Tips For Dosing A Reef Tank. SPS & LPS corals

Tips on how to dose a lps and sps reef tank using two part and jebao dp4 dosing pumps. Im currently using brs two part and red sea color program as well as red sea reef energy program. I dose seachem reef plus along with live phytoplankton all dosed from an external refrigerator. Thank You for watching my videos, If you feel they are helpful please Subscribe for more. Follow me on Aquatic Log:

Tips For Dosing A Reef Tank. SPS & LPS corals sentiment_very_dissatisfied 17

Reef tank 9 years ago 44,270 views

Tips on how to dose a lps and sps reef tank using two part and jebao dp4 dosing pumps. Im currently using brs two part and red sea color program as well as red sea reef energy program. I dose seachem reef plus along with live phytoplankton all dosed from an external refrigerator. Thank You for watching my videos, If you feel they are helpful please Subscribe for more. Follow me on Aquatic Log:

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Most popular comments
for Tips For Dosing A Reef Tank. SPS & LPS corals

CUBAN REEFER - 7 years ago
How do you calculate the total amount of mls to dose, it maybe an stupid question, I know every tank is different
Am dosing by hand like every three days and what am about to do is see the total amount of mls that I dose in a month and then divided by the total days in a month , that way I will know +- how much will be daily.
Who you think Travis?
CUBAN REEFER - 7 years ago
FishOfHex Thank you! Travis
Any recommendations in wish calcium reactor is good for my RedSea Max S-650 LED am not looking for a medium cheap one am looking for a good one that will be responding to my tank needs
Thank you!
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
I always start with 15ml per 25 gallons of water daily. that for a med stocked lps/sps tank. check your alk in a few days and adjust the dose up or down to keep stable
Shannon Williams
Shannon Williams - 7 years ago
When I was dosing BRS two part I was having a problem with my filtration and plumbing components clogging up with build up of hardness, almost like Clement, it burned out my return pump and built up so bad in my plumbing, what is the reason and what could I do on not having this problem again?
muffemod - 7 years ago
Where did you get that 125 gallon reactor?!
JJMR-04 - 7 years ago
Its a TLF Phosban 150 Reactor!
CUBAN REEFER - 7 years ago
muffemod I think he only wrote that to know that is for the 125 gls tank
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
Im not sure what you're talking about
Jerry B
Jerry B - 7 years ago
I just start dose the rs coral color's with dosing pump. Arent you concerned that not shake before use could cause a problem with concentrate on the bodem of the bottle?
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
Never had an issue with it after two years. I will shake it about once a month
eFISHancy - 7 years ago
how often do dosers break stuck in the on position??
RavineDriver - 7 years ago
My doser is above my aquarium and it doses down to the sump...should I be concerned about siphoning ?
I can't seem to get my pumps calibrated. They are driving me nuts.
RavineDriver - 7 years ago
Ok I redid my setup so that I have short returns but I'm still having the same issues. Pump one calibrates just fine and when I manually dose all the air clears out and it stops dripping as soon as I'm done. The other three all get air in the lines after manually dosing and the one noticeably drips after the manual dosing procedure. What is going on?
EngineeringAquariums - 7 years ago
If you put your skimmer on a timer just have it shut off when u dose. Skimmers are known to take out some dosing elements. Glad I could help!
RavineDriver - 7 years ago
EngineeringAquariums thank you. I may change where my elements discharge. I wanted to dose them after the skimmer but I may have to do them before. I dose Triton.
EngineeringAquariums - 7 years ago
RavineDriver the longer the tubing the more possibility for error. See if you can calibrate them with the dump point right after the dosing head (i.e. Almost no tubing) if that is the case then you will have to build a liquid venturi system with a feed pump or off your manifold. If you need help with that lmk
RavineDriver - 7 years ago
EngineeringAquariums I still can't get them to dose evenly though and when I manually run them they have air in the hoses.
EngineeringAquariums - 7 years ago
the pumps don't "pump" like your return does. They squeeze a little out of the tube at a time so no, you will be just fine.
Jonathan Soto
Jonathan Soto - 7 years ago
Hey man great videos!! Which pump are you using with the phosphan 150? Thanks
Jonathan Soto
Jonathan Soto - 7 years ago
travis can you hook up a vertex 150 skimmer to a manifold?
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
When i installed the DCS 12000 i believe i went over it at that point.
Jonathan Soto
Jonathan Soto - 7 years ago
thanks man, do you have a video about your manifold and how it operates?
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
Its hooked up to a manifold and in this video i was using the jebao dc6000
Alfredo Rodríguez
Alfredo Rodríguez - 8 years ago
Hi FishOfHex, I've 3 questions for you. 1. In another video you said you are no longer dosing red sea colors program, what was your main reason to stop it? Im planning to dose 5ml not daily but every 3 days or so with the jebao according to my CA consumption, why you didn't do something similar?. 2. Dosing ALK at nights helps me PH to not drop below 8, isn't at night when the PH drops for you? and 3rd is how did you handle the bubbles that appears inside the tubing of the pump from time to time?
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
the only time i stopped dosing redsea was to do a review of kz coral system. I have continued to dose redsea. I currently dose 4ml per day based on the total amount of calcium reef uses up. bc i use 200ml of cal daily that 4ml of each redsea. The reef uses these nutrients up daily so why not replace daily. I dose the majority of both cal and alk at night bc of how much i need to dose and my ph never drops unless house is full of Co2, as for the bubble you need to bleed the lines. the best thing you can do is rotate the tub up and flick the bubbles out of the pump head.
Jake Carpenter
Jake Carpenter - 8 years ago
Question. I don't use a sump. Everything is over the tank. Can this dosing pump use longer tubes to reach into the tank from under the stand?
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
Yes i have run about 5 foot worth of tube with no problems

