SCA 120 Gallon Reef Tank | Ep.10 | Adding Life To The Reef - Tangs, Angels & Clean Up Crew

Aquatica Store Tour: ******* Recording with my phone Tools ******* Tripod For Cell Phone: AquariClip Gel Filter for Recording : *************** Equipment for my Tank ******************** ** tank Controller ** Neptune Apex 2016: ** Water Flow ** Maxspect Gyre 230 : ** Lighting ** Ocean Revive T247 Led Lights: ** Filtration ** SCA 302 Protein Skimmer: Finnex 300w Heater w/digital Display: Santa Monica Filtration Rain2 Algae Scrubber: Deep Water Quattro Reactor : Jebao DC 12000 return pump : JBJ ATO w/ Toms Aqualifter pump: ** Calcium Reactor Setup ** AquaMaxx cTech T-1 Calcuim Reactor: AquaMaxx Dual Guage Professional CO2 Regulator: CaribSea Aragonite Calcium Reactor Media: Brightwell Aquatics NeoMag: 5Lbs Co2 Canister: ** Water Clarity items ** Lees Wooden Air Diffuser : Air Pump: Rox .8 Carbon : Filter Floss Sheet :

SCA 120 Gallon Reef Tank | Ep.10 | Adding Life To The Reef - Tangs, Angels & Clean Up Crew sentiment_very_dissatisfied 14

Reef tank 7 years ago 23,524 views

Aquatica Store Tour: ******* Recording with my phone Tools ******* Tripod For Cell Phone: AquariClip Gel Filter for Recording : *************** Equipment for my Tank ******************** ** tank Controller ** Neptune Apex 2016: ** Water Flow ** Maxspect Gyre 230 : ** Lighting ** Ocean Revive T247 Led Lights: ** Filtration ** SCA 302 Protein Skimmer: Finnex 300w Heater w/digital Display: Santa Monica Filtration Rain2 Algae Scrubber: Deep Water Quattro Reactor : Jebao DC 12000 return pump : JBJ ATO w/ Toms Aqualifter pump: ** Calcium Reactor Setup ** AquaMaxx cTech T-1 Calcuim Reactor: AquaMaxx Dual Guage Professional CO2 Regulator: CaribSea Aragonite Calcium Reactor Media: Brightwell Aquatics NeoMag: 5Lbs Co2 Canister: ** Water Clarity items ** Lees Wooden Air Diffuser : Air Pump: Rox .8 Carbon : Filter Floss Sheet :

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for SCA 120 Gallon Reef Tank | Ep.10 | Adding Life To The Reef - Tangs, Angels & Clean Up Crew

CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
Alot to cover this update.. hope you all enjoy! be Sure to take the Poll on the top left.. be easy!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
Nate Bulger same style would work from this vid
Nate Bulger
Nate Bulger - 7 years ago
What if you have a rimless tank and you want to get a screen top on it
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
cycled for 2 months before adding any fish.. bacteria doesn't take long to catch up but the 40 gal water change certainly helped dilute any mini cycle that could have occurred..
Andrew Hague
Andrew Hague - 7 years ago
hey CJ just a question but wont this amount of fish be to much for the bio to deal with initially?
Tengu3000 - 7 years ago
Been waiting on this one man, congratulations getting here. The patience you've shown in this series is one of the few things keeping me from rushing my own setup
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
AcuaTV will come down to choosing which powder to keep everyone else are model citizens
AcuaTV - 7 years ago
Nice additions, a bit of a gamble on the tangs but let's hope they get along.
J B - 7 years ago
CJ does christmas wrasse kills algae crab crew? 3 of them is dead 1 snapper snapped just after 2 days, ty.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
J B I removed it so honestly can’t say
Kia's Fishies
Kia's Fishies - 7 years ago
this tank just makes me say "wow", sooooooo much thought and accuracy is put into this. Good job!! and thats an understatement
Gary Ross
Gary Ross - 7 years ago
The best blow by blow on reefing on the web bro. Totally invaluable: thanks for all the time and effort you put into these videos.
Michael Piccirillo
Michael Piccirillo - 7 years ago
Hi. Great video, thanks!
Question, I'm new to reef keeping & still in planning stages.

