SCA 120 Gallon Reef Tank | EP.1 | Unboxing & First Look

******* Recording with my phone Tools ******* Tripod For Cell Phone: AquariClip Gel Filter for Recording : *************** Equipment for my Tank ******************** ** tank Controller ** Neptune Apex 2016: ** Water Flow ** Maxspect Gyre 230 : ** Lighting ** Ocean Revive T247 Led Lights: ** Filtration ** SCA 302 Protein Skimmer: Finnex 300w Heater w/digital Display: Santa Monica Filtration Rain2 Algae Scrubber: Deep Water Quattro Reactor : Jebao DC 12000 return pump : JBJ ATO w/ Toms Aqualifter pump: ** Calcium Reactor Setup ** AquaMaxx cTech T-1 Calcuim Reactor: AquaMaxx Dual Guage Professional CO2 Regulator: CaribSea Aragonite Calcium Reactor Media: Brightwell Aquatics NeoMag: 5Lbs Co2 Canister: ** Water Clarity items ** Lees Wooden Air Diffuser : Air Pump: Rox .8 Carbon : Filter Floss Sheet :

SCA 120 Gallon Reef Tank | EP.1 | Unboxing & First Look sentiment_very_dissatisfied 8

Reef tank 8 years ago 22,537 views

******* Recording with my phone Tools ******* Tripod For Cell Phone: AquariClip Gel Filter for Recording : *************** Equipment for my Tank ******************** ** tank Controller ** Neptune Apex 2016: ** Water Flow ** Maxspect Gyre 230 : ** Lighting ** Ocean Revive T247 Led Lights: ** Filtration ** SCA 302 Protein Skimmer: Finnex 300w Heater w/digital Display: Santa Monica Filtration Rain2 Algae Scrubber: Deep Water Quattro Reactor : Jebao DC 12000 return pump : JBJ ATO w/ Toms Aqualifter pump: ** Calcium Reactor Setup ** AquaMaxx cTech T-1 Calcuim Reactor: AquaMaxx Dual Guage Professional CO2 Regulator: CaribSea Aragonite Calcium Reactor Media: Brightwell Aquatics NeoMag: 5Lbs Co2 Canister: ** Water Clarity items ** Lees Wooden Air Diffuser : Air Pump: Rox .8 Carbon : Filter Floss Sheet :

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for SCA 120 Gallon Reef Tank | EP.1 | Unboxing & First Look

sberry55 - 6 years ago
Were you at all worried about your flooring being able to support the weight? 120 gallons plus that stand (not including sand and rock work) can weigh a decent amount.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 6 years ago
its on a concrete slab
Scottie Watts
Scottie Watts - 7 years ago
Hello CJ been thinking about getting the same tank, just wondering how I could mount the light fixtures to canopy if used the traditional placement of canopy on top of the tank,I wanted to use same light you have as they have performed great!!Thanks
Scottie Watts
Scottie Watts - 7 years ago
CJ'S AQUARIUMS I will follow along with your tank progress now I’m curious if you will try it. Lol. I enjoy all your videos I’m learning a lot. Thanks for you help.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
Scottie Watts my best estimate would be 8” total height within the canopy... Water Line would be 1-2” below rim of tank... that would be cancelled by the thickness of the lights if hung inside the canopy. So I’d say 8” off the water inside the canopy or 10-12” off Water if mounted on top of canopy. The width of the opening looks about the same width as the ocean Revive leds. When I try it I’ll def put them on top of the canopy for maximum spread. Question is will it be enough... 17” off the water is def good enough ... has them 13” off the previous tank and it was enough.. more questions than answers at this point. I’d have to try it and get par readings to be 100% sure
Scottie Watts
Scottie Watts - 7 years ago
CJ'S AQUARIUMS I know you didn’t have the rail attached to canopy in video so about 5-6 inches clearance from water level with it attached ?? Would the opening in canopy top interfere with mounting light ? I can find a detailed measurement any where on line if canopy top?? Not sure how large the opening is??
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
Scottie Watts I’m considering “un-floating” my canopy and doing the same as your thinking. Concern is the lights only being 5” off the water inside the canopy. Possibly mounting them on top would work... u could always build your own canopy. Prob your best route to get the correct height
Oli B
Oli B - 7 years ago
Hello I just purchased an R&J Xtreme Oak Reef Series stand 48” by 24” by 36” tall. This aquarium is next to fit on it. Is the aquarium worth it and will it last there is no rim on the bottom of the aquarium....
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
so far so good no issues... if i could do it over again i would have it driller for a ghost or external overflow.. to have all space avail inside the tank ... good luck wit your new system!!
Joshua McCline
Joshua McCline - 7 years ago
Hey cj I need help I’m having a brown algae out break how do I fix it.?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
depends on alot of things.. if tank is cycling its normal.. if its established then u may have nutrient issues.. not sure how to answer that one..
boogidyboo90 - 7 years ago
I’m outta etown. Bought to get into this hobby seeing my father-n-laws 120 he bought and his addiction has passed along with me. I’m sure I’ll meet you one day at a frag swap in Louisville.
JusBCuz 401
JusBCuz 401 - 7 years ago
Please!!!! Help I don't get it. My Hanna Phosphorous reads 4 on the ppb model what does this mean. I'm so confused. Asap please! Thanks guys
Erwin Padilla
Erwin Padilla - 7 years ago
Great tank!!! What is the website to order?
Yoshukai Tony
Yoshukai Tony - 7 years ago
What brand of wavemaker are you using in this 120 gallons reef tank?
Mr. Reef Buster
Mr. Reef Buster - 7 years ago
loving the tank CJ. hope everything goes well with the tank. best of luck buddy. I recently went from my 10g to a custom 22g set up. keep up the good work

