mini reef tank with large clown trigger fish, Nikon D90 movie video 2

SPECIALLY DESIGNED for HUGE & SMALL fishes & CORALS to live in harmony in an established 4 foot (3yrs old) reef tank: (1) THIN PARTITIONED fresh water rocks supports valleys of coral into 4sided swimming & separate the FRONT & BACK into EQUAL free Space. (2) NO LIVE ROCKS in display. 2-3x INCREASE of swimming space than a normal 4' reef tank where live rocks piled up. (3) all equipments external: 4' SUMP filled with LIVE ROCKS, 2x skimmers, emperor 80W UV'... The Clown Trigger likes hovering around left front where the feeding spot is, for rest/after heavy feeding/at night, it naps behind middle rock at the back. (4) All equipments are external: 4' SUMP filled with LIVE ROCKS, 2x skimmers, emperor 80W UV'... *****The fishes never hassle each other or the shrimps, the nemos spawns regularly, female shrimp filled with eggs, blue ribbon eel eats chopped frozen food, no fighting or aggressiveness, all fat & healthy; corals & clams growing.

mini reef tank with large clown trigger fish, Nikon D90 movie video 2 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 182

Reef tank 16 years ago 128,543 views

SPECIALLY DESIGNED for HUGE & SMALL fishes & CORALS to live in harmony in an established 4 foot (3yrs old) reef tank: (1) THIN PARTITIONED fresh water rocks supports valleys of coral into 4sided swimming & separate the FRONT & BACK into EQUAL free Space. (2) NO LIVE ROCKS in display. 2-3x INCREASE of swimming space than a normal 4' reef tank where live rocks piled up. (3) all equipments external: 4' SUMP filled with LIVE ROCKS, 2x skimmers, emperor 80W UV'... The Clown Trigger likes hovering around left front where the feeding spot is, for rest/after heavy feeding/at night, it naps behind middle rock at the back. (4) All equipments are external: 4' SUMP filled with LIVE ROCKS, 2x skimmers, emperor 80W UV'... *****The fishes never hassle each other or the shrimps, the nemos spawns regularly, female shrimp filled with eggs, blue ribbon eel eats chopped frozen food, no fighting or aggressiveness, all fat & healthy; corals & clams growing.

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Most popular comments
for mini reef tank with large clown trigger fish, Nikon D90 movie video 2

Lion Fish
Lion Fish - 6 years ago
What size tank is that idiot it's probably 75 or 90 gallon
Eric Pan
Eric Pan - 7 years ago
That Trigger is beggin the Clown to please end him. Did you move those fish?
NeppyNeptune - 7 years ago
I will take that Trigger from you
chiang aaron
chiang aaron - 7 years ago
i heard clown trigger could eat other small fishs. is it true? how about clown fish?
Settle down people! LOL! Yes, you should take good care of fish, but they are FISH! Laying in the grocery store butcher window. They don't notice if they are in a 1ft tank or 10 ft tank. We have a 900 gallon marine tank, and 125 reef. The fish just swim around and don't know anything but EATING! CHILL OUT! BE GENTLEMAN! That is more important than acting like fools, bashing people and using filthy profanity!
WeAreUnited - 8 years ago
8 years ago later do you have little video?
The Goosebumps Fan
The Goosebumps Fan - 9 years ago
Even the video title sounds abussive.
The Goosebumps Fan
The Goosebumps Fan - 9 years ago
I love trigger fish butt do not have room for them
The Goosebumps Fan
The Goosebumps Fan - 9 years ago
Just sayin they grow over 1 foot long

10. comment for mini reef tank with large clown trigger fish, Nikon D90 movie video 2

