Show Reef Tank Crashed - Its over - Im done!

So I was having problems with SPS color. I danced around with a couple things but ultimately blamed Bio-pellets for stripping nutrients and causes pore color in the coral - so I pulled the bio-pellet reactor.... It caused a crash of the entire system. Hard lesson learned!!!

Show Reef Tank Crashed - Its over - Im done! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 63

Reef tank 8 years ago 70,290 views

So I was having problems with SPS color. I danced around with a couple things but ultimately blamed Bio-pellets for stripping nutrients and causes pore color in the coral - so I pulled the bio-pellet reactor.... It caused a crash of the entire system. Hard lesson learned!!!

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Most popular comments
for Show Reef Tank Crashed - Its over - Im done!

Captain long dong
Captain long dong - 8 years ago
Massive amounts of dead bacteria from taking your BP reactor offline is what did it, your good buddies should have advised you to remove some of the pellets, not all. All in all chalk it up as an expensive learning experience and start over, make it better than before and do not dwell, hope all is well.
smiler - 7 years ago
Thanks for posting this.
REST IN TINY PIECES!!! - 7 years ago
Klemmetsmo Reefing hey bro,I feel for u,I about 8 months ago had about $18,467.48 in a 220g tank crash and it wasnt about tha money it killed me gets past money when u raise it from a baby up and u baby it to tha point ur family hates it and u...but it was beautiful!!! and I caused it treating my babie girl snowflake Eel...stupid,stupid!!! its sickening...hold ur head up man and i dodnt look to c if this was old and wont rewrite it...hold ur head up and learn better....things big or small happen for a reason great job brother she was beautiful !!!
Klemmetsmo Reefing
Klemmetsmo Reefing - 8 years ago
Yes its one of the issue with having these tanks (mine being one of them) that are technology dependent because lack of anerobic bacterial colonies. Nothing wrong with that only that silly me was thinking that my tank was strong enough to run everything on it own, and maybe put a small amount of nutrient back into the tank to color up the SPS, and I got blasted! So, yeah, Reefing Down South had it right; me pulling the biopellets removed the food source for those bacteria and they died. That caused a spike in toxic levels of everything amonia, nitrite and nitrate. I did massive water changes and 2 reactors stuffed with carbon etc. etc. but that seemed to shock my sps even more! The smell of dead corals was SO strong in the house it burned the nose - everyday was an open the door day to get fresh air in the house! it was a cascade of events I couldnt control! Im still in shock. Was hard to even put this video out! (Chin up)
Captain long dong
Captain long dong - 8 years ago
Victor Fox it's a mixture of all, the oxygen level can drop, but usually that's not going to be a huge factor. It's the massive die off and then parameter swings that really do the damage.
Victor Fox
Victor Fox - 8 years ago
Reefing Down South . Does anyone understand how this kills corals. Was there an ammonia spike? Spike in CO2 and pH crash? Low oxygen levels? Some unknow toxic waste released by the dead bacteria? I've seen this happen before and wonder if a massive amount of zoolite and carbon would have prevented it from killing everything else.
Just Fish
Just Fish - 7 years ago
Grounding probe
Just Fish
Just Fish - 7 years ago
Klemmetsmo Reefing that’s the way to go! Best thing to keep in mind (only reminding as assumed someone who’s had a tank for years likely knows) that grounding probes only work if they are plugged directly into the wall and not into a power supply or splitter.
Klemmetsmo Reefing
Klemmetsmo Reefing - 7 years ago
Just Fish
Right. I run a titanium ground probe separate from anything else in the tank. If fact I run 2 as a “just in case” thing... I also run two small heaters instead of one big one.
Having a heater fail like that is one of my biggest fears. I run the solid metal ones - not glass. :)
Just Fish
Just Fish - 7 years ago
Klemmetsmo Reefing no not Necessarily but one of my salt tanks crashed the same exact way and it was due to a heater that basically had fallen apart and my tank was being shocked constantly. My birds nest died in a matter of 1-2 days and then my Xenia followed suit and then everything else tanked. All within a few days. Not to say that it could have been an electrical issue but something to maybe consider on the new setup. Just making sure that the grounding probe is somewhere that it will be able to pull current out of the main display.
Klemmetsmo Reefing
Klemmetsmo Reefing - 7 years ago
Just Fish
Are you insinuating that I wasn’t using one (because I was) or that it was the probes fault?
No use for a Name
No use for a Name - 7 years ago
Damm can’t imagine what you went through when this happened,it’s a fishkeepers worse nightmare...I’ve never used bio-pellets and now I never will..your videos are great just subbed
Klemmetsmo Reefing
Klemmetsmo Reefing - 7 years ago
Thanks man. Happy REefing
camaro bill
camaro bill - 7 years ago
Such a shame, sorry for your loss! Stony corals are so beautiful ,but so temperamental expensive to... I'll bet most of the soft Coral survived?
Krox - 7 years ago
So sorry for your loss :(
Klemmetsmo Reefing
Klemmetsmo Reefing - 7 years ago
Krox it was tragic but I'm back at it. Check out the new vids! Happy Reefing
johncy kleno
johncy kleno - 7 years ago
Wow your video really got me sad, today one of my fish died and i was down all day, also my inca mistery snail died also, i hope to see your new tank and more videos thank you for sharing such info and please keep it up dont give up
Halim Bey
Halim Bey - 7 years ago
So how did it crash what went wrong or is this just what happens sometimes in reef tanks I can't think that this is just what happens something had to be off right
TT Smasher
TT Smasher - 7 years ago
This is why I don't keep sps. The risk is huge. Can your lps survive?
Klemmetsmo Reefing
Klemmetsmo Reefing - 7 years ago
LPS did survive, but I cant go the easy route :( SPS or bust!
Ashish Patel
Ashish Patel - 7 years ago
SPS are extremely delicate and don't let anyone tell you they are easy.. Softies and LPS are very hardy and colorful and can handle amazing amounts of of abuse... I noticed some paling on my SPS and figured out I was running with undetectable nitrates so what did I do> I started dosing nitrates too fast and got it to 3PPM in 48 hrs. few of my weaker SPS RTN in few days and few bleached at the base. I too thought my tank needed nutrients but SPS become accustom to a system and changing anything too fast will cause such reaction... I am sticking to cryptic zone, algae, and skimmer to keep my tank healthy. I see your doing the same but slowly get rid of the bio pellet reactor its just too risky and quiet frankly your tank can run better when your new corals are used to some nutrients

