full tour of stunning large SPS reef tank

This video may be a bit long, but that is just what it takes to show this tank in it's full beauty and all the systems that run it. This tank is owned and maintained by Greg of thelivingreef.ca Be sure to add me on social media to see a more in depth look into my life. https://twitter.com/YTcdnstudman https://www.instagram.com/cdnstudman/?hl=en

full tour of stunning large SPS reef tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 15

Reef tank 8 years ago 44,092 views

This video may be a bit long, but that is just what it takes to show this tank in it's full beauty and all the systems that run it. This tank is owned and maintained by Greg of thelivingreef.ca Be sure to add me on social media to see a more in depth look into my life. https://twitter.com/YTcdnstudman https://www.instagram.com/cdnstudman/?hl=en

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Most popular comments
for full tour of stunning large SPS reef tank

EN Reefs
EN Reefs - 7 years ago
i just saw that clam on the bottom right... holy crap!
Camran Moeun
Camran Moeun - 7 years ago
I have a tall tank as well 31" tall, so would you suggest radeon?
A Singh
A Singh - 7 years ago
Beautiful tank, please check out my tank too,I can always use information from you
Ash - 7 years ago
luv this tank up and amazing the details went into it..i have started my channel again and would appreciate if you could sub to check my tank out and provide some inputs. thanks.
The Reef Tank Family
The Reef Tank Family - 8 years ago
Nice tank! I subbed. Check out my vids if you get a chance.
My Little Hobby
My Little Hobby - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching. I have subbed you back and will check out your tank.
Fish Freak
Fish Freak - 8 years ago
you guys please subscribe to me i am trying to thrive with my vids!!! miss saltwater reef tank is subscribed why dont you???
My Little Hobby
My Little Hobby - 8 years ago
I subbed you and will check out your videos ;-)
Chest Rockwell
Chest Rockwell - 8 years ago
Great job and dedication. Glad to see you didn't give up your hobby. Thank you very much for the video and sharing your hard work.
Hamza Razak
Hamza Razak - 8 years ago
What are the dimensions?
My Little Hobby
My Little Hobby - 8 years ago
Sorry, I don't know off hand, but it is large
Abby Lowe
Abby Lowe - 8 years ago
Wooow. You have a whole ecosystem in there! Never ceases to amaze me. Love how the green, purple, and blue really pop.

10. comment for full tour of stunning large SPS reef tank

Candy Green R1
Candy Green R1 - 8 years ago
omg amazing tank
Mr - 8 years ago
guy definitely knows what he is doing.
Greg Lloyd
Greg Lloyd - 8 years ago
Hi Folks. The video is of my tank. Yes, I do sell frags. I'm regularly trimming the corals to keep them in check.

The egg crate is attached using some pond waterfall foam. It was attached when the tank was empty. Wish I had used black egg crate but couldn't find any when the system was emptied and under repairs.

See my new site at BurlingtonAquariums.com
My Little Hobby
My Little Hobby - 8 years ago
I suggest anyone local looking for frags, contact Greg and check out what he has. Beautiful color and very healthy looking. Thanks for letting me tour the system.
Stephanie Oliveira
Stephanie Oliveira - 8 years ago
Not sure how to do the open in amazement mouth smiley but =O WOW
My Little Hobby
My Little Hobby - 8 years ago
LOL, and thanks, not mine but I will take the compliment on owners behalf.
Young Tank
Young Tank - 8 years ago
Hamza Razak
Hamza Razak - 8 years ago
What are the dimensions?
Kiss Ace
Kiss Ace - 8 years ago
Nerdist Aquarist
Nerdist Aquarist - 8 years ago
Nice video, I love seeing the filtration on very large tanks.
Brian Costa
Brian Costa - 8 years ago
Does he sell frags? Id love to swing by and grab some.
My Little Hobby
My Little Hobby - 8 years ago
No, not as far as I know.
Mark Steffen
Mark Steffen - 8 years ago
nice tank. consider a mic next time for better audio on your future videos.
My Little Hobby
My Little Hobby - 8 years ago
I have a new Rode video mic for the Osmo which I used to record this, but I did not turn mic gain up, so I did boost it up a bit in post, but I guess not enough.

20. comment for full tour of stunning large SPS reef tank

915Mang - 8 years ago
Hey awesome video and system! Really cool tank
Rad Perez
Rad Perez - 8 years ago
Wow, nice tank..... Thanks for sharing ......
R e e f f r e d
R e e f f r e d - 8 years ago
Very nice tank!!!Like!!!
Anthony's Malawi Predators
Anthony's Malawi Predators - 8 years ago
the egg crate is genious
gord oland
gord oland - 8 years ago
Outstanding tank! You literally asked the exact questions I would of asked specifically relating to the return pump and the dousing. The fish colours were awesome. I couldn't believe the pop of the yellow tang and Naso! That was a great idea Greg had with the egg crate in the back. I don't think he should give up next crash. Maybe go to softies or FOWLR so there is less equipment to run and save him time. I'm posting early and noticed 4 thumbs up and 3 thumbs down. Who the hell can thumbs down this tank when it's so awesome???????
Ke Birdwell
Ke Birdwell - 8 years ago
Awesome tank, forget the negative comments they are always on you tube. Even though they think it's helping, as you watch the video you know you need a better mic...geeesh
My Little Hobby
My Little Hobby - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching, all I can figure is the dislikes are from either people upset the audio is not great, or people that are jealous of Greg's tank.

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