[ENG] CRN M/Y ATLANTE - Luxury Yacht Review - The Boat Show

Atlante is one of the most beautiful mega yachts in the world. CRN builds them strictly following the owners requests. This is different from everyone else because Nuvolari and Lenard designed it, as we will reveal... Jump on board the boat of your dreams with The Boat Show! Subscribe to our channel for more awesome videos! The Boat Show YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/BoatShowTelevision The Boat Show Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BoatShowTV Subscribe now! Weekly updates! luxury yacht rich

[ENG] CRN M/Y ATLANTE - Luxury Yacht Review - The Boat Show sentiment_very_dissatisfied 148

Reviews 9 years ago 590,774 views

Atlante is one of the most beautiful mega yachts in the world. CRN builds them strictly following the owners requests. This is different from everyone else because Nuvolari and Lenard designed it, as we will reveal... Jump on board the boat of your dreams with The Boat Show! Subscribe to our channel for more awesome videos! The Boat Show YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/BoatShowTelevision The Boat Show Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BoatShowTV Subscribe now! Weekly updates! luxury yacht rich

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Most popular comments
for [ENG] CRN M/Y ATLANTE - Luxury Yacht Review - The Boat Show

C W - 5 years ago
"Clean them, Sink them, Dive them!! Take the captains egos with them". My hat is tipped to Palmer Johnson as he has made some amazing vessels. Love and Respect to him.
Todd Toure
Todd Toure - 5 years ago
I See Myself Flying to CRN , and the Architects Designing Mine to Specifics. I like them, and Rossinavi.
el presidente
el presidente - 5 years ago
paying 100 milion to sit in the floor. No thanks
clobbyhops - 5 years ago
Why you remove that fertility stature from the salon table? The owners tell you to do that? Or were you offended by it?
Kate RH
Kate RH - 6 years ago
Wow this is ugly - if I owned it I'd sell it :)
Hectir Torres
Hectir Torres - 6 years ago
Can someone tell me what watch he is using?
Marc-Antoine Therrien
Marc-Antoine Therrien - 6 years ago
27L/miles, is it only me or i thought it wouldve been a lot more than that?

10. comment for [ENG] CRN M/Y ATLANTE - Luxury Yacht Review - The Boat Show

The Budget BallerZ
The Budget BallerZ - 6 years ago
What can’t these Italians do
Phoenix Franks
Phoenix Franks - 6 years ago
Sonya Udalova
Sonya Udalova - 6 years ago

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Hey Momma
Hey Momma - 6 years ago
Floating mansions
Vesa Roivainen
Vesa Roivainen - 6 years ago
how much...
Hey Momma
Hey Momma - 6 years ago
A fuckin lot
2Bit Rasputin
2Bit Rasputin - 6 years ago
Had to watch that twice! Who do I save to sleep with, to get an invite on that boat? Hands down, the most beautiful boat (without sails). They should build a sail - powered version (sans pedra).
Shang Zilla
Shang Zilla - 5 years ago
You also need to feed it college models.
Tom LaRocque
Tom LaRocque - 6 years ago
My friends are all bums...I need to get some rich friends -_-
Ray Anthony Brady
Ray Anthony Brady - 6 years ago
How much!
Rafael Veloso
Rafael Veloso - 6 years ago

20. comment for [ENG] CRN M/Y ATLANTE - Luxury Yacht Review - The Boat Show

Rock Roll
Rock Roll - 6 years ago
I thought about it but ended up buying a small castle sitting on 3200 acres by the sea.
Frank Crum
Frank Crum - 6 years ago
I want to millennium I want to remove really really really really this is Susan this is for life did they have a room damn I need you to do the life of me I didn’t need to birthday caracal is this I am lying over the roof we’re looking at the wedding if they give you a movie 45 Erica
J Chors
J Chors - 6 years ago
It costs between 10-15% of a yacht's cost (60 million for this one?) to operate and maintain, including crew, so that's about 6-9 million per year.
Siward Beorn
Siward Beorn - 6 years ago
Stan olea
Stan olea - 6 years ago
Is that a picture of a polar bear in a snowstorm behind the sofa in the owners lounge.
jim bob
jim bob - 6 years ago
Yeah na
mike ooi
mike ooi - 6 years ago
The deck table malfunction will shear off everyone's legs
Stefanie Pitts
Stefanie Pitts - 6 years ago
I want to order but I want hydroengine
victor van dyke
victor van dyke - 6 years ago
Has to be $150M or so. Let me lift the cushion on my sofa and see what I have.

