Running Carbon Properly in a reef aquarium

Using carbon (GAC) will improve water clarity and pull out some pollutants in a reef tank. Active filtration will always exceed passive filtration. Rinse the media very well to remove all dust before installing a carbon reactor, and see the difference in your aquarium. Also, a reef update and a warning about the next video I upload. :) You can purchase carbon from Melev's Reef: Pelletized: Granulated: Music by Ross Bugden:

Running Carbon Properly in a reef aquarium sentiment_very_dissatisfied 28

Reef tank 9 years ago 66,078 views

Using carbon (GAC) will improve water clarity and pull out some pollutants in a reef tank. Active filtration will always exceed passive filtration. Rinse the media very well to remove all dust before installing a carbon reactor, and see the difference in your aquarium. Also, a reef update and a warning about the next video I upload. :) You can purchase carbon from Melev's Reef: Pelletized: Granulated: Music by Ross Bugden:

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Most popular comments
for Running Carbon Properly in a reef aquarium

Frikkie Pienaar
Frikkie Pienaar - 7 years ago
Melev, i just want to say thank you for making these videos! Your videos are both entertaining and immensely helpful!
My Reef Life
My Reef Life - 7 years ago
I have a couple carbon questions I'm hoping you can help with.

1. Is there a negative effect when using 2 or 3 times the regular 1/2 Cup to 50G amount?

2. After using Flat worm exit, could I fill the media reactor full with carbon just for this use?

Please and thank you.
My Reef Life
My Reef Life - 7 years ago
melevsreef roger that. Thank you!
melevsreef - 7 years ago
You can double the GAC after a Flatworm eXit treatment. But for normal use, stick to the regular amount.
brick house
brick house - 7 years ago
I have done zero water changes for over two years by dosing vitamin c alternated with vinegar with a small refugium. The skimmer is a reef octopus 150 and the system is 120 gal. A moderate stock of sps and lps also a moderate fish stock. The sand bed is bright white and no hermit crabs. I can only support one turbo snail and two other small algae eating snails. I have yet to run GFO but is on standby. One jeweled goby sifts the sand and I have yet to have coral sickness or fish. I cycled this tank with carbon dosing and a stocked refugium and an 18W UV. No algae and no cyanobacteria.
brick house
brick house - 7 years ago
yes, and its been great. i use home depot to order what i need because in central texas nobody stock the calcium or mag ice melters either. potassium and sodium chloride are abundant because water softeners are all over.
melevsreef - 7 years ago
Unfortunately, we don't have that available in my area. I use Magnesium Pronto from Two Little Fishies for my reef's Mg needs. You make your own salt?!
brick house
brick house - 7 years ago
also, I use bags of ice melter / calcium chloride and magnesium chloride for roughly $18 for 25lb bag. same purity as the labeled for aquarium use. I do have a formula for making a great reef salt. kent marine has an additive you may use yourself for other trace elements. you have an outstanding tank by the way
brick house
brick house - 7 years ago
I have enjoyed your video series for a while. Good and informative with proper product use. good luck for future success.
melevsreef - 7 years ago
That sounds great to me. Nice job.
Thomas Belt
Thomas Belt - 7 years ago
there is a lot more to carbon than small and "chunky" you need to read more and look at BRS TV on carbon.
melevsreef - 7 years ago
Yes, there is lots more to it. I'm just providing the basics for the entry and medium-level reef keeper.
Chris Groves
Chris Groves - 7 years ago
Is passive filtration ok tho? I have an all in one tank, no sump
muffemod - 7 years ago
>carbon creates nitrate
melevsreef - 7 years ago
Carbon that traps organics for too long can begin to leach nitrate back out into the effluent coming out of the reactor. Speaking of which, I need to change mine tomorrow, it's been too long. Thanks for the reminder. :)
Kevin Stailey
Kevin Stailey - 7 years ago
Why Not Pre-Rinse Carbone before you add it to your filter - Then maybe one rinse in case Carbon "dust" occurs while adding it to the filter ?
Kevin Stailey
Kevin Stailey - 7 years ago
You stated in your tutorial that the Carbon does all it can do within a few days - To remove it until a later time when needed again.  Here's my problem - I am Daisy Chaining 4 DIY built Canister Filters together - One of them - a 4" x 18" Canister was / is going to be filled with Active Carbon. I believe you meant that the water is as clear and clean as it's going to be after that period of time, but the Carbon itself, does it become ineffective as in depleted of capabilities? I do not intend on pulling it out and putting it back every few days or even every few weeks - In my experience - not as extensive as yours, though the Carbon is not "Needed" it is still good - I am thinking this Canister's load should last / be effective for at least 6 months - Am I wrong - Your input is appreciated and respected - After all, I certainly do not know it all.
melevsreef - 7 years ago
It's far easier to pour dry carbon into a reactor than it is to scoop wet globs of the stuff into it.
Juan Bolanos
Juan Bolanos - 7 years ago
Short videos with highlights and a full long video at the end with everything
J.K. Hobbyist
J.K. Hobbyist - 7 years ago
Thanks for your video great advice!

10. comment for Running Carbon Properly in a reef aquarium

the j
the j - 7 years ago
Bad advice. Being a Chemist of over 20 years, professionally trained in high purity water systems, and have been reefing for 18, you run the carbon all the time. Organics slowly build-up, aside from other chemical and biological concerns, and can interfere with light penetration. Run carbon proactively. If you run a high quality low dust carbon and pack it, it should not shed particulate. If you are worried that it will shed due to lateral line erosion fears, then run a post filter side in-line filter from pall or millipore or even use a filter sock. Also, since carbon can also interact with inorganic substances, ensure you do adequate water changes and or run a supplementation program.

Bottom line, when maintaining a reef tank, its about maintaining water quality.
Robert Xiong
Robert Xiong - 7 years ago
I am planning on running gfo and carbon reactors in my sump. where should I put the pump to suck in water and where should I put the and end outlet?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
I'm a big fan of biopellets. The refugium needs some sand and some macro algae, plus a daylight bulb over it.
Robert Xiong
Robert Xiong - 7 years ago
+melevsreef okay great! what do you recommend in the refugium section? I'm really just trying to get rid of nitrate and I got rid of the bio ball set up from the owner before me. I'm going to have a different filtration. I am going to hook up two of the reactors and run a refugium just need to get. I heard sand and mud is not good?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
Have you seen this video yet?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
Yup. If you're like the output to dump into the skimmer zone instead, you could.
Robert Xiong
Robert Xiong - 7 years ago
melevsreef so you drain from the return zone and the water flows back into the return zone?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
You can draw from the spot where your reactors are, and return the same zone. Water flowing through the zones will constantly bring new water so it's not recirculating the same carbon/gfo-filtered water. I use a single pump that draws from the return (return pump area) zone and feeds my various reactors. They drain into the return zone.

