What Fish do I Keep in My Reef Tank?

In this video I go over all the fish that I keep in my reef tank.

What Fish do I Keep in My Reef Tank? sentiment_very_dissatisfied 11

Reef tank 8 years ago 21,761 views

In this video I go over all the fish that I keep in my reef tank.

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Most popular comments
for What Fish do I Keep in My Reef Tank?

texas fishing finatic
texas fishing finatic - 6 years ago
have you ever considered dwarf angels?
Paul Martin
Paul Martin - 6 years ago
what dimensions is your tank bud?
Marcos Moraes
Marcos Moraes - 6 years ago
Very nice, wonderful tank, fishes and coral colors ....how many gallons?
MileHighReefers - 6 years ago
Cam L
Cam L - 7 years ago
What size tank
Anthony Cales
Anthony Cales - 7 years ago
Hey Scott, how big was your Blue "Hippo" Tang when you got him? I too have a lot of tangs. Your tank looks awesome!
Anthony Cales
Anthony Cales - 7 years ago
MileHighReefers - Cool, thanks for the reply! I picked up one last Saturday from LFS on the cheap. I was a little worried because he was smaller but he's eating, out swimming and seems fine! It's unusual because he has what seems to be an all black face.
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
He was about half the size he is now. Its been a relatively slow grower for me.
Joe N
Joe N - 7 years ago
Thanks for all the great videos!!! Curious what the dimintions of your display tank are? Also, what is the full system water volume?
John Barr
John Barr - 7 years ago
great tank and info as usual Scott
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
Gabe Dent
Gabe Dent - 7 years ago
On a completely different note would u recommend adding different clownfish at different times I only have two ocellaris clownfish
Gabe Dent
Gabe Dent - 7 years ago
Get a naso tang (naso lituratus) or blonde naso tang (naso elegans)
Gabe Dent
Gabe Dent - 7 years ago
MileHighReefers would you say yellow eye kole tangs are "magnets to ich? Mine died from ich
Gabe Dent
Gabe Dent - 7 years ago
It's a good thing u have a quarentine tank especially for tangs
Gabe Dent
Gabe Dent - 7 years ago
MileHighReefers oh I really want one but I only have a 65 gallon tank
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
They're really cool fish, but unfortunately I'm out of room.

10. comment for What Fish do I Keep in My Reef Tank?

RightWingReefer - 7 years ago
My azure damsels are so aggressive
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
Mine lives with some pretty big fish witch probably helps keep the aggression down.
lcy2020 - 7 years ago
i had a sailfin tang too..he was too aggressive and had to return him..the lfs decided to keep it in their personal tank and he started picking on the fish there..great tank..cheers
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
They defiantly have there own personalities.  Mine doesn't fight with anyone.
BUTTERYDIAMOND V - 7 years ago
when I get older I want to get a salt water tank : )
BUTTERYDIAMOND V - 7 years ago
thanks man : )
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
They're awesome! I highly recommend the hobby.
Scarredninja123 - 7 years ago
please reply. will anenome eat fish? im planning on getting a blue tang purple tang and 2 clownfish. i am afraid that the anenome will eat my tangs
Ash Greninja MLG pro gamer
Ash Greninja MLG pro gamer - 7 years ago
Scarredninja no they wont fight it depends on the personality tho
Scarredninja123 - 7 years ago
MileHighReefers thanks and will blue tangs and purple tangs fight?
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
Carpet anemones are the ones most likely  to eat a fish. While its possible for a bubble tip to eat a small fish it's unlikely. For the most part the anemones we keep in a reef tank wont eat a health fish.
reef guy 92
reef guy 92 - 8 years ago
so glad I found your channel ☺ I'm about to setup my tank soon any advise on keeping tanks or is my tank to small image have a 45 gallon?
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Thanks! best advice I can give is take your time and research everything you buy.
vikinglord13 - 8 years ago
Thanks Scott! When I asked you about this you said you would do it and now you delivered. Great video.
vikinglord13 - 8 years ago
that's a great idea! you do have quite a few species
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Thanks for the Idea. I think I'm going to do the same thing with my coral too.
Cole Jensen
Cole Jensen - 8 years ago
Well... looks like I have to get a vlamingii for my 220 now XD
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
They are really cool fish.
Rod Webb
Rod Webb - 8 years ago
That is an Awesome tank you have there. I had a similar problem with Ich with a Blue Yang and Powder Blue Tang. I ended up removing all Fish from the tank to treat with Copper. I have an 180 gallon with a Yellow Tang, Powder Blue Tang, Blue Tang, Lawnmower Blenny, Pair of Ocellaris Clownfish, Flameback Angel, Pair of Pyjama Cardinals, Firefish Goby and a Fox Face. I left the display fallow for 11 weeks. 2 Months after adding all Fish back to display tank all is good.
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Sounds like an awesome tank. That really is the best way to deal with ich.
Lee and Mandy Battersby
Lee and Mandy Battersby - 8 years ago
Hi scott do you know of any easy blenny fish that i can keep with a fire goby in a small tank i am upgrading my 6 gallon to a 39 gallon so it will have abit more room also i have 1 clown fish can i add another small one to the tank if i add them at the same time
Lee and Mandy Battersby
Lee and Mandy Battersby - 8 years ago
Im so glad you said those two as i like them aswell
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Lee and Mandy Battersby Congrats on the upgrade! I like the bicolor or the one spot blenny. Either would be great.
Reefgrrl - 8 years ago
This was a great tour! I always learn stuff from you - this time it was how big the desjardini can get. I always thought they maxed at about the size of a yellow or purple tang. Yours is huge! All the fish look wonderful.
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Reefgrrl they get so big. Mine could double in size!