30. comment for [ENG] CRN M/Y ATLANTE - Luxury Yacht Review - The Boat Show

worseto1 - 6 years ago
Can I finance with MasterCard.?
worseto1 - 6 years ago
Wow don't forget to mount a couple of high caliber automatics at both ends to keep away somali pirates!
Matt-Tube - 6 years ago
Simply amazing.
Divinceo Cristao
Divinceo Cristao - 6 years ago
Amazingly beautiful
Libery One
Libery One - 6 years ago
Looks like a high priced Naval ship.
FyreUK B1tch
FyreUK B1tch - 6 years ago
Looks to narrow for its lengths and width but who cares
brian stanziale
brian stanziale - 6 years ago
I’m going to buy this boat
Martin Milev
Martin Milev - 6 years ago
I didn't see a yacht anyware all I could see was a cruise ship
Dick Kehoe
Dick Kehoe - 6 years ago
OBSENO!!!!!!!!!from Australia
1973Washu - 6 years ago
I am in love with this ship now
Gabriel González C
Gabriel González C - 6 years ago
To be honest, that boat looks like a warship in that shade of black.
John Ratcliffe
John Ratcliffe - 6 years ago
How would it cope with a 100m wave? These floating gin palaces look lovely, but I'd want to know it could cope with the very worst possible weather.
Ken Desjarlais
Ken Desjarlais - 6 years ago
bow sits too low in the water for my style-----
Sigh Phi Guy
Sigh Phi Guy - 6 years ago
a 100m(meter) wave?
they dont exist unless an asteroid hits the ocean.
and 100 "foot" waves are so rare as to be nearly non-existent.
the largest "open sea" rogue wave ever recorded was 84 feet.
Golden Cannon
Golden Cannon - 6 years ago
Can I get one of those and 3 airlines? That will be how much?
Fate Destiny
Fate Destiny - 7 years ago
Nice, but 60m euros though. ouch.
Todd Simone
Todd Simone - 7 years ago
This looks more like a damn cruise ship rather than a yacht
Gabriel González C
Gabriel González C - 6 years ago
In that shade of black, it looks like a destroyer from the outside.
barebare - 7 years ago
Must be hell waitering that table..
Andre Johnson
Andre Johnson - 7 years ago
Looks like a modern eclectic oil tanker
daniel kinney
daniel kinney - 7 years ago
What is on the very TOP DECK?  Above the WHEEL HOUSE I don't think they showed the TOP DECK?
soren schjodt
soren schjodt - 7 years ago
so borring
Tamim - 7 years ago
what is the price
Mido Yass
Mido Yass - 6 years ago
Around £45,000,000 thats what the channel said on another comment
Jilles Douze
Jilles Douze - 6 years ago
35 million
Dr. M M Audi
Dr. M M Audi - 6 years ago
Liam Paquette 4million what? Euro, dollars, pounds?
Dr. M M Audi
Dr. M M Audi - 6 years ago
Liam Paquette 4million what? Euro, dollars, pounds?
Liam Paquette
Liam Paquette - 6 years ago
This yacht costed for 4 million!!!! I wish I could afford