Its easy for me to be Monday morning quarterback-

With a new tank after nitrogen cycle is completed then you dealt with both brown diatoms & hair algae..

What if you had 3 leds going strong on your algae scrubber, maybe have 2 algae scrubbers & raised lights or cut back on photo periods since you didn't have any corals or fish at that time. Maybe add Phosguard to a reactor or a pad to sump?

I guess my question is could you have avoided getting major diatoms & brown algae from the start?

Maybe one can't, that's what I'm curious to learn about.
Michael Piccirillo
Michael Piccirillo - 7 years ago
CJ'S AQUARIUMS thanks 4 quick reply, didn't think so but asking couldn't hurt.

Anything you would've done differently on this build now that its been up & running a some time?

When's the next major build? LOL
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
no avoiding diatoms in my experience .. i could have avoided hair algae by curing rock outside the tank with heavy water change regime and gfo in that container..... scrubber wouldnt have made the diff even if i had 2-3 of them.. needed more export during the curing phase
Rogelio Naranjo
Rogelio Naranjo - 7 years ago
Nice tank! Can you please tell me the dimensions of youre tank?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
48 v 24 x 48
Lisa DiMercurio
Lisa DiMercurio - 7 years ago
Love your vids. Why are some of your videos not viewable?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
only live streams are deleted afterwards... u may have just missed one
Alazuan Calhoun
Alazuan Calhoun - 7 years ago
JoHn AiR
JoHn AiR - 7 years ago
hello mate
love your work. can you please explain the algae scrubbing system in detail. how to put it in a sump and make it work.
kind regards
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
i have a detailed video here :

10. comment for SCA 120 Gallon Reef Tank | Ep.10 | Adding Life To The Reef - Tangs, Angels & Clean Up Crew

Jessica Landry
Jessica Landry - 7 years ago
Hi! I've just stumble onto your channel. I'm not in the saltwater hobby myself, but I really like your setup. I like how your rocks are displayed, and your fishes are gorgeous! Thanks for taking the time to make this video.

Also, your blue and brown tang seems to be chasing each other. Have you witness any type of agression? I was also wondering if any of these fishes would benefit being in a school of some sort (again, no judgement, just wondering, as a lot of freshwater fishes do).
Jessica Landry
Jessica Landry - 7 years ago
How sad, your brown tang was/is my favourite, with your flame angle! :)

Oh, I was just wondering, since corydoras need to be a pack, if there was this type of need for saltwater fishes. I clearly don't know anything about them! That's why I just watch the videos :P
Rotter Tube Reef
Rotter Tube Reef - 7 years ago
cool tank man. love it! YES i QUARANTINE EVERYTHING, EVERY time. there is one LRS i trust no matter what but i QT every time. I QT coral, inverts, fish, everything. never risk.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
you my friend are part of the 8%... crazy how many people dont do everything.. thanks for stopping by man
someone6reefs - 7 years ago
sweet tank hopefully it matures like ur old system ✌
Xavier Frisbey
Xavier Frisbey - 7 years ago
I really love the lights spectrum! What kind of lights are they?
Lawrence - 7 years ago
I just added 4 tangs to my system today! Hope yours do well!
Lawrence - 7 years ago
oh and +1 subscriber =)
Levi Me
Levi Me - 7 years ago
when I seen this video in recommended I thought "oh cool an SCA 120" I've been shopping for a tank and SCA is one I've checked out. I click it, it's 14 minutes. I think "wtf that's excessive" I was wrong. I watched it all and was entertained the whole time. I love the rock work, I love the fish, I mean 4 tangs in a 120 seems crazy IMO but time will tell. Love your plumbing. Loved watching the powder tangs chase each other the whole time lol. Hopefully they work it out. Good job so far.
David Watson
David Watson - 7 years ago
Hey CJ do you use a fish trap to catch your fish
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
never have ... ive always been able to catch them with a net..
J B - 7 years ago
Hello CJ do you mind providing us a link where you bought the acrylic mixer you use, thanks.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
not sure what mixer your referring to?
J B - 7 years ago
CJ I got that same Leopard Wrasse :) My angel fish and yellow tang all died I had an ick outbreak, but now it seems the Leopard Wrasse is been doing fine or resistant to ick, it's been more than 2 months, can you recommend for me to start adding fish again?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
only way u will find out is adding more fish.. ick goes thru life cycles.. so it may be dormant.. just make sure if u do decide to add fish; keep stress low to help prevent an outbreak that could occur when the ick wakes up...

