Week 27: Refugiums - Utilizing algae for a thriving reef tank | 52 Weeks of Reefing #BRS160

http://brs.li/BRS160_Week27 Welcome to Week 27 of 52 Weeks of Reefing! This week we are exploring how we can use algae to our advantage in the reef tank to help combat nitrates and phosphates...with refugiums! Refugiums are essentially a location in your tank (usually the sump) that allows you to provide a safe haven more micro fauna, as well as grow beneficial macro algae like chaetomorpha or caulerpa. There are a fair share of different types of refugiums out there today, with an equal amount of opinions on how to run them. The traditional refugiums with algae and/or live rock rubble are the most popular and effective in my experience, and some of the easiest to install and maintain. An older technology that is starting to gain more ground again is the algae turf scrubber. This is essentially a very efficient refugium; algae is grown between two light sources on a medium with water flowing past it and then periodically harvested. There are also a few more creative and unique options out there like cryptic refugiums. They offer a few unique benefits. A cryptic refugium is essentially a chamber that doesn't receive light, and allows for intense growth of sponges which filter the water. Do you have a favorite refugium method you prefer to run on your reef? Let us know in the comments area down below! *Legal Stuff* The purpose and content of this video is to provide general information regarding the products and their applications as presented in the video. Aquatic sales solutions, inc. And its officers, directors, employees and agents disclaim all express or implied warranties, in any way, related to the products and their application as presented in this video, make no representation or warranty regarding the products and the application as presented in this video and shall not be liable for any direct or indirect losses or damages of any type, including but not limited to punitive damages, or from personal injury or death resulting from or in any manner related to the video, and the products in and contents of the video. The viewer expressly agrees that aquatic sales solutions, inc. And its officers, directors, employees and agents shall not be liable for any damages or losses related to the products in and content of the video and hereby agrees to hold the foregoing harmless from any such losses or damages.

Week 27: Refugiums - Utilizing algae for a thriving reef tank | 52 Weeks of Reefing #BRS160 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 26

Reef tank 9 years ago 158,253 views

http://brs.li/BRS160_Week27 Welcome to Week 27 of 52 Weeks of Reefing! This week we are exploring how we can use algae to our advantage in the reef tank to help combat nitrates and phosphates...with refugiums! Refugiums are essentially a location in your tank (usually the sump) that allows you to provide a safe haven more micro fauna, as well as grow beneficial macro algae like chaetomorpha or caulerpa. There are a fair share of different types of refugiums out there today, with an equal amount of opinions on how to run them. The traditional refugiums with algae and/or live rock rubble are the most popular and effective in my experience, and some of the easiest to install and maintain. An older technology that is starting to gain more ground again is the algae turf scrubber. This is essentially a very efficient refugium; algae is grown between two light sources on a medium with water flowing past it and then periodically harvested. There are also a few more creative and unique options out there like cryptic refugiums. They offer a few unique benefits. A cryptic refugium is essentially a chamber that doesn't receive light, and allows for intense growth of sponges which filter the water. Do you have a favorite refugium method you prefer to run on your reef? Let us know in the comments area down below! *Legal Stuff* The purpose and content of this video is to provide general information regarding the products and their applications as presented in the video. Aquatic sales solutions, inc. And its officers, directors, employees and agents disclaim all express or implied warranties, in any way, related to the products and their application as presented in this video, make no representation or warranty regarding the products and the application as presented in this video and shall not be liable for any direct or indirect losses or damages of any type, including but not limited to punitive damages, or from personal injury or death resulting from or in any manner related to the video, and the products in and contents of the video. The viewer expressly agrees that aquatic sales solutions, inc. And its officers, directors, employees and agents shall not be liable for any damages or losses related to the products in and content of the video and hereby agrees to hold the foregoing harmless from any such losses or damages.

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Most popular comments
for Week 27: Refugiums - Utilizing algae for a thriving reef tank | 52 Weeks of Reefing #BRS160

Taaffe Caligiuri
Taaffe Caligiuri - 7 years ago
NewReefAddict !
NewReefAddict ! - 7 years ago
What would you recommend for my reefer 350. Since the sump doesnt have a chamber for refugium.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Some fellow reefers choose to modify the main chamber into a refugium section. It may be best to browse the reef hobbyist forums like Reef2Reef.com to see what others did on their Reefer 350s for a refugium! :-)
Jerome Perner
Jerome Perner - 7 years ago
New to this channel. Starting to implement some of your reefer knowledge in freshwater. You guys are way ahead of us.
Melanie Simpson
Melanie Simpson - 7 years ago
Is it worth setting up a refugium in the empty chamber of my biocube 29? I saw this kit and thought I might try it..https://www.algaebarn.com/product/ultimate-refugium-starter-pack/ Or can you recommend something from your store for me to use to start one in my biocube.
Melanie Simpson
Melanie Simpson - 7 years ago
Thanks...I'll do some research. :-)
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Unfortunately we haven't tried to setup a refugium in an All-In-One tank like that, but it may be possible to pull off! I'd recommend browsing the reef hobbyist forums like Reef2Reef.com or ReefCentral.com to see if anyone has tried this already and if it is working for them! :-)
Reef Tank Microscopy
Reef Tank Microscopy - 7 years ago
Great video! Best reef tank channel :D
Elias Kalogiros
Elias Kalogiros - 7 years ago
What product do you have at the bottom of the compartment with the Chato?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
It looks like we had Marine Pure in the bottom when we first filmed this, however it was not kept in there for very long. :-)
Stacey Overton
Stacey Overton - 7 years ago
James Dockery
James Dockery - 7 years ago
How should I quarantine my chaeto?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Some folks setup a tank on the side, rinse the algae out in RODI water then put it in this side tank to monitor it for a few weeks. Check out Algae Barn. Those guys have a pretty thorough algae quarantine process. :-)
Hugo Maaldrink
Hugo Maaldrink - 7 years ago
Love it Ryan ! Keep it up and hope the missus was happy leaving the set. Gonna try a purple light on my chaeto now !

