Update on My College Reef Tank - (RARE NEW CORALS!)

World Wide Corals: https://worldwidecorals.com/ Reefapalooza Orlando: http://www.reefapaloozashow.net/orlando/ In this CoralFish12g video my clownfish go worldwide! I receive and unbox some unbelievable coral frags from World Wide Corals. They shipped everything perfectly, and all the corals look really healthy. I hope you guys enjoy this update of my college nano reef! I've had the tank set up in my college dorm room for the last 2 years. Thank you to WWC for helping me with this huge coral haul! Info on my 10 Gallon Custom Nano Reef Tank: https://www.coralfishsupplies.com/nano-reefertm-signature-aio-aquarium-10-gallons.html Rockwork: Bonsai Tree by West Mariculture Sand Type: Fiji Pink from CaribSea Lighting: EcoTech Marine Radion XR15w Pro Protein Skimmer: Reef Glass Nano Protein Skimmer Filter Media: GFO & Purigen CoralFish12g.com: http://www.coralfish12g.com CoralFish12g Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/coralfish12g/ CoralFish12g Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coralfish12g/

Update on My College Reef Tank - (RARE NEW CORALS!) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 69

Reef tank 7 years ago 52,040 views

World Wide Corals: https://worldwidecorals.com/ Reefapalooza Orlando: http://www.reefapaloozashow.net/orlando/ In this CoralFish12g video my clownfish go worldwide! I receive and unbox some unbelievable coral frags from World Wide Corals. They shipped everything perfectly, and all the corals look really healthy. I hope you guys enjoy this update of my college nano reef! I've had the tank set up in my college dorm room for the last 2 years. Thank you to WWC for helping me with this huge coral haul! Info on my 10 Gallon Custom Nano Reef Tank: https://www.coralfishsupplies.com/nano-reefertm-signature-aio-aquarium-10-gallons.html Rockwork: Bonsai Tree by West Mariculture Sand Type: Fiji Pink from CaribSea Lighting: EcoTech Marine Radion XR15w Pro Protein Skimmer: Reef Glass Nano Protein Skimmer Filter Media: GFO & Purigen CoralFish12g.com: http://www.coralfish12g.com CoralFish12g Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/coralfish12g/ CoralFish12g Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coralfish12g/

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Most popular comments
for Update on My College Reef Tank - (RARE NEW CORALS!)

