Week 48: Solving your reef tank's algae problems forever | 52 Weeks of Reefing #BRS160

http://brs.li/BRS160_Week48 It's Week 48 of 52 Weeks of Reefing, and we are back with our most comprehensive video on algae in the reef tank to date. We'll touch on why algae might be a problem in your tank, potential solutions, predators, and poisons, and inhospitable environments for algae. Algae has always been something that has plagued aquarists. Most of us have had to deal with our fair share of algae battles, whether it be green hair algae, turf algae, bryopsis, or even cyanobacteria. So follow along as we help you eliminate algae from your tank forever! *Legal Stuff* The purpose and content of this video is to provide general information regarding the products and their applications as presented in the video. Aquatic sales solutions, inc. And its officers, directors, employees and agents disclaim all express or implied warranties, in any way, related to the products and their application as presented in this video, make no representation or warranty regarding the products and the application as presented in this video and shall not be liable for any direct or indirect losses or damages of any type, including but not limited to punitive damages, or from personal injury or death resulting from or in any manner related to the video, and the products in and contents of the video. The viewer expressly agrees that aquatic sales solutions, inc. And its officers, directors, employees and agents shall not be liable for any damages or losses related to the products in and content of the video and hereby agrees to hold the foregoing harmless from any such losses or damages.

Week 48: Solving your reef tank's algae problems forever | 52 Weeks of Reefing #BRS160 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 50

Reef tank 8 years ago 222,438 views

http://brs.li/BRS160_Week48 It's Week 48 of 52 Weeks of Reefing, and we are back with our most comprehensive video on algae in the reef tank to date. We'll touch on why algae might be a problem in your tank, potential solutions, predators, and poisons, and inhospitable environments for algae. Algae has always been something that has plagued aquarists. Most of us have had to deal with our fair share of algae battles, whether it be green hair algae, turf algae, bryopsis, or even cyanobacteria. So follow along as we help you eliminate algae from your tank forever! *Legal Stuff* The purpose and content of this video is to provide general information regarding the products and their applications as presented in the video. Aquatic sales solutions, inc. And its officers, directors, employees and agents disclaim all express or implied warranties, in any way, related to the products and their application as presented in this video, make no representation or warranty regarding the products and the application as presented in this video and shall not be liable for any direct or indirect losses or damages of any type, including but not limited to punitive damages, or from personal injury or death resulting from or in any manner related to the video, and the products in and contents of the video. The viewer expressly agrees that aquatic sales solutions, inc. And its officers, directors, employees and agents shall not be liable for any damages or losses related to the products in and content of the video and hereby agrees to hold the foregoing harmless from any such losses or damages.

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Most popular comments
for Week 48: Solving your reef tank's algae problems forever | 52 Weeks of Reefing #BRS160

Lynn F Bryan
Lynn F Bryan - 7 years ago
I have a new tank, about 3 months old. I have what I think is a diatom bloom because everything is brown. I am not sure if that is a algae or a protist but it has covered everything and is growing rapidly. I just added a clean up crew but the tank is so heavily covered I don't know how they will help much. Any advise is appreciated.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
A clean up crew and the methods described in this video should be able to help you battle that issue. The main thing is to properly ID the type of algae you have specifically, so you can better attack it. We definitely recommend posting photos of the algae to a reef hobbyist group or forum, like those on Facebook or Reef2Reef.com or ReefCentral.com. :-)
NewReefAddict !
NewReefAddict ! - 7 years ago
I recently got some type pf algae on some of my live rock, comes right off by passing my finger on it, is it green cyano ,if so whats the best way to get rid of it
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
The biggest key to proper treatment would be accurate identification. I suggest posting some photos and findings to the reef hobbyist forums like Reef2Reef.com and ReefCentral.com to help get a clear picture as to what exact type of algae you have and some solid advice on how to rid the tank of it. :-)
Gregory Norris
Gregory Norris - 7 years ago
Touching on your point about "phosphate sponge rocks", there are "fake" base rocks which are harvested from dry quarries in Florida. They may look like base rock from the Ocean, apart from being land-locked for thousands of years. These rocks can be loaded with phosphates, and are much more dense than their water-born counterparts. Having bought rocks from different sources, these fake rocks become coated in algae while nearby rocks remain algae free. This is even after drying, cooking and re-use. It doesn't seem to alter water quality, but perhaps GHA has some way of freeing the locked in phosphates in these types of rocks.
joeyjoeroo - 7 years ago
This has a wonderful amount of info thank you so much for this video!!
Taylor Zalewski
Taylor Zalewski - 7 years ago
Ive been reefing for over 10 years and the food concepts delivered here were fairly new in regards to pellets nutrient density. I always thought frozen foods were nutrient dense downfalls.
Melain Kinney
Melain Kinney - 7 years ago
so no real cleaning of the sand bed in salt tanks is that a bad habit to have . i tend to rotate cleaning the sand bed one corner every other week and never under my open rock scape figure i need to leave a safe zone for bacteria to live ..should i stop that habit and should pretty much siphon water on top of rock with a water change i up'd my clean up crew i jumped in cold then had folk donate so much i got over welmed . As i battled new algae problem and cyno problem in each tank . now have limited algae. Macro algae i have it the good type chetaum think it called . i'm thinking of a algae scrubber next year my tiny 75 gal with only a school of goby clowns and two normal clowns Gomez and Morticia and two harp tails .
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
There's definitely many reefers who have success with keeping the sand bed clean on a regular basis! :-) It really comes down to what works best for you and your specific tank.
National Gamer
National Gamer - 7 years ago
I have. 55 gal and have 2 clowns 1 coral beauty 1 yellow tang 1 fox fave and 1 flame angel. Can I get more fish? Is so can u recommend any, thanks
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Depending on your nutrient control method, you may be able to add more. I'd highly recommend joining the reef hobbyist forums like Reef2Reef.com and ReefCentral.com and check out the fish discussions! :-)
Ady Wisma Putra Wardana
Ady Wisma Putra Wardana - 7 years ago
Greeting from indonesia.

I have pico tank, 40liters.
Wavemaker 3000L/hr.
Waterpump 1000L/hr
Back sump with skimmer + seachem product + baby mangrove 25pcs.

Nh4 : < 0.2 | no2 : 0 | no3 : 0 | po4 : < 0.03
Ca : 450 | mg : 1380 | kh : 10.2 | alk : 3.65
Salinity 1.025
PH : 8.1
Temperatur : 26 - 27 celcius

Lamp : 72watt

2 fish, feed 1x times each day. Always make sure the fish consume all food.

But my tank always have brown algae in glass.
How to prevent or solved it??
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
From our experience that is holding true, since the BRS160 operates at undetectable nutrient levels and we still must clean the glass nearly everyday. But it gives us an opportunity to enjoy the tank and check up on the tank health! :-)
Ady Wisma Putra Wardana
Ady Wisma Putra Wardana - 7 years ago
BulkReefSupplyCom .
thank you for response.
So low nutrient not guarantee no algae/film in glass?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
In most cases, the film on the glass will almost always be there but can be reduced using the methods described in this video. I'd also highly recommend browsing the reef hobbyist forums like Reef2Reef.com and ReefCentral.com to see what fellow reefers are using to mitigate the common glass film algae. :-)
Joey Bekius
Joey Bekius - 7 years ago
1:21 lol

10. comment for Week 48: Solving your reef tank's algae problems forever | 52 Weeks of Reefing #BRS160

