Saltwater aquariums, coral and reef tanks!

What an amazing aquarium event reefapalooza was! Cant wait to see what New York has to offer!! Check out the links to my friends: Reefapalooza NY : Jenny: George: Mark: Brian: Ryan: Ecotech - Bulk reef supply - Bashsea - HPE framing - World Wide Corals - SUBSCRIBE ► Get the ultimate DIY book ► LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► Facebook ► Instagram ► The king of DIY aquarium projects, tutorials, how to's. Join me each Thursday for an aquarium topic of the week. Sunday's we focus on a DIY aquarium project, tutorial or an aquarium build series. How to build aquariums: How to build aquarium filters: How to build aquarium stands: How to build aquarium equipment: How to build aquarium lighting: How to build aquarium decorations: Varius aquarium tutorials: ALL Thursday videos: ALL Sunday videos:

Saltwater aquariums, coral and reef tanks! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 94

Reef tank 7 years ago 128,541 views

What an amazing aquarium event reefapalooza was! Cant wait to see what New York has to offer!! Check out the links to my friends: Reefapalooza NY : Jenny: George: Mark: Brian: Ryan: Ecotech - Bulk reef supply - Bashsea - HPE framing - World Wide Corals - SUBSCRIBE ► Get the ultimate DIY book ► LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► Facebook ► Instagram ► The king of DIY aquarium projects, tutorials, how to's. Join me each Thursday for an aquarium topic of the week. Sunday's we focus on a DIY aquarium project, tutorial or an aquarium build series. How to build aquariums: How to build aquarium filters: How to build aquarium stands: How to build aquarium equipment: How to build aquarium lighting: How to build aquarium decorations: Varius aquarium tutorials: ALL Thursday videos: ALL Sunday videos:

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Most popular comments
for Saltwater aquariums, coral and reef tanks!

The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Im not much of a vlogger or a reporter for that matter(especially when it comes to aquarium event coverage)… But what i can do is something no one else can; what this event was like from MY perspective. I hope you enjoyed this video. I know i certainly enjoyed making it! See you in New York?
Derp Gaming
Derp Gaming - 7 years ago
ReefDudes - 7 years ago
Great video! It's crazy how many YouTubers I recognize. So are you addicted to salt yet?!!
rakiest - 7 years ago
RAP NYC is nice. Orlando is definitely trying to show up the original Cali RAP -- But RAP in so cal is gearing up to be pretty nice this year.
ALI ULQUDER - 7 years ago
Joey your an awesome vlogger!!
Fenu S
Fenu S - 7 years ago
The king of DIY OMG all you need is just Taylor Necole Dean and Creativepetkeeping! Or otherwise a you have the set of animal vloggers
The Rickiest Rick
The Rickiest Rick - 7 years ago
The king of DIY come to Melbourne we have nahackys

ps if you come pls tell me cuz i would like to meet you
Liam Grieve
Liam Grieve - 7 years ago
what is your tattoo??
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Yes, they were in this video.
Scott Kenyon
Scott Kenyon - 7 years ago
really loved it from the first a whilst back its getting so good to see your view. did u do small videos of venders?
Tengu3000 - 7 years ago
Are you planning on including saltwater tanks in the Gallery? Obviously if that's a spoiler I can wait for the answer :)
Nesh Gaming
Nesh Gaming - 7 years ago
The king of DIY
I really enjoyed this vid
MrAjcutter - 7 years ago
The king of DIY thanks to you I'm massively into fish and have watched your videos over and over! I can't to set a fish room up ❤️
Baeked mochi
Baeked mochi - 7 years ago
The king of DIY YAY
Reign Massive
Reign Massive - 7 years ago
Awesome video
Joe Shmoe
Joe Shmoe - 7 years ago
With no substrate where does the anaerobic bacteria dwell?
Jagged Power
Jagged Power - 7 years ago
Hey Joey, can I have the link for the music you used in this video? Its really inspirational and I would love to use it one some of my videos!
raja lal
raja lal - 7 years ago
hey J bro where is marine depot shop in the exhibition ???
Dlucks - 7 years ago
"The thing about salt water aquariums the more and more you kinda look into them, and see how these are successfully run, is the simplicity of all the equipment; and we've got a nice light, of course, and then the overflow system goes down to the sump here, I assume. You know, very basic, nothing fancy here, this looks like something I would have definitely put together. That looks maybe 20 gallon sump, filter sock, and of course, this is just a temporary system. But, to be honest with you a lot of aquariums these days are being set up simplistically, and not many of them have a massive amount of equipment on them. which is very interesting to me."

You are going to need a lot of water changes that way Joey.
Duncan Glave
Duncan Glave - 7 years ago
music name?
Christopher Mills
Christopher Mills - 7 years ago
Ain't seen Joey so happy! haha, love it!
Ryan Simmons
Ryan Simmons - 7 years ago
once you catch the salt bug. you go broke.

