This Beverly Hills Aquarium is Completely Custom: Reef 301

This tank is a completely custom build from the tank, to the stand, the filtration and even the LED lighting is one of a kind!

This Beverly Hills Aquarium is Completely Custom: Reef 301 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 49

Reef tank 7 years ago 106,184 views

This tank is a completely custom build from the tank, to the stand, the filtration and even the LED lighting is one of a kind!

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Most popular comments
for This Beverly Hills Aquarium is Completely Custom: Reef 301

Isaac Rogers
Isaac Rogers - 6 years ago
needs ozone
NapFloridian - 6 years ago
$350.000 later, we see what money can accomplish :P NIce tank
Chase Clarke
Chase Clarke - 6 years ago
I need to know how you set the lighting, flow, and parameters for those chalices! You mentioned lots of flow and low light... what par is that light over them???
Lance Guinn
Lance Guinn - 6 years ago
Aquatic gangsta!
* - 6 years ago
usually I'm not jealous but I'm​ jealous
truthnlies - 6 years ago
this is a dream tank. every single aspect of the tank is perfectly thought out and well executed. it is a true work of art and if I ever win the lotto I will be calling Sam to design me a system. Ive watched this video like 20 times and love it more each time.
Sam Slobusky
Sam Slobusky - 6 years ago
Thanks so much for your kind words. I'm happy you've enjoyed the video.
Brandon Meade
Brandon Meade - 6 years ago
What lights are they please
Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 6 years ago
FLShark - 6 years ago
Darn, that's the nicest sump from MRC i HAVE ever seen them build. That's absolutely sick, how you have your Mixing station under the 4th door which includes a RODI system hooked up. No Dosing pumps for water changes either which is awesome. I am about to set up my SCA 150 that will include a 20 '' External overflow box, Regal Protein Skimmer and Avast KALK reactor and for my DC pump Reef Octo VarioS8 for my custom 44'' sump that Elite Aquatics is building me in the next month or so.. Unreal tank.. Fat thumbs up who ever plumbed this bad boy!
Sam Slobusky
Sam Slobusky - 6 years ago
I really appreciate the compliments. MRC built those components according to my specifications. I designed and installed the entire system. Wet Work LLC, New Orleans, Louisiana. 504.458.3019. We also built the marine pond in Miami Beach.
Rich S
Rich S - 6 years ago
Nice collection of corals and fish, great video Jake!

10. comment for This Beverly Hills Aquarium is Completely Custom: Reef 301

Drews Lagoon
Drews Lagoon - 6 years ago
Jaw drops*
naz I r K THAPA
naz I r K THAPA - 6 years ago
what is the tank size
BluMac - 6 years ago
How many gallons is it? Mine is a 300 gallon, and it’s almost a year old
Sam Slobusky
Sam Slobusky - 6 years ago
301 gallons.
Jester's Aquatics
Jester's Aquatics - 6 years ago
Very nice tank, I am no where in the same league but I have put a heck of a lot of effort into my little 90 gallon.
Siggy in CR
Siggy in CR - 6 years ago
With such tight fitting lids on it does gas exchange not become a problem?
Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 6 years ago
It has a pattern cutout on it - totally custom
Tech Savvy
Tech Savvy - 6 years ago
Is this sand bed vacuumed?
Roger Davis
Roger Davis - 6 years ago
How do you make it work with windows all around.
plootsa - 6 years ago
Those kind of people hate themselves
Hooked On Reefs
Hooked On Reefs - 6 years ago
Nice setup