Basically, I don't draw water from the skimmer zone, nor the refugium.
BAJA'S REEF - 7 years ago
Can I substitute activated carbon for Purigen?
BAJA'S REEF - 7 years ago
+melevsreef thank you so much for the reply. I am watching right now your video of the 20,000 gal reef :)
melevsreef - 7 years ago
It's made up of other items besides carbon. I have a feeling it would pass through the internal sponges of any reactor too. But if you wanted to try, you can. Just keep the flow very slow, maybe 60gph or so, or 1g a minute.
BAJA'S REEF - 7 years ago
+melevsreef i have the 250 ml bottle and comes loose without the mesh bag. More than anything I was wondering if Purigen is a better media than carbon.
melevsreef - 7 years ago
Purigen comes in a small mesh bag, so I don't think that would work to well.
francois litalien
francois litalien - 7 years ago
Just curious about the position of the carbon tube in the whole system..
melevsreef - 7 years ago
I put the reactor inside the sump in the return zone. It drains into the skimmer section, before the baffles. You can see it in this video around the 7:00 mark.
Tony Black
Tony Black - 7 years ago
i have a question, how do you determine when the carbon is used up? you cgange yours every 3 4 days. how do you actually know thats it's done? some claim 2 weeks others claim a month. whos right?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
Tony, I run it for a few days and it's done. I don't change it every 3-4 days. I ran some fresh carbon a week ago, and it's done. I can tell because water clarity got much better and now it gradually declines. I run carbon once a month for a few days.
LRanee - 7 years ago
Hey,what do you think about me doing this for my Nano 29 gallon running a ac 70 with sponge,chemi pure blue,marineland carbon.Im also a penguin 350 with filter floss and 2 bags of matrix bio media.Im doing a 5 gallon water change once a week.
LRanee - 7 years ago
I have as of now 1 clownfish and one yellowtail damsel.Planning on getting royal gramma,fire fish,yellow watchman goby and maybe a few more if i see something i like.For corals i wanted to get a toadstool for sure,some simple softies and leathers like gsp,exenia,mushrooms,devils hand.Could i do some lps like forg spawn,hammers and torches with no dosing?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
That sounds like a lot of filtration. What kind of livestock do you plan to keep?
cicco - 7 years ago
awesome video bro!!!
Aslam Abraham
Aslam Abraham - 7 years ago
Hey Melev, be sure to show us the filtration of this massive reef.
melevsreef - 7 years ago
It's toward the end of that video. Enjoy, it's on my channel.
Zach Murray
Zach Murray - 7 years ago
Doesn't the carbon tumble with the top sponge not pushed down to compress it? I've heard that will make the carbon grind itself into dust. I know you run with super low flow though...
mr. terious
mr. terious - 7 years ago
What happens when to much carbon?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
It is possible to strip out too much of the good things, and carbon can affect tangs adversely. So stick to .5 of a cup per 50g of liquid volume, and realize it is only good for a few days or so.

20. comment for Running Carbon Properly in a reef aquarium

19sp - 7 years ago
did you put the carbon reactor after the skimmer or before the skimmer?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
It's run it after the skimmer.
REEFER JAMES - 7 years ago
Great info. Run mine through a hot 250. Keep up the great vids!
zoeith6 - 7 years ago
MMM starfire, the shatter glass. Buy acrylic, avoid seams and avoid the "green" in glass from the NECESSARY iron.
melevsreef - 7 years ago
Here's a link to the frag system:
melevsreef - 7 years ago
I work with acrylic, and have had a smaller acrylic tank in the past. My frag system is all acrylic right now. But my display tanks are Starphire and look great. I've had starphire glass tanks since 2004. None have shattered. Leaks happened because the silicone let go, while the glass was perfectly good still.
Revulsion OK
Revulsion OK - 8 years ago
I have a sump, where do i put the carbon reactor? in the same place as the return pump? Or do I cycle the pipe so it goes from the carbon reactor to the return pump then to the tank? Please helpppp
melevsreef - 8 years ago
Anywhere it will fit. Just have it water exit somewhere quietly into the sump. It will improve water clarity.
tjsreptiles - 8 years ago
well put.........great video explained perfectly
Moe Kayed
Moe Kayed - 8 years ago
I put mine in a nylon filter sock. The trick is to put the carbon in a separate filter bag and make sure you tighten the bag so the carbon is not loose. Then the carbon is tight and has no wiggle room to get pulverized. Works great.
Nick Mcalpin
Nick Mcalpin - 8 years ago
GAC generally lasts about two weeks, you can do the white bucket test to see if the tannins are building up. My tank seems to get pissed at even the slightest amount of GAC really so I don't use it all that much. Change water.
melevsreef - 8 years ago
In my experience, carbon doesn't last nearly as long as you are indicating. I base that on tank smell as well as water clarity.
Moe Kayed
Moe Kayed - 8 years ago
melevsreef Also when you clean your filer socks just rinse off the carbon bag. Much easier than messing with a reactor.
Moe Kayed
Moe Kayed - 8 years ago
melevsreef about 2 weeks. I have no real way of knowing it is exhausted. I know home water filters say 6 months but they don't have nearly the amount of constant flow. Another way I think you can tell it's time is when you turn off your pumps for feeding or water changes, take sniff of the still water and if smells fishy, it's time to change the carbon.
melevsreef - 8 years ago
How long do you keep it in there?
goodall1bay - 8 years ago
I find the best way to clean carbon; use a large net and rinse it under a tap then drain off.
berny's reef
berny's reef - 8 years ago
If you add bioluminescent dinoflagellates to your reef will it glow at night with the rippling of the water?
melevsreef - 8 years ago
I don't know anyone that would intentionally add dinoflagellates to their closed ecosystem. :)
EAST COAST REEFER - 8 years ago
great videos, can you give me some advice on a good reactor for gfo/carbon ? I have a 50gal cube with a sump. Thanks, I've learned a lot from your vids..
ReefRealEstate - 8 years ago
Any suggestions on a video editor? Never used one or have one. Was originally just shooting the video to have as a record for myself to look back on but then thought others might benefit from my errors or triumphs. Never thought it would ever be any sort of production as I don't really have the time to do it. Thanks for feedback.