10. comment for SCA 120 Gallon Reef Tank | EP.1 | Unboxing & First Look

Cjstraight - 7 years ago
Why do you not save your live videos?
Cjstraight - 7 years ago
CJ'S AQUARIUMS great! Thanks
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
Cjstraight everyone prefers recorded updates more... live videos are previews of what's to come
RicksReefs - 7 years ago
This must be in a large area. The tank looks like its only a 90!
#Rossy's Corals
#Rossy's Corals - 7 years ago
Why does the canopy cover the top 8 inches of the glass tank?????
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
Rossy's Reeftank i didn't have the runners installed ... I just put it on top to look... it can be adjusted to cover whatever you want
#Rossy's Corals
#Rossy's Corals - 7 years ago
how are you liking the SCA setup? are you h appy with the plug and play system? would you buy again or go something else like Red Sea REefer?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
Rossy's Reeftank so far no complaints
Rogue Aquariums
Rogue Aquariums - 7 years ago
tank & stand looks solid CJ. been out of it for the last 4 months. moving/life in general. the sump is large (almost 1/2 the size of the tank) will make for good water movement. I'll be following your build bro.
Neil Chand
Neil Chand - 7 years ago
Dope clip man, Your videos made me buy a SCA 150
VortexHD - 7 years ago
subbed :)
Reefing Mark
Reefing Mark - 7 years ago
You've inspired me to go larger. You also inspired my divorce. My wife is not happy! lol
jakek920 - 7 years ago
Very nice! What stand did you get? Solid wood or the MDF?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
jakek920 solid wood
fishlaw1 - 7 years ago
CJ you have definitely step-up your aquarium game. . . Thanks for sharing, and happy fish keeping ! ! !
fishlaw1 - 7 years ago
Wow ! 8 episodes, I definitely need to catch up. . . I can't wait to check-out the finished product ! ! !

20. comment for SCA 120 Gallon Reef Tank | EP.1 | Unboxing & First Look

Steven Roberts
Steven Roberts - 7 years ago
Dam, I hate missing your vids. I have a 32 biocube with the rimless mod. I've more or less been rolling with how you took care of your 45 jbj. Tank is running perfect.
Steven Roberts
Steven Roberts - 7 years ago
CJ what's with removing your last vid?
nmjhd1234 - 7 years ago
Did you change the original bulkheads to something we could buy here like through brs? It feels as though i can slip stuff in these bulkhead easily
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
nmjhd1234 no I didn't change them they all fit snug with standard sch 40 1" pvc ... you may have gotten some bad bulkheads..
Charles P
Charles P - 7 years ago
Hey CJ I've been following you for a while. Got most of my inspiration from your JBJ 45. You mind checking my channel out? Any tips are appreciated!
Fish Tropic
Fish Tropic - 7 years ago
Subèd up CJ , stop by my channel and say hello...
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
subbed ya back!
akatonyh - 7 years ago
Nice New 120G tank (FIRE!!!!) :D
OG`s Fishroom
OG`s Fishroom - 7 years ago
Great channel brody, gave you a sub!! check out my 1st two vids on my channel tks
BERELEAH - 7 years ago
CJ did you put anything between your tank and stand like a mat or anything?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
BERELEAH can't say the original mat was broken when I opened the tank. Thought it was just additional cushion for shipping so I tossed it
BERELEAH - 7 years ago
Is that better then the mat that comes with it?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
BERELEAH yes added 1/2" yoga Mat before I filled it
reef junkies
reef junkies - 8 years ago
hey how are the sca tanks bro I'm about to upgrade from my jbj not by choice it's because my jbj 45 cracked down the side so I'm looking around for tanks and the 66 gallon sca is on the radar
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
They are very well built.. ... sump design isn't the best but you see how I got around that... just decide if you want a canopy or not. You can have it drilled for herbie or bean animal style drain when you order it.
EDK ReefMeister
EDK ReefMeister - 8 years ago
Hey CJ. Im about to copy your build. I like the 120g :)
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
good deal.. im sure you will come up with a solid plan and ways to improve on what ive done..

30. comment for SCA 120 Gallon Reef Tank | EP.1 | Unboxing & First Look

reef guy 92
reef guy 92 - 8 years ago
CJ when you gunna STOP doing all the live streams bcuz us here in the uk can't watch them we got a different time set and everytime we click on your video it says it's ended lol
Daniel Soto
Daniel Soto - 8 years ago
hey buddy when you get a chance check out my channel i would appreciate it !!!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
just subbed ya.. ill be tagging along from now on. Great looking tank!
238sol - 8 years ago
they should hire you CJ over at Bulk Reef Supply you would make one of those great spokesman's that they have there you should look into that you're very well-spoken gentleman and you make awesome videos
238sol - 8 years ago
I checked out a lot of your videos last night and I'd like to really thank you for a lot of stuff I learned from your Channel you make one of the best videos out there you're very well spoken and you really know how to add the color to make your fish tanks pop keep up the great work CJ
lukas paluchowski
lukas paluchowski - 8 years ago
Hi CJ question for you just got the maxspect gyre xf130, I have 40 gl drill cube you have before almost same size what was the best mode to run with your gyre? Thx for any help
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
lukas paluchowski yessir... was plenty of flow.. only reason to add a second one would be for more rand left & right flow options. That's the plan for this new system...
lukas paluchowski
lukas paluchowski - 8 years ago
CJ'S AQUARIUMS thx is this was only flow in tank beside return pump?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
lukas paluchowski ran it on pulse mode around 40% pwr... mounted on the top with the nozzles facing the surface. The goal was flow, surface agitation & not blasting corals with direct flow. Keep in mine that was with the older controller... the new gyre controller has better options like random and gradual increasing flow... hope they helps
ThomasVisionReef - 8 years ago
Really great series!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
so far so good... trying to keep it fun and informative not unlike yourself.. thanks for checking it out man
FenderSchonJPX - 8 years ago
Dude. Thanks for posting. Looking at the Red Sea Max series and the SCA. Great video. Will really help. Forwarded on to a friend who is looking as well.