50. comment for [ENG] CRN M/Y ATLANTE - Luxury Yacht Review - The Boat Show

daniel kinney
daniel kinney - 7 years ago
this yacht I am in awe of this creation.   but I still would not have it.  I only want Sailing Cat's with SOLAR like SUNREEFS new CATS.  They are really turning out the ultimate in luxury now.  People need to stop using PETROL and go over to CATS.  SUNREEF has an amazing SUPER HUGE LUXURY I mean beyond LUXURY CATAMARANS
Kurt Remus
Kurt Remus - 7 years ago
My buddy owns that boat. His name's Jeff.
YPO6 - 7 years ago
Thanks, I order 5 of those and 2 oil fields and refineries.
Kurt Remus
Kurt Remus - 7 years ago
Everybody here makes some compelling points.
werthers original
werthers original - 7 years ago
YOSHIMI SAKAKIHARA やはり船を所有し続けるのは難しいですよね。200万円あたりの船が賢い選択だと思います。
werthers original
werthers original - 7 years ago
YOSHIMI SAKAKIHARA 個人では購入できないでしょうね
M Hamma
M Hamma - 7 years ago
@10:44 a 1,000 euro hook made in good ol Murica!
Toni - 7 years ago
well, these are far reach fruits that few can afford
Thomas Smith
Thomas Smith - 7 years ago
Truly stunning!!!
NSResponder - 7 years ago
Did he say four THOUSAND kilowatts?

siaisjack - 7 years ago
petrol!! why not diesel?
Marc Browne
Marc Browne - 7 years ago
So many translation errors, I just assumed this was another one.
bonesjackson2 - 7 years ago
I would live on this boat if there was a zombie apocalypse.
Molanda Moseley of the FBI
Molanda Moseley of the FBI - 5 years ago
PhilmoeSlim I just think of America
PhilmoeSlim - 5 years ago
@Molanda Moseley of the FBI Yea cause when i think of zombie apocolypse I think "where can I get power to take a shit?" The power grid would be knocked out everywhere even on land. You could use solar panels like you would anywhere else. Or take a shit into the water.
James Franko
James Franko - 6 years ago
@Molanda Moseley of the FBI Install solar panels and battery storage from the solar before hand
Molanda Moseley of the FBI
Molanda Moseley of the FBI - 6 years ago
Nicky and where u get ur electricity from to run ur toilets etc without fuel? If u want to survive an apocalypse u better choose a different boat
Nicky Cowboy
Nicky Cowboy - 6 years ago
You don't need fuel. If you're just going to live on it. To eat? Fish, turtles, lobsters, sharks, lots of good food in the ocean even sea weed and clams etc. Water? You set up a way to collect rain water which youd get alot with a shape this size.deffintely do able. Also you can even grow you're own garden on it. Don't even need nutrients and fake light just make like a sand box on the deck but with dirt etc. And grow veggies. Fish, veggies and clean water youd live good.
Hajduk - 6 years ago
You could fish? need fuel though.
Andy Best
Andy Best - 6 years ago
what would eat for food?
Bobby A
Bobby A - 7 years ago
Finally! I have found a Yacht that is worthy of my boundless imagination.
rubberfresh 1
rubberfresh 1 - 7 years ago
If there is a extra fridge for the cat food, i'm gonna get one.
emconect - 7 years ago
The interior is depressing. Looks kind of like an upscale funeral home. Way too many black and gray tones.
Phoenix Franks
Phoenix Franks - 6 years ago
I like the interior.

