hair, reminds me of Shei from cycle 22 of America's Next Top Model
Samantha Biggins
Samantha Biggins - 6 years ago
I LOVE you sooo much Em you are amazing♡
Summer Folster
Summer Folster - 6 years ago
I agree with Jenny 100%. For example I was told bearded dragons were great starter reptiles and boy was that wrong! My boy is tons of work and I’m so glad he’s stayed strong through my mistakes!
Summer Folster
Summer Folster - 6 years ago
Em get the API test kit, there’s a saltwater version and they work AMAZING
Allison del Valle
Allison del Valle - 6 years ago
Hi em! Do you have any ferret name ideas
Joey Della Penna
Joey Della Penna - 6 years ago
Kayleigh Senkoe-Paradis
Kayleigh Senkoe-Paradis - 6 years ago
Hey em! Just wanted to let you know that sometimes test strips aren’t 100% reliable, although they are useful for in emergencies and such. A liquid test kit would be your best bet for testing your water! A really good one to try would be the API saltwater master kit. It is a little bit more expensive but it will last a very long time and you will get 100% reliable results.
Black Hood
Black Hood - 6 years ago
That sharknato ear ring is everything! I need it in my life! <3 (I have a planted 55 gallon that has 3 cory catfish, 3 goldfish, and 7 guppies. I also have a 10 gallon that has 2 mystery snails and a half moon betta in it. And lastly I have two 3 gallon tanks that house a half moon betta each. Don't worry its temporary as soon as I find another 55 gallon tank I'm splitting it in half and the bettas will be moves from the 3 gallons to the splitted 55 gallon. And I will be planting the splitted 55 gallon as well. I absolutely love bettas and goldfish!) oh and here's a "Fun Fact" sometimes anemones will kill the clown fish... It happened to my dad; he was so upset I thought he was gonna cry. He loved those fish so much. Rip Carlos and Angie.
Ella Hayes
Ella Hayes - 6 years ago
Who else looks in the background in the terrarium for animals.
Ella Hayes
Ella Hayes - 6 years ago
Emzotic ya, I guess they hide a lot and are pretty small. My scorpion hides an awful lot.
Emzotic - 6 years ago
Ella and Lexie's Exotic Life you’ll have to look really closely!! That’s all invertebrates! Xx
Sophia Sourkraut
Sophia Sourkraut - 6 years ago
I don't know anything about aquatics so this might be a dumb question, but couldn't you just wear latex gloves to put things inside the tank when your hands might have residue from lotion on them?
Seconds Before Waking
Seconds Before Waking - 6 years ago
Can anyone tell me what is happening in the tank while Jennie from Solid Gold Aquatics is talking, the yellow/gold thing on the left hand side. I can see what I think is a yellow colored fish, but is the fish playing with a toy? I just can't tell what is moving back and forth. Thanks!
Seconds Before Waking
Seconds Before Waking - 6 years ago
Joey K
Joey K - 6 years ago
Seconds Before Waking: looks like a pleco eating squash that is being held by a suction cup veggie clip. I think...
MegaAbby123456789 - 6 years ago
You’re amazing Em! Thanks for the great new video!!❤️❤️
Andrew's Animals
Andrew's Animals - 6 years ago
I think garden read are cute...
I just want to steal memes all day long
I just want to steal memes all day long - 6 years ago
What kind of animals live in the enclosures behind you in the beginning of the video? Cresties? Tarantulas?
James Dewey
James Dewey - 6 years ago
Your tank looks even better the added live rocks added more depth to your tank. Seeing Kook again was nice. How's Grinchy doing?. Great vid.
wild ratty girl/Naia smith
wild ratty girl/Naia smith - 6 years ago
Yay a collabe with 2 of the best YouTubers ever!!!!!