10. comment for Week 27: Refugiums - Utilizing algae for a thriving reef tank | 52 Weeks of Reefing #BRS160

Tim Harris
Tim Harris - 7 years ago
Since BRS put the marinepure plates in the baffle just before the return pump, are the copepads capable of getting through the marinepure? Also, is there any measurable loss to copepads going through the return pump?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
I would imagine that they would find a way to get through, if they were working their way towards the pump chamber. As far as measurable differences or losses to pod population, I couldn't say for sure as those little guys are so hard to keep a count of! :-P
BoostedBadBoy ZX12R
BoostedBadBoy ZX12R - 7 years ago
Congrats on the marriage. Love the video's, keep up the great work
Maul'lochae - 7 years ago
How can I simulate the reddish purple light from the Kessel with an Aqua Illumination Hydra 26?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Hmm... Unfortunately we haven't attempted to match the spectrums like that. I would recommend browsing the reef hobbyist forums like Reef2Reef.com and ReefCentral.com to see if anyone else is using a reef tank light as their refugium light. :-)
Ragnarok - 7 years ago
Yea my wife bought me a 5 gallon for my first aquarium, I've constantly scaled up over the years now I'm looking to build a 2000 gallon freshwater tank. She may regret her choice in gifts.
Goran Paunovic
Goran Paunovic - 7 years ago
Did you guys have any problem with chaeto stuck in into the protein skimer pump?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Every so often we would have chaeto in there, but the external Skimz skimmer we use on the BRS160 draws water from underneath the base of the skimmer, which can help keep that stuff out of the pump. :-)
Mithun Karmakar
Mithun Karmakar - 7 years ago
Way too late, but congratz anyway Ryan! :D
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
He says thank you!
Serenity's journey
Serenity's journey - 7 years ago
There's a few algae scrubbers out on the market you should test them on a closed system like you did with the chaeto
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
It's definitely in the plans for future refugium and macro algae testing! :-)
tomas dx
tomas dx - 7 years ago
Can you do a video (BRS investigates ) of Ecosystem miracle mud !!!!!!!!!!!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Great idea for a video! Thanks! ;-)
Bobby Boy
Bobby Boy - 7 years ago
hi mate. I'm planning on getting an aereef pro 1200 that comes with a refugium space in the sump.but I don't know to start one or what I need in it. do you have any vids on actually setting one up from scratch. thanks
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Hey there! This really the most comprehensive video we have done that shows how to put together a refugium. I would also highly suggest researching and browsing through the reef hobbyist forums like Reef2Reef.com and ReefCentral.com where thousands of other reefers show of their refugiums and how they built them! :-)
Zach Murray
Zach Murray - 7 years ago
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago

20. comment for Week 27: Refugiums - Utilizing algae for a thriving reef tank | 52 Weeks of Reefing #BRS160

goodall1bay - 8 years ago
Question for buying algae . What I want to know is dipping algae in freshwater a good idea and shouldn't it kill everything on it?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Hmm, interesting question!
Evan Eversole
Evan Eversole - 8 years ago
do you recommend a upflow or waterfall algae scrubber
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
So far, we are seeing better results from the waterfall style. More to come! :-)
Jordan W
Jordan W - 8 years ago
Congratulations Man! Welcome to the club!! and.. WOW! It has to be an absolute BLAST working at BRS! Very awesome video! I cant get enough of BRS Video's. They specifically pushed me back INTO the hobby!! Thanks!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
hey, welcome back! :)
Riley Pasha
Riley Pasha - 8 years ago
Charles Adie
Charles Adie - 8 years ago
Any place I can see more about the fish room shown from 2:21 to 2:32 ?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
One of our awesome customers sent it in, but I don't have a link to their build thread unfortunately.
pauls reef
pauls reef - 8 years ago
That would be nice to see a comparison Video of cheato growth with these different bulbs you mentioned in this video to see which bulb grows cheato the best in the same system with the different bulbs as the variable.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
We're setting up a system now that would be perfect for that test ;)
TheDrakenZ - 8 years ago
Perfect, this is what i like to see. Just throwing it out there though, blue light is for chlorophyll production and red light is for flowering or fruit production. So I believe blue light would stimulate the fastest algae growth.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
How large is it? I might just keep it in your fuge, since it might not be the most reef safe critter.
TheDrakenZ - 8 years ago
+Gabrielle // GabYT I'd do 18/6 or 20/4. plenty of photosynthesis, but still allows it some rest time. I've read great arguments from both sides though
Gabrielle // GabYT
Gabrielle // GabYT - 8 years ago
for caulerpa? should we light it up 24/7?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Thanks, glad you like it!
mse135 - 8 years ago
Marine Pure in the Refugium with a full spectrum light didn't end up getting bad algae on it?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
We actually ended up removing it prior to it getting too nasty.
Liam Ackermann
Liam Ackermann - 8 years ago
Does this remove the same nutrients as a protein skimmer?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
A protein skimmer removes food, waste, and compounds before they have a chance to break down into ammonia, nitrate, and phosphate. Algae consumes ammonia nitrate and phosphate as it grows. So while it's a different process, the end result is pretty similar.
Seth Barby
Seth Barby - 8 years ago
I am now on week 27, obviously, great info but I'm left with a big question. Does your wrist get tired taping? lol
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago

30. comment for Week 27: Refugiums - Utilizing algae for a thriving reef tank | 52 Weeks of Reefing #BRS160

ICOOKIE69I - 8 years ago
Can you grow chaeto with Kessil Tuna Blue?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Absolutely, but you likely won't get the same speed of growth compared to some of the warmer spectrum lights.
Tony Winkel
Tony Winkel - 8 years ago
Delano Cairo
Delano Cairo - 8 years ago
Gratz! :)
Jordan Williamson
Jordan Williamson - 8 years ago
How long do u have to have the light on for
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
It can vary, but we run ours opposite of our daily light schedule.
Michael Andary
Michael Andary - 8 years ago
Can you just get a hang on refugium and hang it on the back of the sump so you don't see it?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
+Michael Andary Certainly an option!
Akash Ramesh
Akash Ramesh - 8 years ago
Yow..Ryan can a mangroves system could work bro? E.g another sump jus for mangroves system
The House that Jack Built
The House that Jack Built - 8 years ago
Ryan I want your opinion: I just started a jbj 45 rimless and I want to add a refugium on both sides of the rear sump. I plan on getting a couple led pucks for each side and add chaeto. my question is; if I add love coepods, when they travel into the return area which is housing both my skimmer and return pump, will the pump kill, grind, or knock them stupid on the way into the display? also will the adversely affect my skimmer? I want a tank to support a mandarin dragonet for a long time...will the codpod farm in the sump work or is this not a good idea. I'm worried they will clog the skimmer, or be pureed in the impeller return pump. Thanks for helping!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
+The House that Jack Built While there's no true science to it, I think you'll be just fine. The pod nauplii are very small and should make their way throughout the tank. Plus, you could always take a chunk of your chaeto and shake it off in the display every so often to add some additional pod population to the display.
sheldon jessup
sheldon jessup - 8 years ago
I still think i would like to see BRS make an algae scrubber, add it to your exclusive BRS products, I'm a fan so I'd buy it!
sheldon jessup
sheldon jessup - 8 years ago
as long as you name it after me! lol
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
+sheldon jessup (converttoreef) I'll add it to our list of product ideas. :)
Mike Lemming
Mike Lemming - 8 years ago
How do you guys feel about adding an air pump to the fuge to get a more oxygenated tank? I recently saw that and have a pump laying around but, is it worth it? Thanks guy!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
+Mike Lemming Happy to help, Mike!
Mike Lemming
Mike Lemming - 8 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom Awesome! You guys are a great help as usual!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
+Mike Lemming You could, but honestly your protein skimmer will give you more than enough gas exchange in tandem with your powerheads/wavemakers. A battery powered back-up air pump however is a fantastic idea to have in emergency situations.
April Schutt
April Schutt - 8 years ago
One more question...how often do you remove your cheato? Also, do you remove it all and start with a fresh batch of it from a supplier or can I keep a small chunk of my cheato out to grow again?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
+April Schutt Happy to help!
April Schutt
April Schutt - 8 years ago
Great.  Thanks for the info!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
+April Schutt We like to tumble ours, so once it gets large enough were it stops moving around in the fuge, we trim it down and leave a little chunk to continue growing. :)
April Schutt
April Schutt - 8 years ago
What exactly do you mean by "utilizing a refugium at night"?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
+April Schutt No problem April!
April Schutt
April Schutt - 8 years ago
Thank you so much for taking the time to respond.  I appreciate it!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
+April Schutt Essentially running the refugium light at night, opposite of your display tank's light cycle. The photosynthesis helps balance pH through the course of 24 hours.
slim jim
slim jim - 8 years ago
congratulations! great vids
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
+slim jim Thanks! Happy to hear you like them :)
eric85855 - 9 years ago
Congrats on the marriage
AveA Reef
AveA Reef - 9 years ago
Congrats Ryan !!!
Cody Viescas
Cody Viescas - 9 years ago
congratulations on getting married. If you have some nice stuff laying around please send it my way
Dans Reef
Dans Reef - 9 years ago
Brilliant video Ryan, and congratulations!
that408guy - 9 years ago
Congrats on getting married!!
Santa Monica Filtration
Santa Monica Filtration - 9 years ago
Franklin, remember that the oceans and reefs are all filtered by algae (photosynthesis), not chemical additions. The oceans consume so many nutrients that half of the world's CO2 goes to this algae.
Franklin Michael
Franklin Michael - 9 years ago
Does the natureef nitragone work? it's supposed to eliminate nitrates and does it naturally with bacteria. If it does work isn't it a great adission to the sump? this and a good refugium could really help keep a naturally clean tank.
Franklin Michael
Franklin Michael - 9 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom thanks
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Franklin Michael I can't say I have ever used that product, although I would not recommend using a product over water changes personally.
Garnett Miller
Garnett Miller - 9 years ago
Damn it, wish I had watched this video prior. 4 weeks ago I added sand to my fuge.
Anthony Lam
Anthony Lam - 8 years ago
Clean up crew
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
+Garnett Miller Cucumber, I'm pretty sure :)
Garnett Miller
Garnett Miller - 8 years ago
+Anthony Lam a what?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
+Anthony Lam You certainly could!
Anthony Lam
Anthony Lam - 8 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom so put a cuc in the fuge?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
+Anthony Lam In our experience detritus loves to settle in refugium sand beds and cause nitrate/phosphate issues as it rots.
Anthony Lam
Anthony Lam - 8 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom Whats wrong having a 3-4 sand bed in the fuge?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Garnett Miller Certainly not the end of the world, just keep it clean and you will be fine :)