20. comment for SCA 120 Gallon Reef Tank | Ep.10 | Adding Life To The Reef - Tangs, Angels & Clean Up Crew

TRAY NICE - 7 years ago
good ideas, looking good too
Phil Leslie
Phil Leslie - 7 years ago
hey CJ, love the channel. Have been a subscriber for a long time now. I used to have multiple tangs inside my aquarium. I think you might need to add a few more caves for them to sleep in otherwise they will become territorial throughout the night. tanks looking great and i love how u set up your rock work too.
Miguel Maya
Miguel Maya - 7 years ago
How did those 2 powder tangs finally end up? It was pretty clear at the competition between the 2 of them for dominance.
RipVan Winkle
RipVan Winkle - 7 years ago
Aquatica in Montreal?
Flora & Fauna
Flora & Fauna - 7 years ago
Im waiting to see if those two powders get along or not...Beautiful tank so far.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
Phelipe rocha they did not I removed the brown couple days ago now everything is fine
Taylor Reeves
Taylor Reeves - 7 years ago
You planning on doing 40 gallon water changes monthly?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
Taylor Reeves sounds like the plan but I'll be doing at least 80gal a month for the next few months while I'm stocking fish.. and tank balances out
Will C
Will C - 7 years ago
I have heard that having even more than one dwarf angel there will be high aggression even in a bigger tank... But it doesn't hurt to try looking forward to see how your stock list evolves
Brian Shimkus
Brian Shimkus - 7 years ago
If you want dwarf angels, I wouldn't have any corals because they will nip/eat them.
socawar1ya - 7 years ago
Maybe I missed it but what salt did you decide to change to?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
stayed with Reef crystals
pelphrey - 7 years ago
Screen top looks great! Solid plan sir, QT can be a good or bad thing. I've heard of either being beneficial. Some people who swore by the QT process no longer QT. In this hobby whatever floats your boat and you have time to deal with!

30. comment for SCA 120 Gallon Reef Tank | Ep.10 | Adding Life To The Reef - Tangs, Angels & Clean Up Crew

