The making of my built-in 75 gallon reef tank

comment, rate subscribe. :) This is the process my tank build so far. There will be a video with the finished product coming soon. Here are some links to the overflow and lights. more videos to come.

The making of my built-in 75 gallon reef tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 38

Reef tank 13 years ago 107,999 views

comment, rate subscribe. :) This is the process my tank build so far. There will be a video with the finished product coming soon. Here are some links to the overflow and lights. more videos to come.

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Most popular comments
for The making of my built-in 75 gallon reef tank

Jasminee Dnttrip
Jasminee Dnttrip - 8 years ago
how did u install the sink u should do a video on that
notw21 - 8 years ago
unfortunately I don't live where this tank is set up anymore. it's my parents house. also the plumbing is just ran behind the wall in the attic and then comes out right under the sink. it's just basic plumbing. I do miss this tank sometimes, but my dad has a couple African cichlids in there now.
Kilo Sony
Kilo Sony - 8 years ago
Whats the of this song
Bommie - 8 years ago
I like the mini sink...haha. I always find my self around the sink when I mess around with my tank.
dubshit maksimiliano
dubshit maksimiliano - 8 years ago
true ha me too
Phil Wilson
Phil Wilson - 9 years ago
Music made it hard to watch your video. Nice job..
Marcel FANCIOTTO - 9 years ago
it's amazing. What a good worker you are. The way you buildt your tank seems so easy, but need a lot of knowledge. Congratulation.
notw21 - 9 years ago
yeah it was a ton of work and planing but if you set your mind to it and learn as much as you can you could do it too. thanks for the nice word.
The Midwest Fishkeeper
The Midwest Fishkeeper - 9 years ago
Love the song choice! Red is one of favorites! And totally cool build
Nelson Ocasio
Nelson Ocasio - 9 years ago
Looks awesome
germz tailz
germz tailz - 10 years ago
Can't really say anything bad looks good except for RO system above your sink. Hope u are buying and not renting. Nice build
TripedalTroductions - 10 years ago
Now THAT'S dedication and attention to detail!

10. comment for The making of my built-in 75 gallon reef tank

Mamba144 - 11 years ago
Oh My God! This is Unbelievable! Can you make me a custom wall tank? :D
Piet Villarin
Piet Villarin - 11 years ago
Very nice can i have the dimension of your tank? i really like it because it doesnt have braces on the floor of the tank. How thick is the glass your are using?
jason montano
jason montano - 11 years ago
So what's on the other side of the wall that allowed you to hook up the sink?
notw21 - 11 years ago
thank you so much.
notw21 - 11 years ago
thank you very much for watching and subbing:)
jeff howard
jeff howard - 11 years ago
nice. what a well done project. just subscribed and am looking forward to more of your stuff.
Ruben - 11 years ago
WOW. You did a beautiful job on that in wall Aquarium.
robert hudgins
robert hudgins - 11 years ago
What is that rotating just below waterline?
notw21 - 11 years ago
somebody was jealous so they disliked lol but thanks for the nice comment.
notw21 - 11 years ago
thanks worked hard on it.

20. comment for The making of my built-in 75 gallon reef tank

Tempo Matic
Tempo Matic - 11 years ago
Great vid!!
notw21 - 11 years ago
Hey Thanks Fire The Comment. There Us A Form Called CheckIt Out TonsOf GuysTo Talk To About The Hobby.
notw21 - 11 years ago
Yea I Didn't Like Any Of The Music YouTube Had. Sorry.
Pynenberg3 - 11 years ago
LOVE the sink, what a great idea. Your work-manship looks great too. Thanks, looking for good sump designs at this point
Bobby DeMay
Bobby DeMay - 12 years ago
I like it
Money - 12 years ago
amazing vid , even better tank.
jayhawkscott - 12 years ago
Very nice!!! Can't wait to watch some more of your vids.
notw21 - 12 years ago
AweSomo84 - 12 years ago
it's freaking awesome!!! great job!
notw21 - 12 years ago
The link is in the description to my newest video take a look. :)