CoralFish12g - 7 years ago
Hey guys! You can find in-depth information on my tank in the description above! I'm just out here trying to provide the best for my clownfish, so one day they can get even more triple doubles than Russel Westbrook! What's your favorite coral? What'd you think of the video? Let me know! George OUT!
JcSH2o - 7 years ago
Josh SaltEmpire Duval Absolutely.
hustlecoral vlogs
hustlecoral vlogs - 7 years ago
lol cant wait to see your salt tanks !
JcSH2o - 7 years ago
Josh SaltEmpire Duval No need to get bitter. But anyone here will tell you doing a water change doesn't remove your nitrifying bacteria.
Have a good one.
hustlecoral vlogs
hustlecoral vlogs - 7 years ago
I must not know anything... not sure how I keep all my coral and fish growing so quick with good parameters in my tanks Not sure if Im ready to handle 200 gallons in my kitchen or my aquaculture facility build maybe what I typed made you think of something completely diff and I could have explained or said differently but do as you please :) let me know how it goes :)
JcSH2o - 7 years ago
+Josh SaltEmpire Duval lol everyone knows BB doesn't live in the water. Thanks though man.
hustlecoral vlogs
hustlecoral vlogs - 7 years ago
Biological nitrifying bacteria
The Sumnation
The Sumnation - 7 years ago
Hey George! How do you raise nitrates and phosphates a tiny bit? I watched your other vid saying you should keep a tiny amount of this in your tank.
JcSH2o - 7 years ago
CoralFish12g Love the knowledge you share! I'm new to salt, but I am learning and preparing to start a low tech nano. That being said, I have kept freshwater of every type imaginable for 25+ years.
I keeping reading/hearing that in reef tanks, doing large water changes are a bad thing. What exactly makes this bad? Assuming the new water is correctly mixed and the 'holy trinity' of alk calc and mag test true before hand, why is it bad? I'm only curious, as in freshwater doing water changes are vital to the overall health of the system. What is inside of the 'aged' water column that we are trying to limit removal of? Or is it something to do with what's inside of the 'new' water? Thanks for the help!
JcSH2o - 7 years ago
CoralFish12g I'm considering setting up a 12gal long tank. It will be my first adventure into salt. I'm thinking very basic, with corals and a cleanup crew... Maybe one shrimp.
I'm reading about so many different opinions on filtration, from none at all to aquaclear modded for the Tunze 9001.... I'm curious if you (or anyone) has any suggestions. Thanks!
patrick couch
patrick couch - 7 years ago
CoralFish12g nice
AusReef Guy
AusReef Guy - 7 years ago
CoralFish12g yo george, how long do you think before youll be removing the corals from the plugs and putting them in there forever homes ? should do an update once there all glued down !! great selection of corals so far !!
chris bunn
chris bunn - 7 years ago
Over what kind of timeline did you add all of this to your tank and has it crashed?
Siguy Studios
Siguy Studios - 7 years ago
It looks awesome
Siguy Studios
Siguy Studios - 7 years ago
What coral did you get and do the clownfish like it
Da Alpha Wolf
Da Alpha Wolf - 7 years ago
My IQ literally dropped watching this video your not funny!
Squash Man!!
Squash Man!! - 7 years ago
What are the ones on 3:03 that are 2nd starting from the left
Antoine Fuqua
Antoine Fuqua - 7 years ago
George you're fucking great bro because of you im starting my first reef tank tomorrow.
Video Game Pancake
Video Game Pancake - 7 years ago
That intro was hilarious.
PJ Mason
PJ Mason - 7 years ago
Where did you order the clear frag rack from?

10. comment for Update on My College Reef Tank - (RARE NEW CORALS!)

duncan and his fish
duncan and his fish - 7 years ago
casper was our cover. when the artillery started me and scarlet lost him. haven't seen our boy since but he still hooking us up with lit corals.
Jessica Kalan
Jessica Kalan - 7 years ago
I love him sm
Aaron J
Aaron J - 7 years ago
What the fuck are those sounds
Stephen Singh
Stephen Singh - 7 years ago
frog spawn
XxFAZEJADE xX - 7 years ago
We have 2 tangs
Lisa DiMercurio
Lisa DiMercurio - 7 years ago
great job
Matthew Stuart
Matthew Stuart - 7 years ago
My favorite Coarl is a Skullie, and Acans keep up the good work Gorge
Diabetic Megan
Diabetic Megan - 7 years ago
So you blink
Tanner Bradford
Tanner Bradford - 7 years ago
How much have you spent total with the tank, equipment, and coral/fish?
Brett's Reef Tank
Brett's Reef Tank - 7 years ago
Tanner Bradford well the light is $400 the light mount is $90. I think the tank is $350 I think he had an mp10wqd which is $285
HermannTheGreat - 7 years ago
A year later but the corals you featured a year ago didn't look grown at all.. guessing several died.

20. comment for Update on My College Reef Tank - (RARE NEW CORALS!)

Quackin Panda
Quackin Panda - 7 years ago
These movie edits remind me of top 10 channels
Sébastien Allard
Sébastien Allard - 7 years ago
Kateri Hereford
Kateri Hereford - 7 years ago
lol the beginning
Donovan Del
Donovan Del - 7 years ago
Hi, where did you get the dry rock, shelf pieces with frag holes?
Julian Monks
Julian Monks - 7 years ago
Send me the clowns
tute carbini
tute carbini - 7 years ago
what settings do you use on the lights?
Joey Bekius
Joey Bekius - 7 years ago
Favorite coral ding dang acropora
javier The panda
javier The panda - 7 years ago
I would say a seabae anemone but it isint a coral lol but I would say a Pom Pom xenia
Blumac5 - 7 years ago
So far we got a 300gallon tank on the living room, salt water.
Blumac5 - 7 years ago
Im getting one of these in my room soon!!