10. comment for Show Reef Tank Crashed - Its over - Im done!

Rebecca Wells
Rebecca Wells - 7 years ago
I have been there...all I can say is try again. As you can see if you go to my channel, I had a Biocube 29, also a showpiece, so proud of it. Decided I needed to invest in bigger tank so bought Red Sea E260. Just started with new Aragalive sand and moved my rock and animals over. They were out of the water maybe 3 seconds. Everything cratered. Lost my 2 RBTAs that bubbled beautifully, everything else closed up, and Montipora and SPS Birdsnest bleached dead! Fortunately fish were ok, lost my Sexy shrimp and a Skunk cleaner. that was Christmas 2016. It's taken 7+ months and finally my Rics and Mushrooms are starting to improve and some palys are opening up again. Leather finally peaking his tentacles out. Breath in breath out.....don't give up! Get some simple corals and start dosing your tank with 2 part. I only run Rowa Phos and charcoal with some pond rock in my tank, but I started dosing again after I lost so much. The tank seems to be on it's way back up. Good think because the dank Red Sea system cost me an arm and a leg. Good luck!
Nicholas Shah
Nicholas Shah - 7 years ago
Your voice SLIGHTLY resembles Seth rogens
Kelly Harney
Kelly Harney - 7 years ago
Researching reef tanks bc I'm going to get my first one - but watching this was somehow encouraging to see reality. When we share struggles of any kind it's a gift to others to feel less alone, we're all prone and destined for pitfalls and so many cool people and encouraging comments on here. Makes me want a reef tank more actually!
Cheng Lee
Cheng Lee - 7 years ago
When you have a stable tank you never want to change or add anything. That's too bad that you lost your show tank.
Sonic Ninja
Sonic Ninja - 7 years ago
This music massively reminds me of when Russel Crowe's wife dies in Gladiator.
Tony Wong
Tony Wong - 7 years ago
Don't give up
RENE Aguilera
RENE Aguilera - 7 years ago
OMG! I'm so sorry to hear that!
Pan Gao
Pan Gao - 7 years ago
Why am i getting this Godfather vibe while watching your video. Your name even reminds me of Peter Clemenza
scorned230 - 7 years ago
Words can not suffice in seeing it happen. I gave a long moment of silence. Don't quit.
Matt Bershinsky
Matt Bershinsky - 7 years ago
I had a gorgeous 65 gallon reef tank that was professionally maintained, and I'm gonna say had twice as much biodiversity as yours did, and I remember the exact second I knew it was crashing, and every single thing was dead within 36 hours

20. comment for Show Reef Tank Crashed - Its over - Im done!

panaque - 7 years ago
Thats awful, sorry you had to experience this. I hope you keep reefing tho.
sobInsomniac - 7 years ago
those white corals aint dead dude
HELLO_I'M_ ALLYSE - 7 years ago
sobInsomniac what do you mean
Thirsty Rabbit
Thirsty Rabbit - 7 years ago
How you going now mate
BR5491Z1Z - 7 years ago
oh boo hoo stop yr blubbering and get crackin
tidalwave 8888
tidalwave 8888 - 7 years ago
they were big colinies too shame!
zoeith6 - 7 years ago
I can send you some frags if you start up again. I do mostly softies and lps, my only sps is a cyphaestra, pectina and pavona.
Tony Black
Tony Black - 7 years ago
Hey, sorry for your loss...hopefully this will inspire you to make a better reef...not that you didn't have a really good one. But one thing I've lerned in this hobby is that you always learn sonething new. We can always improve right? Or sometimes simple is better.
Can you also tell me the name of the song in the backround please.
Darrell smith
Darrell smith - 7 years ago
I would have just done water changes everyday -- I do a one gallon water change everyday on my reef tank.
J B - 7 years ago
Michael Schlicht
Michael Schlicht - 7 years ago
That's sucks, u know u have a problem when a green birds nest dies, I had a friend who had his tank crash and I believe it was some sort of contamination.

30. comment for Show Reef Tank Crashed - Its over - Im done!

Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 7 years ago
capp bizzness
capp bizzness - 7 years ago
sheeesh...nothing worse than when your tank is crashing..feels like dieing on the inside.
thelastdon247 - 7 years ago
Awwww man I feel for you
pierson jones
pierson jones - 7 years ago
Dumb ass
brian buchert
brian buchert - 7 years ago
pierson jones ur pos
EO Rhino
EO Rhino - 7 years ago
SIUL ZC - 7 years ago
I like your information is very interesting and the music is very beautiful. thank you.
Joaquin Fernandez
Joaquin Fernandez - 7 years ago
These tanks are a never ending money pit. I got rid of my reef a month ago, I have better things to do with my money.
Frederick Fernandez
Frederick Fernandez - 7 years ago
dont give up!
Klemmetsmo Reefing
Klemmetsmo Reefing - 7 years ago
Thanks man! Happy Reefing
DREAMBIG - 7 years ago
LMAO dude im sorry your tank died but when you show your dead birdsnest with the passion of the christ music, i lost my shit.
jewel sanders
jewel sanders - 7 years ago
Klemmetsmo Reefing
Klemmetsmo Reefing - 7 years ago
hahahaha Thanks !
Tony ARC
Tony ARC - 7 years ago
also needs much more live rock and corals up higher to the light and water flow
Tony ARC
Tony ARC - 7 years ago
Klemmetsmo Reefing sure is but when you have it running for many years must be something going well
Klemmetsmo Reefing
Klemmetsmo Reefing - 7 years ago
LOL thats such an endless debate but thanks for the advice :) Happy Reefing
IP Rainwater
IP Rainwater - 7 years ago
Sorry to hear man. That sux. I have lost some stuff in the past that made a grown man cry. I just had to lift myself back up and try again. Tank cycling seems like forever but you can successfully come back. The important thing is we all learn here on YT form things like this happening. I lost everything so I redid everything from the Eheim to the sump to the crushed coral replacement with sand to complete water change out. We had new carpet put in the basement so it was a good excuse to start completely over with my 55 gal plus tank (brand- Oceanic Aquarium).
Klemmetsmo Reefing
Klemmetsmo Reefing - 7 years ago
Right! Im planning on a bigger tank soon. Dont say anything LOL. Very exciting stuff coming down the video pipeline.! Happy Reefing
William Gogo
William Gogo - 7 years ago
Wow I'm going through the same problem now any advice anyone can give would helpful, I have only been in the hobby for 3 years or so. And experiencing a big trouble with so far 2 main corals dead
Alexis Torres
Alexis Torres - 7 years ago
What's up with the gay ass music?
Sabrina - 7 years ago
You obviously have no taste in music or art. You're just another product off stupidity and close-mindedness life's roll-of-dice produced. How unfortunate.
Tainowarrior00707 - 7 years ago
Wow sorry for your lost..
Cochise Star
Cochise Star - 7 years ago
fast coral rot next time use red slim remover as a emergency it will kill bad bacteria and balance tank. then do 10percent water changes once a week and u will be fine. happen to me twice. in my 30 gal nano. hard damn lesson bro.
Cochise Star
Cochise Star - 7 years ago
theres fast tissue necrosis and slow tissue necrosis. got to catch them both fast.
gflinski - 7 years ago
I know how it feels. I had a tank with sps and lps running very smoothly when I started to get busy and lazy. It was my fault but I let my water chemistry slack and then my sps one by one started bleaching and then my lps suffered after. It was so depressing because my corals grew so much from frags and then just lost it.
Frank W
Frank W - 7 years ago
I am so sorry to see this... it is a massive gut blow (I know), and it sucks to see it happen to someone else as well. My last crash, I was lucky enough to have an awesome reef club behind me... If someone has a crash, they will have an army at their house helping to tear it down, clean it up, and have it back up & starting a new cycle if necessary. If there were fish left alive, they are taken to various foster homes & quarantined until ready to go home. No time for mourning or self-pity... get back on the horse.
We also do what's called "frag banking". We trade & give away corals for free to each other with the agreement that if your tank ever crashes, you can go back to those people and get some back for free to re-populate your tank... it's been a godsend for more than a few of us.
Klemmetsmo Reefing
Klemmetsmo Reefing - 7 years ago
Great advice bud. Ive reciently started again and cashed in some coral bank chips I had out there with some friends. Check out the latest vid I made last week. I wish this was a bigger community sometimes so that we had a reef club like bigger cities do - but unfortunately we dont... Thanks for watching - Happy Reefing
slief - 7 years ago
Wow.. I am terribly sorry to see this. What a heart breaking tragedy. Your tank was beautiful. It's an unfortunate part of this hobby where minor changes in our tanks can have catastrophic results. Fortunately for people like us, we bounce back and learn from these situations and usually when we bounce back, theings tend to go to the next level. I will look forward to seeing your progress. Once again, I am sorry for your loss.
Klemmetsmo Reefing
Klemmetsmo Reefing - 7 years ago
Right! Took me a while to choke down that loss but I started new again. Thanks for checking out the video. I'm a big fan of your channel and looking forward to the next video!!! Happy Reefing!
Michigan fan
Michigan fan - 7 years ago
i would just blow my head off if that ever happened to my tank that sucks
Klemmetsmo Reefing
Klemmetsmo Reefing - 7 years ago
Right??? How does someone deal with loosing 10yr old corals? OMGOSH it was soooooo hard! like a bad dream!
Premium Clowns
Premium Clowns - 7 years ago
So sorry for your loss.
Klemmetsmo Reefing
Klemmetsmo Reefing - 7 years ago
Yeah, that was REALLY hard. I was seriously beating myself up over some of those 10 year old corals..... I felt like such a murderer. uhhhh. But I have started again. Check out the latest vid if you like :) Thanks for watching. Happy Reefing

50. comment for Show Reef Tank Crashed - Its over - Im done!

