Using Filter Socks in Your Reef Tank - EP 4: Saltwater Aquarium Maintenance Filter socks are often used in saltwater tanks to keep the water column free of particles so your water looks crystal clear. If you change and clean your filter socks regularly, they can be a component of your nutrient export maintenance cycle. Most reefers use the felt filter sock on the output of their overflow pipes so the water leaving the tank has to pass through. The felt-like filter material will catch food, fish poop and particulate matter. This will stop the material from being recirculated back into the tank. If you are diligent about swapping these out, you can avoid the release of nitrate and phosphate that is made from the organic matter in the filter sock. Filter socks come in mesh or felt and with draw strings or plastic rings. Vertex and CPR Aquatics make holders for the plastic ring filter socks. The mesh filter socks are more commonly used for media filtration like carbon and GFO. However, the mesh can be used to capture large particles like whole fish food pellets or shrimp. So how do you use filter socks? Tell us about it in the comments below. *Legal Stuff* The purpose and content of this video is to provide general information regarding the products and their applications as presented in the video. Aquatic sales solutions, inc. And its officers, directors, employees and agents disclaim all express or implied warranties, in any way, related to the products and their application as presented in this video, make no representation or warranty regarding the products and the application as presented in this video and shall not be liable for any direct or indirect losses or damages of any type, including but not limited to punitive damages, or from personal injury or death resulting from or in any manner related to the video, and the products in and contents of the video. The viewer expressly agrees that aquatic sales solutions, inc. and its officers, directors, employees and agents shall not be liable for any damages or losses related to the products in and content of the video and hereby agrees to hold the foregoing harmless from any such losses or damages.

Using Filter Socks in Your Reef Tank - EP 4: Saltwater Aquarium Maintenance sentiment_very_dissatisfied 33

Reef tank 11 years ago 151,028 views Filter socks are often used in saltwater tanks to keep the water column free of particles so your water looks crystal clear. If you change and clean your filter socks regularly, they can be a component of your nutrient export maintenance cycle. Most reefers use the felt filter sock on the output of their overflow pipes so the water leaving the tank has to pass through. The felt-like filter material will catch food, fish poop and particulate matter. This will stop the material from being recirculated back into the tank. If you are diligent about swapping these out, you can avoid the release of nitrate and phosphate that is made from the organic matter in the filter sock. Filter socks come in mesh or felt and with draw strings or plastic rings. Vertex and CPR Aquatics make holders for the plastic ring filter socks. The mesh filter socks are more commonly used for media filtration like carbon and GFO. However, the mesh can be used to capture large particles like whole fish food pellets or shrimp. So how do you use filter socks? Tell us about it in the comments below. *Legal Stuff* The purpose and content of this video is to provide general information regarding the products and their applications as presented in the video. Aquatic sales solutions, inc. And its officers, directors, employees and agents disclaim all express or implied warranties, in any way, related to the products and their application as presented in this video, make no representation or warranty regarding the products and the application as presented in this video and shall not be liable for any direct or indirect losses or damages of any type, including but not limited to punitive damages, or from personal injury or death resulting from or in any manner related to the video, and the products in and contents of the video. The viewer expressly agrees that aquatic sales solutions, inc. and its officers, directors, employees and agents shall not be liable for any damages or losses related to the products in and content of the video and hereby agrees to hold the foregoing harmless from any such losses or damages.

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Most popular comments
for Using Filter Socks in Your Reef Tank - EP 4: Saltwater Aquarium Maintenance