50. comment for Week 27: Refugiums - Utilizing algae for a thriving reef tank | 52 Weeks of Reefing #BRS160

Raul Tena Carranza
Raul Tena Carranza - 9 years ago
Its been almost 3 weeks since your last upload are there any in the future
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Raul Tena Carranza Ryan was on vacation the last few weeks, but he's back. We uploaded our latest video today. :)
ulises olivares
ulises olivares - 9 years ago
enjoy the vacations hope to see you soon :)
Haloreef - 9 years ago
When does Week 28 come out?? Its been 20 days...
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Haloreef Ryan was on vacation the last couple weeks. We are currently filming Week 28, and with luck should be released tomorrow. :)
Aim Na Chiangmai
Aim Na Chiangmai - 9 years ago
congrats !!
Grant DeGiuli
Grant DeGiuli - 9 years ago
Ramon Rivera
Ramon Rivera - 9 years ago
I have a 29 gallon sump for my 100gallon I have only 2 chambers one for the skimmer and one for the return. I plan on putting about 75lbs of dry pukani and about 1 1/2" sandbed of live sand. that being said should I put Kato in the sump or will just rock do it? or am I ok with out any of that in my sump?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Ramon Rivera If you'd like to do a fuge I would skip the sand (it just collects too much gunk over time), and go with rock and chaeto. That's what I've had the best luck with.
Sarah M. Sexton
Sarah M. Sexton - 9 years ago
Can you go into more detail about the difference between adding macro algae into the sump vs. an algae scrubber? HUGE congrats btw, I wish you all the happiness in the world!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Sarah M. Sexton Thanks! A scrubber is essentially a "concentrated" refugium. You can pump tons of light onto an ideal growing surface that allows you to easily remove the algae regularly. :)
Lisa Foster
Lisa Foster - 9 years ago
WAZZA - 9 years ago
Hey Guy's, Why is week 28 Private?
I am subscribed but cant see it :(
Been away on Holiday for the past week and first thing i wanted to do on getting back was catch up on this episode :)
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Warren Carthew Good catch Warren! That actually wasn't week 28, just a private video that was accidentally added to the 52 Weeks of Reefing playlist. Week 28 will be airing next Friday! :)
Robert Southard
Robert Southard - 9 years ago
im trying to get ahold of someone at brs for 2 days now but everytime i call it says office is now closed
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Robert Southard Hey there Robert, we're open 8am - 7pm CT M-Th and 10am-4pm CT Friday. Feel free to private message me your phone number, or email us at support@bulkreefsupply.com and we can get you helped out.
montgomery burns
montgomery burns - 9 years ago
Congrats on the marriage champ.
Ryan Pardoe
Ryan Pardoe - 9 years ago
How about it RT Turner. Where are these new videos? Gotta have my weekly reef fix!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Ryan Pardoe Stay tuned! :)
Mike P
Mike P - 9 years ago
hey! when is next video coming out!!!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Mike P With any luck this Friday!
RicksReefs - 9 years ago
btw congrats on the honeymoon!
RicksReefs - 9 years ago
not sure what the point of a patenting not to bring to market is.... thanks for nothing hahaha cant wait to see commercially made algae scrubbers.
Sigurður  Þorvaldsson
Sigurður Þorvaldsson - 9 years ago
Congratulations on your wedding day. Wish you both happiness and long life. Cheers
Nick Barsley
Nick Barsley - 9 years ago
Corals 4 Corals
Corals 4 Corals - 9 years ago
Hey Ryan, congratulations on getting married!!!
tony D
tony D - 9 years ago
9StickNate - 9 years ago
Hey Ryan, Congrats on the wedding! Where's the honeymoon? Bali, Figi the great barrier reef? Bubble/grape caleurpa grew fantastic for me. I removed it about a year ago. There's still grape pieces present in my overflow.
lenzpw - 9 years ago
Are you running the fuge light 24/7 or just on a reverse lighting schedule to the tanks main light?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+lenzpw Opposite of the main lighting :)
Cody Johnson
Cody Johnson - 9 years ago
I'm looking at getting a new sump for my 60g cube. Do you recommend any cube sumps? the sump I have now is for long tanks and I have limited access to it.
Cody Johnson
Cody Johnson - 9 years ago
About 22×22
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Cody Johnson How much space do you have available?
Len Monopoli
Len Monopoli - 9 years ago
Congratulations on getting married. Thanks for the video
Anthony Page
Anthony Page - 9 years ago
All I heard was "I'm getting married!!!!"
Really awesome news mate. Be sure to visit Australia on your honeymoon. There's a reef or two round here that are pretty ok!!
Justin Fawcett
Justin Fawcett - 9 years ago
I'm new in the saltwater hobby and I saw that some corals are aggressive? what does this mean, how is the coral aggressive?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Justin Fawcett No problem Justin!
Justin Fawcett
Justin Fawcett - 9 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom OK thank you
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Justin Fawcett Essentially it means that they have a pretty nasty sting compared to other corals. Torch corals for example have tentacles that extend at night and when they are hungry that can sting corals around them and cause some pretty sever damage. As long as you give them room generally they are fine.
Nick Ward
Nick Ward - 9 years ago
CONGRATULATIONS RYAN !!!! and thanks for the video
Mitsos Mux
Mitsos Mux - 9 years ago
caulerpa gave me a hard time back in the 2000s it wasnt abouit the nuisence aspect of it , i was kinda enjoying harvestin anything back in the days , it was the anxiaty of the fear not to go sexual , and just for funs what actually caulespa means ??? it means "crawling hard on "

