Saltwater - Calcium & Alkalinity Dosing - Reef Tank Corals

2 part dosing techniques and why to always dose the same amounts of Alk and Ca to maintain stability in your reef tank. Balanced Saltwater Video Link:

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Reef tank 9 years ago 8,153 views

2 part dosing techniques and why to always dose the same amounts of Alk and Ca to maintain stability in your reef tank. Balanced Saltwater Video Link:

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Most popular comments
for Saltwater - Calcium & Alkalinity Dosing - Reef Tank Corals

Ruffles777 - 8 years ago
Hey my question is? Why I'm dosing to much I don't have to many corals,I test calcium every other day and my result is 375cal and I'm dosing 85ml at day,from 10am to 6:30pm every day my alk is good is at 10.00dkh I use Hanna checker calcium is the only problem I use red sea coral pro salt and I do 10g water change every week my tank is 65g you can check my last video and see what you thing what I do Ron thanks
sbazain - 8 years ago
so am at 8 right now and want to go to 9 i need 149 ml. to get there so i figure dose 1.2 ml per hour it will give me 29.8 daily wish will be 149 ml in 5 days my question to maintain it i have to keep on dosing the 1.2 mll daily even when i get to 9dkh am using five days to go up gradually
sbazain - 8 years ago
am manually dosing an usually check every 5 to 6 days and bring it back up but i want to start a doser so like from 8.9 will drop to 8 now lets sy i dose with the doser when i get 8.9 and keep on dosing won't that bring up higher
Klem Reefing
Klem Reefing - 8 years ago
How many gallons is your tank and what type of alk product are you using? Also, how much alk per hour are you currently dosing to maintain the 8dkh?
Build a Reef Aquatics
Build a Reef Aquatics - 9 years ago
If you can tell me why I have to dose my tank with magnesium so much one week and the other not so much? My mag levels drop sometimes more than others and I feel like it's not normal. The tank is only 5 months old. Btw you are right about kalk. Kalk is good and I drip dose with my auto top off but I have a lot of coral in my tank so I need to dose both cal and alk daily. I will say that Kalk is great for building beneficial algae and tube worms or it just accelerates the process. Thanks in advance
Build a Reef Aquatics
Build a Reef Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Klemmetsmo Reefing thank you for that! I'll check that video out as well.
Build a Reef Aquatics
Build a Reef Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Klemmetsmo Reefing thank you for that! I'll check that video out as well.
Klem Reefing
Klem Reefing - 9 years ago
Have you watch this one yet?
Klem Reefing
Klem Reefing - 9 years ago
+Carlos Ledesma
In most cases, Magnesium is used very slowly in a saltwater tank. This is because the Magnesium is primarily used as a buffer that keeps calcium and carbonate from binding together and precipitating out of the tank. So the issue of your tank using more Mag one week and not so much the next is most likely attributed to fluctuations in the amount of Alk and CA your tank is consuming. Dose your Alk and CA levels go up and down (maybe significantly)? Another possibility is little fluctuations in your testing. i know personally I can test MAG twice, using a Salifert test, and be off 20 points even though I appear to do the same thing in every test.
Although there are some serious reasons to worry about magnesium, try not to worry about keeping the Mag level spot on. You have a lot of range in the Mag level that is acceptable for you tank although ideally Mag should be x3 your CA level. For example, lets say your CA is 450 and your MAG is 1290. Sure the Mag is a little low, and should be at 1350, but you really dont have to do something about it until you get to 1250... Make sense?
Wil Santiago Reefing
Wil Santiago Reefing - 9 years ago
Found the answer I was looking for watching this video. Thanks for the info!
Klem Reefing
Klem Reefing - 9 years ago
Correct. Always dose the same with two part.
Wil Santiago Reefing
Wil Santiago Reefing - 9 years ago
+Klemmetsmo Reefing Thanks again! Just to make sure I am doing this correctly, I use BRS 2-part Alkalinity and Calcium. If I does 24 ML of Alkalinity does that mean I need to dose 24 ML Calcium? Thanks for your reply.
Klem Reefing
Klem Reefing - 9 years ago
+Wil Santiago

It took me a while, and some sps death, before I learned this. Glad the info helped you.
Rad Perez
Rad Perez - 9 years ago
Love it, thanks for sharing
Dean B
Dean B - 9 years ago
Great video mate!
MileHighReefers - 9 years ago
Happy new year love seeing your videos thanks for sharing.

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