Show Reef Tank Crashed - Its over - Im done!
Reef tank 8 years ago 70,290 views
So I was having problems with SPS color. I danced around with a couple things but ultimately blamed Bio-pellets for stripping nutrients and causes pore color in the coral - so I pulled the bio-pellet reactor.... It caused a crash of the entire system. Hard lesson learned!!!
Right. I run a titanium ground probe separate from anything else in the tank. If fact I run 2 as a “just in case” thing... I also run two small heaters instead of one big one.
Having a heater fail like that is one of my biggest fears. I run the solid metal ones - not glass. :)
Are you insinuating that I wasn’t using one (because I was) or that it was the probes fault?
10. comment for Show Reef Tank Crashed - Its over - Im done!
20. comment for Show Reef Tank Crashed - Its over - Im done!
Can you also tell me the name of the song in the backround please.
30. comment for Show Reef Tank Crashed - Its over - Im done!
We also do what's called "frag banking". We trade & give away corals for free to each other with the agreement that if your tank ever crashes, you can go back to those people and get some back for free to re-populate your tank... it's been a godsend for more than a few of us.
Right! Took me a while to choke down that loss but I started new again. Thanks for checking out the video. I'm a big fan of your channel and looking forward to the next video!!! Happy Reefing!
50. comment for Show Reef Tank Crashed - Its over - Im done!
Ammonia is a byproduct of metabolism and is produced by essentially all organisms in the Animal Kingdom, even you. It is also produced by the breakdown of organic matter such as fish poop, uneaten food, dead organisms. In fish is mostly excreted through their gills and partially through their urine. (Believe it or not, fish pee.) In humans it is filtered out by the kidneys and expelled in urine. (This is often why your pee smells when dehydrated.)
Lmao! True
Take your time to grieve. I know you will be back!!
100. comment for Show Reef Tank Crashed - Its over - Im done!
I carbon dose manually, daily, to reduce my nutrient. As my tank matures i will ween the system off and stick to skimming and frequent water changes.
Mine is getting there, lots of up's and downs.... Hopefully soon I can just sit back and enjoy.... Hope to see you back soon with a bad ass tank....
My hats off to you brother and hope you rebound quickly and keep on reefing!!!
I"m old school and on a limited budget and have never heard of much good coming from bio-pellets. That's just my opinion. Hope your new system doesn't use them, good luck!!
Don't quit. You got to much skill to call it done.
You know patience is the key to success. Keep it going.
Best of luck man.