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The "Sump system for my 300 gallon reef tank" video is part of the reef tank, salt water category, which contains similar videos like this one.
how many gallons is the sump tank?
I have actually crashed this tank I have nothing but problems for the last year. I hate the term crashed because usually I imply the responsibility on the hobbyist, and yes the responsibility still falls on myself. first off I had a black sailfin blenny that was chowing down on all of my SPS and it took me 6 months to figure out that he was a problem. if that wasn't enough I used salifert flatworm exit and crash the whole system! I have used it before on a couple of systems without any problems but I think this time what happened was I have so much rock work in the tank that there was way more many flatworms I anticipated, and also for the third problem, my DIY LED lighting system deteriorated unbenounced to me.
my understanding is the Neptune apex controller can put out a 0 to 10 volt signal for up to 6 amps and I was trying to drive upwards of 14. overtime par was gradually decreasing and since it happened gradually over a year and a half I did not notice. in the end I was barely punching 100 Park at six inches below the waterline. so using the flatworm exit on an already compromised system really did it in!
I researched all kinds of lighting options and arrived at the ctlite which in the next few weeks I will do a full review on.
10. comment for Sump system for my 300 gallon reef tank