Update on Mr. Saltwater Tank's 448 Gallon Mixed Reef Tank

Someone told me I had been off YouTube so a bit. Here's where I've been and how my tank has fared while I've been gone

Update on Mr. Saltwater Tank's 448 Gallon Mixed Reef Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 25

Reef tank 6 years ago 24,649 views

Someone told me I had been off YouTube so a bit. Here's where I've been and how my tank has fared while I've been gone

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Most popular comments
for Update on Mr. Saltwater Tank's 448 Gallon Mixed Reef Tank

JewishCoupon - 6 years ago
TheReefGuy5 - 6 years ago
Do you run a calcium reactor, or dosing pumps?
OceanLife69 - 6 years ago
Love the video brother! Great update. It's awesome that you're busy, since it means that that you are creating a great and solid future for your self. Tank is looking amazing!
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 6 years ago
Lex Lutha111384
Lex Lutha111384 - 6 years ago
seems like yesterday I was watching Mark set up his new SWC Cone skimmer in his 90 gallon
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 6 years ago
feels like forever ago to me!
HCBchemistry - 6 years ago
What salt are you using?
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 6 years ago
Fritz Pro Reef, blue box
just for fun RSK VIDEOS
just for fun RSK VIDEOS - 6 years ago
Hi all.. I treated my fishes with cupramine., wen they are infected with ich... And I got succeeded in doing it.
Have a look https://youtu.be/Pf4aZGrf4jA
Rick Baker
Rick Baker - 6 years ago
MARK, what ever happened to your experiment on no water changes??????????????
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 6 years ago
I restarted water changes as I thought the tank looked better with them.
Joe Newton
Joe Newton - 6 years ago
tmnichols3 - 6 years ago
Nice update vid! Can you share your tank params? Ca/Alk/Mag/Salinity? Thanks!

10. comment for Update on Mr. Saltwater Tank's 448 Gallon Mixed Reef Tank

Brett Abbott
Brett Abbott - 6 years ago
I know you hate cords in the tank, but I think on that far side, a couple gyre pumps would look better than the Vortechs. It would keep the glass free of anything and the cord would tuck right up into your canopy. You'd hardly see it. You can absolutely "see cords in the tank" on that far glass side. They just happen to be on the outside.
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 6 years ago
I used one for a while. Cleaning it was a b*** and I couldn't stand seeing any cords in the tank. Completely ruined the look
Dennis Foo
Dennis Foo - 6 years ago
when your post showed up on my feed - i tot it was an old post haha. had to look twice to notice that it was new.
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 6 years ago
Yes, I know...it's been a while!
joe0813 - 6 years ago
damn wish I went with the radion gen 4 pro instead of the giesemann spectra
justreallybored - 6 years ago
you are home more days per month than me.
dan hill
dan hill - 6 years ago
you have to pay the bills
greg french
greg french - 6 years ago
nicely done as always
eFISHancy - 6 years ago
You look drunk or dishevelled in this video. Hope you're doing well.
Salt Creep TV
Salt Creep TV - 6 years ago
Great to see you back. I’ve really enjoyed your videos over the years and have been inspired by them.
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 6 years ago
thanks. Awesome username BTW
TechFigure - 6 years ago
So cute dawg!
jtt4chem - 6 years ago
Even though I recently got out of the hobby, I have learned a lot from your videos and had a pretty successful run for several years. I am glad to see how your reef has progressed and looking forward to the new content.
jtt4chem - 6 years ago
Busy 12 hour work schedule with swing shifts, hernia surgery, and a bit of burnout. My tank became over run with sps colonies and I had a hard time trading frags with other hobbyists and LFS. The customer service at a few of my LFS really put a damper on any remaining enthusiasm I had for the hobby. I would walk into a store and be treated as if I weren't even there. I swore off ever doing business with those stores. I knew my surgery would keep me from properly maintaining the reef so I donated the livestock and rock to a store I had never been to. On the plus side my dart frogs are being upgraded to a 100 gallon vivarium and I have a growing collection of tarantulas to take care of.
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 6 years ago
why did you get out the hobby?