20. comment for This Beverly Hills Aquarium is Completely Custom: Reef 301

Austin Nehrenberg
Austin Nehrenberg - 6 years ago
nice! how many gallons
MD P - 6 years ago
Is there a quarantine system for this tank? I would feel so nervous to add any live stock to it!
Crystal Reef Aquatics
Crystal Reef Aquatics - 6 years ago
Great video! Love this system!
Tritan - 6 years ago
This tank is more expensive than my house.
ALEX JAMES - 6 years ago
Rakhu Rakhu
Rakhu Rakhu - 6 years ago
How old is this tank?
Alexander Erro
Alexander Erro - 6 years ago
From Russia with love! I like it! It's very cool ! I had never ever seen clean water so! You are my favorite aquarium channel! I am glad to see your video again!
Türker Demir
Türker Demir - 6 years ago
Here! You see, there is no need to tell. perfect landscape perfect. I'm not talking. Exact!
Derek Chung
Derek Chung - 6 years ago
Money is no object but this looks like a new tank that they threw every expensive things in. Soon there will be die off and algae everywhere. I would like to see how it is maintained when it is becoming mature.
Derek Chung
Derek Chung - 6 years ago
I agree. My message was premature as I did not completely watch the whole video. Please ignore my message. I am sorry.
James K
James K - 6 years ago
Derek Chung Take a closer look at the right wall of the tank.. Beside the fact they are saying it's not new, the evidence of that is the right wall..
Carlos David
Carlos David - 6 years ago
Awesome tank!

30. comment for This Beverly Hills Aquarium is Completely Custom: Reef 301

Mike E
Mike E - 6 years ago
Great tank.
Benjamin Snively
Benjamin Snively - 6 years ago
Sound sucks tanks cool looking
Benjamin Snively
Benjamin Snively - 6 years ago
Reef Builders it's cool love the tank I could have muted you and still watched it... I'm jealous nice tank
Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 6 years ago
You shoulda heard it before I added echo reducing filters, this room was all walls, not much I could do about it.
RuHmVu - 6 years ago
I see he use 2 arid in there. triton reccomend 10x turn over filtration, so i just dont really know the turn rate through the sump and those two arid to make everything system just run around 7x rate with 10% refugium. do i need to hook one more arid closeloop from the man tank or conjunction into my sump will be fine?
RuHmVu - 6 years ago
Reef Builders thank you for that....
Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 6 years ago
Don't get too hung up on reccomendations for turnover etc. Just make sure your algae is growing well and watch the health of your reef and your corals.
Keyland Stewart
Keyland Stewart - 7 years ago
What are those led
Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 6 years ago
Custom fixture by Acro Optics
justonemorecast - 7 years ago
Absolutely gorgeous
I8_yourRamen - 7 years ago
Umm Jesus with all that coral that tank is probably so expensivel
Planet Life
Planet Life - 7 years ago
Sure does pay to be rich. Blah
Santa Monica Filtration
Santa Monica Filtration - 7 years ago
A tank-builder's dream... curved corner sumps, and hidden returns.
Daniel Pietruczuk
Daniel Pietruczuk - 7 years ago
Dante Hammons
Dante Hammons - 7 years ago
What lighting are you using..I have a 180 and it needs lights
First Massage
First Massage - 7 years ago
amazing wiring. what are your redunancies for power outage? The pump hidden in the rocks do you just plumb a simple y check valve?
tom Robert
tom Robert - 7 years ago
Will u be in Orlando for reefapalooza
Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 7 years ago
You can count on it
Annabella Laws
Annabella Laws - 7 years ago
good lords talk about over kill under the "hood". but WOWZERS at the aquarium.
Rogue Aquariums
Rogue Aquariums - 7 years ago
Epic tank Jake. The corals, fish and equipment are truly top notch. Thanks to Joe at Unique and yourself for this tour. Keep up the great work.
Ultimate Fishkeeping Show
Ultimate Fishkeeping Show - 7 years ago
That is unquestionably the most impressive Reef Aquarium Set-up I have ever seen.

I wish this video would go on for another 17 minutes in order to admire it even more, but none the less it was a real privilege to see.

