[ENG] CRN M/Y ATLANTE - Luxury Yacht Review - The Boat Show
Reviews 9 years ago 590,774 views
Atlante is one of the most beautiful mega yachts in the world. CRN builds them strictly following the owners requests. This is different from everyone else because Nuvolari and Lenard designed it, as we will reveal... Jump on board the boat of your dreams with The Boat Show! Subscribe to our channel for more awesome videos! The Boat Show YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/BoatShowTelevision The Boat Show Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BoatShowTV Subscribe now! Weekly updates! luxury yacht rich
10. comment for [ENG] CRN M/Y ATLANTE - Luxury Yacht Review - The Boat Show
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20. comment for [ENG] CRN M/Y ATLANTE - Luxury Yacht Review - The Boat Show
30. comment for [ENG] CRN M/Y ATLANTE - Luxury Yacht Review - The Boat Show
they dont exist unless an asteroid hits the ocean.
and 100 "foot" waves are so rare as to be nearly non-existent.
the largest "open sea" rogue wave ever recorded was 84 feet.
50. comment for [ENG] CRN M/Y ATLANTE - Luxury Yacht Review - The Boat Show
Being on the ocean, out in the open sun all day is hard on the eyes, coming back into a darker air-conditioned area is a nice contrast.
That's just your wrong personal opinion. It the type of marble they used actually gives a warm comfortable touch while feeling luxury.
That was cute and funny!!!
Do you think the money just vanished? No, it goes to the workers that worked on the boat, the crew, and everyone else involved in the project. Because of that person people will have money to buy food for themselves and their kids. People like you are more disgusting than most rich people.
To be owned by some one else??
You serious?
You can live fulltime on this boat, but if you own it, you probably work so hard to pay for that you don't have much time to enjoy it fully!...
A very expensive toy, for very rich boy!
100. comment for [ENG] CRN M/Y ATLANTE - Luxury Yacht Review - The Boat Show
ahaa...ok, good to know :)
Saludos de México
You a pussy