10. comment for Tips For Dosing A Reef Tank. SPS & LPS corals

Jake Carpenter
Jake Carpenter - 8 years ago
OK this is an EXCELLENT video! Fantastic job buddy. I like how you made it short and simple. You didn't info dump or try to over complicate with pretentious language. GREAT JOB!
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
Thank You
Wolan Reef
Wolan Reef - 8 years ago
How many ml i have to dosing Red Sea Coral Corols for 220 L / 60 Galon SPS Tank ?
I Use Red Sea Pro Salt and i got pH 8,3 alk 9,5 ca 430 mg 1420 NO3 0,5 ppm PO4 <0,03 ppm
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
1ml per 50ml of cal dosed per day
Ryan Bondoc
Ryan Bondoc - 8 years ago
Great video. Very informative. If my calcium level is at 420 which is perfect, but my alkalinity is at 10.1, which is a little high, and my magnesium is at 1020, which is very low, any suggestions on how to lower your alkalinity, and how to increase your magnesium. I just bought the 2 part and mg with jug combo from brs, but have not done anything yet. Any advice? Thanks!
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
The type of dosing pump i use wouldnt be good for an ato but you could get away with a stand alone unit. Personally id either use my apex with a maxi jet and a float valve or a stand alone ato system.
Ryan Bondoc
Ryan Bondoc - 8 years ago
FishOfHex thanks! I was planning on buying a dosing pump too. Can I use one of the pumps as auto topoff. If I had 4 pumps, I was going to do ca, kh, mg, and rodi water in each pump. Do you think that will work? Thanks again!
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
You need to get your mag levels up to 1350 before making any adjustments to cal and alk. Go to the brs mag calculator and put in your information and add the amount of mag they recommend and test the following day. Once your mag is at 1350 test your cal and alk to see what they sit at. Once you start dosing equal parts of cal and alk on a daily basis to keep up with the demand of your system the levels will even out.
booger king
booger king - 8 years ago
How accurate can you dose? Lets say you want to add 10ml? Most of it will be contained in the tube so the solution will not even reach the aquarium.
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
If you are dosing something once a week you dont need an auto dosing system but the liquid within the tube wont evaporate.
booger king
booger king - 8 years ago
You mean i'll fill the tube with the solution before dosing? What if you're dosing weekly? Wouldn't some of it evaporate from the tube?
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
Bleed the line
Man Cave Reef
Man Cave Reef - 8 years ago
cool stuff thanks for the info
Wolan Reef
Wolan Reef - 7 years ago
Yea , i'm so interesting what are you dosing right now .
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
No problem. that video is a little old i need to update it to make it a little less dry.
Troll Doll
Troll Doll - 8 years ago
Troll Doll
Troll Doll - 8 years ago
you da man
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
In my case the ph can be higher at night bc i dose most of my two part while the lights are off, also if you have a big refugium the macro algae removes a lot of co2 to grow and can bring up ph that way.
James P. Browning, Jr.
James P. Browning, Jr. - 8 years ago
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
No problem
James P. Browning, Jr.
James P. Browning, Jr. - 8 years ago
I see 8 Jeboa pump connections. You stated you're dosing two part (that's 2 connections) and the Red Sea Colors program (that's 4 more). What are the other 2 things that you're dosing? Maybe Red Sea NO3:PO4-X is one? The Red Sea Nutrition Program would be 2 connections and refrigeration. Or Foundation C?
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
2 part is cal, alk and mag. Red sea color program is 4 and i dose strontium / molybdenum 1ml per day.
OSIEL ALVARADO - 8 years ago
Hello quick question. So your redsea is that the little white bottles? Also you mention you dose phyto thats awesome. How do you do that?
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
Yes and i no longer dose phyto i didnt feel like making it anymore. As for dosing i used a jeboa dp-4 inside a mini fridge and dosed directly into a manifold
FL SHarkvictim
FL SHarkvictim - 8 years ago
Just wish we could of seen your display in this vid, other then that good stuff.
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
I didnt do to much video editing back then. Check out some of the new ones, Most have the main display in them.

