£535K SuperBoat tour PLUS! Sunseeker Hawk 38

MBY drive review here: https://youtu.be/ZnFgI0dY9hs https://instagram.com/aquaholicnick https://twitter.com/BurnhamNick https://facebook.com/ProfessionalMarineMedia Sunseeker has just launched one of its fastest boats ever, the incredible Hawk 38 superboat, capable of 62 knots. I was invited to film a yacht tour for AQUAHOLIC, but while I was there... Read my online articles for MBY at https://www.mby.com/author/nickburnham See more of my videos on the MBY YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ybwtv

£535K SuperBoat tour PLUS! Sunseeker Hawk 38 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 56

Reviews 5 years ago 85,533 views

MBY drive review here: https://youtu.be/ZnFgI0dY9hs https://instagram.com/aquaholicnick https://twitter.com/BurnhamNick https://facebook.com/ProfessionalMarineMedia Sunseeker has just launched one of its fastest boats ever, the incredible Hawk 38 superboat, capable of 62 knots. I was invited to film a yacht tour for AQUAHOLIC, but while I was there... Read my online articles for MBY at https://www.mby.com/author/nickburnham See more of my videos on the MBY YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ybwtv

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Most popular comments
for £535K SuperBoat tour PLUS! Sunseeker Hawk 38

cole - 5 years ago
everything is propa
Stephen Foster
Stephen Foster - 5 years ago
I have painted that silver one and the Atlantic blue one. I Belive got a few more to do (40ish)
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
Awesome! You did a great job :)
Rafaela Mora
Rafaela Mora - 5 years ago
Neat boat. I like the bathroom.
Whitechapel dave
Whitechapel dave - 5 years ago
This guy loves a boat and a pair of Spec Savers react to lights
David Myers
David Myers - 5 years ago
This looks like something Sylvester Stallone would be driving in an Expendables movie! I'll bet it was a blast to drive!
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
It was sensational!
Brian Duncan
Brian Duncan - 5 years ago
Love your walkthroughs, knowledge and general presentation in all your videos. Thank you sir!
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
You're very welcome! Thanks for your comment.
JonoZ - 5 years ago
ali bell
ali bell - 5 years ago
Looks fantastic though sun seeker and our British weather don’t go too well together !
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
I'm guessing most of these will end up in the Med! :D
alessandro bosco
alessandro bosco - 5 years ago
Dovete scrivere e parlare in Italiano se volete avere successo nel nostro paese,
Altrimenti posso fare anche al meno del vostro canale.
Grazie x l'attenzione !

10. comment for £535K SuperBoat tour PLUS! Sunseeker Hawk 38

Sergio Del Valle
Sergio Del Valle - 5 years ago
Nice looking boat but it looks like it will beat you physically if you ran into a little bit of white caps just saying
matthew prentiss
matthew prentiss - 5 years ago
take a sip each time he says "just here/there". #hammerd
Lance Boil
Lance Boil - 5 years ago
Not worth 500k more like 30k max
austin1839 - 5 years ago
That forward storage locker would be great for drugs or bodies to be dumped at sea. The secondary storage locker can store machine guns and ammo. It should be used in the next James Bond movie.
Marc Poindexter
Marc Poindexter - 5 years ago
That boat just broke my piggy bank
João Lucas Ferreira Almeida
João Lucas Ferreira Almeida - 5 years ago
I love your videos.
Note 1000
Hamidullah Sikander
Hamidullah Sikander - 5 years ago
Might as well buy an house like tf spends this much 550k for this it looks like it cost only 75k
Brian Duncan
Brian Duncan - 5 years ago
Materials and the level to which it's built. It's actually not that expensive for what it is.
Aleksandr Bezyzvestnykh
Aleksandr Bezyzvestnykh - 5 years ago
Good review! But as for me, I would take Nordhavn for this money: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSROGOKyTb4
ToxaN - 5 years ago
my £10K jetski can do 65 knots
Thundercats - 5 years ago
you've been scammed if you paid 535K for a 170K boat

