The Complete Guide to Hang-On Equipment for Your Reef Tank Using a sump to filter your aquarium is the most effective way to employ high-performance filtration gear and increase the overall water volume of your aquarium but we realize this is not an option for everybody. Sumps can be bulky, expensive and will require a bit of experience with plumbing to set up properly. That is precisely why hang-on style aquarium equipment can be a real lifesaver! Especially for those of you building a tank on a budget or looking to move beyond your all-in-one nano but are not quite comfortable installing a sump system. Today we'll take a closer look at all the cool hang-on equipment available for reef tanks. Save space in your tank and hang on a protein skimmer, media reactor, calcium reactor, or refugium! SHOP @ MD: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HANG-ON EQUIPMENT FEATURED IN THIS EPISODE AquaMaxx HOB-1.5 Protein Skimmer AquaMaxx HF-M Multi Filter with Skimmer CPR AquaFuge2 Hang-On Refugiums Seachem Tidal Hang-On Power Filters AquaMaxx cTech T-NANO Hang-On Calcium Reactor AquaMaxx FR-SE Hang-On Media Reactors ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks so much for watching! Please help us out and like, share, and subscribe if you found this video helpful. :-) Until next time, take care and happy reefkeeping.

The Complete Guide to Hang-On Equipment for Your Reef Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 7

Reef tank 7 years ago 32,445 views Using a sump to filter your aquarium is the most effective way to employ high-performance filtration gear and increase the overall water volume of your aquarium but we realize this is not an option for everybody. Sumps can be bulky, expensive and will require a bit of experience with plumbing to set up properly. That is precisely why hang-on style aquarium equipment can be a real lifesaver! Especially for those of you building a tank on a budget or looking to move beyond your all-in-one nano but are not quite comfortable installing a sump system. Today we'll take a closer look at all the cool hang-on equipment available for reef tanks. Save space in your tank and hang on a protein skimmer, media reactor, calcium reactor, or refugium! SHOP @ MD: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HANG-ON EQUIPMENT FEATURED IN THIS EPISODE AquaMaxx HOB-1.5 Protein Skimmer AquaMaxx HF-M Multi Filter with Skimmer CPR AquaFuge2 Hang-On Refugiums Seachem Tidal Hang-On Power Filters AquaMaxx cTech T-NANO Hang-On Calcium Reactor AquaMaxx FR-SE Hang-On Media Reactors ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks so much for watching! Please help us out and like, share, and subscribe if you found this video helpful. :-) Until next time, take care and happy reefkeeping.

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Most popular comments
for The Complete Guide to Hang-On Equipment for Your Reef Tank

thatsLITfam 22
thatsLITfam 22 - 7 years ago
I see 2 FR-SE on the website, what is the benefit of the more expensive one?
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 7 years ago
We do have a kit that includes the tubing and pump which is required to operate the reactor. This would be the more expensive option of the two and you get everything you need to get the reactor running less the filter media of your choice.
thatsLITfam 22
thatsLITfam 22 - 7 years ago
I was thinking about getting a big AquaClear and put some macro algae in, basically making a mini refugium. Do you think that could work? I have a IM Nuvo 30L
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 7 years ago
Yes, the large filter chamber will work as a refugium just be sure to provide some lighting. We have some great options for lighting you can check out below.
Lishbich - 7 years ago
can you have a refugium in an all in one tank?
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 7 years ago
Yes, the location of the refugium is the question. You can modify one of the chambers in the back or utilize a hang-on type refugium such as the CPR or AquaMaxx Filter in this video.$2520Aquarium$2520Supplies$253ERefugiums
David Med
David Med - 7 years ago
what size tank would you recommend me for a hippo tang?
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 7 years ago
75 Gallons is a good starting point and you want at least a 48" long aquarium. Something in the range of 150+ gallons is best for the long term health of the Tang.