20. comment for Tips For Dosing A Reef Tank. SPS & LPS corals

brinks128 - 8 years ago
so if you dose alk and cal in the morning. when should i test for alk and cal.?
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
+brinks128 Is wait a couple hours just to give it time to mix completely in the system. It doesn't take very long.
Scott From Rosco's Reef
Scott From Rosco's Reef - 8 years ago
Very nice video Travis with a lot of great information. Do you soak the pellets first? Are you going to any of the NJ shows next month?
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
Ok cool let me know
Scott From Rosco's Reef
Scott From Rosco's Reef - 8 years ago
Thanks and I think right now Billy and I will be going to the Edison NJ show, but I will let you know for sure when I do.
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
Thanks and yes i soak them for 24 hours before putting in the reactor. As for NJ i have no idea yet
Transmission Tech
Transmission Tech - 8 years ago
i have question tested my water my cal 370( its low.. i want it @ 420 )alk 9.8 mag 1320 im using esv 2 part ...can i just add cal so it can balance out or do i have to dose the same amount of cal. and alk.???
Transmission Tech
Transmission Tech - 8 years ago
FishOfHex thanks
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
+Reef Magic add equal parts of both and check back in a couple days it will even out
Marek Tustin
Marek Tustin - 8 years ago
LLet me ask one question about biopellets. When in reactor is full recommended amount how often you refill it? I mean do you wait as long as all biopellets are gone and reactor is empty or you add biopellets when, for example, half of them are used? Thank you for answer!
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
I have the line on the reactor marked how much i need. When i clean the reactor i top off if needed. so every other month or so depending on how often it needs to be cleaned.
Reefer Nanoman
Reefer Nanoman - 8 years ago
Thanks for the video. I went too quickly with bringing my Alk (went from 4dk to 9dk) and now I have almost lost a few frags (lost an Acro already) and my BTA has shrank to almost nothing. I should have known better :(
Reefer Nanoman
Reefer Nanoman - 8 years ago
+FishOfHex I'm not new to reefing, but new to dosing. Damn
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
Making mistakes is one of the best ways to really learn in this hobby. Hope you get everything under control
Jacob Side
Jacob Side - 8 years ago
On 110 gallons total water volume I'm dosing 240 ca & alk. The only coral I have is a 10 head Duncan's. I feel like I'm dosing way to much, but the testing and math don't lie, I guess.
Jacob Side
Jacob Side - 8 years ago
+Jacob Side (C4Mercs) I'm also keeping alk at 9 dkh and Ca at 425-450
Jacob Side
Jacob Side - 8 years ago
+Jacob Side (C4Mercs) I'm dosing BRS bulk sodium bicarbonate & calcium chloride.
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
I understand but if you are dosing true two part like i have in my videos 240ml is a shit ton. I know guys with 250 gallon full sps tanks who dont does that much. Still those numbers dont add up for me.
Jacob Side
Jacob Side - 8 years ago
+FishOfHex brand new test kits. Just bought in the last 2 weeks. I'm in the process of getting everything stable after months of neglecting the tank.
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
Something is not adding up. Thats almost 100ml more than i dose daily and my tank is full of sps. Id double check your test kits.
Bay Area Reefs
Bay Area Reefs - 8 years ago
So is that total water volume divided by 25 then times by 15 is that for all tanks I have a 20 gallon tank ?
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
Np Best of luck
Bay Area Reefs
Bay Area Reefs - 8 years ago
+FishOfHex nice you know I did the math on my own and came up with 11 that's what I was dosing ,so it is like 9 with that formula so I was close thanks
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
Thats a starting dose for medium stocked LPS/SPS Tank. Yes total water volume divided by 25 times by 15. Test in about a week adjust up or down. Every system will require a different amount.
Bay Area Reefs
Bay Area Reefs - 8 years ago
I have 19 pounds of live rock
Quintessential Studios
Quintessential Studios - 8 years ago
Can you show how you have the lines going into the tank or sump or wherever?
Quintessential Studios
Quintessential Studios - 8 years ago
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
I'll get that out within the week if thats cool
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
Sure i can make that video for ya, I use two ebay dosing line holders that allow the line to drip into the return section bypassing any probes.
Luis Soto Soto
Luis Soto Soto - 8 years ago
Hi fishOfHex i like your video that how to does, i got my tank im new with the dosing pump, i really know how much do i need to does, my tank is 145gal, i am dosing cal, kh and mg. i am dosing 5 time a day 10 ml of kh, 3 time a day 10ml of ca and 2 time in a week 5 ml of mg, my schedule is everyday kh 3 am, 7 am, 12 pm, 5 pm, 10 pm. 10 ml each, Ca everyday 10 am, 3 pm, 8 pm 10 ml each, and twice a week Mg 2 pm, 12 am. you can see my tank in the link. i Hope you can help me
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
I dose the majority of my 2 part at night to help stabilize PH swings along with running a refugium at night. I dose 1ml of both cal and alk while lights are on. Just how iv done it and it works well for me.
Luis Soto Soto
Luis Soto Soto - 8 years ago
+FishOfHex thanks yesterday i watch the video some times to learn how, but why at night?
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
Start off with 15ml per 25 gallons of actual water volume. so take total water volume - rock and that will be close. You want to dose Equal part of Cal and Alk daily. I personally dose the majority at night I do have videos on this channel going over my dosing schedule. Spread the dosing out for exp i dose 10ml cal on the hour every hour all night and every half house i dose 10ml of alk the same way. I also dose mag 1 time every day a very small amount. After you figured out what you want to do regarding the amounts and times you will need to test in about a week to see how the tanks levels are if they are low bump up both cal and alk. Remember always dose equal parts of both bc the tank uses them up equally. Let me know if this helps.
Lisa DeMayo
Lisa DeMayo - 8 years ago
where do you drip your Kh and Calcium into? do you put it into your sump or into your tank above near a powerhead with a longer piece of tubing?
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
+Lisa DeMayo Everything including redsea colors program is all dosed into the last overflow chamber in the sump before the return pump.