btw Ryan an hour with u talkin about aquariums must be something like running an aquarium for a year , is there a forum or something i could follow u ?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Mitsos Mux I agree, there is a bit of underlying anxiety when it comes to caulerpa. We have forums over at ReefCentral, Reef2Reef, Nano-reef, the Reef Tank, and our Facebook page as well. :)
Glen Hill
Glen Hill - 9 years ago
Congratulations!!!! Enjoy your honeymoon!!!!
Rosco's Reef with Scott
Rosco's Reef with Scott - 9 years ago
great video and congratulations and lots of luck to you and your wife.
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 9 years ago
congratulations. . Finding the right women to marry a crazy aquarist is one in a million. .
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
ciprian muresan
ciprian muresan - 8 years ago
That's true... In my case I found the women, properly ''aclimated'' her and after that I started my hoby. Actually she got my first tank. She still regrets that.
Steve Hilton
Steve Hilton - 9 years ago
Congrats mate see you soon
BRADS REEF - 9 years ago
congratulations ryan!
CXK03 Fishtanks
CXK03 Fishtanks - 9 years ago
BRS - you need to do more research on the cobalt heaters. They nearly burned down The king of diy's house. Idk what heater to trust anymore.
Fresh Aquatics
Fresh Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Sackson Not any more they're not, that's why it's only 2 year warranty. Aqueon offers lifetime warranty, but I still run only Eheim without fail.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Sackson Bummer, did you contact Eheim Gmbh or Eheim North America?
Mitsos Mux
Mitsos Mux - 9 years ago
+CXK03 Fishtanks many small > one big heater
Mitsos Mux
Mitsos Mux - 9 years ago
+Sackson stay away from made in chinese or get a sun sun which are great for theyre price ...
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+CXK03 Fishtanks that is terrible news. It's so hard to recommend a heater from any brand because all of them are responsible for so many different types of tank crashes. We have suggested the cobalt heaters in the past because the stability can't be touched. I wish we could just switch and say some other brand is the best but all of them have hundreds of not thousands of tank crashes accoiciated to them :(
WarriorPriest - 9 years ago
Congrats Ryan!
bangmonsta - 9 years ago
Great series, I've been a regular follower/customer for years now. A few months ago, I considered adding an algae scrubber, and ran into this thread http://www.thereeftank.com/forums/f6/algae-scrubbers-pros-amp-cons-210197.html. On page 2, you see TRT's Elegance Coral and FutureDoc strongly advise against them with some explanations about turf algae and anecdotes about aquariums. Their opinion seem to contradict what you guys are saying about the scrubbers, any comments on what they're saying?
bob smith
bob smith - 9 years ago
congrats man!...hope you going somewhere hot where theres a reef...:)
Santa Monica Filtration
Santa Monica Filtration - 9 years ago
Wow I want to learn to speak like Ryan :)

Congrats on the lucky lady too!

Since i introduced the original waterfall scrubber in 2008, I might be able to help with some of the scrubber and algae questions:

"do things like chaeto require down time"

Sometimes no, because the dark (bottom) side of chaeto acts as the time off. However this also slows growth and filtering. Scrubbers are optimized to have less of these dark areas, and do usually need "time off".

"what kinda nutrient reduction you get with a fuge"

Fuges/macros/scrubber all consume the same thing: Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, CO2, and metals. And the favorite food of algae is: Ammonia! The main difference is how strong/fast the nutrients are pulled out.

"setting up a display refugium"

That's my dream :)
915Mang - 9 years ago
Congrats Man!!
zinovate1 - 9 years ago
Wow getting married, I can't be happier for you and the rest of the Reefing community does too I know. Have a great time and the best to you my friend. Reefing is fun but the joy a wife will bring is 1000% times better. You seem like a pretty stand up guy and someone that will make your new wife happy. Lots of love for you and your wife from all of us.
zinovate1 - 9 years ago
Joey, King or DIYs KISS Algae scrubber https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGLnBvDkaO0
TheArnok666 - 9 years ago
Ha, i just did this to mine.. perfect timing
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+William Burgess Haha, nothing weird about that :P
William Burgess
William Burgess - 9 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom reefer 170 sump, i put a block of marine pure 8x8x4 after my filter sock to create a sort of wall, and tossed some macro algae in the high flow spot it created just after the filter sock but before the marine pure block.
Then i watched the last two episodes.
Is it weird i read the brs site with Ryans voice?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+TheArnok666 Nice! What did you setup?
Ziggy Smith: Look 10 Years Younger
Ziggy Smith: Look 10 Years Younger - 9 years ago
Congratulations on your wedding. May you both share a long and happy life together
Joseph Pinkston
Joseph Pinkston - 9 years ago
Grats on getting married man
paully069 - 9 years ago
Congrats Dude ! Enjoy your time off.. I hope there's a tropical reef where you staying !
Sadegh Ahmadiani
Sadegh Ahmadiani - 9 years ago
Most informative series on Youtube; thank you guys!
Would you do a review on Red Sea Aquariums? (Max, S, E, ..Series)
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+sadegh ahmadiani Thanks! It's a possibility, I'll add it to our list of ideas!
Dave Davis
Dave Davis - 9 years ago
Great video!! Congrat's Ryan. Have a wonderful time on your honeymoon and as always looking forward to the next BRS160 update.
Michael Rivas
Michael Rivas - 8 years ago
video de la candidata pip se le ríe en la cara a berniel
Bruce Nicaise
Bruce Nicaise - 9 years ago
Congrats on the marriage
Steve W
Steve W - 9 years ago
Congrats Ryan!!!
Pew Heretic
Pew Heretic - 9 years ago
Congrats to both of you! 40 years of salt water tanks and still don' have it figured out. 26 years married to a great woman I also haven't figured out. I bet you'll be just as happy and just as confused. I hope you get to go on a dive somewhere exotic :) Very happy for you both.
Chaz D
Chaz D - 9 years ago
Is the purple or magenta kessil better for use in growing chaeto?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Chaz D I would recommend using the Deep Purple.