Thank you so much for sharing this, I gave it a thumbs up.
Ultimate Fishkeeping Show
Ultimate Fishkeeping Show - 6 years ago
My pleasure.
Sam Slobusky
Sam Slobusky - 6 years ago
That's quite the compliment. Thank you.
Fernando Velasco
Fernando Velasco - 7 years ago
Sam at Wet Works designs the best life support system in reef keeping!
Sam Slobusky
Sam Slobusky - 6 years ago
Thank you Fernando. That's very kind of you to say.
swissreefer - 7 years ago
What an awesome high-tech tank __ That's kind of what you create when you don't have a money problem :D
Bartol Vukić
Bartol Vukić - 7 years ago
Hey Sam! Can you tell me obout cover above tank ? it seems to have some openings on them?
it is very clean and it seems to be good for light penetration.
Sam Slobusky
Sam Slobusky - 7 years ago
Hi Bartol. The original cover was produced by They did a fantastic job and it fit perfectly onto the chamfered edges of the euro-brace. But, the client wanted something a little different. The current one, produced by MRC, has two removable panels inside a polycarbonate frame. The openings are a replication of a sea fan photo I shot on the GBR. The image was scanned in then cut out by the CNC router.
Blue Bowser
Blue Bowser - 7 years ago
Rich people things.
MD P - 6 years ago
Blue Bowser it's far more than just money... they attention to detail and planning do not require money - just knowledge, insight and intelligence
Wael Binali
Wael Binali - 7 years ago
Goodness, that is one hell a fabulous tank! Did I see a Leonardi Wrasse? I so want that and a Candy Basslet, although I think I saw a Swales in the tank. /bow
Wael Binali
Wael Binali - 7 years ago
Reef Builders oh Hot!
Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 7 years ago
That was not a swalesi basslet, but a swissgard x candy basslet hybrid