Katie Melissa
Katie Melissa - 6 years ago
What about the starfish 6 weeks later?... :(
andie361 Thompson
andie361 Thompson - 6 years ago
Did the stowaway starfish make the tradition ok?
andie361 Thompson
andie361 Thompson - 6 years ago
Transition not tradition, lol
Isabelle Marie Croitoru
Isabelle Marie Croitoru - 6 years ago
Amazing video once again!!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️
Hafsah Khawaja
Hafsah Khawaja - 6 years ago
Are you back in the uk
Jennifer O'murphy
Jennifer O'murphy - 6 years ago
I accidentally completely bleached one of my corals and thought it was a lost cause, I moved it and gave it a chance and it’s come back brilliantly! So hopefully yours will bounce back with a little tlc xx
Kendra Voracek
Kendra Voracek - 6 years ago
Those star fish are pest they're like snails in fresh water ( they multiply like crazy) but they're cute and yes saltwater snails leave there eggs all over
Rinocat Vlogs
Rinocat Vlogs - 6 years ago
Question: where is shrek
Zakiyya Gregana
Zakiyya Gregana - 6 years ago
Quakson Clakson
Quakson Clakson - 6 years ago
I got splash it’s so fun
Denise  Pollitt
Denise Pollitt - 6 years ago
Hi Em, you and Danny have done a wonderful job on the tank so far and I love it. I just wanted to say I hope you're lucky and your clowns eventually host the bta. I believe it's wonderful to watch the symbiotic relationship they have, in person. However, my silly pair of clowns have ignored my anemones for the last 3 years. They do host a top corner of the aquarium though, just behind the powerhead, lol.
klopman winkel
klopman winkel - 6 years ago
hee emma can you do a video of best way to cool down a crested gecko in summer monthes?
Alex Cusumano
Alex Cusumano - 6 years ago
Warnings get rid of that star fish they will breed like crazy I trhink
lanedoeseverything - 6 years ago
Jaclyn Duellman
Jaclyn Duellman - 6 years ago
Bethany Starbucks
Bethany Starbucks - 6 years ago
Omg yes
Freya-Louise WILLIAMS
Freya-Louise WILLIAMS - 6 years ago
I love splash I’ve had it for a while now
Simon Short
Simon Short - 6 years ago
Yay yay yayyyyyyyyyyy I love animal videos, even though I’m not interested in getting any sea life I just love to learn more about animalsssss by the way. I just got six cockroaches they are dubious. They’re called starsky, hutch, huggybear, spig alabaja ,Austin and mordecia. Looooooove from meeeeeeeeee bye.
Kat - 6 years ago
Emzotic Loved the tour of the tank and how it’s looking.
Ps. What happened to the little starfish after 10:25 ??
My pet Life
My pet Life - 6 years ago
Love your channel
Cheshire Cat
Cheshire Cat - 6 years ago
Can't wait for more videos with the both of you!
dizzxy - 6 years ago
My 2 favorite PetTubers!
Some Weirdo
Some Weirdo - 6 years ago
Can I feed a beck a falafel?

(This is a joke)
Lucifer !
Lucifer ! - 6 years ago
The snail eggs look like worms Omg
Meowing Kitten
Meowing Kitten - 6 years ago
Omg yay u uploaded!The tank is awesome!
Juan Ruelas
Juan Ruelas - 6 years ago
You guys are beautiful !!!❤️❤️
Thami Rosa
Thami Rosa - 6 years ago
Ok, it's just my two favorite youtubers. I'm fine. I'll breath again, eventually
Derpalotl Exotics
Derpalotl Exotics - 6 years ago
Will you be featuring a lot more fish keeping/tanks on your channel from now on? That would be awesome:) also i think the number one mistake people make is not allowing your aquarium to cycle and establish. It is a critical step, unless you buy a already running tank. I made the mistake of not cycling my old tank and ALL my fish died :/ but im gonna start another community tank with a betta:) and im gonna do it right!
ash - 6 years ago
What happened to the little starfish?? He caught my attention lol
Linden Edwards
Linden Edwards - 6 years ago
Two of my favourite Creature fam Pettubers in one clip. Ahhh. I'll sleep well tonight. Yay for future co-labs.