Uhohhotdog Gaming
Uhohhotdog Gaming - 7 years ago
What’s best for a 13 gallon tank? I was going for astrea but was worried about them falling over constantly. Trochus seems big for a small tank.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Mostly reefers shoot for 78 degrees for their tanks, so it may be possible that they will be fine with two degrees higher. Unfortunately, this isn't the case across the board with everyone's experiences so you can't really make that determination with 100% accuracy. I would highly suggest seeking out multiple opinions from the thousands of fellow saltwater hobbyists on the forums like Reef2Reef.com and ReefCentral.com who may have already kept these snails under those specific conditions. :-)
Uhohhotdog Gaming
Uhohhotdog Gaming - 7 years ago
BulkReefSupplyCom do they do ok with 80F water temps?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Those are pretty good options. Most of us here in the office use Trochus snails in our tanks. :-)
Alfredo De La Fe
Alfredo De La Fe - 7 years ago
Going with a good frozen food does make a huge difference. Just remember that all frozen foods are not created equal. The best one I have found (which is used by public aquaria) is LRS Reef Frenzy and their other frozen foods. They are only sold via local shops, but well worth trying.
Freeyourmind - 7 years ago
I'm convinced that this man is a robot.
Freeyourmind - 7 years ago
If I ever use a $300 fixture on anything other than the display part of the tank, I will admit that I'm ate up with this stuff.
alrui - 7 years ago
what test kit is shown in the video with the "colorometer" type tester?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
It may not have been covered in this video. :-)
alrui - 7 years ago
Hey, about where is the part where he shows mechanically removing algae? I searched back through a couple times and still cant find it...
alrui - 7 years ago
Excellent, Thank you!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Oh, that's the Red Sea Nitrate Kit. :-)
alrui - 7 years ago
Sorry, my bad - it was shown at 6:48 - Thanks!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Do you know what the timestamp is for that test?
scrubs mCgrubs
scrubs mCgrubs - 7 years ago
What about getting rid of brown algae that only grows on the glass? For some reason I cant shake that stuff. Only algae in my tank is that.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Typically the brown on the glass is manageable with a glass cleaner magnet and a scraping blade for the back glass. You could use GFO to lessen the speed that it grows on the glass, but usually it is always going to be there.
gamer64 - 7 years ago
For some reason I can't grow algae I tried algae culture I saw nothing.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Hmm.. Maybe not enough nutrients in the tank?
Kammi jacob jr
Kammi jacob jr - 7 years ago
I wish I could afford to smoke the reefer these guys smoke.
VideobyRenta - 7 years ago
Great videos! BRS what's your advice against bubble algae? It's growing well in very low nutrition systems..
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
I've always had great luck with Emerald Crabs taking care of bubble algae! :-)
Rocky Lord
Rocky Lord - 7 years ago
Roller Matt = zero fish "turds" ....lol,love that part...
It is a awesome products..but whish it was a bit more affordable....Great video
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago

20. comment for Week 48: Solving your reef tank's algae problems forever | 52 Weeks of Reefing #BRS160

Madik - 7 years ago
Wonderful and informative, I appreciate your videos.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Tommy Hodges
Tommy Hodges - 7 years ago
Great concise video about Algae control and current popular methods. 100% agree with bryopsis.. manual labor and get it out by hand ASAP.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
MrPrentissDJones - 7 years ago
I'm seeing a lot of people on YouTube with success with algae scrubbers. I'm thinking about giving it a try!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
I have too! Hopefully we can put one head to head against a refugium and a chaeto reactor! :-)
Expert Aquatic
Expert Aquatic - 7 years ago
Hi Ryan happy Father's Day and happy birthday to your son
Expert Aquatic
Expert Aquatic - 7 years ago
Ok thanks
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Thanks! I'll be sure to let him know! :-)
Duane Smith
Duane Smith - 7 years ago
Your sales skills are great. But your reef keeping skills are weak. Just do more quality water changes. You've WAY over complicated things, to make a buck.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Still, sometimes simple water changes just don't keep up with the nitrate and phosphate levels and doing them in percentages of your total volume means that you are only removing a percentage of them. Following a multi-tiered approach has proven very effective for many reefers and it's typically our approach here at BRS. :-)
thatsLITfam 22
thatsLITfam 22 - 7 years ago
So I have some algae in the back chambers of my Nuvo 30l that looks like green hair, but it's brown. I can't figure out what it is and how to get rid of it. I've already tried scraping off as much as I can but it keeps coming back.
Any suggestions? Thanks!!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
+thatsLIT Fam Hey there! I think the concepts in this video will work just the same at eradicate it just as if it were in the display. Honestly though, I get the same in the back chambers of my Nuvo 40 and just pulling it out when I can works just fine. As long as it isn't in my display, I'm good! :)
Brad Aker
Brad Aker - 7 years ago
If your light is nearing the end of its usable life can that cause algae outbreaks? Possibly because of it losing spectrum? I have an led i heard they dont lose much of their spectrum but it might not be true i dont know.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Great question and also on the list of future tests! :-) Stay tuned!
Steve Dodd
Steve Dodd - 7 years ago
what I cant work out is why I get algae on my front glass and never on my rocks, gravel or back glass????
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Hmm... that's pretty strange.
Josh Vela
Josh Vela - 7 years ago
Do some more Nano Tank videos! I love the setup videos for the fusion line. But I'd love to see more videos as far as upgrades or alternative options from what's in the starter kit y'all sell. I've been binge watching BRS videos for a week!
Ryan Wilson
Ryan Wilson - 7 years ago
Josh Vela

It would be nice to see them do a sumpless nano also, using the products associated with keeping such a tank.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
habavonc - 7 years ago
I have this purple algae which is so hard to pick off of the rock and is there any advise how could I get rid of it because it's covering all my rock and there is no place left for my corals to grow
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Hey there! It's so hard to ID algae through messages, so I'm not sure I could provide you the best approach to removing your specific algae. Not to worry though, I highly recommend posting pictures on a reef hobbyist forum like Reef2Reef.com and ReefCentral.com where thousands of fellow reefers can help you ID the algae strain and provide some removal approaches! :-)
habavonc - 7 years ago
The algae is like a real good man hair of a purple color

30. comment for Week 48: Solving your reef tank's algae problems forever | 52 Weeks of Reefing #BRS160