50. comment for This Beverly Hills Aquarium is Completely Custom: Reef 301

Rogue Snail
Rogue Snail - 7 years ago
holly #### have you seen the $$$$ in that tank?????
mitian - 7 years ago
Wow this should be call the " The Filtration of the Future"
Sam Slobusky
Sam Slobusky - 7 years ago
Thank you Mitian.
Jon Rude
Jon Rude - 7 years ago
Amazing to see these corals at their full potential. Hard to photo shop what's already visible.
FADETOBLACK - 7 years ago
I guess if you have money to blow then go for it. Super Overkill!
Charlette Jackson
Charlette Jackson - 7 years ago
All that equipment.....Pandora Box is right........confusing !!!!!
American Reefing
American Reefing - 7 years ago
Wow that tank is amazing! Thanks for the great video.
Nelson Aviles
Nelson Aviles - 7 years ago
What kind of lids are being used?
Sam Slobusky
Sam Slobusky - 7 years ago
The original cover was produced by They did a fantastic job and it fit perfectly onto the chamfered edges of the euro-brace. But, the client wanted something a little different. The current one, produced by MRC, has two removable panels inside a polycarbonate frame. The openings are a replication of a sea fan photo I shot on the GBR. The image was scanned in then cut out by the CNC router.
Tulley DA_Teach
Tulley DA_Teach - 7 years ago
Blackbookproduct10ns - 7 years ago
Joe seems like a real genuine guy. I dealt with him once at reefapalooza before I even knew who he was and he seemed real nice.
Tony's reef keeping
Tony's reef keeping - 7 years ago
Wow, baller status. Definitely a dream tank
Dr.Trollish - 7 years ago
Man that's a beautiful tank. However it would annoy me to no end that my stand was longer than my tank.
I would have to tear it all down and have a tank made that fits the stand perfectly lol.
Hugo Snell
Hugo Snell - 7 years ago
He’s not using an abyzz to mix water at least. Lol
Josh Miller
Josh Miller - 7 years ago
how much did all of that cost?
Ash - 7 years ago
Jake you never disappoint your subs with the videos you cover...This tank is one heck of a gem...Thank you for sharing...
LJ - 7 years ago
nice video! great fish :)
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
Awesome tank! great work.
thumbs up from Australia
Sterba Norris
Sterba Norris - 7 years ago
Wonder who are the 12 dislikes.. they must be jealous.
ReefDudes - 7 years ago
Beautiful system! haha L1 to mix salt.. dang! Looks pretty awesome :)
Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 7 years ago
Yes and yes
ReefDudes - 7 years ago
Far more reasonable then :P Prob happened before the S1 was out, either way very cool setup!
ReefDudes - 7 years ago
Good catch, Still overkill! But I love it! Thanks for sharing.
Are you going to be at RAP Orlando or Macna this year?
Sam Slobusky
Sam Slobusky - 7 years ago
Haha! Right you are!
Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 7 years ago
Check again - it's a Tunze Stream to mix and a Vectra M1 to pump it over a couple feet.
Sam Slobusky
Sam Slobusky - 7 years ago
Actually, it's just an M1 :-)
TrulyTanked - 7 years ago
Ashish Patel
Ashish Patel - 7 years ago
Theres some serious collector items in this system!
Jatin Kamal
Jatin Kamal - 7 years ago
300G!! so many boring fishes!! Blue Tangs? may be Angels ? original ocellaris clownfish!!
Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 7 years ago
Lol this tank is full of angels
ALEX JAMES - 7 years ago
MANHATTAN AQUARIUMS : Joe Caperata , 522 West 37th Street ( Between 10th&11th Ave.) NEW YORK , N.Y. 10018 , 212-594-2272 , ... Stop by the store when your in NEW YORK CITY , OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK .
William Gogo
William Gogo - 7 years ago
This tank is awesome thanks for sharing, would like to see more!
tom Robert
tom Robert - 7 years ago
What's some things u would do different?
Alex Kingcole
Alex Kingcole - 7 years ago
Awesome! How does he clean out the Tunzes?
Loverboy Smith
Loverboy Smith - 7 years ago
Like your vids . Could you please turn up volume ? I'd got a cheap tablet . The advertising volume is better .
Loverboy Smith
Loverboy Smith - 7 years ago
Reef Builders Thank You Much ! Great , Fun , Educational Videos
Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 7 years ago
I'll see what I can do, in the meantime you can bridge the gap with some headphones
Smokkedandslammed - 7 years ago
CUBAN REEFER - 7 years ago
In other words Thanks to a bunch of Great Professionals , man that tank is Niiiiiiiiiiccccccceeeeeee
Great video Jake
Arrick L
Arrick L - 7 years ago
I've seen a lot of tanks a lot but this has to be in the top 3 as far as filtration. Yes it's top of the line equipment but the method is something anyone can do. Everything is right there under the tank even the water change system. The corals on the other hand are not something everybody can do lol. The corals are next next level. Very nice.
Sam Slobusky
Sam Slobusky - 7 years ago
Arrick L, many thanks for your kind words. Happy reefing!
n train
n train - 7 years ago
the corals are what only the rich can do lmao
Medic 58
Medic 58 - 7 years ago
Great video and the the tank is super awesome. It must be valued at over a hundred thousand.
Richard O
Richard O - 7 years ago
Dream Tank! Wow I love every bit of this tank. Thanks for sharing.
Christopher Benner
Christopher Benner - 7 years ago
Thanks Jake!
I’m honored being apart of the build of this system. Working closely with Sam and the client I was able to create a master piece stand to hold a system of this caliber. Nice update!
Christopher Benner
Christopher Benner - 7 years ago
Sam Slobusky thanks brother! It’s always a pleasure!
Sam Slobusky
Sam Slobusky - 7 years ago
And you certainly did create a museum quality masterpiece. It was a pleasure working with you Chris.
Kyl Aquaria
Kyl Aquaria - 7 years ago
NUTS tank!
GMEBE - 7 years ago
That’s probably one of the best looking tanks I have ever seen.