Edward Wade
Edward Wade - 7 years ago
CJ quick question do you have any problems with your powder blue and powder Brown I have a pot of brown but always like the powder blue as well
Edward Wade
Edward Wade - 7 years ago
CJ'S AQUARIUMS thanks will check more of you vid haven't got any notification will check my setting.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
yes just removed the brown last night.. check my latest video for more info..
shawnriv9 - 7 years ago
"One of these things to drop a load in your tank" - Hahahaha
Dave Green
Dave Green - 7 years ago
hi mate love your video my tank is 130 gallon 4 weeks old got 11 fish at the minute I did my two big tangs at the end giving it a few weeks now till level itself out so doing the same as you mate nice to see all yours turns out take care good looking forward to your next video
ReefDudes - 7 years ago
So many nice Tangs in one place! I'm happy to see some life and color in your tank - Beautiful CJ! I hope they all become friends!
Lisa DiMercurio
Lisa DiMercurio - 7 years ago
Love your new tank especially the aquascape. I tried quarantine with my new tank and every fish just died. I now have 7 small fish in the DT and everyone is happy. Corals are happy too. I can't wait to see your mature. Keep up the great work!
oceanslide - 7 years ago
Looking great so far! should of gone with an Achilles tang!
JCReefs - 7 years ago
Glad to see some tangs in your tank and you did the best thing by adding them at the same time and your powder blue going to be the most aggressive tang in your tank I had a powder brown and blues before powder brown is going to get beat up by your powder blue it anything was to go wrong but they should settle in nicely but I say the powder blue is is going to be or is all ready the Alfa of the tank I love tangs I just got a new tangs myself for my b-day lol a mustard tang bringing him him in a week he is in qt at my trusted lfs I don't qt my fish I don't see a point to add more stress and plus my lfs takes really good care of their fish they are all properly treated and eating well and in great health, love your new tank CJ can't wait to see your new dwarf angels you end up getting
Tha Bizness Reef Tank
Tha Bizness Reef Tank - 7 years ago
power blue and brown?!? you brave bruh but I like it!!! Tangs and wrasses is my bread and butter. All great tanks take risks and do it their way in the end. Keep it up!
Nado - 7 years ago
man this making me miss my powder blue! hopefully your's isnt an asshole like mine was. she was a little over 6 inches and didnt let no other fish enter the tank anymore. on this new build up i'm thinking of one Achilles and maybe a couple of gold rims as my tangs, the magnificant fox face which is 6 inches already and a couple of designer clowns, and of course my diamond goby lol. making good progress man!
lebon40 - 7 years ago
love to rock placement ! oh and those tangs too! ;-)
DontMatTerSz - 7 years ago
how the fck did those six not like the video..
Ralph Pastine
Ralph Pastine - 7 years ago
is that aquatica in Cleveland???
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
louisville KY
Krishna Karkera
Krishna Karkera - 7 years ago
Joseana Diaz
Joseana Diaz - 7 years ago
Amazing I really dig the looks of the mesh it couldn't look any better and you should get a diamond gobby they have a great personality and always hard at work when it comes to your sand bed on the 2 tanks that I had I had one keep the good work and videos coming you are the best my friend love your videos
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
I plan to add one for sure when the tank matures some more.. sand is lifeless at the moment..
Frank Adamo
Frank Adamo - 7 years ago
Good Luck brother!
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Love those tangs. Someday. Someday....
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Stay tuned.... Got something up my sleeve
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
gotta tell you.. there is nothing like watching these guys swim.. you have a million tanks with nothing but time and opportunity lol..
dennis scott
dennis scott - 7 years ago
CJ thank you for being informative. Looking forward to the rest your journey with this 123 G tank. Watching on youtube has made me fall in love with my tank once again. Thanks.
something to do about nothing
something to do about nothing - 7 years ago
If you have any issues with aggression, tape a picture of a big tang to the tank for a day or two. It works, im not bullshitting I've done it in the past
something to do about nothing
something to do about nothing - 7 years ago
it gets results, I promise. great setup and very well planned and thought out. I'm impressed
Rich S
Rich S - 7 years ago
Nice work cj, everything looks great! I love the tang selection. Keep the channel going, you are helping a lot of new reefers out there.
Sharbuckles Reef
Sharbuckles Reef - 7 years ago
Nice vid C. Happy to see some life in there. Keep it up

50. comment for SCA 120 Gallon Reef Tank | Ep.10 | Adding Life To The Reef - Tangs, Angels & Clean Up Crew

