The true way to rid reef tank Ick.

This video is about the only true way to rid a Reef tank of Ick ..

The true way to rid reef tank Ick. sentiment_very_dissatisfied 11

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This video is about the only true way to rid a Reef tank of Ick ..

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Most popular comments
for The true way to rid reef tank Ick.

Andrea Young
Andrea Young - 7 years ago
Check out videos about keeping your salt down low as possible to kill ich that what works for me I know it's gonna be hard with your corals but trying in your QT tanks
Brian Cox
Brian Cox - 7 years ago
Yeah guys my tank has been down for a long time now... I moved into a new house and haven’t had time to set my tanks back up but “ I’ll be back” thanks for check my video out, God bless....
Brian Cox
Brian Cox - 7 years ago
Not sure what you are saying Jose....
Jose Rojas
Jose Rojas - 7 years ago
Don't ask Corals they with your life rocks.?
Yourfavoritebandsucks balls
Yourfavoritebandsucks balls - 7 years ago
Thank you for putting out the correct info about ich treatment. There is way too much anecdotal "cures" being put out there to the public mudding the waters. Good video!
Euphyllia Fanatic
Euphyllia Fanatic - 8 years ago
Easiest way I've found to fight ick. Catch all of your corals and inverts (much easier!) Place those in a qt tank with one of your reef lights and some of your tank water. Put some of your tank media to prevent ammonia. Start easing your main tanks salinity down to 1.009. Ick in your qt tank dies due to no fish and ick in your main tank dies due to hyposalinity. less stress on your fish overall giving them a better chance to recover. Run them like this for 5 weeks to be safe. Hope this helps!
Utube Guy
Utube Guy - 7 years ago
Exactly what i'm doing! I put all live rock & inverts in a giant rubbermaid tub with no fish with normal salintiy 1.024 and the LED are in main display with some lava rocks for cover and sleep and a single light....(btw never have a tank with no cover for the fish..even quarantine..they at least need something to hide in or the stress of that can legit kill them eventually)...I left all my bio media and skimmer in the sump on my main tank...I'm on day 1...wish me luck! 8 more weeks to go...I love my 3 fish i want the best for them! I added a large Polyfilter to the sump to help keep wastes in check and bought more Seachem Stability for extra saltwater nitrifying bacteria introduction...I also bought a freshwater version of nitrifying bacteria to cover my bases since its technically brackish water, and it can't hurt. I'm really against medications unless they are on their last leg, "fin", which they aren't, they just have periods where i see more of the salt grains and then periods where i don't. So I finally want to rid the tank of it for good, so that it's not an issue. BTW hyposalinity only works for marine ich, flukes, etc. but not for marine velvet. Any new fish I get for the tank in the future (if I do) will be quarantined in a smaller tank for 3 weeks with hyposalinity before introduction to my main tank from now on!
Brian Cox
Brian Cox - 8 years ago
Never heard of it but I'll l99k it up...Thanks.
Anthony Garcia
Anthony Garcia - 8 years ago
I used levamisole in a fully stocked reef sps Lps tank never had to remove fish or lost one stuff is awesome
Brian Cox
Brian Cox - 8 years ago
Yeah that works to...If you take all vertebraes out for the same amount of time the ick dies without a host..

10. comment for The true way to rid reef tank Ick.

