Solving Ph Problems In A Reef Tank | Beginner Guide To Saltwater Aquariums

A quick video on how I personally solved Ph problems in my reef tank. I have linked the article i referenced in the video here: Please read this article trust me its worth it! Aquatic Log:

Solving Ph Problems In A Reef Tank | Beginner Guide To Saltwater Aquariums sentiment_very_dissatisfied 3

Reef tank 9 years ago 8,689 views

A quick video on how I personally solved Ph problems in my reef tank. I have linked the article i referenced in the video here: Please read this article trust me its worth it! Aquatic Log:

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Most popular comments
for Solving Ph Problems In A Reef Tank | Beginner Guide To Saltwater Aquariums

cthomas1026 - 7 years ago
I've been dosing alk but no calcium as my alk drops, but calcium is stuck at 550ppm.

I should still consider dosing equal parts though?
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
The reef tank uses up cal and alk in equal amount and dosing different amounts will cause issues with both. Figure out why your at 550 calcium and fix that. Either you are overdosing it with bad salt /dosing or your test kit is wrong.
noah shaw
noah shaw - 7 years ago
Will my rodi water change in ph,its at 7.0 nuetral and im setting up a new saltwater fish tank.How do i raise it?
noah shaw
noah shaw - 7 years ago
ok i will check it out,thank you for the help.
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
Your salt will puffer the water when added. Ph is based on alkalinity, check out the updated ph video in the beginner playlist.
The New School Old School Gamer!
The New School Old School Gamer! - 8 years ago
Very helpful!
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
Check Out the new ph video
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
Thank You
martin flores
martin flores - 8 years ago
Thanx for the video I will def be running a fresh air line, you mentioned you had put a filter on the inlet of the air line, could you let m know what type of filter and where you got it from? I'm having trouble finding one. Thanks again.
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
It was a custom one made out of a pill bottle, carbon, filter floss and pvc fittings.
pauls reef
pauls reef - 8 years ago
did the line from outside going into your protein skimmer affect the protein skimmers quality ?
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
No everything is normal with the skimmer
Moe Kayed
Moe Kayed - 8 years ago
I have a rimless open top 30 gallon tank with sump. I used an api test kit and I cant tell if it is at 8 or 8.8. Shit test kit. My calcium is at 400, mag at 1350, and dkh at 7. When I had alk buffer it precipitates and I dont know why. Could my ph be too high causing precipitation? Some of my birds nest and a plating coral is bleaching too. Help.
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
I would say get a better test kit to get a better reading 8.0 and 8.8 is to big of a gap. Now if your dkh is truly 7 your ph couldnt be 8.8 even with no co2 in the system. I stay away from all ph buffers they are a waste and do more damage overall. Doing equal amounts of two part will ensure you stay within a good range of both. You system can only use equal part so you have no need to chase number by adding more of one. Stop the buffer and dose equal parts and make sure you are using good test kits.
Tas Anastasi
Tas Anastasi - 8 years ago
Alkalinity is 8.4 any assitance would be apreciated to lower PH
Tas Anastasi
Tas Anastasi - 8 years ago
Hi my marine reef aqaurium PH has hit 8.5 after i added a pump in the sump to oxygenate the water .i thought that this would lower it
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
I think your alk reading is off. Even with the tank had no Co2 gas a alk reading of 8.4 wouldnt get to to 8.5 ph. I would first check into what you are using to read alk and then if you are dosing any buffers id stop. If you are not dosing anything I would make a fresh batch of saltwater and check your waters alk, cal and mag you might have a box of salt thats off. Let me know what you find out and we can move forward in fixing the problem.
Reef Medic
Reef Medic - 9 years ago
Hey what's up. First have to say nice video and thanks for sharing some knowledge. My question is you were saying to dose equal parts of alk n cal. My 210g tank uses more alk then calcium. I've tried to dose equal parts of BRS two part when I set it up and my calcium went to 600ppm with dkh at 8. It's been running for about 3 years now. I don't know why my tank does this but do you think adding equal parts will precipitate the remaining calcium? I'm in the process of using kalk with BRS alk. Not only to help with ph but add calcium and some alk to my system. I'm in the first day of trying this so I don't have any info on it yet. One thing to add my corals seem frozen in time. Mostly acros. All other parameter are good so it might be the ph swings pissn things off. Let me know what you think. Thx
FishOfHex - 9 years ago
+Reef Medic How are things going did everything work out?
FishOfHex - 9 years ago
+Reef Medic 500ppm cal from salt is kinda high i would look into getting a different salt or try something else with closer to natural sea levels. I would look into getting a new probe or try calibrating it again to see if it helps. Good luck let me know.
Reef Medic
Reef Medic - 9 years ago
+FishOfHex cool man thx for the advise. Ive used Kent salt from the get go. New batches of saltwater have a calcium range in the 500ppms. Plus one I need a bigger salt bin cuz I can only make 35g at a time. Jus strapped for space. My ph probe is lab grade but it's 4 years old. Might get a new one. I say that cuz I've used test kits in comparison to the probe and their always high then my probe read out. I'll try out the things you where saying n see what happens.
FishOfHex - 9 years ago
+Reef Medic I strongly believe in dosing equip parts of both cal and alk, My reason behind this is corals pull equal parts of both out of the water in order to grow. So dosing different amounts will only cause problems. The reason why you are running into issues with calcium being so high is due to over dosing it. Every time you do it causes the alkalinity to lower. I recommend you do the following:
1. Get a good quality salt i personally use reef crystals its not the best but it works great for me.
2. Make a fresh batch of saltwater and then test cal, alk, mag. (Make sure you mix the salt before adding it to the water) Also: Make sure your test kits are not outdated it wouldn't be a bad idea to have a friend check the water.
3. Do a few 30% water changes over the next three to five days to help get the tank back to normal.
4. STOP DOSING EVERYTHING for now :) Lets focus on getting the tank stable just being in normal ranges.
5. Dont dose kalk and alk together. Kalk also adds calcium to the water further making problems.
6. Once you have around 380-450 cal, 7-11 dkh and 1300-1400 mag its time to get started.
7. If you are auto dosing make sure the pump is calibrated if its a POS and is having any kind of issues not dosing equal amounts stop using it until you are able to get a better one.
8. Start off dosing 15ml per 25 gallons of tank water of bother brs alk and cal. That is after you have subtracted rock, sand ect. Dont worry about dosing mag at this point.
9. Test water once a week and only once to help prevent chasing numbers. Be advised it will take some time to get on track but i recommend you take this time and DONT use any calculators to get your numbers at what you want.
10. If say in a week your calcium is at 500 and alk is at 7dkh dose 20ml per 25 gallons of water. The tank will even itself out as long as you are dosing equal parts.

