SCA 120 Gallon Reef Tank | Ep.10 | Adding Life To The Reef - Tangs, Angels & Clean Up Crew
Reef tank 7 years ago 23,524 views
Aquatica Store Tour: ******* Recording with my phone Tools ******* Tripod For Cell Phone: AquariClip Gel Filter for Recording : *************** Equipment for my Tank ******************** ** tank Controller ** Neptune Apex 2016: ** Water Flow ** Maxspect Gyre 230 : ** Lighting ** Ocean Revive T247 Led Lights: ** Filtration ** SCA 302 Protein Skimmer: Finnex 300w Heater w/digital Display: Santa Monica Filtration Rain2 Algae Scrubber: Deep Water Quattro Reactor : Jebao DC 12000 return pump : JBJ ATO w/ Toms Aqualifter pump: ** Calcium Reactor Setup ** AquaMaxx cTech T-1 Calcuim Reactor: AquaMaxx Dual Guage Professional CO2 Regulator: CaribSea Aragonite Calcium Reactor Media: Brightwell Aquatics NeoMag: 5Lbs Co2 Canister: ** Water Clarity items ** Lees Wooden Air Diffuser : Air Pump: Rox .8 Carbon : Filter Floss Sheet :
Question, I'm new to reef keeping & still in planning stages.
Its easy for me to be Monday morning quarterback-
With a new tank after nitrogen cycle is completed then you dealt with both brown diatoms & hair algae..
What if you had 3 leds going strong on your algae scrubber, maybe have 2 algae scrubbers & raised lights or cut back on photo periods since you didn't have any corals or fish at that time. Maybe add Phosguard to a reactor or a pad to sump?
I guess my question is could you have avoided getting major diatoms & brown algae from the start?
Maybe one can't, that's what I'm curious to learn about.
Anything you would've done differently on this build now that its been up & running a some time?
When's the next major build? LOL
love your work. can you please explain the algae scrubbing system in detail. how to put it in a sump and make it work.
kind regards
10. comment for SCA 120 Gallon Reef Tank | Ep.10 | Adding Life To The Reef - Tangs, Angels & Clean Up Crew
Also, your blue and brown tang seems to be chasing each other. Have you witness any type of agression? I was also wondering if any of these fishes would benefit being in a school of some sort (again, no judgement, just wondering, as a lot of freshwater fishes do).
Oh, I was just wondering, since corydoras need to be a pack, if there was this type of need for saltwater fishes. I clearly don't know anything about them! That's why I just watch the videos :P
20. comment for SCA 120 Gallon Reef Tank | Ep.10 | Adding Life To The Reef - Tangs, Angels & Clean Up Crew
30. comment for SCA 120 Gallon Reef Tank | Ep.10 | Adding Life To The Reef - Tangs, Angels & Clean Up Crew
50. comment for SCA 120 Gallon Reef Tank | Ep.10 | Adding Life To The Reef - Tangs, Angels & Clean Up Crew
You always outdo yourself with all the videos man. Great stuff, great Video quality, great education, great start for livestock, great Great GREAT!
You definitely keep doing what you do!
Always a fan man.
One day I swear I will have a Tank just like yours. But my 35g Cube is good for now. hahaha
High 5!
100. comment for SCA 120 Gallon Reef Tank | Ep.10 | Adding Life To The Reef - Tangs, Angels & Clean Up Crew
cheers from chile