20. comment for £535K SuperBoat tour PLUS! Sunseeker Hawk 38

J. G.
J. G. - 5 years ago
What will these sell for ???$$$
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
As per the title for £, no idea what the $ price will be.
Jim Herbert
Jim Herbert - 5 years ago
drives to Lymington tomorrow...
rodger gona go
rodger gona go - 5 years ago
535k for a bath tub fuck that yah mad bastard I can buy 4 db9 for that
Cliff Lee
Cliff Lee - 5 years ago
Would be really interesting if someone ordered this boat with two seven marine 627 engines.
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
I think they're a lot heavier, guessing the boat is set up for the Verados.
jamie stafford
jamie stafford - 5 years ago
Would love to see a side by side test with the new powerboat princess yachts are building!
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
That would be interesting, although they're very different boats. Hoping to get the R35 at some stage.
martin flembo
martin flembo - 5 years ago
Umm the basketball pole in middle of boat not so good! Really someone thinks those rubber raft crap on outside of boat is good looking?? Looks like beam is 6ft.
RuSomeKindaIdiot - 5 years ago
A useless boat that will provide never-ending hours of aimless boating.
At best, a high dollar dingey for the pampered super yachtsman...SMH.
Vagabondo5591 - 5 years ago
I can see some folks getting into trouble in this unless very experienced in fast boat maneuvering.
BeauJameson - 5 years ago
It must be a great boat. It put a big smile on his face. Enough it made me smile.
Simon Assouline
Simon Assouline - 5 years ago
Too Ugly, looks from the post Apocalypse Era! 1 foot Wakes will sink this Walmart Made in China Toy Boat!

30. comment for £535K SuperBoat tour PLUS! Sunseeker Hawk 38

Jon P
Jon P - 5 years ago
Coastguards wanna delete/block this video.
MrWightHD - 5 years ago
It's a completely pointless exercise putting tubes on it
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
FB Design boats have won a total of 52 World Championships, the Harmsworth Trophy 7 times and have set 40 world speed records. Buzzi himself has won 10 World Championships. I'm inclined to believe he knows what he's doing! :D
Ronald Westra
Ronald Westra - 5 years ago
Is it possible to get this one with two Seven Marines?
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
You'd need to ask Sunseeker. I would imagine the boat is set up for the R400s though, the Seven Marine engines are far heavier.
KalleRabben - 5 years ago
I have to admit that I would rather own a Goldfish
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
@KalleRabben The Hawk 38 would outpace the 29 - the 38 Supersport would give it a run for its money though! I think that ultimately they'll appeal to slightly different people, the Sunseeker owner will appreciate the higher sides, the finish, the toys, the design, the image, the more sociable layout. The Goldfish owner will appreciate the stealthier look, the diesel engines set low in the hull, etc. Both fantastic boats but subtly different enough not to quite compete head on for the same buyers I think.
KalleRabben - 5 years ago
@AQUAHOLIC I really enjoy your Goldfish video and I think you understood the Goldfish idea when you jumped from boat to boat and covered great milage the "Goldfish way" On a sunny day you gather a few friends and take the Sunseeker and a Goldfish 29 with the new TDI engine on a cruise. The Goldfish will get from A to B first no matter the conditions and still have fuel left for the return.
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
Goldfish are great boats (check out my Mediterranean Boating video for a weekend with two Goldfish) but although the concept is broadly similar to this boat, the execution is very different. I think they'll suit different types of people.
hillary clinton
hillary clinton - 5 years ago
My bass boat goes 85mph. This is a rip off
Andrew - 5 years ago
Awesome boat. Great video!
keith - 5 years ago
think I bent the front screen for this boat.
Andy Imrie
Andy Imrie - 5 years ago
Comfortable ride my arse, nobody that can afford it would think it was comfortable.
thomas030698 - 5 years ago
It looks very heavy...
DB3 - 5 years ago
Narrow beam, not particularly dry, whole lot of center console fishing boats in the states would blow its doors off in every category!
hudect hq
hudect hq - 5 years ago
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
Sure is
Ice Daemon
Ice Daemon - 5 years ago
Speed all we ever need.
Furious_Deer - 5 years ago
completely flush kleets uhmm no they stick out like 1cm
Jack stones
Jack stones - 5 years ago
Nice trousers.
No1More1Mr1Nice1Guy1 - 5 years ago
a dinghy with expensive upholstery.....
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
If you think that's a dinghy at near 40ft, I'd hate to know what you think of my boat at half the size - bath toy maybe? :D
Richard Simpson
Richard Simpson - 5 years ago
Sunseeker......say no more!!
shingnosis - 5 years ago
What a waste of a good hull.
susan price
susan price - 5 years ago
great videos! can you tell what camera you are using thanks
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
Glad you're enjoying them! It's a GoPro Hero7.
Way to Sacramento
Way to Sacramento - 5 years ago
5:11, this is not really state of the art led light strip technology. You should not see dots of light. Especially on the outside of the boat where I reckon they will be very visible in the reflection on the water...
timexironman100m - 5 years ago
Can one take a confortable crap at speed or does it go every where in that white toilet ? Pity the bog is not gas strut mounted....