Depending on how much hard coral you have it could take a few weeks to settle. just take your time and go slow with small equal addition of cal and alk. I hope i was able to help you pleas keep me in the loop on the status of the tank.

10. comment for Solving Ph Problems In A Reef Tank | Beginner Guide To Saltwater Aquariums

JJ reef
JJ reef - 9 years ago
got my problem solved after 2 months them

one of my moon lights was split wires was exposed touching each other that's what it was back feeding power to my sl1 and my mlc model one little thing may me stress bad for a good 2 months after I fixed everything I found out that my pH was 8.48

should i say happy reefing !!
FishOfHex - 9 years ago
+JJ reef No Problem
JJ reef
JJ reef - 9 years ago
Good idea thx
FishOfHex - 9 years ago
+JJ reef I'm glad you figured it out. I would re-calibrate the ph probe just incase.
JJ reef
JJ reef - 9 years ago
after a long time trying to find out my ph problem I think I found my problem last night after trying different things It so happens the I felt a power shock on my and when I was cleaning my ph probe and put water in a cup my ph is at 8.3 and I was doing a research on they reefkeeper sl1 / ph probe it says if u get a power spill u ph probe will not read the proper ph levels not I just need to find out what is broken in my tank maybe my heater will up date when I find out my problem
FishOfHex - 9 years ago
+JJ reef Glad you are getting closer to figuring it out. I just re calibrated my ph probe after only 5 months it was reading 8.37 when the ph was really 8.27. The equipment is here to make things easier but sometimes you just need to go back to the basics and look at the tank to really know whats going on.
JJ reef
JJ reef - 9 years ago
I u one mp40 and 1 mp10 and wp10 in my main tank in my frag tank 24x20x18 one mp40 I think i have good water flow i have no sand in mi tanks so i can used my pw heads at max
JJ reef
JJ reef - 9 years ago
Thanks for answering well first i dose bionic 2 parts equal and I use Red Sea test kit only two months old my canopy is open on the top if you have a chance you can watch my videos on my channel JJREEF
JJ reef
JJ reef - 9 years ago
I do have a refugium
FishOfHex - 9 years ago
+JJ reef Ok ill check out your videos soon, but one more question do you have a refugium? i do see you have good flow within the aquarium but whats your surface agitation look like? With good agitation you can release a lot of co2. If your dkh is truly that high and your test kits are good along with the test being done correctly, then the only real reason why your ph is so low would be to much co2 in the tank. We just have to figure out what that reason is. Before you change anything i think you should get your ph tested from multiple sources, Take some to your LFS or have a buddy test it. If your ph is still showing low numbers on other test we have to dig a little deeper. Let me know
JJ reef
JJ reef - 9 years ago
I did exactly the same thing running my skimmer hose outside and add 3 air stones and still have my ph low 7.6 to 7.75
my alk is at around 11

another advice is driving me insane that I can't raise my ph please thanks
FishOfHex - 9 years ago
+JJ reef Ok I have a couple questions before we can find out whats wrong. What test kits are you using for alk and Ph also how long have you had them. If your DKH is truly at 11 and you are removing the co2 as it sounds like you are your ph would be around 8.35-8.4. Also is your tank open top? do you have enough water movement at the surface? These two things allow co2 to leave the tank quickly. What brand of two part are you dosing and are you dosing equal parts of alk and calcium daily? Do you have alot of people in the room that you have the tank? Can you open a window? Sorry for so many questions but this will help me get a better idea of how your system is setup and what outside factors might be causing the problem.
Rad Perez
Rad Perez - 9 years ago
Good info, nice tank, thanks for sharing....
FishOfHex - 9 years ago
Thank you and no problem glad to help
NEMO20G - 9 years ago
good video. ive liked and subscribed. please take a look at my channel and subscribe :)

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