Kimlisha Nizna
Kimlisha Nizna - 8 years ago
Hi Brian cox i dont know if u still in the hobby buy iam hearing there is a safer way to kill ich now without chemical use and thats Hyposalinity treatment and thats lowering the salinity to 1.009 for 4 to 8 weeks on display tank if no coral or inverts in tank or doing a hyposalinity on a QT tank also.
Brian Cox
Brian Cox - 9 years ago
Ive heard a seen bad things with it. Hey every system is different tho...
Brian Cox
Brian Cox - 9 years ago
Dude Im happy for you..
Jake Carpenter
Jake Carpenter - 9 years ago
Kick Ich solved my ich problem first time. With no damage to my coral
Reef Freak
Reef Freak - 8 years ago
I just went through a whole treatment and ICH got worse. Worse than it has been. So now what? Didn't affect my coral, but it didn't kill anything ICH related
Brian Cox
Brian Cox - 9 years ago
@ Ashley as far as being a host inverts can't but they can be transported by inverts... Quarantine everything...
Brian Cox
Brian Cox - 9 years ago
Yes Ick can survive on other surfaces....
Randy Williams
Randy Williams - 9 years ago
+Brian safe those company's make thousands from you.try it gaurentted
Randy Williams
Randy Williams - 9 years ago
+Brian Cox Treat with ginger.reef safe
Brian Cox
Brian Cox - 9 years ago
sorry I haven't been getting back with you guys ...My tank is down now but planning to come back in a few months...
123 45
123 45 - 8 years ago
+Pouya Marmoulak and yo go get polyfilter aswel
123 45
123 45 - 8 years ago
+Brian Cox yea ey nanos are sick
M.R. Hawks
M.R. Hawks - 9 years ago
Word to the wise, recent scientific studies show ich can attach to plastic, mesh, glass, sand, rock, and yes coral, especially acapora and other sps and to coral like frogspawn wall or branches. QT, QT, QT. I cannot stress that enough. QT everything you bring in.
M.R. Hawks
M.R. Hawks - 9 years ago
Also, I heard fish stores are not keen on eliminating ich entirely because ich means ich treatment sales. Do transfer and cut them out on that type of activity.
M.R. Hawks
M.R. Hawks - 9 years ago
I can't keep a Keyna Tree. I can keep any soft coral except that one and it's nuts because most people grow it like a weed and can't give it away fast enough. Not me and all my parameters are spot on including Alk and Ph. Anyway I have had extreme success with the tank transfer method. As long as you match the parameters exactly and don't use a net, there's little to no stress on the fish wish increases their survival chances. Gotta buy a lot of salt though. The only down side, but it's worth it when you consider the loss of the cost of the fish.

20. comment for The true way to rid reef tank Ick.

TheFishTank Doc.
TheFishTank Doc. - 9 years ago
Erik Serrano
Erik Serrano - 9 years ago
Hey Brian,

What is your opinion of fresh water dipping?
Is it just as effective as copper in killing ich? Can I freshwater dip live rock and corals to remove any parasites?
M.R. Hawks
M.R. Hawks - 9 years ago
Fresh water dipping doesn't work on ich. That's a wise tail. You'll lose every fish. Only works on black velvet... sometimes.
Dan Ballou
Dan Ballou - 9 years ago
Good job. You tell it like it is!
james stockbauer
james stockbauer - 9 years ago
Your purple algea is popping hard bro nice.  I have ich on my tank I really need to get rid of all of it.  Terrible.  I will watch and hopefully learn from your experience.  Cheers, Stock
maine932 - 10 years ago
Brian, I am new to the hobby...thanks for the info...I'll keep a watch!
Lovebetta - 10 years ago
Gee I just got my QT completed 3 days ago, my blue tang have ich, I put my yellow tang, 2 neon goby, my blue damsel and blue tang, after 2 days all died in the QT/ using cupramine, I thought maybe I put an extra 2 drops of Cupramine in my 11.5g QT, all parameters are ok, then I check the water temp and it's below 69F, my fluval heater is not working because I submerge the whole thing because it says submersible/ they maybe label it NOT fully Submersible so it will work just right... Good thing I haven't put all my fishes, I change all the water, part of the water is from my display tank, then I put all my fishes in my QT and now they are all doing good... My question is when I change like 20% of my QT tank do I have to put more Cupramine? My Aqua top filter in my QT has built in UV,   and local store here told me to remove my carbon, I am using only the white ceramic rings.. Hope you can help.. Thank you..
Charles Summerville
Charles Summerville - 10 years ago
I don't have any reef yet, but my fish has ich, is there something i can do to get rid of it?
Ashley L
Ashley L - 9 years ago
If you have no reef or inverts you can put cupramine in your main tank and it will work effectively
Jeremy Skibba
Jeremy Skibba - 10 years ago
I have been in the hobby a long time. ALWAYS quarantine your fish before putting into the display tank. I know you want to put your pretty fish in your tank but trust me, you will save a lot of time and money and frustration if you just quarantine your fish. New fish can have ich just as he mentioned in the video and you won't see it because it is in the gills. The only way to get ich out of your display tank is for it to have ZERO fish for 72 days or more. This is the consensus of how long ich can actually take to completely eradicate from your main system. It is a myth that your tank will ALWAYS have ich. Your tank can be free of ich if you never introduce it. Ich is a parasite and parasites cannot live without a host. As he mentioned there is no REEF safe ich treatment out there. Again, quarantine ALL fish before introducing them into your display tank. Ich is probably the most annoying and frustrating and fish killing thing when it comes to keeping fish. Quarantining everything first will make sure you NEVER get it in your tank. In this hobby there are no shortcuts that work.

