deep blue professional 80 rimless reef tank
Reef tank 10 years ago 246,462 views
Equipment: 2 AI vega single arm diy AI vega hanging bracket Aqua illumination controller apex neptune with lab grade ph probe vortech mp10 jebao wp25 jebao DC 6000 main return pump coralife turbo-twist 36 watts uv sterilizer reef octopus Elite 200int protein skimmer reefoctopus 140 biopellet reactor 40 gallons sump with refugium DIY 80 gallons deep blue professional frag tank reef ready main display tank
10. comment for deep blue professional 80 rimless reef tank
Can you please tell me the fish you have in your tank... i just purchased the same tank and i absolutely love everything about yours and i can get an idea... thank you .
not a single one
20. comment for deep blue professional 80 rimless reef tank
30. comment for deep blue professional 80 rimless reef tank
excellent tank!
thinking of buying one.
50. comment for deep blue professional 80 rimless reef tank
200'ml per 100 litres water. 1500'Litre flow per hour per 1'Litres worth of media.
works well and fast for me when had a tank.
alk 9.5 dkh
cal 450
mag 1350
phosfate 0
nitrate 0
ammonia 0
we use to have a problem with nitrate....
after the addition of the biopellet reactor its 0 now
But if you go with only one the mp40 in my personal opinion its a excellent choice, im planing to get the mp40qd for my setup to
100. comment for deep blue professional 80 rimless reef tank
just wondering the overall wattage of the system? I am thinking of adding a reef but the power bill might be a little too high lol.
Approximately how many fish do you have? Do you have a list of species you have in the tank?
i don't have any problems of phosphates or nitrates after the addition of the bio pellets reactor "was" aprox 19 fishes in there at that time ..
i move the tank and lost around 10 fishes in the move
biopellets its the key for nutrients export
water parameters
after 2 weeks step 2 inhabitants acclimatization
he was in step 1 at that time
i get better results in this way and i do this with every single fish i purchased after 3 weeks of quarantine
Thank you so much!
the tank has been upgraded with some new equipment as :
dosing pump
dc protein skimmer
lights and some other stuff
50 x 28 x 16
let me know if i can help you