30. comment for Running Carbon Properly in a reef aquarium

ReefRealEstate - 8 years ago
Great vid. Very informative. Love the one on the pellets too. Really helps explain everything clearly. I am starting my 270 gallon, have some very average videos but really wanted a video diary of this start up. Totally agree with starphire too, huge difference. Love to see a comment from you on my for any thoughts you may have. Thanks for making these videos, really helps and they are awesome. Would love to see one on the Calc reactor too.
melevsreef - 8 years ago
Hey, thanks for the comments. Regarding your video style, aim for education and how you want to help others grasp what you've accomplished. Avoid long stagnant shots, and splice in different scenes, images, and pans. Adding music helps, but make sure it's royalty-free to avoid getting hit with copyright issues. I've been shooting all my videos with the iPhone 6 Plus and 6s Plus, tomorrow I get my 7 Plus with a better camera yet.

I will do one on calcium reactors. I have an article on that topic, but it's time to do one with video.
Franklin Michael
Franklin Michael - 8 years ago
The hour long video was awesome, the longer they are the more information you can get thorugh.
Jake Carpenter
Jake Carpenter - 8 years ago
I'm confused. Everywhere look, they say that the carbon is good for a month.
melevsreef - 8 years ago
The question is, is it really good for a month? In my experience, it's good for a few days. That doesn't mean you replace it every time. I haven't run carbon on my reef in two months, but I feel the urge to run some now since the water's clarity is less than desired.

Running carbon for a few days once a month is perfectly fine.
HNiCDuke - 8 years ago
Jake Carpenter that's just a way to keep you buying it. everybody system is different.
pauls reef
pauls reef - 8 years ago
I heard not to use carbon because it depletes important things that help corals grow, is that true?what are your thoughts about this?
melevsreef - 8 years ago
Carbon is used in freshwater and saltwater tanks to polish the water. It improves clarity and removes toxins from the water. Corals are always fighting for space using chemical warfare if not outright sweepers, and carbon helps pull that out of the water as well. Corals don't suffer from carbon use, and as I mentioned in the video, I'm only suggesting you run it for a few days each month. New foods, additives, water changes all replenish amino acids, fatty acids and a variety of trace elements. Plus you can buy bottles of those things if you felt the need to add them - although I never have needed any.
Clyde Macasero
Clyde Macasero - 8 years ago
Thank you for making very informative videos melev! I'm a "virgin" to the reef hobby, but you create understandable videos to new aquarists
ChiLLaXin MaN
ChiLLaXin MaN - 8 years ago
do you recommend a phosphate reactor.. i heard you say you run a calcium and carbon. i keep getting carpet algae, glass algae.. but i run a pretty good PSkimmer, algae scrubber, refugium 40g established bladed grass. 120g DS fish only cause coral wont stay alive grrrr. DS light only 8hrs, scrubber and refuge light 16hrs... any suggestions would be great TANK you
ChiLLaXin MaN
ChiLLaXin MaN - 8 years ago
Lol.. yea i found your vid on that later yesterday.. thx for your quick response.
melevsreef - 8 years ago
I just use Phosphate Rx to remove phosphate. It's easier than a reactor full of GFO.
Slappy White
Slappy White - 8 years ago
Wish that I had watched your video a long time ago
1royalwolf - 8 years ago
I watched your interview on the 20,000 gallon reef. It was excellent. Top job
melevsreef - 8 years ago
Thanks! :)
Michael Jones
Michael Jones - 8 years ago
Just starting back up with saltwater. Saltwater Paradise set me up with an established tank 75 Gallon Tank with a Sump (Waxahachie Texas). I am wondering what type of active carbon filtration you would use for my type of tank?
hm G
hm G - 8 years ago
Thank you for all the great videos you produce. Your reef tank is amazing. "Happy reefing"
Carolina Fish Keepers
Carolina Fish Keepers - 8 years ago
great video. and you are using a very nice camera
Chino Pagan
Chino Pagan - 8 years ago
Great great great videos awsom tanks and keep them comeing..joe yaiullo tank is beyond words loll thanks for shareing btw you guys comeing over for reefpalooza nyc 6/25/26/16
melevsreef - 8 years ago
+Chino Pagan No, sorry I won't be able to make that one.
Andy Rojas
Andy Rojas - 8 years ago
Thank you for the work you do!
CG Reef
CG Reef - 8 years ago
I need a new Ro/Di system and will definitely check out your website.
melevsreef - 8 years ago
+Carlos Galvez Membranes can last 1-5 years. It depends on your local water conditions. The membrane is on top of the RO system, in the big white housing.
CG Reef
CG Reef - 8 years ago
+melevsreef Thank you very much i will definitely purchase one from you next week, i do have a quick question, how often should i change the membranes?
melevsreef - 8 years ago
+Carlos Galvez Great. Here's the link to that section:
CG Reef
CG Reef - 8 years ago
I can watch all your video all day at work haha,
Great advice and it satisfies me knowing that I actually figured out some things you talk about in your video before seeing them :)
Thanks for all the important info, there is so much misleading info on Youtube right now.
Only had my reef running for about a year, and I can say your videos have helped a lot in never having a crash of any kind, I started from literally 0 knowledge on reef keeping!
Greg Baugher
Greg Baugher - 8 years ago
Awesome video as usual.
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
That reactor is nice Love the color! Been using the brs dual reactors for a while now. Nice video
Tim's Tank
Tim's Tank - 8 years ago
got any idea where I can get replacement foam pads for my nextreef reactor? I know the company went out of business. Can't seem to find them or a suitable replacement for them on the web.
melevsreef - 8 years ago
+Tim Gentry I don't know. Sorry.
Dos Maiz
Dos Maiz - 8 years ago
I always thought carbon was supposed to be used all the time, with proper carbon changes, to remove harmful chemicals in the tank? Didn't know it's merely used for cosmetic purposes of the water. Good to know!
melevsreef - 8 years ago
+Dos Maiz (Twocorns) If it is the only thing you'd use for filtration, perhaps carbon would be more critical. Carbon was used decades ago in saltwater systems using canister filters, and of course on smaller tanks using hang on back (HOB) filters. However, since it doesn't last long, you'd be forever changing it out and it would get pretty costly. And remember, every time you use carbon rinse it very very well before installing it in your system.
DontMatTerSz - 8 years ago
take ur time making ur videos they always come out great ur reef..