I recommend you quarantine all fish either with Copper or Chloroquine Phosphate and use Prazipro during quarantine. This will get fish rid of ich, velvet, fluke worms, etc...and you will never have to worry about battling it in your main tank. It is much easier to handle in a quarantine tank.

In a quarantine tank you want a bare-bottom tank. The use of PVC pipe fittings are good for fish to hide in to reduce stress. Also make sure to dose any new water you introduce with a water change. However, do not dose top-off water as doing so will increase the dose in the tank.
Jeremy Skibba
Jeremy Skibba - 10 years ago
Have you tried Chloroquine Phosphate? It works great against Ich/Velvet.  It is fairly difficult to get a hold of but is just as good if not better than copper but is safer for your fish. You can get some if you ask your local vet to write you a prescription since it is a controlled medication. Effective dose is 40mg/gal. It will kill all algae so don't use in a Display Tank. It should be used in a QT just as copper is.
MelvinsaurusRex - 10 years ago
I have been in this hobby on and off for 15 years this hobby really tests your patience. I've been staring at a tank full of live rock for over a month now.

30. comment for The true way to rid reef tank Ick.

REEFER JAMES - 10 years ago
What upsets me is having to remove all the rock to catch the fish. And losing a fish.  So I know what you mean by having patience.  Nice Reef Brian. Putting my U/V back on also and will be cleaning the quartz sleeve bi-weekly.  Peace.
REEFER JAMES - 10 years ago
Best Damn Advice out here bro!  Had to go twelve weeks myself. And if I see anything, I'll do it again in a heart beat. Listen to this guy!  He knows his stuff.  
Austin Davis
Austin Davis - 10 years ago
you know your shit buddy
daniel the man
daniel the man - 10 years ago
NT Labs Marine Anti Bacterial seems to have worked for me , i lost lots of fish due to an outbreak I put this stuff in and replaced the bulb on my UV and 6 weeks later all remaining fish (some looked prety bad... my emporer angel was covered) have healed up Ive added a new fox face and he is clear so Im slowly gonna start building again.... NT labs Anti Barcterial is reef safe and it treats white spot, its the only one Ive know to work.... a while ago I tried oodinex and it took out my critters... all snails and crabs died
TheGongShow61 - 11 years ago
Quarintine never works for me. I had fish out of my tank for 40 days and it looks like it's back
Thien Nguyen
Thien Nguyen - 11 years ago
Thank for the tip. I got the Cupramine by Seachem.
Brian Cox
Brian Cox - 11 years ago
Brian Cox
Brian Cox - 11 years ago
I may spell this wrong but it's called "coppermin"
defcon816 - 11 years ago
Nice coralline growth u have there! Any tips?
Brian Cox
Brian Cox - 11 years ago
What would be the reason you can't take them out.?? Don't like tellin a person to let there fish die..
Brian Cox
Brian Cox - 11 years ago
@sleepyme1 if u don't have lot of fish or if your fish weren't very expensive , this is going to sound bad but let them dead or remove your rock and save them..
sleepytyme1 - 11 years ago
what if taking fish out is not an option ...are you screwed at that point?
Bobby Doyle
Bobby Doyle - 11 years ago
is that purple rocks????
Johnnie Nuby
Johnnie Nuby - 11 years ago
You Should run a UV Sterilizer that will help. It helped me with my ick outbreak
Brian Cox
Brian Cox - 11 years ago
Yeah sorry to hear that... If your patient it works...
Joe Skaggs
Joe Skaggs - 11 years ago
Thanks for the good vid Steel. Looks like what ill be doing soon cause i have an outbreak.
Josh Stepka
Josh Stepka - 11 years ago
Nice video.
Brian Cox
Brian Cox - 11 years ago
78-80 give or take salt 1.024
Prodiqee - 12 years ago
Sorry to hear about your loss of fish. Is be super sad if my fish began to die. :(
Brian Cox
Brian Cox - 12 years ago
Yeah!!! Here's a way to look at It.. If you and I were in a jail and all the. Fed us were candy apples and cotton candy; Sure we would eat it but in the end its just not enough substance there to keep us healthy.. This is what happens to many Tangs..