strat1960s - 7 years ago
Great Video.  Wow!Did you have your fish store order and hold the fish for a few days for you, to ensure they survive and eat?  I'm thinking of going that route.  Does your store dose their tanks with a light copper dose?  I know of one store here in San Antonio the doses its fish only tanks with a light dose of copper.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
all fish are healthy and eating before I took them home.. I don't believe hes using cooper but he does keep them in semi- hypo salinity.. Ive always gotten healthy fish from my LFS so Ive never had to really worry..
Scurvy - 7 years ago
Love the selection of fish CJ! Can't wait to see what's next!
Israel REEFER!!!
Israel REEFER!!! - 7 years ago
man cj your tank is going to live cant wait to see how it grows out
John Gayle
John Gayle - 7 years ago
i like that screen top idea just went to home depot and bought that kit but what mesh did you use? i didnt see one like that just fine window screen
John Gayle
John Gayle - 7 years ago
ah bird netting! thanks for the tip
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
I had left over mesh from my BRS kit on the JBJ.. but you can find bird netting at homedepot that works.. or on amazon here:
RaleyWeGrind - 7 years ago
Rockscape looks great. And your idea with more than one Angel is the same thing I'm contemplating. I want 2 in my 90. Just trying to decide which one would be compatible with a flame
Ktrooper09 - 7 years ago
Almost at 10k , keep up the good work CJ!!
Ray's Reefing
Ray's Reefing - 7 years ago
CJ , Please check out the new auto filter sump i designed and let me know what you think
Ray's Reefing
Ray's Reefing - 7 years ago
Thanks , I subbed you also. Keep doing what you are doing, I am very impressed with your work!
Ray's Reefing
Ray's Reefing - 7 years ago
Thanks alot ,That means alot to me!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
Ray's Reefing I subbed you ray nice work man !
Black Redneck
Black Redneck - 7 years ago
nice video homie good work
Jorge Torres
Jorge Torres - 7 years ago
tank is looking beast cj.. the tangs sure like to chase each other around
Yves Bernier
Yves Bernier - 7 years ago
thanks for the update, love the two powders
John William
John William - 7 years ago
Looking good CJ, and I have to admit to taking a liking in your Powder Brown. The colour contrasts of that Tang is absolutely stunning!
Justin Loitz
Justin Loitz - 7 years ago
idk if you want your sand screwed up but pistol shrimp + watchman goby is always fun
Anthony Ragan
Anthony Ragan - 7 years ago
Really neat. I'm loving watching the progress of this tank. Flame angels are my favorite, but don't they have a rep for being hard on corals?
Adrian Fang
Adrian Fang - 7 years ago
Great fish selection. Try Phosphate Rx. I dose small amounts weekly and keeps my Phosphate at 0.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
not that desperate yet.. still have to let the algae scrubber fully mature it will pull them down naturally ..
arkayology - 7 years ago
IDK man, 120g with a Pblue and Pbrown? That tank is too small for those 2, let alone one of them.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
this story is far from over... they may decide for me who goes and stays.. to be continued..
Reefgrrl - 7 years ago
If I ever got a tang it would be a powder brown - I think the colours are stunning. The tank is looking wonderful with the movement of the fish! Great job on the lid, it looks sleek and clean. Another excellent video!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
if i had to choose it would be a hard choice thats for sure! I never intended on getting ether one but they were too pretty to pass up haha... this story is far from over tho.. to be continued..
White Knight
White Knight - 7 years ago
Nice scape with beautiful fishes.
At My WorkShop
At My WorkShop - 7 years ago
Looks great CJ!!
your fellow reefer
your fellow reefer - 7 years ago
Bro I never quarantine . A fish never got sick or died
Scott SPS
Scott SPS - 7 years ago
looking great, really like how the lid fit perfect.