10. comment for Saltwater aquariums, coral and reef tanks!

pro builder
pro builder - 7 years ago
"Excuse me, what are you doing with my shirt on?"
laura mcintyre
laura mcintyre - 7 years ago
You are such a happy person and that in turn makes watching your videos so enjoyable and always put me in a good mood
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+laura mcintyre good! Sometimes When I'm having a bad day, I film a video. It perks me up to get to talk about aquariums. Always so exciting.
amir_ youngprince
amir_ youngprince - 7 years ago
joey you and jenny are the perfect pair or maybe couple....(hope this comment wont piss anyone)
The Fish Nerd
The Fish Nerd - 7 years ago
Fun video!
Eddie Diederich
Eddie Diederich - 7 years ago
Hey! I made it in the video. Great stuff, keep it coming.
Nico - 7 years ago
bruh that dude in the back at 3:12 :))
SC PYTHONS - 7 years ago
big fan joey, have been for years! but one thing....please less of the corny vlog "music"...its like everyone uses the same stuff, brian for one uses the exact music you used lol
Mitchell Lubline
Mitchell Lubline - 7 years ago
this makes me hate the apartment I live in. can't have any fish tanks right now and I want a 30 gallon cube with 15 gallon sump for extra filter power if needed but more to have excessive bacteria collection of beneficial bacteria.
Kary 2088
Kary 2088 - 7 years ago
You're right. The simpler the better.
Alexraptor Aquatic
Alexraptor Aquatic - 7 years ago
Saltwater bug is the best kind of bug. :)
Quite envious of you guys across the great pond who get to go to these awesome trade shows!

20. comment for Saltwater aquariums, coral and reef tanks!

Sauve Arts
Sauve Arts - 7 years ago
ahah, VLOGCEPTION! Love it
mr.strongopinion - 7 years ago
i dont have soltwater butt this is nice.
Nathan Roy
Nathan Roy - 7 years ago
Nice video! What camera setup do you use by the way?
Jeroen Pasman
Jeroen Pasman - 7 years ago
anyone know whats the song called that starts at 2:05?
Raju Dolui
Raju Dolui - 7 years ago
hey Joe bro.. i want information about clown fish.. how to take care of it. which tank is best for it and suggestion.. plz bro
Kaitlynn Cooper
Kaitlynn Cooper - 7 years ago
Can you make a diy small fish filter because I have a small fish tank and it is a sphere shape aquarium
DiYGuYUk - 7 years ago
D.I.Y guy I love your videos they are so helpful but is there a way we can ask you questions about are own aquariums..... also I am in the middle of building my own plywood tank and am doing it step by step to your video you did 1 year ago please wright back to asking you a few questions thanks ryan ,Plymouth , England
Wade 16
Wade 16 - 7 years ago
5:50 Joey and his wife :'D (Sorry Joey, it's just you too are awesome together)
eza307 - 7 years ago
LOve the jump in the pool bit!
oakland002 - 7 years ago
360 camera would really come in handy at these type of events

30. comment for Saltwater aquariums, coral and reef tanks!

Raven Anthony tayag
Raven Anthony tayag - 7 years ago
wow so cool great video and i see George and Ryan , i have a lot of things to learn about saltwater tank because of them..
Aqua Apprentice
Aqua Apprentice - 7 years ago
Do you announce when your going to events like this? Was there and would have loved the opportunity to meet you in person. Also if you dont mind me asking what did you use for recording audio on this vid?
ajthy greats channel
ajthy greats channel - 7 years ago
Question, what's the name of the song And band you used in this video?
kevin vilchis
kevin vilchis - 7 years ago
Hey Joey I really hope you read this but I am really wondering what the name of the songs are that you used in this video. Thanks
Matas Jarutis
Matas Jarutis - 7 years ago
Congrats on 400k soon,keep it up .
CharlieTiel - 7 years ago
It must be such a great feeling to see all those people with your shirt on!
Blesson Roby
Blesson Roby - 7 years ago
joey i am planning to make a fresh water tank of dimention 5 feet long 3 feet deep 2 feet wide . i think it will be weired. will it ???
First Time Reefer
First Time Reefer - 7 years ago
The organiser from WWC has THE BEST accent of anyone in the aquarium hobby!! Tony Montana would be proud!!
cxiel mail
cxiel mail - 7 years ago
Okay so George is low key Hot !!!! Love you @Coralfish12g
Abdullah Sufian butt
Abdullah Sufian butt - 7 years ago
Why are you not uploading some Unboxing videos
Abdullah Sufian butt
Abdullah Sufian butt - 7 years ago
Some new fishes actually i am a fan of you
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Abdullah Sufian butt unboxing what?
Dai-tyme - 7 years ago
how do you think it'd go combining your pvc overflow with the water bridge over 3-4 50gal tanks into one sump? ?.@The king of DIY
Jaime Arranz
Jaime Arranz - 7 years ago
nice Neistat touch on this video, great improvement on editing Joey. Making a great job man!
Ivan Adamovic
Ivan Adamovic - 7 years ago
.... man , you need a cameraman.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Ivan Adamovic nah, I prefer this way. I like to keep it amateur and Ina hobbyist level. Thought about a camera man before but it's just not me.
Brooke Logan
Brooke Logan - 7 years ago
some of my favorite fishkeepers Joey, Jenny, and Brian all together. Now wheres Taylor when you need her??
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
I need to do more of these
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Jay Wilson come with me some time!
ahmad shareef
ahmad shareef - 7 years ago
in 6:38 you see coral 12 g why did you pass him
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+ahmad shareef pay attention to the video. He's in it serval times. Even going swimming together in it.
Bizzyfakka - 7 years ago
as soon as you said "Orlando" i was like "dang, where is Jenny from solid Discus!?"
good thing you found each other :)
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Bizzyfakka I was only going to be there for a day and wouldn't have time to stop in to see her, so I asked her to come check it out. Glad she came.
ryan ramnarine
ryan ramnarine - 7 years ago
i love your life dude
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+ryan ramnarine Its not as glorified as it seems. Youtube is like my highlight reel haha
Andrew Lana
Andrew Lana - 7 years ago
Beaty My Meaty
Beaty My Meaty - 7 years ago
Love Brian!
Beaty My Meaty
Beaty My Meaty - 7 years ago
The king of DIY Cool!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Lawyer Morty then why don't you marry him! Kidding! I do too. I need to do more with him. He's incredibly busy though! Travels more than anyone I know! (He's coming to see the gallery when it's done though!)

