Week 1: Our Best Reef Tank Build Yet | 52 Weeks of Reefing #BRS160
Reef tank 9 years ago 281,294 views
http://www.bulkreefsupply.com This week we have the first episode of a year long series where we set up a six foot one hundred and sixty gallon saltwater aquarium. We are going to cover basically everything imaginable that goes along with setting up and maintaining a reef tank. We'll cover all of the following: 1. Introduction 2. Tank Selection 3. Sump Selection 4.Long Term Success 5. Plumbing 6. Electrical 7. Water 8. Sand 9. Rock 10. aquascaping 11. Nitrogen Cycle 12. Water Flow 13. Temp Control 14. UV Sterilizers 15. First Fish 16. ATO 17. Protein Skimmers 18. Lighting Overview 19. Metal Halide 20. T5 Lighting 21. LED 22. Lighting Installation 23. Second Fish 24. Chemical Filtration 25. Mechanical Filtration 26. Organic Filtration 27. Refugiums 28. Ozone 29. Last Fish 30. Fish Foods 31. Softies & Polyps 32. Cal / Alk / Mag 33. Kalkwasser 34. Two Part 35. Calcium Reactor 36. LPS Corals 37. SPS Corals 38. Testing 39. Coral Feeding 40. Trace Elements 41. Live Foods 42. Water Changes 43. Aquarium Controller 1 44. Aquarium Controller 2 45. Aquarium Controller 3 46. Maintenance 1 47. Maintenance 2 48. Algae 49. Common Pests 50. Illness 51. Emergencies 52. Upgrading the Tank *Legal Stuff* The purpose and content of this video is to provide general information regarding the products and their applications as presented in the video. Aquatic sales solutions, inc. And its officers, directors, employees and agents disclaim all express or implied warranties, in any way, related to the products and their application as presented in this video, make no representation or warranty regarding the products and the application as presented in this video and shall not be liable for any direct or indirect losses or damages of any type, including but not limited to punitive damages, or from personal injury or death resulting from or in any manner related to the video, and the products in and contents of the video. The viewer expressly agrees that aquatic sales solutions, inc. And its officers, directors, employees and agents shall not be liable for any damages or losses related to the products in and content of the video and hereby agrees to hold the foregoing harmless from any such losses or damages.
10. comment for Week 1: Our Best Reef Tank Build Yet | 52 Weeks of Reefing #BRS160
I am setting up a 380 gallon salt tank that has overflows on each end with two holes in each (0.75" and 1.5"). I have a 95 gallon sump set up in the adjacent room to the display tank. I would like to use the Herbie Method. On one side I would have my main drain 1.5" and on the other side an emergency drain 1.5". Both of the 0.75" one each side would be for my return lines. My question on the one side the main drain would control the water level (WL) in that overflow, but what will happen to the overflow on the other side? Would water rise clear up to the emergency drain and then would it continuously drain through there or would the one main drain handle both WLs? Would it be better to have each overflow with a 1.5" Main drain and the 0.75" lines both be emergency drains? This would require me to plumb outside of the display tank my return lines?
Ideally, you will want to keep the emergency drains just underneath the teeth of the overflow
2) Should the main 1.5” drain be about 6” below the rim of the overflow?
That depends, I like to run mine really low - liked 6" to a foot off the bottom of the tank. It gives you more room to tune the drain. The closer the main drain and emergency drains are, the less room there will be for tweaking and the more finicky tuning the drain will be.
3) If I am to use the other 1.5” on the other side of the tank as a drain as well – should it be positioned at the same height as the main drain or slightly higher?
They will be separated by the overflow, so it shouldn't matter too much.
4) As stated above: the runs are horizontal. Having the main drain about 30”run to the sump and the other drain on the far side of the tank would be about 5.5 ft to the sump. I plan to install a gate valve on the main drain but it will have to be horizontal. Would I need another one on the other 1.5” drain – again horizontally? I don’t know how all this will work if the power goes out and the pump restarts?? Unfortunately I cannot have the vertical runs. I could possibly put the gate valves off the 90s going into the sump?
To prevent an air lock you will want to make sure (even though they are horizontal) that they have a slight downhill lean towards the sump. I would put the valve on the vertical portion of the pipe that enters the sump.
5) Do I need a check valve on the main drain if I will be using two 1.5” drains?
You won't want a check valve on the main drains. You could however run them on your return lines, but in most cases they are a luxury and not a necessity.
6) Going with an outside return to the display tank – would I want to use a tee and split the return going to each of the far sides of the tank? I have 2 Loc-Lines that each have a Y with 2 outlets.