Larry S.
Larry S. - 8 years ago
if I have a 50 gallon tank, what's a good size sump to get????
Larry S.
Larry S. - 8 years ago
CJ'S AQUARIUMS ok, thanks fam.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Larry S. Use the L x W x H / 231 to calculate your min sump size in gallons ... then see what type of tank will fit under your stand with the equipment u want. It's a loaded question so can't tell you for sure... too many variables
Berry Friedman
Berry Friedman - 8 years ago
congratz on the new tank! Just wondering what made you decide on going with SCA?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
its a affordable all inclusive system that provided the footprint I wanted.. couldn't pass it up
nodrules2 - 8 years ago
hey what's better for a nano reef; 40 breeder or 40 long?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
nodrules2 depends in the look you want. They are exactly the same water volume... is lean towards breeder because of the extra depth front to back... also will usually only require 1 light compared to 2 on the 40 long
gmoney1961 - 8 years ago
Nice tank bro. I look forward to following your build. Can you tell me the weight of the tank and stand?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
gmoney1961 my guess is around 550-600lbs including the canopy and sump... was heavy as hell getting in the house
Soe M Paing
Soe M Paing - 8 years ago
Wish you bought a redsea reefer. I been wanting one for a long time.
Jason Walters
Jason Walters - 8 years ago
nice reef tank  cant wait to see set up and stocked
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
yessir! time flies when you planing a tank
Rebellion Ranch LLC
Rebellion Ranch LLC - 8 years ago
Hope you enjoy the new tank, can't wait to see it come together
420reefer - 8 years ago
Glad to see you upgrade! I would love to see you fill the new set up with Carribean rock. check out my vid of carribean rock in my 90.
sirvine24 - 8 years ago
Great video! I'm looking at the SCA 100 gallon for an upgrade, and this is really helpful.
sirvine24 - 8 years ago
I'll also need to do a floating canopy with LEDs, so I'll be looking out for those vids. Thanks again!
sdscotty - 8 years ago
Been looking at these! can't wait to see what you do with it! Your other tank is amazing.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
def a nice tank.. thanks for watching man
Phil  Mccoy
Phil Mccoy - 8 years ago
looking forward to seeing how this tank matures over time good luck with the new venture mate
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Phil Mccoy appreciate it!
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Gratz on the new systme CJ, looking forward to following its progress..
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Mofros Reef appreciate it man... be my last tank for along time hahha
Reefing with Reefer
Reefing with Reefer - 8 years ago
HOLY CRAP yo!!!!!!! 5kplus views BAAALLIIIIN that's amazing
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Paul Blaney almost 400 likes! The people have spoken they are diggin the tank and vid haha

50. comment for SCA 120 Gallon Reef Tank | EP.1 | Unboxing & First Look

Doug C
Doug C - 8 years ago
damn nice upgrade.
haven't checked in o. your channel in awhile but I'll be running in to see what you do with this bad boy
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Doug C appreciate it man. Still doing what I do
Phil Maznyk
Phil Maznyk - 8 years ago
Hi CJ, I saw your sump video go up today. After dinner I went to watch it but it was taken down. I was so looking forward to seeing it. What happened?
Alexander Nicholas Finnemore Capon-Diaz
Alexander Nicholas Finnemore Capon-Diaz - 8 years ago
@CJ'S AQUARIUMS Is it going to be similar to your last tank?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Alexander Nicholas Finnemore Capon-Diaz yes I would say your are fine with that list
Alexander Nicholas Finnemore Capon-Diaz
Alexander Nicholas Finnemore Capon-Diaz - 8 years ago
Good to Hear. The last JBJ was one of the best tanks I have seen, love it. Currently, have a 125G tank, for the livestock I currently have:

*4 Fire Fish
*1 Foxface Rabbit Fish
*1 Sailfin Tang
*1 Hawkfish
*1 Lawnmower Blenny
*1 Leopard Wrasse
*2 Clownfish