50. comment for Saltwater aquariums, coral and reef tanks!

World Aerial View
World Aerial View - 7 years ago
Awesome vid dude !
Conner Jones
Conner Jones - 7 years ago
I just got a shirt from Jennie in the mail
Bob and Holly
Bob and Holly - 7 years ago
Thank you Joey for taking us along.You may have to squeeze in between people in New York to show us some of what the vendors have to offer. That would be great. Maybe there could be a DIY series in the future on many aspects of the marine hobby. As you learn more about the marine hobby you can teach us and inspire us.I think there could be an increase of followers for this as well. Take care.
neal cordeiro
neal cordeiro - 7 years ago
Thank You Joey. I am not a big fan of reefs & marine but the way you present the program, give your own views makes it really worth watching. That was good. Thank you once again.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+neal cordeiro Glad you enjoyed it Neal! I just try to show what I see and do at these things. Which offers a different perspective.
Aquatic Life
Aquatic Life - 7 years ago
Dang i was there but I didn't see you nice video though
Aquatic Life
Aquatic Life - 7 years ago
Yes hopefully next time. Big fan !!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Aquatic Life thank you! I spent a lot of time outside the entrance though, I felt that was the best place to meet as many of you as I could. Clearly it wasn't the best plan thought haha next time!
Noah Villa
Noah Villa - 7 years ago
Great job on the editing work Joey!
Noah Villa
Noah Villa - 7 years ago
Well it certainly comes together well! The music fades in and out flawlessly, and those beginning panoramas were amazing! I also loved how seamlessly you mixed the shots together at the end. Overall, these made the video very enjoyable!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Noah Villa Thanks Noah. I basically did the same thing for my reef stock video a couple months ago. This is a fun way to film and still enjoy the show.
diy aquarists
diy aquarists - 7 years ago
the corals and fishes were beautiful, great event bro!!
diy aquarists
diy aquarists - 7 years ago
joey Mullen,best aquarist ever known
Ross Tucker
Ross Tucker - 7 years ago
what song is playing at 2 minutes and 41 seconds
Matthew Moreno
Matthew Moreno - 7 years ago
i remember watching brs and forgetting i was watching a tutorial. I thought i was watching bill and ted
arkayology - 7 years ago
It's great that you are covering the saltwater end of the hobby. I look forward to any saltwater tanks you put in the gallery.
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 7 years ago
I see you Joey! Look like you been VLOGing for awhile. Making it look easy. Well done.
Joshua Liang
Joshua Liang - 7 years ago
joey u seldom reply to comments
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Joshua Liang ya right
Drew B
Drew B - 7 years ago
Joey feeling a little funky during the editing. I can dig it.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Drew B haha I suppose so
Sayujya Satyal
Sayujya Satyal - 7 years ago
wo ho, that starting part of the video
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Sayujya Satyal check out my reefstock video, I did the same opening. ;)
Allison H
Allison H - 7 years ago
"At SUMP-Point I'd like to get back to Detroit." Hahaha I see what you did there Joey!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Allison haha Steve wasn't at the booth when I found it, other wise he would have had much better jokes. Ran into him outside though. Hilarious guy.
Lisaa - 7 years ago
whats with all yellow bags
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Lisaa mc filled with free stuff
Melleefrase - 7 years ago
WOW what you shared with us was amazing. I will definitely be checking out the other Youtubers that I didn't previously know about. Thanks again Joey
Cassa's Corner
Cassa's Corner - 7 years ago
It would be so cool to run into you like that. :)
Byrnze12 - 7 years ago
Can we get an update on the saltwater tank
Byrnze12 - 7 years ago
Brian Fudge
Brian Fudge - 7 years ago
Sorry for my language. Holy shit that fucking intro was fucking amazing! Hot Damn this is a good Video. Thumbs the hell up!!!
Shani-ofL.A. - 7 years ago
Thanks for bringing us along. I had a great time!
Ecartts - 7 years ago
I like seeing you with Jennie!