50. comment for Running Carbon Properly in a reef aquarium

Dennis Marquez
Dennis Marquez - 8 years ago
Is it okay to run a carbon reactor with biopellet together at the same time? I'm still having problems with my phosphate.
Dennis Marquez
Dennis Marquez - 8 years ago
+melevsreef Thank you.
melevsreef - 8 years ago
+Dennis Marquez No, the medias are completely different. Carbon shouldn't even move, and biopellets need to be tumbling at minimum. If you want to reduce phosphates, why don't you use what I use? Phosphate Rx is awesome:
southway1943 - 8 years ago
another great video as like you have described I have activated carbon in a mesh bag just sitting in my sump next to my return pump I have 5 bags of it for a 120 litre 26 gallon tank is this to much.
and second I will get a reactor for carbon for the future.
Peter from London england
eric olsen
eric olsen - 8 years ago
what do you think about chemi pure blue stuff for a smaller tank instead of carbon reactor?
melevsreef - 8 years ago
+eric olsen That's a great solution (get it?) for nano systems. :)
thumbs up amazing video :)
Alex Kingcole
Alex Kingcole - 9 years ago
True that. Carbon is bye bye after a couple of days through active circulation. Many are told to keep it in for a month. My return pump is 800 gallons an hour. For 1/2 cup of carbon this becomes quickly utilized and exhausted.
Alex Kingcole
Alex Kingcole - 9 years ago
+Alex Kingcole
also, thank you for posting the 20K gallon reef! Love it, love it, love it. I was at Joe's 2015 MACNA conference so this is awesome.
DiepBlueC - 9 years ago
I was under the impression that when running carbon in a reactor, one should push that top filter sponge and the filter plate down onto the carbon in the reactor so that it cannot tumble to reduce the amount of carbon tumbling and dust created?
Or perhaps your low flow handles that. Thoughts?
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+DiepBlueC If you control the flow rate in the reactor, you can avoid any type of tumbling. I rinse it very well before it is hooked up so dust has never been a factor. The slower the flow, the better.
Jeffrey Walden
Jeffrey Walden - 9 years ago
I was hoping you would control your camera view and lighting and ALL variables when showing the Carbon-filter effect "experiment" - Your "experiment" was uninformative/inconclusive I can not see the change at all. Please do this again.
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Jeffray Walden I'd probably need a different camera to do it right, honestly. However, it's something you can definitely do in your own tank and view the results I described. Let me know how it goes.
rockstar - 9 years ago
hey..can u do a video on cal reactor ?
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+rockstar Sure can. I've been using one since 2004.
Fred Beer
Fred Beer - 9 years ago
Hey Marc I had a question for you. Have you ever came across these tiny little white bugs? They are so tiny almost like red bugs but these are not red bugs they look like fleas but white. I just got my kessils today now I'm worried I may need to convert to a fowlr its to bad so much coral so much time and money all wasted due to these dumb bugs
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Fred Beer You may want to try dipping any affected corals to help reduce their population. Very small wrasses (Yellow Coris, for example) will pick off bugs like that.
Fred Beer
Fred Beer - 9 years ago
+melevsreef thanks for the reply. Most of my corals are doing fine and opening up. My torch coral was doing great for a while but has recently lost a head due to these bugs. I think these bugs came on a zoa frag and I also believe they are eating them too.
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Fred Beer There are all kinds of bugs that come in with corals. But how is the livestock doing, specifically?
Brett Abbott
Brett Abbott - 9 years ago
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Brett Abbott Uploads today.
Lisa Foster
Lisa Foster - 9 years ago
Please, give us a full-length video!! I'd love to see and learn from that!!
rahjelli - 9 years ago
Please post the LI Aquarium video, everyone needs to see it. Joe is the coolest dude ever, over the summer in 2013 I drove to LI with my wife and daughters from the Bronx and it was about a 2 hour trip just to see this aquarium after I read a 2007 article he published in Advanced Aquarist about it. When I saw him walk out from the maintenance area I told him what we did and he said "well that deserves a tour!" And he took me and my family on an insane tour of it, it's workings, holding areas and even let my daughters hold a baby penguin and feed the 20k aquarium and all the surrounding aquariums across the catwalk, such a cool guy man, I was really grateful, wife said I was like a kid at Christmas lol. I must have taken 200 pictures and it was really something to behold.
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+rahjelli It's up!
Rotter Tube Reef
Rotter Tube Reef - 9 years ago
Great video! I just started using a reactor for carbon again. Before it was just a bag. Quick question, would you recommend running it for 3-5 days and not again for a few weeks, or once a week? Would running it once a week with fresh carbon be beneficial or is once a month for a week good enough? thanks!
Rotter Tube Reef
Rotter Tube Reef - 9 years ago
great thanks!
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+ROTTER tube Reef Once a month for 3-5 days should be good enough to polish the water. Then take it offline, clean it out and set it aside until next month.
Fatal Attraction
Fatal Attraction - 9 years ago
How do you deal with bristle worms?
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+captain 5000000 If you have too many in your tank, natural predators will keep them in check but won't eliminate them. Bristleworms are normal and part of a reef; they are cleaning up waste and removing decay. An arrow crab or a longnose hawkfish will go after the ones that are visible.
Reef Junky
Reef Junky - 9 years ago
You should do a video on algae scrubbers and a proper way to set them up. Since they are fairly new to the hobby I believe a lot of new hobbyists aren't aware that something like this exists and I haven't found a video that goes in depth with information on why we should use them.
Reef Junky
Reef Junky - 9 years ago
+melevsreef I just set one up for myself and I hope to eliminate some or most my hair algae in my main display. But try it and let us know how it goes!
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+joe ganja Thanks for the suggestion. Believe it or not, ATS came out about 15 years ago and were very popular in Australia. It does seem like they are suddenly all the rage now. Maybe I'll make one and try it out myself. :)
Jared Fell
Jared Fell - 9 years ago
looking forward to this new vid! :) when are you going to release it??? :)
Ambrosius13 - 9 years ago
Where is the mega video we were teased about?
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Ambrosius13 Sorry for the wait, but it should be up very soon.
Sandipan Biswas
Sandipan Biswas - 9 years ago
When is the video about the 20k gallon tank getting published? We are waiting eagerly.
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+melevsreef That video is finally up. It took all night to finish uploading. :)
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Rob Senzon Today. I'm working on it now.
Rob S
Rob S - 9 years ago
+melevsreef Any updates on the 20K gallon tank?
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Sandipan Biswas Very soon, I promise.
Jo Lal
Jo Lal - 9 years ago
Hello Mel! When using Prodibio products is it ok to run carbon and gfo? Thanks!
melevsreef - 9 years ago
Yes to both.
Alberto Amigon
Alberto Amigon - 9 years ago
can't wait for the 1hr video...
Brian's Opinion/Comments
Brian's Opinion/Comments - 9 years ago
i think it is time for an update on Tammy's reef tank.
Tomasz Kubiak
Tomasz Kubiak - 9 years ago
long video please, don't do the short one
Klemmetsmo Reefing
Klemmetsmo Reefing - 9 years ago
Common Marc, let that video out of the cage! Can't wait to watch :D
Steve Diaz
Steve Diaz - 9 years ago
love you videos hoping to get you to please watch my videos on youtube for my 30 gallon mixed reef tank and give any advice and suggestions please follow & subscribe i already did the same for you thanks I'm a new reefer and help i appreciate any advice thanks ill make sure to follow you as well
denierlexiese - 9 years ago
Can you do a video on killing aptasia without a laser? I'm sure you have tried many methods over the years!!! Thanks!!!