Being on the ocean, out in the open sun all day is hard on the eyes, coming back into a darker air-conditioned area is a nice contrast.
James Franko
James Franko - 6 years ago
That's just your wrong personal opinion. It the type of marble they used actually gives a warm comfortable touch while feeling luxury.
Ray Anthony Brady
Ray Anthony Brady - 6 years ago
Show us yours!lol!lol!lol!
Jilles Douze
Jilles Douze - 6 years ago
emconect i like it. I dont like the royal interior kinda things
Scott Wallace
Scott Wallace - 7 years ago
When the world turns to shit I'll have one of these the price will be better then lol
Bluespicey - 7 years ago
Dose anyone know what watch is the guy wearing?
ma20101992 - 7 years ago
Puzzoozoo - 7 years ago
The tender crane was Made in America.
zoemayne - 7 years ago
Doesn't salt DESTROY marble?????
Steven silverman
Steven silverman - 7 years ago
i don't know i went wrong exactly, but i simply cannot afford one. did the numbers twice.
S E - 6 years ago
That was cute and funny!!!
ASD HIC - 6 years ago
I can't afford a doorknob on that ship
Cotter Vox
Cotter Vox - 6 years ago
Sigh Phi Guy add one more zero then you can comfortably
Sigh Phi Guy
Sigh Phi Guy - 6 years ago
you forgot to add 3 zeroes to your yearly income.
Marko Mircea
Marko Mircea - 7 years ago
Same here, I'm still trying to figure it out where did I went wrong... I'll keep tryin'
timkiwi - 7 years ago
how could you own this boat while so many children around the world are starving.
Ryan McGauley
Ryan McGauley - 7 years ago
Suddenly, a wetrat it's easy to be ignorant eh? Just let the guy think he's right there is no room for logic in their minds.
Naveen Kumar
Naveen Kumar - 7 years ago
Suddenly, a wetrat lol what a perfect answer
Suddenly, a wetrat
Suddenly, a wetrat - 7 years ago
timkiwi If he dosen't spend money more people will starve.
Do you think the money just vanished? No, it goes to the workers that worked on the boat, the crew, and everyone else involved in the project. Because of that person people will have money to buy food for themselves and their kids. People like you are more disgusting than most rich people.
timkiwi - 7 years ago
oh you don't even know how to upload a photo to your profile
grandroy slam
grandroy slam - 7 years ago
EHHH!!! nope!! to many gagets that will go wrong!!!and to my taste i prefere yachts like yacht SORCHA desing.
dogsitter68 - 7 years ago
needs a helicopter pad on that front deck
Divinceo Cristao
Divinceo Cristao - 6 years ago
Dean S and crap lol
dogsitter68 - 6 years ago
was just about to ask where my dog can take a crap
Dean S
Dean S - 7 years ago
I would put a green grass lawn on that bow deck so my dogs would have a place to play.
Puzzoozoo - 7 years ago
It is a helicopter pad.
miklu26 - 7 years ago
Allan.Froehlich - 7 years ago
I don't dream of owning one, I dream of engineering and building one.
احمد الجهني
احمد الجهني - 6 years ago
To be owned by some one else??
You serious?
PapaLuLa - 7 years ago
Each cabin is as big as the main cabin on a 20 foot yacht? tenders are 20 feet, not yachts
NAD Grwi99
NAD Grwi99 - 6 years ago
L Clark For sur more than km and mile it’s nautical miles
L Clark
L Clark - 6 years ago
@robert bradford And I wonder if he meant 4500 km, not miles?
robert bradford
robert bradford - 7 years ago
poor translation 20 meter yacht
Bugs - 8 years ago
should be on the yacht show
Mardiox X
Mardiox X - 8 years ago
What's the max people in the boat? Capable of how many ppl?
Molanda Moseley of the FBI
Molanda Moseley of the FBI - 6 years ago
yea but that isnt including extra sleeping areas, convertible seats and tables
ChickenOfSpeed - 8 years ago
Up to 12 guests and 13 crew.
SurferHawa - 8 years ago
Beautiful boat but I'm not feeling the deck part.
Abdulaziz Al-abri
Abdulaziz Al-abri - 8 years ago
how much is it
Jack Hammer
Jack Hammer - 8 years ago
Some of the most beautiful marble I have ever seen has been utilized on this yacht!
dados dadas
dados dadas - 8 years ago
very cool yacht
Silas Willoughby
Silas Willoughby - 8 years ago
Last time I took my drone over water I went out and chased a bunch of boats, I didn't notice till afterwards that there was a whale in my video lol, check out my latest video
Crushonius - 8 years ago
lol the guest cabins are as big as the main cabin on a 20 foot yacht really show me a 20 foot yacht with that much room something got lost in translation there
Joshua Sutherland
Joshua Sutherland - 8 years ago
20 meter
Emmanuel S
Emmanuel S - 8 years ago
What is the price or rather price range expected to be achieved? I'm sure they dont have an RRP!
Molanda Moseley of the FBI
Molanda Moseley of the FBI - 6 years ago
yea chicks really drop them panties for war planes vs a super yacht
Probe Raum
Libery One
Libery One - 6 years ago
As they say" If ya gotta ask the price, ya can't afford it" LOL
EpiDemic117 - 7 years ago
i'd rather buy a Mc donell douglas F15 for that money. at least you can pick up chicks with the f15 vs this.
Yachts For Sale
Yachts For Sale - 8 years ago
