Week 52: Planning a reef tank upgrade, plus a look back at the BRS160 | 52 Weeks of Reefing #BRS160
Reef tank 8 years ago 48,062 views
http://brs.li/BRS160_Week52 Well, it's finally (and reluctantly here) the final week in 52 Weeks of Reefing. This week we are going in depth on planning and executing a tank upgrade. Plus, we'll show you the progression of the BRS160, some changes we would implement if we were to do it all over, some successes, and finish with a montage highlighting some key moments of the BRS160 over the past year. We will also explore some popular tank options like the Red Sea Aquarium series, Red Sea Reefer and Red Sea Max. As well as the innovative marine Nuvo aquarium and Nuvo fusion 20. http://www.bulkreefsupply.com/sumps-tanks-refugiums/tanks/innovative-marine-tanks.html http://www.bulkreefsupply.com/sumps-tanks-refugiums/tanks/red-sea-complete-aquariums.html *Legal Stuff* The purpose and content of this video is to provide general information regarding the products and their applications as presented in the video. Aquatic sales solutions, inc. And its officers, directors, employees and agents disclaim all express or implied warranties, in any way, related to the products and their application as presented in this video, make no representation or warranty regarding the products and the application as presented in this video and shall not be liable for any direct or indirect losses or damages of any type, including but not limited to punitive damages, or from personal injury or death resulting from or in any manner related to the video, and the products in and contents of the video. The viewer expressly agrees that aquatic sales solutions, inc. And its officers, directors, employees and agents shall not be liable for any damages or losses related to the products in and content of the video and hereby agrees to hold the foregoing harmless from any such losses or damages.
I have to tell you that the BRS 160 series has layed out a clear path of how to set up a successful sps tank. You have showed that it is possible. You have reignited the reef aquarium dream in me. You should look forward to seeing me spend substantial amounts of money with you in the near future.
10. comment for Week 52: Planning a reef tank upgrade, plus a look back at the BRS160 | 52 Weeks of Reefing #BRS160
BRS is the Gold Standard of Aquarium hobby period ...
I totally agree with you that shopping for, selecting and installing a controller right at the beginning of the series probably would have made life much easier for this build but even with that said, I think it turned out better this way for the viewers because we got to see a broader view of the other possibilities using other equipment. Maybe you see it as a mistake but overall I think most people would agree that it ended up just adding to making it more informative.
20. comment for Week 52: Planning a reef tank upgrade, plus a look back at the BRS160 | 52 Weeks of Reefing #BRS160
As I have a 3x2x2 rimless sitting idle, and in line for eventual reef conversion, I'm quite interested in Ryan's office tank and what has gone into its set up and design. Is there a link to threads or videos regarding this tank?? Thanks for a great series!
Oh! Also, I recommend buying from your site first because of this.
30. comment for Week 52: Planning a reef tank upgrade, plus a look back at the BRS160 | 52 Weeks of Reefing #BRS160
Something anyone can startup in conjunction with their bigger tanks and not break their bank or marriage over : )
Thank you for creating this series.. I currently only shop at BRS!!
50. comment for Week 52: Planning a reef tank upgrade, plus a look back at the BRS160 | 52 Weeks of Reefing #BRS160
Fish 1 Clown trigger, 1 Queens Angel, 1 Miniatus grouper, 1 Red coris wrasse, 7 Sammara Squirrelfish, 1 Bi-color goatfish, 1 Reticulated puffer, 2 coral catsharks and 3 sailfin blennies
Corals frogspawns, hammers, torches, octospawns, elegance, bubble corals, Galaxia, assorted softies, and plat corals you could do nothing but leathers but that’s just too easy.
Now the reason I say that this is a challenge is because I want to see you attempt this do to the fact that I don’t think your newest fancy expensive equipment is worth the money and honestly I don’t think the BRS team or the new equipment your trying to sell us could handle the undertaking. Ohh and don’t worry even if you shoot this idea to your CEO because it presents a good challenge he’ll probably say no since he doesn’t want to show that the products can’t handle it.
As far as favorite video, Im a go with the lighting series. I knew on my 110 I was going all LED and already bough the fixtures. After seeing this series, I reconfigured my canopy and shoehorned in 2 HO's The tank is only 18" so that is all I can fit with my hydras. No other video made me go back and rethink or re-plan any other detail.