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+denierlexiese Aiptaisia-X by RedSea is my alternative. You can find videos of how it is used already, but I may do it one day on my channel. Thank you for the suggestion. :)
Alex Juarez
Alex Juarez - 9 years ago
Wait let me run to restock on popcorn and soda! years back I read about Joe Yaiullo and I was amazed! can't wait. please make it 3 hours if you can!
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 9 years ago
i got a few awesome frags from Joe when he spoke at our club last year. Did he give you anything unique. ? When you putting that video up?
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Dee From Brooklyn I did come home with a few frags from ReefGen. :) I hope to get the video uploaded later tonight. Finally!
Matt Shell
Matt Shell - 9 years ago
love you videos and it would be very awesome if anyone could help a friend and I in starting our coral farm. I'm not some kid or entry level reefer. I've been doing this hobby for years now and have had a lot of success with growing and propagating corals. We wish to build up a large operation to help lessen our impact on the wild. We have plenty of corals in circulation noe and we hope to lessen the demand for corals from the wild. You obviously don't have to, but it would be amazing if you could all spread this link and help fund this endeavor.
Matt Shell
Matt Shell - 9 years ago
Not really too much information in detail there as its mostly meant for my friends and family that don't know much about the hobby, but I really have been thinking about his for the past few years while in college for Web design. I would love to build up my inventory while in school and peruse it full time when I graduate. I feel my design skills will allow me to create much better sites than many of those I've seen selling corals over the years. Along with this there also isn't many large scale coral farms in PA so there's always that possibility to sell or trade my frags to my local stores to get started.
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+GAMERS PARADISE I'll take a look at your link. :)
Matt Shell
Matt Shell - 9 years ago
Hectorisking Hinojosa
Hectorisking Hinojosa - 9 years ago
I just missed you I think last month you came down to San Diego some of my friends from sdreefs where there. I'm bummed that I didn't attend that meeting that you where speaking at. Next time for sure MACNA San Diego if you go I'm sure you will. loving your videos and reef tank. Definitely interested in seeing that huge reef make it as long as possible video!
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Hector Hinojosa I will be there at that MACNA as a speaker, sponsor and vendor. You'll find me all three days in the Melev's Reef booth. ;)
matshroom - 9 years ago
Make it as long as you like :) can't wait
matshroom - 9 years ago
Looking forward to the long video :) keep up the good work!! Also... Regarding carbon. What's your opinion on extruded carbon vs granular when running ozone? Thanks :)
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+matshroom I don't have an opinion on that because I've never run ozone and simply don't have any experience or knowledge regarding that. Sorry.
Sandy - 9 years ago
previously you were using bio pellets in that same rector, do u still use bio pellets.
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Sandeep Shetty I discussed it in my Prodibio presentation.
Sandy - 9 years ago
thanks for the reply but why did you stop using biopellets?
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Sandeep Shetty I have two of those Nextreef reactors. One was for biopellets, the other for GAC. I stopped running biopellets about 14 months ago. I may go back to it, perhaps.
KalebNJake - 9 years ago
I just wanted to say, everyone of your videos are 10 out of 10. I hate waiting on videos, but when it comes to your channel I know it is always worth the wait. I just wanted to say thank you so much for working so hard on making these videos so great. I couldn't give a price of how amazing your info, point of view, and opinions are, giving us your wealth of knowledge. Thank you so much for all you do!
KalebNJake - 9 years ago
+melevsreef Well I'm looking forward to it. Thanks Again!
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+KalebNJake Thanks! I really would like to be able to get them done weekly as originally planned, but it doesn't work out that way. I'd like them to be good, so I don't rush them. That being said, I have nearly 10 videos to get knocked out before the end of the year, so you have plenty to look forward to. :)
i - 9 years ago
what do use to make your intro
i - 9 years ago
nice i thought you made your self 
melevsreef - 9 years ago
It was made by a company called Fiver ( or Fivr ), hired by my best friend. :)
Rafal Trojanowski
Rafal Trojanowski - 9 years ago
LONG video please!
Jökull Finnbogason
Jökull Finnbogason - 9 years ago
Great vid! Do you use GFO? If so i'd love to see a video about that
Kyle Riedel
Kyle Riedel - 9 years ago
+melevsreef I just got a GFO + Carbon reactor but wish I had have happened across this video first. I thought perhaps dosing Phosphate Rx wasn't what the pros did, but clearly I was wrong. :)
melevsreef - 9 years ago
No, I don't. I only use Phosphate Rx as needed. About 4 or 5 times a year.
mightymike130 - 9 years ago
Can't wait for that long video. Definitely enjoy and appreciate the time you put in to make these.
Damon Gaskin
Damon Gaskin - 9 years ago
Definately look forward to the long format videos, as long as it is full of content.. So, sure, I look forward to it... And even though I have been in the hobby well over 20 years, I find all of your videos entertaining and informative... Keep up the great work!!!
daveonbass79 - 9 years ago
totally looking forward to the long video. it'll be like movie night for the reefer in me.
Creative Soup
Creative Soup - 9 years ago
Just got around to watching this! Great video! Love the preview of what is to come!
Kavi L
Kavi L - 9 years ago
Long 1 hour video > short clips! :D
william wulffleff
william wulffleff - 9 years ago
nevermind didn't watch lo on enough for u to announce it
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+william wulffleff You're supposed to watch every second. :)
william wulffleff
william wulffleff - 9 years ago
no longer using nyos skimmer?
melevsreef - 9 years ago
You didn't watch the whole video. ;)
FishyMats - 9 years ago
Why do people have fish in their sump? I hear a lot of people say this, but have never had an explanation. I hope you don't mind the dumb question! Great channel btw :)
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+FishyMats These fish were accidentally shipped to me instead of the AP700 LED light by Kessil that I reviewed about two months ago. Since they are survivors, they are going into my new frag tank that I just finished building. I'll make the stand tomorrow and hopefully Sunday get some water in it. In a few weeks, those damsels will get a new home. :)
First Massage
First Massage - 9 years ago
Is it ok if I leave carbon running for a month? I ask because my setup is small so I mix carbon and gfo together.
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+First Massage Yes, you can leave it in there but it won't do much after a few days. What's your nitrate level? That's where the problem might occur.
GettAreef - 9 years ago
Thanks for the video Marc! Very informative. Looking forward to the new video, absolutely love that reef!
Anthony Page
Anthony Page - 9 years ago
Excellent. Love the vids, love the presentation, really looking forward to the big presentation on the large reef and I am absolutely tuning in on the NYOS 300. I have a 400Gal or 1500L because I am in Australia :) and I am absolutely considering the NYOS 300. It's sitting at roughly $1,300 USD which is about $1,800 AUD so I would be keen to hear if you would consider the skimmer value at the $1,300 USD price point!
Anthony Page
Anthony Page - 9 years ago
+melevsreef I'm happy to wait. Not spending that much money just yet, I am only just starting to wash my sand and plumb the returns etc. Looking forward to it.
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Anthony Page I should know more next week. :)
Braden Barber
Braden Barber - 9 years ago
Excited about upcoming video. Will definitely watch a full hour.
EllisD - 9 years ago
why do you have fish in your sump?
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+EllisD They are going in the new frag system. :)
Jessica Huffman
Jessica Huffman - 9 years ago
I would watch a week long video if it was about reefing lol. I can not wait to see it!!!

