Update on My College Reef Tank - CORAL HAUL!

Vlog of George: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QleEjLQvtH4 Eye Catching Coral: http://eyecatchingcoral.com/ Email: sales@eyecatchingcoral.com In this CoralFish12g video I give you and update of my 10 gallon Oceanbox Designs reef tank. I have the tank set up in my college dorm room at college! Thank you to Eye Catching Corals for sending me corals to do a coral-haul. The tank looks amazing! Equipment: Radions XR15 W Pro Quiet Drive MP10 Filter Media GFO in a Ice Cap media Reactor Bonsai Tree by West Mariculture Sand is Fiji Pink from CaribSea

Update on My College Reef Tank - CORAL HAUL! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 41

Reef tank 8 years ago 160,541 views

Vlog of George: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QleEjLQvtH4 Eye Catching Coral: http://eyecatchingcoral.com/ Email: sales@eyecatchingcoral.com In this CoralFish12g video I give you and update of my 10 gallon Oceanbox Designs reef tank. I have the tank set up in my college dorm room at college! Thank you to Eye Catching Corals for sending me corals to do a coral-haul. The tank looks amazing! Equipment: Radions XR15 W Pro Quiet Drive MP10 Filter Media GFO in a Ice Cap media Reactor Bonsai Tree by West Mariculture Sand is Fiji Pink from CaribSea

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Most popular comments
for Update on My College Reef Tank - CORAL HAUL!

shirley martinze
shirley martinze - 7 years ago
Hi go
Graham Hall
Graham Hall - 7 years ago
Ok great, where did the corals come from, were they bred or was it the wild sea.
Romeo Vashishth
Romeo Vashishth - 7 years ago
Great corals but the wires hanging out from the side bother me
just hobby
just hobby - 7 years ago
vid, check out my Jamaican version of fish room, Ghetto fish keeping. Check out Fish Keeping Jamaica on Youtube. Regards
Throwaway Account
Throwaway Account - 7 years ago
How much do you want to bet that elegance coral died and crashed the whole tank?
Mou Agrawal
Mou Agrawal - 7 years ago
Bro tell me one thing its not possible to setup a reef tank in week how u do it its take some 4 5month for the setup u show here
mei nopnopmo
mei nopnopmo - 7 years ago
i'd say if youd want it in under a month youd have to stock the tank with live rock, live sand, put in a bunch of dead coral (coral skeleton), and feed the tank twice a day for as long until you see stable conditions. All the live rock, live sand, and dead corals takes money which is why they tell you wait 4-6 months.
Sparks 12
Sparks 12 - 7 years ago
Does anyone go to their lfs and just want to eat the coral? Reply is this happens to you!
greekphilosophy - 7 years ago
Hey George....LOVE your videos. So I'm new to the hobby, and set my first tank up yesterday and already screwed up. I was told the tank I bought was a 30gal, so I put 30 gallons of salt water mix in....but the tank is really a 20 gal. What do I do?
baseballhunter42 - 7 years ago
greekphilosophy You'd need to lower the salinity of the water. Only way is adding freshwater. Your not testing your salinity obviously, you won't be able to maintain your tank this way.
Neven Milat
Neven Milat - 7 years ago

10. comment for Update on My College Reef Tank - CORAL HAUL!

HermannTheGreat - 7 years ago
Tank has crashed now I assume?
Serenity Gratton
Serenity Gratton - 7 years ago
HermannTheGreat why would you say that
YAYA SEPULVEDA - 7 years ago
hi... where I can buy the tree?? tree rock or however is called... love it... thanks
reef guy 92
reef guy 92 - 7 years ago
2:14 what was the bright orange zoas called?
Blumac5 - 7 years ago
Im getting this soon
Anthony Wilson
Anthony Wilson - 7 years ago
How do they fish breath? what do you use to help them breath?
Christian Hunter
Christian Hunter - 7 years ago
Hello, George! I was wondering what media reactor you would recommend for this tank. I saw that you were using the icecap, but I could not find any for sale. Perhaps a link please? Thank you!