100. comment for Week 27: Refugiums - Utilizing algae for a thriving reef tank | 52 Weeks of Reefing #BRS160

Filken F
Filken F - 9 years ago
Congrats Ryan.. have a great honeymood...
Jonathan Eperson
Jonathan Eperson - 9 years ago
If the refuge is in the sump how will the copepods make their way into the tank... Won't the rest of the sump filtration remove them?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Jonathan Eperson If everything were 100% efficient that would indeed be the case. The copepod nauplli are very small and pelagic, and can make their way up to the display where the will grow into adult copepods :)
Omid Ghiasi
Omid Ghiasi - 9 years ago
These series will be the main guideline for any reefer, great job you're doing. Thanks
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Omid Ghiasi Thank you! Glad you like the series so far :)
Chrissy M. Williams
Chrissy M. Williams - 9 years ago
Congratulations, Ryan!
Rad Perez
Rad Perez - 9 years ago
Congrats, hope you have a great time...
Cliffepoos - 9 years ago
Congrats on your upcoming nuptials. I hope all goes well on the day and thereafter.
Thanks for another good video and please start supplying the UK soon!
Hind135 - 9 years ago
alan fitzpatrick
alan fitzpatrick - 9 years ago
congrats Ryan
George dunne
George dunne - 9 years ago
can you do a video on the triton methods please. And what you think of it.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+George dunne I'll add it to our list of ideas. It's a possibility!
Follzie Mummzie
Follzie Mummzie - 9 years ago
Wait, wasn't he already married? I remember he mentioned something about his wife back in the day. Anyway, I'm really happy for you Ryan, have fun in your honey moon :D I'm sure it's an amazing woman, I hope she knows what she gets into
Torise Wooldridge
Torise Wooldridge - 9 years ago
Congratulations Ryan! Also, thanks for all the game..
Rob Bradley
Rob Bradley - 9 years ago
Congrats! :D
Brent L
Brent L - 9 years ago
Was hoping for a little more info on Different algae's and options.
I currently have a 29 gallon aquarium sitting empty next to my tank and i am debating on setting up a display refugium including a few different types of algae.