100. comment for Running Carbon Properly in a reef aquarium

Brian Pedersen
Brian Pedersen - 9 years ago
Great info! Looking forward to the next videos.
mrrbw - 9 years ago
Thanks for the video, informative and well filmed as always. I run my carbon in my MR1 placed at the top above my GFO. Works really well to polish the water. You mentioned cyano, I ran into that problem while carbon doisng trying to get rid of algae issues. As soon as I stopped carbon dosing it went away within 2 days. I tried multiple carbon sources and they all produced cyano. I mention this knowing you carbon dose, so maybe that may be the contributing cause. Love your videos and definitely enjoy the longer videos you produce, so an hour long video, especially on such a large system, will be great to watch. I find when reviewing tank systems, shorter videos tend to rush the info and overview so not all the information can be delivered.
wincod75 - 9 years ago
Using different types of carbon has little to do with the product size in regards to leaving/escaping the reactor, media bag, etc. Each size has a different pore structure designed to remove different contaminants; and in turn each has various uses depending on what you're trying to accomplish.
melevsreef - 9 years ago
Great points. Feel free to add more details regarding that for everyone to read.
Siddhartha Saive
Siddhartha Saive - 9 years ago
Looooonnggggg video ofc ;)
Big Dubb
Big Dubb - 9 years ago
If I might offer up a suggestion.I am super interested in the whole video, but would prefer it in smaller chunks. 15mins is a good duration. Long enough to be dense with material and allow my brain to let it sink in. You then have content for four weeks where you can release the videos in a series.
William Duong
William Duong - 9 years ago
i think you should do two 30 min videos, instead of one 1 hour video.
i think that would be just fine
cornovii - 9 years ago
Nice update... The long addition of course!
denierlexiese - 9 years ago
I prefer the full video, but I'll watch the whole thing either way. Great videos!!!
Brett Abbott
Brett Abbott - 9 years ago
Stoked for new video. Where is it?! Thanks!
T Surro
T Surro - 9 years ago
I like long explained videos, I heard u mention cyano, I've been having the same problem, more flow less food siphoning sand nothing seems to work, even tried chemi-clean and red stain remover, what do u use??
melevsreef - 9 years ago
RedCyano Rx. Maybe we can discuss how you used it for better results. I only have small patches of it in a couple of places and have been ignoring it for six months.
Rosco's Reef with Scott
Rosco's Reef with Scott - 9 years ago
I would love to see the video in it's entirety. can't wait thank you for your hard work.
dm002a8686 - 9 years ago
Look forward to see 1 hour update that tank looks like the Redsea.
Jwhiser1302 - 9 years ago
Can't wait for the long video! Great info on the carbon!
reefkeeper2 - 9 years ago
I stopped using granulated carbon on a continuous basis a while back. I noticed I would sometimes have STN episodes after changing it out. The higher the grade of carbon, the more likely I would get some STN. Now I use powdered carbon in my diatom filter. I run it for a few hours every other week or so. It works great, I save money and no STN.
Andrew - 9 years ago
I've been in the hobby since 97' and embarrassed to say that I did not have a good understanding of the use of carbon. I have always been aware of how it polishes the water, but always thought it did much more in terms of removing organics. I don't run carbon all the time, but probably ran it a lot more than necessary.

Any thoughts on the limited use of carbon and preventing lateral line disease?

I look forward to the video on the Long Island aquarium, even a really long one.