LRanee - 7 years ago
Wow looks amazing
Kevin Wilson and everything aquariums
Kevin Wilson and everything aquariums - 7 years ago
just buy all the fish you want, no coral, no inverts. Do a treatment once all the fish you want are purchased. then water change run tons of carbon, then work on clean up crew and coral.
Kevin Wilson and everything aquariums
Kevin Wilson and everything aquariums - 7 years ago
CJ'S AQUARIUMS not copper cj. methylene blue, and copper free ick treatment.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
treatment? Anything treated in the display will always cause trouble later to inverts and corals.. copper gets absorbed by rock.. ect ect..
j03yYunG Aquariums
j03yYunG Aquariums - 7 years ago
Loving the tangs! Hope they work out for you.
Hammerhead Reefs
Hammerhead Reefs - 7 years ago
you're crazy! lol I plan to have only 10-15 fish in my 120.. and they are mostly small. Biggest being one yellow tang. Next on my list is an orchid dotty back.. I'm waiting trying to get one from ORA. Try to do the same as you.. just be smart when it comes to buying and after that is what it is
bearded-flipflop - 7 years ago
Hammerhead Reefs don't get an orchid dotty back. the one I had bullied and killed everything that was put in after it which was 3 cleaner shimp and 3 small clown fish. Get a gramma much more peaceful.
Brandon J
Brandon J - 7 years ago
I would consider getting baby tangs if you have to swap those out. Smaller tangs will swim more freely in your tank and chances are they will be less aggressive because they feel as though they have more space. I can keep two baby tangs better than I can keep one average size tang.
Joe's Reef
Joe's Reef - 7 years ago
Tank looks great, beautiful fish. It was smart to add all the tangs at the same time. They brown and blue tang will always fight but I don't think they will kill each other.
Wesley Forbes II
Wesley Forbes II - 7 years ago
Wow, you're not messing around! I have three Tangs in my 90. It can work, but they are all different species of Tang. As you know, I have had them all for at least 2 years. I will NEVER be able to add any more fish, but with a 90 gallon, I have enough fish. Anyway, your tank is awesome!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
Wesley Forbes II wasn't the plan honestly walked into the LFS and all of these beautiful fish were there and he gave me a hell of a deal... can't predict the future but I've never been the one to not push the envelope haha
Fr4nkTheT4nk - 7 years ago
Great video. Beautiful tank.
Tru Reef
Tru Reef - 7 years ago
O yeah keep plenty seaweed that's what's going to keep down aggression and u can feed it often.
Tru Reef
Tru Reef - 7 years ago
looking good u gotta start naming your fish man. That tang crap will be lovely for your coral food just watch it. U can make it with your tangs you'll be fine don't worry.
sktr021 - 7 years ago
Wow bro, you got some beautiful tangs. Kole tang was one of my favorites in my old 75. Good move CJ.
Anthony Snoeren
Anthony Snoeren - 7 years ago
Your tank is looking awesome CJ. as far as adding another dwarf angel I would definitely go with a Cherub angel they are so colorful and hardy as hell! I really want to add a flame Angel to my 45 jbj but I don't know how my cherub would react!
Arrick L
Arrick L - 7 years ago
Nice update. To be honddst I have been reefing since 99 and not once have i quarantined. I have had ich in my tank but it never wiped out everything. I do exactly what you do know what your looking for and stay away from impulse purchases... when possible. Idk about the powder tangs it can work I've seen it but the two you have might be too close in size. Good luck.
Levi Me
Levi Me - 7 years ago
the blue is prettier by far IMO
Wissam Youssef
Wissam Youssef - 7 years ago
may i ask why 'remove' the brown...? for me it looked like the 'blue' was the troublemaker.
Arrick L
Arrick L - 7 years ago
I have a problem waiting as I'm going to macna this year looking to find a new custom tank and I'm gonna have to put my purple and yellow tank in together they at least see each other as their tanks are side by side. If you do trade it I put my vote for a magnificent foxface they look good and are different shape so will limit aggression