Do you think that is sufficient, just fine or too much?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Alexander Nicholas Finnemore Capon-Diaz in a few ways yes but this will be better
Steve Diaz
Steve Diaz - 8 years ago
Good vid hope you would leave those live stream on though I keep missing them and unfortunately I can't see them
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Steve Diaz streams are just random thoughts... anything worth knowing will be released in usual updates. Your not missing much my friend
Eldridge Henry, II
Eldridge Henry, II - 8 years ago
i hope you try the HW salt from bulk reef supply amazing stats on that salt
Eldridge Henry, II
Eldridge Henry, II - 8 years ago
Dude I am stupid excited for your new adventure
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Eldridge Henry, II yes def on my list... HW marine salt or Seachem Salinity salt
jamar patterson
jamar patterson - 8 years ago
How did you get the sump to fit into the stand?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
jamar patterson center brace is removable while the tank is empty
mark suson
mark suson - 8 years ago
i just have one question. are you concerned about temp problems with that hvac vent directly behind the tank? other than that, awesome tank and i have subscribed and can't wait to see the build vids
Quill Walls
Quill Walls - 8 years ago
You worried about it being that close to an ac vent?
Heavygun1450 - 8 years ago
What was the website you got the box of pvc parts for cheap that you showed on a live stream?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
Congrats CJ! Nice 120g! Way to go!
Cali Fishliving
Cali Fishliving - 8 years ago
Nice upgrade , but the you place tank in front of a heat vent
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Cali Fishliving temp location... it will be moved
Reef Gaming
Reef Gaming - 8 years ago
Don't you think u need to lift the canopy for more view
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Reef Gaming I'll be making that change in future vids
Steven Swiatek
Steven Swiatek - 8 years ago
nice tank CJ looking forward  to seeing more .
Anthony M
Anthony M - 8 years ago
Awesome...I know you are going to build a beautiful under water garden if corals.
TheCoralReefTalk - 8 years ago
Nice upgrade!
SirenSea_Reviews_Aquariums - 8 years ago
am i the only one who's excited for this series lol
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
what would you like to see? just curious...
FeedThatReefAddiction - 8 years ago
Very nice! Excited to see this build!
Troy H
Troy H - 8 years ago
the canopy seems to cover a lot of the tank, how do you feel about it? also I would love to see you get a white board and some paper and draw out a few plans that you are thinking about for your new design. I do this and it is fun to go back and look at it later down the road and see how it worked out. I think it can also help keep us from impulse buying and remember to plan for growth. Cheers - Troy
Troy H
Troy H - 8 years ago
CJ'S AQUARIUMS I'll be watching. I only have a 20 gal because I'm in an apartment but I'll be excited when I too can expand.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Troy H the canopy cab be raised higher. But I agree it covers too much. My plan is to do a floating canopy mounting this to the wall about 15" above the tank. Should look real nice when I'm done... I document thoroughly on all my builds for that exact reason. Videos def will be my method of reflections years down the road... just like my last two reef tanks. Thanks for watching man I have a lot more to come
Andy Mearns
Andy Mearns - 8 years ago
sweet video! ill be watching this build for sure, enjoyed your last one. Im setting up a redsea reefer 250 atm
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
PsychedelicBabe yes I got lucky. I live on a culvasac so he couldn't get close to my house. Had to use the pallet jack ... I convinced him to just keep on up the driveway haha... congrats on your tank as well
Golden Pond RV Park
Golden Pond RV Park - 8 years ago
Hey CJ. They are great Tanks. I have the 50 gallon cube with upgraded stand. Get you a plastic hose clamp for the hose to the pump. Lube your hinges ahead of time. My hinges rusted really bad in a month. Be careful cleaning the glass the starfire glass scratches really easy. All their equipment is really quiet. SC Skimmers are better than good but upgrade if your going to have a lot of fish. I swapped my sump, Pump, and skimmer after a year. Broke the air hose tip on the silencer of the skimmer. To remove the cup you'll have to unplug the air intake hose each time. Your sump looks a lot more spacious than my 50 gal setup. You'll really love this tank. They have great seams and the glass is really clear.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
appreciate it man... I didn't share lot of my plans in this vid but Ill def be doing alot of changes to the plumbing,return pump, sump baffles and Floating the canopy.. too much to include in this vid but ill go into more detail in later ones.. thanks for watching!
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
Sweet man!!! Big jump on the 120!! That's an awesome tank!!! Love it!!! :) can't wait for more videos!!!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
kept u all waiting long enough.. hope the suspense was worth it! hahaha... this tank will make the JBJ look like a nano when Im done.. stay tuned
finatics - 8 years ago
great looking tank , looking forward to see what you have in store
bizzle bird
bizzle bird - 8 years ago
congrats on the new tank dude.. enjoy.
Los' World
Los' World - 8 years ago
Nice!! Excited for all the videos to come. Can't wait, hurry up, lol. Patience and planning is key in this hobby so take your time.
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
The canopy makes your tank looks smaller. Big jump. I upgraded too from 29g biocube to Red Sea Reefer 350. Nice tank.
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
CJ'S AQUARIUMS I followed your 45g, I am excited on this one.
Reggie's H&P Cichlids
Reggie's H&P Cichlids - 8 years ago
congrats looking forward to seeing it setup.
EHKbro - 8 years ago
I'm so pumped to see it set up!!!!
Astro theultimate
Astro theultimate - 8 years ago
How'd you get the solid wood in black? I don't see that option on the site.
jbliss2000007 - 8 years ago
I purchased a 60g rimless from them before and I must say I wish they built custom system. I would have had them make my new tank. I love the clarity, it's second to one company so far that I've seen but we are talking several thousands in difference price wise. I know you are going to enjoy the tank like I did. My mechanic owns it now, I gotta make another video
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
jbliss2000007 yea I can't wait to see it with water and rock... I have no idea how clear Starfire is... this is my first time having it... ether way exciting times ahead. Thanks for watching man
Mad Hatter's Reef
Mad Hatter's Reef - 8 years ago
Nice upgrade CJ. This kit reminds me of Newyorksteelo's tank. Can't wait to see it come along, keep it up.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Mad Hatter's Reef yessir! Appreciate it man..
9StickNate - 8 years ago
Nice setup! This is going to be a sweet build!
Dan X
Dan X - 8 years ago
Congrats CJ! What fish are you most excited about getting in the bigger setup? Enjoy!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Dan X tangs will be my new adventure... also having more room for Aquascaping.. it's something I love to do
Man Cave Reef
Man Cave Reef - 8 years ago
wow. congratulations
lanyeo - 8 years ago
looking fine :-)
Christopher’s Aquariums
Christopher’s Aquariums - 8 years ago
So nice!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
FC'S Reefing I won't be going bigger unless I get a new house... this def will last for for some years... a lot of room to grow
T Surro
T Surro - 8 years ago
Nice tank but not a fan of canopies!!
Jerry Pundavela
Jerry Pundavela - 8 years ago
Congrats on your new tank!! I have the SCA 150 version. Though I built my own stand and light canopy. You going to love this tank now you have a real sump !!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Jerry Pundavela appreciate it man... def don't have on complaint about the quality... I'll make modifications to plumbing and the sump but for the most part it's good to go
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 8 years ago
Welcome to the big time brother. . I've been using SCA 302 Skimmer for years now per my review. great unit. Does that vent send heat behind the tank?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Dee From Brooklyn was hoping a 10g top off would do it... ether way I'm moving it from in front of that vent haha... thanks for watching man
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Dee From Brooklyn yea its one of my air vents.. heat and AC... the tank will ether be slide over more or moved to the adjacent wall.. my help left before i realized it. Lazy bumb cousins lol...
Billy Pipes
Billy Pipes - 8 years ago
Nate Herl
Nate Herl - 8 years ago
I've spent this past week binge watching your uploads, I'm finally all caught up and ready to watch this tank come together.(Yeah, I watched them all) The $1 a gallon sale at Petco ended yesterday so you might be waiting a while to get a cheap sump. If you build one out of acrylic, then I recommend checking out General Rubber and Plastic on Preston Hwy for all your acrylic needs. They've always done right by me anyhow. Love the new tank, I'm only a lil jelly.
Nate Herl
Nate Herl - 8 years ago
General Rubber and Plastic is here in Louisville, I'm not sure they have a site.
no name guy
no name guy - 8 years ago
I'm excited to see what you come up with!!
mike day
mike day - 8 years ago
Very nice! I have the same tank. Your going to love it!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
mike day I'm thinking of doing the same with flex seal ... but leaving it all black... I like the idea of equipment and pvc looking like they are floating in water with nothing around it haha... so many things that can be done before adding water that's for sure
mike day
mike day - 8 years ago
CJ'S AQUARIUMS I also painted and caulked inside of cabinet white. It helps brighten things up in cabinet and is easy to wipe down.
mike day
mike day - 8 years ago
I left first chamber alone for filter sock. I removed the glass between the second and third chamber, making one large chamber for skimmer and carbon/gfo reactor. Next chamber is refugium with rock rubble and chaeto. Then the return chamber.
I used standard mat that came with tank.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
mike day I just modified the sump... you make any changes to yours? What did you use between the tank and stand? Styrofoam they provided?
Haider Khaleeli
Haider Khaleeli - 8 years ago
your 45 was so nice ! can't wait to see your 120 unfold
Eddie's Reef Aquaria
Eddie's Reef Aquaria - 8 years ago
Hi C, Great looking tank and Congrats on your purchase.  I'll follow the build and know it will be a great journey for all of us. Eddie
Freddy Buitenhuis
Freddy Buitenhuis - 8 years ago
Nice tank man, have fun with it. I wait for the next video.
Mike Seliga
Mike Seliga - 8 years ago
Awesome. Watching your jbj videos influenced me to get a cube tank. I'm looking forward to watching this build and growth. I almost got the 50 gallon system by sca when I started. Wish you luck bud, take it easy CJ
NickClimbsHills - 8 years ago
I live 30 minutes from the warehouse in California. I picked up a 90g rimless pnp. The eurobrace style looks slick without the canopy. Also, the plumbing hardware is garbage. They use metric for sizing so none of the pvc at the hardware store fits into the bulkheads.. :/
NickClimbsHills - 8 years ago
You'd be surprised as to how utterly annoying it is. You'll have to custom plumb the whole system if you want to change just the tubing to hard plumb. But for us dedicated reefers, we manage to get the job done regardless :P
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
NickClimbsHills I'll double check to make sure these bulkheads work... of not I'll grab some new ones... small potatoes in the grand scheme of things.. nothing will stop this build! Hahahha thanks for watching man
Ronnie Santo
Ronnie Santo - 8 years ago
cant wait for this