Next thing tho.. Collab with Taylor Nicole Dean (if you ever have the chance / to meet her)
PinMasterDaddy - 7 years ago
Great video Joey! It was weird (but fun) to see familiar faces from other channels. Great to see everyone with a common goal to promote the hobby. Thanks for the video.
Sharon Wyly
Sharon Wyly - 7 years ago
I was there wearing my DIY shirt. What day were you there?
Heather Mullinax
Heather Mullinax - 7 years ago
joey have you ever gave thought to doing a audio version of your book reading it to us. I would love that. Just a thought
John Roughneen
John Roughneen - 7 years ago
As fas as corals, fish and aquatic plants go do you know if the hobby is damaging reefs and wild populations? Never thought about it before now...Thinking of 'wild caught' specimens
Blessed one
Blessed one - 7 years ago
That's so awesome for you being able to make it & sharing with us! I'm so getting a shirt now lol
zorba2727 - 7 years ago
Omg it's like a Hollywood red carpet event for YouTube celebs! Joey, George, Ryan, Jake, Mark etc!
Obbie Fatbastard
Obbie Fatbastard - 7 years ago
Douche wears his shirt in hopes to be recognized. Love me daddy
HobbyGuy123 - 7 years ago
Any advice as to where I should purchase some driftwood for a 10-gallon tank online? Specifically to tie java ferns onto.
Please reply! It would a big help.
Paola Norena
Paola Norena - 7 years ago
HobbyGuy123 hi you can find it here Houston Manzanita
they have really nice drift wood
azquetas life
azquetas life - 7 years ago
Where did u get ur shell dwellers, do u like multis or similis better for a 20 long, and what sand do u have in ur shell dweller tank
llzSultanzll - 7 years ago
The king of DIY what time will you be at the event in nyc
Wes Lee
Wes Lee - 7 years ago
lol the infamous swimming pool event from fb.
Cichlids 5 Aquatics
Cichlids 5 Aquatics - 7 years ago
How's the gallery going?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Cichlids 5 every Sunday I update on it
Kameron Crick
Kameron Crick - 7 years ago
Your editing skills ahave certainly improved since ive been watching, love the content!
Jakob Olsen
Jakob Olsen - 7 years ago
Brian's Bob Ross shirt! Awesome!!
Aubrey Aurora
Aubrey Aurora - 7 years ago
Sort of funny you ran into Brian! I was about to comment how much the intro reminded me of his vlog. Made me happy you were both in there ^_^
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Chelena Pyne we planned for him to come! Coincidence we were both in town at the same time.
Lloyd Greenhill
Lloyd Greenhill - 7 years ago
do you feel like the king with all the other fish youtubers? haha. you are there leader
Nuclearbeagle - 7 years ago
<3 BRS
Solid Gold Aquatics
Solid Gold Aquatics - 7 years ago
"Uh... you got a towel?" "Nah dude." Best part lol. Loved the video!
Ecartts - 7 years ago
Where were you Jennie ? I hoped to see you at the pool haha
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Solid Gold Aquatics we didn't think it through. lol... I was still damp on the plane ride home.
jerry ebner
jerry ebner - 7 years ago
when I try to buy a shirt it says "This campaign reached its goal!"
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+jerry ebner sorry, not selling again for a short while. They will be back though!
Alec Sweeney
Alec Sweeney - 7 years ago
David B
David B - 7 years ago
It must be a very gratifying feeling to go thousands of miles from home and see that you have made an impact on people when you see them wearing your t-shirts.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+David B it is incredible. Some of the stories they tell me are pretty moving. I try to. E in the moment with them and not film, but I had to try to get the ones with shirts! Thought it was so awesome to see yet really weird. I have been the only one to wear them for years.
JD Price
JD Price - 7 years ago
A tattoo on Joey?! You think you know a guy...
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+JD Price I was 19.... made a lot of mistakes! haha
Lacy Jinks
Lacy Jinks - 7 years ago
I Love when you tubers I follow see each other.
Isuru Wanigasooriya
Isuru Wanigasooriya - 7 years ago
for the first 5 seconds i thoght i was in a Brian Barczyk vlog...
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Isuru Wanigasooriya i edited this the same way I did the reefstock video a few months ago. No one noticed yet. ;)
Michael Whiteman
Michael Whiteman - 7 years ago
lol i saw me for a split second
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Michael Whiteman nice!!
Texas Hummer Owners
Texas Hummer Owners - 7 years ago
where's the reefa?
arijit patra
arijit patra - 7 years ago
As always learnt something more about the hobby, thanks for the tour.

100. comment for Saltwater aquariums, coral and reef tanks!

The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+QoQ Royals i don't like to edit like this too much, unless it's a vlog. Did it a few times now though.
LuckyArizona LuckyArizona
LuckyArizona LuckyArizona - 7 years ago
I love it when little kids like myself want to be fish keepers like if your 14 or lower of age I love kids that are fish hobbyists!
cool dude 1234
cool dude 1234 - 7 years ago
awesome aquariums I wish I was there
nanoaquamania - 7 years ago
wow... I'm planning to attend macna for the first time... hope we see u there too.. ;) by the way what music no. was that at the end??
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+nanoaquamania I don't think I'll be at MACNA this year. Went a couple years ago though and it was pretty good.
Stevie G
Stevie G - 7 years ago
Best YouTuber in the world
Bohunkskunk - 7 years ago
I saw you in Brian's Vlog lol
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Bohunkskunk We were going to do more together but just got too busy!
Heidi's Fish Tank
Heidi's Fish Tank - 7 years ago
All my favorite saltwater channels. I'm so jealous this all seems so fun. I wish I could go to things like this!
Donya Ren
Donya Ren - 7 years ago
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Donya Ren Dunno. I have been talking about it everywhere.
sevenmile - 7 years ago
thanks for sharing!