30. comment for Update on My College Reef Tank - (RARE NEW CORALS!)

Steven Hussey
Steven Hussey - 7 years ago
IMO, keep to the info and avoid the cheap entertainment. Informative vids otherwise!
Ariel delagarzafox
Ariel delagarzafox - 7 years ago
TopSecretToys - 7 years ago
Who's Casper the white tang
REEFTUBE - 7 years ago
The tank looks awesome
Mikebeast 26
Mikebeast 26 - 7 years ago
How do you put the coral in the tanks
Ted R.
Ted R. - 7 years ago
Get rid of those ugly frag plugs. It'll also give you more room for coral.
Xavier Frisbey
Xavier Frisbey - 7 years ago
Are those Wyoming Whites?
Xavier Frisbey
Xavier Frisbey - 7 years ago
That beginning part was so funny.
Sayantan Roy
Sayantan Roy - 7 years ago
ive a qstn to ask..im a newbie at this hobie..ive a RO+uv+uf system for drinking water...can i use it for reef tank? evryone at my place recommded me using rodi water..i jst wanna knw is my purifier capable ?or do i need to buy a rodi unit?
Evelina Sandström
Evelina Sandström - 7 years ago
How ethical is this hobby really, what about The environmental effects?
hustlecoral vlogs
hustlecoral vlogs - 7 years ago
thats why we aquaculture coral ... :) save the reefs
Christian Hunter
Christian Hunter - 7 years ago
the beginning
Gary Hayden
Gary Hayden - 7 years ago
Have your clownfish fought at all in your tank yet?

My clowns look like yours except they have a spot of orange on the back of their tails. Do you know what kind those are? Liking the colors in your tank.
Wonderful Pleco
Wonderful Pleco - 7 years ago
aaaaaaaaaaaaand Subbed
Meldium - 7 years ago
This guy right here... George STOP GROWING ALREADY!!!! You are making me feel OLD!!!!
Good job buddy. Your College tank looks amazing as always.
love the editing, made me laugh.
I dont know if you are going to the RAP New York on June. But if you do I really hope to finally meet you. I've been following you since almost you started in the hobby.
Take Care buddy!
High 5!
weewtwet etwetwe
weewtwet etwetwe - 7 years ago
i want to see ur 20 g peninsula tank
Hassany Gotay
Hassany Gotay - 7 years ago
Please do a jellyfish update!!
multisturge - 7 years ago
Any update on the jellies? How are they? I just got a cubic 20 (no space and can't afford cubic 80) and my 4 moon jellies came today. They're so cool :)
Expert Aquatic
Expert Aquatic - 7 years ago
Can u please give me a discount on your to RO/DI system please George
guille creus
guille creus - 7 years ago
Hey George, I love your vids... Could u do a video about the supplements you use in your reef tank?
Mohammed Al Hadher
Mohammed Al Hadher - 7 years ago
Please give us an update about the new corals you got!!!

50. comment for Update on My College Reef Tank - (RARE NEW CORALS!)