100. comment for SCA 120 Gallon Reef Tank | EP.1 | Unboxing & First Look

Marc R
Marc R - 8 years ago
I can't wait to see it all come together!
Parallax - 8 years ago
This looks very nice man. Looking forward to seeing this build!
Josh's Aquatics & Railroad Videos
Josh's Aquatics & Railroad Videos - 8 years ago
Ohhhhhhhh here we go! Looks great, man! Can't wait to see it set up!
David Barnes
David Barnes - 8 years ago
Great system congrats!
Rad Perez
Rad Perez - 8 years ago
You made a great choice, I would do it all over again. I love my SCA tank.... Brother everything you mentioned is on the money.... Congrats can wait to see what you come up with.... FYI take a look at for rock so far no complaints....
Rad Perez
Rad Perez - 8 years ago
It was the same Stand CJ, what I did do was I cut a piece of 2 x 4 that fit snugly in between so that whenever I did my maintenance on my skimmer ( the new one that didn't fit) I could remove the center brace and put the 2 x 4 where it was out of my way just in case. Brother I may look into your idea of adopting a tray system for filter floss. I myself hate those filter socks but they are a necessary evil for the time being.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Rad Perez that's info I needed from someone that has the tank... I haven't assembled the skimmer yet to try it. But if it can be removed without taking the sump out then it's all good! Prob stick with it. I am gonna modify the baffles and use a tray with filter floss... I prefer them over filter socks.. I calculated 2 inches worth of back siphoning to be about 13 gallons of the return lines aren't too too far below the surface. So a 40 breeder would work... long as 5 inches of space is left empty from the top. Ether way... it's music to my ears now I can stop worrying about equipment being stuck and move forward with the plumbing ... I also heard u say center brace wasn't load bearing.. did u have the mdf stand or the solid Wood one like me?
Rad Perez
Rad Perez - 8 years ago
CJ i used the sump it came with and I'm actually still using it now on my new build. The skimmer that it comes with should go in and out, I don't believe I ever had a problem with that. The problem came when I upgraded my skimmer then I was screwed cuz the sump is to tall. I tried to jump on your live stream but for some reason I couldn't comment. I wanted to let you know that a 40 gallon breeder may be too small as a sump because when you turn off your main pump and the water drains into your sump, it may come close to overflowing. When I shut off my main pump in my tank it goes up pretty high, just FYI. Also it's easy to add filter socks to the sump, they have acrylic holders on eBay which hang directly on the glass and it's what I've been using for years now. Remember you need something down there Big enough to hold the water volume from your 120 when the pumps turn off either for maintenance or power outage.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Rad Perez this sump isn't gonna work it's too tall... what sump did you go with? Seems like anything over 15"-16" tall won't let you get equip out...
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Rad Perez appreciate it man... looking at your videos on this tank is one the reasons I went with it... my only concern was the dorso style plumbing. Soon as I found out they offer herbie style it was overrerrrr hahah...I checked it that site.. decided to go with pukani.. more bang for my buck.. gonna take a lot of rock to scape this tank up to the waterline the way the jbj was... stay tuned! A lot more to come
TheFishTank Doc.
TheFishTank Doc. - 8 years ago
Coooooooooooooooooooooool. It Will take you a while to fill it up with water, And even longer to fill it with corals. Good Luck.
prince shah
prince shah - 8 years ago
I have sca 55 pnp and I love it. I had it for more than 1 year running no problem
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Nice upgrade! I can't wait to see your build.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
MileHighReefers now u know why I've been asking about pukani so much! Hahahha.. thanks man
bigrazzer - 8 years ago
i have sca 302 skimmer it a nice one after it breaks in
bigrazzer - 8 years ago
7 to 8 in water sca 302
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
bigrazzer what water depth u running it?
Chango305 - 8 years ago
Ooohhh boy that's a bad ass tank you got there CJ congrats on your new system. Can't wait to see The progress on it.
Rotter Tube Reef
Rotter Tube Reef - 8 years ago
cool man. congrats! love the stand! i'd remove the ceramic rings from the sump. you won't need them. they'll just hold crap.
Rotter Tube Reef
Rotter Tube Reef - 8 years ago
aw man, you sold the corals! that sux! i would keep that sump and just buy a standard aquarium when petco has their dollar per gallon sale. get a 40 gallon for $40 or a 20 gallon for $20 and use that with a foam filter. don't waste your time ruining that sweet sump. use the have a killer one now.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Rotter Tube Reef my cuz helped me get it in the house... the truck driver was nice enough to use his pallet jack and bring up right to the patio door... lift gate service only requires it dropped on the curb.. I sold the jbj and all the corals to buy this tank... no way I could have afforded this without doing so.... I plan on removing the sump and baffles to Use as my QT tank..I'll be building a new sump from scratch.. a lot of videos to come on this tank.. I have a lot of work to do. Not rushing it this tank won't have water for awhile...
Rotter Tube Reef
Rotter Tube Reef - 8 years ago
i knew you were better than ceramic rings! haha. who helped you with the tank into the house? was that the truck driver dude? very happy for you with this new tank. your 45 was amazing. can't wait to see how you kill this one. what are you doing with the 45? keeping as qt or selling? i think i'll sell mine....i love them but don't need it.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Rotter Tube Reef no doubt.. this was just a put of the box vid... for people shopping for this tank. I won't be using a majority of the things that come with it. You know I'm a seachem pond matrix guy... I'll cover my changes in a future vid. Thanks for watching man
Ish's Reef course
Ish's Reef course - 8 years ago
Ohhh snap! Got the 120!!! Cj the man!
81 wingo
