Why my Reef Tank is barebottom despite sand looking better

I've run 10" deep sand beds, shallow sand beds, sugar sized, course sand ect but bare bottom seems to work the best. My tank stays clean and I have no nutrient issues. At times I think about adding a sand bed but when you see what I remove weekly from the tank you'll know why I don't. If this was my final dream tank I probably would go with a shallow course sand bed and just vacuum it every single week with pockets of deeper fine sand for wrasses and other creatures to bury.

Why my Reef Tank is barebottom despite sand looking better sentiment_very_dissatisfied 0

Reef tank 7 years ago 3,217 views

I've run 10" deep sand beds, shallow sand beds, sugar sized, course sand ect but bare bottom seems to work the best. My tank stays clean and I have no nutrient issues. At times I think about adding a sand bed but when you see what I remove weekly from the tank you'll know why I don't. If this was my final dream tank I probably would go with a shallow course sand bed and just vacuum it every single week with pockets of deeper fine sand for wrasses and other creatures to bury.

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Most popular comments
for Why my Reef Tank is barebottom despite sand looking better

Koaleigh Aquaria
Koaleigh Aquaria - 7 years ago
Slowly removing the sand from our 125 gallon reef tank now too, I think the benefits of bare bottom far outweigh the visual appeal of sand.
ReefTank123 - 7 years ago
How do you get the detritus off the bottom (it can be "sticky") from all places around and under rocks to a place where it can be siphoned?
Average Reef
Average Reef - 7 years ago
The way I have my flow most of the detritus ends up on the far side of the tank. The small rock structure on the right is moveable so I just siphon from there. I'm not trying to remove 100% it's good to have a bit for pods worms bristlestars ect but I get lets say 90% of what is created weekly so I don't have a massive buildup 6 months or a year later.
Northwestern Reefer
Northwestern Reefer - 7 years ago
Very nice system. I have subbed.
Cesca's Reef
Cesca's Reef - 7 years ago
Nice video the reef looks lovely. I have just started a new reef build and thought about a bare bottom but will go with a small layer of sand :)
Serenity's journey
Serenity's journey - 7 years ago
I love your tank man!
Average Reef
Average Reef - 7 years ago
TMG vlogs thanks!
laminar flow
laminar flow - 7 years ago
Got to say it again, so above average. Don't think I could sell here bottom to my wife...
laminar flow
laminar flow - 7 years ago
Average Reef keep the videos coming, I really enjoy them
Average Reef
Average Reef - 7 years ago
I don't really think it's better but it works better in this case. If I had planned to keep it bare bottom I probably would have put starboard down on the bottom. As for the average comment thank you. I call this tank average reef mostly because it's just an average tank both in size and in content. While I'm certainly happy with how it looks I used to have much nicer livestock in the past and more tanks so I still have along way to get it back to where it once was. Besides the crashes I have endured over the years I moved 700km away far from all LFS which further complicates things. That being said I have a lot of time these days to work on the tank which is why I started to create videos.
Daily Reefing
Daily Reefing - 7 years ago
Beautiful corals!!

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