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
Arrick L yea I'll be making a decision very soon so much chasing I'm getting tired just watching them hahha... oh well glad I have a sump to put the brown in till I can return it
eric olsen
eric olsen - 7 years ago
Your aquascape really shines now with fish in the tank. Are you alternating each gyre? Great pumps aren't they.
ReefSpy - 7 years ago
All awesome fish! Smart move adding the tangs all at once.
Nick Mcc
Nick Mcc - 7 years ago
Can't wait till this tank is stocked with coral. Interested in what youre going to be stocking it with.
DEL'S REEF - 7 years ago
man you have a beautiful system from plumbing to scape now to live stock cant wait to see this tank mature good luck with the tang
NickClimbsHills - 7 years ago
Good luck with the tangs without quarantine.. It might get messy.
Juan Martinez
Juan Martinez - 7 years ago
ok I'm definitely inspired now
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 7 years ago
Looks excellent brother, feel like I'm living again through you. Great that you do your homework
Notificational Alert
Notificational Alert - 7 years ago
I really love your approach to reefing. You're also super chill and avoid that pretentious attitude that most reefers have on YouTube. Keep up the good work, man. Subscribed!
Eldridge Henry, II
Eldridge Henry, II - 7 years ago
CJ are you going to seed the tank with pods (copepods and amphipods) like the ones offered by Algagen to help feed the future fish on your "possible" stock list
Eldridge Henry, II
Eldridge Henry, II - 7 years ago
where do you get your pods from?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
Eldridge Henry, II yes I'll be seeding the tank heavily Multiple times over the next few months. Pods are like anything else... more food supply the more hey multiply
T Surro
T Surro - 7 years ago
Nice vid, I see alittle gha, I still some after 4 months with the pukani, but its getting better, luv the powder brown tang, ur correct, buy from a good place no need for a quarantine tank, honestly tangs get ich the most, if urs are good ur set!
Joseph Morello
Joseph Morello - 7 years ago
John’s Reef
John’s Reef - 7 years ago
Damn CJ this tank is awesome. Really like the scape and the sump layout. You are going to cost me money....I have an awesome little purple tank in my tank now. My wife bought it for me. She doesn't know anything about tang police lol. I will have to re-home him in a year or so but it is fat and happy now.
9StickNate - 7 years ago
I'm liking the tangs. That brown and powder blue glow!
santiagoanguera - 7 years ago
Awesome vid. Keep on doing what you do
Kreger's Aquariums
Kreger's Aquariums - 7 years ago
Nobody will be able to tell you definitively if those tangs will or will not get along. Although I bet you will receive some comments advising one way or the other. I think you did it the right way by adding them all at once. It will be interesting to see how a new tank handles that bioload though. I was looking at this video from a smaller screen on my mobile phone and it appears that you have a powder brown in there. I'm not saying that they can't all cohabitate, but my money is on that one being the dominant one.
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 7 years ago
get a radiant wrasse! one of my favorite. the movement in this tank will be insane to watch when it is filled. it will look like a reef in the ocean man. well done.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
just looked it up ill def add one of those if my lfs ever gets them in..
Meldium - 7 years ago
Damn CJ. You really are the new and improved New York Steelo!
You always outdo yourself with all the videos man. Great stuff, great Video quality, great education, great start for livestock, great Great GREAT!
You definitely keep doing what you do!
Always a fan man.
One day I swear I will have a Tank just like yours. But my 35g Cube is good for now. hahaha
High 5!