81 wingo - 8 years ago
it looks nice! gratz can't wait to see that thing full!!
Jerome Hodges
Jerome Hodges - 8 years ago
I started off big the more water volume you have the more forgiving your tank will be oh and it's always good to get Stand like that I would never build a put a stand together for a Tanya that size. I can't wait to see how this tank turns out .
Reef Sensations
Reef Sensations - 8 years ago
You need to put that styrofoam underneath the tank glass and there should be one for the sump unless you put a rubber mat down instead. The rimless tanks will shatter once you fill it with water due to imperfections in the wooden stand and the weight of the water.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Reef Sensations def part of the plans... my jbj came with a rubber mate. This one didn't ... nice catch. I'll be covering all of those details in a future vid...
Jerome Hodges
Jerome Hodges - 8 years ago
Damn brotha you definitely upgraded
Valynda Turner
Valynda Turner - 8 years ago
Beautiful tank
hm G
hm G - 8 years ago
Nice tank c.j... looks like your skimmer is the sca302 not 301.. i got 302 3 years ago when they where dirt cheap.. they are not the most stout tubing but mine was worth every penny and is still going strong. (black thick skimmate) one thing to look out for is the rubber air line connects to plastic tube get salt build up clogging air causing skimmer to overflow, so i dremmeled the hole bigger where rubber tube connects to plastis tubing.. congratulations on your new tank..
telegraham - 8 years ago
Kaka-jan - 8 years ago
Here we go again :) can't wait to see your scape
The Glitch
The Glitch - 8 years ago
that is one heck of a beautiful tank dude, colour me jealous! I cant wait to see what you do with it.
(apart from climbing into it just to see if you can. or is it just me that does that?)
The Glitch
The Glitch - 8 years ago
lol, time to get a tank you can fit in then. ;)
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
The Glitch I won't fit thru the opening but my kids do! Lol ... I had to do it
Zach - 8 years ago
I cannot wait to see what you do with this much room to scape
Meldium - 8 years ago
Let me ask you something CJ, if a 45g Cube got you to 7k Subscribers... I just wonder how high will this 120g build will get you? lol
Awesome man, a guy with just a tank and a cellphone has reached new heights!
Hope the best for ya in the build.
Good luck CJ!
Now you are with the Big boys now. :)
Meldium - 8 years ago
That sounds great. Same guy, just a new adventure!
I'll follow you till you give end. Hopefully never! :)
High 5 CJ!
Salty Steve
Salty Steve - 8 years ago
Tank looks great mate. I'd put vasalene on the hinges or they will rust. I didn't. Keep doing what you do.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
JDReef4220 we just reversed roles... you have the nano and I have the big tank.. hope it turns out as nice as yours did...
SinSillas Nano Reef
SinSillas Nano Reef - 8 years ago
congrats! im looking very much forward seeing your new Tank evolve. your jbj was one of my favorite Tanks!
abreezeducttesting - 8 years ago
CJ....The tank looks good, and a perfect size
Steve Diaz
Steve Diaz - 8 years ago
So it begins.......
Mo Reefer
Mo Reefer - 8 years ago
Great CJ I purchased from same place I have 180 long reef tank with three bulk heads for a herbie. Overflow if I choose too I building my stand I keep u posted been sucriped since day one watch all
Wil Santiago Reefing
Wil Santiago Reefing - 8 years ago
Welcome to the 100+. Congrats on a fine buy. SCA makes excellent tanks. Will be tuned in.
Michael Eaddy
Michael Eaddy - 8 years ago
I have the same tank it's nice just skimmer chamber is small. The stock skimmer is ok
Jorge Maldonado
Jorge Maldonado - 8 years ago
Saludos de España
Phil Maznyk
Phil Maznyk - 8 years ago
Really nice system CJ.
Natural Reefing
Natural Reefing - 8 years ago
Can't wait to watch you build this into something of inspirition just as your JBJ 45 was.
Arie Did That
Arie Did That - 8 years ago
Your not worried about the wall heater vent behind it emitting heat?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Arie Feht nah that's just where the tank ended up for now... gonna move it ... still got a lot stuff to do first
Honkey - 8 years ago
Dude I love your videos but that wood paneling takes me waaaaay back!
SweatyReef - 8 years ago
Very cool, CJ can't wait.
Narcosiss Corals
Narcosiss Corals - 8 years ago
Don't use the metal clamps even if there not in the the water they will leach vanadium in ur water or sweat off trace elements of metal into ur water
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Narcosis Corals I don't plan to... this was a unboxing... just showing what comes with the setup
Jerri's Little Reef
Jerri's Little Reef - 8 years ago
Congratulations on the tank CJ, I'm looking forward to the new videos.
Ryan Kirk
Ryan Kirk - 8 years ago
Can't wait to see what this ends up looking like
The Breaker
The Breaker - 8 years ago
Dahm I would love to have a tank like this.
Have you thought about putting any anemones in the tank?
Keep rocking these awesome vids CJ.
Patrick McDonald
Patrick McDonald - 8 years ago
Congrats on the new build man that skimmer is fantastic used it on my tank and it's an absolute work horse!
Jorge Torres
Jorge Torres - 8 years ago
Damm this is going to be sweet
j03yYunG Aquariums
j03yYunG Aquariums - 8 years ago
Nice bro! Can't wait to see it filled up!
Inappropriate Reefer
Inappropriate Reefer - 8 years ago
Yeahhh!! The new tank is going to be sweet!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Inappropriate Reefer gonna put my full effort into making this my best reef tank yet !
Ed's Fish Tank Extreme
Ed's Fish Tank Extreme - 8 years ago
SWEET! !!!
Edward Wade
Edward Wade - 8 years ago
Man the day has come i really enjoyed your last tank and all the videos great Journey i couldn't wait for your new upgrade. and the time has come congratulations what lights are you going to run on this system?
Lisa DiMercurio
Lisa DiMercurio - 8 years ago
Hey CJ, congrats on the new tank, looking forward to you new build. Did you sell the JBJ?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Lisa DiMercurio yes mam the jbj was sold couple weeks ago...
PRFishGirl - 8 years ago
That looks great...I've watched my packages and they literally go to Harrisburg to New Jersey and back to philly...makes no sense ..can't wait to watch this project