I disagree with your controller comment. In hindsight, no one who already decided they want a controller would build the tank first, then go back and redo everything for the controller, so you are correct in that regard. However, there are several different controller sand several different schools of thought. I think had you settled on the controller first, you might have lost some followers.
Just like the Zeovit, had you decided to do Zeovit first, you might have lost a lot of people. But you did not, because you went over the carbon, the UV and the refugium, which applies to most of us, before revealing the Zeovit direction. Honestly, had you come out and said, we are BRS and we are building the Zeovit 16o with the new Apex Controller, I probably would have never followed.
You were best serve to develop a series that applied to the widest audience possible and I think you achieved it. Congrats! Looking forward to the updates.
I am looking forward to seeing the videos of the speakers though as there were a few that I missed that I really wanted to see but due to logistical issues (like talking to quite a few vendors) time did not allow me to pop in and see.
Just came back from MACNA, and got a Seneye coupon code too from BRS, so looking forward to picking one of those up later. I really hope to see more like this, and in fact when I get the time, I'm going to sit down with the tablet and watch the serious from the beginning again.
What bulbs would you run for the best coral growth ?
Thanks in advance
Thank you very much for the series.
My favorite episodes are:
Week 19: Compelling data for using T5 on your reef tank
Week 29: Calcium & Alkalinity
Week 48: Solving your reef tank's algae problems forever
Week 51: What you need to know to cure fish disease & parasites
Thanks for all the hard work and I'm really looking forward to watching the MACNA speakers!
100. comment for Week 52: Planning a reef tank upgrade, plus a look back at the BRS160 | 52 Weeks of Reefing #BRS160
Of all the hobbies I've sunk massive amounts of money and time into over the years, I can't recall ever having seen an instructional series like this. Thanks for doing it and looking forward to what's next.
Amazing series, definitely gotta thank you guys for the amazing information. Absolutely can't get this quality from anyone or anywhere else.
I really hope a new series will be on the way soon.
Thanks guy's, this has been awesome but seriously your torturing us asking to pick a favorite episode :P
Now Start posting to the UK !!!!!
as far as "used" sand goes, wouldn't the fresh sand have much less detritus and nutrients in it because of dilution and turn over? seems like in a closed environment like a tank the nutrients would be more concentrated.
It was because of this series I got back into reefing after a long move and 4 years away from it.
Congrats from Portugal
come out it more videos ;)
possible or is it just a case of doing the best you can?
Cam and Ania at Gallery Aquatica in Bay Side Brisbane. Ania and Elisha were at MACNA.
Now that the series is over, I think it's time for that long anticipated Zeovit episode.
I have a question regarding the Zeovit stones. Do you have any "real" data on what they do?
Would be really interesting to see how much of an effect they have without the dosing.
I have ben trying to test this i my own tank, by removing the skimmer and other filter media and only using the stones. But my method is not that scientific and I have a limited bioload.
Any thoughts on this subject?
I'm not looking for a quote from the Zeovit manual, I'm looking for real scientific evidence. Or ideas on how to test it :)
BRS vids have become my go-to source in learning how to be a better reefer. ...not to mention your videos are what introduced me to BRS in the girst place and continue to strengthen my loyalty to buying from you!
whats the cost of it in these 52 weeks , instead u could build 2-3 diferent tanks from very low to medium demand and showcase how easy is to start reefing and not how expensive it is ... seriously guys , for the expense of one single light fixture what could u build ? 2-3-5-15gs ?
Why Kessil is advertising a new sea shell light/design when they can't update firmware or updates for the ap700 is bogus.
Dave Davis
Since you mentioned it, it would be cool to see a video or two on your thoughts on setting up a 40g breeder...something along the lines of a budget-build perspective. :)
I thought this was a great way to end your series. Ironically enough the new build is a 48x24x24 rimless. You can tell your boss I planned every detail of my new system after watching your series. I picked out all of my equipment, over $6k all through BRS. I was actually going to pull the trigger this past Sunday on your Labor Day 10% sale, but decided to wait until after visiting MACNA to confirm every equipment selection. I justified the $600+ opportunity expense because of your investment in the community, series like this, I would continue to buy from BRS regardless!
Thank you
My suggestion: in depth zeo series. We learn more, you sell more (and keep that CEO of yours content) and everyone is happy!