chris sinise
chris sinise - 7 years ago
This is definitely the music from the mist or the kingdom lmao. Sucks. So sorry about the tank worst nightmare.
pauls reef
pauls reef - 7 years ago
Did u think of adding the bio pellet reactor back in as soon as you saw something going wrong?
Ruff_Necklyfe - 7 years ago
I'm so sorry, I've also experienced this and it hurts worse that looseing that first piece of ass, but don't be discouraged keep at it and before you know it your piece of ass will be better than the I mean your new tank set-up will be niceier that you last.
Slim Griff
Slim Griff - 8 years ago
The life of a Reefer
Jesse Munoz
Jesse Munoz - 8 years ago
It's devastating, but don't give in
Mxnick887 - 8 years ago
I did the same think but with carbon dosing. I found out I was dosing way to much (40ML a day of Vodka). Like a dummy, I completely stopped the vodka, and started a small (6ML) dose of NOPOX. After all the bacteria died I lost ALL SPS and Chalice pieces I had. Zoa's and LPS were okay but every piece of SPS went. The tank is starting to stabilize and I am able to add SPS back to it now but it did suck and I did not want to give up. Just learned the hard way.
Robert Luebke
Robert Luebke - 8 years ago
i have no clue how that even happens..... Im with my tank most all day though
Bluetrainer91 FireBlast
Bluetrainer91 FireBlast - 8 years ago
if you think your tank is crashing, do nothing, just pretend the problem is not there, nature will sort it's self out. no chemicals or no water changes, no cleaning, nothing. continue feeding yes duh, try feeding a little less, your fish might eat the problems. XD
Jason Solomon
Jason Solomon - 8 years ago
Just let it cycle
John David Anderson
John David Anderson - 8 years ago
had this happen to me carbon dosing with vinegar. not nearly this bad but when i stopped dosing the tank went through major withdraws caused a melt down of several corals. i'll never carbon dose again after that.
Ash - 8 years ago
I am devastated to see this but please don't give up. I went thru a mini cycle like this when I took off my Biopellets but nothing at this scale. Stay strong reefer
Seth Essington
Seth Essington - 8 years ago
I'm going to never run biopellets in my tank now. I have a 5 gallon display tank with a 10 gallon sump. Half of the sump is dedicated to a refugium and I have a protein skimmer rated for 100 gallons. I'm currently carbon dosing. I live in an apartment and don't want to disassemble a big tank when I move to a house. My tank setup is so tiny that I was forced to get an auto top off system. Water changes are extremely easy for me to perform though at least.
Seth Essington
Seth Essington - 8 years ago
When I was a teenager, I added too much phytoplankton to my tank and killed everything. Even all the bristle-worms came out of the live rock and died. I cried very hard after that. I'm sorry for your loss.
Will C
Will C - 8 years ago
Birdnest are always the first to show... canary in a coal mine kinda situation, keep head up man, re start and fix everything you didnt like about this last build or just do fish.
Carlene Pool
Carlene Pool - 8 years ago
that's not a hard lesson that is titanium I am so sorry for you dude
ReefingwithO - 8 years ago
Sorry to hear about your loss. I guess every system is different. I ran biopellets and took them offline and started vodka dosing the next day with no long term ill-effects. I also only had softies and lps at the time.
Patrick Q Cesar
Patrick Q Cesar - 8 years ago
I'm sadden by your lost, but please don't give up start over ... Thanks for sharing
Lowell Ford
Lowell Ford - 8 years ago
also try using egg crate and lift the rock off that sand, bristle worms love to get into the rock from a sandy bottom. Are you using any chemicals or bleach anywhere close or going through your heat and air vents? Anything air-born will go to water like a magnet. Examine everything. Make sure new piping has been washed good if you used PVC cement, the chems leach-out.
Lowell Ford
Lowell Ford - 8 years ago
Don't flame angels eat some corals?
Devin Ozanne
Devin Ozanne - 8 years ago
even the best in the hobby have accidents. you start bigger and fresh.
Peter Derrick
Peter Derrick - 8 years ago
Hi, sorry to see your loss...devastating!Scarily, for no reason I can see my large green birdnest colony has just stripped...can you tell me what your parameters were, did you try a 100% water change? What else did you try? Any and all info you could give about your readings and efforts would be appreciated!...I do hope you start up again!
The animal lover guy
The animal lover guy - 8 years ago
can someone please tell me what exactly happens in a tank crash :)
Ethan White
Ethan White - 8 years ago
A tank crashes when the Nitrogen Cycle in the tank is disrupted in some way. It usually occurs when the beneficial nitrifying bacteria colonies either die off, are removed, or they can't keep up with the bio load. As a result this causes a spike in the ammonia levels in the tank which is highly toxic and can rapidly kill sensitive aquatic life even in trace amounts. This is often a cascading effect; the more life in the tank dies, the more rapidly the ammonia levels increase and the sooner other life dies.