YouTubers YouTubing YouTubers youTubing...... is there anyone at these gatherings nowadays who is not looking at the show thru a lens? ;)
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+sevenmile the ones filming are the minority for sure. MAYBE 5-10 filming out of around 4-5000
Firoz Katabaro
Firoz Katabaro - 7 years ago
Thank you for sharing greetings fro Tanzania
Soul Reefer
Soul Reefer - 7 years ago
Who else watched Joey live on Instagram the other day ?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Soul Reefer I did
Edroy Pires
Edroy Pires - 7 years ago
Joey, dude, the most exciting thing I Seen in this was, u were so enthusiastic, dude... Keep it up, u r really doing something really great!
Chris TDM
Chris TDM - 7 years ago
Wow that is cool!thanks for the video!
Scott From Rosco's Reef
Scott From Rosco's Reef - 7 years ago
Great video Joey. Hope to see you in NY.
Jacob Chrem
Jacob Chrem - 7 years ago
Great video joey!! love the editing very creative!
Ismaeel Mohammad
Ismaeel Mohammad - 7 years ago
I am want you to make cheap ways for saltwater aquarium...
John O'Brien
John O'Brien - 7 years ago
"there are a lot of corals"

she realizes that it's REEFapalooza right? ;)

does all that UV hurt the fish? keepers? vendors? corals?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+John O'Brien I might have over hyped it a bit to her. This was also her first convention like this. I too was a bit surprised at what it was when I did my first.
GB İs awesome
GB İs awesome - 7 years ago
Can you do an update on your saltwater aquarium please
Ray Canino
Ray Canino - 7 years ago
Come to Cali Reef A Palooza!!! October!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Ray Canino haven't been invited. I'm taking a break from travel shortly too though. July - October i cancelled all trips.
Philipp Sound
Philipp Sound - 7 years ago
no way :D my favorite 6 channel representors in one video! Love it ❤
Michael Hill
Michael Hill - 7 years ago
Keep up the good work Joey!
kellee - 7 years ago
how is new york reefapalooza in new jersey... lol
kellee - 7 years ago
yeah just thought it was funny haha
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Brie I dunno. I didn't name it.
Mike Lemming
Mike Lemming - 7 years ago
Awesome video Joey! Glad you had fun! I'll see you in NY!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Mike Lemming see you then!
thelolz65 - 7 years ago
Yay! Hopefully get to meet you next month at the nj one ☺️
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+thelolz65 I'll be there!
Lemonade - 7 years ago
what is the song at 2:15 ?
Please answer!
Theekshena Wickramasinghe
Theekshena Wickramasinghe - 7 years ago
what is it??
arniebarb123 - 7 years ago
Lemonade I second this
Joel perez
Joel perez - 7 years ago
bro I didn't get to see you. maybe next year.
P. Vargas
P. Vargas - 7 years ago
I like the Beats..all the vloggers I follow, Very Cool! thanks Joey. great energy..freshies and Salties rock!
Jay Valerie
Jay Valerie - 7 years ago
Love it
Jason Bonk
Jason Bonk - 7 years ago
Fantastic Vlog. Just great.
Kenny Francis
Kenny Francis - 7 years ago
Earl Hinson Brain is a joke in the herp world.
Gianluca Cots
Gianluca Cots - 7 years ago
Nice editing this video your doing amazing
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+XSaturn Gaming thank you!
FizzyFiz - 7 years ago
How i wish my country have this kind of event...
Streamlines - 7 years ago
Cool intro
Tainowarrior00707 - 7 years ago
Great video Joey
MarineLifeDrew - 7 years ago
It was awesome to get to see you Jenny and all the other awesome people at this event! It was great being able to represent the king of diy at 1:45 . I guess ill get my video of the event out this weekend. Have an awesome weekend everyone
G Francisco
G Francisco - 7 years ago
See you in New York!
Mikey Childress
Mikey Childress - 7 years ago
would you put a large tank 300 to 500 gallons on the aluminum diy stand
IbeSyke - 7 years ago
I'll say I would definitely get star struck if I would run into Joey and Mr Saltwater Tank
pecktec - 7 years ago
Looks neat
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+pecktec not as neat as you ;)
Silence Black
Silence Black - 7 years ago
This is so awesome! Thank you for sharing this with us! Greetings from germany :)

