Sanjay Joshi's Nano Reef Tank is 23 YRS OLD, No Skimmer, No Water Changes!
Reef tank 7 years ago 126,741 views is the source for all your reef aquarium news - the latest on exotic fish, rare corals and hot new aquarium gear. Sanjay's 500 Gallon Reef in 2008: The foundation pair of Black Photon Clownfish in this tank back in 2008:
10. comment for Sanjay Joshi's Nano Reef Tank is 23 YRS OLD, No Skimmer, No Water Changes!
20. comment for Sanjay Joshi's Nano Reef Tank is 23 YRS OLD, No Skimmer, No Water Changes!
It's actually possible to maintain a reef tank without water change. In fact, most of marine aquarium shops here in indonesia (where most of your beautiful fishes came from) very rarely, if not never, do water change for their tanks.
To maintain their aquarium, they use a huge sump (>>10m) filled with live rocks and dead corals (but not finely crushed like what you often see in branded aquarium media). To keep the salinity stable, they only add ground water every few weeks
Granted their tanks are not as pristine as this one. Their tanks tend to have algae problem (most likely because of the high phos from the ground water), and the corals dont bloom as beautiful as this man's tank (they only use cheap lighting). But hey.. no water change is no water change
I hear after a few years most tanks will have completely settled as long as you stop changing the bioload and it can support itself. Soft corals will absorb some nitrates and phosphates so I wouldn't be surprised if it actually was running just fine if he feeds lightly
30. comment for Sanjay Joshi's Nano Reef Tank is 23 YRS OLD, No Skimmer, No Water Changes!
but sorroundings seem to be so clear and newly painted
stop tryibg to fool otgers
Stable stand
Sta´ble stand` (stănd`)
1. (O.Eng. Law) The position of a man who is found at his standing in the forest, with a crossbow or a longbow bent, ready to shoot at a deer, or close by a tree with greyhounds in a leash ready to slip; - one of the four presumptions that a man intends stealing the king's deer.
See, I'm well versed.
I'm not saying he's going nuts to maintain it, but he's lying if he says he doesn't maintain it and check parameters on a regular basis, and top off, hell he doesn't even have the salty crust on the glass at the water line.
Did you see what I did there? A play on one of your words.
I've tried a 20 gallon salt and it was a nightmare to try to keep balanced.
i wish i could afford this.
Other hobbies comes first.
Full O detritus...
50. comment for Sanjay Joshi's Nano Reef Tank is 23 YRS OLD, No Skimmer, No Water Changes!
Be sure to check what length of bulb is best suited for your tank, find a compatible light fixture from the pet store or hardware store.
This guy used flexible metal wire to hold it up. Just bend some wire and you have this guy's light setup.
Cheers ;)
I seriously hope not as that was so disrespectful!
Some research that helps explain how corals are proactively creating a favorable environments was done a couple years ago by Dr Andreas Hass, here's a link for those interested and a couple additional links of similar research:
Couple this with the research Sanjey participated in showing skimmers skew microbial populations it seems easy to surmise his approach optimizes the microbial processes beneficial for corals.
While my understanding of DOC is very, very limited it seems to me the issue of refractory DOCs building up in his system are going to cause issues at some point if no water changes done. It would be interesting to see yearly follow up videos.
Couple questions:
Considering how much faster sponges are at pulling stuff out of the water than bacteria, one question is what kind of cryptic sponge coverage is in the sump and behind the rocks?
Sanjey comments about pulling out a large mat of P. Grandes, how much and how often does he remove corals?
Beautiful tank and quite an accomplishment keeping it so long!
me either i just like natural/normal looking clowns myself.
No thanks
I have only heard of this with people who have skimmers/ or filtration systems
With that said, although I dont claim to be an expert and certainly don't have the breadth of experience as these individuals, I don't agree with some current "trends" in te hobby such as "no water changes" or " you need some "nitrates and phosphates in your system"-no you do not! These are pollutants, not coral foods. They also fuel problem algae growth. I also don't believe you need every additive under the sun either.
100. comment for Sanjay Joshi's Nano Reef Tank is 23 YRS OLD, No Skimmer, No Water Changes!
Ive used soft corals in the same way macro algae is used and it can be very successful it just takes time to find a balance of nutrients in to coral growth and i just used very small amounts of kalk in the top off occasionally to keep up with minimal depletion of calcium/alk/magnesium.
I think its time people took a fresh look at softy tanks as the movement and flow in them is really quite beautiful and a change from the static colourful stick approach ;)
Don't get how he gets the phosphate out. My suspicion is he doses something and is using GFO for phosphate removal. Also suspect if he leaves a tang in there for long he'll need to do something more than that, as they eat and poo a lot!
more water + sump = more stability & more possibilities to make your tank easier to care for and maintain such as in sump refugium, algae scrubber, marine pure, GFO etc etc .. whatever decision you make good luck !, ive subbed your channel make sure to put a few videos up of it once its up and running !
this might come in handy;
wil be updating tomorrow and again in a week or two after that, you should consider doing a build thread once yours is coming together !, PEACE and good luck !