Megan Kriel
Megan Kriel - 6 years ago
Is that a sharknado earring? Oh my goodness Em, your whimsical jewelry just makes my day!
Tanay Malhotra
Tanay Malhotra - 6 years ago
love your work and aspire to be like you when i grow up you have inspired me to start my own aquarium even
Rebecca Everitt
Rebecca Everitt - 6 years ago
Are you gonna put more fish in this eventually?
Red Wolf
Red Wolf - 6 years ago
I'm (kind of) early!!!
【Arachno Skull】
【Arachno Skull】 - 6 years ago
love you Em!! hope you don't get bubble algae :D it's a real pain to deal with, If you get to many dead zones in you tank add a wave maker/Circulation Pump I've used the Hydor Koralia Nano and think it's ok for a under $50 wave maker OH and I hade a pet bobbit worm I fed it clams and shrimp it was super fun to feed!
Morgan Jones
Morgan Jones - 6 years ago
have you seen the magnets that stick on both sides of glass to clean the glass
Cristin Sierra
Cristin Sierra - 6 years ago
I’ve kept a guppy tank for 2 years. My suggestion for fresh water aquarium keeping, watch Dustin’s Fish Tanks & use distilled water for your tank & add in the healthy bacteria when starting a tank.

Another great place to look into when you need to rehome a fish are local business. My guppies kept making babies and I donated a lot of them to my local library that had a really big tank and only one fish in it. They were more then happy to take the guppies. A lot of times dental offices, veterinary clinics & Dr office will have aquariums in the waiting rooms, those would be good places to check out as well.
Ribboneel Fishey
Ribboneel Fishey - 6 years ago
OMG that's my favorite game too. And you both are my favorite YouTube
The Turtle Girl
The Turtle Girl - 6 years ago

Kook and Grinchy

Jk It's Em and Jennie!!! Yaaaaas
K Y - 6 years ago
Love the collaboration. I watch her channel, too.

I'll post a link to a YouTuber's channel that deals with saltwater aquariums.
KitKat biv
KitKat biv - 6 years ago
Her and Danny are so cute I hate how adorable they are sorry I’m nerding out for their relationship
Gage Price
Gage Price - 6 years ago
Em I really suggest taking that starfish out and throwing it away, I know it may seem cruel but those starfish multiply very fast and can take over a tank. Not only that they can eat your corals

Also I have a garden eel and it’s adorable
Holly Maxwell
Holly Maxwell - 6 years ago
Do you know how big that starfish will get? What a cutie!
Sophia's art
Sophia's art - 6 years ago
Sooo cool im your biggest fan
Georgia StrawberryPort
Georgia StrawberryPort - 6 years ago
Jude how rude
Jude how rude - 6 years ago
beautiful cclowns!!
Alaerth Nyth
Alaerth Nyth - 6 years ago
Just the aquatic life is fascinating to me and so beautiful. I really enjoyed this video Em!
Rene Mace
Rene Mace - 6 years ago
My clowns fed them and they would split and pretty soon I had 6
Gold Piece
Gold Piece - 6 years ago
I have blatta lateralis and they are thriving in a aquarium.
Ayshath Sana
Ayshath Sana - 6 years ago
ohmygoshherpigtailsaresocute I love you em, ur videos give me so much positivity <<<<3333
Bumbus_cactus - 6 years ago
Em, you should quarantine your live rock for at least one month before putting it into your tank since it can introduce nasty pests into your aquarium! This happened to me before and a bobbit worm ate six of my fish but luckily I managed to catch it using a trap I created and a red light. One more tip bubble tip anemones can grow huge especially bubble tip anemones mine grew to be 25cm in diameter and never. split if you have clownfish they can also grow super possessive of an anemone and attack you or other fish trust me I learned that the hard way and had to get rid of my bubble tip. I currently own a seventy gallon corner tank with overhead lighting that changes colour it's great. Hope this helps!!
