mini reef tank with large clown trigger fish, Nikon D90 movie video 2
Reef tank 16 years ago 128,542 views
SPECIALLY DESIGNED for HUGE & SMALL fishes & CORALS to live in harmony in an established 4 foot (3yrs old) reef tank: (1) THIN PARTITIONED fresh water rocks supports valleys of coral into 4sided swimming & separate the FRONT & BACK into EQUAL free Space. (2) NO LIVE ROCKS in display. 2-3x INCREASE of swimming space than a normal 4' reef tank where live rocks piled up. (3) all equipments external: 4' SUMP filled with LIVE ROCKS, 2x skimmers, emperor 80W UV'... The Clown Trigger likes hovering around left front where the feeding spot is, for rest/after heavy feeding/at night, it naps behind middle rock at the back. (4) All equipments are external: 4' SUMP filled with LIVE ROCKS, 2x skimmers, emperor 80W UV'... *****The fishes never hassle each other or the shrimps, the nemos spawns regularly, female shrimp filled with eggs, blue ribbon eel eats chopped frozen food, no fighting or aggressiveness, all fat & healthy; corals & clams growing.
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