Ammonia is a byproduct of metabolism and is produced by essentially all organisms in the Animal Kingdom, even you. It is also produced by the breakdown of organic matter such as fish poop, uneaten food, dead organisms. In fish is mostly excreted through their gills and partially through their urine. (Believe it or not, fish pee.) In humans it is filtered out by the kidneys and expelled in urine. (This is often why your pee smells when dehydrated.)
Vincents MixedReefChannel
Vincents MixedReefChannel - 8 years ago
Sorry for you loss
Hillary for President
Hillary for President - 8 years ago
That is so sad. Don't quit. The next reef would be better than ever.
marathonpace - 8 years ago
Music is creepy. Time for new tank bigger and better.
420skidrow - 8 years ago
i used bio-pellets when i first started out reefing as a beginner and that shit just garbage to use. people said online its good and all that bullshit, my friend who owns a LFS and he used it , it doesnt matter what brand to use, it crash his SPS tanks and some LPS. Long term run not too beneficial either. Now i use my reactor only for GFO to take out phosphate. if i would you, I quit the hobby for a while and revise yourself to take vacations and scuba diving in fiji! Don't let the hobby control you, simple mistake like that should not have happen! you got careless and fucked up! thats why you should take some time off and said fuck it to this and enjoy life again. SOONer or later everybody tank will crash because of Reef tank syndrome. pleasee do not get mad at me for saiding such harsh words. good luck no wrong FIN
420skidrow - 8 years ago
420skidrow - 8 years ago
Janet Diaz
Janet Diaz - 8 years ago
ahhhh, so sorry ...:(
Sam B
Sam B - 8 years ago
love the dramatic dying country music in the background
Jeremy B
Jeremy B - 8 years ago
Hey man, I tried to give you a shout out on my most recent video...I'm no expert like you guys on making youtube videos but I tried to tag your channel and speak about your experience.
hakan ozdemir
hakan ozdemir - 8 years ago
hey man I can't imagine how difficult it must have been to make that video. I'm really sad to see what happen to your tank. any reason you didn't use atm colony which would have recovered the tank crash. ?
hakan ozdemir
hakan ozdemir - 8 years ago
hey man I can't imagine how difficult it must have been to make that video. I'm really sad to see what happen to your tank. any reason you didn't use atm colony which would have recovered the tank crash. ?
EN Reefs
EN Reefs - 8 years ago
this video made me cry...
EN Reefs
EN Reefs - 8 years ago
same thing happened to me bro... i feel your loss... i had to bury my corals...
Eugene Chornenky
Eugene Chornenky - 8 years ago
Thanks for video....!! Check out my fish tank and if you have any suggestions just let me know...!!!!!:) thanks
Ken - 8 years ago
What a crushing experience you describe. Hard to hear this has happened to a fellow reefer, especially one of your skill level and knowledge and a mature tank. A lesson to us all and thank you for sharing. Only fellow reefers know your pain and grief. All I can offer at this point is empathy for your loss, sorry this happened to you and IMO once reefing is in your blood, you'll never let it go or be done, in time you will revisit your decision I'm sure Remember why you were drawn to reefing in the first place my man. You will come back stronger and wiser than ever.
William Selman
William Selman - 8 years ago
Well I'm going to throw my 2 cents in. I have 4 saltwater tanks. As well as 5 fresh water tanks. In my saltwater tanks 3 are reef 1 fish. I have never ran a sump , reactor , dosing pump or protein skimmer on ANY TANK. I don't chase numbers when I test. I have always ran hob filters that turn the water over at least 10 x a hour. In my filters I use the pond guru's bio home media with a throw away pinky filter and some sponge filters. I do a 10% water change per week. And use instant ocean reef crystals salt. With my water changes I put a small amount of trace elements in. Have the cheap 100.00 Chinese led lights on cheap Walmart timers. The tanks are 80 , 72, 45 and 36 gallons. The only thing I do different is with the 36 gallon a put the change water in slower do to its size and temp. drops. I mix my water 1 hour before using it. Do not heat it. And use a small pump in the bucket to get it in the tank. my tanks all have crushed coral and rock. When I start them I use instant ocean bio spira to get the tanks going. That's it!!!!!!! My tanks are all over 10 years old. 3 years with the bio home media in the filters. Now my corals don't grow crazy fast but are healthy and alive. If any numbers do get high or low I clean my sponges in my filters with tank water and do a water change. For some reason people tend to chance the perfect numbers and add equipment or supplements. I have two words for that. WATER CHANGES!!!!!! I know people do things different than me. But this has worked for me. And god willing no problems EVER!!!! I hate to see others tanks crash its a fish/coral keepers worst nightmare. Again just my 2 cents.

John Jeckells
John Jeckells - 8 years ago
Dead corals to Dead can Dance .
John Jeckells
John Jeckells - 8 years ago
Great band check them out live if you ever have the chance and haven't seen them yet :)
Klemmetsmo Reefing
Klemmetsmo Reefing - 8 years ago
John Jeckells
Lmao! True
brinks128 - 8 years ago
damn...i can't imagine what you are going through...keep your head up...
REEFER JAMES - 8 years ago
sorry to hear this. I'm also done with pellets, but it seems strange the crash as you did have a deep sand bed and not too many fish, or did u have enough fish to overload without the pellets? keep strong! R.J.
Tru Reef
Tru Reef - 8 years ago
mane that's terrible and as bad as I wanna say don't give up I know your pain. my 1st crash almost made me give up 2nd one I handled much better and hope not to see another.preventive care
Ryan28802 - 8 years ago
It was sad to watch but you can learn and move on to build a better reef. With a strong and stable bacteria in the tank. This won't happen again keep the system simple and you'll have a great successful reef tank. Look forward to your new reef.
Billy Pipes
Billy Pipes - 8 years ago
totally sucks!!! I loved ur tank
Jerry Pundavela
Jerry Pundavela - 8 years ago
Man I'm so sorry. I was horrified watching it.
Take your time to grieve. I know you will be back!!
Josh Story
Josh Story - 8 years ago
Wow wtf man sorry to here
Gotterdammung - 8 years ago
I might sound little wierd but You know, it's not so bad, because You clearly didn't loose everything. You still have fish and some corals. In mine tank crash i lost everything except snails and 1 starfhish. All corals were dead, all fish dead, all shrimps dead... It was quite a shock for me, but with a little help from my friends i've slowly started again... So heads up, it was painful lesson to learn, but You gained experience. Now it will be better, just try not to overstock Your tank and move on mate!
zx45zx - 8 years ago
Dude just buy a liitle inovtive marine 10 or 20 gallon and just have a low stress no worries nano ....
DOES MY NUT IN - 8 years ago
So sad to watch sorry bro. That's a true horror story
sbazain - 8 years ago
is not how many times we fall but how many times we get up, go for it again and just learn from the mistakes like in life is another learning experience i go through the same thing seeing how some survive and others die but like you said is our passion don't give up.