Eugene Barthmallow
Eugene Barthmallow - 6 years ago
Bumbus_cactus omg boppits are freaky! I saw them on an episode of Blue Planet 2
Kashif Kashif
Kashif Kashif - 6 years ago
Beautiful clown fishes
Abby Wypych
Abby Wypych - 6 years ago
Hey Em I know this isn't about fish but I know that you have crested geckos I love Ziggy btw but do you have any tips for like a Crested gecko setup and like their diet thank you and btw Ilysm
sam's channel 101
sam's channel 101 - 6 years ago
i am going to get a pet snail after a few days
Midnight Darkness
Midnight Darkness - 6 years ago
Can you please do an all my pets video????
lounakin - 6 years ago
What is an anennemy? Lol
I A - 6 years ago
Watching coral move is so trippy. I'm so in love with aquariums <3
Michelle Bowers
Michelle Bowers - 6 years ago
Tank came out great and I loved the itty bitty star fish!
Crystal Casares
Crystal Casares - 6 years ago
Welcome back emzotic I missed you!
ashley godfrey
ashley godfrey - 6 years ago
That starfish ... will multiply quickly ... Get rid of it . They are called Asterna and can be hard to tell what kind you have and some do eat coral .. I would suggest getting rid of it ..
Melissa Smith
Melissa Smith - 6 years ago
I never had a problem with them.
Duraticate reef
Duraticate reef - 6 years ago
ashley godfrey i second that. Hate the little white starfish
xDesert3agle - 6 years ago
This video is really nice but I think that is too long. It is really complete but I think your content fits better on 10 minute videos.
Jake Michael
Jake Michael - 6 years ago
That’s cool
Ava Ludwig
Ava Ludwig - 6 years ago
Always look forward to your videos! You're so wonderful and informative. Keep up the hard work! <3
x Kaze
x Kaze - 6 years ago
O.m.g. thats a printer! Or a faq machine? O.O
Jayne - 6 years ago
Your aquarium looks gorgeous! ❤️
KatiesLife - 6 years ago
Love seeing your tank progress! Im having an alge outbreak on 1 of my fresh water aquariums. Lol. Its so frustrating but hopefully its gone soon its slowly clearing up. I wish i could put some more alge eaters in but its home to a Blue Crayfish and he will just eat anything i put in there lol.
Neon Unicorn
Neon Unicorn - 6 years ago
My tank is full of those tiny starfish things! Thay will cover your tank! I found one a while back and now there are hundreds! Same with the snail babies! Neither will harm anything it it makes it hard to clean the glass
Anna Morgan
Anna Morgan - 6 years ago
My asterina starfish took out an entire coral so I’d pick them out if you can!
Neon Unicorn
Neon Unicorn - 6 years ago
Also if you see a bristle worm remove it!! Those will also explode in population
Rhiannon Snow
Rhiannon Snow - 6 years ago
Get rid of that starfish before it takes over!! They are demon's!!
Aidan Langford
Aidan Langford - 6 years ago
Hey! So that starfish is called an “Asterina starfish” some people considered them pests as they multiply extremely fast but in reality they don’t do much harm! Also make sure you are dosing the aquarium with alkalinity calcium and magnesium in such a small tank your coral will deplete those elements EXTREMELY quickly! I personally don’t like test strips as they have a larger margin of error and the results can be somewhat inaccurate. I would use the API master saltwater test kit for you basics and then the red sea reef test kit for alk, Mg, and Cal Good luck!
Bobby Olenick
Bobby Olenick - 6 years ago
You need more water movement and circulation!!!
Rita Rita
Rita Rita - 6 years ago
The aquarium is amazing! Thanks for all the great info! Will you get some seahorses? Is the starfish doing well?
MuddyMoo - 6 years ago
Hey Em! Your hair looks so cut in those braids! ❤❤
Jessicas Animal Friends
Jessicas Animal Friends - 6 years ago
Wow that does look so much better!
Dandelion Daisy degu
Dandelion Daisy degu - 6 years ago
Loooooooooove u emmmmn! Everyone loves em yaaay
DammitOliver - 6 years ago
my day is 100% better after this video
Olivia Dau
Olivia Dau - 6 years ago
IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS!! I love your videos and jennie’s!!