Let me wipe the drool off my face.
Sam Slobusky
Sam Slobusky - 7 years ago
That's very kind of you to say. Thank you.
Tom Gionet
Tom Gionet - 7 years ago
Still chomping at the bit for my pax bellum too >.<
Everything Aquatix
Everything Aquatix - 7 years ago
Great Content as always Jake, beautiful tank, expensive taste but very nice aquarium.
Tom Gionet
Tom Gionet - 7 years ago
weekly icp tests? ... ... I feel poor.
John L.
John L. - 7 years ago
wow, right. Reef Builders you rock. Great enthusiasm, pun intended.
SkyAce - 7 years ago
Cool tank..

Unique corals don't have the pink nepthea they claim they have...bummer.
Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 7 years ago
It's out of stock, but check back regularly as it's a pretty fast grower
pjshooter6 - 7 years ago
Add a link to the lights and other equipment
pjshooter6 - 7 years ago
The lights are what i was most interested in
Sam Slobusky
Sam Slobusky - 7 years ago
Hi pjshooter6. Specifics about the internal circulation can be found at, control at, water purification at, return pumps at General information about the custom components manufacturers: PVC LSS components at, lighting at, cabinet stand at, and the tank itself at
Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 7 years ago
lol, it's all custom, there's no webpage to link to!
Deep Blue
Deep Blue - 7 years ago
Holy smokes so nice!!...I gotta go clean sump lol
Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 7 years ago
It's nice having a nice clean pretty sump - tie up those cables and stick a small light there so you can behold the heart of your filtration
Sam Slobusky
Sam Slobusky - 7 years ago
Thank you Fishy Snowman.
Raul Mejia Jr
Raul Mejia Jr - 7 years ago
How do you keep that sand bed so clean?
Average Reef
Average Reef - 7 years ago
That was a very fast 17:52. When it was over I couldn't believe it. Saw the length before it hit play and it just flew by.
Average Reef
Average Reef - 6 years ago
How is that a beginner comment? My oldest fish will soon be a teenager fyi..
Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 7 years ago
Watch it again!
Jaime Garcia
Jaime Garcia - 7 years ago
Next step for that guys goal is go 1000g tank
Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 7 years ago
Tank #2 is in the works ;-)
Jaime Garcia
Jaime Garcia - 7 years ago
That is one sexy ass sump!!
Sam Slobusky
Sam Slobusky - 7 years ago
Thank you Jaime.
Scuba Guy
Scuba Guy - 7 years ago
ah the rich. they can anything they want. they can buy it.
jason vallance
jason vallance - 6 years ago
i never understood that kind of mentality to downvote a vid thru jealously or being envious. I am not the biggest saltwater fan, but beauty is beauty no matter how u put it. I am an south american cichlid and africans too, but this tank kills, it is awesome in its base sense, and as i already said, i am not a saltwater fan.. some ppl are just idiots, and that is not counting the trolls. they should make a new internet for all the trolls, that way they can go troll each other all they want and leave us normal(well half normal) ppl to watch and enjoy all the good content.!! peace..
Jester's Aquatics
Jester's Aquatics - 6 years ago
People jealous of the amount of money they don't have, or freshwater newbies who are too scared to jump onto the salty side.