Steve Truong
Steve Truong - 7 years ago
Can I use filter socks while I’m cycling?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Sure, mechanical filtration can help to clear up any floating particulates in the water. However, if you aren't feeding the tank or have inhabitants that produce waste, you don't necessarily need a filter sock. :-)
Kenney - 7 years ago
One thing filter socks seems to have done is brig light to the fact that mechanical filtration does not help your tank if the solid waster is just left in the filter. This is why I like sumps. With an open sump I could remove a sock or a piece of foam and either replace it or rinse it and the solid waste is removed daily..
Hhmm,,,if you put the mesh inside the felt then it would trap a lot of waste and make cleaning the felt sock easier.
TheRedGamerFPV - 7 years ago
Also if your going to do it do it at night when the wife is asleep and when she says things have been moved tell her that you were doing laundry for her
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Personally, I like to give them a quick soak in RO water after washing them. If I use a lot of bleach, I'll add a dechlorinator in as well. :-)
Cosmic Carrie
Cosmic Carrie - 7 years ago
another good one
Bobby Boy
Bobby Boy - 7 years ago
put them in washin machine wife would kill me
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Haha! :-P
Edward Thayer
Edward Thayer - 7 years ago
stir up some drama! no doubt Ryan, some people or the know it alls actually like cry babies over filter socks, bio balls, etc! LMFAO
FenderSchonJPX - 8 years ago
So do you find the automatic filter rollers eliminate all the hassle with socks? IE changes to a fresh section soon enough so it doesn't become a nitrate factory but don't have to change them out every other day like a sock.
FenderSchonJPX - 8 years ago
BulkReefSupplyCom Awesome. Still saving up but plan on ordering a bunch of stuff from you guys including that roller set up. Do you have a good sump for sale that fits well with the roller set up. Debating between a Red Sea 650 or 750xxl or going custom Reef Savvy around 240 - 300 gallons.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
A resounding YES to each of those points! I don't think Ryan will ever think about setting up another tank without a roller mat! ;-)
Robert Baumer
Robert Baumer - 8 years ago
What is the best way to make a filter sock holder on a piece of acrylic?
Freeyourmind - 8 years ago
Robert Baumer The same kind of holesaw I use on wood and metal material. It has an arbor with a 1/4" bit in the center of it.
Freeyourmind - 8 years ago
Robert Baumer I used a 4" holesaw on the plate that covers my sump, for the 4" sock I use. Worked perfectly. Those holders are ridiculously expensive.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
I think most people who DIY their own have tools to heat, bend and router the acrylic. That, or they just go to an acrylic shop and have it made for them. :-)

10. comment for Using Filter Socks in Your Reef Tank - EP 4: Saltwater Aquarium Maintenance

monu SwTbOy
monu SwTbOy - 8 years ago
hello NED
I guys are really awesome. I'm stuck in one problem may be u guys help me out. My PH is not stable and my nitrate is high its 40ppm
I change water per week 1 week 30% next week 30% but stil ph and nitrate is not down.. coz of these prblm I didn't add new fishes .. help me guys. what to do ?
Mitchell Lubline
Mitchell Lubline - 8 years ago
I've always used reusable filter bags to strain solids and let the filter do the micro stuff.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Tbomb - 8 years ago
There are 3 type of micron for filter socks. Can you please explain what is it mean? What's the different between 100, 200, 300 micron?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
The more material it will remove, but the faster it will clog. That's why we shoot for 200 microns :)
Tbomb - 8 years ago
So the smaller the micron, the better the sock to remove the unwanted stuff???
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Essentially it is just the size of particulate matter that is filtered out of the water. The smaller the micron size the smaller particles can be removed from the tank. 200 is the standard and what we use :)
Martin Olcott
Martin Olcott - 8 years ago
So I have Phosguard and Activated Carbon in my filter sock how often do you think I should replace that
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
In our experience active carbon is usually only good for around 2 weeks.
Moe Kayed
Moe Kayed - 8 years ago
I removed my 200 micron felt filter sock and now my tank is thriving. Corals are growing faster than ever and my copapod population exploded. I am thinking these things are over rated. My skimmer also started producing a lot better which I like since it is getting the nasty stuff out permanently and not keeping it suspended until I change a sock. I just ordered a mesh nylon sock just to catch the large food particulate the skimmer is not doing. I am also going to place carbon in a separate mesh bag in the mesh sock. I am never going back to felt socks again.
zx45zx - 7 years ago
for real??? very interesting. might do the same.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Good point, that certainly could have been a contributor.
Cidney Williams
Cidney Williams - 8 years ago
Moe Kayed How often were u changing the felt filter socks?
Derddy Dert
Derddy Dert - 8 years ago
Thanks Spicoli.
Derddy Dert
Derddy Dert - 8 years ago
+Russell Cecil finally ...Gosh!
Russell C
Russell C - 8 years ago
lol, nobody got this...
Derek Chung
Derek Chung - 8 years ago
Look at 1:01. See how dirty the water has become when the sock is pulled out. How can that be avoided?
AKorigami - 7 years ago
Interesting, I have not noticed this happening. I use the sump pictured at 2:33 and from what I see the only difference is the intake extends into a cylinder that then overflows into the sock. I believe this is for bubble elimination though. I just changed socks yesterday, I'll watch next time for clouding...
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
What I usually do is put a small bucket as close to the filter sock as possible, and then remove the sock and quickly place it in the bucket. Generally it limits the amount of cloudiness :)
Derek Chung
Derek Chung - 8 years ago
I also have similar situation every time I change socks, particularly if I have not changed for a while. It makes the tank cloudy for an hr or so. I was wondering if there was any better way besides quickly removing it. Actually I think "quickly removing it" doesn't really help because the same amount of dirty water still have to come out from inside the sock. I have tried that. Slowly doing that maybe better? Maybe somehow isolate the chamber first and suck the dirty water out (too much work)?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
This case is pretty extreme because if I remember right that filter sock was purposefully loaded with gunk for the demonstration. In most cases you won't see it near that bad in your tank. That being said, quickly removing the sock is your best bet, before the crud has a chance to make its way into the water.
Brent Austin
Brent Austin - 8 years ago
I think I screwed up.
I washed my filter socks twice in the washer like I always have.
However, we have a new washer that uses less water. Now I have suds in the sump.
I assume I have soap in the water. Any ideas? It is a 120 gal fish and anemone tank, no corals in this one.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Is your skimmer going crazy? If so it might be soap. A few good water changes will help.
Bob Escher
Bob Escher - 8 years ago
I don't see anything about the comparison between felt and mesh. What is the opinion on which is better for catching everything? Is a 200 mesh as good as a 100 mesh felt?
Thanks guy
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Thank you.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Ahhh, yes. I will edit that. good catch ;)
Bob Escher
Bob Escher - 8 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom you mean you use felt at home and mesh at work
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
We prefer felt for our tanks at home since they seem to last longer while catching more gunk, but I like to use the mesh socks at work since I can clean them every other day or so by simply rinsing them under the sink.
Harry Kilsby
Harry Kilsby - 8 years ago
Hi I have a 20 gallon tank and so far the salt, heater and a mechanical and biological filtration which has a pump head a spray pipe flow control etc. What else do i need to start my salt water aquarium. I would like to have clown fish and maybe tangs. What sort of aquarium should I have as in corals etc. Please help and give me as much information as possible will really appreciate it and will subscribe!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
+Harry Kilsby I would recommend checking this video out. It might not be the exact same tank you have, but most of the concepts will transfer over. :)

