Tips For Dosing A Reef Tank. SPS & LPS corals
Reef tank 9 years ago 44,270 views
Tips on how to dose a lps and sps reef tank using two part and jebao dp4 dosing pumps. Im currently using brs two part and red sea color program as well as red sea reef energy program. I dose seachem reef plus along with live phytoplankton all dosed from an external refrigerator. Thank You for watching my videos, If you feel they are helpful please Subscribe for more. Follow me on Aquatic Log:
Am dosing by hand like every three days and what am about to do is see the total amount of mls that I dose in a month and then divided by the total days in a month , that way I will know +- how much will be daily.
Who you think Travis?
Any recommendations in wish calcium reactor is good for my RedSea Max S-650 LED am not looking for a medium cheap one am looking for a good one that will be responding to my tank needs
Thank you!
I can't seem to get my pumps calibrated. They are driving me nuts.
10. comment for Tips For Dosing A Reef Tank. SPS & LPS corals
I Use Red Sea Pro Salt and i got pH 8,3 alk 9,5 ca 430 mg 1420 NO3 0,5 ppm PO4 <0,03 ppm
20. comment for Tips For Dosing A Reef Tank. SPS & LPS corals
30. comment for Tips For Dosing A Reef Tank. SPS & LPS corals
Alk= 9.1
Cal= 450
Mag= 1420
I started to dose 15 ml equal part with Jebao pump after couples hours my reading went up by
Alk= 9.5
Cal= 475
So my question is should I lower the dose to 10 ml to get those number down?