BTW: Whta's the name of the song ;)
Dario Mascolo
Dario Mascolo - 7 years ago
Dj Quads - Dreams
Silence Black
Silence Black - 7 years ago
D Howard
D Howard - 7 years ago
Joe is was great to meet you, was scared to come up to you, didn't want to interrupt you videos.  My wife was yelling at me for shaking your hand during you filming, but I was like its the king!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+D Howard I don't mind at all!! I can always film later, can only meet you guys once!
Skane35 - 7 years ago
Looks like fun
Boosted98gsx - 7 years ago
I kept a 180gal bare bottom reef tank for nearly a decade. Simplicity is key. A badass skimmer, good lighting (HO T5 or LED), filter socks, Calcium reactor (or kalkwasser), and RO/DI top off is really all you need. They're amazingly easy to run, once they're established.
Basil Destiny
Basil Destiny - 7 years ago
Was waiting for Jenny to show up! What excites me most about salt water is how easily corals can be grown these days. Back up 20 years and people were stealing from the wild to have a nice coral. Now, you can order one online and grow it yourself.
ben dakin
ben dakin - 7 years ago
the white j's damn
OpinionsAndAholes - 7 years ago
Not as flirty with Jenny as you were the last video together, much less awkward to watch. Whew!
Cardea - 7 years ago
Didn't seem like flirting, he seemed nervous.... which is normal when meeting new people.
OpinionsAndAholes - 7 years ago
arniebarb123 Absolutely do, lol! I do often notice those kind of things, I never even thought of a correlation of the two.
Amanda Brito
Amanda Brito - 7 years ago
Personally, it looked a lot more like how my token "younger brother" and I interact. I've been more than eyerolling at the comments suggesting anything untoward.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+OpinionsAndAholes I think that was just misunderstood. Flirting with her while she knows I have a wife and kids while her husband was literally standing in the room would be inappropriate and not my style. I was nervous is all.
to om
to om - 7 years ago
OpinionsAndAholes He knows of He Do IT again He need to move into the fish house
arniebarb123 - 7 years ago
OpinionsAndAholes only someone who's socially awkward picks up on that shit lol do you have social anxiety??
Ollie Preisler
Ollie Preisler - 7 years ago
all my 3 favourite people on youtube in one place. goals! only taylor  dean is missing. i wish i could be there
Travis S
Travis S - 7 years ago
always meant to ask you watch trailer park boys? love all you guys from N.S.!!
Ricardo DLT
Ricardo DLT - 7 years ago
joey is low key kinda hot lol
Marcelo Moran
Marcelo Moran - 7 years ago
Ricardo DLT for me is no low key. he is hot
inesmarie gomez
inesmarie gomez - 7 years ago
omg one os the best videos ever joey nice job
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Hardwell gomez thanks hardwell!
jessipanda - 7 years ago
Haha! See, my daughter was so starstruck she froze!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+jessipanda aww she was great! Tell her i said thanks for being in the video!
Dillan Myburgh
Dillan Myburgh - 7 years ago
India Timelapse
India Timelapse - 7 years ago
any plans to come india
Andrew Lucfr
Andrew Lucfr - 7 years ago
lots of familiar faces! love it!
GoodBoyMIKE - 7 years ago
Dear Joey please do not public videos before it goes 1080p. Thank you!
Ricardo DLT
Ricardo DLT - 7 years ago
GoodBoyMIKE it doesnt matter lol just watch it after its rendered. or watch twice like o did :P
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+GoodBoyMIKE if I don't upload live, Youtube doesn't send notifications. My channel has so many glitches.
Aqua Boy
Aqua Boy - 7 years ago
i always stand by your show ! it makes me !
Joynal Miah
Joynal Miah - 7 years ago
Epic Nation
Epic Nation - 7 years ago
Are you going to do another video on your saltwater tank?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
Should of stuck me in your luggage! Looks like a great time.
Evan Stepowany
Evan Stepowany - 7 years ago
are you or Joey by chance going to be hitting the NYC one?
Heidi's Fish Tank
Heidi's Fish Tank - 7 years ago
Right Rachel! It seems like such a blast. I can't wait to watch everyone's videos coming out.
J. Allen Hynek
J. Allen Hynek - 7 years ago
Would you ever consider doing some kind of collab with Taylor Nicole Dean? Because you two are both really awesome!
sinny - 7 years ago
please god no lol
Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa - 7 years ago
Honestly I feel like she doesn't know reefs too well, I remember her clownfish video and the entire time I was thinking "Why not get your information from clownfish breeders instead of Liveaquaria" but whatever. I'd typically go to forums for info anyways.
J. Allen Hynek
J. Allen Hynek - 7 years ago
wimpy shrimpy I actually asked myself the same thing! I don't feel she really let the youtube fame get to her head, as she still lives with her family. Also, she really has physical and mental health issues, but never exploits those for views....
ariolagranolabars - 7 years ago
7catstied2gether - 7 years ago
Banana Chocolate Cookie Im pretty sure he already did a collab with solid gold. Personally I find Taylor Nicole Dean chick pretty entitled and annoying, she does know her animals though.
Patita Lopez
Patita Lopez - 7 years ago
That would make for an amazing video!
Rebecca Lesser
Rebecca Lesser - 7 years ago
Banana Chocolate Cookie And Solid Gold would be a dream come true! All together with all their talent!
zorzo999 - 7 years ago
oooooh Joey has a tattoo! :o
Russell Morton
Russell Morton - 7 years ago