Would this be a good option, or should i just build an algae scrubber? i have a 60 cube with a small sump.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Brent L Display refugiums are awesome! I vote you go that route personally. Algae Turf Scrubbers work very well, but there's something about having a nice looking display fuge that makes me happy.
Mike Wright
Mike Wright - 9 years ago
Grats bro, enjoy the time together!
Andrew Hales
Andrew Hales - 9 years ago
I thought Ryan already went on his honeymoon?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Andrew Hales No sir, that was a family visit. :)
russmaleartist - 9 years ago
Congratulations on your marriage . . . best to you and your bride.
kevin schulmeister
kevin schulmeister - 9 years ago
congrats ryan. I enjoyed the episode as I do all of them. if you can do more on algea scrubbers that would be awesome. Maybe when this series is done.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+kevin schulmeister Thanks! I'm sure we'll be covering them more in the future. :)
Downtown Flair
Downtown Flair - 9 years ago
Congrats on your wedding!!
Alberto Amigon
Alberto Amigon - 9 years ago
Congrats god bless wish you guys the best!! enjoy the honeymoon!!
Java02 - 9 years ago
right on, and congrats!
Patty O'Grady
Patty O'Grady - 9 years ago
Royy Reek
Royy Reek - 9 years ago
great stuff man. I always look forward to your videos, kinda wish yall woulda went more in depth on what kinda nutrient reduction you get with a fuge. a lot of people are in the dark about how big a fuge needs to be to effectively keep phos/nitrates to a minimum
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Royy Reek Thanks! In our experience an average sized fuge (10 or more gallons on a larger tank) does a pretty good job at contributing to nutrient control. If you were to only run a fuge as your source of nutrient control, then you would need a much larger fuge.
Rick Avendano
Rick Avendano - 9 years ago
Congrats Ryan! Enjoy the well deserved break!!!
Danny Betkowski
Danny Betkowski - 9 years ago
Congrats :D Can't believe you were shooting on the same day, lol.
Stoned Megatron
Stoned Megatron - 9 years ago
Congratulation and have a blast. I would not worry about RT he will be fine. Love all the videos BRS is doing.
Bronx House Kennels
Bronx House Kennels - 9 years ago
Congratulations Ryan
Steve Dimopoulos
Steve Dimopoulos - 9 years ago
thank you for all the info..and congrats on getting married !!!!
Damion S
Damion S - 9 years ago
Congrats Ryan!
Primo Reef
Primo Reef - 9 years ago
Congrats love the brs videos very informative and educational because of you Ryan I made the big step to start my 125 reef tank
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Alvin Soto Very cool to hear Alvin! I'm glad we were able to help. :D Be sure to share some photos of your tank soon!
sean junkin
sean junkin - 9 years ago
Congratulations on getting married!
Johann Garcia
Johann Garcia - 9 years ago
thanks ryan , good video !!!!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Johann Garcia Glad you liked it, and thanks for watching!
Psymon234 - 9 years ago
Congrats Ryan! Thats fantastic! :)
Giovanni Estevez
Giovanni Estevez - 9 years ago
hahaha congrats!!! have fun on your honeymoon!!
Bee Bop
Bee Bop - 9 years ago
Congratulations Dude!!
Alex De Michieli
Alex De Michieli - 9 years ago
Congrats on your marriage
Quinn Johnze
Quinn Johnze - 9 years ago
Congratulations Ryan! One week off and then back to work!
Rob Melvin
Rob Melvin - 9 years ago
Congratulations Ryan!!!
Atom C
Atom C - 9 years ago
omg congratulations on the marriage
WreckDiver99 - 9 years ago
CONGRATULATIONS RYAN!!! Does she REALLY know what she's getting into??? So many say they do...
Roman Roman
Roman Roman - 9 years ago
Great video series. I absolutly love it and btw I am going to make app. 160g tank myself in FEB and will take a lot from these series. Great job Ryan. You have made videos even suitable for amateurs that would be able to understand whole concept. Aplaussss Keep doing a good job. I wish I am in US to come over to your shop :( I am looking for next one already :) Cheers Roman
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Roman Roman Thank you Roman, that's great to hear and I'm glad we could help. If you ever have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.
Brett Abbott
Brett Abbott - 9 years ago
hw80boy - 9 years ago
big congratulations
Patrick's Dive and Reef
Patrick's Dive and Reef - 9 years ago
Congratulations Ryan! Another great video, see you in a few weeks!
NYCity Cichlids
NYCity Cichlids - 9 years ago
Congratulations and thanks for the video.
Weston Swanson
Weston Swanson - 9 years ago
Congrats on getting married! I have been without a reef tank for a few months now. New house soon later this year right around when the series wraps up! Can't wait to go on a shopping spree at Brs haha
Weston Swanson
Weston Swanson - 9 years ago
Congrats on getting married! I have been without a reef tank for a few months now. New house soon later this year right around when the series wraps up! Can't wait to go on a shopping spree at Brs haha
Faucet Couch
Faucet Couch - 9 years ago
Congrats Ryan!
Landon Gellert
Landon Gellert - 9 years ago
Congrats!!! Have a great honeymoon!
SoulJimyDark - 9 years ago
congratulations man! the best wishes for you :)
Frank Sanchez
Frank Sanchez - 9 years ago
Congrats Ryan!
chester 786
chester 786 - 9 years ago
sheldon jessup
sheldon jessup - 9 years ago
CONGRATS! may God Bless you and your marriage! (and your tanks!)
P0HTAT0 - 9 years ago
It's not what most people find good practice but I have come to accept and promote Green Hair algae in one of my tanks and it does as well if not better than my 2 larger setups one with a dedicated refugium and the other without. How I found this to be a good thing in this tank was by accident I had a good size rock collecting small tuffs of hair algae so I moved it over for my Tomini Tang to have a snack but he wouldn't touch it. I let it grow to see how fast it would take over the tank and to my surprise It has not moved off that rock 4 months later so I just mow it down when it gets about 3" tall. My turbo's seem to keep the edges trimmed back for me. NOT Recommended by any means just personal luck...
P0HTAT0 - 9 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom  I built a rather large HOB with 2-24" long 4" PVC pipes.  One side is full to the top with Lava rock The other side is 1/3 Crushed charcoal 1/3 Fiber fill and 1/3 Heavy scrub pad cut into disk to fill the remaining space all supplied with a Petco 220GPH power head. The 40gal tank itself has 2-150GPH powerheads blowing inwards from the two sides. This was all meant to be a part time tank but became my wife's bedroom tank
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+P0HTAT0 Interesting! It's literally not spreading anywhere else? What are you using for filtration?
Anthony - 9 years ago
Made my day here in New Zealand thanks for using my sump @1.15. I have been watching your videos for the last 3 years it's really cool to be apart of one hehehehe. Congratulations Ryan and have a great time see you when you get back!
Rick Irwin
Rick Irwin - 9 years ago
Congratulations Ryan!!! Enjoy your honeymoon and time-off.
Christopher Sanchez
Christopher Sanchez - 9 years ago
Great story on starting out with the 90 gallon and a CPR hang-on fuge.  This was my last setup and you are right, I had enough pods to keep a small shoal of chromis well fed.  I also found LPS, gorgonias and polyps were very responsive to this type of setup.   The show was a good episode and overview on fuges.  I agree with your assessment that having a refugium/scrubber approach on your tank would be a conflict with the zeovit system as the algae and bacteria would be in competition with each other for limited nutrients.  I suspect that is a case where a belt and suspenders approach just won't work.I opted to go with the Miracle Mud method on my tank.  Like the Zeovit, its an empirical method that most reefers are skeptical of, but it just works.  This is the primary reason I was thumbs down on your choice.  I think the mud method is better suited for a more hands off approach, but their success with SPS does have its limitations.Congrats on tieing the knot.  My wife and I hit 10 years this year.  Just a heads up though, having kids in contradictory to time and money for a reef tank!  I had to get out of the hobby when our first was born.  But ironically, now that we are up to four, she is letting me back into the hobby so I can have a hobby/break from an otherwise very routine life.  On the Brightside, I now have the responsibility of raising 4 little reefers!Enjoy your wedding and honeymoon!
Christopher Sanchez
Christopher Sanchez - 9 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom Dude! What are you doing? Your wife to be finds out your on here just hours before you tie the knot...
sean junkin
sean junkin - 9 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom just keeping the tank clean (actually clean, as in removing detritus) will keep your PH plenty stable. It seems like you guys just needed to find something to install for week 27, and of course had to cover refugiums. Makes sense though. This sump is so overkill its great lol.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Christopher Sanchez Thanks, and thanks for sharing Christopher! Yeah, we went a little unorthodox on this refugium, but we're mainly try to maintain a stable pH with it.
owling2005 - 9 years ago
Congrat ryan may you have a long and happy marriage
Hectorisking Hinojosa
Hectorisking Hinojosa - 9 years ago
Congratulations Ryan!
Kristof Poppelaars
Kristof Poppelaars - 9 years ago
Congrats Ryan and have fun!!
daytripp02 - 9 years ago
Congratulations Ryan !!!
Rognin - 9 years ago
Should look into 302Aquatics. They make very nice LED ATS.