Jarrod Speed
Jarrod Speed - 7 years ago
fluconazole for Bryopsis
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Derrik u
Derrik u - 7 years ago
Keeping magnesium above 15,000 ppm usually works pretty well
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Yikes! That is a bit high. :-) I know several reefers have success with keeping Magnesium around 1500-1600 ppm.
Evan Eversole
Evan Eversole - 7 years ago
about the rock "nutrient battery" I feel that it is the pores that we know as where there denitrifing live the water is very slow flow they have water flow through but it is not to significantly important
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Jhon Smith
Jhon Smith - 7 years ago
I've had issues with lots of different algae issues and cyano and diotoms. fast solution- get a reclactor/ pads that removes these compounds. long term solution. 200 micron filter pads, 100 micron socks, over protein skimm. get a better light for your chaeto. easily 20$ get a led blue and red spectrum one used for surface plants. run a reactor with denitrate from seachem and never turn it off. removes nitrates and when it stops you can adjust the flow to 30 gallons per hour and bacteria will inhabit it in the anoxic environment and take nitrates out. my solutions for a 300 gallon system
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Great plan of attack here! When outbreak problems get started in a larger tank like that, it can take quite a while to get them back to good! :-)
magicstix0r - 7 years ago
I've been fighting an insane bryopsis outbreak for months... It's everywhere on everything. My nitrates and phosphates are both undetectable. I got some lettuce nudis but they won't touch it. I started dosing fluconazole about 2 weeks ago and that's barely doing anything to it... ><
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Oh no! I've been following the fluconazole threads for those reefers who are using it and it's showing some promising results. I would recommend posting your tank and treatment methods thus far on the reef hobbyist forums like Reef2Reef.com and ReefCentral.com to see what hundreds of other reefers have to offer for advice, as well! :-)
mse135 - 7 years ago
Ok, so now you have Nitrate less than 10 and phosphates reading 0 on the Hanna low checker. How long should I expect it to take the algae to fade away? 2 days? 2 weeks?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Hey there! Depending on the type of algae and factors like your clean up crew, algae grazing fish, lighting schedule, and feeding schedule it could be shorter or longer. In my algae fighting experiences, I've had things like diatoms and cyanobacteria disappear within a week and algae like green hair or bryopsis that took over 2-3 months. The best thing you can do is stick to a maintenance, lighting and feeding plan that keeps your nutrients low and lessens the photosynthesis rates of the algae until it is eradicated. :-)
firebirdude2 - 7 years ago
Hair algae was the #1 reason I got out of the hobby. :( And no, that was not an overnight decision. I fought with it for years.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Oh no! Hopefully this video help you troubleshoot what was going on and allows you the confidence to get back in! :-)
Evan Eversole
Evan Eversole - 7 years ago
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
A few reefers here in the BRS office agree 100% !
Noveske O2369
Noveske O2369 - 8 years ago
In all my tank both fresh and salt I find that water changes fix everything !! A good cleaning with good water changes will always make a noticeable difference . For the most part if your fish look sick water changes, something to high or low water changes, algae water changes, corals start to look bad water changes
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
I know the best time to take photos of my tanks are right after a water change! ;-)
ByRecentDesign - 8 years ago
I love how he's being all professional and scientific until at 15:58 he drops a turd. :p j/k love the videos.
bledgerwoodSD - 7 years ago
lol..I heard that..I was like, did he just say Fish Turd..??
goodall1bay - 8 years ago
Haha I didn't notice that. Good job he didn't say shit then
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Haha! We try to keep it professional around here!
jb 227
jb 227 - 8 years ago
would well water be better or worse than tap water?
Skodaman2 - 8 years ago
Probably well water is a lot better. Depends where you're at though. It could have fatal runoff of pesticides for example. Test it for everything you can first though. My local tapwater has high phosphates and nitrates particularly in summer. Either way don't use tapwater use RODI or at least RO for reef tanks.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Yes and no. Many city municipalities use chemical treatments that aren't present in many well waters, but well water can also harbor chemicals and pesticides. It really becomes a matter of what makes up your specific water source.
reef guy 92
reef guy 92 - 8 years ago
having a uv sterilizer will that stop the algae ?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Not entirely, since nearly all the cellular structure of the algae is affixed to a surface in the tank. Free-floating cells, that end up passing through the sterilizer, have a chance of being killed. It doesn't have much of an effect on the mass growing on the rock and sand.
mrcow51 - 8 years ago
I have this annoying brown algae that mainly grows on my sand within a day. I blow it off with a turkey baster but it comes back everyday. I recently started to dose something new and the algae started around that time so would that be one of the reasons? I didn't have it before. Also does sunlight have an effect on algae? I just have a little bit shining on it from the windows for about 2 hours or so
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Hey there! Usually, if you can identify what has changed in your tank from before the problem to now. It sounds like you figured that out with the product you are dosing. :-) Direct natural light on the tank can potentially lead to algae growth. Many reefers try to avoid natural light as much as possible.
James Wright
James Wright - 8 years ago
It took me many years to learn some of this information, mostly through trial and error. Its cool to hear someone explain algae control so quickly and concisely.
vejas butkus
vejas butkus - 8 years ago
did you saw that? 12:45 on lower rock
vejas butkus
vejas butkus - 7 years ago
JcSH2o - 7 years ago
vejas butkus Arm of a starfish
vejas butkus
vejas butkus - 7 years ago
Kai Matthews mmm maybbe a worm??? a pest???
Kai Matthews
Kai Matthews - 7 years ago
I see it what do you think it is?
Fastt Life
Fastt Life - 8 years ago
BRS why don't you sell any algae scrubbers? You should do a video on algae scrubbers- please and thank you
Fastt Life
Fastt Life - 8 years ago
BulkReefSupplyCom I would be interested if you guys would test the Santa Monica algae scrubbers that a pretty popular these days.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Might be a good DIY project for a video!
dfaik - 8 years ago
Best video on this topic I've seen. Thanks. I didn't know that difference between dried pellets and frozen food.
Jermaine Drummonds
Jermaine Drummonds - 8 years ago
Would anything happen if I put aquarium salt (for freshwater fish) in my saltwater aquarium?
Skodaman2 - 8 years ago
No because it's likely mined pure sodium chloride so not a good idea.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
To be honest, I'm not familiar with freshwater. What is it exactly?
Jermaine Drummonds
Jermaine Drummonds - 8 years ago
I have 10 boxes laying around. Just wanted to know if I could utilize them.
Young Tank
Young Tank - 8 years ago
I'm New in the hobby and I'm just running into brown algae

50. comment for Week 48: Solving your reef tank's algae problems forever | 52 Weeks of Reefing #BRS160