100. comment for Show Reef Tank Crashed - Its over - Im done!

MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
That's horrible, I'm so sorry for your loss. The Decline of the birds nest first mirrors my experience, but, it was so fast and so savage. I was afraid of biopellets before, now I'm terrified. I hope you rebuild I love your tank and channel.
T Surro
T Surro - 8 years ago
My 55 crashed also, my glass sump cracked , I ran out and made a new one, the silicon was dried, but some wasn't completely, I guess, started to run it, and some kind of bacteria bloom happened and my water clouded up, never to clear and all my sps died and now starting a new one !! So should u!!
Alex Kingcole
Alex Kingcole - 8 years ago
Ive been there. So I know the feeling. Just reboot, learn from it, and come back better. That is what I did.
I carbon dose manually, daily, to reduce my nutrient. As my tank matures i will ween the system off and stick to skimming and frequent water changes.
MAD DOGZ TV - 8 years ago
dam sorry man, just getting in to saltwater watching this i think i will stick to softys ,
Reefgrrl - 8 years ago
This was gut-wrenching to watch. I feel like, if you accomplished this great thing, you have the skill and temperament to do it again. And you've got a great community out here for support.
Coralust Reef Solutions
Coralust Reef Solutions - 8 years ago
I can only imagine how you feel. I had a bad tank crash due to a faulty Co2 reactor. I get very emotional with my tanks and corals. Because I know exactly what your going through. I would like to donate a box of coral to get you started. Just contact me on Facebook or Instagram and I'll make it happen.
Reefing with Reefer
Reefing with Reefer - 8 years ago
I am so sorry to see this. I hope you do decide to set up again and conquer this terrible mistake. Best wishes to you and the future of your hobby.
Robert Landis
Robert Landis - 8 years ago
you had to use host of seraphim as your music. you must have been really sad. it's an amazing song though. Sorry about the loss of your tank
your fellow reefer
your fellow reefer - 8 years ago
Hey check out my latest reef video !
Jorge Linares
Jorge Linares - 8 years ago
That's tough. I would cry. Thanks for pushing through and showing us.
Joe Roush
Joe Roush - 8 years ago
It happens to all of us. I have lost two tanks in my time in this hobby. Once a heater went dead in the middle of winter when I was at work. Everything dead in 12 hours. The second one was from a plenum system with a deep sand bed. A fish bumped a large rock, disturbed the sand bed, nuked the tank. everything dead in seconds. live and learn. don't give up.
Kreger's Aquariums
Kreger's Aquariums - 8 years ago
Sucks man. It took me 3 years to get back into it after my seahorse system crashed. Don't give up.
Dan O
Dan O - 8 years ago
Sorry to see this is what has happened to you, it would be cutting you deep. I am so glad you posted this though, I was literally about to turn my BP reactor off tomorrow due to low nutrients possibly causing STN on my acro frags. This not doubt has saved my tank so THANK YOU! Good luck with your rebuilt, I'll look forward to the new updates!
Rad Perez
Rad Perez - 8 years ago
Damn so freaking sorry brother.... Don't even know what to say.....
Rad Perez
Rad Perez - 8 years ago
Klemmetsmo Reefing
Mine is getting there, lots of up's and downs.... Hopefully soon I can just sit back and enjoy.... Hope to see you back soon with a bad ass tank....
Klemmetsmo Reefing
Klemmetsmo Reefing - 8 years ago
Yeah, it sucks! Im not out but definitely starting over... Ive been shopping for a bigger tank lately. Maybe that'll make me feel better.? Ill get back there but definitely havent felt like videos... Hope your tank is well!
paul Foxgrover
paul Foxgrover - 8 years ago
Sorry for your loss! I removed my biopellets and switched to carbon dosing. It was a little rocky but not a crash. I did this because no matter how few biopellets I ran, I could not keep detectable levels of Nitrate. Now with carbon dosing I can maintain a few ppm of Nitrate. Did you have a big drop in phosphate? That seems to be what has bothered my corals the most. Hope you don't give up!
Zaher Wattar
Zaher Wattar - 8 years ago
Really heartbreaking take it easy and good luck.
guapodidier2099 - 8 years ago
good for your fish and corals, people who dont know how to mantain this creatures, shouldnt have a tank, sorry 4u dude, in this hobie a good brain is required, .. cat is a better option , just feed and clean the sand box (easy job)
brian buchert
brian buchert - 7 years ago
guapodidier2099 yeah and a good brain knows how to spell!!
gord oland
gord oland - 8 years ago
Sharbuckles Reef
Sharbuckles Reef - 8 years ago
Tough loss my friend. Thank you for all the videos you've posted and letting us know. Such a shame but quite the learning experience.
Jerri's Little Reef
Jerri's Little Reef - 8 years ago
I'm so sorry that you lost your tank, please try to stay encouraged and please document your progress. You are a great reefer and newbies like me love to watch and learn from guys like you. Everyone makes mistakes. Stay strong!
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 8 years ago
sht happens. You can only learn from it. build it bigger and better for round 2. don't be discouraged
SPS Dominant
SPS Dominant - 8 years ago
Sorry Man. Don't quit. Get your tank back up and going and I'll send you some frags.
John - 8 years ago
Sorry that you had to go through that buddy. That really sucks. I have not being doing this very long but i know how into it I am. I think your to far in to quit. Can't wait to watch the rebound. Feel better buddy..
eric olsen
eric olsen - 8 years ago
Sorry man. Don't give up. You might have made a mistake but that is part of the hobby. Looks like fish and other corals made it. You will bounce back like a made man.
Klemmetsmo Reefing
Klemmetsmo Reefing - 8 years ago
Fish and softy corals recovered from the crash in somewhat ok condition (as in they survived). Also as you know, from our local Reef guru Jodi , everything water wise has been corrected and is stable once again. I have started replacing SPS corals and started taking "hospital" corals from friends once again. Ill be making an update video soon, but as you can well appreciate, its been a tuff road. Ive considered not even continuing this channel. But I think Im on the up and up now :) so here we go again!