20. comment for Update on Mr. Saltwater Tank's 448 Gallon Mixed Reef Tank

thomas cobos
thomas cobos - 6 years ago
missed you Mark! Welcome back!!
Adam Silversmith
Adam Silversmith - 6 years ago
does your Harlequin tusk eat shrimp? I want one but scared it may eat my fire and cleaner shrimps. Thanks!
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 6 years ago
He might. I don't have any in the tank.
St Tr
St Tr - 6 years ago
I'm glad you're back .
Ray Byrd
Ray Byrd - 6 years ago
Sweet video!
Sal Pal
Sal Pal - 6 years ago
Good to see you on the air again.
James Weil
James Weil - 6 years ago
Welcome back Mark, sorry to hear about your dog. Won't be going to makna this year oh, I have no interest in going to Vegas.
Fadi Abu Tahoun
Fadi Abu Tahoun - 6 years ago
Finally an Update !!! its been a While. Great Tank!! and Thanks for the very informative video. and hope to see you anytime soon in the Arab Region.
Fadi Abu Tahoun
Fadi Abu Tahoun - 6 years ago
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV so come visit and we will send you back to the US with one year supply of honey and bread
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 6 years ago
Without that bread and honey, I've been struggling to get by!
Steven Porritt
Steven Porritt - 6 years ago
great tank. water change schedule while you are away? how often and how much do you feed your fish? I think I overfeed based on my NO3 and PO4 levels.
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 6 years ago
my water changes are done automatically with my Apex. I feed twice a day.
jcdeng - 6 years ago
Bo is so cute! make a channel for him pls
battyjoe - 6 years ago
Good to see you back :)
(Your tip when you were in Dubai about the potassium didn't work :( Just one of those things and ended up breaking down the tank and restarting. Slowly slowly ... )

30. comment for Update on Mr. Saltwater Tank's 448 Gallon Mixed Reef Tank

Nicolas Melia
Nicolas Melia - 6 years ago
What do you do for a living? Are you a teacher?
Nicolas Melia
Nicolas Melia - 6 years ago
lucky :)
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 6 years ago
Mr. Saltwater Tank is what I do for a living
Drama D
Drama D - 6 years ago
About time :), your pyramid acts like mine hehehe
Adam Wride
Adam Wride - 6 years ago
What floor is that huge take on? Concrete?
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 6 years ago
The tank is over my garage.
Ash - 6 years ago
Finally Mark u r back and welcome. Sorry to hear about your dog and Bart is cute....the tank has progressed well since it's installation....keep the vids coming
Cochise Star
Cochise Star - 6 years ago
Awesome was worried about you. Glad all is well. Any corals you don't want yr welcome to send my way lol. I want them all lmao. Beautiful tank I've been watching you for yrs it's amazing how far you have gone.
Steven Lu
Steven Lu - 6 years ago
Mark I was going to message you and ask if you're okay XD. Glad you're doing well!
Arrick L
Arrick L - 6 years ago
Good to finally see an update. Been subscribed for years so I know you have blown up and are super busy so I'm thankful for the once a year update lol. Btw don't get rid of any corals with all these bans there no telling if you will see it again.
Gaz Jones
Gaz Jones - 6 years ago
About time! Forgot you were still alive
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 6 years ago
so did my tank!
Gardening and Goldfish
Gardening and Goldfish - 6 years ago
No, we gave up our salties for goldfish... Must not watch this video... Must not watch...
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 6 years ago
Plenty of good homes for goldfish out there. Reefs...not so much!
zinovate1 - 6 years ago
Get back to work!!!! We want new content.
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 6 years ago
yes dad...
Tom ́s Hobbys
Tom ́s Hobbys - 6 years ago
Nice to see your videos again.
Fun With Reefing
Fun With Reefing - 6 years ago
I thought you quit the hobby...
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 6 years ago
no way!
Narcosis saltwater aquarium
Narcosis saltwater aquarium - 6 years ago
We all missed u man can u please produce more for us
Eddie Cruz
Eddie Cruz - 6 years ago
Nice to see you
david delay
david delay - 6 years ago
I'm glad you back and see the updates are you going to Maca in Las Vegas in September?
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 6 years ago
I am speaking at MACNA in September
michael stanilov
michael stanilov - 6 years ago
Welcome back!!
Tony's reef keeping
Tony's reef keeping - 6 years ago
Nice to see an update.
RedSeaReef - 6 years ago
RIP Bart
Jeff Bronson
Jeff Bronson - 6 years ago
Great that you're back!
Meier'sReefs - 6 years ago
Nice Update Marc. Bo Looks French Bull Dog cross with maybe Botson