We meet again
Gregory Willis
Gregory Willis - 7 years ago
lived in Orlando for 3yrs and never knew they had these events... looks like you were right off international Dr...I lived less than a mile away
Bhargav Bhonsle
Bhargav Bhonsle - 7 years ago
dam the video quality is bad
sgk 3131
sgk 3131 - 7 years ago
what does the tatto say joey?
William X
William X - 7 years ago
Love the videos! im so happy you can share videos of a bunch of events I can't get to!
Pattrick Sanchez
Pattrick Sanchez - 7 years ago
the king has a tattoo
Cheryl Loke
Cheryl Loke - 7 years ago
I'm really loving these tour videos lately :)
Deon 0026
Deon 0026 - 7 years ago
Great energy
CoralFish12g - 7 years ago
Once you go saltwater, you don't go back! Welcome to the fam Joey!
muffemod - 7 years ago
lol he's been in the game for years lol
Leonardo Felin
Leonardo Felin - 7 years ago
George + Joey = awesome. Greetings from Brazil!
DC Reefer
DC Reefer - 7 years ago
It was a pleasure meeting you both at RAP Orlando I made a 2 Part video with both of you guys in it (CoralFish12g and Joey)
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Soul Reefer he's my friend. He's also in this video several times. Of course he watched. I'll watch his when it goes up too.
Soul Reefer
Soul Reefer - 7 years ago
CoralFish12g - Checking out the competition ?
JustMeSara - 7 years ago
CoralFish12g yaaaay
Akva Aho
Akva Aho - 7 years ago
I normally dont like 360p but, when it is my favorite youtuber i watch it anyways :)
FishoutofWater - 7 years ago
Was that the same resort tanner braungdart stayed at?
SpeedFreak Np
SpeedFreak Np - 7 years ago
parrotfishguy hmmmm...
Comedy As Well As Tragedy
Comedy As Well As Tragedy - 7 years ago
Do you built aquariums yourselves or order it.?
Nick John
Nick John - 7 years ago
Comedy As Well As Tragedy He built it. Both glass and acrilic tank. Joey did put DIY tutorial in his channel.
Dr. Indrit Jusufi
Dr. Indrit Jusufi - 7 years ago
I really enjoyed your video man. Keep up the good work :)
Ahmad Echols
Ahmad Echols - 7 years ago
This is edited really nicely
Roshaini Renganathan
Roshaini Renganathan - 7 years ago
Very nice vlog....loving the highlights of new equipments
paulwuzhere - 7 years ago
sexiest sump... that's a phrase I never thought I would hear or agree with.
paulwuzhere - 7 years ago
Dude, I 100% agree. They look sick! A sump I wouldn't want to hide under a stand
RandomUglyPerson - 7 years ago
Sexy dump?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+paulwuzhere Just my opinion. You don't have to agree. I still think it's a sexy sump! lol
Stinully - 7 years ago
awesome vlog Joey
Ahmed Daud Hussain
Ahmed Daud Hussain - 7 years ago
nice video skills iam impresed
Guille Sanchez
Guille Sanchez - 7 years ago
Only 360p...
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Apparently the processing of this video is taking longer than normal. It will be in 1080 once done. Sorry... should have uploaded this last night. I should know better about the constant YouTube issues.
Camoriae Carter
Camoriae Carter - 7 years ago
this video was awesome!! The water shots were great! waterproof cameras for the win!! hope you loved seeing all your shirts lol
Catherine Kennedy
Catherine Kennedy - 7 years ago
It would be awesome if we had an event like this here in Vegas! Maybe one day??
farhan sameer
farhan sameer - 7 years ago
wil you be getting gold fishes back
Helen AKA Firepork
Helen AKA Firepork - 7 years ago
Hoping you see this Joey, I don't want to be a pain but could I politely ask that you enable subtitles to be chosen on your videos please, I love your videos I learn so much, but it is so much easier with subtitles because of my hearing loss. Thanks Helen
Helen AKA Firepork
Helen AKA Firepork - 7 years ago
Hi Joey please have a look at the link above, you don't have to type in its an option, love and blessings m8
Goaticorn - 7 years ago
LOL, sometimes it does really well and then other times I feel like I'm reading subtitles for one of those bad nfl voiceover things. lol
Firepast Studios
Firepast Studios - 7 years ago
VESSER1 YouTube should really work on their auto translate, considering half the time it gets things wrong like fish is hit and similar stuff.
Helen AKA Firepork
Helen AKA Firepork - 7 years ago
Thanks yes thats it :)
Helen AKA Firepork
Helen AKA Firepork - 7 years ago
yes thank you thats what I mean, apologies if it wasn't clear, peace
Axel Poncet
Axel Poncet - 7 years ago
even the suscribers can do it!
sinny - 7 years ago
The king of DIY i think she means enable closed captioning. which youtube should offer regardless.
Am. Aquatics
Am. Aquatics - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I think she means by using that YouTube Heroes thing, where viewers can upload subtitles onto the video instead of the content creator
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Hi Helen, its not something I simply select. I have to type it all out and time it to the video. Then upload it.
Aqua Gods
Aqua Gods - 7 years ago