Shaun600RR - 8 years ago
I'm not even sure if it's algae or a type of bacteria I have. The easiest way to describe it is a white cobweb on the rocks and glass. The same kind of effect as dragging a rock through polyester.
Markeith Atkins
Markeith Atkins - 8 years ago
Hi i just wanted to know exactly what you have on your sump. I am buying a 200 gallon tank and just want to set it up perfectly
Andy Franz
Andy Franz - 8 years ago
My question is, Does the infra red lights from my tanks 2 dlink camera's add to algae growth.
That Guy
That Guy - 8 years ago
He is always precise and scientific with his wording, I laughed so hard when he said fish turds. Lmao
The Head I.T.Guy
The Head I.T.Guy - 8 years ago
Did he just say "fish turds" at 15:50?
Cole Schultz
Cole Schultz - 7 years ago
Definitely said fish turds, but so nonchalantly that I had to rewind. :)
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Cidney Williams
Cidney Williams - 8 years ago
what's the monster at 25:50?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
That is a conch :)
Steven Songer
Steven Songer - 8 years ago
I didn't think you could have 2 purple tangs ?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Steven Songer
Steven Songer - 8 years ago
BulkReefSupplyCom awesome ! Looking forward to it
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
We are actually releasing a video featuring your comment come Friday :) Essentially, if you add the fish at the same time as tiny juveniles, give them plenty of space (I would probably say a 6 foot tank would be best in this case), keep them well fed, and keep an eye on them it will increase your chances at success.
Steven Songer
Steven Songer - 8 years ago
BulkReefSupplyCom so I could add a purple and yellow together at a young age ?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Yup! We added them as tiny juveniles together at the same time into the tank to reduce aggression, and keep them well fed. :)
WAVES & REEFS - 8 years ago
I suggest Ryan , Authors a book that covers all the topics covered on BRS TV. I would be first in line to buy it !
customer .
Jake Carpenter
Jake Carpenter - 8 years ago
I had a huge algae problem for the longest time. I was doing everything "right". I was doing 25-50% water changes weekly and tried biweekly. My problem would just not go away. That's when I followed the advise of the owner of the Fish Bowl in Camden DE. He said my water changes are too big. I have a 60 gallon reef tank. He told me to do 3 gallon water changes a week. After following his advice, IT WORKED!! He said I Was changing too much water and the tank kept cycling over and over every time I made a 25-50% water change.
Michael Brice
Michael Brice - 7 years ago
The water doesn't cycle, the surface area in the tank does. The only way this works is if your water has chlorine in it.
JcSH2o - 7 years ago
Jake Carpenter
fuguto - 8 years ago
Very informative. Great job!
Derddy Dert
Derddy Dert - 8 years ago
What about bloodworms?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Oh yeah, they will definitely eat them! Little pigs :P
Derddy Dert
Derddy Dert - 8 years ago
Ive been doing a pinch of flak food in the morning and a pinch of dried bloodworms at night. The damsels snag them up once they hit the water.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
As a food source? Totally an option, but I like to use bloodworms with freshwater fish.
Brian Content
Brian Content - 8 years ago
I like the "it's not brain surgery" approach. simple methodology works best. thanks
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Thanks Brian :)
Ciaran Stevenson
Ciaran Stevenson - 8 years ago
How do I remove bryopsis algae? Is there any way without using Kent Tech M method? (Live rock can't be removed from tank)
Ciaran Stevenson
Ciaran Stevenson - 8 years ago
BulkReefSupplyCom thank you very much :)
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Manual removal, combating it with inverts/fish that eat it, maintaining nutrients, and target spraying it with hydrogen peroxide when the tank is drained during a water change can all help :)
B T - 8 years ago
I dose hydrogen peroxide directly in my 20 gal long planted freshwater tank as well as my 500 gallon koi pond and have not had algae since I started doing it two years ago
Troll Doll
Troll Doll - 8 years ago
Who the hell told you to start talking like this?!?!?!?!?!??!! seriously...what was wrong with the old way you talked???
Mariposa Farfan
Mariposa Farfan - 7 years ago
Take some tylenol and gooooo away ! I like this guy he is cool I watch him all the time no headaches here . asshole :)
lexustheimpaler - 8 years ago
Man I get a headache listening to his voice.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Thank you for the feedback Joey :)
Keith Chasse
Keith Chasse - 8 years ago
Would love some suggestions on bubble algea.
TheSeraphim75 - 7 years ago
Lo Vulpinus & Sailfin Tang.
Don't feed the tank more than once a week. If they don't start eating in a weeks time, pick up a valonia and let it float near the fox or sailfin so they check it out. I even went as far a bursting the algae. Once the sailfin knew it was edible they ripped up everything like candy.
My display was covered in hundreds and hundred of valonia and in 3 weeks I have been hunting everywhere and found just 1 under a colony of acans. They ate that too.
Keith Chasse
Keith Chasse - 8 years ago
Thanks for the tip. Any tips on how to remove without popping and what types of nutrients it gravitates towards? Or is it truely an ounce of prevention only type of pest?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
It's tricky stuff to deal with. Manual removal without popping the bubbles has worked for me. Emerald crabs seem to have a taste for it as well.
Phil B
Phil B - 8 years ago
Any specific suggestions for a tank overrun with grape caulerpa and bubble algae?
pool24boy - 8 years ago
I live BRS, thank you for all the video's and great products.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Thanks! :D
IMRAN SUHAIMI - 8 years ago
Thank you Ryan,good info
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching!
Brian's Aquariums
Brian's Aquariums - 8 years ago
This is the end all algae killer video. If you cant kill algae after watching this, watch it again, and again, and again, etc. I Think I'm on my 3rd or 4th time watching this. Took very detailed notes. I have I don't have to use them all. This is such a very informative video. There's no magic cure to get rid of algae, you just have to maintain it and do your daily, weekly, monthly and yearly maintenance. Skimp on any of it and here comes our worst enemy...ALGAE!!!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Thanks Brian! Happy to hear we could help :D
Guy Green
Guy Green - 8 years ago
I'm new to SW (I've got 7 FW tanks), this series is extremely helpful, thanks very much.. I'm watching each ep!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Nice! Let me know if you run into any questions
Mo Osman
Mo Osman - 8 years ago
Tooth brush your rocks on a regular and ALWAYS prior to your water changes.
Timothy Katzen
Timothy Katzen - 8 years ago
Great video!! thank you very much for ALL the info.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Thanks Timothy, happy to hear you liked it!
Bru Tanner
Bru Tanner - 8 years ago
Congratulations to your family. Flynn is a great name!@
Scott Tomkinson
Scott Tomkinson - 8 years ago
My Son's called Flynn too! Wicked name!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Nice :)
mylyingeyes - 8 years ago
the best way to have an algae outbreak is to have a new baby. haha. the algae is always there waiting for you to be too busy and bammo!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
smiles1969able - 8 years ago
iv read somewhere water changes help is this correct?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Absolutely! Water changes remove nitrate and phosphate that the algae uses for growth.
Mitsos Mux
Mitsos Mux - 8 years ago
i like how Ryan speaks quickly meaning not slow and this makes it really fun in slo mo
Santa Monica Filtration
Santa Monica Filtration - 8 years ago
Yes he could be a sports announcer.
Cory ytzen
Cory ytzen - 8 years ago
congrats on new baby!!! were expecting our first girl in feb!! after 4 boys my wifes ready for her girl!!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Thanks, and congrats as well!
King Reef
King Reef - 8 years ago
just get a separate tank of chaeto and light 24/7. problem solve
PowerfulLeviB - 8 years ago
Studies have shown that you would need an enormous amount of chaeto, and would have to remove and even larger amount, every day, to make an impact on parameters.
Ricky 2410
Ricky 2410 - 8 years ago
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
3 - 8 years ago
congrats buddy
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
jonas martin
jonas martin - 8 years ago
is there a way that I can. revive or replace some of the zoozanthalea in my anemone
jonas martin
jonas martin - 8 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom thanks so much.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Ok, I see. I would recommend feeding it and keeping it happy and it should recover with good water quality.
jonas martin
jonas martin - 8 years ago
+jonas martin I keep the temp around 79.6 and I have it under a t5 fixture
jonas martin
jonas martin - 8 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom part of it was in the power head
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Your best bet is to keep it happy and it will regenerate on it's own. Do you know what caused it? Temperature? Lighting?
doldy12 - 8 years ago
Party on Wayne.
SaltCritters - 8 years ago
Peroxide is awesome at getting rid of algae. I dump it right in the tank. Usually about 10ml pre gallon then do a big water change after 30min. Usually doesn't hurt the corals. Sps will brown some for a while but bounce back. Candy cane coral and some chalice corals hate it for whatever reason but everything else doesn't mind it.
Cliffepoos - 8 years ago
Since I put the algae scrubber on my tank most of my algae problems in my display tank have gone. I also use a liquid phosphate remover and between the two I do not have a problem. Thanks for all the great videos. They have really helped me get back into the hobby after a long break and given me a lot of useful ideas and tips. Just hurry up and start suppling to the UK market!
Abdus Samad
Abdus Samad - 8 years ago
nope. 34 seconds was as far as I could go. too annoying
Martin Visagie
Martin Visagie - 8 years ago
Hey Guy,

Is there an algae that is good? My rocks are turning green, but its not bubble algae or GHA or anything. I barely had a detritus outbreak. My tank is about 6 weeks old.

Basically want to know if its just park of the rock maturing & should i look into my parameters.

Nitrate = max been 25, then i do a WC
Phosphate = 0.03

PS - Bit of green algae on my front glass.