30. comment for Tips For Dosing A Reef Tank. SPS & LPS corals

sbazain - 8 years ago
i have a 150 with sump take away rocks about 130 gl. system its at 8 dkh right now how much alk would i need daily to maintain it at 8 dkh i just can't figure it out
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
+sbazain it all depends on how much coral you have in the system but a good starting point is 15ml per 25 gallons of water of both cal and alk daily. check levels once a week and make equal adjustments of both as needed.
Reefology 101
Reefology 101 - 8 years ago
Great info on dosing thanks!
Freddy Delgado
Freddy Delgado - 8 years ago
What brand is it .? I got the cadloght and I'm hating it so far .
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
+Freddy Delgado its a two little fishies reactor that has been made into a biopellet reactor
Freddy Delgado
Freddy Delgado - 8 years ago
Hi. Please tell me about the biopellets reactor !
Freddy Delgado
Freddy Delgado - 8 years ago
+FishOfHex thank u so much !! Please keep me posted !
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
+Freddy Delgado I can do an indepth video soon if thats what you are asking
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
+Freddy Delgado what would you like to know?
915Mang - 8 years ago
Great videos man, good stuff. KILL SHIT,lol. But its true. Im gonna get one of those dosers, are you still doing water changes weekly? And about how much does it throw off the dosers when you do a water change?
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
+915Mang I do about a 25 gallon water change every two weeks and it has no effect.
Ruffles777 - 9 years ago
How much you well dosing for 20 gallon with 12 pounds live rock I ready do the test calcium kh mg but I'm still don't Khow how many ml dosing and I just buy dosing pump this week so I don't Khow if you can help me like that
Yoshukai Tony
Yoshukai Tony - 7 years ago
FishOfHex hi Travis I have a 60 gallons cube with 20 sump , I have 50 pound of rock with couples corals 2 frogspawn 3 small montipora 2 anemone, 1zoa 15 snail 15 hermit crab 2 shrimp so I started to dose my reading before dosing
Alk= 9.1
Cal= 450
Mag= 1420

I started to dose 15 ml equal part with Jebao pump after couples hours my reading went up by
Alk= 9.5
Cal= 475
So my question is should I lower the dose to 10 ml to get those number down?
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
+brinks128 I also go with 15ml a day per 25 gallons of water.
brinks128 - 8 years ago
+FishOfHex what was the math part again...? To figure out how many ml is needed
FishOfHex - 9 years ago
+Rafael Vega Im not sure what you currently have in the tank for coral but its best to start slow with so little water volume. I recommend 5-10ml Per Day spaced out of both cal and alk. Check your levels once a week and adjust. In a week if you find your levels are going down or if say alk is low but calcium is high add more of both and it will even itself out. Try that and let me know what happens and we can adjust.

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