Side note, I wouldn't recommend keeping a tang in a 20 gallon, it's too small unfortunately.

20. comment for Using Filter Socks in Your Reef Tank - EP 4: Saltwater Aquarium Maintenance

Charles Houssiere
Charles Houssiere - 9 years ago
Put them in the washing machine??? Yeah the wife will like that one...even by themselves.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Charles Houssiere ;)
Dale Gibbs
Dale Gibbs - 9 years ago
Hi guys, what is the best micron size to use in a reef tank......thx
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Dale Gibbs We've had the best luck with 200 micron socks.
Jeffrey Walden
Jeffrey Walden - 9 years ago
The first time I saw Ryan present a video I didnt like his high speed sort-of monotone bla-bla But now after watching 12 Videos BRS Ryan is my favorite YouTube host/ personality
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Jeffray Walden Haha, thank you! :) Are you following our new 52 Weeks of Reefing series?
Quantum Aquatic
Quantum Aquatic - 9 years ago
this guys so happy xD
Mic Micson
Mic Micson - 9 years ago
It sounds easy than working to replace a dirty tank filter too much.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Marc Winspear - Thanks! We're keeping that option open for the future for sure. :)
Leandra - 9 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom np! I am applying socks to my freshwater and your advice on washing them has worked great too
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Lee Pinkcyanide (Lea) Awesome, thanks Lee!
shawnriv9 - 9 years ago
If washing the socks in the wash machine; do you add soap or any other cleaning chemicals?
AKorigami - 7 years ago
I would think spraying them with the high pressure sink squirter would take out any lingering toxins and letting them air dry 24 would eliminate chlorine from the water.
FenderSchonJPX - 8 years ago
BulkReefSupplyCom Thanks. Answered same question I was wondering.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+shawnriv9 You can add scentless bleach, but I prefer to do an empty rinse cycle in the machine to get rid of any potential leftover detergent, and then add the socks in a cycle with no chemicals. Just good ole water. :)
Lourdes Robles
Lourdes Robles - 9 years ago
How to make you Salt water tank clear

30. comment for Using Filter Socks in Your Reef Tank - EP 4: Saltwater Aquarium Maintenance