Shishilan Pasalan
Shishilan Pasalan - 7 years ago
the intro is cringey and funny
Jamey Maddox
Jamey Maddox - 7 years ago
George bud where's your ReefaPalooza coverage? This is Jamey the guy with the funny hat & that needed a second selfie at the show lol
Non Average- Reefer
Non Average- Reefer - 7 years ago
We're pretty much friends now
Non Average- Reefer
Non Average- Reefer - 7 years ago
We're pretty much friends now
Non Average- Reefer
Non Average- Reefer - 7 years ago
He did an interview with me at reefapoolza
EDK ReefMeister
EDK ReefMeister - 7 years ago
Nice vid bud.
Grant M91
Grant M91 - 7 years ago
Been watching youtube a while now but dont subscribe to stuff, tonight i have to give a subscribe, george is the man and them clowns are livin better now gucci sweater now lol. Oh my fave coral is the torch coral aesthetically pleasing easy substitute to a nem.
Weston Vlier
Weston Vlier - 7 years ago
Hope to see you at the RAP Saturday. Can't wait.
Billy Bob
Billy Bob - 7 years ago
That intro was hella cringey, but I respect it
Alon's Aquarists
Alon's Aquarists - 7 years ago
Those corals are sick!(Not literally!)
Christopher O'Brien
Christopher O'Brien - 7 years ago
Still no anemone?
NEMO20G - 7 years ago
Really awesome editing pal!!
anthony stuchbury
anthony stuchbury - 7 years ago
Dude how u keep those Zoas like that ? Some of mine look good some just don't do u dose anything to help them?
Pidgo - 7 years ago
PLEASE HELP my live rock is moving on it's own I was trying to remove some ball anemones with a turkey baster and then I noticed a piece of my rock that was originally connected and strong was missing I don't know what to do please help
Pidgo - 7 years ago
I'm afraid to dip them because I have no idea what the heck this thing is or if it is dangerous
Brianna Dillon
Brianna Dillon - 7 years ago
Do you watch Taylor Nicole Dean? You remind me of her!
Pipen Salta
Pipen Salta - 7 years ago
Non Average- Reefer
Non Average- Reefer - 7 years ago
I'm getting a pack of LPS form WWC to
Aaz2347 Randomness
Aaz2347 Randomness - 7 years ago
Hi are corals living creatures
Kevin1993 - 7 years ago
corals are animals.
Lionclaw25 - 7 years ago
My favorite coral? Uhhh.... looks over at the tank yea uh... i only have fresh water tanks
huuua2 - 7 years ago
FYI the "king of DIY" will be at Reefapalooza (I think he mentioned that one you plan on going to). he is getting into Reefs and such and an interview with him will be amazing!!
Matthew Santos
Matthew Santos - 7 years ago
I live in New York
PsychedelicBabe - 7 years ago
Wet nice pick ups and great video you make me laugh so hard hahaha
Charles P
Charles P - 7 years ago
Hilarious intro
Mitch Powers
Mitch Powers - 7 years ago
George I love the video at 3:53 but can't find it anywhere. I even went through all the videos in your channel. Could you post the URL? I want to take my girlfriend there, RAP NY, the Reef Builders one.
Fish School
Fish School - 7 years ago
Mitch Powers Reef it's on the reef builders channel!
Alex Kaya
Alex Kaya - 7 years ago
Check out HighTideCorals located in East Northport NY they have a website and auction page Facebook
Kyley's Reefing
Kyley's Reefing - 7 years ago
Awesome video!!! Good luck on the new haul! Can't wait to see how they grow out:)!! Check out my channel:)!
alexander paliotti
alexander paliotti - 7 years ago
Hey anyone know if and how he's dosing this tank with these corals ?
Thomas Oegema
Thomas Oegema - 7 years ago
King of DIY went there a few days ago
Americo zincone
Americo zincone - 7 years ago
As always great vid man
Rebecca Rivera
Rebecca Rivera - 7 years ago
The thumbnail is so funny
Del Mac
Del Mac - 7 years ago
Wow, those clown fish sounded scary!! Aside from that, I loved the video, you looked buzzing and I loved the filming, music and the clips. Also your presenting skills are much better, you sound very natural now - 10 out of 10.
andrew khairallah
andrew khairallah - 7 years ago
I just got one of those Grinch Porites too!
Chango305 - 7 years ago
Man!! This video was really funny in the beginning. Love your editing skills.
MrNedinator - 7 years ago
i have been really in love with the elegance coral!
Sparks 12
Sparks 12 - 7 years ago
that thing is so full
Gilbert Martinez
Gilbert Martinez - 7 years ago
Is that a CSB out on the back?
Mitch W
Mitch W - 7 years ago
hey George

i whats Yours video's from NL ( The Nederlands)
and i will thank you for making great video's!!