HNiCDuke - 8 years ago
this is what usually happens when some ppl put big reactors on their tank and depend on the BP for exporting nutrients. I run over 8 Lt of media, algea scrubber, skimmer n small BP reactor for nutrient control. I can pull my bp reactor off my system n see no effect.
jim carson
jim carson - 8 years ago
Sorry for your loss. Maybe you stripped too much phosphate out of the tank, once it happens it hard to bring it back quickly so your corals will die off.
mitian - 8 years ago
Sorry man, i wish I could say more, i just hope you do not quit, but sorry again!
eric olsen
eric olsen - 8 years ago
Ugh. That has to be hard. It looks like your fish and some smaller corals survived. Don't give up. You will rebound with a vengeance. You are too good and too passionate to stop reefing. Good luck.
casino007007 - 8 years ago
bio-pellet reactor is BS I never use it again .
m3rob7 - 8 years ago
Keep your head up man, i know how it feels. Start over and do it bigger and better! Thats the only way!!!!
DebTim A CANADIAN Girl - 8 years ago
HI Klem.. I know the feeling and devastation. I didn't have a reef but I lost my 75 haps and peacocks community.. it nearly killed me.. but I came back bigger and better. You are on your way too. Good Luck and keep on tanking!!
Jessica Huffman
Jessica Huffman - 8 years ago
please don't give up. If you cover shipping I will send you a bunch of frags!!!! I love giving friends frags because its like an insurance policy for me if I have a crash.
sixar lewis
sixar lewis - 7 years ago
Jessica Huffman your a decent human
Ryan Duong
Ryan Duong - 7 years ago
Jessica Huffman can i have some frags. I have 90gallon.
Ron Riggs
Ron Riggs - 7 years ago
Huff, ya selling any of those frags?
carlos casarez
carlos casarez - 7 years ago
what a FragBitch
LunaticFringeInc - 7 years ago
I like the way you think....I thought I was the only one that did that and kept a smaller side tank with frags from the main tank display and was quick to share frags with friends, just in case!
itsandrewson - 8 years ago
Please send me frags ;) I started a nano tank about 3 months now! Planning to make a video soon :D
Ömer Faruk Almalı
Ömer Faruk Almalı - 8 years ago
Dude I am not sure but there might be a possibility which those corals might color up again after having ideal water conditions. Others please correct me if I am wrong.
badboymarshall - 8 years ago
I had fish for dinner watching this makes me feel like a right prick
Bob Escher
Bob Escher - 8 years ago
So Sorry to hear it. Wish you luck and that you can come back stronger my friend.
Sylvester Chwala
Sylvester Chwala - 8 years ago
so sorry mate
Brian coble
Brian coble - 8 years ago
I'm so sorry to see this video!! Wow is all I got to say, the only loss I've ever had was my Powder Blue Tang and cried for days, I can't even imagine the whole tank crashing!!
My hats off to you brother and hope you rebound quickly and keep on reefing!!!
Rookie Reefer
Rookie Reefer - 8 years ago
This was hard to watch, but try not to let it dishearten you! It's a harsh hobby but you yourself know how rewardimg it can be. Devistated for you but hoping you keep the passion! :) take care man and try not to let it get to you too much
Andrew Lemoine
Andrew Lemoine - 8 years ago
oh so sorry stick with it your tank was beautiful before it will be again !!!
Man Cave Reef
Man Cave Reef - 8 years ago
wow I so sorry to hear that. you'll bounce back bigger and better.
Cali Fishliving
Cali Fishliving - 8 years ago
hope to see you back, stronger than ever.
Tony Jibster
Tony Jibster - 8 years ago
So sorry. You had a beautiful setup and the hours you put in showed. I hope  you get back to it when you are ready because you have a talent for this. Thanks for sharing the good and the bad = (
Ernesto Sanchez
Ernesto Sanchez - 8 years ago
sorry for your loss know what to do now?!?!?! FILL IN THAT VOID BROTHER!!! KEEP REEFING AND HAPPY REEFING!!!
AJ Hdz
AJ Hdz - 8 years ago
Dude this sucks. I'm sorry. I'm actually going through the same thing. I've lost most of my SPS. LPS is doing ok. Overall I think it's recovering. I thought about throwing in the towel. I can only imagine your frustration and pain. Your channel is an inspiration to many. I hope you come back stronger man.
Inappropriate Reefer
Inappropriate Reefer - 8 years ago
Damn this was hard to watch, really tough to see this happening to such a beautiful reef. Thanks for sharing so we learn from your experience and I hope you come back stronger!!
Joe's Reef
Joe's Reef - 8 years ago
I was running bio pellets and I removed my protein skimmer from the tank and I lost everything soon after.
Jeremy B
Jeremy B - 8 years ago
Totally makes sense...I always as hard as it is try to remember to just do everything gradually. I use bio pellets, and while yes there awesome, you gotta watch those things. If you start all the sudden and add a bunch it can crash your tank, and or pull them all out at once can do it too...craziness...they work great though for the most part.
Morgan Gee
Morgan Gee - 8 years ago
the music matches the pain! don't give up!
MikeTheReefer - 8 years ago
Tank crash = upgrade to a bigger tank and start fresh. No other options
Unknown Man
Unknown Man - 7 years ago
MikeTheReefer well in reef hobby you learn some things hard way. If you dont have experience you cant start with sps corals. Same thig for him he didn't know what was the price for removing bio media. So my recommendation is never to stop your passion jusu continue and learn from mistakes.
capp bizzness
capp bizzness - 7 years ago
MikeTheReefer ..
Kawwwman - 8 years ago
sorry man! I been waiting for your new vids  because I love your channel. you already got a start over just by having all the equipment! you just need coral. I think us subscribers can donate coral frags to you as a give back for the education!
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
wow. so sorry man. must have been painful to watch. i hope you can find it in yourself to restart and come back better than ever.
b nelson
b nelson - 8 years ago
Last month I had a glass heater shatter in my sump, came home to a white cloudy tank. I pulled out what I could fit into a 10g, but the rest was just pure disaster. I feel for ya brother. I'm sure you'll get back on your feet quickly.
UltraReef's Channel
UltraReef's Channel - 8 years ago
Sorry for your loss. Did you lose your fish as well?