50. comment for £535K SuperBoat tour PLUS! Sunseeker Hawk 38

Aser Lewis
Aser Lewis - 5 years ago
Hell no I wouldn’t spend that much money on a little boat if I had it
Bernd Haverkock
Bernd Haverkock - 5 years ago
To use Mr JWW's words : "Absolutely bonkers" ;)
computerbob06 - 5 years ago
Nick. Looking forward to your next video.......... 'Taking a pee at 65 knots!'
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
Maybe not..! :D
computerbob06 - 5 years ago
Can't wait for Top Gear to turn it into a luxury Car Boat again!
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
They did such a great job last time..! :D
upbury - 5 years ago
200 litres per hour fuel consumption?
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
Depends how fast you go. It covers a lot of ground in that hour at its higher speeds of course.
Mike T
Mike T - 5 years ago
Wow! just love that Sunseeker Hawk and it looks like a million dollars what a superb job sunseeker have done and it drives fast & safe and all in style, - all it needs is a couple of hot babes in bikinis sunbathing off Majorca or Miami on that gorgeous red bow sunpad for that Euro Millions dream to come true lol! …  another amazing Video Nick enjoyed this one easily the most you got to drive it (lucky you) please do keep up this great content .. simply fabulous video I love it.
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
Thanks Mike, really appreciate it. :)
Michael Teeple
Michael Teeple - 5 years ago
I am very thoroughly not impressed with this boat. Cup holders and pop up cleats can be had on a bayliner. I generally like sunskr. But not sure what this ride would be good for. Not even a mega tender.
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
In that case you should buy the Bayliner. Definitely. :)
Bap Gia
Bap Gia - 5 years ago
Good stuff!
edaneo11 - 5 years ago
Which sunseeker to date do you think is the most luxurious, I love the tri-deck sunseeker Aqua buster is there another sunseeker that you know or any other super yacht in that class that beats it.
edaneo11 - 5 years ago
@AQUAHOLIC I have watched that but did not like the interior too basic I think it was zozo
edaneo11 - 5 years ago
@AQUAHOLIC Sorry, Aqua Vista is a sunseeker 131 super yacht.
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
I don't know which model Aqua Buster is, but there is a Sunseeker 131 Yacht tour on my channel that is very special.
Timo Galeon
Timo Galeon - 5 years ago
Lot's of thought gone into this boat, and it shows. A proper piece of kit to add to the superyachts! Hope they sell well.
Scott McLennan
Scott McLennan - 5 years ago
Mate, I can see this in the next Bond film.
gordon tait
gordon tait - 5 years ago
Enjoyed the video. Some boat.
Lachlan Murnaghan
Lachlan Murnaghan - 5 years ago
Can get an Axopar 37 up to 55knts, have more room and half the price...
Lachlan Murnaghan
Lachlan Murnaghan - 5 years ago
@thomas tirol/florida Also looks ugly (I know people say that about ribs or Axopars too)
thomas tirol/florida
thomas tirol/florida - 5 years ago
agree, this THING is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy overpriced.
BeneriusLP - 5 years ago
Lachlan Murnaghan thought the same.
Sunseeker did a great Job with bulding this boat.
But for this kind of price you can get a lot more.
If you even compare this to a Sunseeker XS, which costs a lot less and delivers nearly the same speed.
Wallace McDonut
Wallace McDonut - 5 years ago
I like your channel too but thats crazy money for a boat that isn't really even a boat. Its a tender at best, a very fast tender, but a tender.
Pete Davis
Pete Davis - 5 years ago
Wonderful machine but not really suitable for rough UK waters Is it?
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
It handled the Solent on a blustery day and rough water off the Needles extremely well. It's basically a race boat design, it'll do rough water.
Frankly Frank
Frankly Frank - 5 years ago
What a waste of money.
LA GENTE CORRECTA - 5 years ago
I like boats but for this price range I’ll rather get a Lamborghini and. A mobile home
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
I suspect that for most people purchasing brand new £1/2 million dayboats, it's not an either/or decision :)
mac - 5 years ago
Love the editing and music too! Sick video!
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
Thank you! :)
mac - 5 years ago
Amazing! Love how inconspicuous the bathroom is. Wow.