Firepast Studios I know and understand. I takes a lot of work to edit subs. Plus subs can be a negative thing. Like I said this is something that YouTube should have a option for. Don't leave that up to its artist. It is much better for everyone to have an on off switch to please EVERYONE :)
Firepast Studios
Firepast Studios - 7 years ago
Some of his older videos have captions, but the newer ones don't.
Aqua Gods
Aqua Gods - 7 years ago
Locksy Helen this should be a YouTube issue. I'd hate to be pressured and looked down on as a YouTuber for something the service needs to offer.
Varun Chandrasekaran
Varun Chandrasekaran - 7 years ago
bro , you are just awesome and this will be my favourite video of all time because you just showcased all of my favourite YouTubers and especially George and also remember you have fans from India too
the hobbyist
the hobbyist - 7 years ago
is king of diy still lurking around
The Aquarium Show
The Aquarium Show - 7 years ago
I'm sooo excited for the saltwater section in the gallery,
I'm sure you got so many ideas from this event!
also thanks joey for putting an effort on doing those videos and editing them!
I appreciate your hard work for us! thanks a lot :)
Luke Williams
Luke Williams - 7 years ago
Biodaddy - 7 years ago
Your videos are so inspiring. ^^
Kulapit Galingan
Kulapit Galingan - 7 years ago
love your vids...hope other filipinos watch your channel
Fallon Veenhof
Fallon Veenhof - 7 years ago
Jamie Wang
Jamie Wang - 7 years ago
Damn Joey every video you upload your editing just gets better and better! Love from the Philippines!
JAIRAJ PAWAR - 7 years ago
Best entry ever!!!
Nick John
Nick John - 7 years ago
+JAIRAJ PAWAR Well cool. Do a lot of reading and research especially salt water tank.
JAIRAJ PAWAR - 7 years ago
I am just doing that
Nick John
Nick John - 7 years ago
JAIRAJ PAWAR Yes. Try first fresh water planted tank. After you master the basic maintanance of filter, aquarium, fish, nitrogen cycle, Par value, water parameter and many more, then you can convert to salt water by adding few items such as hydrometer, protein skimmer and blue light spectrum light.
Salt water maintanance is a bit work than fresh water. You will need correct salinity in water parameter. Reef especially sensative to changing water parameter. You will need constant flow of water to ensure no deathspot. Yes salt water is tougher than freshwater.
JAIRAJ PAWAR - 7 years ago
I had a question is it hard to start a salt water aquarium?
CrimsonIced - 7 years ago
Are you getting your gold fishes back??
Hilal Ariq
Hilal Ariq - 7 years ago
Awsome!!! Notification Squad is here!!
Cameron Sonju
Cameron Sonju - 7 years ago
Joey! Where are you going to put your goldfish that your friend has?!
HyperKing Aqua
HyperKing Aqua - 7 years ago
You should build a large reef tank to educate and inspire more people in the future.. salt water is the future of aqua world.. i still believe your 375gallon is perfect for salt water.. there are more to learn in it than fresh water..
s - 7 years ago
HyperKing Aqua I think fresh and saltwater are about equal. It just depends on your style
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
375 is taken. Not doing salt with it. I will have a couple salt tanks though.
Jk Exotics
Jk Exotics - 7 years ago
Good job joey
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Thanks jack!
Syed Majazul Haque
Syed Majazul Haque - 7 years ago
You are awesome!!!
Jay Valerie
Jay Valerie - 7 years ago
Looks like it
wendigolycan - 7 years ago
Is that you in the video?
Sargent3456 - 7 years ago
Paul East
Paul East - 7 years ago
loved that intro!
Nathaly Robledo
Nathaly Robledo - 7 years ago
Yayyyyy ReefAPalooza! Thank you Joey
Arvid Johansson
Arvid Johansson - 7 years ago
Bin live for 2 min for me in sweden, and there is 200+ views crazy
Baeked mochi
Baeked mochi - 7 years ago
Gabrielle V
Gabrielle V - 7 years ago
deeptendu chandra
deeptendu chandra - 7 years ago
you are legendary. your fan following is legendary too.
NIKESH STHA - 7 years ago
Natalia Fonseca
Natalia Fonseca - 7 years ago
Safeen Islam
Safeen Islam - 7 years ago
hey awesome work man keep it from bangladesh
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Thanks Safeen!
Melissa Berry
Melissa Berry - 7 years ago
Chun Meng Quek
Chun Meng Quek - 7 years ago
Hi joey! Glad to say that we have just bought 3 blue base crossback arowana for a community in our coming 392 gallon!! How's the gallery coming along?
Chun Meng Quek
Chun Meng Quek - 7 years ago
The king of DIY oh dear. Don't worry, we will all be here supporting you! All the best!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Its coming along nicely. Had some issues this week though.
Chun Meng Quek
Chun Meng Quek - 7 years ago
Vivek Jharia
Vivek Jharia - 7 years ago
McMerwe Farms
McMerwe Farms - 7 years ago
dave den
dave den - 7 years ago
mr. FELTON - 7 years ago
dave den I
D Godfrey
D Godfrey - 7 years ago
matad - 7 years ago
Greate video Joey!! :)
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
I care.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Mark Fernandez
Mark Fernandez - 7 years ago
dave den wow we care sooooooooooooooo much

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