The Goosebumps Fan
The Goosebumps Fan - 9 years ago
At least 240 gallon tank
The Goosebumps Fan
The Goosebumps Fan - 9 years ago
Nice tank butt the clown trigger needs a much more bigger home
steve lane
steve lane - 9 years ago
Your triggers don`t eat the shrimps????
Brian Putorti
Brian Putorti - 9 years ago
triggers need a larger tank !!! your mean! get a larger tank or trade them back to the store for some damsels!!!
MisterE007 - 8 years ago
+Brian Putout Damsels are ugly and very Territorial, The Trigger was probably small when he bought it and it grew into that massive beast.
Boradub1 - 9 years ago
Dumb.. Very very DUMB.
WeAreUnited - 9 years ago
:D look like a whales inside a bucket! Lol but beautiful fish, so big
Jack Lantern
Jack Lantern - 9 years ago
Tank is way overstocked. 
Snipercube - 9 years ago
MrBeavess - 9 years ago
Putting a beautiful clown trigger in a small tank is criminal....someone should do it to you.
Jack Lantern
Jack Lantern - 9 years ago
+MrBeavess Not just the clown, he has an Angel in there, couple tangs, a Niger Trigger. Am sure that tank crashed and he lost all his gorgeous and expensive fish soon after this video was shot. All those guys need lots of swimming space, they are just swimming in circles.
Monse Mendoza
Monse Mendoza - 9 years ago
Why not Add a great white shark your tank is "obviously" big enough to house what ever comes to your mind fucken idiot
espagues a
espagues a - 10 years ago
that trigga bout to regulate.

20. comment for mini reef tank with large clown trigger fish, Nikon D90 movie video 2

Carlos Jayme
Carlos Jayme - 10 years ago
Animal cruelty in its best. Congrats, you are an idiot. Whats next, a dog inside a blender?
SkyAce - 11 years ago
Peep my triggers- I was going say something but...hey it looks good on the vid
daniel Paolini
daniel Paolini - 11 years ago
I'm not saying this is a good tank size for all these fish but generally most triggers can be kept with corals but the reason they are not reef friendly is because they will eat small inverts like shrimps and snails.
mary kinley
mary kinley - 11 years ago
That tanks way to small for him and kiss those corals goodbye if he doesn't eat them he's gonna still grab them with his mouth and chuck them around.
OcedarMopzar - 11 years ago
I don't think triggers nip at soft coral, just hard coral, although I might be wrong.
audisport - 11 years ago
freddy poo he wont kill all of them at once, haha so u can remove him once u count some off
richere deziel
richere deziel - 11 years ago
Wrigh on Jordan ! He is probably out of the tank now, or maybe have jumped and died :(
Jordan VanNess
Jordan VanNess - 11 years ago
Those poor fish. Inappropriate to the fullest extent. Says a lot that the poster called the clownfish "nemos". Go live in your bathroom for a week with three other people so you understand.
Carter Dodd
Carter Dodd - 11 years ago
Vachement cruel...
Irosh Bandara
Irosh Bandara - 11 years ago
a concept tank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

30. comment for mini reef tank with large clown trigger fish, Nikon D90 movie video 2

Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa - 11 years ago
It looks nice, but it's not a truly healthy home, read up... dumbass.
Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa - 11 years ago
They really don't eat corals, just most fish and inverts like shrimps and crabs. They may also move rocks.
Ahmed Mustafa
Ahmed Mustafa - 11 years ago
does the trigger not nip at the coral?
Matthew Bruno
Matthew Bruno - 11 years ago
I really wan't to get a clown trigger is he agressive
richere deziel
richere deziel - 12 years ago
Pauvre poisson, c'est tellement triste de voir un si beau specimen dans un bac si restreint !!
Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa - 12 years ago
TheAtheistAussie - 12 years ago
No way man, as opposed to the ocean they came from haha? An overstocked tank isn't just about stress on fish, it also requires more maintenance and bigger/more frequent water changes. For all you know this guy filmed this tank 2 weeks after installation. 4 months down the track it will fall to shit. Trust me i do aquarium maintenance for a living, it's overstocked.
david chudleigh
david chudleigh - 12 years ago
8ft sounds slightly excessive for one fish?
Dave Schwartz
Dave Schwartz - 12 years ago
I own a 4 inch Clown Trigger and he is the best fish to date. He is in a 75 Gallon now and shares it with a Niger Trigger. I am moving so the fish will be sold to the highest bidder. I love my Clown and when I establish a bigger tank (120 Gallon), I plan on getting one. I have been working in the SW trade for over 30 years. I enjoy everyday. Dave
Ross Norwood
Ross Norwood - 12 years ago
How many gallons is that
Nick Idc
Nick Idc - 12 years ago
i hope u got a lid on that tank. triggerfish jump
Matthew Bruno
Matthew Bruno - 12 years ago
how many gallons
2019freddie - 12 years ago
what a stupid statement, fish are fish, unlike humans who have facial expressions how can you see if they are happy? The reason there is all this critisism or 'hate' is that some people know what damage clown triggers do, they are fine for a while then they can suddenly go beserk and start biting chunks out of everything in their path.The result is dead and suffering fish. If some of you people actually bothered to do some research you would understand.
none your biz
none your biz - 12 years ago
clown trigger in a reef tank? im willing to bet this tank and its inhabitants are completely different today. Hope the poster learned a lesson.
Jayson Marchini
Jayson Marchini - 12 years ago
Inexperienced tank owner. Idiot Newb.
filmlvr25 - 12 years ago
my dad bought a clown trigger 35 years ago, it was in a 150 gallon with many fish. one day the all vanished, except for the trigger hmmmm
2019freddie - 12 years ago
sorry but that clown trigger will eventually kill everything in the tank. It's ok to say it looks nice, it may, for now, but read up on clown triggers, they can suddenly go beserk and do a whole load of damage.
8thVVonder - 12 years ago
As long as the fish seem to be healthy and happy go for it. God bless housing a trigger that doesn't eat everything but itself!
Scott Uhlig
Scott Uhlig - 12 years ago
Damn this is a depressing tank..
Verticous - 12 years ago

50. comment for mini reef tank with large clown trigger fish, Nikon D90 movie video 2