Martin Visagie
Martin Visagie - 8 years ago

BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Yup! That sounds normal. The rock will turn green as the tank matures, and then be overtaken eventually by pink and purple coralline algae.
Brandon Meade
Brandon Meade - 8 years ago
yeah do more man
Brandon Meade
Brandon Meade - 8 years ago
love yr episodes ryan great info
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Thanks Brandon! Happy to hear you like them :)
Brandon Meade
Brandon Meade - 8 years ago
cheers ryan
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Cheers :)
Brandon Meade
Brandon Meade - 8 years ago
ryan please tell me what the algae is at 2 mins 40 seconds in this video . and how to get rid of it . I have this in my tank .
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
That is Bryopsis. Manual removal, natural removal, running elevated magnesium, siphoning it out during water changes, and even spraying exposed areas with hydrogen peroxide mid-water change are all options to consider.
Justin Van Buren
Justin Van Buren - 8 years ago
any input on removing spindle weed algae? currently have filter socks and skimmer, installing an algae scrubber soon and starting vodka dosing. I am considering removing rocks and spraying with hydrogen peroxide, thoughts?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Ok, cool. This algae actually relies pretty heavily on calcium and alkalinity. A lot of people that have it end up losing it after corals out compete it for those elements.
Justin Van Buren
Justin Van Buren - 8 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom not at the moment just fish, want to get algae under control first.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
This stuff might not respond to peroxide in the same way as hair algae or bryopsis. Personally I would recommend removing as much as you can by hand. Do you have any corals in the tank?
Justin Van Buren
Justin Van Buren - 8 years ago
I also have reactor for gfo and carbon
william wulffleff
william wulffleff - 8 years ago
Congratulations Ryan. The birth of your son on father's day is reeftastic
How to Dad
How to Dad - 8 years ago
congrats on the son!!!!!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Smigs s
Smigs s - 8 years ago
Congratulations Ryan, and good to see  you back :)
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
DTMs Reef
DTMs Reef - 8 years ago
congratulations Ryan!! and welcome back :)
cthomas1026 - 8 years ago
Is there still a full blown Zeo episode coming? Been looking forward to it for ages since you guys mentioned it awhile back.
cthomas1026 - 8 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom wooooo!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
I do believe it is in the plans :)
Merle Mitchell
Merle Mitchell - 8 years ago
Thank you Ryan. I'm saving this video so I can watch it again and again to get rid of this red turf algae!
funnymakeslifesunny - 8 years ago
at 9:55 the orange fish in the center bottom of the screen, is it a type of clownfish? It looks like a clownfish without the black stripes
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
You've got it! It's called a Naked Ocellaris Clownfish:


100. comment for Week 48: Solving your reef tank's algae problems forever | 52 Weeks of Reefing #BRS160

Ryan's Reef
Ryan's Reef - 8 years ago
One of the better videos, very complete. Welcome back Ryan and RT did a nice job, keep him engaged. Congrats on new baby!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Thanks Ryan :D
misterjimmy - 8 years ago
Welcome back Ryan and congrats on being a father.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Thanks :)
Hormonel - 8 years ago
Just in time, we've been having so much trouble with alge. Congratulations on the baby!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Vi3tKid420 - 8 years ago
Another thing is dont rush your tank. I added fish and corals too quickly into my system, all my parameters are correct but i still had a big cyno-bacteria infection. I didnt let the tank fully cycle and the algae would pop back up everyday on the sandbed.
Edward Thayer
Edward Thayer - 8 years ago
Rotter Tube Reef
Rotter Tube Reef - 8 years ago
awesome video. very thorough! congrats on your new baby! i have high nitrates. sugar dosing works awesome for me! i didn't want to dose everyday so i moved to a reef octopus bio pellet reactor. it's been about 6 weeks. hoping it works well. also just started a refugium for the 125 gallon tang stocked tank. thanks!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Thanks, happy to hear you liked it! Sounds like a sweet tank!
Evan Chandlee
Evan Chandlee - 8 years ago
@BulkReefSupplyCom I saw multiple clips where you were pulling out Bryopsis by hand. I heard that this is not recommended as this can cause fragmentation and make the issue worse. What are your thoughts on that?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Personally I would be in the opposite camp on this one. While some algae might make it's way into the water column, not removing it can be more of an issue. If you are taking steps towards killing this algae and it dies in the tank without removing it, it will die releasing all the nitrate and phosphate it used to grow fueling even more algae growth in the tank. Manual removal by hand in tandem with a chemical or natural method of predation is your best bet in my opinion.
Darth GrumpBert
Darth GrumpBert - 8 years ago
And he's back in the room! Welcome back buddy and much congrats!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Dominic Lucero
Dominic Lucero - 8 years ago
Congrats again.
I run a Calcium reactor and I had a theory on further scrubbing Co2. I run the effluent into a small refugium in my sump. I figured the algae would feed the excess. Honestly I don't think it's really doing anything but if others are interested in would like to hear if anyone else has noticed a difference.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Pretty solid theory actually! With a good amount of contact time it could help.
Doug C
Doug C - 8 years ago
welcome back and congrats on the little one
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Thanks Doug!
Sunil George
Sunil George - 8 years ago
Alex Kingcole
Alex Kingcole - 8 years ago
Dila's guppies
Dila's guppies - 8 years ago
Yeah I seen that too
warddman - 8 years ago
wow info overload.!!!!! love it
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Happy to hear you liked it!
Justin Stanley
Justin Stanley - 8 years ago
I am running one of the new L2 skimmers from Turbo Aquatics and I can see a difference in the amount of algae in the tank. It has started to all recede and is even taking longer in between glass cleanings. I notice you had his older version on your video. The new one is all extruded plastic with adjustable LED and removable clear polycarbonate basket. It also has a new custom square spray bar. Very nice product so far.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Very nice!
Mike B
Mike B - 8 years ago
Congrats man, however as someone who has a 5 month old I question how real your baby is... you have way too much energy and look awake! I'm still trying to catch up on sleep :(
Mike B
Mike B - 8 years ago
Regardless, good to have you back.  Not that I didn't like the other guy but I'm really feel enlightened by this whole series, and I've been in the hobby over 10 years.  It's giving me some food for thought on what to do with my next tank
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
:P I feel for you. It's been a challenge.
Ivan S.
Ivan S. - 8 years ago
My LFS recommended I dose a biological bacteria product to my tank once a week. The product they sold me is called Outbreak! Marine Biological Maintenance. I've been using it as instructed for a couple of months now (I dose it once a week after I finish a water change), but I really don't know whether it has had a positive impact in my tank or not. It has not negatively affected any of my fish and corals. I have had my tank running for about 8 months now and it's my first reef tank so I'm still somewhat new to the hobby and learning every day. Do you guys think dosing bacteria to the tank as part of weekly maintenance, once you have completed cycling the tank, is worthwhile or is it a waste of money? I'm really interested in your opinion.
Ivan S.
Ivan S. - 8 years ago
Thank you!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
While it likely isn't necessary, it certainly won't hurt to do so. Some filtration systems like Zeovit for example are bacteria driven and require dosage of bacteria, but in a normal system it's not necessary. If the product isn't super expensive it could be worth to continue doing especially if you like how your tank is doing at the moment. Otherwise I doubt you'd have any issues discontinuing its use.
Santa Monica Filtration
Santa Monica Filtration - 8 years ago
I don't watch sports but if Ryan were the announcer then I would. Amazing how he can put all that info into single sentences. Flynn will have a lot to learn :)
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Thank you, really happy to hear you liked the video :D
SirChips alot
SirChips alot - 8 years ago
what would you guys recommend on fight dinoflakage its brown and horrible help would be great thx
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Dinoflagellates are usually best fixed by a black out period in your tank, as well as raising pH.
AveA Reef
AveA Reef - 8 years ago
Congrats on your baby Ryan! and Big Welcome :)
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
warusweims - 8 years ago
Ro/Di water is good for more than just mixing salt water. It's great for first aid and diluting concentrated automotive anti-freeze.
Feroz Reef
Feroz Reef - 8 years ago
Congratulations on your baby and welcome back
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
LY O - 8 years ago
Yay, he's back
Abdullah Alawwad
Abdullah Alawwad - 8 years ago
Please can you explore claims by a product called Purigen media filter. Thanks
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
What specifically do you have questions on?
NYCity Cichlids
NYCity Cichlids - 8 years ago
Congrats Ryan. Great video.
John Y.
John Y. - 8 years ago
HE'S BACK!!! THANK THE LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!
Adam Nitschke
Adam Nitschke - 8 years ago
Contgats on the addition Rayn. Good to see everyone is happy and healthy!

