Things To Consider When Setting Up A New Reef Tank | Beginner Guide

Website: This is a beginner guide to those of you looking to setup your new saltwater aquarium. I will be giving tips and tricks to help take the stress and frustration out of the process. Please checkout the rest of my beginner guide videos for even more information. Come Join & Ask Your Questions On Our Facebook Group: Follow me on Aquatic Log: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Support The New 300 Gallon Build: *****************Popular Playlist***************** Beginner Guide Playlist: Quarantine Tank: 125 Gallon Reef Playlist: Subscriber Q@A: Subscriber Request Videos: Zeovit Tank Build Playlist: How To Playlist: Neptune Apex Playlist: Tips & Tricks Playlist: Korallen-Zucht Coral System: Subscriber Contest: End Music:

Things To Consider When Setting Up A New Reef Tank | Beginner Guide sentiment_very_dissatisfied 12

Reef tank 7 years ago 15,206 views

Website: This is a beginner guide to those of you looking to setup your new saltwater aquarium. I will be giving tips and tricks to help take the stress and frustration out of the process. Please checkout the rest of my beginner guide videos for even more information. Come Join & Ask Your Questions On Our Facebook Group: Follow me on Aquatic Log: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Support The New 300 Gallon Build: *****************Popular Playlist***************** Beginner Guide Playlist: Quarantine Tank: 125 Gallon Reef Playlist: Subscriber Q@A: Subscriber Request Videos: Zeovit Tank Build Playlist: How To Playlist: Neptune Apex Playlist: Tips & Tricks Playlist: Korallen-Zucht Coral System: Subscriber Contest: End Music:

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Most popular comments
for Things To Consider When Setting Up A New Reef Tank | Beginner Guide

Hulley29 - 7 years ago
Easily the best channel on YT about reefing! I love the 300g and can't wait to see it's progress.
Nathan Faix
Nathan Faix - 7 years ago
what kind of glue are you using? thanks
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
gel superglue
Lori OMalley
Lori OMalley - 7 years ago
How do you clean the bottom of that tank with all the stuff on it?
muffemod - 7 years ago
interestingly large fans in the canopy at 9:39. Any details on these?
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
They are from an old pc from years ago, hooked up to a 12v power adapter and on a timer
quepiid - 7 years ago
my tap water is only 60 tds
Vasile Sandu
Vasile Sandu - 7 years ago
omg... my tap water 745 :((( (sometimes)
Big Salty
Big Salty - 7 years ago
I currently have a 75 gallon tank I'm in the process of moving to a 125 gallon... I'm going to transfer all my rock and water over to the new system.... I don't have the space to cycle a brand new system was wondering if I'm gonna have any issues with cycling bc all I'm adding is new sand and the difference in fresh saltwater?
EN Reefs
EN Reefs - 7 years ago
yeah... too late... pukani still leeching phosphates for me...
dkdh - 7 years ago
I drained my 540l display tank because I had problems with Dino and after trying may ways decided to reboot. I have been drying the rocks for over a month now, question is should I put the rocks in the display and do the 50% water change for 4 weeks or should I 'cure' them in a separate container as you mentioned before putting into the display? What is your opinion?
PsychedelicBabe - 7 years ago
This was great information indeed travis

10. comment for Things To Consider When Setting Up A New Reef Tank | Beginner Guide

Js YouTube
Js YouTube - 7 years ago
How high should my LED Reef light be from the top of my 40Breeder??
Jeff Olsen
Jeff Olsen - 7 years ago
Depends on intensity and what you want to keep. There is no magic number.
Dave Davis
Dave Davis - 7 years ago
Loads of great tips and wisdom for newbies and salted reefers. A new larger tank comes with it's own needs and priorities. Sometimes we don't think on that level when planning and reality just keeps kicking us in the teeth during the build. I'm with your in listing and drawing out everything you want in advance. Great Video! Thanks so much for your time and effort.
bryan senulis
bryan senulis - 7 years ago
salt creep does seal stuff...i can vouch for that...had one on union above sump...couple weeks salt creep fixed it...
bryan senulis
bryan senulis - 7 years ago
if u were a friend of mine and bought system and sold it for beat ur ass...probably sold it to u for cheep bc u in hobby and friend...and turn around and take advantage of that = ass kicking
Leslie Hill
Leslie Hill - 7 years ago
OH MY! "Keyboard Ninja" I can use that in so many places. Laughing I landed here seeking information on transitioning from Fresh Water to Salt Water... Still laughing now back to your video ;-)
bryan senulis
bryan senulis - 7 years ago
U cracked me up with keyboard ninja talk...that a good one i have to use one day.
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
Calm down keyboard ninja i never purchased the system. The point of saying id purchase a system off CL is bc it was cheap and people who make big mistakes leave the hobby. Don't over think things you will end up getting yourself in trouble.
Steve Brady
Steve Brady - 7 years ago
Good advice for newbies.
Addy Reef
Addy Reef - 7 years ago
sometimes the best information is the basic information. top video
SnotDoc - 7 years ago
Nice video. Thanks!
Vitaliy Avramenko
Vitaliy Avramenko - 7 years ago
Chrissy M. Williams
Chrissy M. Williams - 7 years ago
Good stuff, man! I'm in contract to buy my first home, so I should be able to start my first reef tank in the next year or so. Vids like this help me out a bunch- hopefully when I get started, I can save some time and money with these tips. So thanks!
The Head I.T.Guy
The Head I.T.Guy - 7 years ago
Good video. But did you say salt creep "seals" stuff? Salt is sorta hydroscopic.