A yacht like this is so unique that CRN will have quoted a price according to the volume and quality of materials on board. In the case of "Atlante" she is quite high volume for her length (950 GRT), so she will have cost more than many other Italian built yachts of her length, My guess (and it is just an educated guess) is that the asking price will have been in the region of €45,000,000.
Luke T
Luke T - 8 years ago
Brian - 8 years ago
So let's worship the billionaires.
Steve Evans
Steve Evans - 6 years ago
Brian how would this boat encounter such a wave? These yachts are designed to be moored dockside unless they are shooting a commercial. The biggest wave would likely come from a spilled champagne glass.
Fatso Currywurst
Fatso Currywurst - 8 years ago
Yeah nice,if i had this Sort of Money to burn i would feel like an Arse seeing Kids die on Starvation in Asia or Africa...as well having this and not living on it 24/7...and then pretty Crapp let them build a Ship like all the other Banksters have,i had one made running and producing Hydrogen with a Fuel Cell blowing easy 50 to 80 000 Horses only Emission-Waste Water and Oxygen,back feeding in the electric Net when moored and maybe a bit smaller like half of this one,if............( Hope the Somalis redesign this one,hehe)...
Jack Hammer
Jack Hammer - 8 years ago
Spoken like a true libtard! How about all of the people that were able to support their families building, supplying and designing this yacht? Here is something I learned early in life that you obviously could not grasp, it takes people that earn money to carry those that need charity.
RantZ_IE - 8 years ago
They will undoubtedly end up making money on this boat so your point is null.
WildMan - 8 years ago
Почему наши ютуберы не делают обзоры яхт на русском языке?Желательно подробные.Было бы приятно посмотреть!
shifttradition - 8 years ago
Love it.
Alexsey FUW
Alexsey FUW - 8 years ago
Ramos34 descour
Ramos34 descour - 8 years ago
just whaouw
Ulrich Terkl
Ulrich Terkl - 8 years ago
it looks to complicated to me.
SurferHawa - 8 years ago
ya the marble alone would sink the boat.
FraggingBard - 8 years ago
Really? I'd say it looks boring. Like someone spent a ton of cash and resources on trying to make it look like they spent a ton of cash and resources. Lounge rooms with nothing in them, dark interiors, waaay too much marble... Simple and boring. Outside looks nice though.
ram singh
ram singh - 8 years ago
This November boat show in dubai
John Cameron
John Cameron - 8 years ago
Wish I could afford one. Not saying I want one, just wish I could afford one
Khushal Khan
Khushal Khan - 5 years ago
Why do you loser squander your time watching stuff that you losers neither want to buy nor can afford? You pathetic losers deserve to be poor.
Siward Beorn
Siward Beorn - 6 years ago
Sonny Italiano
Sonny Italiano - 6 years ago
Zani Puppyrhino
Zani Puppyrhino - 7 years ago
Pedro Lanevert or u could could just be best friends with a bunch of guys from the navy and get them to help u with maintenance.Maintaining a ship isnt really hard.
Pedro Lanevert
Pedro Lanevert - 7 years ago
M Hamma, you're right!
You can live fulltime on this boat, but if you own it, you probably work so hard to pay for that you don't have much time to enjoy it fully!...
A very expensive toy, for very rich boy!
M Hamma
M Hamma - 7 years ago
Yes, much better to charter than own, especially w/ 14 full time crew. However, done right you can own and charter it out as well. Most of the time these boats move w/ nobody on-board. A smart man would capitalize on all of the boats movements. Crew get paid the same if they're cleaning to clean, or cleaning up after guests. Especially on trans-ocean voyages as the boats move around. You could charge $250/day/person for the "unoccupied movements" and generate all sorts of additional funds while only having to pay for additional fuel and beverages consumed by the passengers. It's amazing to think there's a full time crew always on these ships, and the average owner use is 90 days a year. These are after all basically 6 star hotels with unmatched views.
Puzzoozoo - 7 years ago
shayson1357 + 10% of the cost per year, and an additional 10% put to one side for the big maintenance jobs as and when they come along.
shayson1357 - 7 years ago
have any idea how much it costs just to sustain one ? yes you really don't want one. try a 40-50 footer if you don't like the arctic.
Leggo My Ego
Leggo My Ego - 8 years ago
It's better to charter them than to own them.
Harald Jan Dahle
Harald Jan Dahle - 8 years ago
Best I have seen! Superb craftmanship and design.
LazyTamago - 8 years ago
This is truly a masterpiece!
Павел Левоцкий
Павел Левоцкий - 8 years ago
Дизайн красивый и место использовано хорошо носовое
Henryk S
Henryk S - 8 years ago
красивая яхта
HansumRob100 - 8 years ago
Sir Propagandhi
Sir Propagandhi - 8 years ago
I wonder how much this boat costs
look uup
look uup - 8 years ago
Yousif Arrad
Yousif Arrad - 8 years ago
60-80 million what? I honestly think it would go for about $45 million... there are a lot of 55m yachts worth $23 million, not so sure this one would really go above 60-80 million...
Oscar Brady
Oscar Brady - 8 years ago
Just charter
Mary Davis
Mary Davis - 8 years ago
60-80 million
Rony Valencia
Rony Valencia - 8 years ago
this is art