I have a question about cyano. I've setup a 220 with a 90 sump, there's about 250 total gallons and water has been in the tank since 6/1. All parameters are good. In the middle chamber of the sump is a fuge with chaeto and rock rubble. I have a 20w 6500k led flood over it and on some of the rock is the only place I have cyano growing. I've bee told to increase the flow and/or change the light. What do you think would be the best way to deal with it?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Back in the day I had two frag tanks in my basement. One was lit with a very blue light, and the other was lit with a very yellow light. The tank that was lit with blue light hardly had any algae at all, however the yellow lit tank was growing cyano so thick it was causing the frag racks in the tank to float to the surface. It's tough to say for certain in your situation, but it is worth looking into your light. :)
marius sulla
marius sulla - 8 years ago
Hi you forgot one key factor often experienced by Jaubert reefers in France, salinity. Too high salinity is very common when you don't have a refractometer and it provokes algae blooms
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Interesting point!
Torise Wooldridge
Torise Wooldridge - 8 years ago
Welcome back Ryan! Congratulations on new baby!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
MikeyD - 8 years ago
Congratulations to you and your wife on your new baby. I have to say, this is one of the best advice episodes I've seen about algae. I'll be posting this video in my local reef forum. I swear by GFO and R.S. NO/PO. I also run a fug. just for show really. But still getting good macro growth. my levels of Nitrate run between 1-2 ppm and Phos. around 0.19. Those levels seem to work for my reef. I'd like to see PO4 come down some, but like I said, the reef is doing great. Thanks for the great videos. Again, congratulations on God's gift to you and your wife. Enjoy.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Thanks Mikey! Sounds like you've got it dialed in :)
Steve Brady
Steve Brady - 8 years ago
how do you like algae blennies compared to yellow tangs? thx
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
It depends on the size of tank, but they are great additions as well!
The Glitch
The Glitch - 8 years ago
Huge congrats on your baby dude! Another reefer is born. :)
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
pepenaker - 8 years ago
Too much information and besides im very drunk so i will to watch this video again
Jessica N
Jessica N - 7 years ago
WaterspoutsOfTheDeep - 8 years ago
Congrats on your new son! and wow lots of hair haha
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Haha :)
Dillon de Voor
Dillon de Voor - 8 years ago
I often see Amphipods being advertised as the best grazers. Would it make sense to add them to prevent algae?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Hmm interesting, it likely couldn't hurt!
urbanrat84 - 8 years ago
I did the bucket test with a 1 foot tall soft coral on a thin sliver of rock in a 100L tub and I was getting a reading of 20ppm nitrate on my test kit. Once the corals reach a certain size its my belief they can contribute to nitrate levels if filtration is inadequate.
urbanrat84 - 8 years ago
No feeding. Put it in the tub with fresh salt water, a powerhead, heater and a light overhead.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Interesting. You weren't feeding the coral in the bucket were you?
Ray Lee
Ray Lee - 8 years ago
please made a video about how to prevent white spot outbreak in the tank and how to kill it
Ray Lee
Ray Lee - 8 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom thanks
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
We'll be covering ich in a video a couple weeks out :)
Danny Betkowski
Danny Betkowski - 8 years ago
Seems like every algae had a magic cure at the end there except the one I always struggle with... hair algae :P Naturally! This was a good episode, even if it was mostly recap. thanks!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
:P It can be tricky! Manual removal has always been my best friend with hair algae.
Anthony Ragan
Anthony Ragan - 8 years ago
Welcome back, and congratulations to you and the Mrs on the new son! :)
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Thanks Anthony :)
wrmaldonado - 8 years ago
Ryan used to have a partner in these demos. What ever happened to that guy? Was his name Reece, or something like that?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Reid :) He has moved on to other ventures.
Amin __
Amin __ - 8 years ago
congratulation! wish you all the best in the new chapter of your life
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
NavyTom91 - 8 years ago
Great video and welcome back, out of all the great things you guys do I have to comment on the video editing... its top notch and just makes your videos that much better. keep the videos coming.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Thanks, I'm sure our editor Dave will be happy to hear it :)
Subie Nation
Subie Nation - 8 years ago
Hi I have a 29 gallon bio cube. It has 32 pounds of live rock. 40 pounds of live sand. I use RO water. It has been setup for 17 days already and I had 2 green Cromis in it on the 9th day which were breathing heavily all the time and would not eat. They passed away 2 days later. My Ammonia was 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 0 PH 8.2. I went to the lfs and got tested for phosphate turns out I had phosphate in my tank. So I did a 5 gallon water Change. Since the water change I have a lot of green and brown algae and my water is really bad PH 8.2 Ammonia 1 Nitrite 1 Nitrate 10-20. It has not dropped or increases what should I do?? I also I have two 600 gph power heads. Please help.
Jim Schertzing
Jim Schertzing - 8 years ago
+Subie Nation you have to have something in there or use something to cycle. just putting water and salt in a tank will not do anything even small amounts of live sand or rock won't do it. cycle refers to the ammonia cycle, basically something needs to breakdown to feed the beneficial bacteria.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Did the tank cycle initially before you added the fish? Did you ever see an ammonia spike prior to fish?
Subie Nation
Subie Nation - 8 years ago
+Jim Schertzing I'm using the api saltwater master test kit. I have nothing in the tank. I didn't use any supplements to cycle I just let it sit and filter.
Jim Schertzing
Jim Schertzing - 8 years ago
+Subie Nation what are you using to test? 17 days for a complete cycle is very short. What do you have in the tank, coral? Live stock? How did you cycle?
Subie Nation
Subie Nation - 8 years ago
+Jim Schertzing it's in total. Also I vodka dosed last night and my Ammonia is 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 5. Do you think I should keep dosing? Thanks.
Jim Schertzing
Jim Schertzing - 8 years ago
When you day set up for 17 days is that total or since it cycled?
goodall1bay - 8 years ago
I found the best way was to add algae like cauliphra and it seems to reduce growth of undesirable algae. Along with keeping tangs and doing water changes weekly till normal again.
goodall1bay - 8 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom yeah I mean refugium lol. I harvest it back to the tangs. Seems that way it counteracts the nitrate of the tangs poo
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Nice! Are you keeping it in a refugium?
goodall1bay - 8 years ago
Mean add algae if you don't have a sump with it in already.
WAZZA - 8 years ago
Yay, 52WOR is back!!!
Been having withdrawal symptoms.
Been away for some time but you havent missed a beat.
It's as if ... wait you didnt practice this while you were on holidays with you wife and son did you? LOL :P
Great vid, lots of reefers will get a lot out of this one.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
No promises ;)
Michael Cura
Michael Cura - 8 years ago
Missed this guy,
MASON MITCHELL - 8 years ago
I bet Flynn will be an expert on reefing some day
SweatyReef - 8 years ago
always lots of solid info in your videos, great job.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Thanks, glad to hear you enjoyed it!
Digital Flight
Digital Flight - 8 years ago
Awesome video as always!!! And congratulations For the new baby !! He is going to be one expert little fela..
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Thanks :D
ill have Uh, uhhh
ill have Uh, uhhh - 8 years ago
I have little worms in my sand bed. I know they are not bristle worms (different problem lol), but they look lile little orange or zebra striped hairs. They are very ugly, and when I feed the tank they all come out. Any way of identifying them?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Steve nailed it - most likely spaghetti worms.
Steve Brady
Steve Brady - 8 years ago
spaghetti worms. they're good
ill have Uh, uhhh
ill have Uh, uhhh - 8 years ago
Just saw next week title lol
Tristan Beligan
Tristan Beligan - 8 years ago
How do I get rid of green water?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Nutrient reduction, and if it's really bad you might even look into a sterilizer. :)
Justin Stanley
Justin Stanley - 8 years ago
You mean the super green water where you can't see the back of the tank? You have to use UV lighting and/or a diatom filter.
Santa Monica Filtration
Santa Monica Filtration - 8 years ago
Nutrient reduction. The green is just micro algae that is consuming nutrients.
CaliReef - 8 years ago
Anthony's Malawi Predators
Anthony's Malawi Predators - 8 years ago
this was an extremely well structed and in depth video! 2 thumbs up
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Thanks, glad you liked it!
jassimps - 8 years ago
Informative and Very Comprehensive as always... appreciate BRStv covering this topic! ... A combination of consistent water changes, carbon, phosphate removing media and Red Sea Reef Care Program has helped my mixed reef tank control algae.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
That is great to hear!
Rad Perez
Rad Perez - 8 years ago
Great vid, welcome back......
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Carl Recktenwald Jr.
Carl Recktenwald Jr. - 8 years ago
awesome video. thanks
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Thanks Carl!
Billy Pipes
Billy Pipes - 8 years ago
my 2nd one is due in 2 weeks. just got the tank upgrade done thanks to the 6 stage rodi I just got from u
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Woohoo! Exciting!
tomas dx
tomas dx - 8 years ago
Man , I can't wait for a professionally made algea scrubber (made in the US) the one I have is a piece of junk Chinese scrubber and still does the job on my 210!!!
tomas dx
tomas dx - 8 years ago
+johnVidBozo I will for sure. Thank you for taking the time to help me out :)
johnVidBozo - 8 years ago
You might want to look at 'Turbo Aquatics' for a US made scrubber. I have one and like it a lot. Santa-Monica.cc also makes scrubbers
Don Lidtke
Don Lidtke - 8 years ago
Congratulation on your new family! This new adventure makes reefing look easy but with far greater results. Adult kids are a blast! I have three. :)
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Thanks Don
William Cowley
William Cowley - 8 years ago
Great your back
David Arteaga
David Arteaga - 8 years ago
activate subtitles in the video , please.
I am deaf
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
I'm actually working on those right this minute. Shouldn't be too much longer.
Chris Ordeneaux
Chris Ordeneaux - 8 years ago
Thank you for going into the Rock issue. I never believed that rock could chemically bind nutrients. At most it could be detritus in the rock.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
That's our thought as well Chris.
T Surro
T Surro - 8 years ago
Flynn? Must be a breaking bad fan, I was, always a new type of algae on the horizon, Manuel removal and nutrient check, keeps u busy!!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Ha! Very true, manual removal is key.
shawnriv9 - 8 years ago
What kind of fish are those at 10:21?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Dillon nailed it. They only eat SPS polyps, however Chad has a pretty great method of training them onto pellets. Smearing frozen food onto an acro skeleton usually gets them eating frozen food, and they take to pellets not too long after.
Dillon de Voor
Dillon de Voor - 8 years ago
Assuming you are talking about the two fish in the foreground, they are orange spotted or harlequin filefish. I like how they look but as far as I know they nibble on SPS polyps.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Great video... Algae scrubber, huge water changes and manual removal have helped me with fighting Bryopsis... Nice to know I've been on the right track
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom what ☝
Santa Monica Filtration
Santa Monica Filtration - 8 years ago
He has one of our DROP.6 units. Only one LED but it gets lots of growth.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Sweet! Did you build your own scrubber?
Roger Wilco
Roger Wilco - 8 years ago
Zinc. Not Zink.Also, look into calcium carbonate and it's methods of sucking up phosphate. It's widely used in freshwater systems to rid lakes of phosphate and algae problems.  As well as how it releases. (8.3 is max absorption, as you move away from 8.3 the releasing rate increases, so 7.8 probably releases more than you think)And PLEEEEEASE warn people of the toxicity of stabilizers in brown bottle peroxide. This can't be overstated enough.
John John
John John - 8 years ago
Can the zeovit nutrient reduction system be used with products from other companies?
For example, if someone uses BRS 2-part dosing for maintaining alkalinity and calcium, Red Sea nopox for nutrient reduction along with Red Sea coral nutrition and coloration program, can they get rid of Red Sea's nopox and reef nutrition and use the zeovit reactor, zeo bac, zeo start and zeo food instead, but still keep using the BRS 2-part and the Red Sea coloration program?
After a lot of research online, I still haven't found a definitive answer to that question.
Please, help!
What I am basicaly asking is, can we use only those 4 products from zeovit specificaly for nutrient reduction and still keep using any other product from any other brand for other purposes?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
The two part definitely isn't a problem, you should be able to use almost anything as far as two part goes. When it comes to color specific additives, while I'm sure it wouldn't harm anything to run the Red Sea program, one of the coolest parts of Zeovit is the large selections of additives that are tuned to adjust the colors of your corals to your individual tank.
googIereallysucks - 8 years ago
I didn't see where you mentioned diatoms. I have been dealing with it for months and I wish I could get rid of it.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Ahh, good point. Well, let me know if it comes back. It sounds like this may be the key.
googIereallysucks - 8 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom thanks for taking the time to try to help! It doesn't grow on the rocks to much, just on the sand, that's why originally I thought it was diatoms. But I have used red slime remover twice now and it will go away but comes right back in about a week. After using the red slime remover I was still dosing nitrate. This time I just used it and stopped dosing nitrate. I am hoping it will be gone soon.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
I'm assuming you are pulling it out with water changes as well? That is one of my favorite methods to removing the stuff. Suck it off the rocks with a siphon hose. A lot of the times it has a hard time finding a good place to take root again.
googIereallysucks - 8 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom yes, sps were fading pretty bad but since dosing the nitrate the colors have come back, along with cyano. Cyano wouldn't bother me as bad but sometimes it gets on a couple of the corals and I see it aggravating them. I wish I could get rid of it permanently.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Gotcha. I would give that a shot. We're your corals turning pale from a lack of nitrate?
googIereallysucks - 8 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom you say lucky, ha! My phosphate is .01 and I am having to dose nitrate to get it to 2ppm. Flow is a gyre 150 and a gyre 130 in my 75 gallon on opposite walls. I used the red slime remover, it gets rid of the cyano but comes back in a week. I am stopping the nitrate dosing to see if that helps, it's when I first noticed the cyano.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Luckily that is a little easier to take care of. Up your flow, reduce your nitrate and phosphate, and as a last resort run a chemical removal method :)
googIereallysucks - 8 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom turned out to be cyano...
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Hmmm, are you running GFO?
googIereallysucks - 8 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom 5 months. I had the bloom after cycle and it went away for about a month then came back and hasn't went away.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
How old is the tank? 99% of tanks go through a diatom bloom as the tank matures.
Sara Ivy
Sara Ivy - 8 years ago
Congrats on the baby Ryan!