goodbye have a nice day
NATE VENOM - 7 years ago
My favorite coral would have to be torch corals! The gold torch in particular! I would have to also say zoas are one of my favorite kinds of coral to!
dk_dawid - 7 years ago
Very beautiful specimens, take care of them! I watch your channel!
Natural.Gymnast - 7 years ago
Miss Saltwater tank
Miss Saltwater tank - 7 years ago
I'm always jealous at the variety of corals which are available in america...I've seen world wide in videos before and they look amazing :) x
Miss Saltwater tank
Miss Saltwater tank - 7 years ago
lol hello :p x
Brodster - 7 years ago
Miss Saltwater tank hi!
Luke Suder
Luke Suder - 7 years ago
im curious how these acropora are going to do - i just got 3 from WWC and they have been just okay. I have a 10gal IM fusion 78F, 1.025, Mg2+ 1350, alk 9.5 and C2+ 450.
MaxAnts - 7 years ago
Scarredninja - 7 years ago
Please respond. How are you going to move these corals to the 20 gallon
Robert Luebke
Robert Luebke - 7 years ago
what happened to all the other coral in that nano?
Northwestern Reefer
Northwestern Reefer - 7 years ago
my fAvorite is the pink stilo.
Wunlym Shim
Wunlym Shim - 7 years ago
Worldwide is lame. Their corals are way too expensive for what they are.... Coral Revolution all the way.
Nate Bulger
Nate Bulger - 7 years ago
George is the G.O.A.T.
Aqua Akita
Aqua Akita - 7 years ago
OMFG!!! I'm so so so jealous! Good for you though, your tank , your videos, and you all have something in common... you're amazing!
Will G
Will G - 7 years ago
Wtf is the intro. That sounds the fish made...
Memehammed - 7 years ago
Will G you're utterly retarded, do you know what editing is ?
Will G
Will G - 7 years ago
TopSecretToys how?
TopSecretToys - 7 years ago
You are so inappropriate
TopSecretToys - 7 years ago

100. comment for Update on My College Reef Tank - (RARE NEW CORALS!)