20. comment for What Fish do I Keep in My Reef Tank?

MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Thanks! the fish add so much to a salt water tank.
no name guy
no name guy - 8 years ago
Bad ass video bro!! I've been seeing vids about coral a lot from some youtubers and this was a nice change of pace. Gorgeous tangs btw!!
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Bay Area Reefs
Bay Area Reefs - 8 years ago
Love your fish Scott
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Bay Area Reefs thanks man!
Rogue Aquariums
Rogue Aquariums - 8 years ago
Your fish look great Scott. it's so nice to see multiple tangs together. good job bro..
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Thanks man! it's going really well.
Gb J
Gb J - 8 years ago
man ur tank is looking Awsome!!!
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Gb J Thanks!
mrcow51 - 8 years ago
Would you recommend putting additional T5 bulbs to a LED unit? Also have you ever looked into triggers?
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
mrcow51 That's the setup I currently have and I love It. The T5s do a great job giving an even spread and the LEDs proved a lot of PAR, efficiency and controlability.
Rookie Reefer
Rookie Reefer - 8 years ago
Did you always have the two purples? Love the Kole tang, just got one myself, you should go check it out. Tank is looking amazing as usual, love the fact you go against the grain..
Rookie Reefer
Rookie Reefer - 8 years ago
MileHighReefers I don't know how I never noticed.. maybe too busy looking at your corals ;) good video man!
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Rookie Reefer I got the second purple tang about May of last year. So far so good. The kole tangs are great fish.
Snapback Reef
Snapback Reef - 8 years ago
How did you get all those tangs in the same tank? I have a yellow and would love to add more tangs. I see a lot more people putting multiple tangs in one tank these days
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Snapback Vape I made a video on this a while back. I believe it's called how I keep 8 tangs in my reef tank. It's challenging keeping lots of tangs but worth it.
Torise Wooldridge
Torise Wooldridge - 8 years ago
Man Scott, I am really wanting to try a Powder Blue again. This time with much more experience with quarantine and ich. not sure if the wife will go for it. hmmmmmm.
Torise Wooldridge
Torise Wooldridge - 8 years ago
Hey Scott, I have my QT just about ready. Just hoping my Seachem Pond Matrix has enough biological filtration to get started. It usually works for me just about instant cycling. Anyhow, a week ago I spotted in video over Facebook a Powder Blue at my LFS. I could tell the fish was healthy plus the owner had it in the same aquarium with other money maker fish. I went over yesterday and purchased it but left it there until tomorrow. Giving me a couple more days to get my QT ready. Also a few more days to make sure that fish stays healthy. Tomorrow I will be going by for pickup. Please wish me the best and thanks for being there. I am truly excited. The fish was also just right in size. One worry is the Powder Blue and my Mimic Tang may not get along. Ha! Good times!
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Torise Wooldridge Sounds like a great plan!
Torise Wooldridge
Torise Wooldridge - 8 years ago
Thanks Scott, I'm going to set up my QT and get it cycled nice. In the mean time keep my eyes out for a healthy Powder Blue. Thinking I'll run it through my QT process and let it hang out in that tank for a while. Let it get real happy and healthy before adding it to the MD. Just take my time with it.
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Torise Wooldridge they're kind of challenging but definitely worth it. If you can find one that's been in captivity awhile it's almost a certainty that you will be successful.
The aquatic keeper
The aquatic keeper - 8 years ago
You should get a Midas blenny nice beautiful, and they swim so cool you should really think about getting one i think they would be a perfect addition to your tank.
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Gareth they're very cool fish. I will defiantly keep it in mind. thanks for the suggestion.

30. comment for What Fish do I Keep in My Reef Tank?