~ Christian H.
Michael Russo
Michael Russo - 7 years ago
Where can I get that center pice for my tank? Is that good for a 14 biocube? And how much? How do u like it thanks
hazel baby
hazel baby - 7 years ago
How did u light up the sides... the orange glows at the edges
quiensoyyo900 - 7 years ago
hazel baby it is a piece of acrylic on the top of the aquarium, i saw it in the first video... The light gets reflected on there...
Melleefrase - 7 years ago
Hi. New subscriber via King of DIY (Joey) - Beautiful reef tank. I am slowly progressing in the hobby but would love to have a reef tank some day.
Christian 312124
Christian 312124 - 7 years ago
I wish theyd send me a big box of corals

20. comment for Update on My College Reef Tank - CORAL HAUL!

Kipplur - 7 years ago
Do you leave the coral on the round thing?
Entety 404
Entety 404 - 7 years ago
It has been 1 year
Michael Fenner
Michael Fenner - 7 years ago
hi could you email me please I'm waiting to set up a clownfish nano tank. if u have time i think u could really give me some advice. mike30paul@gmail.com is my email. if ur willing to help let me know
Brodster - 7 years ago
Beautiful bleeding apple I am just starting and right now my show coral is a dunkin and a acon lol
nmjhd1234 - 7 years ago
How did the bonsai tree scape work out for you? Does those man made rock provide enough biological filtration?
Maria LaPorte
Maria LaPorte - 7 years ago
Hey George! I was wondering if you would be able to recommend any great (more affordable) lights for soft corals? I am starting out with the led light that came with my fluval spec for my nano tank and I would really like to upgrade the light before adding any corals. any advice would be awesome!! :)
OG`s Fishroom
OG`s Fishroom - 7 years ago
Nice brody
Marshal Mathers
Marshal Mathers - 7 years ago
why wasn't this a bloody 12g tank?! :P
William Greene
William Greene - 7 years ago
About to be putting together my first tank, and I've been LOVING your videos so far... But, dude you gotta blink it's freaking me out
Long An Van Loc
Long An Van Loc - 7 years ago
The tank was air conditioned but the coral blooms

30. comment for Update on My College Reef Tank - CORAL HAUL!

Chris Zaba
Chris Zaba - 8 years ago
I'll aquascape yer maws minge
Boss Man
Boss Man - 8 years ago
are you gonna put fish in the tank?
Swell Times
Swell Times - 8 years ago
You get a bid? Looks like you're rushing
Jacob Eftekhari
Jacob Eftekhari - 8 years ago
how many gallons is the tank its amazing!
Jay Rivera
Jay Rivera - 8 years ago
Awesome Tank!!!

What song played in the background?
michaellaughlin - 8 years ago
It seems Eye Catching Coral is only a wholesaler. Only those with a valid business license can order from them.
Wolfy Kaname
Wolfy Kaname - 8 years ago
Lidia Gava
Lidia Gava - 8 years ago
Gracinha seu aquário -
zo alberts
zo alberts - 8 years ago
I have a 5 gallon tank with two zoas and a frog spawn their doing well, but i want to expand my tank I have no clue what to get next or where to get it from. the local reef store has a very limited selection and online stores are extremely expensive. Any recommendations?
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
I would definetly keep getting soft, and easy lps corals. Maybe get some mushrooms, or a toadstool? Part of building your reef tank is that it's YOUR tank and whenever you see a coral you like, if it's in the budget and you can care for its needs, then go for it! I'm not sure if you live near a big city, but a great thing to do is join some Facebook groups for coral sellers and buyers, just look them up and you'll find them. There always good deals or people willing to trade if you're lucky enough to live nearby them. Forums may also be a good place to look. Also try to attend any frag swaps by you! Hope this helped a bit.
LiveInJapan Tinglam
LiveInJapan Tinglam - 8 years ago
Don't you use skimmer for you tank? How many time will you change the water in a week
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
I just started using a skimmer. Before I didn't because I only had coral and did a water change every couple weeks.
Remiel Elohim
Remiel Elohim - 8 years ago
Awww i want to hug himm, you seem like a nice guy and has a catching voice! Nice tank by the way :) Keep doing your thing. =)
XxpoplocksxX - 8 years ago
Everything looks amazing but one thing i notice is your cables from your tank. I recommend getting some cable management sell some at electronic store.
Rhett Herring
Rhett Herring - 8 years ago
What % of flow do you have your MP10 set to?
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
Usually very low, but I turn it up to clean all the time.
Lee and Mandy Battersby
Lee and Mandy Battersby - 8 years ago
Hi i have just set up a 6 gallon tank could you please let me know of a really good but not to expensive light for lps and soft corals thank you
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
Any Finnex LED light
WAVES & REEFS - 8 years ago
is it okay to place that much coral in such a small tank all at once ?
not best advise for newbs
Aquarismo - 8 years ago
a beautiful aquarium, I liked a lot, thank you for sharing, I Subbed, visit my first aquarium, and give me your opinion
Gpod Joe
Gpod Joe - 8 years ago
Ow. I thought we had to use some twizzers to handle live corals, so we can just handle it with our hands? Will they sting? I'm planning on starting a nano reef at my dorm room as well, and I've been watching ur videos to give me a headstart. Thanks!
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
Most don't have a sting that humans would have any reaction to. No problem, thanks!
Jason Walters
Jason Walters - 8 years ago
how much was that set up and what type of auto top off did u get and what type of light and pump and reactor is that
Jason Walters
Jason Walters - 8 years ago
thanks ill send u some pictures of my new set up to get some ideas on some things I might need to get and mabey up date
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
I use the Smart ATO Micro, Ecotech Marine Radion Xr15 W Pro, Quiet Drive Pump, and the media reactor is by Ice Cap, but they don't currently sell them.
Katherine Venes
Katherine Venes - 8 years ago
Stunning corals!
Mitch - 8 years ago
look awesome as always !