edaneo11 - 5 years ago
The problem with the design is how do you step into the boat?? Do you step onto the middle seat, that will not be ideal because you then mess up the seat that someone will seat on....... Can that be explained, because that's a design flaw, because I can't see my grandmother getting onboard.
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
Your grandmother will be fine, you can step onto the back and then the centre of the rearmost seat moves to create steps. I only stepped on at the front because that suited the flow of the video.
Andrew Rance
Andrew Rance - 5 years ago
£535k for that?! Seriously? Just a bloated jetski. The wc is funny, though. All in all just another annoying sea sports car for the uber rich to show off to their pals......
Bob Smithies
Bob Smithies - 5 years ago
60 mph, James Bond stuff.
David Johnson
David Johnson - 5 years ago
Love this boat, it looks seriously mad good fun
Nuno Osswald
Nuno Osswald - 5 years ago
Sorry it is so expensive...
Red Clay
Red Clay - 5 years ago
Dang that is a fast boat
Flying Dog
Flying Dog - 5 years ago
Looks like a Jet Skii with a case of the Clapp.
Tommy Dickens
Tommy Dickens - 5 years ago
6:28 oh dont tease us like that mate ahah
Robbie Surfer
Robbie Surfer - 5 years ago
Shame about the tacky lights, always naff
Ross Tuck
Ross Tuck - 5 years ago
What a blast Nick
Paul Kaye
Paul Kaye - 5 years ago
wondering if those engines are counter rotating to neutralise the torque
Gay cha
Gay cha - 5 years ago
Almost certainly
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
Good question. Probably.
Bob Dobalina
Bob Dobalina - 5 years ago
Right, now we are cooking on gas. That looks the mutts nuts, the orange seats look fantastic and it's quick, very quick. The toilet was excellent, imagine being sat on that at 60, ha ha ha ha. Great boat, obviously I'd have to forget the fishing but I'd have loads of fun. I'd rent prettier passengers, Phil Mitchell would look like crap in a bikini. Great boat, great video, i think you enjoyed this one, well done Sunseeker.
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
It was a lot of fun!
Mr_ OLI - 5 years ago
Awesome boat, also i enjoyed the jokes. :-D
john cobb
john cobb - 5 years ago
awesome fun, looked an awesome day out
pabsw - 5 years ago
Lol never been that quick round nab towers
noname - 5 years ago
Imagine sitting on the bog at that speed!
Andrew Rabbitt
Andrew Rabbitt - 5 years ago
You'd shit yourself, surely!?
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
Thank you Paul!
theaverageplayer - 5 years ago
I've found my fav watertoy presenter. Except for the music. Please, get rid of it. Don't ruin the feeling with that kind of stuff :)
Bob Dobalina
Bob Dobalina - 5 years ago
Keep the music, bang up the bass.
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
You're very kind, thank you
Luke Botham
Luke Botham - 5 years ago
What a machine, I'll add that to the wishlist!
YOUNG 'N GRATEFUL - 5 years ago
Way overpriced
Thomas Walters
Thomas Walters - 5 years ago
Will you be doing a vlog of the Princess R35?
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
Hoping to!
Tim O'Donohue
Tim O'Donohue - 5 years ago
You cannot buy the smile on AQUAHOLIC's face after putting down the throttle on that thing. Priceless. Loved this video! Great stuff as always...
Lenard Favell
Lenard Favell - 5 years ago
Very nice indeed
Peter Mansion
Peter Mansion - 5 years ago
Nah, not for me.
Alex Yallop
Alex Yallop - 5 years ago
That level of power would terrify me! Stunning craft though...
Nathan Medlock
Nathan Medlock - 5 years ago
Was expecting to see you in your Eddie the Eagle outfit Nick - goggles and helmet.
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
Those are reserved for far more 'specialised' videos... :D
Jonny Chadwick
Jonny Chadwick - 5 years ago
You are a proper gent and I greatly enjoy your videos. Its like window shopping with a good friend that knows about boats/ships.
Steve Reynold
Steve Reynold - 5 years ago
Owner is a drunk. You can tell because he’s always gasping.
He’s a little old to have a boat like this.
D J Owen
D J Owen - 5 years ago
Excellent. Great content well presented.
Steve Reynold
Steve Reynold - 5 years ago
5:01 color wheel has lag.
Phil B
Phil B - 5 years ago
Great content as ever. I thought you were going slip into "The Hut" at Colwell Bay, possibly a natural Solent home for that one.