50. comment for Update on Mr. Saltwater Tank's 448 Gallon Mixed Reef Tank

TBass Japs
TBass Japs - 6 years ago
Sorry to hear your dog passed. Your tank is growing stronger and maturing well. Regards
mitian - 6 years ago
Welcome back- Nice Update! - Sorry about your dog! Great new looking dog!
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 6 years ago
Make sure you say hi @MACNA!
Oleff Jimenez
Oleff Jimenez - 6 years ago
Mr. STTV welcome back. Kinda disappointed you didn't show us what you have built it would of been awesome to see your build. Anywho after 3 years of following you I finally built my 130gallon take. I really did you a lot of the info you have gone over the years and help me start with minimal problems. Thanks for everything and don't forget about us.
Oleff Jimenez
Oleff Jimenez - 6 years ago
I meant your clients. They looked great.
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 6 years ago
Oleff...this show is about my build.
Aqua Splendor
Aqua Splendor - 6 years ago
Great to get you back :)
Sorry for your dog, and hello to this cutie :)
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 6 years ago
It was Bart's time. We enjoyed several great years with him
Terry Runyon
Terry Runyon - 6 years ago
Your tank is phenomenal!
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 6 years ago
USMC Reefer
USMC Reefer - 6 years ago
Finally!!!!! Lol looking great
Brandon Evans
Brandon Evans - 6 years ago
Thanks for the video! I have missed them. lol. I saw your tusk and thought exactly that. Might just have to add one to my tank.
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 6 years ago
make sure you get a Harlequin tusk from Australia. Much more colorful than the Indonesia ones
Blindshootist - 6 years ago
lol shirts always on point.. awesome tank!
Adrian Wayne
Adrian Wayne - 6 years ago
Awesome Tank
jluu saltwater aquarium
jluu saltwater aquarium - 6 years ago
Can I ask you something sir what is best lights for saltwater aquarium for 34 gallon tank can you help me sir Thanks..
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 6 years ago
For your size tank, check out NanoBox Reef
Rogue Aquariums
Rogue Aquariums - 6 years ago
Your corals have responded well over the year and have grown very nicely. Do you have any problems with the MP40's staying together with the thickness of your tank?
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 6 years ago
Martin Chandler
Martin Chandler - 6 years ago
Loved the update its been way too long I also love your fish additions especially the swallowtails.
Thomas Poindexter
Thomas Poindexter - 6 years ago
Missed you man! You were the very first YouTuber I watch when I got into the hobby.
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 6 years ago
Thanks for sticking with me!
akhilennium - 6 years ago
Ah you're alive!
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 6 years ago
Brian Goldstein
Brian Goldstein - 6 years ago
R.I.P. Bart :(
Brandon Gordon
Brandon Gordon - 6 years ago
The growth!! :O
Gb J
Gb J - 6 years ago
Yeah just do quick in edited vids if that's what it takes to get more updates : )
Just use ur phone and video tape ur tank builds : )
Alan Minton
Alan Minton - 6 years ago
Jhoan Zuleta
Jhoan Zuleta - 6 years ago
Yes finally a new video like always super cool tank
Jhoan Zuleta
Jhoan Zuleta - 6 years ago
Hello mr mark just a small question about my saltwater tank well right now I only got a clownfish because first I rush to quick and put some coral in my fluval evo 13.5 and I saw a video that raising your
Ph the coral grow more well no it kill everything in my tank except my clown fish now I want to have coral and try to maintain it but I need help and how to keep them and what chemical I have to have every day used specially for this type of tank and light which you know because of your last video about the fluval evo and please can you help me and how to start with having coral thank you
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 6 years ago
anthonyloera24 - 6 years ago
Finally so happy for the new video tank looks freaking awesome. I feel like why everybody stop making videos you're like one of the last ones out there still.
K-reef Aquarium hobby
K-reef Aquarium hobby - 6 years ago
Great update! Tank is looking awsome!
Lisa DiMercurio
Lisa DiMercurio - 6 years ago
Your tank is spectacular as always. Sorry to hear Bart passed away. How are the other humans in your family doing?
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 6 years ago
growing up WAY to fast.
Mario Guillen
Mario Guillen - 6 years ago
Great to see you back me and my son enjoy your videos very much always great videos
Justin Nguyen
Justin Nguyen - 6 years ago
Glad your back at videos! Your tank is looking strong as per usual!
Michelle Molash
Michelle Molash - 6 years ago
So good to see you again. Thanks for the video.
gord oland
gord oland - 6 years ago
The new client builds you teased us with look awesome!
Sean Holmes
Sean Holmes - 6 years ago
Happy to see you back
Bob Ellis
Bob Ellis - 6 years ago
We missed ya man.. tank looks great!!
IbeSyke - 6 years ago
First one here !

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The "Update on Mr. Saltwater Tank's 448 Gallon Mixed Reef Tank" video is part of the reef tank, salt water category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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