Derek's Fish Tank
Derek's Fish Tank - 9 years ago
Love this guy. Very informative and fun to watch.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+derek anderson Thanks! Glad you like the channel. :)
Jan Niemi
Jan Niemi - 9 years ago
another informative video!  I just discovered today that socks are great pod traps.. I use a turkey baster to suck the pods out of the sock and then put them in the display.. schweet!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Jan Niemi Awesome!
Metalfishead - 9 years ago
What would be the difference using this socks in a freshwater tank, a heavily planted set up???
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Johnny Ventura I personally don't have much experience with planted tanks, however I might be concerned about plant material clogging the sock quickly.
Maui Marine
Maui Marine - 9 years ago
I use my cobmat socks.......from Iraq.
AKorigami - 7 years ago
Have you read the reviews and questions at Amazon? I own that overflow and I do not like it, get the CPR CS50 Overflow Box instead. The problem is how they designed the "vortex restarting" Must clean a short hose and the plastic is brittle and that part breaks easily. The siphon itself has dead spots and fungus grows in those places. They make them for different flow volumes. I did not buy the wet dry part of this, I bought a Aquion one and if you use it as a wet/dry ask them to glue the "adjustable dam" in place or it will not work, If they will not do it do not buy it.
Ernest Lee
Ernest Lee - 9 years ago
+Maui Marine Best advice, ditch the whole overflow system and get a drilled tank. NO risk!
Maui Marine
Maui Marine - 9 years ago
Ha!....don't be jealous, as obamacare sucks over here.....

Anyways.....did I mention how bad ass you guys are and all the information you cover???......Yea, you guys are bad ass!!

And soooo....permission to ask you guys to to a review or tutorial on the TOM's Rapid Pro canister/wet/dry filter?  I am having difficulty in understanding how the "adjusting" part of the overflow box is supposed to work.