50. comment for Update on My College Reef Tank - CORAL HAUL!

tute carbini
tute carbini - 8 years ago
what do you have in the sump?
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
Some filter sponges, filter media like Purigen, and a media reactor running GFO. Nothing special.
shunylugia21. - 8 years ago
you should get a clown goby or neon goby
Marlon's C
Marlon's C - 8 years ago
can you please give me the names of the corals
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
The big green one is a green Monti, the big green one with tentacles is Elegance coral, the circular one which is half red half green is a Scoly. The ones with small round dots are Zoathinds. The little tree looking ones are Hammer corals. These are some of the bigger ones pictured.
iNight Flight
iNight Flight - 8 years ago
How long must you wait until introducing the corals to a new tank? Well, after the cycle of course.
shechshire - 8 years ago
After the cycle & the tank has a reading of 0 ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, & specific gravity of 1.023 - 1.025, you can add the corals. Then, it would be a good idea to check the calcium levels so you can know when to add more water or calcium supplement. Many biologist including Julian Sprung which one of the big people in this industry say you don't need to acclimate coral, just fish. So I wouldn't worry about acclimating them.
Shah Esfelazi
Shah Esfelazi - 8 years ago
you are so cute!
Rich Renwick
Rich Renwick - 8 years ago
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
AndyM - Island
jj lz
jj lz - 8 years ago
put fish in
Howard Dixon
Howard Dixon - 8 years ago
what do you do daily with the reef tank
Alexzandria Stormwielder
Alexzandria Stormwielder - 8 years ago
Music please!
Gabe Dent
Gabe Dent - 7 years ago
CoralFish12g how much is shipping
Alexzandria Stormwielder
Alexzandria Stormwielder - 8 years ago
+CoralFish12g Awesome thanks! 
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
AndyM - Island
Ethan Mcneill
Ethan Mcneill - 8 years ago
Jon Edwards
Jon Edwards - 8 years ago
why no fish
Dayton Kinney
Dayton Kinney - 8 years ago
nice corals and who that music by?
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
AndyM - Island
James Alipio
James Alipio - 8 years ago
what's your degree?
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
PetDynasty - 8 years ago
this is sweet!!! I hope I can bring at least my betta to college, but I might need to get him a smaller tank for college dorm rooms
CORALVIEW KUWAIT - 8 years ago
great stuff, keep it up. eager to see what you choose for fish
Eric Ortega
Eric Ortega - 8 years ago
Did you dip them?
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
khan1010 - 8 years ago
do another update
Miguel Ruiz
Miguel Ruiz - 8 years ago
what kind of light are u using?
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
EcoTech Marine Radion Gen-3 XR15 W Pro
Taylor Namtolts
Taylor Namtolts - 8 years ago
hey George, how long do you leave your lights on?
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
7-8 hours
Bitter_Lemon - 8 years ago
I wish you'd get a fish like a clown or something
SwirlDip82 - 8 years ago
looks great the good news my dinoflagilate is gone for good. :)
Drew's Aquarium
Drew's Aquarium - 8 years ago
What are you going to college for
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
Economics and I also play basketball!
Daniel Vázquez Guevara
Daniel Vázquez Guevara - 8 years ago
how did tou get them? I contact them and told me they only ship to stores.
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
Ask your store to buy corals from them for you!
MASS Aquariums
MASS Aquariums - 8 years ago
Corals look good
Zakri Rahman
Zakri Rahman - 8 years ago
at least put a fish or two in there to make it more alive. oh wait, ure concerned about nitrate right?
Usernam E
Usernam E - 8 years ago
That EcoTech powerhead is WAY overkill for that size tank and it's an eyesore. Hydor has some super tiny powerheads that that would create a ton of flow in that tank. And you could mount the Hydor to the back instead and keep the tank's frontal appearance clean. Keep up the good work buddy.
Usernam E
Usernam E - 8 years ago
+Maxime Caudebec I suggested he use a powerhead that's SMALLER, not to mention about $200 cheaper.