100. comment for £535K SuperBoat tour PLUS! Sunseeker Hawk 38

59patrickw - 5 years ago
first sunseeker i like
how long did you have tht smile for days week
X X - 5 years ago
I like this boat.... A lot...
TheAstronomyDude - 5 years ago
A smuggler's dream boat
ZenUp Mo
ZenUp Mo - 5 years ago
Impressive stuff
Ken Melotte Jr
Ken Melotte Jr - 5 years ago
I had fun just watching this video! Thank you for bringing this beautiful machine to us!
Brian Henry
Brian Henry - 5 years ago
Amazing machine - looks like you get beaten up above 45 knots?
Ollie Dunks
Ollie Dunks - 5 years ago
Did you feel nervous when driving? I would be haha
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
I was a little before I drove it, but it's so incredibly stable at very high speed that I was totally confident once I was driving it. It felt way within its capabilities even at 60 knots!
thegreatmonster - 5 years ago
Maybe only one hard comment on this boat: that carbon-fiber hardtop has a pole holding it up, what is it made of? What happens when you make a hard landing and someone flies with his/her head first at that pole?
f marz
f marz - 5 years ago
looks like a Jacuzzi in the front area under the sun deck..
david doggy
david doggy - 5 years ago
Do you have sex on the boats ?
Fu Manchu
Fu Manchu - 5 years ago
I got supremely jealous watching this. It looked like a great time putting that boat through its paces.
esther19741974 - 5 years ago
Awesome. So lucky. :)
Thomas Wills
Thomas Wills - 5 years ago
Great Video NICK!!!
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
Thank you :)
Spacetoy - 5 years ago
Glad you like her
Tony Knox
Tony Knox - 5 years ago
I saw sunseeker were going to do this on there website, nice to actually see it as a real yacht and not on paper, great stuff
soren lindberg
soren lindberg - 5 years ago
Brilliant comment
lanny boston
lanny boston - 5 years ago
Looked like you enjoyed that
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
It was incredible!
Frankie Gregoriou
Frankie Gregoriou - 5 years ago
You are very very good, i enjoy your work immensely
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
Thank you Frankie!
Michael C.
Michael C. - 5 years ago
Beautiful....thanks for sharing
Jon Kingsley
Jon Kingsley - 5 years ago
Beautiful machine, that would make a stunning tender on a super yacht
Amanda Ashton
Amanda Ashton - 5 years ago
Wow what a fantastic piece of kit. Thanks for that Nick
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
Yes, well spotted. I should have pointed those out but so much to remember..!
Amanda Ashton
Amanda Ashton - 5 years ago
Just watched it again Nick are those cool draws under the rear seats?
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
You're welcome Amanda. :)
Francoberry - 5 years ago
This thing looks super nicely specced. the hull colour mixed with that orange/tan upholstery is lovely! supercar-like
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
It looks incredible in the flesh..!
Daniel A. Nilsson
Daniel A. Nilsson - 5 years ago
I'm a sailor and I still consume your motorboat reviews as soon as they come up. Keep up the excellent work!
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
Great to hear Daniel :)
jose lago
jose lago - 5 years ago
Never used this word before but I have to say cool.
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
Summed up perfectly
Patrick Woods
Patrick Woods - 5 years ago
Excellent thanks
James Tervit
James Tervit - 5 years ago
Well that was totally unexpected, awesome fishing and swimming boat. albeit very luxurious.
James Tervit
James Tervit - 5 years ago
@Bob Dobalina lol q
Bob Dobalina
Bob Dobalina - 5 years ago
James Tervit
Fishing in a rib, it could be an expensive catch?
James H
James H - 5 years ago
I don’t understand why more boats don’t have electric seats.
James H
James H - 5 years ago
Edward Hammond was thinking more on cruising yachts
Edward Hammond
Edward Hammond - 5 years ago
James H water and electric isn’t always a good idea on open boats
DK viking KD
DK viking KD - 5 years ago
Tim Daniel
Tim Daniel - 5 years ago
If you have to ask etc etc … but it has got multi-coloured LEDs though!
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
I'll add it to the title as soon as I find out :)
Jim Cumming
Jim Cumming - 5 years ago
Nice machine, not sure about the need for the disco lighting. Does it always play dubstep when you get over 50 knots?
Gay cha
Gay cha - 5 years ago
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
User selectable! :D
JJman00 - 5 years ago
You're my favorite boat/yacht channel! Thank you so much for your content.
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
Thank you JJman! :)
GeVeBe Gaming
GeVeBe Gaming - 5 years ago
Love your content, keep it up :-)
AQUAHOLIC - 5 years ago
Appreciated, thanks!
Michael Dominguez
Michael Dominguez - 5 years ago
Wow very nice and very beatiful..
catalanluke - 5 years ago
Absolute beast!!!

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