30. comment for The making of my built-in 75 gallon reef tank

James Conrey Aquatics
James Conrey Aquatics - 12 years ago
Wow that in wall kick's ass, great work, love the design
Celso Martinez
Celso Martinez - 12 years ago
Very nice man.
Alexandre Garcia
Alexandre Garcia - 12 years ago
good install, beautiful set up. well done dude
notw21 - 12 years ago
I wish I could. but I already have the sump built. the only thing i have of it is the pictures in this video. which sucks cuz I knew I should have made a video out of building that.
Joe Skaggs
Joe Skaggs - 12 years ago
Kick ass man
notw21 - 12 years ago
I used glass for the panels.
notw21 - 12 years ago
thank you.
islandguySteve - 12 years ago
very nice work !!
notw21 - 12 years ago
Thanks so much.
Collin H
Collin H - 12 years ago
this is LEGIT!! nice job!!
Aniket Karvir
Aniket Karvir - 12 years ago
upload a video after u add fishes in them ,,wud luv 2 see it tc god bless u n ur FISH
notw21 - 12 years ago
Thanks very much!
Aniket Karvir
Aniket Karvir - 12 years ago
Nice job dude
Mike Graham
Mike Graham - 12 years ago
its not a problem if you have plenty of flow to circulate the water. almost all manufacturer built reef ready tanks have the return in the overflow box.
notw21 - 12 years ago
thank you very much. haha
FOTOGRAMA30 - 12 years ago
wow, increidible!!
notw21 - 12 years ago
look into some more of my videos there is a few fish and corals already in there. I would love to have a mp40 ,but i cant afford a 300 to 500 powerhead......sadley
Joe K
Joe K - 12 years ago
Simply amazing. Can't wait to see it with the fish + coral. (a Vortech MP40 would sure be a nice addition on the side opposite the overflow box)
notw21 - 12 years ago
my return is on the opposite side of the overflow box.Is that what you are talking about?
packinwood2009 - 12 years ago
Any updates on this? I wanted to build a tank where the return and the overflow were on the same skinny side of the tank but people have suggested not doing this because the water will only circulate right on that side of the tank. Has it worked out for you?

50. comment for The making of my built-in 75 gallon reef tank

notw21 - 12 years ago
thank you. I tried my best.
Recon - 12 years ago
notw21 - 12 years ago
the acrylic does slow get some on there but i have 4 fans on my circulating air so i don't have much up there.Also having the bean animal over flow i have very little splash from the over flow as in almost zero inless there is a snail up there.
Mike R
Mike R - 12 years ago
How did that splash guard work for you on the LEDs? I added a sheet of acrylic exactly like that to protect my LEDs but noticed after a few weeks condensation would settle on the inside and dry ( leaving foggy water spots ) was curious if you had the same issues. I ended up just taking the splash guards off.
notw21 - 12 years ago
Thanks anything i can do to help others out is an acomplishment for me.
nyinfamous2k2 - 12 years ago
Amazing build man, going to save this for future reference.
kris - 12 years ago
dope man
jasonhhh100 - 13 years ago
what size is your sump i have a 75 gal with a trickle filter looking to build a sump
notw21 - 13 years ago
@astchiefy well thanks for mentioning it. and it for sure is a great idea for anyone out there to try and do to.thanks for leaving a comment!
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 13 years ago
Hey Matt, Have I ever mentioned how extremely wise it was to install a sink in your tank build??? :-)
finger11yo - 13 years ago
nice video you should check out my 75 gallon. What size was your previous tank
JUNIOR IBANEZ - 13 years ago
wow, wow, wow, wow, !!!!
starfish4220 - 13 years ago
Wow awesome build fella! fantastic diy skills. Subcribed nice one.. :)
shardinio - 13 years ago
Mate! that is one sexy setup! Love the design and construction. How much did all of that set you back? cost?
notw21 - 13 years ago
Is something wrong springs24?
Mike Bradley
Mike Bradley - 13 years ago
Great job...
Reef Share
Reef Share - 13 years ago
Really pretty good idea... WOW it's amazing DIY setup, I love DIY reef tanks! COngrats Buddy!
notw21 - 13 years ago
lets put it this way I thought this out over a years time. Then finally put it into form and its taking a couple of months to do. haha
Eric Schoen
Eric Schoen - 13 years ago
wow very pro i had a similer idea for about a year now and never got down to it
notw21 - 13 years ago
The only 2x6's are on the joist on the floor for wider support and the stand is a little tricky to explain. If you notice in the video each step for the bottom and the top the supporting structure are just to fit the tank. Yes it is a 40 gallon breeder. Yes it is a SRO1000ss I think that's how they say that haha. I hope i helped you out I am new to the whole video uploading and commenting back..
scott haviaras
scott haviaras - 13 years ago
Like the built in and very smart with the sink in that cabinet.
notw21 - 13 years ago
Simply measured the inside of the tank to get my length then notched the edges for the brace, and spaced them out 1/4 of an inch but i would recommend a little bigger spacing.:) thanks for the sub, and comment. I can't wait to get out more videos to.

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About The making of my built-in 75 gallon reef tank

The "The making of my built-in 75 gallon reef tank" video is part of the reef tank, salt water category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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