Ryan Swank
Ryan Swank - 7 years ago
What frag rack is that?
Billdeluz - 7 years ago
looks like oveanbox design great company
Caio Correa
Caio Correa - 7 years ago
Jeannie's Kitchen Counter
Jeannie's Kitchen Counter - 7 years ago
Loved this video! WWC is a fantastic place with an awesome staff! They have an amazing selection of corals--the best selection I've ever seen!
Don Pablo
Don Pablo - 7 years ago
fuck you dale!
Tom-André Thomsen
Tom-André Thomsen - 7 years ago
Holy Shitballz! :O :D
m nieves
m nieves - 7 years ago
Hey George how much did you spend on it
A. B.
A. B. - 7 years ago
Y do the clownfish make dinosaur noises?
Alin Reef
Alin Reef - 7 years ago
Corals are awesome, the rock you use I think is ugly as hell, try get more natural rock man... looks like a showcase pf.
Alexis Panteli
Alexis Panteli - 7 years ago
best video ever!!!
Ramon - 7 years ago
I guess this means you are sponsored since you had on their T shirt!
Aldrin Joseph Guiao
Aldrin Joseph Guiao - 7 years ago
What lighting are you using? Thanks!
Ryushei - 7 years ago
With a small aquarium like yours, how do you not have algae problems and now since you have so much corals, are you going to dose cal alk etc?
I have a 20 gallon fusion, 4 months in, mild problem with green/brown algae and moderate problem with red cyano. how are you keeping it so well? :(
Young Tank
Young Tank - 7 years ago
Looks amazing
Marine Life
Marine Life - 7 years ago
My favorite coral are montiopora
Lewis is a Deadman
Lewis is a Deadman - 7 years ago
My favourite coral is the golden hammer coral or the torch coral
Y&R Vlogs
Y&R Vlogs - 7 years ago
Lol like your video. Good editing keep it up. Just subbed to you
Austin White
Austin White - 7 years ago
Best lives possible ...maybe a bigger tank XD
Tara - 7 years ago
George I bet u wish u looked like the thumbnail
Galaxy Aquatics
Galaxy Aquatics - 7 years ago
Scolymia ftw
Galaxy Aquatics
Galaxy Aquatics - 7 years ago
Btw ur tank looks stunning
Galaxy Aquatics
Galaxy Aquatics - 7 years ago
I have one question though. Did some of the corals from eye catching corals die? Because I saw some original pieces such the montipora missing
Galaxy Aquatics
Galaxy Aquatics - 7 years ago
Your tank looks stunning
Gb J
Gb J - 7 years ago
Fav corals are zoanthids. Prob torches as well.
MasterAquatics - 7 years ago
dude, your edits are great! what do you use?
Jay-D - 7 years ago
I need a pitbull tang! I love the color the new corals have added to the tank.
ALISHAW1893 - 7 years ago
you're editing is just hilarious and really separates you from all the other aquarium channels.
Henkums - 7 years ago
Why call yourself Worldwide corals if you're not even shipping worldwide ...
Teranasorisrex - 7 years ago
I just started my first 30 gallon tank and I came across your videos. I wanted to say thank you for the great video context, very informative and it's been nice watching you grow through all your videos.
Alex Oliva
Alex Oliva - 7 years ago
Awesome Video....im starting to get into Chalice corals. What do you think about them?
EngineeringAquariums - 7 years ago
Hey dude! Great tank, your success keeping a tank in college has inspired me to start one myself. Had one in the past but thought it wouldn't be till I graduated that I'd get a tank.