Thanks Mark!
melevsreef - 9 years ago
Since I know use it once every 4-8 weeks for over a decade, I'd say my use is limited.
Kevan Mensch
Kevan Mensch - 9 years ago
Hey Marc good to see you making some new videos! I personally look forward to seeing your interview with Joe, the longer the better! working as a professional aquarist myself its always nice to see how other run large systems and I know hos is one of the best out there currently. thanks again
Wichita Falls Fishkeeper
Wichita Falls Fishkeeper - 9 years ago
Looking forward to your next video
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 9 years ago
Very interesting video. your tank looks really nice. look forward to seeing the video on the Huge reef.
Cliffepoos - 9 years ago
Hi Mel, I enjoyed the video as always. I use carbon in a couple of canister filters, simply to free up space in my sump and as you said, it works perfectly. However, I change it once a month when I do a 50 gallon water change. I noticed that you believe carbon stops working after a few days, but surely this depends on the load it is absorbing does it not? I also checked a couple of the other people I subscribe to (BRS and Mr Saltwater tank) and they seem to advocate about 4 weeks as well. So I guess my question is, why do you believe carbon only lasts a few days? I hope you include plenty of video on the behind the scenes of this large system you are going to feature. Do it whichever way i easier for you. I can either click on a new video link or pause a longer video. No biggie either way. Thanks for the videos. I find them informative and fun.
melevsreef - 9 years ago
You can see the way the water looks a few days later to tell if the Carbon is no longer pulling out tinge from the system.
filterz on
filterz on - 9 years ago
great info as always! definitely prefer long videos....I don't get why some people would have an issue with it. One can always watch it in sections on your own, and depending on your browser it will even save your place in the video when you come back.
mishaal bu hamad
mishaal bu hamad - 9 years ago
can you tell us about the calcium reactor and your kh and ph and what the good ph and kh for sps coral
Blackbookproduct10ns - 9 years ago
so you mentioned you don't like reactors that use ro housings. Im assuming you're talking about the brs reactors? just wondering what your reasoning for that is?
Ryan Groves
Ryan Groves - 9 years ago
so use carbon 4 days do you change out the carbon the next month or use the same carbon another 4 days?
Ryan Groves
Ryan Groves - 9 years ago
K thnx I us ally just run for month I'm trying out a product seachem purigen too
melevsreef - 9 years ago
Run it for 4 days, then remove it. Next month use fresh carbon and repeat. Don't reuse carbon ever.
MileHighReefers - 9 years ago
full1 hour movie!
Soe M Paing
Soe M Paing - 9 years ago
Cant wait to see your hour long video.
Antonie Potgieter
Antonie Potgieter - 9 years ago
Very useful thanks. I do run carbon in my filter tray in a bag/sock and it works well though.
Adam Savitzky
Adam Savitzky - 9 years ago
Will totally watch the longer video. I personally can't get enough reef related videos and you don't often see long format content. The beauty of YouTube is you can always skip around a long video if it gets boring, but I don't see that happening for your upcoming post.
David Black
David Black - 9 years ago
The Long Island Aquarium at Riverhead! Show the full hour in one shot; that reef tank is probably the best public aquarium reef in the country.
Dan Bacarra
Dan Bacarra - 9 years ago
love ling videos
Robert Y.
Robert Y. - 9 years ago
I enjoy longer videos as well. If I need to pause them and come back to it I can. I learn a lot about reef keeping from YouTube (I only watch people that have been in the hobby for many years and have seen or done it all lol) keep up the great work. Looking forward to that video!
meatwad600 - 9 years ago
full video please.
Xavier Pernas
Xavier Pernas - 9 years ago
Long videos.. short videos.. it doesn't matter all your videos are very well done and helps many people from a rookie that is learning his way into the hobbie or gives new ideas to experts, specially with a videos like this one, its great to review or learn your methods.Thank you for the time you spend doing your videos.. big fan.
mnelson10000 - 9 years ago
I agree that carbon is very short lived, that's why spending a lot of money for a fancy carbon block in an RODI system is very annoying to me... I bet no matter which one you use, it'll be spent after a couple hundred gallons of processed water.
mnelson10000 - 9 years ago
+melevsreef I suspect that 750 gallons across 6 months is twice as long as it's really good for since our municipal system uses chloramine. I've be meaning to test for it before and after the carbon stage across time, but it's one of the many things I have done yet haha
melevsreef - 9 years ago
Yes. If the waste ratio is 4:1 you can make 125g monthly for six months. Then change the carbon blocks.
mnelson10000 - 9 years ago
I'm cool with the long video, but maybe you could put an index in the description? That way if I want I don't have to sit through the whole things again if I want to refer back to certain part of it. Thanks
melevsreef - 9 years ago
Good idea.
No Hope In The Pope
No Hope In The Pope - 9 years ago
heck yeah i would totally want to see an hour long discussion with Joe and his amazing tank!!
Mark Hansen
Mark Hansen - 9 years ago
Please put up the full one hour video! Great to watch and very easy to come back to if you need a break. I'll put it on my big screen and just sit back relax while I watch. Thanks for the effort so the rest have amazing videos to watch! - Mark-
johnVidBozo - 9 years ago
Bring it on! I'd love to hear Joe for an hour. There's always the pause button if I need a bathroom break!
Ehsan Adib Shabahang
Ehsan Adib Shabahang - 9 years ago
I love long videos as well
Giovanni Ramirez
Giovanni Ramirez - 9 years ago
Can't wait for the video! I will take the long version please.
Ryan Reeves
Ryan Reeves - 9 years ago
I would keep it at an hour. That way, if someone has seen the video and there are lets say 2 points of interest to them, if someone wants to revisit the information, they only have one video to find (albeit long). You can always save it to a play list and relaunch it at the time marker that you left off on.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
If there ever was a hour long video to watch. One of a tank that size is one if love to watch... Would make my night at work go by a lot faster lol... Always like your vids man. Keep it up! Also check out my last vid if u can... Having some issues maybe u can give me some advice on... Thanks
ReefFreak@ - 9 years ago