100. comment for This Beverly Hills Aquarium is Completely Custom: Reef 301

BlkiceMike - 6 years ago
Yep,.. or out of pure jealousy! They'll never have anything as nice so they put it down, throw off on it and so on.. That's why I prefer to hangout with my pets(dog, African grey parrot, & my fish aquariums. Most people {not all} are assholes..
plootsa - 6 years ago
Annika O'Brien those people don't even like themselves
Wesley Turner
Wesley Turner - 6 years ago
They didn't like it cuz they can't afford it! This tank probably cost more than the down payment on my house!!! And I live in CA! The only gripe I have is it kind of looks like a fruit stand. The initial aquascape was awesome (non fruitstady)... I don't understand how it came out looking like another fruit stand reef... interesting. Oh and yes mine also now looks like a fruit stand after packing it with coral.
Crystal Reef Aquatics
Crystal Reef Aquatics - 6 years ago
I know!
TheWestcoastDAVEY - 6 years ago
people are haters, they dislike because they dont have it or it's better than theirs
Annika O'Brien
Annika O'Brien - 7 years ago
Well, saltwater videos make some people salty.
Billy -
Billy - - 7 years ago
The people that get jealous downvote this video
Sam Slobusky
Sam Slobusky - 7 years ago
Many thanks Annika.
SC Reefer
SC Reefer - 7 years ago
Awesome update!!!
Sam Slobusky
Sam Slobusky - 7 years ago
Hi everyone. Sam Slobusky of Wet Work NOLA here. I am genuinely humbled by all of the compliments and kind words. Since I can't possibly reply to them all, "Thank you" to everyone posting.

And a special big 'thank you' to Jake and Joe for this fantastic video of our Reef 301. Also, I would not have been able to complete the project in the time allotted without the invaluable assistance of Tim Kelley of Triton West.

I noticed that there was a request for a full equipment list. You can find it here:

If anyone has any other questions about the system, its design, installation, etc, I am more than happy to answer them.
sheldon jessup
sheldon jessup - 7 years ago
I love this video, cuz i was thinking of using ceramic too for my aquascape, but how would you service the tunze pump? If the cabling too is hidden in the ceramic?
Sam Slobusky
Sam Slobusky - 7 years ago
Also, we import the ceramic rock from Korallenwelt in Rostock, Germany and would be happy to help you select the right pieces:
Sam Slobusky
Sam Slobusky - 7 years ago
Hi Sheldon. Yes, that cords are hidden in the rocks as well. There is enough slack to remove them and place them in a container on top of the tank for cleaning.
The reef
The reef - 7 years ago
Wow the hardware is just beautiful.
The reef
The reef - 7 years ago
I just love how clean everything looks.
Sam Slobusky
Sam Slobusky - 7 years ago
Thank you. Joe was correct regarding my inspiration for the design -- the interior of the Discovery One spacecraft from 2001: A Space Odyssey. The sump, UVS, mixing station/reservoir and dosing station tray were all fabricated from custom molded PVC. A separate mold had to be made for each component. All internals in the sump are clear acrylic.
John Gorman
John Gorman - 7 years ago
Liam paynes got fat
Brian Goldstein
Brian Goldstein - 7 years ago
sharp dude, sharp aquarium... I love unique corals.. I've always had a great experience ordering from them.
Brian Goldstein
Brian Goldstein - 7 years ago
Can anyone recommend a book or internet source that is great for learning about reef tank/aquarium plumbing?
Medic 58
Medic 58 - 7 years ago
Brian Goldstein reef2reef and brs tv has a ton of information I’m new to the hobby and that’s where I get most of mine info. Also cruise around YouTube and listen to the live stream and they will answer any questions you have
hanig11 - 7 years ago
When money is no object
Maui Jaictin
Maui Jaictin - 6 years ago
how do you do that Sir? can you be my mentor?
Bazanji - 6 years ago
+Graham Palmer
Graham Palmer
Graham Palmer - 6 years ago
beepbapboop - 7 years ago
Great videos and content, thanks for sharing these - really a great way to inspire us fellow reefers. On a side note, Jake, you're a handsome fella but just a quick pass on that uni-brow with a razor would do wonders for you - it's all i can look at :(
Jaime Garcia
Jaime Garcia - 7 years ago
Fear the Brow!!!!
Endy Valenzuela
Endy Valenzuela - 7 years ago
Tank Porn
akhilennium - 7 years ago
At first I was like.... Yeah.. I can't set a tank like that.... But when he revealed the sump... I'm like..... No way...
obi one
obi one - 7 years ago
Wow what a tank absolutely amazing!
Steven Lu
Steven Lu - 7 years ago
Look at 150,000 dollars worth of masked angelfish!!!
Tomvanle - 7 years ago
Big balling shooting them 3s
Trevor King
Trevor King - 7 years ago
Very nice.
Mike B
Mike B - 7 years ago
Other than saying wow, I gotta ask, how much of a pain would it be to clean out those hidden Tunze pumps? That one that is lower in the "rock work" can not be easy to remove at all. I mean I know Tunze pumps are high end but you still need to periodically clean them out don't you?