I don't see how living in a dorm would preclude him from using a smaller piece of equipment.
Maxime C.
Maxime C. - 8 years ago
+Jeff R. hes in a dorm.. not much you can do..
Reefer Nanoman
Reefer Nanoman - 8 years ago
Nice! I put a whole bunch of corals in my nanos last month!
DHC DeepBlue
DHC DeepBlue - 8 years ago
I'm getting a yellow tang for my main tank soon and when I get it I plan to blow £200 on corals
Freddy Delgado
Freddy Delgado - 8 years ago
That Monti is EVERYTHING !!
Josh Vollberg
Josh Vollberg - 8 years ago
I understand nano reefing could look appealing for some time, but that's it. It's obvious you're limited to any fish, corals, space, etc. Why didn't you save up your money for a bigger tank? You're a nano reefer, but the experience doesn't go further at all unless you go bigger. You should try the next step up. Then the enjoyment is almost forever.
Jorden Watkins
Jorden Watkins - 8 years ago
Nice pick ups George!
j03yYunG Aquariums
j03yYunG Aquariums - 8 years ago
Love the halo rim lights. :0
neil pamintuan
neil pamintuan - 8 years ago
How did you get the top acrylic to turn orange like that?
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
It is all apart of the design build by OceanBox Designs
Pelagos - 8 years ago
Eye Candy!
Canroll5824 - 8 years ago
where do you go to school?
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
Lawrence University
NEMO20G - 8 years ago
been a while boss!! good video. That scoly is to die for :))))
The Combe Archives
The Combe Archives - 8 years ago
CityReefer - 8 years ago
New corals look great.
Gb J
Gb J - 8 years ago
cool corals. im liking that yellow rock flower nem.
Skye Fuego
Skye Fuego - 8 years ago
where did you get the circulation pump
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
Ecotech Marine Quiet Drive
FeedThatReefAddiction - 8 years ago
Man nothing but fire corals! Nice!
Mike - 8 years ago
Beautiful tank sir!  Beautiful!
Tin 4705
Tin 4705 - 8 years ago
Any place a consumer can order from ?
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
You can ask your local fish store to order from them for you!
AcuaTV - 8 years ago
Awesome selection of corals! Great job!
Patty O'Grady
Patty O'Grady - 8 years ago
Beautiful! Can you tell us what they all are plz?
Sebastian Trevino
Sebastian Trevino - 8 years ago
Love your vids bro
Jay Brock
Jay Brock - 8 years ago
Wow, great looking tank!!
SunCity Reefer
SunCity Reefer - 8 years ago
Wow love the scoly and zoas
Richard Johnson
Richard Johnson - 8 years ago
Why didn't you dip them?
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
I wanted to get them in the tank as soon as possible, and there were so many. I couldn't do so many at a time. I did dip them individually on a later date soon after.
J Carey
J Carey - 8 years ago
amazing!! nice rock flowers
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Acclimation with such little water to spare had to be a pain! Lol... Nice little tank. When I was in college halo just came out and 16 player death matches were the hobby

100. comment for Update on My College Reef Tank - CORAL HAUL!