100. comment for SCA 120 Gallon Reef Tank | Ep.10 | Adding Life To The Reef - Tangs, Angels & Clean Up Crew

Seaquaria - 7 years ago
CJ, those Tangs look great! I own 4 Tangs currently, but seeing yours makes me so jelly! The way I understand Tang aggression with each other, they see shapes and not really colors. So the Yellow Tangs are aggressive to similarly shaped or sized Tangs such as Purple Tang, etc. So the Powder Brown may show aggression to the Powder Blue, possibly to Hippo Tang, etc. How they react to non Tang species are unpredictable, but you can always throw in a Maroon Clown to referee? ;-) See the chewed off fins on mine for more info. LOL! Be easy!
Los' World
Los' World - 7 years ago
Loving the tangs. Is the powder blue still chasing the powder brown?
EDK ReefMeister
EDK ReefMeister - 7 years ago
Bad ass dude
Kyle Hewitt
Kyle Hewitt - 7 years ago
Awesome tangs man I love mine
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
Tank looks awesome! I love the tangs, they look great. I've always been a big fan of the powder brown, nice choice.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
MileHighReefers prob is they both are beautiful... I may have to remove one but how the hell could I choose hahaha
Natural Reefing
Natural Reefing - 7 years ago
Nice tangs! Brown and blue look nice and healthy. Filter floss tray is working well by the looks :D
Ransblindart - 7 years ago
Beautiful choice in livestock!! And an amazing video as always man.
MikeTheReefer - 7 years ago
Tang crazy bro! Definitely my favorite family of fish
cichlid mad
cichlid mad - 7 years ago
love the tank you keep it very cleen just haw I like my tanks. been in the hobby for 20 years now keeping tropical fish mainly large cichlids. But iv been thinking about setting up a salt water tank. after watching a lot of video on YouTube. I'm now in the process of setting one up . I hope I will love keeping a reef tank as much as iv loved my cichlids. have a look at my vid of my dicus tank. iv subscribe to your channel. Mat.
Eddie P
Eddie P - 7 years ago
Couldn't have picked better fish imo. They are super vibrant.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
man im telling you if fish had grades these were all A++ flawless specimens ...
Northwestern Reefer
Northwestern Reefer - 7 years ago
Man the fish look great. I just added a blue eyed kole tang day before yesterday myself and that guy is doing great work in the tank
Harley Pachiorka
Harley Pachiorka - 7 years ago
Eh CJ think it be wise to go to bi-weekly and monthly in a JBJ 45 over time too?
Harley Pachiorka
Harley Pachiorka - 7 years ago
True! an it will be a mixed reef but might be on the heavy side for fish load like yours was :p its hard to keep it low!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
ether one could work depends on what your trying to accomplish.. thats not a simple answer..
shawn craib
shawn craib - 7 years ago
I'd think if you add your full fish stock before you put corals you've pretty much got a qt tank. great video look forward to seeing the progress
Neil Chand
Neil Chand - 7 years ago
You should get a Blue or Queen Angel. Ive got 3 Queens awesome fish
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
if this was fish only then maybe but ill have corals and inverts.. and those fish get huge lol
Matt Johnson
Matt Johnson - 7 years ago
Powder Blue is stunning. Always wanted one
Kevin ENH Vlogs
Kevin ENH Vlogs - 7 years ago
Nicely put together. Some nice choices on the stock list too. Moving forward CJ ... nice work ... its all paying off little by little.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
Mauricio Cañon
Mauricio Cañon - 7 years ago
!!great fish selection!!
jayme alcay
jayme alcay - 7 years ago
Yes qt
Reefkpr - 7 years ago
Great vid CJ. Fish selection is fantastic! Definitely some beauties. The DIY screen top came out PERFECT. Looks like it's part of the tank. Nice work!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
Phillip Tennell yessir! Glad I tried it for myself can't beat a $11 screen top haha .. can't wait to add more fish in a couple weeks.. things are going very well indeed!
FADETOBLACK - 7 years ago
Yo. What kinda screen do I get at lowes ! To make sure don't block light. All these years Never used screen before .
LunarUmbreon - 7 years ago
personally I think every tank needs a diamond goby
Diver Down Reefer
Diver Down Reefer - 7 years ago
Tank looks great CJ! Nice choice on your first fish
Tom05 - 7 years ago
looking good CJ!!!
Ed's Fish Tank Extreme
Ed's Fish Tank Extreme - 7 years ago
Good luck with the tangs. Tank look's great.
Austin White
Austin White - 7 years ago
Cj... potters angel bro please XD
Reefing Mark
Reefing Mark - 7 years ago
I'm a real fan of this channel!
Hands of Stone
Hands of Stone - 7 years ago
Looks amazing with all the new life, still can't get over the aquascaping. Please please add a pair of Mandarins after getting a decent amount of copepods established which you can do by getting them from the lfs. They are by far the most beautiful fish in my opinion, peace.
Seven Haps
Seven Haps - 7 years ago
i was waiting for this vid...keep it up man
cheers from chile
Efisher - 7 years ago
Amazing video!
Joseph Derr
Joseph Derr - 7 years ago

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