100. comment for [ENG] CRN M/Y ATLANTE - Luxury Yacht Review - The Boat Show

krokodil196 - 9 years ago
wait..i saw that episode while ago...
krokodil196 - 8 years ago
ahaa...ok, good to know :)
MaybuTron - 8 years ago
Video format has been upscale to 4K & re-published.
no turbo no party.
no turbo no party. - 9 years ago
Español porfavor
Saludos de México
Hey Momma
Hey Momma - 6 years ago
cool boy
You a pussy
cool boy
cool boy - 6 years ago
fuck mexico!
Fatso Currywurst
Fatso Currywurst - 8 years ago
Que ? Tu ablan Castillano ( Spanish) i no comprende nada de Italano ? En Espana Televisiona ala Eurotrash con Tutti Frutti esto no nessesitar Subtitulo,donde vai Escola ? Escola de Avora ? ( Treeschool ) vai a Calle,Tonto..
carlos ortiz
carlos ortiz - 9 years ago
Pone El cc
Steevenoo - 9 years ago
it just too much !!! Impressive Boat ...

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Ryan and Daddy plays Build A Boat For Treasure on Roblox! We built a super cool pirate ship in the game! Check out...


Lego City 60012 | 4x4 & Rescue Boat | Lego 3D...

482 likes 1,617,762 views 11 years ago

Save the day with the LEGO® City Coast Guard 4x4 and Diving Boat! Launch the boat, put on the diving gear and splash...


Lego 7287 Police Boat Build Review

681 likes 1,415,068 views 12 years ago

Lego Police Boat (lego 7287) - Build Review 동영상을 재미있게 보았다면 동영상 구독버튼을 눌러 주세요. 매일 매일 1개씩.. 한달에 30개의 동영상은 올리도록...

About [ENG] CRN M/Y ATLANTE - Luxury Yacht Review - The Boat Show

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