Verticous - 12 years ago
See how long that lasts
wyattroa - 12 years ago
Gonna suck when that clown trigger snaps one day and goes after every fish in that
Jake Gate
Jake Gate - 12 years ago
Check out my nano tank on my channel
Jake Gate
Jake Gate - 12 years ago
Check out my video of my nano tank on my channel
Colby Smith
Colby Smith - 12 years ago
Everyone on here is a fish expert what works for some may not work for all. I'm a reef junky and love this video. The population in this take would be high depending on how long the biological has been up. If he is getting away with those fish all living together and there all fead properly with the right expertise this can work and is an amazing setup. As long as your not killing animals then do what you want. The tank is obviously small enough where he could get a fish out if it were bullied
jdotjoker - 12 years ago
Yh over stocked but it seems calm and gd filtration I'd say take out clown trigger and one tang and even that would be a whole lot better
2019freddie - 12 years ago
there are many fish crimes on YouTube! people who know nothing about these fish say ooh what a lovely tank, the result is fish suffer. sickening.
Matthew Leonard
Matthew Leonard - 12 years ago
Nice to see you dont care about the animals at all.
TheJulirock - 12 years ago
u neeed musicc
justintryba - 12 years ago
It's a little overcrowded but nice fish
nakmin123 - 12 years ago
Still have the fish?
nakmin123 - 12 years ago
nakmin123 - 12 years ago
Can't believe this vodeo is still on here.
Gary Strain
Gary Strain - 12 years ago
Truly disgusting..... How can someone treat animals like that? No wonder people get so much abuse these days for keeping fish.. It's morons like this that give the hobby a bad name :(
TheAtheistAussie - 12 years ago
Way overstocked! That trigger should be in at least an 8ft tank.
PowderTangJon - 12 years ago
No offense but your tank looks like a store tank selling corals and temporary housing large fish...
Eric Nintze Jr
Eric Nintze Jr - 12 years ago
@06reidh i wouldnt say way to big but if one was removed then that would make a good temp fix.. but all my tanks are overpopulated so i cant say shizz..
Adam Hart
Adam Hart - 13 years ago
System is a bit small IMO - I wouldn't keep two regals let alone all the fish you have. To be fair it looks peaceful though!
Deathstar11978 - 13 years ago
i beg to differ with being over stocked, if he has adequate filtration, which i presume he has or his coral and fish would die there is no problem with keeping this many fish in that size tank
Dan Smith
Dan Smith - 13 years ago
Wow way over stocked boarders on animal abuse sorry I disapprove and I'm very new tithe hobby but at least I know that much.
Rene Durin
Rene Durin - 13 years ago
Yes - too many fish in that tank and some to big...
CantCmytoez - 13 years ago
What the hell how would u like to be traped in tht small tank look it up dushe bag it says 100 + gallons needed for the clown trigger
mroshfosh - 13 years ago
FastEngine - 13 years ago
I'm sorry but I disapprove
canvoodoo - 13 years ago
your a fuckin clown tanks to small
kristoffers2010 - 13 years ago
how very sad to see humans dont respect the space the fish needs and only think about colors
Jacob Ryder
Jacob Ryder - 13 years ago
I hope this tank has been shutdown, who ran this tank is a greedy dick
Jacob Ryder
Jacob Ryder - 13 years ago
well to small especially for tangs and trigger fish.
shuwukong - 13 years ago
This is my principle when i keep saltwater aquariums I have taken my fish away from their mate, their family, their home, they have lost their freedom, In turn, I should provide them with a new home with comfortable space, with the best water quality, enough and appropriate food and nice tank mates that wont occasionally slash/bite their skin off
Tyler Decesere
Tyler Decesere - 13 years ago
how many gallons?
oscarthewhale - 13 years ago
@oscarthewhale The cromis and yellowtail damsel look cramped I mean*
oscarthewhale - 13 years ago