Alice Lewellen
Alice Lewellen - 6 years ago
I don't have saltwater but I do have three freshwater tanks. One 5.5 gallon tank with a Betta (and I'm working on getting it planted). One 10 gallon with two African dwarf frogs, a little clown plecostomus, and some of the little tiny black neon tetras and glowlight tetras. One 20 gallon that is planet and is quite wonderful my plan for it once the five fish in there die out from old age is to get some shrimp and nano fish for it.
Caramel Cottonball
Caramel Cottonball - 6 years ago
That moment when you realize that the saltwater is oil, the tank is a pan and the fish are fishfingers.
Tasty tho.
Dinoz gaming
Dinoz gaming - 6 years ago
plz get a snowflake eel
Anna Morgan
Anna Morgan - 6 years ago
Mindy Xie definitely. strips are pretty much useless. Especially for saltwater when any imbalances have a great negative effect quickly. I also think those strips are just for freshwater.
Kapri Karacapri8899
Kapri Karacapri8899 - 6 years ago
also i love Jennie from Solid Gold Aquatics!!!!!
Supertastic Animal Land
Supertastic Animal Land - 6 years ago
Tara Gray
Tara Gray - 6 years ago
I may be mistaken, but I vaguely remember you saying something about owning a bumblebee goby at some point in time.... was wondering if you still own it? More specifically do you still have a brackish tank? If so, I would love a video dedicated to your brackish water tank! Not many videos out there on brackish. Thanks a lot!
The Virtual Zookeeper
The Virtual Zookeeper - 6 years ago
Tara Gray it was in the betta tank I believe (since they can live in fresh as well) and it passed away during the power outage unfortunately.
Aries Meyer
Aries Meyer - 6 years ago
I love your Sharknado earring
Beth Pomeroy
Beth Pomeroy - 6 years ago
Kapri Karacapri8899
Kapri Karacapri8899 - 6 years ago
i love that you did this and took this big step and that your tank doing well!!!
Kapri Karacapri8899
Kapri Karacapri8899 - 6 years ago
Emzotic - 6 years ago
Kapri Karacapri8899 It’s flourishing nicely!!
Jessicas Animal Friends
Jessicas Animal Friends - 6 years ago
I am TERRIFIED of saltwater tanks lol
JPs Pet nation
JPs Pet nation - 6 years ago
Jessicas Animal Friends why
Emzotic - 6 years ago
Jessicas Animal Friends Now that ive done it, I’m STILL terrified!
Jan Allik
Jan Allik - 6 years ago
The Wolf
The Wolf - 6 years ago
Love the vid em! So glad that you’re doing a colab with Jenny! She’s so amazing I watch her all the time haha!! Anyway love the vid and all the information you gave byeeeee
The Wolf
The Wolf - 6 years ago
Emzotic sameeee haha her fish room is AMAZING!!!
Emzotic - 6 years ago
The Wolf She’s absolutely fab!!! I’ve been slobbering over her fish room!
Benny Adriansyah
Benny Adriansyah - 6 years ago
Ummm... That glow-in-the dark style aquarium is particularly beautiful.
Matthew Keating
Matthew Keating - 6 years ago
Mohammed Khatab
Mohammed Khatab - 6 years ago
I ❤ your I videos
❤❤❤ you em
Crystal Ng
Crystal Ng - 6 years ago
uploaded 12 mins ago yay
ein riskanter profilname
ein riskanter profilname - 6 years ago
Em: adding new rocks
Aquatic plants: it's free real estate
Emzotic - 6 years ago
eine riskanter profilname you know it!
bananas70389 - 6 years ago
Anemones never stop growing! And live pretty much forever!
Emzotic - 6 years ago
bananas70389 They’re like adorable little sea bags!
sam's channel 101
sam's channel 101 - 6 years ago
love u emma
Teyahna Lowrey10
Teyahna Lowrey10 - 6 years ago
I'm on level 5
Emzotic - 6 years ago
Yaaas!! I’m on level 10!