50. comment for The true way to rid reef tank Ick.

Brian Cox
Brian Cox - 12 years ago
Good luck with you fish...
Brian Cox
Brian Cox - 12 years ago
Sorry about the end of many first post I was trying to say your Tang the one that broke out first... The fish should only take 4 weeks or until you see no Ick or fish acting funny like darting rubbing against the rock... Also well your quarantine your fish fattin them up..One key thing you need to do is make site your Tang is eating aleast 3 helping of algae per week.. I use the sea weed paper.. This well help your Tang fight off Ick if he encounters it again..
Brian Cox
Brian Cox - 12 years ago
Also for you 30 gallon reef just go on as usual lights ; if you have inverts feed them and just be patient... How do you feed your fish?? Everyday or every other day...
Brian Cox
Brian Cox - 12 years ago
Cuzurlame all your fish have Ick so yes it would be a very good idea to copper them all... Corporate could be full time...
Cuzurlame - 12 years ago
I heard it takes 28 days for ick to cycle and that 6 weeks is good enough, I'm new to the hobby and I have an outbreak do you suggest to go ahead and do 3 months like you for better results I currently have a 30 gallon nano with anenomes and hammer head corals as for my fish I have a yellow goby a hippo tang and a firefish as well as a clown should I quarantine the fish for 8 weeks
Brian Cox
Brian Cox - 12 years ago
UVs help but unless your going 2 run the type that fits ur returns hoses ur going 2 be hit or miss the single unit UV filters aren't 100% cause they only filter a small percentage of the water in ur system leaving the protozoa 2 multiply in ur system..Also be careful with very powerful UV filters because at the same time it kills the Ick protozoa it also can harm beneficial bacteria and organisms in ur system upsetting your delicate balance in your tank ..Any Ick defense is helpful....
kodeblue24 - 12 years ago
Good information! I have some ich in my new 120 gallon so I am going to try out the new emperor aquatics uv sterilizer! I hope it slowly kills them off
Brian Cox
Brian Cox - 12 years ago
I started to look at it like this ;fish that are more aggressive in my opinion seem not to come down with Ick as much... You know!!! It could be that the fish that are a little higher up on the food chain don't stress as much as the guys a little lower on the food chain... That's just my thinking on it.. In 20yrs I've never seen a lion or a eel with Ick..
Brian Cox
Brian Cox - 12 years ago
That's pretty funny the devil made Ick... I've just finally came to the conclusion that the best way for me to have fish in my reef system is just too put hardy fish in my reef as my financial resources are limited...So right now have my Maroon Clown two Volitan Lions one Fox face and Snow flake moray eel... A Blue jaw Trigger will be added later... What's funny is that my fish only tank has become the tank were my Tangs are going better..
Brian Cox
Brian Cox - 12 years ago
The the devil made it that's pretty funny it seems that way doesn't it

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