Ultimate 120 Gallon Reef Tank: The Setup! Ep 5

Up-close look at my equipment on the reef tank and how I laid it out.

Ultimate 120 Gallon Reef Tank: The Setup! Ep 5 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2

Reef tank 7 years ago 4,885 views

Up-close look at my equipment on the reef tank and how I laid it out.

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Most popular comments
for Ultimate 120 Gallon Reef Tank: The Setup! Ep 5

J B - 7 years ago
Nice setup!
narinder bhurji
narinder bhurji - 7 years ago
Looks amazing
Barrett Seal
Barrett Seal - 7 years ago
Thank you! Update soon!
Superyellowtang - 7 years ago
Amazing setup buddy plenty of money spent
rcher72 - 7 years ago
Why did you change from the 180? How tall is that stand?
Barrett Seal
Barrett Seal - 7 years ago
Well, it just ups all the costs (maintenance, equipment, livestock, coral) all the costs go up. I mean im not one to shy around from spending a buck but it's just a tad bit ridiculous. the 120 is the sweet spot for me.
rcher72 - 7 years ago
Barrett Seal well dang I wanted to upgrade from my 90 to a 180. I was worried about maintenance difference.
Barrett Seal
Barrett Seal - 7 years ago
rcher72 180 was too much maintenance and the stand is 42 high.
Ramiro Reyes
Ramiro Reyes - 7 years ago
Love your setup!!!!
Sam B
Sam B - 7 years ago
that would be funny if he just turns it to a softy or fish only
Sam B
Sam B - 7 years ago
I know I said that as a joke because it is such a high tech tank congrats its beautiful. GO SPS
Barrett Seal
Barrett Seal - 7 years ago
Sam Boraks lol not really! Sps going strong!
luffy - 7 years ago
Ever thought of doing a cheato reactor? nice set up, i wish to own a setup like this in the future
Barrett Seal
Barrett Seal - 7 years ago
I haven't thought it yet but can look into it! Thanks for comment !
Andrew Hales
Andrew Hales - 7 years ago
How did you make your canopy? Looks great!
Barrett Seal
Barrett Seal - 7 years ago
I used an aluminum frame and then a wood facade and just wired it all up. I have video of it but it's kind of boring of how I did it. Thanks thouh
GreatLakeReefer - 7 years ago
how many watts is your heater? like your set up man. may steal some ideas!
Barrett Seal
Barrett Seal - 7 years ago
500 Watt finnex titanium heater. Thanks man!

10. comment for Ultimate 120 Gallon Reef Tank: The Setup! Ep 5

jayme alcay
jayme alcay - 7 years ago
Wow awesome looks really nice I guarantee the Aqua scape will look even better.
Barrett Seal
Barrett Seal - 7 years ago
Thanks Jayme!
Kreger's Aquariums
Kreger's Aquariums - 7 years ago
Subbed. Well organized system. Nice work!
Barrett Seal
Barrett Seal - 7 years ago
Kreger's Reef thanks sir!
Phyl Thomas
Phyl Thomas - 7 years ago
clean build!
Barrett Seal
Barrett Seal - 7 years ago
Phyl Thomas I appreciate that! New content coming soon!
jackwhitetron - 7 years ago
Wow man! Great Job!
R e e f f r e d
R e e f f r e d - 7 years ago
Very well mounted congratulations !!!
Mark Burchell
Mark Burchell - 7 years ago
Great looking setup. I just broke down my 75 and getting ready to start a 120. My first stand was a cluster of piping and wires. I have been looking all over youtube for ideas on how to clean it up and yours is definitely up there. Looking forward to more videos.
Barrett Seal
Barrett Seal - 7 years ago
Thanks for stopping by Mark. Hope I could help.
Hugo Snell
Hugo Snell - 7 years ago
Maybe add a fan to ventilate the sump area? Powerbar and humidity...
Barrett Seal
Barrett Seal - 7 years ago
I just added a CO2 scrubber. Looks good so far! I agree though I need a fan!
ReeferGil - 7 years ago
Super well thought out, loving the setup! How tall is your stand?
Barrett Seal
Barrett Seal - 7 years ago
ReeferGil thanks sir! It's about 42 tall.
UltraReef's Channel
UltraReef's Channel - 7 years ago
Thanks for your service sir. Awesome set up so far, besides tank size, you went balls out. Guess I will have to watch your other vids to figure out exactly what you want to stock in your tank. Looking forward to the progression.
UltraReef's Channel
UltraReef's Channel - 7 years ago
Very cool, thanks for your response. I totally understand. I've been reefing since the late 80's and got out about 10 years ago. I decided to jump back in last September after I went on a long overdue dive trip. To make a long story short, I'm moving in less than a year, so I went smallish with a 93 cube to make it easier to move. I really miss a 6 foot tank, but have to wait until I'm moved. So do you talk about in any of your vids what kind of animals you plan on stocking your tank with?
Barrett Seal
Barrett Seal - 7 years ago
Thanks man! Yeah, I don't have time to maintain a gigantic tank and I wanted to be able to focus on it without it being overwhelming. I will have a running tank video here soon. The tank is now 3 weeks old so I will be doing it shortly. Thanks for stopping by!
Nado - 7 years ago
subbed, cant wait to see this thing with water already
Barrett Seal
Barrett Seal - 7 years ago
Nado soon sir!