  1. The instructions doesn't say how to operate it.

 2.  I have tried emailing them, but no reply after 3 weeks.

3. I tried youtubeing & googling how to operate the overflow box for this filter, and I find nothing.

4. You guys are experts, therefore, I and many others, I am sure, would love to hear from experts like you on what you think of the functionality is for this filter, and how to "properly & effectively" adjust my overflow box.  Please, please, please....can you do this for a Marine veteran that gets therapy by having saltwater tanks??  :) Mahalo & Aloha, Callahan W.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Maui Marine Thanks! I'm glad you enjoy BRStv, even though I'm a little jealous of where you live =)
Maui Marine
Maui Marine - 9 years ago
Hahahaha.  If you ever come to Maui....I invite you guys to come over and look at my set up and let me know if I can do anything differently.  Thanks for all you education and information you have given to passionate reefers like my self.  Aloha from Maui, HI.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Maui Marine Haha, nice!
Rakhu Rakhu
Rakhu Rakhu - 9 years ago
So, after you wash your filter socks in the washing machine. Do they leave a smell in your washer?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Rakhu Rakhu Haha, luckily they do not.
Rotter Tube Reef
Rotter Tube Reef - 10 years ago
Great video! I use socks and do just what you said in the video. I have ditched the foam block in the sump, however. I order everything from BRS for my 75 gallon...just the way to go!  Great co!  Love the vids!  Steve
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+ROTTER tube Thanks Steve!  We appreciate it, and thanks for watching!
FARM BOY REEF - 10 years ago
Hey great service and equipment. I have bough your stuff and will keep doing so. I showed of you products in my video. I will be ordering very soon again need some gfo.come check out my tank some time. It's running your equipment.
FARM BOY REEF - 10 years ago
+Bulk Reef Supply I run your Gfo and active carbon plus reactor. Works great. My next purchase will be two part.
FARM BOY REEF - 10 years ago
+Bulk Reef Supply Thanks
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+FARM BOY REEF Thanks!  Do you have a link to a YouTube vid of your tank?
bentlikeitsmaker - 10 years ago
I use 50 micron felt same as those socks on my freshwater aquarium I wish I could find some 40 micron felt
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+bentlikeitsmaker Ahh!  Sorry, it's been a long day, I didn't read that right :P  Instead of "fine" that should be "large".
bentlikeitsmaker - 10 years ago
50 is finer than 200
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+bentlikeitsmaker Awesome!  Our filter socks are 200 micron so they may be a little bit too fine for your plans :)
bridgerstrikerdean - 10 years ago
Great video! I have never seen filter socks before until yesterday when I looked under an aquarium at petco. I have been trying various methods at filtering my turtles. They produce an unbelievable amount of large solid waste plus they shed large scales, in turn clog filters in a day or 2. Think I need more surface area so hope this works.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+bridgerstrikerdean I'm not too familiar with keeping turtles, but as long as you keep the filter socks fresh and clean I don't see that being an issue.
Jim Belway
Jim Belway - 10 years ago
I'm surprised no one mentioned anything about giving their socks a good shake in a bucket before you throw them in the washing machine. You'll be surprised at what comes out of them. I've found all kinds of little critters, bristle worms,small anemone's, snails, copepods; even a sea cucumber or 2. I just collect them and put them back in the tank.
tonyy33055 - 10 years ago
I do all the time. All kinds of things come out..
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Jim Belway Great point!
Joe's Reef
Joe's Reef - 10 years ago
My overflow foams when it drains from the tank into my filter socks.  How is that caused?  Its about a 3ft drop into the filter sock
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+JVS Reefs does it do it without the socks as well ?
Dalton Clocks
Dalton Clocks - 10 years ago
You didn't say how you wash them in the washing machine. I use a little bleach when I wash mine and they come out very clean. It might be a good idea to rinse them in some purified water with a little bit of de chlorinator before use. I've heard of some people using detergent and that is a big NONO. 
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+sean junkin Nice! We occasionally do use bleach here, but today we had a batch of our personal socks ruined because we accidentally used scented bleach. The key is no scented or splashless bleach :P
sean junkin
sean junkin - 9 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom I run chlorine bleach first cycle with socks in, then I put enough dechlorinator in to treat about 50 -60 gallons of tap water for the second cycle, and then run a final rinse cycle. socks come out incredibly clean with not even a hint of chlorine smell. certainly doesn't bother my acros or clown fish. I highly recommend you try it even just with a single sock sometime as an experiment.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Dalton Clocks I just run the cycle twice with no soap or anything and have had good luck. 
mattmo91 - 10 years ago
BE SURE to wash out NEW filter socks. I put new socks directly into the sump and it made my skimmer overflow like crazy and made microbubbles came out the return like it was a brand new skimmer. many others have experienced the same thing, so WASH YOUR NEW SOCKS!!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+mattmo91 Good advice, hadn't even thought to mention that one!
Alex Peach
Alex Peach - 11 years ago
I use a filter sock on my 170 gallon system. I find it the best way to remove solid waste for sure!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+Alex Peach nice! We use them quite a bit around here too ;)
SaltyReefTV - 11 years ago
I am gonna implement this for sure. I've used them in the past, and thinking the the bulk wash and line dry is the way to go. thanks for the ideas!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+CrackIsCheaper nice, sounds like a plan! :)
FangBlah - 11 years ago
@1:00, really solid nutrient export method.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+FangBlah ...yup :) lol, and to think that’s just the crud that accumulated outside, you should have seen the inside
leodb14 - 11 years ago
Hey I love the idea of the mesh bag inside the normal bag I think I'll implement this is my new tank its actually a really smart idea :)
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+leodb14 let us know how it goes!
darbronnoco - 11 years ago
I went the DIY route and bought some felt and made up about 40 of them for under 20 bucks. I can change them often and just toss the dirty ones.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+darbronnoco  nice, sounds pretty crafty! I wouldn't trust myself around a sewing machine ;) 
stephen whitehead
stephen whitehead - 11 years ago
Great video again.... Can't wait for next week :)
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
you're in luck, just put up another new video :) thanks for watching +stephen whitehead 
Mario V
Mario V - 11 years ago
I have a biocube 29 with a 20 gallon sump.
My water parameters never go down..they go up and I don't even dose anything.. in fact I haven't dosed in weeks..only water changes (red sea coral pro)10% every parameters are cal=440 dkh=11.4. Mag= 1450.. mostly softies and lps in my I doing something wrong??

50. comment for Using Filter Socks in Your Reef Tank - EP 4: Saltwater Aquarium Maintenance

muffemod - 11 years ago
"Change them everyday... Most people wouldn't be that diligent about it."