Eldritch Shire
Eldritch Shire - 6 years ago
Flake foods usually arent good for bettas, it can cause bloating. Live foods and frozen foods like daphnia, brine shrimp, myosis shrimp, mosquito larvae, cyclops, blood worms, and various others with pellets are great. Just change it up and have some days of fasting like one or two and just regular betta pellets. Just be careful to not overfeed. I tend to fast my bettas if I do overfeed
Seren - 6 years ago
@Jeannie Keshane

Just soak them before you give them to him (for a few minutes, make sure they're rehydrated) and you're good to go! Once they run out, you can switch the frozen if you'd like. But they're only an active issue if you don't soak them first.
Jeannie Keshane
Jeannie Keshane - 6 years ago
Well I feel just horrible for feeding my baby boy freeze dried blood worms
Sleepy Frog
Sleepy Frog - 6 years ago
I feed my betta live black worms, frozen blood worms, frozen brine shrimp and frozen daphnia plus occasional pellets.
Seren - 6 years ago
Pellet food's a great staple! A lot of people, twice a week, will feed frozen bloodworms or daphnia to vary it up. Your betta will get more colorful as well!

While a lot of people have fed frozen peas with no issue, I don't really recommend it--they're laxatives for bettas, and there's no real point in feeding a laxative regularly to your betta.

Second the recommendation AGAINST freeze dried as well. They're not as nutritious, although you can avoid bloating by soaking the freeze dried food in tank water first. Just go for frozen--they'll last you for quite a while. You can chip off a bit of the ice block, let it thaw, then drop some worms in next to your fish, and you're good to go. Just make sure to clean up any leftovers.
Anna Morgan
Anna Morgan - 6 years ago
Frozen blood worms are great. Freeze dried worms aren’t very good for bettas as they bloat up inside them easily.
Sia - 6 years ago
I like a varying diet of half a frozen pee once a week and a very small pellet once or twice and dried blood worms the rest !!
dizzxy - 6 years ago
There's these blocks of frozen bloodworms at Petco and my bettas love them. As for pellets, I used to use Hikari but I switched to Betta Buffet by Omega One because I really liked the ingredients in that more.
Meiya J.
Meiya J. - 6 years ago
ella cortez I do pellets once a week, and interchange flakes and dried blood works for the rest of the week, and I find my betta liked it a lot, and is very healthy.
MooMoo's Pets
MooMoo's Pets - 6 years ago
Hadley Larson
Hadley Larson - 6 years ago
Will you be getting some more fishy friends to join your lovely clownfish? Also that bubble tip anemone is too fascinating!
JPs Pet nation
JPs Pet nation - 6 years ago
Hadley Larson I hope she does. I do love lion fish they are so cool to keep but they will eat anything they can fit in there mouth so cool tho
wild ratty girl/Naia smith
wild ratty girl/Naia smith - 6 years ago
Hadley Larson same here lol
Hadley Larson
Hadley Larson - 6 years ago
lol i watch too much youtube soooo . yeah lol
wild ratty girl/Naia smith
wild ratty girl/Naia smith - 6 years ago
I see you on all my favorite channels lol XD
Emzotic - 6 years ago
I actually won’t be. I don’t want to overstock this tank :)
Hadley Larson
Hadley Larson - 6 years ago
Oh goodness! I didn't even realize I made a typo! Thank you! (fixed it lol)
Matthew Keating
Matthew Keating - 6 years ago
Hadley Larson *too
Oliver's Pets
Oliver's Pets - 6 years ago
Hii em your aquarium looks epic love you and your channel ! And em i am now addicted to splash its like a drug lol it is awesome also i dont have twitter so i cant send you pics hi em sorry i am a only fresh water i have one aquarium but i will get one more tank this weekend so i am excited em also with any aquariums just get as many clean up crew as you can i have learnt that like i have to get some awesome snails from pro shrimp!! Love you em have a good day also i loved the collaboration with up and jennie !!