i would break that 1 hour video into 2 parts. Just for loading purposes. i usually watch your videos when I'm out with my phone so sometimes it takes a while to load. Great videos keep it up.
lumbeejerk - 9 years ago
Make the video long !!
epicnas12342 - 9 years ago
Do it 1hr video
KSweeney36 - 9 years ago
I regularly watch Warhammer battle reports and often around the hour mark, some even two.
Mario Hernandez
Mario Hernandez - 9 years ago
I also vote for the hour long video. And thanks for this useful info about carbon, I'm still a newbie to the hobby.
kevin kershaw
kevin kershaw - 9 years ago
looks great cant wait
1Terrapin1 - 9 years ago
a 1 hour video is good every once in a while. I'm excited to see this vid. The regular videos you should keep 20 mins or less. Most of us follow several people on you tube and don't have the time to watch long vids.
Gary Cort
Gary Cort - 9 years ago
Is it good to mix carbon and rowa foss together in the same reactor will this be ok?
melevsreef - 9 years ago
I wouldn't because carbon is used up sooner than the rowaphos.
john Doyle
john Doyle - 9 years ago
great advice on carbon I used to run passively but now do the exact same as you run it for 4 to 5 days then leave it for a month I'd like an hour vid of a system like that thanks for your time and help
jtt4chem - 9 years ago
A one hour video would be great! Can't wait to see it! :)
Sven C
Sven C - 9 years ago
how much is a cup, you can in the 21st century please use the metric system, your audience is global and not local, keep it up
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Sven C If you are worried you are going to use too much, use less. You can always opt to use more if you don't see the desired results.
Antonie Potgieter
Antonie Potgieter - 9 years ago
+Sven C you're right, the weight is less. But with the seachem matrixcarbon 1000ml is 720g so it probably depends on the type of carbon as well
Sven C
Sven C - 9 years ago
its more like 1000ml bag = 580grams weight
Antonie Potgieter
Antonie Potgieter - 9 years ago
Carbon is measured in liquid measurements. When you buy Carbon it will be 100ml, 250ml, 1liter etc. And i believe the weight is the same but i may be wrong. 1l = 1kg
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Sven C Agreed, there is a difference. I'm just trying to get you closer. Typically it's 8 oz per cup. A half cup is 4 oz, but dry weight versus liquid is different. I'm filling up a measuring cup so it is full, flat across the top.
Sven C
Sven C - 9 years ago
not really, Carbon is dry and not liquid
melevsreef - 9 years ago
According to a Google conversion calculator, 1 cup is 256ml. Hope that helps.
Kai Helge Hovland
Kai Helge Hovland - 9 years ago
1 hour is great! 2 hours even better :D
Nanoreef007 - 9 years ago
A long video about reef tanks and some info is always good
Steve Youknow
Steve Youknow - 9 years ago
id love a hr long vid man !!! all ur vids inspire a inform me so what ever u post il watch lol
mitian - 9 years ago
Can't wait for the video...
Tim Price
Tim Price - 9 years ago
I'm definitely willing to watch an hour long video about tanks. Love all of your stuff!
Jons Exotics
Jons Exotics - 9 years ago
it would be great to see a long video. can finally eat a meal and watch something worth my while
Adrian Hernandez
Adrian Hernandez - 9 years ago
shoot this definetly helped me out I'm in the process of buying a reactor for carbon and we'll information out there is crazy glad you broke it down definetly my favorite channel to watch bring that 1 hour video on gives me a reason to stay in
Quibli - 9 years ago
that clam at around 10:00 is huge.
Smokkedandslammed - 9 years ago
I'm down for an hour long MelevsReef video about a 20k gallon reef tank, I like the longer videos. Thanks for making videos btw!
billshreeveable - 9 years ago
I can hardly wait for the video of the 20,000 gallon reef, looks very interesting and sounds to be helpful. Always enjoy all your videos, it's my entertainment and also I'm new to the reef aquarium. Thank you so much.
Cromagnon146 - 9 years ago
Great run through with the carbon, and I vote for the 1 hour video
Christopher Staley
Christopher Staley - 9 years ago
I personnally love long format videos, and if I need it chopped up into 15 min chunks I have convenient access to a pause button.
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Christopher Staley That is a GREAT answer! :)
Gene Alameda
Gene Alameda - 9 years ago
Looking forward to that video
Gaming roblox girl
Gaming roblox girl - 9 years ago
1 hr would be great. I'd put it up on the big screen and watch it with the family.
Rik Harris
Rik Harris - 9 years ago
If it's your usual good quality I would be happy for any length
Osama Kamel
Osama Kamel - 9 years ago
1 hour video .
Damian A. Corona
Damian A. Corona - 9 years ago
1 hour
MoneyMarcMes - 9 years ago
I don't mind seeing a 1 hour video as long as see a tour of the life support system!
Becky smith
Becky smith - 9 years ago
Wonderful video. Can't wait to see the next one your talking about. Thank you for all your hard work, very appreciated!! :)
Ellery Wong
Ellery Wong - 9 years ago
Can't wait to see the Interview of Joe Y and that tank. I can do 4 episodes as well. I know it's more work.
MoneyMarcMes - 9 years ago
Next Reef makes cheap shit reactors! Garbage not forgetting the bad customer service!
Mark Arguelles
Mark Arguelles - 9 years ago
Even breaking it up into 2 episodes would be easier to watch, 4 or 6 is ideal I think. Most video editors will let you split videos up into separate files.
mattdiscus - 9 years ago
Awesome Video as always. Hell yeah 1 hour video, that would be great,
Janet Diaz
Janet Diaz - 9 years ago
HECK Yeahhhh Mel . Even 2 hours . I;ll sit and watch..

I need Help Check my vid . When you have chance . I'm getting to much Broopsis.
Daniel Fernandes
Daniel Fernandes - 9 years ago
Awesome video man
Andy Young
Andy Young - 9 years ago
Great video, Marc. There's a lot of misinformation regarding carbon out there, nice to see you dispel some myths.

Also, good to see quality valves in your sump. Every time I see a tank with those awful white-with-red-handle valves, I feel bad for the owner -- because a few months down the road those valves are going to lock up tight...
Danny Spear
Danny Spear - 9 years ago
Hour long video is pretty rough... maybe break it into 4 episodes?
Jons Exotics
Jons Exotics - 9 years ago
+melevsreef i vote for the full hour video cant wait
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Danny Spear Maybe. Not sure if I can chop up the video into sections or if I'd have to start from scratch. But I do think it deserves the honor of getting some serious time.

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