I"m old school and on a limited budget and have never heard of much good coming from bio-pellets. That's just my opinion. Hope your new system doesn't use them, good luck!!
TOM REEFMAN202 - 8 years ago
ur videos are the bomb... look forward to ur next reef set up... things happen in this hobby ain't nobody perfect... bounce back soon
Jay-D - 8 years ago
it can be such a balancing act. I'm not sure I'd rebound well at all.
Rosco's Reef with Scott
Rosco's Reef with Scott - 8 years ago
so sorry to see what happened. Now is the time to morn the losses but in time you will find your passion again and bounce back. I wish you all the best.
Eugene and Sons
Eugene and Sons - 8 years ago
that sucks
BRADS REEF - 8 years ago
duuude I'm so sad to see this video.. your tank has inspired me over the years ... so sorry man.. don't let this beat you though.. a lapse in judgment is all.. your an awesome reefer .. be a shame to let that passion and talent go to waste. if I was in the US I would frag a piece of all my corals to get you going again mate!!
ziad tawil
ziad tawil - 8 years ago
man it sucks to see this , iv a ques did u try doing couple water changes?
9StickNate - 8 years ago
This truly sucks! I hope you start up again.
Reef glow19
Reef glow19 - 8 years ago
glad to see you are back at it . was it just coral or the fish too ?
Mo Reefer
Mo Reefer - 8 years ago
That the worst
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Damn!!! Can't imagine the emotions you are going thru... I know this isn't the end for you. It will take some time to recoup but you will def be back bigger and better. Thanks for sharing this and keeping it real. This is one reason why I will NEVER run biopellets and stick to Algae scrubbers on my systems. Keep doing what u do man! ✊
brennen nisporic
brennen nisporic - 8 years ago
CJ'S AQUARIUMS btw love you're videos. And I agree with you. Never been a fan of the bio pellets after all the horror stories. Instead run a huge skimmer and a refugium reactor. I'll have videos soon of all my equipment and tank set up
TheHerm14 - 8 years ago
I know how it feels to lose so much. I was witnessing my corals bleach out and was able to save half the live stock. Took me 3 weeks with daily water changes to get it back to normal parameters. I used amquel plus to help drop my nitrates. But my tank is thriving again with sps,lps and softies.

Don't quit. You got to much skill to call it done.
You know patience is the key to success. Keep it going.
Best of luck man.
Jeroro Mouse
Jeroro Mouse - 8 years ago
cheer up man!, I was also been into devastation once and tough time even after my ordeal. But reefing set me free after my pain and taught me so many lessons in life. You are like a artist to us so plan carefully and start anew and paint a even more beautiful better art to us
Sabellafella - 8 years ago
sorry to see this, believe it or not it happenes to all of us. I know its VERY discouraging, but youve stuck it out and took care of that tank daily to keep everything healthy. would all be for nothing, dont give up.. i found out the hard way myself as well, your whole tanks at risk just from trying to fix 1 corals problem. Its important to stick with what works for you man. hopefully youll step up to a restart and continue to produce some great videos.
Sabellafella - 8 years ago
brennen nisporic oh man! im slowely inching down to that day.. i never had a tank crack on me.. Only time ive had a full tank crash was with a heater that broke after a waterchange. But you learn, just have to start over yanno
brennen nisporic
brennen nisporic - 8 years ago
Sabellafella I had a tank crash. Everything survived but the tank itself actually fell apart.
Bay Area Reefs
Bay Area Reefs - 8 years ago
Wow, well hey brother that's why SPS reefers are on top of the game anyone can have a nice LPS reef but when you get to the real reef keepers it takes skill and you showed us how it's done ,so don't stop your too good at reefing and I'm sure if you do it again you will show us again how it's done ,sorry to see this but you still have the fish and the tank
JJ reef
JJ reef - 8 years ago
Them bro sock sorry
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
Geez my head is spinning while watching this, can't finish it. So sorry.

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