Reef Calvetti_
Reef Calvetti_ - 8 years ago
belos corais...Abraços Reef Calvetti _ Brasil
NYCity Cichlids
NYCity Cichlids - 8 years ago
Wow. Those new ones are amazing.
Reefology 101
Reefology 101 - 8 years ago
Great looking corals I will have to go and get some corals from them as soon as my build is done!
Ruben - 8 years ago
The tank looks great George. My daughter graduates tomorrow from from Berkeley College. She graduating with honers and is in the Principals list. Tomorrows her graduation and my wife and me are very proud of her.
Stay in school. :-)
Ruben - 8 years ago
CoralFish12g Thank You. The new tank setup looks really nice. love the color of the lights.
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
Tony Espinoza
Tony Espinoza - 8 years ago
What mode are you running your mp10 at?
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
The normal default one.
Dingoork - 8 years ago
Can you sleep next to the tank? Sorry for my English. You videos are great I love the video of corals in a jar
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
Yes, I am not a sensitive sleeper, and I look at the tank as I fall asleep. It's a peaceful set up!
Alissa Lyn
Alissa Lyn - 8 years ago
I would love more than anything to have a saltwater tank but I don't think I would be able to do it right now... I'm still in school and I'm so afraid moving around from there to home would stress them out
Rad Perez
Rad Perez - 8 years ago
Looking really nice...
RedMoon Exotics / MantisDude101
RedMoon Exotics / MantisDude101 - 8 years ago
Is an 80 gallon long ok for a yellow tang
el tigre
el tigre - 8 years ago
that's perfect for a yellow tang.
mary arroyo
mary arroyo - 8 years ago
Peace George.
Once again, Thanks So Much For Featuring Us. We Greatly Appreciate It!!!
Those Corals Look Fantastic!!! Love This Set Up!! That Scolymia Looks Incredible.
Love Your AquaScape. Much Success And Happiness!!!
Great Video As Always!!
Blessings All.
mary arroyo
mary arroyo - 8 years ago
+j Carey Peace. Thanks!Blessings All.
J Carey
J Carey - 8 years ago
that vase Reef is so beautiful!!! amazing
Alfredo Bonilla
Alfredo Bonilla - 8 years ago
In the minute 2:04 is that a wellso coral?
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
No, it's a Scoly!
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
No, it is a Scoly!
MA FishGuy
MA FishGuy - 8 years ago
looks good man. Reminds me of a buddies tank in college
Ricky 2410
Ricky 2410 - 8 years ago
Very nice. why did u not dip your corals?
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
I wanted to get them in the tank as soon as possible, and there were so many I couldn't do so many at a time. I did dip them individually on a later date soon after.
Mike Lemming
Mike Lemming - 8 years ago
Everything is looking real good man! Question for you, do you dip your coral?
Mike Lemming
Mike Lemming - 8 years ago
Oh ok, just making sure as I don't think you mentioned it. Tank looks great man! Looking forward to the next update vid!
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
Yes, especially my Zoanthids.
mackjr1969 - 8 years ago
Going to CMAS tommorow , are you going to be there? Hope so been a year now be nice to see you again. I even started my own utube Channel nothing serious as yours but check it out George . Hope you having a good time in college. Good video
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
AndyM - Island
Rich Renwick
Rich Renwick - 8 years ago
+CoralFish12g music?
mackjr1969 - 8 years ago
+CoralFish12g cool
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
Yes! See you tomorrow!
Andrew Mabbott
Andrew Mabbott - 8 years ago
Nice tank George! What percent are you running your Radion at?
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
Around 10 watts so very low intensity.
xX Mr-_-Fisch Xx
xX Mr-_-Fisch Xx - 8 years ago
NICE Reef Tank :-)
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
Info on my tank in the description above!
Reefer Nanoman
Reefer Nanoman - 8 years ago
+Luke magnia nobody got me. The corals are very big and beautiful
Cen CaL'sReef
Cen CaL'sReef - 8 years ago
+Jose Calderon it was cultivated reef that got you lol
Reefer Nanoman
Reefer Nanoman - 8 years ago
+Millz Reefing/Gaming probably a lot! Some high end frags are very expensive. I've spent about $400 just last month on corals myself!

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