Let me put this in terms that this tank is HORRIBLE. 1. Like everyone say, the tank is WAY too small for the clown and black trigger, and the Emperor Angel. Those Chromis and is did the Yellowtail Damsel I spotted 2. 2 Regal tangs in a small tank? Well Im suprised They haven't shown agression to each other yet 3. Those Dwarf angels needs a cave of their own, which is obviously belonging to the soldierfish. Bottom line: Get rid of the soldierfish, tangs, triggers and the emperor. Im so harsh
skrillsnet - 13 years ago
Wow...... might think about upgrading the tank. Those fish are bound to have some issues in that small of a tank. Not just because there are too many, you can over compensate with exceptional filtration, but because of the type of fish. Tangs and triggers like to swim, so they should have room to do so. Just my 2 cents, noticed the video is a little old, how are the fish doing now?
nakmin123 - 13 years ago
Full of shit..... This is a 30 inch cube no where near a 48 inch long tank. You obviously have no clue what you are doing. Several of the species that you are housing in that tiny tank of yours require hundreds of gallons. Water volume and shape of a fish tank play a key role in proper fish care. A tank that is too small is too small. There is no special small tank for big fish idiot. Your are seriously a fucking idiot.
L J C - 13 years ago
I think a Blue Whale would be a good add. Squeeze a Great White shark in their too. Do you see how big the Clown Trigger in your "Specially Designed" tank???
gil - 13 years ago
Why the hell would you put a huge trigger let alone all those tangs in that small tank? that would be the equivalent of you living in your 2 door car! yeah sure you could sustain life in your car but would you be happy?? Do some research please!!
joe0813 - 13 years ago
@Helixclothing and not to mention the tank is waaaay to small for that trigger fish.... i mean im not a expert just going by all the forums and other videos ive seen
nyn199a - 13 years ago
how much did u invest in your tank cause I was thinking about starting mine up again
leonscorpio19 - 13 years ago
I used to catch all these fish when I lived on the Kingdom of Tonga. Awesome job and I loved watching the fish in their natural habitat..
joe0813 - 13 years ago
how do you have that trigger fish in with peaceful fish??? im new at saltwater tanks so ive been reading alot and ive read that trigger fish will eat or kill the peaceful fish
Anary tegulizard
Anary tegulizard - 13 years ago
@1herrerasaurus i dont think his clown trigger is 13,inch i think its 8inch like and his angelfish 6inch long. plus he might just be saying that
octavio herrera
octavio herrera - 13 years ago
That's a crime dude.
Gambit58 - 13 years ago
You can seed your own liverock.. often better cause you know exactly what you get in the tank.. also much more economic
Anary tegulizard
Anary tegulizard - 13 years ago
@haloreach6781 its known as the blue trigger or red jaws or greany yellow face trigger
Anary tegulizard
Anary tegulizard - 13 years ago
@warrenoo7 your all wrong mate, the clown trigger wont eat them, if he does then they would of gone by now thick, plus some triggers remain friendly all their life some dont. plus the clown trigger is the well known trigger for being friendly. i had 8inch one after 2 years mandarin fish was in tank never touched it nor any fish that went into the tank. so clown triggers are normally very friendly triggers, but not if there are more than one clown triggerfish kept in same tank.
Anary tegulizard
Anary tegulizard - 13 years ago
@markandamira no its not, no its not, no its not
Kevin Johnston
Kevin Johnston - 13 years ago
Spectacular setup! Very well done aquarium, few people know how to really pull something like this off and keep it looking like that for more than a few days. 10/10 :D
L J C - 13 years ago
"Specially Designed" (what a bunch of BS) unbelievably overstocked 4" tank.
Luna Davis
Luna Davis - 13 years ago
wheres the octopus hmmmmmm WHERE
Anary tegulizard
Anary tegulizard - 13 years ago
@jentews hes had it since it was small