20. comment for Things To Consider When Setting Up A New Reef Tank | Beginner Guide

mari harutunian
mari harutunian - 7 years ago
I'm having significant algae issues. Got my Nitrate to near zero with NOPOX which got rid of the red cyano but there was still this green filmy algae(like cyano but green) that just seemed to regrow after every siphon... any suggestions? Phosphate test doesn't register and should be low because of NOPOX and photo period is at 8 hrs. Oh and persistent hair algae on the back wall... not as much of a problem because it scrapes off easily. Any advise appreciated!!
James Harden
James Harden - 7 years ago
mari harutunian maybe try adding nassarious snail?
mari harutunian
mari harutunian - 7 years ago
It could be that I don't have enough rock or I don't water change enough. If water change was the problem then NOPOX would've solved the problem because there would be no nutrients that need export? I have 20 lbs of pukani in a 36 gallon tank which isn't the recommended amount by any stretch but it's all I could fit in the display.... would adding a marine pure block to an established tank cause problems?
RD2 UNO - 7 years ago
I had this bad experience at a fish store I bought some beautiful Zoas that were on a small rock for only $40 great deal! When I dipped them all these pests starting coming out and wouldn't stop coming out. I was so tempted to still add it to my tank because I had hoped that my dip would of killed everything so before adding it I made a small qt out of a plastic bin put it there with some saltwater and worms were still coming out. I ended up fragging the Zoas throwing away the rock and out of 30 Zoas I only saved like 6 I had never fragged before although I had all the tools for it. So my advice is look carefully into what your LFS has the blue light will make corals beautiful but darken the rock and you wont notice all the crap it has and that goes for fish too make sure they eat before you buy them. Anyways great stuff Hex always enjoy ur knowledgeable videos.
John Whisler
John Whisler - 7 years ago
Very good Travis I am still doing research until my monies get right and I can afford the 120 that I want so I don't have to settle for something that I will regret. Your 125 is what I aspire to make mine look like when that time comes
Anuar l33t
Anuar l33t - 7 years ago
thats a nice blue linckia star. i heard those are so hard to keep. any tips to successfully keep them?
Uncle Fresh Reef
Uncle Fresh Reef - 7 years ago
Good information thanks for a refresher. Especially the part of writing everything down. I have done that my whole life and it has saved me a lot of heartburn.
OleMan Merxi
OleMan Merxi - 7 years ago
Amen to buying extra fittings I made 6 trips to the local hardware store the day I set my system up. Mixing your saltwater the first time is a pain the first time. Once your close to 35pp but still under it. Your almost better off adding it to the tank and letting it evaporate down to to 35ppm rather than adding more salt to it.
My Reef Life
My Reef Life - 7 years ago
Awesome video!
Tim Sargent
Tim Sargent - 7 years ago
perfect timing travis! just got my 40g breeder in and painted the back. getting my rock and other accessories today. gonna start that cycle so i can get everything in my 15g moved over. any advice o how to move over my new? he's attached to the biggest rock and has been for months. i don't want to detach him. think i could get away with just moving that entire rock structure over the way it is? it also has a nuisance sponge growing on it which I'm trying to figure out how to get rid of.
rob sool Aquatics
rob sool Aquatics - 7 years ago
rob sool Aquatics
rob sool Aquatics - 7 years ago
great video nice to see channels like yours inspiring us reefers to keep it going

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