Got a typo: Should be Zinc, not Zink.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Thank you! Totally missed that :P
Nado - 8 years ago
RYAN!!!! no homo but <3 <3 <3 missed you
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Haha, thanks.
OneGuyAndHisFish - 8 years ago
Great video! My favourite way of getting rid of algae: sit and cry!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Betta Gene
Betta Gene - 8 years ago
love this video but do you take break to drink water or something cause is a like of useful info thank you
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Shane The Reefer
Shane The Reefer - 8 years ago
I have some red algae on a mushroom colony I acquired. Is actually quite pretty. Will be keeping my eye on it though. Not sure I want a tank full of it!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Some macro algae is actually pretty cool! Just be sure it doesn't take off on you and you are good.
Loki's Antics
Loki's Antics - 8 years ago
YAY Welcome back Ryan!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Exodus - 8 years ago
How do you grow coralline algae on dry rock with out adding live rock to your system
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
It comes in on coral frag plugs and bases. :)
Phong Le
Phong Le - 8 years ago
welcome back champ, congrats on the little man.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Adam Golden
Adam Golden - 8 years ago
Yay! Week 48! This episode looks great because I have a bit of an algae issue.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Hope this helps!
EAST COAST REEFER - 8 years ago
what about algae scrubbers. I've seen a few, but can't find one to buy. what's your opinion on them?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
It grows algae really well!
Santa Monica Filtration
Santa Monica Filtration - 8 years ago
I like the thick growth in the HOG3 that he was lifting out of the tank :)
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
We are currently evaluating a few, and while it's too early to say, we have been pretty impressed with scrubbers!
Stephen Hecht
Stephen Hecht - 8 years ago
+Raymond Eutermarks Sent a note to the scrubber guys at 302 (Don't know their names) and was told they would give you a deal. They must have looked at the video ad they said they were not impressed with the scrubber there. Theirs do look impressive. Mine should be ready (sump and scrubber) in 3 more weeks. Just ordered it last week.
EAST COAST REEFER - 8 years ago
+Stephen Hecht cool Thanks I'll check them out
Stephen Hecht
Stephen Hecht - 8 years ago
I just ordered one from
They have some very nice units! Found them very responsive on their Facebook page.
Jay Ballauer
Jay Ballauer - 8 years ago
Glad you are back, Ryan. Congrats on the family! Glad you'll continue the FAQ series...R.T. Is really good.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Thanks Jay!
AJS - 8 years ago
Welcome back and congrats on the new kid
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
russmaleartist - 8 years ago
Nice to see you back, Ryan . . . congratulations, daddy, on your child and also to your wife. T.R. did a great job in your absence. You all deal very factually and helpfully on even difficult topics, and as much as hobbyists and researchers alike have learned a lot over the years . . . it goes to show there is still a lot in God' Creation, that man still does not know.