100. comment for mini reef tank with large clown trigger fish, Nikon D90 movie video 2

wong - 13 years ago
altho it looksnice, you obviously have no idea what you're doing!
steve m
steve m - 13 years ago
man i hope my tank looks like this one day this is amazing!
Jen Tews
Jen Tews - 14 years ago
wow how do you keep a trigger in a reef tank
eggtube - 14 years ago
wtf watch out that clown trigger with small fish, thats going to end in tears
butman08 - 14 years ago
Poor fish need room to swim get out of my way trying to swim hear...
Nicholas B
Nicholas B - 14 years ago
cool tank. How many gallons is it. It looks like a cube almost and that would mean its over 400 gallons. but i highly doubt you have a 400 gallon cube tank. Its probably a 55 or 75. I was thinking about doing a imperator and niger in my 75 fowlr with a lion, snowflake, wrasse, and a blue dot toby. If you could give me any tips that would be awesome because from what ive read imperators need over 200 gallons. but yours looks healthy in ur smaller tank. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Tyler Lang
Tyler Lang - 14 years ago
can you tell me how to tame a triggerfish. and the trigger im getting is a blue line trigger. post on my video saltwaterfish tank by tdawg32197
Anary tegulizard
Anary tegulizard - 14 years ago
@BlueReefLobster to me i dont think that clown trigger fish is 13inch it looks more like 8inch to me
Anary tegulizard
Anary tegulizard - 14 years ago
@TheLabguy6 amonia has got two m in it ammonia if he had probblems with ammonia his fish would of been dead ages ago plus plus just because people have so many big fish that dont mean to say they will have probblems with fish. if hes having no probblems then this is more than likely why, 1st hes got low nitrates so then meaning there low enough for ammonia and nitrites to trancser over to nitrates, 2nd his filteration is very powerful using very big ones 3rd he does not over,feed them
gustavitoreef - 14 years ago
the tigger fish is a safe reef fish???
w2dsergio - 14 years ago
very nice tank i just buy 3 trigger is true that they eat corals because i wasthinking buying corals
Navanax - 14 years ago
This is amazing how u were able to do this!!!!!
spencer warren
spencer warren - 14 years ago
do you have amonia probs with that many fish. does clown trigger eat your corals?
spencer warren
spencer warren - 14 years ago
how many gallons. do you have amonia probs with that many fish
last9emperor - 14 years ago
how do u keep ur clown trigger so calm. i really want to get one but i'm afraid he'll bully all the other fish. my local pet store was selling a little 2inch clown trigger and i'm thinking maybe i can train him to not be so aggressive. well what's ur secret to keeping ur clow so calm?
jms9618 - 14 years ago
that thing is huge
Stevezeses - 14 years ago
how much did that all cost aproxximately and how much care on a daily basis do they need?
Santanu Bhattacharyya
Santanu Bhattacharyya - 14 years ago
@oshivy hallo I want to start a beautiful marine fish tank like this with 1 turtle 1 emperor angel and some like this how much cost would be in indian rupees including all filter system . please reply me
Anary tegulizard
Anary tegulizard - 14 years ago
@atourte hi a man in a aquatic store i go to on the odd time hes now got a 10inch clown trigger for sale at 140pounds but if i had taken it of him today he would of sold it to me for 60pounds but its not fare no tank SET UP YET
Evan CreelGould
Evan CreelGould - 14 years ago
I am 100% sure you know more about fish keeping than I do. I'm not going to say anything bad about this tank. It looks great, the fish look happy, the coral looks natural and like it was a part of that rock originally. Just one TIIIIINNNYY recommendation though. That massive clown trigger of yours doesn't look like he has enough room. He just kind of chills in the center of the column. He's probably happy enough as he is, but a bigger tank would be ideal for one as big as he is. Overall: A
Anary tegulizard
Anary tegulizard - 14 years ago
@kilerr182 well today i went to an aquatic store to see if they have any aquamedic bio filters in blue reef 2000 they had a 10inch clown triggerfish for sale, today a lady said a fich bird got out a cage join the night and when they opened up shop they found feathers floating on top of tank so meaning clown triggerfish ate that finch bird
andyrollins2007 - 14 years ago
Your the classic example of to much money and zero knowledge! Your tank is a joke, to be torturing the clown trigger never mind the rest of them !
spliffstar111 - 14 years ago
Im sorry, but that trigger doesnt belong in that tank.. he is only not being aggressive toward the smaller fish because he cant freaking move.. great setup though.. rock work and coral look fantastic.
spliffstar111 - 14 years ago
Im sorry, but that trigger doesnt belong in that tank.. he is only not being aggressive toward the smaller fish because he cant freaking move.. great setup though.. rock work and coral look fantastic.
Maxime Heyeres
Maxime Heyeres - 14 years ago
Nice one but extremely overpopulated in my opinion, isn't it?
Anary tegulizard
Anary tegulizard - 15 years ago
he does not look like hes realy 13inch to me he looks more like 9inch and regal tang 2inch emperor 5inch as you can buy them at adult colouration at that size
anemone171 - 15 years ago
stunning clown trigger how long you had him
Anary tegulizard
Anary tegulizard - 15 years ago
i know liverock is put in there for reason as i have it in my tanks had it for years, all the other shops i go to use it and tell customers not to use freshwater rocks. plus i dont use tuffa rock due to the reasons why