Also that light fixture, I noticed the light focusing was done with square reflectors/lenses, wonder if that x-y directionality of the way the light shines gives a different look as opposed to the radial pattern when you have a circular reflector/lens.
Mike B
Mike B - 7 years ago
Ok, well this tank went from WOW, to HOLY SH**! As that's my one issue with "clean" looking tanks (i.e. no pumps visible or cables) is that often it is a royal pain in the butt to remove the hidden pumps for cleaning.
Sam Slobusky
Sam Slobusky - 7 years ago
Hi Mike. Both Tunzes can be pulled and placed in a container for cleaning as adequate cable is coiled up behind them. Other than the reach, both can be pulled straight out.
K-reef Aquarium hobby
K-reef Aquarium hobby - 7 years ago
Awsome tank !
Jared Springer
Jared Springer - 7 years ago
Wow blows my mind awesome.
DC Reefer
DC Reefer - 7 years ago
My goodness. This is the Ultimate Tank Goals.
Kafasız Adam
Kafasız Adam - 7 years ago
I always say that. Please give us full equipment list
Kafasız Adam
Kafasız Adam - 7 years ago
Reef Builders thank u from turkey ❤️
Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 7 years ago
You’re right! Let me see if I can get a list put together and place it in the description.
RuHmVu - 7 years ago
So neat!
FeedThatReefAddiction - 7 years ago
$$$$$ man that’s nice
plootsa - 7 years ago
That is a beauty of a reef
My Reef Life
My Reef Life - 7 years ago
That system is a pimp!
gord oland
gord oland - 7 years ago
Trickman007 - 7 years ago
Would like to understand the auto-waterchange system better.
Sam Slobusky
Sam Slobusky - 7 years ago
I'm old school and do pencil sketches for all of my work. Those sketches were converted to digital for tank, stand, LSS production but not for plumbing. DM me and I'll dig up and scan a few for you.
Trickman007 - 7 years ago
Can you sketch up a picture of the plumbing design.
Sam Slobusky
Sam Slobusky - 7 years ago
Hi Trickman007. There is a major element that wasn't shown in the video. One of the 1.5" drain lines to the sump has a tee in it and runs through the wall into the bathroom sink drain. It is controlled by a 1.5" gate valve placed between the wall and the sink's left panel. When the M1 is engaged to push water to the sump from the reservoir, the drain is then opened allowing the excess to escape which maintains a constant water level in the sump's return chamber even as the water is flowing in.
Pop A Smurph
Pop A Smurph - 7 years ago
Wow! Just wow!
Krishna Karkera
Krishna Karkera - 7 years ago
Cole Weede
Cole Weede - 7 years ago
20 years salary for me right there
J Rubino
J Rubino - 7 years ago
oh my god
JasReef - 7 years ago
Who says money can't buy happiness? Amazeballs tank!!!
Aquandy - 7 years ago
impressive Aquarium
T m.t
T m.t - 7 years ago
Hi .. good job ...but ... i feel that is something missing ..
May be .. but every thing is abselutly purfect ... thanks for your video
chan ch
chan ch - 7 years ago
omg masked angelfish!!!!
Mauricio Cañon
Mauricio Cañon - 7 years ago
the rolls royce of aquariums

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About This Beverly Hills Aquarium is Completely Custom: Reef 301

The "This Beverly Hills Aquarium is Completely Custom: Reef 301" video is part of the reef tank, salt water category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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