20. comment for Ultimate 120 Gallon Reef Tank: The Setup! Ep 5

Robert Luebke
Robert Luebke - 7 years ago
looks clean but in my opinion it need way more flow and o2 gas exchange.....
Robert Luebke
Robert Luebke - 7 years ago
Barrett Seal ya 1720 gph in one direction hitting each other's flow in the middle. Part of the reason of the flow is to not let fish crap lay on the sand bed, under rocks, or in the corners of the tank. A few other pumps moving in different directions will mean way less maintenance. Point them towards the surface(which will help the PH) then in the middle of the tank where you have them pointing and then some pointing down to the bottom of the tank. Its a great looking aquarium man. I wish I could find room in my apt for that. No disrespect. Ive been cleaning and maintaining tanks for years and years.
Barrett Seal
Barrett Seal - 7 years ago
I'm interested in what you've said. More flow than a 1720 gph return pump and 2 mp40s? I'm all ears brother! I'm only year two in this hobby.
reyji deguzman
reyji deguzman - 7 years ago
Looks good
Arrick L
Arrick L - 7 years ago
Nice. Finally watched all 5 episodes. Have 2 questions. Is there any other openings in the cabinet to let fresh air i. to help the ph? I beleive you said you were gonna close up the front. Also are you gonna put something between the tank and stand? You showed that little gap and I would hate to see you do all this and have your tank crack and the wife end your hobby lol.
Barrett Seal
Barrett Seal - 7 years ago
So I put little acrylic tabs in the gaps and it works great. The tank sits real nice on the stand so not real worried! As far as pH, I'll probably put a fan in there, Theres a hole where my returns come into my sump area so that provides some ventilation. Thanks for watching man!
reef guy 92
reef guy 92 - 7 years ago
I take it your a big fan of BRS
Barrett Seal
Barrett Seal - 7 years ago
haha, i dont mean to be, but i buy a lot of my crap from there. And they're customer service is on point lol
rob sool Aquatics
rob sool Aquatics - 7 years ago
I subbed you I like to see more videos. I run Kessel and reefbrite I love them. they sure have a lot of Shimmer and that's what I like is the Shimmer
rob sool Aquatics
rob sool Aquatics - 7 years ago
nice-looking Aquarium set up swing by when you got a chance I'm building a 600-gallon multiple tank strictly saltwater man cave in my home
Barrett Seal
Barrett Seal - 7 years ago
What are you talking about ? Short fuse there guy.
rob sool Aquatics
rob sool Aquatics - 7 years ago
+Barrett Seal (The Sealed Reef) LOL you act like you have 10"000 subscribers you're rolling with what 55 lol. have a nice day
Barrett Seal
Barrett Seal - 7 years ago
If you live in OKC sure will bud!
MikeTheReefer - 7 years ago
Looks great! Super clean setup
Barrett Seal
Barrett Seal - 7 years ago
Thanks Mike!
Northwestern Reefer
Northwestern Reefer - 7 years ago
be careful with where you have your heater. I had mine in the same spot and one day my return pump ran dry and having the heater in the return it died too.

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