What created that orange glow along the top of your tank and the neons in the coral?
Mashtura Manzur
Mashtura Manzur - 7 years ago
ommg what a cute introoo
Entety 404
Entety 404 - 7 years ago
My favorite coral is a Balanophyllia Europea.It is the only Balanophyllia that has simbiotic alge
Shreyas Acharya
Shreyas Acharya - 7 years ago
I'm actually off to college next year, and they gave me an allowance of about 10 gallons. how could i maximize on my setup to be as stable as possible?
Shreyas Acharya
Shreyas Acharya - 7 years ago
i actually begged till they agreed to let me have a 20 g tank and one 20 g sump. but thank you so much for helping anyway :)
Robert Luebke
Robert Luebke - 7 years ago
Shreyas Acharya clean it every day, 10 gallon are awesome and easy as long as you keep up maintenence
Javier Holguin
Javier Holguin - 7 years ago
I love acans and scolys i just cant afford the scolys right now but hopefully some day ill own one
Thomas torode
Thomas torode - 7 years ago
How to be the best: Put 2 clownfish in 12 gallon tank.
madison thomas
madison thomas - 7 years ago
hey you didn't tell us who won the fish contest for your 20 gallon from your last vid :)
TheOgPork - 7 years ago
Favorite coral well I have many like a hammer coral or a torch coral, keep up the good work man I subbed to you since last year and I still remember when you helped me with choosing the right fish thanks man.
Abzia - 7 years ago
i live in the orlando area and im bringing paper and a pen so I can get your autograph
megatron - 7 years ago
that vietnam flashback tho, haha
igotthatdank - 7 years ago
good video
angel torres
angel torres - 7 years ago
very nice video like always george
Random User
Random User - 7 years ago
HexBug 97
HexBug 97 - 7 years ago
Sarge - 7 years ago
Joseph Jones
Joseph Jones - 7 years ago
My favorite Corals are Hammer Corals or Golden Torch anemone
Stuttering Jackson
Stuttering Jackson - 7 years ago
I bet CoralFish12g will pin this
Stuttering Jackson
Stuttering Jackson - 7 years ago
I also like Flower pot corals, Blastomussa, Hammer Corals sun corals Xenia corals
nodrules2 - 7 years ago
yo been asking around, might be a stupid question, but can a royal gramma get along with a candy basslet in a 40 breeder?
noah shaw
noah shaw - 7 years ago
Yes,here is my question how the hell did you get ur hands on one of those and how much u pay for it?
Sam B
Sam B - 7 years ago
Coralfish12g: You got the the good stuff? WWC: yeah man watch u need... Coralfish12g: (next week) you got any scratching the spfin tube wile doing water changes. I should make a fan fic lol
Tomas Marquez
Tomas Marquez - 7 years ago
Tank Squad
Tank Squad - 7 years ago
me worldwide ! dale
Christopher Boykin
Christopher Boykin - 7 years ago
Trachyphyllia Brain Coral id my favorite and a great center piece.
Sharkz channel
Sharkz channel - 7 years ago
Favorite corals, Trachys, Hammers, montis, Scolys,
Sharkz channel
Sharkz channel - 7 years ago
IM COMING TO REEFAPALOOZA Orlando TOO! Hopefully i see u!!!
Josh's Vlog's & Gaming
Josh's Vlog's & Gaming - 7 years ago
fire and ice zoas
Jerry's Shed
Jerry's Shed - 7 years ago
Nice vid, beautiful corals.
Jake Alex
Jake Alex - 7 years ago
Oh i thought he was gonna change shirt on camera... jp ;)
snake guy entertainments
snake guy entertainments - 7 years ago
my favorite Coral is torch I am not in the aquarium Hobby but my favorite Coral to look at is a torch
Toofus Poofus
Toofus Poofus - 7 years ago
Early ;)
Christian Swogger
Christian Swogger - 7 years ago
Love it
Jordan Stevens
Jordan Stevens - 7 years ago
"Better not be our taxes"
Jordan Stevens
Jordan Stevens - 7 years ago
Favorite coral uuum idk maybe hammers
Evan Eversole
Evan Eversole - 7 years ago
Davin Aubade
Davin Aubade - 7 years ago
first comment

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Update on My College Reef Tank - CORAL HAUL!

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Vlog of George: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QleEjLQvtH4 Eye Catching Coral: http://eyecatchingcoral.com/ Email:...

Reef tank

20 Gallon Long College Nano Reef Tank

381 likes 57,670 views 12 years ago

Nano-Reef.com's Tank of the Month for November 2012 http://www.nano-reef.com/featured/?tank=66 This is a 20 gallon...

Reef tank

VlogAfterCollege's Red Sea Max Reef Tank! Q&A...

691 likes 51,347 views 8 years ago

https://www.youtube.com/user/VlogAfterCollege In this CoralFish12g video I do a Q&A with Ryen from VlogAfterCollege...

Reef tank

$2,000 FISH Aquarium Now Thriving — What...

2,108 likes 50,641 views 6 years ago

Saltwater #Fish Tank Reef #Aquarium Success: Fish and Coral Growth in my Red Sea Max C-250. ALSO: Coral Farmer's...

Reef tank

RODI Water For Your College Reef Tank - Best...

668 likes 48,126 views 8 years ago

BUY HERE: http://www.coralfishsupplies.com/aquatic-life-twist-in-100-gpd-4-stage-ro-di-system.html In this...

Reef tank

My College Reef Tank! - (Q&A)

631 likes 22,057 views 7 years ago

Thinking about getting a fish tank for your dorm room? Well, in this CoralFish12g video, I’m answering a bunch of...

About Update on My College Reef Tank - (RARE NEW CORALS!)

The "Update on My College Reef Tank - (RARE NEW CORALS!)" video is part of the reef tank, salt water category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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