Solving Ph Problems In A Reef Tank | Beginner Guide To Saltwater Aquariums
Reef tank 9 years ago 8,689 views
A quick video on how I personally solved Ph problems in my reef tank. I have linked the article i referenced in the video here: Please read this article trust me its worth it! Aquatic Log:
I should still consider dosing equal parts though?
1. Get a good quality salt i personally use reef crystals its not the best but it works great for me.
2. Make a fresh batch of saltwater and then test cal, alk, mag. (Make sure you mix the salt before adding it to the water) Also: Make sure your test kits are not outdated it wouldn't be a bad idea to have a friend check the water.
3. Do a few 30% water changes over the next three to five days to help get the tank back to normal.
4. STOP DOSING EVERYTHING for now :) Lets focus on getting the tank stable just being in normal ranges.
5. Dont dose kalk and alk together. Kalk also adds calcium to the water further making problems.
6. Once you have around 380-450 cal, 7-11 dkh and 1300-1400 mag its time to get started.
7. If you are auto dosing make sure the pump is calibrated if its a POS and is having any kind of issues not dosing equal amounts stop using it until you are able to get a better one.
8. Start off dosing 15ml per 25 gallons of tank water of bother brs alk and cal. That is after you have subtracted rock, sand ect. Dont worry about dosing mag at this point.
9. Test water once a week and only once to help prevent chasing numbers. Be advised it will take some time to get on track but i recommend you take this time and DONT use any calculators to get your numbers at what you want.
10. If say in a week your calcium is at 500 and alk is at 7dkh dose 20ml per 25 gallons of water. The tank will even itself out as long as you are dosing equal parts.
Depending on how much hard coral you have it could take a few weeks to settle. just take your time and go slow with small equal addition of cal and alk. I hope i was able to help you pleas keep me in the loop on the status of the tank.
10. comment for Solving Ph Problems In A Reef Tank | Beginner Guide To Saltwater Aquariums
one of my moon lights was split wires was exposed touching each other that's what it was back feeding power to my sl1 and my mlc model one little thing may me stress bad for a good 2 months after I fixed everything I found out that my pH was 8.48
should i say happy reefing !!
my alk is at around 11
another advice is driving me insane that I can't raise my ph please thanks