SCA 120 Gallon Reef Tank | Ep.2 | Sump Modification & Filtration Plans
Reef tank 8 years ago 14,845 views
******* Recording with my phone Tools ******* Tripod For Cell Phone: AquariClip Gel Filter for Recording : *************** Equipment for my Tank ******************** ** tank Controller ** Neptune Apex 2016: ** Water Flow ** Maxspect Gyre 230 : ** Lighting ** Ocean Revive T247 Led Lights: ** Filtration ** SCA 302 Protein Skimmer: Finnex 300w Heater w/digital Display: Santa Monica Filtration Rain2 Algae Scrubber: Deep Water Quattro Reactor : Jebao DC 12000 return pump : JBJ ATO w/ Toms Aqualifter pump: ** Calcium Reactor Setup ** AquaMaxx cTech T-1 Calcuim Reactor: AquaMaxx Dual Guage Professional CO2 Regulator: CaribSea Aragonite Calcium Reactor Media: Brightwell Aquatics NeoMag: 5Lbs Co2 Canister: ** Water Clarity items ** Lees Wooden Air Diffuser : Air Pump: Rox .8 Carbon : Filter Floss Sheet :
Can you tell me what exact silicone you used?. (the correct one). Where did you get it. I know homedepot had the blue one but there is about 3-4 diffrent ones.
10. comment for SCA 120 Gallon Reef Tank | Ep.2 | Sump Modification & Filtration Plans
Not really a tip, but more of a thought: if you find yourself needing to paint an aquarium or sump again, take a look at plasti-dip. I've always used it on my aquariums/terrariums, and while it's durable, you can just peel it off if necessary and in strategic ways, and it tends to be less messy for roughly the same cost (though rustoleum is definitely tried and true).My ato requires clear glass, so I cut out a small square for it, etc.It's also non-toxic and reef safe once dried (I use it to insulate my ball python enclosure). Beautiful setup so far.
Be easy
its hard to not get carried away with all the toys and tech out there and that is usually most systems down falls...
keep it up
Plus your selection of products is great at a price point that is aspirational yet within the reach of most people's budget.
I based in London UK and was not aware of a few of the brands you have selected and have now looked into them as well and now interested to see how they work out for you.
Anyway I should stop blabbing on and say well done brother.
I like the layout of the sump you built.
l used a 30 gal fish tank for my sump. I drilled 3 holes in the short side of a 30 gal long fish tank to receive bulkheads and hoses from the main tank so I could keep the lid that came with the 30 gal on top. I also drilled a hole in the back of the thirty gal to receive hose from my return pump. All hoses go in and come out the sides and back of my sump. The top hinged lid lifts for access or comes completely off very easy, and prevents evaporation, and is quite as hell. I've been changing the same filter socks weekly for 11 years; and they still polish the water crystal clear. But I do think your idea of not using filter socks is a lot easier. And your design is grate; but I think drilling the sides and back is better than accessing the sump from the top..
20. comment for SCA 120 Gallon Reef Tank | Ep.2 | Sump Modification & Filtration Plans
I used the beananimal on my old 105 gallon it was very quiet vs durso. I have a custom 30 gallon AIO pending, I may eat my words, but I won't go big again.
I cant wait for this build to be done!
-Paul (aka crimson reef central/reef2reef)
that was my plan all along... tank is drilled with three 1'' holes... Ill run the Herbie method on this tank.. siphon, emergency and return line...
had a silent tank the first time I used this method years ago on my first reef. thanks for watching man.. still a lot more work to be done
Looking forward to your sump I'm sure it will be even more thought out than mine. BTW this is version 1.. the remake of this turned out was cleaner using painters tape.. 0 silicon runover now.. Ill show it next vid..
30. comment for SCA 120 Gallon Reef Tank | Ep.2 | Sump Modification & Filtration Plans
the sump rebuild was just an option just like me plumbing it with hard pvc instead of the soft hosing provided.... others have ran it as is with filter socks... this rebuild only cost me $11 and a little time.. hardly something I would consider a turnoff from these tanks... everything is really good quality
50. comment for SCA 120 Gallon Reef Tank | Ep.2 | Sump Modification & Filtration Plans
I hear you....... I may do something similar in the future...