I shower every day.  Pro Tip: just bring the socks in the shower with you.  Multi-tasking for the win!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
That's certainly one way to tackle it :) +muffemod 
gdmeadows - 11 years ago
I take my filter socks out of the tank and soak them in bleach water for a day or so.  I then toss them into the next light load of laundry (yes, I wash with everything else). When they come out they are usually pretty dry (front loader).  I toss them into the cabinet to use again. ;)  Note- I use All Free and Clear detergent and I use Vinegar instead of fabric softener with all of my laundry.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+gdmeadows Thank's for sharing - definitely interesting to hear everyone's different approaches! :)
Felix The Cat
Felix The Cat - 11 years ago
Always have used them(15years). But do change them a lot but easy. Use two 200 micron and to avoid Nitrate spikes change out every week on my 180 reef. High oxygen/bio ratio also 380 or higher orp. One time stopped to see if could notice the difference. I could... 
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+Fred Murtz Interesting! Changing them often is definitely helpful. Sounds like you've got this thing down :)
sav7152 - 11 years ago
I'm not quite sure what you guys mean by cleaning the socks. I usually just throw them away after a week of use. Are you saying that you can wash them and reuse them? That would be a real savings!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
You certainly can reuse them. It all depends on if it's worth the time and energy for you. Maybe next time try turning your sock inside out, giving it a good rinse, and use again. +sav7152 +David Graff 
Funke House
Funke House - 11 years ago
oh man i hope you are kidding ! that would be a BIT pricey ! YES you absolutely can wash them out and reuse them, they are designed for it ! they are NOT one time use products ! your LFS or wherever you buy them must LOVE you ! haha
Nick Krumrei
Nick Krumrei - 11 years ago
Abso-stinkin-lately use a filter sock aka a diaper change it often for the same reason as your kids. ;-)
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+Nick Krumrei lol, now that's an analogy!
Wooden Tool Man
Wooden Tool Man - 11 years ago
I use them. Love what they do but absolutely hate cleaning them!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+Wooden Tool Man Yeah, it's not the most fun. Some people actually throw them in the wash.
gary inco
gary inco - 11 years ago
Do the socks disappear in the washer? Where socks disappear to is mankind's greatest mystery...
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+gary inco lol :) Haven't had that happen yet...
Sam Carter
Sam Carter - 11 years ago
awesome cheers bro!
Mario V
Mario V - 11 years ago
Hi Ryan. I currently use these filter socks and they are great..also Im in the process of setting up a180 gallon reef tank.
I would like to know your opinion on "DIY" live rock.
I've seen a lot of videos on how it's done. If I use live rock on my 180 gallon tank it will cost me a I would like to know what's your professional opinion on "DIY" live rock?. I
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+Mario V Most DIY live rock consists of various formulas of concrete.  Concrete has a very high pH and takes a very long time (months to years)  to cure (not in the same sense as "curing rock" but in the sense that the concrete takes a very long time to finish developing and stop effecting the water chemistry).  If you have a very long time to let it sit before your going to use it, its possible you might be able to save a few bucks. Compared to the price of dry rock its usually not much, if any, cheaper when done on the scale of the average tank owner though.  
Brian Palmer
Brian Palmer - 11 years ago
Pretty much inline with my beliefs. Filter socks will make your water far more clear than without. I clean every two-3 days if I'm home. 
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+Brian Palmer nice, that's pretty consistent!
TheSlacker64 - 11 years ago
I additionally put two 12" LED strips on the end of the sump, mounted vertically, not on top, where the socks are shinning onto the sock surface.  This encourages algae growth on the sock, which is removed every time I change the sock (about twice a week).  Quick, easy, cheap, algae scrubber. :)  Its gotta help keep Nitrates and Phosphates down.
TheSlacker64 - 11 years ago
+Matt Hellstrom I used the 12" TrueLumen LED strip.  Pure white, no blue.  I have a total of 2 strips taped to the sump.  I would imagine any strip type LED would work.  I do get significant algae growth on each filter change (usually twice a week) It never reaches a hair algae point, but I figure if its growing, its sucking nutrients to grow.   So far doesn't seem to adversely effect the sock.  Been doing it over a year now.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+Matt Hellstrom +TheSlacker64 Very interesting idea, never thought of that before! Sounds like it would work.
Matt Hellstrom
Matt Hellstrom - 11 years ago
I like the idea of trying this. Do you think it works? Which light fixtures do you use?
rkinnc75 - 11 years ago
What are the advantages of filter socks over wet/dry?  My sump has the return go into a filter tray which has a foam filter with holes in the bottom of the tray that drip over bio-balls. 
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+rkinnc75  As +TheSlacker64 generally you put filter socks before your wet/dry system or other filters (whatever they happen to be) to remove the stuff floating around in your aquarium water so they don't clog up your other filters (like bio balls for example).
TheSlacker64 - 11 years ago
2 different Filters.  Wet/Dry is to house your bacterial filtration, "filtering" out stuff like Ammonia and Nitrites.  Socks are for filtering floating debris.

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