That could be a good choice, or else running a single line into the tank will work as well.
7) Using the Loc-Lines do I position the outlets about 1” below the water level in the display tank for siphoning?
I like to keep the outlet just under the surface so that if the power does go out, they are the first thing to break the siphon.
8) My pump is Jeba0 DCT-15000 I believe rated at 3400 gph. I am using a 0.75” return line off of it. To the top of the tank where the return will be entering is 60”. If I install two returns on each end of the tank at the top - will I get enough circulation throughout the display tank or will I need to install some power heads at the bottom of the tank?
It's tough to say without knowing how that pump handles head pressure, but there likely will be plenty of flow to circulate water through your sump. In most cases, you will also want powerheads in the tank. They are much more ideal for creating water movement your corals crave.
1) If I am to use the two 0.75” holes for emergency drains, I believe they need to be positioned about 1” below the rim of the display tank – correct?
2) Should the main 1.5” drain be about 6” below the rim of the overflow?
3) If I am to use the other 1.5” on the other side of the tank as a drain as well – should it be positioned at the same height as the main drain or slightly higher?
4) As stated above: the runs are horizontal. Having the main drain about 30”run to the sump and the other drain on the far side of the tank would be about 5.5 ft to the sump. I plan to install a gate valve on the main drain but it will have to be horizontal. Would I need another one on the other 1.5” drain – again horizontally? I don’t know how all this will work if the power goes out and the pump restarts?? Unfortunately I cannot have the vertical runs. I could possibly put the gate valves off the 90s going into the sump?
5) Do I need a check valve on the main drain if I will be using two 1.5” drains?
6) Going with an outside return to the display tank – would I want to use a tee and split the return going to each of the far sides of the tank? I have 2 Loc-Lines that each have a Y with 2 outlets.
7) Using the Loc-Lines do I position the outlets about 1” below the water level in the display tank for siphoning?
8) My pump is Jeba0 DCT-15000 I believe rated at 3400 gph. I am using a 0.75” return line off of it. To the top of the tank where the return will be entering is 60”. If I install two returns on each end of the tank at the top - will I get enough circulation throughout the display tank or will I need to install some power heads at the bottom of the tank?
I really appreciate you taking the time and consideration to help me out!!
20. comment for Week 1: Our Best Reef Tank Build Yet | 52 Weeks of Reefing #BRS160
ANYONE who is considering a reef tank will get my full and strong recommendation to watch these videos.
NOW can you do a full series on the same idea but how to set up a budget system too? Looking at your video where you added your sps corals and considering the prices you were showing I figure you spent upwards of $3500 just on corals.
Help us average dude/dudette out with some DIY or how to stuff the majority of us can afford.
In this series we have tried to cover a lot of the options available as well as what we would choose. A future build series focusing on a budget could be a good idea however, I'll add it to our list of ideas. :)
30. comment for Week 1: Our Best Reef Tank Build Yet | 52 Weeks of Reefing #BRS160
don't have that much time, because buying tank. Great shows, thank you guys (Y)
as i see it, we'll prep the new reef savvy tank on the brand new stand as much as we can do, prep a lot of salt water in trash-cans for the move, pump out the water from the old tank and remove the corals and fish and put them in the cans, have a bubbler in the fish trash can water, scoop out the sand, remove the old tank from the stand, remove all the stuff from the old stand, including refugium and sump, remove bolted on stuff like dosers and uv light and gfo reactor. after that, throw away the old, ugly stand, stick all the old equipment in the new stand (which has been pre-plumbed with ghost overflow et al). HEAVY work!
THEN pump in 100 gallons of water (of the 180 it will take). THEN dump in sand and even it out, put live rock and corals in place. Once things have settled put in the fish and the rest of the water and turn on the pump! Once that's done I can make sure the skimmer and water leveling system is setup as well as the dosing system and my chiller.
So, that's my plan ... I hope the fish don't die in the 3-4 hours they'll be in the bubbler can water. They should be fine! I'll lay down neoprene before putting my reef savvy tank down and lay down some shelving silicon mat for my refugium and sump ... i'll level the entire thing out on my wood floor living room prior to putting in water/sand/rock. i THINK i've got all my bases covered, but, again, love to see your guy's take on it prior to doing it :D just to extract pointers i may be missing that could make the job easier and keep the wildlife happier.
you guys keep rockin' and i'll keep getting rich off the stock market and giving you my money ;)
Looking forward to this series!
Keep up Ryan!
50. comment for Week 1: Our Best Reef Tank Build Yet | 52 Weeks of Reefing #BRS160
Looking forward to new videos