jesse pickering
jesse pickering - 8 years ago
Ernest Somereve
Ernest Somereve - 8 years ago
Congrats man beautiful tank! I would like to see it run with open top but that's my opinion not yours either way looking forward to the next vid
Dos Maiz
Dos Maiz - 8 years ago
Kentucky? I thought you were from Hotlanta. lol. Glad you like the tank. I'm saving up to buy the SC 150. one year to go!
Dos Maiz
Dos Maiz - 8 years ago
I was concerned about the lighting on a 5ft tank, but i figure ill just supplement light with some t5 ballasts. Or add a 3rd led. I just have to wait for SC to have the 150 on black friday sale again!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Dos Maiz I almost got the 150.. but the odd footprint turned me off... 4 or 6 foot tanks Maximize most lights spread... just something to think about when it comes to equipment.
Down South Reefer
Down South Reefer - 8 years ago
Good looking setup CJ. Going to be a world of difference from any of your other tanks. Good luck.
EAT SLEEP Reef - 8 years ago
Wow CJ I could have picked it up from you, I live in Fontana haha. Loved the video as always.
EAT SLEEP Reef - 8 years ago
pelphrey your tempting me now to go haha. I really want to learn this hobby with my jbj 45 till I make such a big commitment.
pelphrey - 8 years ago
EAT SLEEP REEF Channel if you go SCA you'll probably be able to score a great deal since your local and can pick it up! Big thread on reef central on the SCA tanks!
EAT SLEEP Reef - 8 years ago
I just looked them up and SCA is lyterally 5 min away :) I think I know what tank will get in the next few years ;)
Tru Reef
Tru Reef - 8 years ago
hey your tank came by me haha I live in Memphis Tn
Tru Reef
Tru Reef - 8 years ago
dude I saw this update yesterday and couldn find going to enjoy this. EXCITING
Carson Anderson
Carson Anderson - 8 years ago
ITS NOT A CUBE!!!!! good luck to you cj
HookedUpKayakFishing - 8 years ago
hellllll yeahhhhh
eric olsen
eric olsen - 8 years ago
OMG " thats all you had to say---"
shayna cope
shayna cope - 8 years ago
Cj I'm excited to see what you come up with good luck on the new build
DamnitSamit - 8 years ago
I can't wait to see what you do with this tank.
ReefingEd - 8 years ago
That looks amazing. Cant wait, will definitely be following this solid build
Bear Necessities
Bear Necessities - 8 years ago
Gorgeous set up! I can not wait to see your progress with it! So exciting!
Justin Loitz
Justin Loitz - 8 years ago
nice tank but theres one problem its the wrong way we've talked about this cj the 2foot side is spose to be on the front depth cj depth
Justin Loitz
Justin Loitz - 8 years ago
dont worry man im just razzing you 4ft 120's are my personal favorite tank dimension i think you made an excellent choice
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Justin Loitz yea I couldn't get the peninsula tank to fit in my family room ahaha... it's all good maybe in the next house in a few years
Bradley Rudgers
Bradley Rudgers - 8 years ago
hey man I have the 66 and love it I went with the Herbie overflow
WestCoast Reefer
WestCoast Reefer - 8 years ago
Congrats on the new tank Bro looking forward to your new setup...niceeeeeee
Mar Snare
Mar Snare - 8 years ago
Congrats CJ! I have the 50gal. cube from SC Aquarium. Love The Glass!
Cory Parker
Cory Parker - 8 years ago
i have that skimmer I like it  started skimming a few hours
Cory Parker
Cory Parker - 8 years ago
had to build up with egg create to 7 inches
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Cory Parker what water depth u running yours?
Seo Specialist
Seo Specialist - 8 years ago
Congrats on the new system CJ ! Crazy i live like 8 miles from Fontana where your tank shipped out from lol.
Jon G.
Jon G. - 8 years ago
Niceee!!! If it was mine though, I'd cut the canopy to show more of the top. Looks like it goes too far down covering a bit of visual area. Can't wait to see its progression!
Philip Pulvermacher
Philip Pulvermacher - 8 years ago
Electric Reef
Electric Reef - 8 years ago
Hey CJ. Make sure you put Vaseline on them hinges unless they are stainless. It will prevent rust caused by evaporated saltwater
Electric Reef
Electric Reef - 8 years ago
CJ'S AQUARIUMS yeah, you just have to be careful man. That setup looks pretty legit so you wouldn't think they would use some low grade stainless which can still rust but you never know. You spend all that money on a nice setup. Might as well keep it nice. Can't wait to see the progress
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Electric Reef I believe they are stainless but I'll lub them up anyways... good call
pelphrey - 8 years ago
So much awesome in 10 minutes
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
pelphrey yessir... had to contain myself. Gotta remember how old I am hahha
De'Mario's Reef aquarium
De'Mario's Reef aquarium - 8 years ago
Can't wait till the setup is complete , cause your other tank was on point. Oh I placed the ocean revive over my 90 gallon @ 12".. dropped some $ for the AI Prime for my 20 gallon long .. And today I started using Aqua Forest Sea salt.. Hope I see a difference in coral color and growth. Happy reefing..
Jonathan Collins
Jonathan Collins - 8 years ago
Aaaaah mannn, this is gonna be dope. Looking forward, congrats fasho
Electric Reef
Electric Reef - 8 years ago
Yeah buddy!
MASS Aquariums
MASS Aquariums - 8 years ago
Love this tank, what was the price tag dude? Email me if you don't want to say it here
MASS Aquariums
MASS Aquariums - 8 years ago
MASS Aquariums
MASS Aquariums - 8 years ago
Hey action, why don't you go EAD. How do you know what kind of money I have. It's a simple question
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
MASS Aquariums link is in the description ... this tank isn't cheap that for sure ...
Marlon's C
Marlon's C - 8 years ago
also is that heating vent closed off? if not I would really think about closing it
Marlon's C
Marlon's C - 8 years ago
is it rimless if so looks nicer when you had canopy off imo
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Cali Reef no doubt... this vid is just an unboxing. I will be making a lot of modifications including a floating canopy... stay tuned
MASS Aquariums
MASS Aquariums - 8 years ago
WOW, so awesome bro, I'm setting up my 125 as we speak
MASS Aquariums
MASS Aquariums - 8 years ago
I want one.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