Emmanuel Perez
Emmanuel Perez - 9 years ago
Congrats on your wedding
Kristine Mangan
Kristine Mangan - 9 years ago
Congratulations Ryan. I hope you and the new Mrs. have a wonderful wedding, honeymoon and marriage.
jongalt26 - 9 years ago
Congratulations Ryan!
Jeremy F
Jeremy F - 9 years ago
Sgt Porkchops
Sgt Porkchops - 9 years ago
Agr414 - 9 years ago
Can't believe we are already more than half way through the series. Thanks for the solid info thus far.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Agr414 Thank you for watching!
Ray Baker
Ray Baker - 9 years ago
One type of nutrient reduction sys you didnt address is a xenia fuge would love to see something on this
Ray Baker
Ray Baker - 9 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom that would be sweet as i am starting this in my own tank
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Ray Baker Certainly an interesting method! We were talking about that just the other day. Maybe we'll be able to add it in a future video :)
Drew - 9 years ago
Congrats Ryan! Enjoy that honeymoon ;)
Jaime Cascante
Jaime Cascante - 9 years ago
Travis Savant
Travis Savant - 9 years ago
Congrats Ryan!!
Yvonne Galloway
Yvonne Galloway - 9 years ago
Mitch Brenner
Mitch Brenner - 9 years ago
Ryan - another awesome video. Question for you regarding fuges...do things like chaeto require "down time" the way corals do, meaning lights off for awhile, or should they be lit round the clock? I've seen people suggest round the clock, but also seen people say that it should just be run on the opposite schedule of the display tank lighting....
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Mitch Brenner Christopher Sanchez has a good point. Honestly, this has always been something I would love to test on our A/B test tanks. Currently we are running our light opposite of our main reef lights to help stabilize pH.
Christopher Sanchez
Christopher Sanchez - 9 years ago
+Mitch Brenner My experience is no they do not.  Some have argued other macro algae's do and I suspect grasses and Mangroves, which are plants (not algae) would require the downtime.  But in my experience chaeto and calurpa are perfectly fine going 24/7.  In fact with calurpa, its the safe way to go.The benefit to a revers lighting schedule is you do get the balanced pH through day and night.
12GallonNano - 9 years ago
Congrats on the marriage. I wish both you of happiness together.
TOM REEFMAN202 - 9 years ago
congrats turn up
filterz on
filterz on - 9 years ago
Fred Garcia
Fred Garcia - 9 years ago
Careful with the Chaeto in the ZEOvit tank. The main reason that macro algae isn't recommended on ZEO tanks isn't because of poor growth, but because in the ULNS tank, the Chaeto will actually slowly die because of lack of nutrients, in turn breaking down in the water column, negatively effecting parameters. At least that's how it was explained to me ass why I should totally remove my fuge, once I began running ZEO. If you go to ZEOvit.com and look at many of the better tanks, their sumps consist of nothing more than a skimmer, a bag of carbon (or carbon in a reactor) and a return pump. Very simple, no macros or substrates, just a clean sump. Just my 2¢ :) Love the videos, keep 'em comin'.
Shane The Reefer
Shane The Reefer - 9 years ago
Congratulations Ryan. May all your ups and downs be in the bedroom ;)
Jake Higgs
Jake Higgs - 9 years ago
Congrats Ryan!
Freddy Buitenhuis
Freddy Buitenhuis - 9 years ago
Congratulations Rian, have a nice honeymoon.
Merritt McDowell
Merritt McDowell - 9 years ago
oooo nooo i smell a super mega reef tank as a wedding present from your new wife!!!!!! que the music aaaaaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
Chris Rajczi
Chris Rajczi - 9 years ago
Congratulations Ryan...
Alec G
Alec G - 9 years ago
congratulations Ryan! enjoy and have a safe honeymoon!!
Kyle Collins
Kyle Collins - 9 years ago
congrats man love the videos.
TheDaddy2003 - 9 years ago
Congratulations Ryan ✌️
El Pinchi jdj
El Pinchi jdj - 9 years ago
Great video and congrats Ryan!
Andrew Adrian
Andrew Adrian - 9 years ago
Jeff L
Jeff L - 9 years ago
Great video as always. If you want to marry a dude too let me know. Congrats!
Alfredo Bonilla
Alfredo Bonilla - 9 years ago
Congratulations to both of you guys :D
Merle Mitchell
Merle Mitchell - 9 years ago
Congratulations Ryan, I hope you and the Mrs have a great time.
Richard Allen
Richard Allen - 9 years ago
Congrats Ryan, enjoy your honeymoon
Adolfo Arteaga
Adolfo Arteaga - 9 years ago
nice vídeo
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Adolfo Arteaga Thank you Adolfo!

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