-Robert @ MD
Fredy Pacheco
Fredy Pacheco - 7 years ago
How you guys install the skimer nuvo for 20 gallons I'm buy from you guys
Rapid Reef
Rapid Reef - 7 years ago
Would u be able to do a full reveiw of the new seachem tidal filter
Zachary Coronado
Zachary Coronado - 7 years ago
Did anybody else catch that pun?

"We have a 2-part video on calcium reactors"

Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 7 years ago
:) ...Thanks for watching!
John Ballard
John Ballard - 7 years ago
I second the request for a full review video on the AquaMaxx HF-M...please! Would love to see it in operation. How does it hang on the back of the tank? Can you still hang a light bracket on the back of the tank also? How small of a tank will this unit work on? Thanks!
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 7 years ago
We will put it in the que and thanks for watching!
Imz - 7 years ago
would you be willing to do a full review on the aquamaxx hf-m please?
Attila Hardy
Attila Hardy - 7 years ago
can you do a full review of the Aquamaxx HF-M please?
thatsLITfam 22
thatsLITfam 22 - 7 years ago
AndrewsAmazing REEF I got the 30L and I love it, and if your in a budget id suggest heading to eBay to find some galaxyhydro 165watt LEDs, not the greatest, but cost effective and you can grow most corals if you can tune the settings correctly. Good luck!!
AndrewsAmazing REEF
AndrewsAmazing REEF - 7 years ago
YES I'm trying to setup a 40 gallon cube and I was thinking about the innovative marine 40 fusion but am on a budget
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 7 years ago
We will consider this! So far, the filter looks to be really promising. Thanks for watching and appreciate your suggestion.

-Robert @ MD

10. comment for The Complete Guide to Hang-On Equipment for Your Reef Tank

Eddie's Reef Aquaria
Eddie's Reef Aquaria - 7 years ago
Thanks Robert for you educational videos.  Eddie
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching and glad to help!

-Robert @ MD
dnyceli - 7 years ago
Can the Aqua Maxx HOB work on my Innovative Marine Fusion 20?
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 7 years ago
The AquaMaxx HOB will not be a good fit for the Fusion 20 because to filter chambers are just too small. We actually have a great video all about different upgrades for this tank and you can check that out below.
Keagan Wilson
Keagan Wilson - 7 years ago
Thank you I really needed this I can't have a sump due to the stand I have and space!
Brett Abbott
Brett Abbott - 7 years ago
HOB calcium reactor?! Hilarious!

"A sump is too complicated - better get a HOB calcium reactor...."
Forsaken 77
Forsaken 77 - 7 years ago
As far as the CPR Aqufuge 2 large version goes, can it be detrimental to having 40 pounds of water, plus, the weight of the unit itself, hanging off the glass? Can it pull too much on the glass? I have a 93 gallon RR cube that's 30 inches long. Just wondering if larger units like this can pose a problem pulling the glass outwards on a constant basis?
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 7 years ago
This is a great point and a valid concern. While I have never once heard of this happening because of the CPR hang-on Refugiums it is possible if the aquarium is not built to withstand the extra pressure. I would only be concerned on a rimless tank with thin glass. I also read through all of the documentation from CPR and did not see any sort of warnings or specifications in regards to this.

-Robert @ MD
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 7 years ago
Great topic given the growing popularity of all in one aquariums. . Plug N Play Reefing
Alex Brooks
Alex Brooks - 7 years ago
where was this video when I was getting all the hob components for my 29 last month ?!?
Noel Kavanagh
Noel Kavanagh - 7 years ago
Great to see you doing hang on equipment for aquariums I'm currently looking at getting the aquamaxx media reactor and skimmer and hang on refugium for my tank.Keep the videos coming there always informative.
Noel Kavanagh
Noel Kavanagh - 7 years ago
Thank you I'm just trying to work out how much it will cost me to get them delivered to Ireland as there aren't any shops here that offer as much equipment for the aquarist as Marine Depot does.Things really are bigger and better in the USA.
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching and just let us know if you need help choosing some gear!

-Robert @ MD
Lach Burn
Lach Burn - 7 years ago
Nice Video! Keep up the good work!
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching!

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