Week 48: Solving your reef tank's algae problems forever | 52 Weeks of Reefing #BRS160
Reef tank 8 years ago 222,438 views
http://brs.li/BRS160_Week48 It's Week 48 of 52 Weeks of Reefing, and we are back with our most comprehensive video on algae in the reef tank to date. We'll touch on why algae might be a problem in your tank, potential solutions, predators, and poisons, and inhospitable environments for algae. Algae has always been something that has plagued aquarists. Most of us have had to deal with our fair share of algae battles, whether it be green hair algae, turf algae, bryopsis, or even cyanobacteria. So follow along as we help you eliminate algae from your tank forever! *Legal Stuff* The purpose and content of this video is to provide general information regarding the products and their applications as presented in the video. Aquatic sales solutions, inc. And its officers, directors, employees and agents disclaim all express or implied warranties, in any way, related to the products and their application as presented in this video, make no representation or warranty regarding the products and the application as presented in this video and shall not be liable for any direct or indirect losses or damages of any type, including but not limited to punitive damages, or from personal injury or death resulting from or in any manner related to the video, and the products in and contents of the video. The viewer expressly agrees that aquatic sales solutions, inc. And its officers, directors, employees and agents shall not be liable for any damages or losses related to the products in and content of the video and hereby agrees to hold the foregoing harmless from any such losses or damages.
Greeting from indonesia.
I have pico tank, 40liters.
Wavemaker 3000L/hr.
Waterpump 1000L/hr
Back sump with skimmer + seachem product + baby mangrove 25pcs.
Nh4 : < 0.2 | no2 : 0 | no3 : 0 | po4 : < 0.03
Ca : 450 | mg : 1380 | kh : 10.2 | alk : 3.65
Salinity 1.025
PH : 8.1
Temperatur : 26 - 27 celcius
Lamp : 72watt
2 fish, feed 1x times each day. Always make sure the fish consume all food.
But my tank always have brown algae in glass.
How to prevent or solved it??
thank you for response.
So low nutrient not guarantee no algae/film in glass?
10. comment for Week 48: Solving your reef tank's algae problems forever | 52 Weeks of Reefing #BRS160
It is a awesome products..but whish it was a bit more affordable....Great video
20. comment for Week 48: Solving your reef tank's algae problems forever | 52 Weeks of Reefing #BRS160
Any suggestions? Thanks!!
It would be nice to see them do a sumpless nano also, using the products associated with keeping such a tank.
30. comment for Week 48: Solving your reef tank's algae problems forever | 52 Weeks of Reefing #BRS160
50. comment for Week 48: Solving your reef tank's algae problems forever | 52 Weeks of Reefing #BRS160
customer .
The water doesn't cycle, the surface area in the tank does. The only way this works is if your water has chlorine in it.
Don't feed the tank more than once a week. If they don't start eating in a weeks time, pick up a valonia and let it float near the fox or sailfin so they check it out. I even went as far a bursting the algae. Once the sailfin knew it was edible they ripped up everything like candy.
My display was covered in hundreds and hundred of valonia and in 3 weeks I have been hunting everywhere and found just 1 under a colony of acans. They ate that too.
Is there an algae that is good? My rocks are turning green, but its not bubble algae or GHA or anything. I barely had a detritus outbreak. My tank is about 6 weeks old.
Basically want to know if its just park of the rock maturing & should i look into my parameters.
Nitrate = max been 25, then i do a WC
Phosphate = 0.03
PS - Bit of green algae on my front glass.
100. comment for Week 48: Solving your reef tank's algae problems forever | 52 Weeks of Reefing #BRS160
I run a Calcium reactor and I had a theory on further scrubbing Co2. I run the effluent into a small refugium in my sump. I figured the algae would feed the excess. Honestly I don't think it's really doing anything but if others are interested in would like to hear if anyone else has noticed a difference.
I have a question about cyano. I've setup a 220 with a 90 sump, there's about 250 total gallons and water has been in the tank since 6/1. All parameters are good. In the middle chamber of the sump is a fuge with chaeto and rock rubble. I have a 20w 6500k led flood over it and on some of the rock is the only place I have cyano growing. I've bee told to increase the flow and/or change the light. What do you think would be the best way to deal with it?
Been having withdrawal symptoms.
Been away for some time but you havent missed a beat.
It's as if ... wait you didnt practice this while you were on holidays with you wife and son did you? LOL :P
Great vid, lots of reefers will get a lot out of this one.
I am deaf
For example, if someone uses BRS 2-part dosing for maintaining alkalinity and calcium, Red Sea nopox for nutrient reduction along with Red Sea coral nutrition and coloration program, can they get rid of Red Sea's nopox and reef nutrition and use the zeovit reactor, zeo bac, zeo start and zeo food instead, but still keep using the BRS 2-part and the Red Sea coloration program?
After a lot of research online, I still haven't found a definitive answer to that question.
Please, help!
What I am basicaly asking is, can we use only those 4 products from zeovit specificaly for nutrient reduction and still keep using any other product from any other brand for other purposes?
Got a typo: Should be Zinc, not Zink.
They have some very nice units! Found them very responsive on their Facebook page.
Again, congratulations on your baby, and may your baby grow healthy and safely in this very perilous days on earth.
I'm boggled by that, because for a cycle to get through the nirtrogen cycle, shouldn't i also be testing for ammonia & nitrite as much as i should test for nitrate? Thanks for your help
Can you talk about vermetids in one of your pest videos? I'm dealing with them now. Basically using needlenose pliers to crush them.
shake off that rust brother =P lack of sleep getting to you
PS RT did a good job manning the fort while you were gone.