MASS Aquariums yessir! I considered the 125 but the 24" depth swayed me to the 120
Micah Whalen
Micah Whalen - 8 years ago
That tank is sweet! Great idea about floating the canopy. No way should any of that beautiful star fire be covered up lol. Can't wait for water!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Micah Whalen yea gonna need some heavy duty wall mounts in the studs this canopy is heavy ... sturdiest stand I've ever had hand down
robert manchester
robert manchester - 8 years ago
I'm happy for you it's nice can't wait to see what you do with this tank, it's great to see progress. Good luck CJ I enjoy your vids
John Zimm
John Zimm - 8 years ago
Look'n good. Can't wait to see how things progress.
JCReefs - 8 years ago
Beautiful new upgrade CJ I love the new tank going to be nice to watch this build
James Lance
James Lance - 8 years ago
looks good can't wait to see what you do
AndyMahnFL411 - 8 years ago
Now that's what I'm talkin' (or textin') about! Congratulations, very anxious to see what you do with it!
Dallas Reefer
Dallas Reefer - 8 years ago
igotthatdank - 8 years ago
can wait 2 see what u do with it. I thought your last tank looked amazing
Dave Davis
Dave Davis - 8 years ago
I know you must be on cloud 9 right now. Looks like you got a solid tank just waiting for your talent and taste to make it a beautiful tank. Stay salty my friend.
Arrick L
Arrick L - 8 years ago
Nice the 120 is a good size. My first large reef was in a 120. You will have a lot of options as far as the scape goes. Can't wait to see it up and running. Now you just have to duplicate your success with the jbj.
Nathan Chapman
Nathan Chapman - 8 years ago
badass tank cj can't wait to see what you do with it. are you on Facebook
Marlon's C
Marlon's C - 8 years ago
I had a feeling you would get a sca aquarium
Powerslayer - 8 years ago
Have fun with the 24" depth. I HATE IT. I miss my 18" deep, but only for that. Excited to see your finished product though! Not many people document the full build in a good quality. I know you will do it well and in 10 years or so, it'll be fun to watch back!
Heavygun1450 - 8 years ago
My prediction was correct... 120 gallons!
Bruno Markov
Bruno Markov - 8 years ago
this is going to be awesome
Sharbuckles Reef
Sharbuckles Reef - 8 years ago
Bay Area Reefs
Bay Area Reefs - 8 years ago
Nice set up, Mang told me about that skimmer it will work good for the tank
discus and gravy
discus and gravy - 8 years ago
very nice..ive been wanting to get the sca 80 gallon cube so this vid really helped me in seeing the quality of their tanks..looking forward to many more videos of this nice tank.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
discus and gravy yes they are fantastic tanks! I highly recommend the upgraded stand they are the sturdiest stand I have ever had hand down.. thanks for watching
jtt4chem - 8 years ago
Congrats! Looking forward to the build!
Little Bit Of A Reef
Little Bit Of A Reef - 8 years ago
Congrats on the new tank. Looks great!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
LittleBitOfaReef thanks man
613Paris - 8 years ago
LIKE! Thumbs up
Reefing with Reefer
Reefing with Reefer - 8 years ago
great job showing the big tank companies how to show off / explain a darn tank CJ that's how it done !! very nice tank and can't wait to see what you have going on in this baby
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Paul Blaney tried to pack as much info in a unboxing vid as I could ... this is the stuff I would have wanted to know so hopefully this helps people shopping for this tank
James Morrison
James Morrison - 8 years ago
Great choice
Steve Poland Aquatics
Steve Poland Aquatics - 8 years ago
Love it man, congrats!
National Reefing
National Reefing - 8 years ago
awesome setup Cj! congrats!
Nado - 8 years ago
called it! yes!
Douglas Smith
Douglas Smith - 8 years ago
Congrats CJ! Can't wait to see you bring this reef to life! Thanks for sharing it with us!
bradley mcwhorter
bradley mcwhorter - 8 years ago
nice new tank CJ but it's the biggest darn Nano tank I've ever seen
DEL'S REEF - 8 years ago
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
DEL'S REEF overwhelmingly so.. this series will have a lot of info.. stay tuned
wyzemann - 8 years ago
You're on your way to another artistic masterpiece. Damn, what a fun time to be in this hobby and a subscriber!
Taylor Reeves
Taylor Reeves - 8 years ago
Nice! I have the skimmer 302 on my 125 and it skims great! Do both heavy and it!
Speedy - 8 years ago
That's a beauty
NewReefAddict !
NewReefAddict ! - 8 years ago
looking forward to the build, congrats.
Greg Tippins
Greg Tippins - 8 years ago
Nice tank Bro
NanoJoe - 8 years ago
Nice tank, cj!
Bob Escher
Bob Escher - 8 years ago
Nice can't wait for the full build
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Bob Escher yessir... no more easy AIO business with this tank. Gotta build it all on my own...
Dlucks - 8 years ago
nice CJ :D when is next hangout?
Dlucks - 8 years ago
CJ'S AQUARIUMS I do. Problem is some channels notify even without the bell checked :/

Cant wait :)
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Dlucks not sure... I'll send out a notice before hand be sure to have notifications turned on for my channel
Billy Pipes
Billy Pipes - 8 years ago
first! lol

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This video belongs to my "V.I.F = Very Important Fish" lol Tank model: Boyu EA100 (tuned, with 100 liters sump).

Reef tank

My First Reef Tank - 30g Mixed Reef Disaster...

273 likes 12,424 views 8 years ago

Back in 2000, instead of picking up a freshwater aquarium set up, my friend and I fell in love with a baby box fish...

Reef tank

Sweet Chalices Added To My Reef Tank - WWC Live...

9 likes 1,704 views 8 years ago

Here's some awesome pieces I purchesed through the Word Wide Coral's Live Sale on REEF2REEF. 1. SpaceJam Stylo 2....

Reef tank

SCA 120 Gallon Reef Tank | Ep.29 | Filling in...

71 likes 1,648 views 7 years ago

Contest Rules: Giving AWAY $25 gift cards to lazys frag House - Throughout this video you will see random Contest...

About SCA 120 Gallon Reef Tank | EP.1 | Unboxing & First Look

The "SCA 120 Gallon Reef Tank | EP.1 | Unboxing & First Look" video is part of the reef tank, salt water category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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