Oliver's Pets
Oliver's Pets - 6 years ago
Emzotic nice i am looking forward to it have a good day em !!
Emzotic - 6 years ago
Oliver's Pets I’m so glad you’re enjoying Splash! It’s so beautifully created! Ps: proper collab with Jennie is coming soon! X
iTsKawaii CaKeZ
iTsKawaii CaKeZ - 6 years ago
75th like yeah br did it!!!!
iTsKawaii CaKeZ
iTsKawaii CaKeZ - 6 years ago
thanks for 1 like!!!!
Milena's Stuff
Milena's Stuff - 6 years ago
U love you
Emzotic - 6 years ago
Milena's Stuff ILYM
Soccer Dash And Hyena Lover
Soccer Dash And Hyena Lover - 6 years ago
Emzotic Cant belive u replyed to this comment and ❤️’ed two of my comments ! FANGIRLING
Emzotic - 6 years ago
Soccer Dash And Hyena Lover ❤️❤️❤️
Joleen Gen
Joleen Gen - 6 years ago
SOLD! I'm going to DL splash now....I'll tweet you when I get started
Emzotic - 6 years ago
Joleen Gen Yes please!!! Share with me on Twitter!
peachy pie
peachy pie - 6 years ago
Emzotic - 6 years ago
Daniel Lopez ❤️❤️❤️ Thanks for your support!
Ava Ludwig
Ava Ludwig - 6 years ago
He's my favorite! I'm normally terrifically horrified of birds, but I just love him <3
Ava Ludwig
Ava Ludwig - 6 years ago
Yesss! Can't wait for more Grinchy! <3
Emzotic - 6 years ago
Green Wolf123 I love Serbia! I was in Belgrade a few years ago. Yes, Grinchy updates soon!!
Emzotic - 6 years ago
Vanes LM Right!? This was basically only possible because of him!
keila S.
keila S. - 6 years ago
35 comment great vid
miujiki - 6 years ago
hey Emma !!!! just passing by to say i love your videos soooo much , they are sooo cool and entertaining to watch !!! they also help me train my english while i see all those beautiful creatures ( im brazilian by the way : ) ) love youuu !!!
Emzotic - 6 years ago
miujiki ¡¡Besos a Brazil!!
Stef Styl
Stef Styl - 6 years ago
Ro di water
Tori Greenwood
Tori Greenwood - 6 years ago
❤️❤️❤️‼️‼️‼️ I love you soooooo much em
Emzotic - 6 years ago
Tori Greenwood ILYM!
Yesenia Yesy
Yesenia Yesy - 6 years ago
hi have you ever had hamsters. please answer me
Yesenia Yesy
Yesenia Yesy - 6 years ago
Emzotic i just realized thanks for the heart
Yesenia Yesy
Yesenia Yesy - 6 years ago
Emzotic COOL I LOVE HAMSTERS and i was thinking you could do a creatue feature on hamsters
Emzotic - 6 years ago
Yesenia Yesy Yes I had one in the uk xx
Andrew's Animals
Andrew's Animals - 6 years ago
WOooo this is the best day ever!
Leah Draws
Leah Draws - 6 years ago
AHHHH i love your earings
Emzotic - 6 years ago
Leah Draws Thank you!!
Megan Bembridge
Megan Bembridge - 6 years ago
I want a saltwater tank I am getting one soon
Emzotic - 6 years ago
Megan Bembridge best of luck!!
Emzotic - 6 years ago
Khalid Mahamed Thanks!!
Danny Mendez
Danny Mendez - 6 years ago
I wish I were your boyfriend....oh wait!!!
Excellent video my love.
Super Scales Animals
Super Scales Animals - 6 years ago
Danny Mendez now husband!!!! Sooo cool
Nick Torres
Nick Torres - 6 years ago
Did you get rid of the little star is a hitchhiker that eats Coral’s
Erica Wheeler
Erica Wheeler - 6 years ago
my heart omg
Mareen - 6 years ago
oh so cute :D
Kameo Hosley
Kameo Hosley - 6 years ago
Haha! Cute comment.