lsx anarchy
lsx anarchy - 15 years ago
thats stupid putting freshwater rocks in a reef tank.. theres no place for the beneficial microorganisms to hide. lr is in reef tanks for a reason.. that tank is disaster waiting to happen. clown triggers are called jecle and hyde for a reason
Anary tegulizard
Anary tegulizard - 15 years ago
your giant monter pacu ktmracer4687 is in a too small tank to more smaller than this trigger
Anary tegulizard
Anary tegulizard - 15 years ago
he told me on another youtube account but that account got closed down
Anary tegulizard
Anary tegulizard - 15 years ago
plus musicsogo told me back in 2008 december he was getting a bigger tank tank so he can still keep it and not rehome it
Anary tegulizard
Anary tegulizard - 15 years ago
people down here in uk most people dont shops down here always get customers wanting to get bigger tanks when their clown triggers get to 13inch or some one wants to rehome them, shops down here want prouth of large tanks
Ben S
Ben S - 15 years ago
No they are not, why would we be jealous? Anyone can buy these fish from a lfs and just dump them in any size tank without regard to their needs and requirements.
Ben S
Ben S - 15 years ago
I can't believe how many thumb downs the accurate, intelligent comments have here! If you want the truth about keeping fish and you have half a brain read the negative comments only.
Ben S
Ben S - 15 years ago
Wow you sound really intelligent, your comment dosen't even make sense. You are probably more deformed than the fish in this tank if they are still alive.
Ben S
Ben S - 15 years ago
omg this has to be one of the WORST overstocked tank i've seen on youtube! Congratulations moron, you take the cake. That clown can barly move ffs, sell them or get a bigger tank you retard!!!
Onlyme - 15 years ago
WTF!!! you are cruel git. these fish must be in minumum 3 metres tank
Anary tegulizard
Anary tegulizard - 15 years ago
you need to put liverock in the tank its vital you do so and the tangs and angelfish need too eat natural algae and improves water i have seen poeple not using liverock
Mr.SnugglyDick - 15 years ago
u shouldn't put a large clown holy shit and an emperor angel?? in such a small tank...i mean how would u like living in a closet?
Anary tegulizard
Anary tegulizard - 15 years ago
the other comenters on your tank videos are just jealous
Anary tegulizard
Anary tegulizard - 15 years ago
the best clown triggerfish i have ever seen out of ones else were better than a one in a sea life centre i go to
Kevin McManamon
Kevin McManamon - 15 years ago
shechshire - 15 years ago
that emperor angel fish is beautiful.
Eric Bedwell
Eric Bedwell - 15 years ago
Very pretty and VERY overstocked.
Jillian Marquett
Jillian Marquett - 15 years ago
I guess the point here is to add as many fish as biologically possible without any regards to the quality of the fishes' lives.
adesotopu - 15 years ago
dang...that is a beautiful tank...and that clown trigger is GIANT.
dnadandna - 15 years ago
its only overstock with that huge clown trigger in it. otherwise its an amazing tank and very well maintained. perfect condition
Sandy Clark
Sandy Clark - 15 years ago
Felix - 15 years ago
why didn´t the triggers eat the corals????
Oparmeste - 15 years ago
you're going to regret it when there arent any fish left to put in your mini reef tank. go snorkeling
jaime mierow
jaime mierow - 15 years ago
i would say that they could fit in their. make sure you buy them small and at the same time. then you'll have a pair.
chillilover1 - 16 years ago
Doesn't your trigger bother the chromis or shrimp. I seen one eat 5 gold fish in less than a second at a pet store.
TKP316 - 16 years ago
When you raise a clown trigger from a juvenile and don't feed it any live food, that'll SOMETIMES make it tammer. Awesome tank!
oshivy - 16 years ago
my clown trigger tries to eat my hand
diztorcion666 - 16 years ago
i feel sorry for the trigger they usually move fast and eat smaller fish but i don't think he has space for that
Jillian Marquett
Jillian Marquett - 16 years ago
Fantastic tank- it's ridiculously overstocked though.
Andrew Lucfr
Andrew Lucfr - 16 years ago
It look like ur clown trigger got no where else to go or long did u have him/her?

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Subscribe to Roster Music Channel: Buy on iTunes:...

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DINOSAURS vs SHARKS GAME | Surprise Dinosaur +...

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DINOSAURS vs SHARKS GAME | Surprise Dinosaur + Shark Toys | Slime Wheel Games for Kids Video. Guess which dinosaur or...

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Baby Shark Song for Kids Video for Children...

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Enjoy Baby Shark Song for Kids Video for Children with Baby Nursery Rhymes Baby Shark Dance! Full list of popular...

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Best Shark Attack Video

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READ THIS FIRST!!!!!! You may not understand this rough edit, so if you feel the need to say something stupid that...

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About mini reef tank with large clown trigger fish, Nikon D90 movie video 2

The "mini reef tank with large clown trigger fish, Nikon D90 movie video 2" video is part of the reef tank, salt water category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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