Saltwater Reef Tank 8 Adding Live Sand.mp4

In this video I do an unboxing of my CaribSea sugar fine bahamas oolite, show a little video after I added the sand, then I go into the sump and go over some of the modifications that I've made (mainly suggestions by viewers). I finish the video by giving a demo of the lighting with the new sand.

Saltwater Reef Tank 8 Adding Live Sand.mp4 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 5

Reef tank 12 years ago 25,578 views

In this video I do an unboxing of my CaribSea sugar fine bahamas oolite, show a little video after I added the sand, then I go into the sump and go over some of the modifications that I've made (mainly suggestions by viewers). I finish the video by giving a demo of the lighting with the new sand.

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Most popular comments
for Saltwater Reef Tank 8 Adding Live Sand.mp4

wcdeich4 - 8 years ago
What are the odds of getting pathogens in live sand? (bad bacteria, fungal disease, marine ich)?
MehrabS - 9 years ago
Hi,  I added the live sand to me 120g tank 3 days ago.  The water is not cloudy any more but as soon as the sand is disturbed even a little bit the water gets very cloudy.  I haven't added the fish to the tank yet.  Is the sand always going to cause cloudiness or will that stop after some time?  Thanks for your help.
khan1010 - 10 years ago
One more question. When did you put the skimmer back on?
khan1010 - 10 years ago
How did you add it to the tank and did you rinse it before use?
Totmacher13B - 10 years ago
Drum n bass :)
CartoonsZ Channel
CartoonsZ Channel - 11 years ago
where u buy that sand?
Tyler Mulvaney
Tyler Mulvaney - 11 years ago
I added live sand to my aquarium yesterday all of the main gravel has settled but now all that is left behind is leftover dust. Can anyone tell me if I should turn on my filter to remove this dust?
gavin m
gavin m - 11 years ago
yes run filter floss or a filter sock
gavin m
gavin m - 11 years ago
fishtanks don't bitch
shechshire - 11 years ago
I have a 10 gallon saltwater tank with just a hang on the back filter. The sand has settled but the silt hasn't... Please don't tell me it's going to stay like this.

10. comment for Saltwater Reef Tank 8 Adding Live Sand.mp4

BrandonC - 11 years ago
what kind of overflow is that? thanks
prozack12 - 12 years ago
dump her and find someone that loves to work on it all day with you XD that's the beauty of not being married yet
coldstunner - 12 years ago
hey i have regular sand and watter with salt, checked water and i want to add live sand, can i just add it while i have fish in?
J Dawg
J Dawg - 12 years ago
sweet tank, wait to see stuff gettin added to it.
CLEREEF - 12 years ago
Lastly, I would add the sand first then water (as long as the water is going in soon after the sand), if I could go back I would definitely do it that way, would have been way less messy, lol. try putting in the sand, putting a dish or saucer on top of it, and letting the water hit the dish as to not disrupt the sand and cause even more cloudiness. I would let the system sit for a while then turn everything on, its going to be cloudy no matter what you do, just wait it out. Good Luck!!!!!
CLEREEF - 12 years ago
With all that being said, I have only done this once and I did it the way you see in this video. What I can tell you is that is is going to get a little messy, and your going to have a cloudy tank for a little, but my tank cycled very fast. I don't know if thats because i didn't rinse the sand or because of the rock I used or what. I cant tell you its better not to rinse, or to rinse, but this is the way I did it and it worked.
CLEREEF - 12 years ago
If thats what you want to do than just get dry sand which is much cheaper and call it a day. One of the reasons people want to rinse their sand is because they want to reduce the time their tank looks cloudy(it does suck looking at a cloudy tank). None the less, this seems pointless to me because you are going to wait much longer than the few days it takes your sand to clear up, waiting for your tank to cycle.
CLEREEF - 12 years ago
First of all thanks for the input and the subscription. Here's the thing with live sand, and you're going to hear people on each side of this argument. Live sand is supposed to contain "live" bacteria or critters within it, in order to jump start the nitrogen cycle and populate the system with beneficial bacteria. This bacteria is in the silt or biofilm of the sand. If you were to rinse the live sand and remove the silt, you would be effectively removing the bacteria you just paid for, you know?
CLEREEF - 12 years ago
Hey Thanks! I'll check out your videos!
TheFishTank Doc.
TheFishTank Doc. - 12 years ago
Keeping your Power head and skimmer on, whilst Curing your live rock is a must!!!. It will remove any dead bacteria. Lights are looking good. Keep going your doing great. Best advice read read and read some more. (See my videos and others).

20. comment for Saltwater Reef Tank 8 Adding Live Sand.mp4

CLEREEF - 12 years ago
@jmadden184 No problem, Thanks for the tip!
CLEREEF - 12 years ago
@ReefAdvicer Thank you!
ReefAdvicer - 12 years ago
i really like your tank i can DEFINITELY see this as a very successful tank
CLEREEF - 12 years ago
@jmadden184 Hey thanks! Yea I can't wait to see some life in the DSB. I actually have the rock in now, and I'm working on getting another video up soon!
CLEREEF - 12 years ago
@adjusterfrank Hey! Thanks again for the tips, I think the sump is a lot better now. Yea, Im going to have to put my GF to work, maybe she'll catch the reef bug too! She probably already knows just about as much as me because thats all I talk about...LOL I actually put her on skimmer patrol while I was at work when I was having those overflow problems.
CLEREEF - 12 years ago
@snowingspoon Thank you!
Frank Vadala
Frank Vadala - 12 years ago
Nice work on the system. The sump looks good. Your going to love the DSB. About 2-3 months in there is going to be an explosion of life. All the changes you have made in the sump area look good. The shimmer is very cool. Once you get some fish and animals in the tank your GF will get on board. lol. She needs to get her hand in the tank and do some work. Then... there should be no complaining. Haha.
snowingspoon - 12 years ago
The tank is looking great, Nice to see the progress :)
Wesley Forbes II
Wesley Forbes II - 12 years ago
Great job man! I love a new set up, so fresh and so clean!
CLEREEF - 12 years ago
@moneymarkj Thanks!

30. comment for Saltwater Reef Tank 8 Adding Live Sand.mp4

moneymarkj - 12 years ago
Good job on the tank
CLEREEF - 12 years ago
@finger11yo No problem thanks for the advice!
finger11yo - 12 years ago
thanks for mentioning me tank looks good:)

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