Tabea Tomadini
Tabea Tomadini - 6 years ago
Danny Mendez hello Danny you remember of me and my boyfriend! :) you and Em are soooooo cute and funny :)
Ava Ludwig
Ava Ludwig - 6 years ago
Elizabeth Charles
Elizabeth Charles - 6 years ago
Danny Mendez ugh I love this so much.
Kyros - 6 years ago
what!? and who the fu- oh, lol.
Thomas S.
Thomas S. - 6 years ago
So funny. Crazy couple, too cute.
Nina Vo
Nina Vo - 6 years ago
This is the cutest thing.
The Wolf
The Wolf - 6 years ago
Don’t we all haha, you and Em are so cute Danny haha
Soccer Dash And Hyena Lover
Soccer Dash And Hyena Lover - 6 years ago
Danny Mendez Haha !! Hi !!
Dumbo Octopus
Dumbo Octopus - 6 years ago
“Infinity war is the most ambitious crossover in history”

Me: this video
Jessica Berkey
Jessica Berkey - 6 years ago
This video is amazing!!!! Your energy is so inviting and fun!!!! Thank you for being such a fun YouTuber and amazing caregiver to all you animals!!! Ly!
Jessica Berkey
Jessica Berkey - 6 years ago
Emzotic It really is a fun place!!! I'll always support you!!!!
Emzotic - 6 years ago
Jessica Burkey Aww Thanks Jess!! I want this to be a fun pace for everyone xxx
Sasha C
Sasha C - 6 years ago
OMG! Collabing with Jennie! I was waiting for this video!!!
Sasha C
Sasha C - 6 years ago
Emzotic Can't wait!!!
Emzotic - 6 years ago
Sasha C True collab coming soon!!!
Nicole Taylor
Nicole Taylor - 6 years ago
Wow this is rlly cool:D
Nicole Taylor
Nicole Taylor - 6 years ago
Np and I love your video’s!
Emzotic - 6 years ago
Michael Taylor Thanks!!
Lewis Vann
Lewis Vann - 6 years ago
Hey tanks looks great better than what I could do xxx
Emzotic - 6 years ago
Lewis Vann Never know until you try!
Madi's Life
Madi's Life - 6 years ago
I'm a little early! I love u and your animals so much I hope u notice me!
Madi's Life
Madi's Life - 6 years ago
Yay! Could u plz maybe check out my channel as Well? I would love it if u did!
Emzotic - 6 years ago
Llama Life I see you!!
Emzotic - 6 years ago
Anna Golden I’m here! Do I count?
geekey gee
geekey gee - 6 years ago
First comment 18th like love u ssssssssm
Emzotic - 6 years ago
geekey gee ❤️❤️❤️
Emzotic - 6 years ago
Narwhal Party Looks more like Toto x
Ender Flight
Ender Flight - 6 years ago
Oh yes! I am so happy to see this colab!
Emzotic - 6 years ago
Ender Flight A proper collab is coming!!
Munkers TV
Munkers TV - 6 years ago
I love your videos keep up the amazing work
Emzotic - 6 years ago
The fishing Frenzy Thanks Frenzy!
Harleen F. Quinzel
Harleen F. Quinzel - 6 years ago
Emzotic - 6 years ago
Harleen F. Quinzel I’m here!!!
ricki bugler
ricki bugler - 6 years ago
Hi em yay first comment
Emzotic - 6 years ago
ricki bugler Welcome back!
nootje 99
nootje 99 - 6 years ago
Emzotic - 6 years ago
nootje 99 Yaaaas
Random Pear
Random Pear - 6 years ago
Hi I’ve wanted to see this for ages!!!! Thankyou
No Body
No Body - 6 years ago
Oh my gosh this is so exciting!
Emzotic - 6 years ago
No Body ☺️☺️☺️
Emzotic - 6 years ago
E E Hey!
Faith Gallegos
Faith Gallegos - 6 years ago
Emzotic - 6 years ago
Faith Gallegos Love you Faith!

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