Again, congratulations on your baby, and may your baby grow healthy and safely in this very perilous days on earth.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Thank you russmaleartist :)
Logan Wiese
Logan Wiese - 8 years ago
This was a great vid! I can say that I had a bryopsis (read:spawn of satan) problem in my tank. I'm glad you pointed out the hydrogen peroxide method to get rid of problem algae, because magnesium wouldn't touch the bryopsis I had. The only way I got rid of it was manually removing it and using a syringe to apply the hydrogen peroxide at the roots.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Very nice, that is awesome to hear!
tjhowell3282 - 8 years ago
Congrats on the baby!!!!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Alex Haubert
Alex Haubert - 8 years ago
Congratulations Ryan, glad you're back.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Jeff Boardman
Jeff Boardman - 8 years ago
I have very little algae on the rocks or sand but every 3 days Im scraping my glass of the brownish\redish type. Is that normal?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
I would say that is normal. Have you tested your phosphate lately?
Chad Oliver
Chad Oliver - 8 years ago
congratulations on the baby Ryan! good to have you back though!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 8 years ago
RT did an awesome job. . Very responsive. .
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Thanks Dee!
chuckley54494 - 8 years ago
i like when you are back on ryan.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Thanks Chuckley
Stratos Geroulis
Stratos Geroulis - 8 years ago
Welcome back Ryan! Να σας ζήσει! :) On a different note, have you ever observed a lowering of the ORP when dosing H2O2? I have been observing the ORP going from 350 to 250 and then slowly coming back up when dosing 1ml per 10 gallons and no change in the pH which is really baffling to me...
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Stratos Geroulis
Stratos Geroulis - 8 years ago
Yes, i think it's cyano (not 100% sure though) and it has subsided significantly. I only have it on the sand bed and peroxide with a fighting conch have done a pretty good job so far. Been dosing for two weeks tomorrow and I'm thinking of going another week see if it eradicates it...
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
It's certainly possible that you are seeing a change in ORP, I wouldn't be too worried. Have you noticed any change in your algae dosing it?
Billy Pipes
Billy Pipes - 8 years ago
welcome back bro!!!!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
CheapSkateSimmer - 8 years ago
Great education! I had no idea about hydrogen peroxide, I may have to try that. I've had an algae issue in my tank for a while now, as soon as I knock it down its back within a week. I had my water professionally tested and nothing was horribly out of whack which is weird.  I may try covering the tank for a couple of days, massive water changes and the peroxide cleaning of the rock.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
It works really well, just be careful not to directly spray your corals. :)
Sociophobian - 8 years ago
Here before those idiots dislike!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Clyde Macasero
Clyde Macasero - 8 years ago
Great educational vid!!! A good all-in-one for those of us wanting to learn more about algae control. One thing does boggle me as a new reefer from what experienced reefers tell me is that, once nitrite is at/around 0ppm, and the nitrate has gone down below 10ppm, that it's safe to not test for ammonia or nitrite anymore...

I'm boggled by that, because for a cycle to get through the nirtrogen cycle, shouldn't i also be testing for ammonia & nitrite as much as i should test for nitrate? Thanks for your help
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Thanks! In most cases ammonia and nitrite will stay pretty stable at 0 as it's consumed/converted by bacteria unless something is REALLY out of whack. That said if you can test for those, it certainly won't hurt! We run a Seneye on the 160 that monitors ammonia just as a preventative measure/alarm/alert.
SS S - 8 years ago
Congrats Ryan. I've been fighting algae for a while but WC's and GFO have seem to finally done it. I still have some but its under control.

Can you talk about vermetids in one of your pest videos? I'm dealing with them now. Basically using needlenose pliers to crush them.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Thanks! We'll be covering Vermatid snails in the next vid :)
William Duong
William Duong - 8 years ago
welcome back ryan, but its spell zinc not zink im sure.
shake off that rust brother =P lack of sleep getting to you
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Thanks William! Can't believe I missed that.
DarkSky - 8 years ago
35 minutes? One heck of a "I'm back" video! Congrats on the baby!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Haha, this was a tough one :P
gord oland
gord oland - 8 years ago
Welcome back Ryan. Glad to hear your son is nice and healthy. Another outstanding video. Very thorough and one many will reference in the future. I also think people, including myself, easily overfeed a tank. I helped solve this problem by using a pair of tweezers to pick out flake and other food. I would never use a shaker bottle directly into the tank since you can easily overfeed.

PS RT did a good job manning the fort while you were gone.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Good call, and thanks!
James Lance
James Lance - 8 years ago
what are you feeding the twin spot gobys and we're did you get them
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
We got them from a wholesaler, but we have a pretty intense feeding schedule. We load the sand directly in front of them with rotifers and brine shrimp, and they sift through it. It's a a lot of work honestly, but they have put on a lot of weight since we bought them and they are my pride and joy.
Joey Avino
Joey Avino - 8 years ago
RYAN IS BACK!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSS!!! My life is complete.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Devin Maldonado
Devin Maldonado - 8 years ago
Woohoo Ryan is back congrats
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Bob Escher
Bob Escher - 8 years ago
Congrats Ryan great looking baby
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Haha, thanks Bob!
Freddy Buitenhuis
Freddy Buitenhuis - 8 years ago
congratulations Ryan, there is nothing as beautiful as a newborn.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Larry Tran
Larry Tran - 8 years ago
Welcome back Ryan!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Chigga Realms
Chigga Realms - 8 years ago
Congrats on your baby Ryan! Flynn is so cute !
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Thank you!
Tim Kotanko
Tim Kotanko - 8 years ago
I was getting a major diatom bloom... Algae Scrubber fixed that problem !! Of course feeding is key as well
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Awesome, sound like a good setup.
Tim Kotanko
Tim Kotanko - 8 years ago
I built my own. Definitely not my design as I borrowed from many others. I used gravity of the overflow to supply the water and attached a Spears Gate Valve to fine tune the flow to the scrubber.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Very nice! Did you build your own or buy one off the shelf?

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