Stu-ool - 8 years ago
my yellow tang was had ick about 5 times and is still alive to this day. He is 13 years old!!
aaron carey
aaron carey - 6 years ago
So you have had to QT all of your fish 5 times ? Man what a pain in the butt !
Stu-ool - 8 years ago
He's turning 14 In 2 weeks!
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
13 years is awesome! It's amazing  how resilient these fish can be. I love hear about long term success stories, thanks for sharing.
Nicole Novo
Nicole Novo - 8 years ago
STUNNING tank! :)
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Reckless Reefer
Reckless Reefer - 8 years ago
Love the tank bud, any advice on someone who can't seem to have decent growth on corals? No deaths so far in mine just doesn't seem like they wanna grow
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Thanks! If you have good light, good water flow and all your parameters are right all you can really do is be patent. The first year I had my spaghetti leather it didn't grow much. Now that its settled in I have more than I know what to do with.
Gaz Jones
Gaz Jones - 8 years ago
Tank is looking amazing Scott!!! I recently added a porcupine puffer the my tank :)
BADU GM - 7 years ago
Gaz Jones I bought a porcupine a while ago I was gunna set up a fish only for him but I am starting to like reef tanks and cowfish
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Those are such cool fish! keep me updated on how it goes I'm very interested.
Rotter Tube Reef
Rotter Tube Reef - 8 years ago
No Fowleri Tang?!
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
LOL more big fish are not the answer for my tank.
mallo _man95
mallo _man95 - 8 years ago
awesome video man!
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Allan Mcclure
Allan Mcclure - 8 years ago
Nice video and it was exciting to see all the fish being happy and active. I guess I'm the opposite as in my reef tanks I have very few fish and I'm more of a Coral addict than I am a fish addict. I get enough fish to accent the look of the corals I guess you could say. Like my 75 has 2 fish currently and that's a Kole tang and a Flame angel. I only plan on adding 1-2 more fish at the most in that tank. Maybe I'll be more adventurous once I get back up to at least an 180-gallon tank but that's gonna be a while.
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
That too is a very cool look. It's also a better way to go if your keeping sensitive corals. Thanks for sharing!
Scott From Rosco's Reef
Scott From Rosco's Reef - 8 years ago
Great video Scott. Nice to see your Powder Blue Tang is doing great. Since I got mine, Ocean, they have become my favorite even more. You are right that before you even think about getting tangs you should have a qt tank.
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
I love the powder blue it's such an amazing looking fish! QT is a must I wont put a fish in without it.
Scott From Rosco's Reef
Scott From Rosco's Reef - 8 years ago
Hey Scott I forgot to mention Coralust is having a coral giveaway. It's a simple 30 sec to 1 minute video. Then post the link in the contest video comment section.
Mauricio Cañon
Mauricio Cañon - 8 years ago
great video, what do you feed your chromis, mine just eat flakes but they are too skinny
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
My fish get pellets, frozen and seaweed every day and the chromis eat all of it. I really like the LRS frozen food for these guys.
Jeffrey Catersels
Jeffrey Catersels - 8 years ago
I really love you're tank it's a real beauty if i could get my tank to look half as good as yours i'd be happy.
Jeffrey Catersels
Jeffrey Catersels - 8 years ago
Yeah i know i just started 4 months ago
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Thanks man! it's only taken me 11 years to get here.
Billy Pipes
Billy Pipes - 8 years ago
nice job.
Billy Pipes
Billy Pipes - 8 years ago
MileHighReefers dang. thought you were closer to NJ than that
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Reefing with Billy Pipes I'm in Greeley CO. It's about an hour north of Denver.
Billy Pipes
Billy Pipes - 8 years ago
MileHighReefers where are u located?
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Thanks Billy!
Young Tank
Young Tank - 8 years ago
Awesome video
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Thanks Rad!
gord oland
gord oland - 8 years ago
Great fish! I think the balance of your tank is perfect!
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Thanks man! I'm really happy with where it's at.
Mark Fernandez
Mark Fernandez - 8 years ago
what happened to the lawnmower blenny and yellow clown Goby you had. :( did they die
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
They both diapered awhile back. I have to assume that the died. Both where fish that I'd had for 3 years and I got them from another reefer who was shutting down his tank. I'm guessing they where pretty old fish.
Jouz_Drummer_ FeL
Jouz_Drummer_ FeL - 8 years ago
dude this is awesome I hope to sometime this yr finally set up my 125g and get a tang or 2...this is just an absolutely amazing tang
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Thanks man! congrats on the new build!
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 8 years ago
It's so hard to add new fish when you've had the existing so long. . how do you catch em if they squabble?
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
That's the big problem if they squabble I can't get them out easily. I did lots of planning and hoped for the best!
Vsuvis - 8 years ago
Ooo first! Love this vid!
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago

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